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Felipe Calderón8 August 1962Politician
Puppet leader
WEF/Global Leader for Tomorrow 1997. President of Mexico 2006-2012.
Jack Caravelli195231 October 2019USSpookSuspected US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Andrew Card10 May 1947Politician
John Chafee22 October 192224 October 1999USPoliticianAttended 4 Bilderbergs between 1979 to 1992
James Chandler15 August 193826 July 2022USAcademic
Elaine Chao26 March 1953
Michael Chertoff28 November 1953Israel
Deep state actor
A long-standing US Republican Party apparatchik and dual US/Israeli citizen who has held senior US legal and national security positions.
J. Rives Childs6 February 189315 July 1987USDiplomatAmerican diplomat who criticized the "immensely powerful Zionist lobby in the United States" in a 1977 speech.
Helen ChuWhistleblower
An expert in infectious diseases whom the CDC told to stop her tests for COVID-19 in January 2020.
Eric Ciaramella1986USWhistleblower
Not all whistleblowers are as genuine.
Richard Clarida18 May 1957USEconomistUS economist
Edmund Clark10 October 1947CanadaBankerCanadian banker, 8 Bilderbergs
Kristen Clarke1975USLawyerBiden Admin lawyer
Ray Cline4 June 191816 March 1996Spook
"Terror expert"
Senior CIA, spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism
Charles Cogan11 January 192814 December 2017USSpookCIA officer, admitted the agency had “funded the worst fellows right from the start, long before the Iranian revolution and long before the Soviet invasion.”
Vittorio Colao3 October 1961ItalyBanker
Deep state functionary
Bilderberger Vodafone/CEO who was given charge of the Italian COVID Lockdown
Emilio Collado19109 February 1995USEconomist
Big oil, World Bank, Bilderberg Steering committee.
Richard Cooper14 June 193423 December 2020USAcademicAttended two Bilderbergs in the 1970s. Chairman of the National Intelligence Council in the 1990s.
Yvette Cooper20 March 1969UKPoliticianChair of the Home Affairs Select Committee
Lammot du Pont Copeland19 May 19051 July 1983USBusinessperson
Du Pont family
Part of the influential DuPont chemical family, activist for population control
Tom Cotton13 May 1977USSoldier
Deep state actor
The most Hawkish senator in US Congress. Elected, funded and guided by AIPAC, advocates war crimes, jailing kids and aunts for "corruption of blood". Tried very infamously to sabotage the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Esra Eczacıbaşı CoşkunTurkeyWEF-backed Turkish "Digital Transformation Coordinator"
Gregory Craig4 March 1945LawyerWhite House Counsel 2009-2010
Dan Crenshaw14 March 1984Soldier
Republican politician from Texas.
Ted Cruz22 December 1970PoliticianRan at the US/2016 Presidential election.
John Culver8 August 193227 December 2018USAuthor
US senator who attended the 1970 and 1972 Bilderbergs.
Bronson Cutting23 June 18886 May 1935Activist
Media executive
A US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.
Richard Darman10 May 194325 January 2008USDeep state functionary
A panelist of the session on The Public Sector And Economic Growth at the 1987 Bilderberg
Avi Davis3 September 1958December 2015JournalistFounded the American Freedom Alliance.
Christopher DeMuth5 August 1946USLawyer
President of the American Enterprise Institute.
Ron DeSantis14 September 1978Soldier
A frontrunner for the Republican Party Presidential nomination in 2024.
John Gunther Dean24 February 19266 June 2019USDiplomat
Frederic Adrian Delano10 September 186328 March 1953USBusinessperson
Douglas Dillon21 August 190910 January 2003USDiplomat
Deep state operative
Bilderberg, Brookings, Committee on the Present Danger, CFR, US/Secretary of the Treasury...
Jamie Dimon13 March 1956Banker
"The Most Admired Banker In The World", close to Epstein. Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1996. Since 2005 head of JPMorgan Chase
Viet Dinh22 February 1968USAcademic
As United States Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Policy a panelist for the discussion Have Civil Liberties Been Unnecessarily Eroded? at the 2002 Bilderberg. Chief architect of the USA PATRIOT Act and is a former member of the Board of Directors of News Corporation.
Shaun Donovan24 January 1966For President Obama's State of the Union address in 2010, Donovan served as the designated survivor.
Paul Douglas26 March 189224 September 1976USPolitician
US post-WW2 Senator. Liberal anti-communist and supporter of the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
İhsan Doğramacı3 April 191525 February 2010TurkeyAcademic
Turkish doctor and university administrator
Wickliffe Draper9 August 18911972Eugenics
William Draper15 January 1928USBusinesspersonformer President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States. He also led the highly strategic United Nations Development Programme, the biggest source of multilateral development grant assistance, and the U.S. Export-Import Bank. Both institution have a huge influence on policies in countries in the global south, an influence which he also made sure was used. Skull and Bones. Atlantic Council. His father was active in population control.
Eleanor Dulles1 June 189530 October 1996Author
Sister of the Dulles brothers; heavily involved with the reconstruction effort in Austria and Germany; "the Mother of Berlin"
Alan Duncan31 March 1957UKPolitician
Deep state operative
Called Julian Assange a “miserable little worm” in Parliament. UK visitor to Le Cercle. As UK Minister, Alan Duncan organised the oil blockade of Libya in 2011.
Arne Duncan6 November 1964USPoliticianEducational bureaucrat; United States Secretary of Education under 7 years of Obama.
John B. DunlopUSAcademic
Spooky US expert on Soviet Union and Russia, focusing on ethnic nationalist separatism.
Esther Dyson14 July 1951USBusinesspersonBillionaire investor
Nicholas Eberstadt20 December 1955USEconomist
Deep state actor
Involved in a lot of deep state think tanks and planning committees.
Karl Eikenberry10 November 1951USDiplomat
US soldier and Ambassador to Afghanistan
Stuart Eizenstat15 January 1943USDiplomat
Deep state operative
US lawyer/diplomat and possible deep state operative
Theodore Eliot24 January 19288 August 2019USDiplomatUS Ambassador to Afghanistan who attended 15 Bilderberg meetings.
Daniel Ellsberg7 April 193116 June 2023Author
A feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Zeke Emanuel6 September 1957USBioethicsBrother of Ari Emanuel and Rahm Emanuel
Thomas O. Enders28 November 193117 March 1996USDiplomatUS diplomat. Single Bilderberger
Tom Engelhardt1944USAuthor
Editor of, a website critical of US foreign policy, but not touching deep politics much.
