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(human rights,  rigged scienceCorbett ReportRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
The study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology, medicine and technologies. The field was marked by several treaties protecting individual rights, but during COVID-19, bioethical academics surpassed each other in supporting blatantly unethical schemes.

Bioethics is the study of the ethical issues emerging from advances in biology, medicine and technologies. During COVID-19 bioethicists distinguished themselves by legitimizing and rubber stamping any and all official "countermeasures" that were implemented.

“When you start documenting the history of bioethics, you discover that this is exactly what this field of study is meant to do: To frame the debate about hot button issues so that eugenicist ideals and values can be mainstreamed in society and enacted in law. From abortion to euthanasia, there isn’t a debate in the medical field that wasn’t preceded by some bioethicist or bioethics institute preparing the public for a massive change in mores, morays, values and laws.”
James Corbett (July 25, 2020)  [1]


Modern bioethics emerged as a distinct field of study in the early 1960s. It was influenced not only by advances in the life sciences, particularly medicine, but also by the significant cultural and societal changes taking place at the time, primarily in the West. The increasing importance placed on individual well-being contributed to changes in conventional attitudes toward marriage and sexuality, reproduction and child rearing, and civil rights. The ultimate result was widespread dissatisfaction with traditional medical paternalism and the gradual recognition of a patient’s right to be fully informed about his condition and to retain some measure of control over what happens to his body.[2]

The discipline received its impetus from two events, firstly the discovery of the German medical establishment's actions during the Nazi era before and during World War 2, (the T4 euthanasia program, horrible medical experiments in concentration camps, forced sterilizations, mass killings and eugenics[3]; which led to the establishment of the Nuremberg Code declaring that medical experiments should have "the voluntary, well-informed, understanding consent of the human subject in a full legal capacity."

The other major impetus was the Soviet practice from the late 1960s of sending political dissidents to psychiatric hospitals, a type of punitive psychiatry. The practice was strongly condemned in the West as part of Cold War propaganda, but a consequence of this focus was that bioethics in general received attention. The 1964 Declaration of Helsinki was a set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation, widely regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics.

The 2006 UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, adopted by all UN member countries by acclamation, is another cornerstone treaty, for example stating "any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information."


The academic bioethics community and civil service commissions have been as good as entirely on the side of the official narrative during COVID-19, calling for ever harder removals of civil rights and previous bioethical practice to enforce lockdowns, face masks and forced vaccinations. Bio ethicists have also long had a noticeable willingness to consider all means as permissible when it comes to enforcing vaccines.

Arthur Caplan, an NYU bioethics professor argued in 2015 that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children could be held legally liable for "any harm that results"..."There are no reported cases in which criminal liability has been imposed on parents for failing to vaccinate their children, where such failure has caused the death of another. Nevertheless, a valid criminal claim could be brought especially against a non-vaccinator acting outside the shield of a legislative exemption."[4]

The lawyer Christine Druml has chaired the Austrian Bioethics Commission since 2007. As early as spring 2020 - long before there were Covid vaccinations - she campaigned for compulsory vaccination. In January 2022, she went a step further and sees the Covid vaccination requirement as a dress rehearsal for a few more vaccination requirements, naming whooping cough, measles and influenza as examples of "superfluous diseases" and other possible candidates for compulsory vaccination. Regarding influenza, she says: "There is definitely a social interest in avoiding unnecessary flu outbreaks."[5] Her advocacy includes no differentiation between traditional vaccines and RNA-technology.

In 2020, Parker Crutchfield, Associate Professor of Medical Ethics at Western Michigan University proposed lacing the water supply with psychoactive drugs to change people's behaviour. "The problem of coronavirus defectors could be solved by moral enhancement: like receiving a vaccine to beef up your immune system, people could take a substance to boost their cooperative, pro-social behavior."[6]

In January 2022, Dr. Robert Klitzman, Director of Columbia University’s Bioethics M.S. program, defended refusing "unvaccinated" people organ transplants. "We have very few organs, so we have to decide who’s going to get them. And the way we decide is, we look at who’s most likely to survive the longest. So by saying, ‘I don’t want a vaccine,’. . . this patient is more likely to get COVID and die from COVID — and we could instead give the heart to someone who will live longer with it.”[7]