Robert Epstein19 June 1953Author
Steven Erlanger14 October 1952USJournalist
Deep state operative
Deep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Fritz Ermarth1941USSpook
Deep state operative
Le Cercle. CIA. RAND
Richard Falk13 November 1930USAcademic
Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and former UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories
James Fallows2 August 1949USAuthor
US journalist, ACG Young Leaders 1977, CFR, First Bilderberg in 2018 aged 69
Paul Farmer26 October 195921 February 2022USDoctor
Deep state actor
Founder of Partners In Health
Thomas Farmer26 July 19235 February 2015USSpook
Deep state functionary
CIA expert on student recruitment, founder of American Academy in Berlin.
Eric Feigl-Ding28 March 1983Influential zero-covid Twitter voice who "rose to e-prominence during the pandemic as an extreme fear monger"
Douglas Feith16 July 1953USZionism
Deep state actor
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy at the US pentagon on 9-11
Martin Feldstein25 November 193911 June 2019USEconomistUS economist, Trilateral Commission, heavy Bilderberg habit towards the end of his life.
Roger Ferguson28 October 1951USEconomistUS economist, Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 3 Bilderbergs in the late 2010s
Glenn Fine22 March 1956USCivil servantInspector General of the Department of Defense 2016-2020
Jonathan Finer1976Lawyer
Deep state actor
US deep state actor, Bilderberger, 7th Floor Group, CFR, friend of UK and US deep state functionaries
Paul Finney28 October 192918 May 2013USJournalist
Deep state functionary
"Honorary Bilderberg Secretary General for the United States" as of 1981, US editor and author
Ford M. Fraker4 September 2017Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Barney Frank31 March 1940PoliticianUS politician
Chrystia Freeland8 February 1968Author
Deep state functionary
"A bit of a living parody of everything wrong with the detached technocratic neoliberal order"
Aaron Friedberg16 April 1956USDeep state functionary
Fabrice Fries10 March 1960FranceBusinesspersonFrench CEO of Agence France-Presse.
Bill Frist22 February 1952USPolitician
Senate Majority Leader from 2003 to 2007
Michael Froman20 August 1962Deep state operativeSerial WEF meeting visitor with many other SDS connections
Graham E. Fuller28 November 1937USAuthor
His daughter married the uncle of a Boston Bombing suspect. The Turkish government has charged Fuller in connection with the failed Turkish coup.
Richard Furlaud15 April 192310 September 2018USLawyer
Big Pharma executive responsible for making his company the global leader of the problematic drug statins.
James K. Galbraith29 January 1952USEconomist
Kate Gallego21 October 1981USPoliticianMayor of Phoenix. WEF Young Global Leader 2020. As part of Covid propaganda, claimed city morgues were overflowing, when they were not.
Alessandra Galloni1974ItalyJournalist
WEF YGL Italian journalist named editor in chief of Reuters in 2021.
Rahul Gandhi19 June 1970IndiaPoliticianPart of the Nehru–Gandhi family. President of the Indian National Congress 2017-2019, but resigned as party leader after poor election results.
George Gao1961ChinaVirologistChinese virologist and immunologist who participated in the notorious Event 201 and the 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise
José Manuel García-Margallo13 August 1944SpainPoliticianAttended the 2014 Bilderberg as Spain's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
Anthony L. Gardner16 May 1963DiplomatU.S. Ambassador to the European Union. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Senior non-resident fellow of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund.
Merrick Garland13 November 1952Lawyer
Bill Gates28 October 1955USProgrammer
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Big Tech/Lobbyist
Multi-billionaire computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Leslie Gelb4 March 193731 August 2019USJournalist
Deep state actor
President of the Council on Foreign Relations and opinion-making New York Times journalist.
David Gergen9 May 1942USDeep state operativeWhite House insider since the 1970s. Two Bilderbergs in the 1990s. Operation Dark Winter
Chadbourne Gilpatric1 February 1989SpookOSS in WW2, then joined the Rockefeller Foundation
François Godement14 June 1949FranceHistorianFrench historian with deep state connections interested in China. First attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Marshall I. Goldman26 July 19302 August 2017USAcademic
US think-tanker studying the economy of the Soviet Union and Russia.
Alain Gomez18 October 1938FranceBusinesspersonChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Group when he attended the 1983 Bilderberg
Rodrigo Pérez-Alonso González3 June 1978MexicoPoliticianMexican Green politician with interest in digital transformation
Kermit Gordon3 July 191621 June 1976USDeep state functionaryInfluential economic advisor during the John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson administrations. Later President of Brookings Institution.
Lincoln Gordon10 September 191319 December 2009USDiplomat
3 Early Bilderbergs, US Ambassador to Brazil in the 1960s, where he helped arrange the 1964 military coup.
Al Gore31 March 1948USAn American politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist who was made 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton.
Neil Gorsuch29 August 1967JudgeUS Supreme Court Judge
Nigel Gould-DaviesUKDiplomat
Chatham House, Integrity Initiative
Donald Graham22 April 1945USBusinesspersonSon of Katharine Graham, TLC, Facebook, 10 Bilderbergs
C. Boyden Gray6 February 1943LawyerGeorge H. W. Bush's White House Counsel
Robert Gray2 September 192118 April 2014USPropagandist
Sexual blackmail
Deep state actor
Kenneth Griffin15 October 1968USFinancierDouble Bilderberger billionaire hedge fund manager
William Griffith19 February 192028 September 1998USSpook
Spooky US academic. "A very dedicated anti-Communist" and "Zbig's idea man." Helped introduce discussion on Domestic Developments In Eastern Europe:Policy Implications For The West for the 1989 Bilderberg
Jonathan Gruber30 September 1965USAcademic
Involved in crafting US public health policy.
Ángel Gurría8 May 1950MexicoEconomistFormer Secretary-General of the OECD. Member of Board of Trustees of the World Economic Forum. Part of the “prefiguration group” of the Forum on Information & Democracy a planned international censorship treaty
Felix Gutzwiller22 February 1948SwitzerlandPolitician
Swiss Bilderberger public health leader. In March 2020 was on TV answering public questions about COVID-19
Tayyibe Gülek1968TurkeyPolitician
Turkish economist
Geir Hallgrímsson16 December 19251 September 1990IcelandPoliticianPrime Minister of Iceland, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Margaret Hamburg12 July 1955Civil servant
Deep state functionary
Big pharma/Lobbyist
US physician and expert in pandemic preparedness. Board of the Council on Foreign Relations.Operation Dark Winter, Clade X, GAVI, CFR, Wellcome Trust,Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation
Edward Hamilton1939USSpook
Deep state operative
National Security Council and Brookings consultant/Vice presidet, attended Bilderberg/1969 and had "an unusual variety of leadership positions in the public and private sectors".
John Hamre3 July 1950Deep state operativeUS MICC insider
Gikas Hardouvelis8 October 1955GreecePolitician
US educated former Greek Minister of Finance. Bilderberg 2011, same year assisting Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos during talks with bondholders about debt and with the Troika on Greece’s second adjustment program.
Huntington Hartford18 April 191119 May 2008USProducer
Bill Haseltine17 October 1944Author
Frances HaugenUSWhistleblower
Facebook whistleblower?
Rita Hauser12 July 1934USLawyer
Tyrone Hayes29 July 1967USWhistleblower
A scientific whistleblower. Big Ag corporation Syngenta orchestrated an attack on Hayes' scientific credibility.
William Randolph Hearst29 April 186314 August 1951USMedia mogul
Media executive
John Heinz23 October 19384 April 1991USPolitician
US Senator who chaired review board that probed the Iran-Contra affair. Both he and Senator John Tower, who was investigating a variety of different CIA criminal activities and dirty dealings, died in two different plane accidents on the same day.
Robert HelveyUSSpook
A "retired" US spook specializing in mass demonstration techniques as part of regime changes. Albert Einstein Institution.
Keith HennesseyUSEconomistAssistant to George W. Bush for Economic Policy
Frederik Henriksen26 May 1968DenmarkSoldier
King of Denmark. WEF/YGL.
Paul Henze192419 May 2011Spook
A cold war propagandist who got into "anti-terrorism" after the fall of the USSR.
Robert Hersov1961South AfricaBanker
Billionaire banker in Epstein's black book. His father attended Le Cercle
Christian Herter28 March 189530 December 1966USPoliticianUnited States Secretary of State. Double Bilderberger
Michael Hess1939Lawyer
Deep state actor
A witness to the destruction of WTC7 who refused to speak about the the discrepancies he observed from the 9-11 official narrative.
Fiona HillOctober 1965USSpook
Russophobic UK-born US foreign affairs specialist who has spent her whole career working to expand US influence in Eurasia
Christopher Hogg2 August 1936UKBusinesspersonDouble Bilderberg UK chairman of Reuters, later big pharma exec.
Oliver Wendell Holmes8 March 18416 March 1935
Arnold Horelick1928USSpook
Deep state operative
Spooky RAND analyst. In 1986 he wrote a paper Soviet Foreign Policy Under Gorbachev, which was also a theme of the 1986 Bilderberg meeting he attended.
Donald Hornig17 March 192021 January 2013USChemist
US nuclear detonators scientist and presidential science advisor
Michael Horowitz1978USAcademicCFR. Young, spooky academic. First Bilderberg in 2018.
Frank Horton194029 March 1997USSpook
Nuclear missiles force general and target planner
Amo Houghton7 August 19264 March 2020USPolitician
US multi-millionaire politician. Attended the 1972 Bilderberg as CEO of family company Corning, on the verge of becoming world's leading manufacturer of optical fiber.
Allan Hubbard8 September 1947USBusinesspersonFormer Bilderberg Steering committee, Director of the National Economic Council
Glenn Hubbard4 September 1958USAcademic
Single Bilderberger
Chris Hughes26 November 1983USBusinesspersonCo-founder of Facebook. 2011 Bilderberg
Samuel Huntington18 April 192724 December 2008USAcademic
Deep state operative
Aga Khan IV13 December 1936France
Ultra-rich leader of religious sect with own secluded pleasure island.
Alicia Bárcena Ibarra5 March 1952MexicoScientistMexican biologist at the United Nations
David Ignatius26 May 1950USAuthor
Attender of spooky "security" conferences
Walter Isaacson20 May 1952USAuthor
Deep state functionary
President and CEO of the Aspen Institute. US deep state biographer, energetic CRISPR advocate
JFK29 May 191722 November 1963PoliticianThe last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.
Ketanji Brown Jackson14 September 1970USLawyer
William Jackson25 March 190128 September 1971USSpook
Deputy CIA director prior to Allen Dulles
William Alan JeffreyUS
David E. Jeremiah25 February 19347 October 2013MarinerColin Powell’s “indispensable right-hand man”
Vuk Jeremić3 July 1975SerbiaPoliticianOtpor! activist. Part of "the most westward-leaning government Serbia has ever had".
Keyu Jin13 November 1982ChinaEconomistWEF YGL economist
Herschel Johnson3 May 189416 April 1966US
Paul Jolles25 December 191911 March 2000SwitzerlandDiplomat
Quad Bilderberger Swiss diplomat businessman
Thomas Jordan28 January 1963SwitzerlandFinancier
Swiss economist and central banker
Shashank JoshiUKJournalistThe Economist‘s defence editor. Bilderberg 2022. Also of interest for the Integrity Initiative
George F. Baker Jr11 December 1977BankerA "prominent socialite" shot dead in 1977. 1001 Club. His son was presumed dead after flying a small plane.
Kermit Roosevelt Jr16 February 19168 June 2000SpookGrandson of Theodore Roosevelt. CIA agent.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr17 January 1954USAuthor
US/2024 Presidential election/Candidate
Prominent vaccine and environmental safety activist. Announced intention to stand as the Democratic Party candidate in the US/2024 Presidential election campaign. In the Jeffrey Epstein/Black book and flew Lolita Express on two occasions.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.15 October 191728 February 2007Spook
Chester E. Finn Jr.3 August 1944USAcademic
Robert Kagan26 September 1958USNeoconservatism
Deep state operative
Co-founder of the Project for the New American Century
Tim Kaine26 February 1958PoliticianHillary Clinton's running mate in 2016 presidential elections.
David Kaiser7 June 1947Author
American historian. In his book on the JFK assassination, he accepts the Warren Commission's finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman, but posits that he was an opponent of Castro used by mafia leaders who wanted Kennedy and Castro dead.
Anatole Kaletsky1 June 1952RussianJournalist
Bilderberg economist journalist
Peter Kann1942USJournalist
Wall Street Journal editor
Joseph KasputysSpook
A 9-11 connected multimillionaire
Juliette Kayyem16 August 1969USSpook
Raymond Kelly4 September 1941Police officer
Deep state functionary
US deep state functionary, NYC Police Commissioner for over a decade.
Kenneth Keniston6 January 193014 February 2020USAcademicUS academic who spoke on "youth" at the 1969 Bilderberg
Joseph Kennedy6 September 188818 November 1969USBusinessperson
Ted Kennedy22 February 193225 August 2009Politician
US politician named in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book.
George KentDiplomatSpooky US diplomat with ties to regime changes and the management of Ukraine.
Francis Keppel16 April 191619 February 1990USUS Commissioner of Education, single Bilderberg
John Key9 August 1961Politician
Leon Keyserling11 January 19089 August 1987
Sadruddin Aga Khan17 January 193312 May 2003Iran
SpookSpecialist in running intelligence operations under humanitarian cover. Club of Rome member.
Ban Ki-moon13 June 1944South Korea8th UN Secretary General
Lim Hng Kiang9 April 1954SingaporeSoldier
WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1994, then various ministerial posts in the Singaporean government, including for Health and Trade.
Bob Kiley16 September 1935Spook
Jim Yong Kim8 December 1959The first World Bank President since 1995 who was not a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Mervyn King30 March 1948UKGovernor of the Bank of England single Bilderberger
Henry Kissinger27 May 192329 November 2023USDeep politician
War criminal
US deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Ron Klain8 August 1961White House Chief of Staff under Joe Biden. No fan of "overpopulation"
Richard Kleindienst5 August 19233 February 2000
Robert Klitgaard1947USAcademicCorruption expert with ties to the deep state RAND Corporation.
Christopher Kojm12 August 1955USAcademic
Deep state functionary
Robert Komer23 February 19229 April 2000USSpook
Oliver Koppell15 December 1940Politician
Former New York Attorney General.
Karen KornbluhSpookSpook. BBG Governor
Fehmi Koru24 July 1950TurkeyJournalistTurkish journalist and writer on "democracy and Islam". The pioneer of the Justice and Development Party. Attended the 2006 Bilderberg conference, although subscribing to several "conspiracy theories", including being the first ever to write about the deep state Ergenekon.
Naomi Koshi5 July 1975JapanPolitician
Youngest female mayor in Japan, WEF/Young Global Leaders 2015
Bruce Kovner25 April 1946USFinancier
Single Bilderberg hedge fund billionaire. Described as "one of the most powerful people in the country, culturally, financially, and politically." and ""George Soros's Right-Wing Twin".
Sven KraemerAcademic
David KramerAcademicUS academic with multiple deep state connections
Giannos Kranidiotis25 September 194714 September 1999GreeceDiplomat
A greek diplomat and politician who was killed together with his son in a "freak accident" 3 months after attending a Bilderberg meeting.
Nicholas Kristof27 April 1959JournalistWEF Rhodes Scholar nominated for the 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist
Bill Kristol23 December 1952USNeoconservatism
Deep state functionary
Hawkish neonconservative
Peter Krogh1937USAcademicBecame Dean of the Walsh School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University at age 32, which provides the personnel backbone for the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense,State Department, and other organs of the national security state. Got job possibly after attending Bilderberg/1969. Also attended Bilderberg/1970 and at end of career Bilderberg/1994.
Alan Krueger17 September 196016 March 2019Academic
Alan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.
Jared Kushner10 January 1981USDeep state operativeSon-in-law of Donald Trump, suspected US deep state operative
Kwasi Kwarteng26 May 1975UKPolitician
Deep state operative
British Chancellor and suspected deep state operative who reportedly chaired Le Cercle from 2017.
Philip Lader17 March 1946Diplomat
US Ambassador to the UK 1997-2001
Anthony Lake2 April 1939Diplomat
Spooky WEF acadmic
Thomas Lamont30 September 18702 February 1948USBanker
Philip Lane27 August 1969EireEconomist
Central banker
Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland. Since 2019 Chief Economist at the European Central Bank
Heidi LarsonUSPropagandist
Anthropologist who hit it big by hitching on to the vaccine bandwagon. Founding director of the Vaccine Confidence Project.
Christina Markus LassenDenmarkDiplomatDanish diplomat. Ambassador to Syria 2009-2012, including when the 2011 regime change proxy war started. Attended Bilderberg 2015 as EU Ambassador to Lebanon. From 2022 Ambassador to the United States.
Karl Lauterbach21 February 1963GermanPolitician
Deep state functionary
SPD COVID prophet of doom
Thomas H. Lee27 March 194423 February 2023USBillionaire
Clinton body count
US businessman friend of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Gunshot to the head.
Lawrence Legere2 January 191911 August 2001USSoldierOfficer who was advisor to the National Security Council under presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson He attended the 1958 Bilderberg conference.
Richard Lehman12 June 192317 February 2007Soldier US Intelligence Official
Michael LeiterLawyer
"Terror expert"
"Terrorism expert" with revolving door in military-industrial complex. In 2011 Leiter joined Palantir Technologies. His role was stated to be to develop and optimize market strategy.
Pierre Lellouche3 May 1951FrancePoliticianFrench politician
Ronaldo Lemos25 March 1976BrazilBrazilian academic. Pro open internet, except when corporations like Facebook are doing the censorship. WEF Young Global Leader 2015,
Stephen Lendman17 August 19349 May 2023USJournalistUS independent journalist and analyst
Todd LeventhalPropagandist
Deep state operative
A writer at Member of the Institute for Statecraft
Stuart LeveyUSPolitician
Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence from 2004-2011. HSBC legal officer 2012. Attended the 2015 Bilderberg.
Carl Levin28 June 1934Politician
Jack Lew29 August 1955
Leonard Lewin2 October 191628 January 1999AuthorBest known as the (ostensible?) author of Report from Iron Mountain
Anthony Lewis27 March 192725 March 2013USJournalistUS writer for the New York Times. According to Chomsky "as far to the critical extreme as you can find" allowed in the corporate media Overton window.
Drew Lewis3 November 193110 February 2016USPolitician
Secretary of Transportation under Reagan, best known for presiding over the firing of the striking U.S. air traffic controllers in 1981. Bilderberg/1988
Dominic Lieven19 January 1952UK
Lawrence Lindsey18 July 1954Economist
Richard Lindzen8 February 1940USAcademicScientist with opinions outside the scientific consensus about climate change
Walter Lippmann23 September 188914 December 1974USAuthor
Political commentator
A US journalism who coined the phrase "Cold War".
Edward Littlejohn19171993Australia
BusinesspersonLittle known advertising executive and US organiser of the second and fourth Bilderberg meetings
He Liu25 January 1952ChinaPolitician
Chinese economist/politician who attended the 2014 Bilderberg and gave a "special address" at the 2023 WEF AGM
Henry Cabot Lodge12 May 18509 November 1924Diplomat
Lee Hsien Loong10 February 1952SingaporePoliticianSingapore Prime Minister. Son of Singapore founder Lee Kuan Yew. Introduced hard law against false news. PM during COVID-19 with lockdowns, RNA-vaccines and vaccine passports
Peter Lougheed26 July 192813 September 2012CanadaPolitician
Canadian lawyer who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Robert A. Lovett14 September 18957 May 1986Deep state operative
Mark LowenthalUSSpookOne of the key coordinators of the WMD phony intelligence before Iraq invasion in 2003
Douglas Lute3 November 1952Diplomat
Diplomat soldier on a lotof boards, US Ambassador to NATO 2013-2017
Loretta Lynch21 May 1959
Yo-Yo Ma7 October 1955USMusicianChinese-American celebrity cellist who is member of the WEF/Board of Trustees, GLT/1993
Ray Mabus11 October 1948Politician
Gordon MacDonald30 July 192914 May 2002USScientistUS scientist with deep state connections who attended the 1971 Bilderberg
David MacEachron19341990USVice President and program manager at the Council on Foreign Relations 1962-1974
Hanford MacNider2 October 188918 February 1968USSoldier
Torbert Macdonald6 June 191721 May 1976LawyerLife-time friend of JFK
William Macomber28 March 192119 November 2003USDiplomat
Deep state actor
US spook and diplomat.
Thomas MahnkenUSAcademic
Deep state operative
Johns Hopkins SAIS professor and also Integrity Initiative's US cluster
David Makovsky21 June 1960AcademicDirector of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Robert Malone20 October 1959USResearcherEarly researcher into mRNA vaccine technology, close connections to DARPA, memory-holed from the Internet after expressing safety concerns and ethical opposition to mandation of the COVID-19 Vaccines.
Greg Mankiw3 February 1958
Stephanos Manos20 December 1939GreecePoliticianGreek politician who went to the 1986, 1993 and 2001 Bilderbergs
Felix Maradiaga3 September 1976NicaraguaPolitician
Deep state operative
Nicaraguan academic with deep state connections
Sheila Lirio Marcelo1970USBusinesspersonFilipino-American businesswoman who received easy venture capital funding. Marshall Memorial Fellowship. Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2011.
Charles Burton Marshall25 March 1908USAcademicWilliam Elliott protegé who became member of policy planning staff at the State Department. Wrote a paper entitled The Berlin Crisis for the 1959 Bilderberg
Wilfred Martens19 April 19369 October 2013BelgiumPoliticianQuad Bilderberg Belgian politician
Roger Martin4 August 1956CanadaAcademicChaired the Optimum Population Trust
Edward Mason22 February 189929 February 1992USEconomistUS economist who attended the 1956, 1963 and 1966 Bilderberg.
Basil MavroleonApril 195827 August 1998UKSpook
"He was close to the Kennedys and almost married a Heseltine. He'd been a Wall Street broker and a war correspondent. He'd even been a leader of the Mujahideen. So why did Carlos Mavroleon die of a heroin overdose in a rundown hotel near the Afghan border?"
Andrew McAfee1967USAcademicPrincipal research scientist at MIT, techno-optimist
Stanley McChrystal14 August 1954Soldier
Mark McClellan26 June 1963USBureaucrat
Big pharma/Lobbyist
Food and Drug Administration Commissioner who "streamlined" regulatory requirements for new drugs. Later made big bucks on boards of Big Pharma companies.
Paul McCracken29 December 19153 August 2012CanadaEconomistCanadian economist
Neil H. McElroy30 October 190430 November 1972Businessperson
Kenneth Mehlman21 August 1966USLawyer
Bilderberger businessman, CFR
Daniel Meltzer17 December 195124 May 2015LawyerWorked in the Obama administration as Principal Deputy (2009-2010) and Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board 2013-2015.
George Merck29 March 18949 November 1957BusinesspersonThe president of Merck & Co. from 1925 to 1950. During World War II, he led the War Research Service, which initiated the U.S. biological weapons program with Frank Olson.
Martin Meyerson14 November 19222 June 2007USAcademic
Urban planner
Urban planner and university president who attended the 1970 Bilderberg
J. William Middendorf22 September 1924Diplomat
Gian Migone25 May 1940Sweden
Italian academic who attended the 1971 Bilderberg aged 30. Son of the senior diplomat Bartolomeo Migone. Nominally on the left, he has significant ties to the transatlantic deep state.
Najib Mikati24 November 1955LebanonPolitician
Lebanese Billionaire. Currently serving his third term as Prime Minister.
Marvin Minsky9 August 192724 January 2016USProgrammerInfluential cognitive and computer scientist. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
Lisa Monaco23 February 1968USDeep state functionaryFormer US Homeland Security Advisor
Amélie de Montchalin19 June 1985FrancePoliticianFrench politician, WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021
Hugh Montgomery (diplomat)29 November 1923USSpook
63 years with the Central Intelligence Agency, where he was one of the agency's greatest linguists.
Richard Moore9 May 1963Diplomat
Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
Henry S. Morgan24 October 19008 February 1982USBanker
Richard Morningstar1945USDiplomat
Deep state operative
U.S. deep state operative specializing in getting control over the strategically important oil from the Caspian Basin.
Philip Mosely190513 January 1972USSpook
Deep state functionary
Spooky academic
Ken Moskow18 February 196019 September 2008USSpookCIA officer who worked under cover as diplomat and real estate developer.
Seth Moulton24 October 1978USSpook
US/2020 Presidential election/Candidates
"CIA Democrat" politician who was selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2016.
Yascha Mounk10 June 1982US
Nader MousavizadehJuly 1969Banker
Deep state operative
Multitudinous connections to deep state groups. Co-founded Macro Advisory Partners
Dominique Moïsi21 October 1946FranceAcademicPanelist for the discussion about Consequences of the War Against Terrorism at the 2002 Bilderberg.
Charles Murray8 January 1943USAcademic"One of the most influential social scientists in America", AEI, Bilderberg
Ethan Nadelmann13 March 1957USActivistActivist working to end the War on Drugs. Protege of George Soros. Selected a Global Leaders for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1997.
Ralph Nader27 February 1934Activist
Might possibly be something very rare, a politician who is not corrupt!
Siamak Namazi14 September 1971Iran
Iranian-American academic convicted of espionage by Iran in 2016. National Endowment for Democracy Fellow in 2005. Selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2007.
Andrew NatsiosCivil Servant
Peter Navarro15 July 1949US
Benjamin Netanyahu21 October 1949IsraelAuthor
Deep politician
War criminal
"Terror expert"
Israeli deep politician who has been Prime Minister of Israel
Lawrence de Neufville9 April 1913USSpook
Frank Newman20 April 1942USBankerAmerican banker who was Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance from 1993 to 1994 and United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from 1994 to 1995.
Thomas Niles22 September 1939USDiplomat
Paul Nitze16 January 190719 October 2004USPropagandist
Deep politician
US deep politician, hawkish United States Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Bernard Nussbaum23 March 1937Lawyer
Clare O'Neil12 September 1980AustraliaPoliticianAustralian MP; WEF/Young Global Leaders 2019
Onora O'Neill23 August 1941UKPhilosopher
UK second generation Bilderberger, academic
Barack Obama4 August 1961USPolitician
Puppet leader
Deep state functionary
War criminal
A puppet of the deep state, groomed for a top job. Has overseen a rollout of police state tactics such as torture, mass surveillance and assassination.
Bertil Ohlin23 April 18993 August 1979SwedenPolitician
Swedish economist and politician who attended 3 Bilderbergs up to the 1962 Bilderberg
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala13 June 1954Nigeria
Deep state functionary
GAVI/SDS connected Nigerian banker, twice Nigeria's Minister of Finance, and possible deep state functionary
José María Figueres Olsen24 December 1954Costa RicaPoliticianSon of another President of Costa Rica, this one was a Global Leader for Tomorrow in 1995
J. Robert Oppenheimer22 April 190418 February 1967USPhysicistDeveloper of the US atomic bomb.
Emily O’Reilly1957EireAuthor
Ajit Pai10 January 1973LawyerFCC Chair under Trump, where he planned to do away with net neutrality rules. Marshall Memorial Fellow.
Michael PaineEngineer
Dimitrios Papalexopoulos1962GreeceBusinesspersonGreek business leader
Andreas Papandreou5 February 191923 June 1996
Robert Pastor10 April 19478 January 2014USDeep state operative
Andrés Pastrana17 August 1954ColombiaPolitician
Deep state operative
Colombian deep state operative, Colombian Ambassador to the US 2005-6, President of Colombia 1998-2002, Epstein's black book ...
Ricken Patel8 January 1977YGL who ran Avaaz 2005-2021
Morehead Patterson9 October 1897USDiplomat
CEO of American Machine and Foundry, which he made one of the pillars of the US military-industrial complex, hiring former CIA director Walter Bedell Smith as vice-chairman. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg
Shimon Peres2 August 19232016PoliticianSpooky Israeli politician
Thomas Perez7 October 1961Politician
Deep state actor
Wilton Persons19 January 18965 September 1977SoldierMilitary officer who was the White House Chief of Staff to President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gerard Piel1 March 19155 September 2004USMedia executiveScience editor at Life magazine, then editor in chief at Scientific American 1947-1984.
Richard Pipes11 July 192317 May 2018USHistorianHawkish cold warrior historian
Samuel Pisar18 March 192927 July 2015LawyerRobert Maxwell's lawyer, Tony Blinken's step-father
Sebastián Piñera1 December 19496 February 2024ChilePolitician
Elected twice President of Chile
Mike Pompeo30 December 1963USSpook
Director of Central Intelligence
Lawyer, US Secretary of State, CIA Director, friend & protegé of Mike Pence, advocated for the death penalty for Edward Snowden.
Natalie Portman9 June 1981Israel
Israeli-born actress who was a research assistant for Alan Dershowitz
Lewis Powell19 September 190725 August 1998Judge
Samantha Power21 September 1970Deep state operativeDeveloped angle of "Responsibility to Protect" to create justification for wars
Larry Pressler29 March 1942USPoliticianAttended the 1993 Bilderberg as United States Senator from South Dakota
Lewis Thompson Preston5 August 19264 May 1995Spook
Financier appointed by his old friend George H. W. Bush to the President of the World Bank.
Lewis Thompson Preston Sr.27 November 18999 February 1937AthleteUS establishment, father of Lewis Thompson Preston who went on to be President of the World Bank Group.
Thomas Prinzhorn5 March 1943AustriaPolitician
Austrian billionaire, businessman and politician
Penny Pritzker2 May 1959USBillionaire
Deep state actor
Pritzker family billionaire who advanced career of Barack Obama early. Carnegie Endowment chairperson.
Carroll Quigley9 November 19103 January 1977Academic
A US historian who used unprecedented access to US deep state archives to write Tragedy and Hope
RFK20 November 19256 June 1968Politician
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
Brother of murdered US president John F. Kennedy, Robert had been his Attorney General and wanted to become US President himself so he could uncover his brothers killers. Assassinated.
Gina Raimondo17 May 1971
Franklin D. Raines14 January 1949USBusinesspersonPanelist for the discussion on 'Corporate Governance: Does Capitalism Need Fixing?' at the 2002 Bilderberg. "Early retirement" in 2004 after abetting widespread accounting irregularities at Fannie Mae. One of the "25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis" in 2008.
Vivek Ramaswamy9 August 1985Businessperson
US/2024 Presidential election/Candidate
Republican candidate in the US/2024 Presidential election
Subramanian RanganAcademicAcademic with a heavy WEF AGM habit
Donald Regan21 December 191810 June 2003Politician
William Rehnquist1 October 19243 September 2005Judge
Joy Reid8 December 1968USPropagandist
William Reilly26 January 1940USDeep state functionaryIntroduced the "Environmental Constraints" discussion at the 1989 Bilderberg as EPA Administrator, Co-Chaired the Deepwater Horizon commission with Bob Graham
Grant Reuber23 November 19277 July 2018CanadaEconomistCanadian economist
Julissa Reynoso2 January 1975Diplomat
7th floor group
Syngman Rhee26 March 187519 July 1965Politician
Joseph Rhodes14 August 19477 November 2013USActivist
US politician and activist
Elliot Richardson20 July 192031 December 1999USPilgrims, Bilderberg, TLC, wrote in the New York Times that he believed Danny Casolaro was murdered.
Donald R. Richberg10 July 188127 November 1960Lawyer
Tom Ridge26 August 1945
Donald Riegle4 February 1938USPolitician
Charles Rivkin6 April 1962US
Alice M. Rivlin4 March 1931USCentral bankerWrote a working paper entitled The Outlook For The Economy And Employment In The United States for the 1984 Bilderberg
John G. Roberts27 January 1955US
David Rockefeller12 June 191520 March 2017USFinancier
Deep politician
US deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
Jay Rockefeller18 June 1937USRockefeller family
Eduardo Rodríguez2 March 1956BoliviaLawyerHarvard-educated judge who became Interim President of Bolivia in 2005.
Mitt Romney12 March 1947Politician
US politician businessman
Franklin D. Roosevelt30 January 188212 April 1945Politician
Widely recalled for his 'new deal'
Kermit Roosevelt Sr.10 October 188 JL4 June 1943Author
Roosevelt family businessman, soldier, explorer, and writer - and possible spook.
Theodore Roosevelt27 October 18586 January 1919Author
"Conservation movement"
Gideon Rose1963USJournalistUS journalist, WEF regular
Stephen P. RosenAcademic
Chuck Rosenberg10 September 1960Administrator of the US Drug Enforcement Administration
Rod Rosenstein13 January 1965LawyerTrump loyalist(?) who was possibly targeted in a rumor campaign.
Henry Rosovsky1 September 1927US
Wilbur Ross28 November 1937USFinancierMulti-millionaire US financier. Bilderberg. US Secretary of Commerce since 2017
Guido Rossi16 March 193121 August 2017ItalyBusinessperson
Robert Rubin29 August 1938USDeep state operativeFinancial industry deregulator. Goldman. Citigroup. CFR Chairman. "Where Wall St. meets Washington"
Philip Rutnam19 June 1965UKDeep state functionary
Pardis Sabeti25 December 1975IranBiologistIranian biologist, YGL 2012, Rhodes Scholar 1997, Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy
Edward Said1 November 193524 September 2003Palestine
Andonis Samaras23 May 1951GreecePolitician
Paul Samuelson15 May 191513 December 2009USEconomistRAND economist
Sheryl Sandberg28 August 1969MillionaireThe Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook
John Sawers26 July 1955UKDiplomat
UK diplomat and former Chief of MI6
Robert Scalapino19 October 19191 November 2011USAcademicCFR and State Department expert on East Asia. Advocated closer relations with China years before President Richard M. Nixon’s historic 1972 visit. Wanted detente with North Korea in the 1990s.
Antonin Scalia11 March 193613 February 2016USJudgeUS judge
Phil ScanlanAustraliaDeep state operative
Australian businessman that is a leader in many organizations that bring together business and politics.
Thomas Schelling14 April 192113 December 2016USAcademicUS academic who coined the phrase "collateral damage" in 1961.
James Schlesinger15 February 192927 March 2014Spook
Deep state operative
USDSO, DCI, RAND, US Defense secretary
Eric Schneiderman31 December 1954
Charles Schumer23 November 1950PoliticianAmerican politician who has been Senate Majority Leader since 2021.
Klaus Schwab30 March 1938GermanAcademic
Deep state actor
German economist, Bilderberg Steering committee, World Economic Forum Board of Trustees
Ben Shapiro15 January 1984USAuthor
Political commentator
"Alt right" media personality that somehow is not censored and instead "shadow-boosted" by social media corporations like Facebook and Twitter.
Daniel Shapiro1 August 1969US
DiplomatUS ambassador to Israel, but flew from Tel Aviv to New York on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's own aircraft
Shabtai Shavit17 July 1939IsraelSpook
Daniel Sheehan1946LawyerA lawyer who helped to expose "Iran-Contra".
Marshall Shulman8 April 191621 June 2007USJournalist
Attended the 1964 and 1984 Bilderbergs, Le Cercle
Larry Siedentop24 May 1936US
US=British political scientist who studied under Isaiah Berlin. Attended the 2001 Bilderberg meeting, the same year he wrote a book on "possible models of European democracy".
Laurence Silberman12 October 1935
Kristen Silverberg1970USUS Ambassador to the EU 2008-2009
Peter Warren Singer1974USAcademicBrookings expert on 21st century warfare
Kiron Skinner1961USAcademic
Deep state functionary
Former Director of Policy Planning
Anne-Marie Slaughter27 September 1958USLawyerDirector of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Hillary Clinton. Important in the introduction of the doctrine of Responsibility to Protect
Andy Slavitt1966USDeep state operative
American deep state operative, "health care entrepreneur" and pharma lobbyist who became Senior Advisor to the COVID-19 Response Coordinator in the Biden administration in January 2021.
Anthony Solomon27 December 191915 January 2008USCentral bankerBilderberger, Group of Thirty, Trilateral Commission
T. V. Soong4 December 189425 April 1971ChinaPolitician
Deep state actor
Jonathan Soros10 September 1970USFinancierSon of George Soros, YGL 2005
Harry Soyster6 June 1935USSpook
Military intelligence leader in a number of central operations; Panama 89, Lockerbie, First Gulf War
Joseph Spang18931969USBusinesspersonUS businessman who ran Gillette. Part of Cold war Mutual Security Evaluation Project Group. Attended the 1st and 4th Bilderbergs
Michael Spence7 November 1943USEconomistBilderberg economist who signed the Document:Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19
Richard Stallman16 March 1953Activist
Craig Stapleton1945Diplomat
One of three relatives of George W. Bush who worked in the impact zones of the WTC on the day of 9/11
Jill Stein14 May 1950Politician
James Steinberg7 May 1953USDeep state operativeBilderberg, 7th floor group ...
Jay Stephens5 November 1946USLawyer
Ted Stevens18 November 19239 August 2010
Richard Stone (politician)22 September 1928USDiplomat
Involved in the dirty wars in Central-America in the 1980s
Robert StorchDeep state operativeNSA-IG appointed to keep a lid on illegal mass surveillance
Marin Strmecki6 October 1959USSpooky academic of the Smith Richardson Foundation. An Afghanistan specialist, he attended Bilderberg 2004, where that country was one of the topics.
Cyrus Sulzberger27 October 191220 September 1993USAuthor
US journalist. A member of the family that owned The New York Times. In 1977 Exposed as a CIA media asset. Attended the 1959 and 1975 Bilderberg meetings.
Lawrence Summers30 November 1954USSpook
Deep state operative
US Deep State actor "I've always thought that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted"
Cass Sunstein21 September 1954Academic
Deep state functionary
One of "Leviathan’s Apologists"
Adam Szubin1972
Evan Thomas25 April 1951US
John Thornton2 January 1954USAcademic
Became a Goldman Sachs partner at age 34. Barrick Gold Corporation, Bilderberg
Lester Thurow7 May 193825 March 2016USEconomistUS political economist and supporter of governmental involvement in the direction of the economy who attended Bilderberg/1977.
Niels Thygesen13 December 1934DenmarkAcademicDanish academic, member of the Delors committee who attended the 1988 Bilderberg when he was member of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission.
Hugh Tovar27 December 192227 June 2015SpookA spook involved in Vietnam and Indonesia
Steven Trott12 December 1939Lawyer
Jing TsuUSAcademic
John Tuthill10 November 19109 September 1996USDiplomatActive in developing the Marshall Plan's OEEC. Appointed United States Ambassador to Brazil 3 months after attended the 1966 Bilderberg
Gary Underhill7 August 19158 May 1964USSpook
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
"Convinced that the JFK assassination was carried out by "a small clique in the CIA."
Craig Unger25 March 1949Author
Wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe demanding answers from the 9/11 Commission on who gave permission for Saudi nationals to leave the United States.
Ron Unz20 September 1961USResearcher
Media executive
Publisher of The Unz Review.
Jack Valenti5 September 192126 April 2007Deep state functionary
James Vaupel2 May 194527 March 2022USScientist
Bilderberg scientist
Ezra Vogel11 July 1930December 2020USAcademicUS academic
Paul Volcker5 September 19278 December 2019USEconomist
Central banker
Deep state actor
Chairman of the Federal Reserve, suspected US deep state actor
William Waldegrave15 August 1946UKPolitician
Deep state operative
Creator of the hugely unpopular UK poll tax. Chairman of the Rhodes Trust. 4 Bilderbergs. Involved in exporting weapons to Iraq, the denied this in "untrue letters" to MPs. Associate of spooky Victor Rothschild.
Rochelle Walensky5 April 1969US
David Walker2 October 1951US
James Warburg18 August 18963 June 1969USAuthor
Marc WarnerAugust 1984BusinesspersonBusinessman using AI to detect "terrorist" propaganda. Brother of Ben Warner
Mark Warner15 December 1954USPolitician
Deep state functionary
US politician who attended many deep state milieux
Kevin Warsh13 April 1970USLawyer
Bilderberg Steering committee, US Federal Reserve governor
Melchior Wathelet6 March 1949BelgiumPolitician
Ruth WedgwoodUSAcademic
Peter Weinberg9 July 1957USBanker
US Bilderberg banker businessman
Caspar Weinberger18 August 191728 March 2006Deep state operative
Kenneth Weinstein4 November 1961PropagandistPresident and CEO of the deep state think tank Hudson Institute until 2020. Also member of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which manages the CIA's open media channels.
Richard Welch14 December 192923 December 1975USSpookCIA station chief in Athens, Greece assassinated in December 1975, a month before George H. W. Bush was made CIA director.
Bill Weld31 July 1945USPolitician
US/2020 Presidential election/Candidates
Herry Dexter White9 October 189216 August 1948Economist
Leon Wieseltier14 June 1952USAuthor
Don Craig Wiley21 October 194415 November 2001USBiologistNational expert on infections diseases who "accidentally fell off bridge" in November 2001.
Einat Wilf11 December 1970Spook
Spooky wife of Richard Gutjahr who ran for the presidency of the World Jewish Congress.
Frank WilleJuly 1988Lawyer
Susan Wojcicki5 July 19689 August 2024Poland
Businesswoman and Youtube CEO 2014 to 2023
Salomon Chertorivski Woldenberg28 September 1974MexicoPolitician
Mexican Health Minister. Selected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2014.
Nathan WolfeUSBusinesspersonFounder of biological research company Metabiota, wich operates biological laboratories in Ukraine, with money from the Pentagon and Hunter Biden. Friend of Jeffrey Epstein. WEF Young Global Leader 2010.
James Wolfensohn1 December 193325 November 2020Australia
Deep state operativeAustralian/US dual national, President of the World Bank, Bilderberg steering committee
Richard Wolff1 April 1942USEconomistMarxian economist
Sheldon Wolin4 August 192221 October 2015USAcademic
Shaun Woodward26 October 1958
Suzanne WoolseyUS
Nigel Wright18 May 1963CanadaLawyer
Attended the 2012 Bilderberg as the Canada/Prime Minister/Chief of Staff
Amos Yadlin20 November 1951Spook
Appointed director of Israel Defence Intelligence in 2006.
John Yoo10 July 1967Academic
Deep state functionary
War criminal
The US lawyer whose name is now synonymous with the infamous "torture memo" which opened the door to legalising torture and lead to his conviction as a war criminal.
Toby Young17 October 1963UKJournalistBritish journalist and Director of the New Schools Network,
Fareed Zakaria20 January 1964IndiaAuthor
Newsweek Editor, first Indian Bilderberger, WEF AGM regular, WEF YGL 2005 ...
Juan ZarateUSSpook
"Terror expert"
Worked on expanding the use of Treasury powers to advance national security interests. U.S. representative to get control over the Vatican's finances.
Feng Zhang22 October 1981USScientistMost well known for his central role in the development of optogenetics and CRISPR technologies.
Shoshana ZuboffUSAuthor
Mark Zuckerberg14 May 1984Programmer
Big Tech/Lobbyist
Nominally in charge of Facebook, a rebranding of LifeLog
Mortimer Zuckerman4 June 1937Canada
Media mogul
Canadian billionaire media magnate
John Zysman1946USAcademic
Zaid al-Rifai27 November 1936JordanPoliticianFormer Prime Minister of Jordan. Attended Le Cercle
Bernard Snoy et d'Oppuers11 March 1945BelgiumAcademic
Cüneyt Ülsever1951TurkeyJournalist
Turkish journalist with massive education from the US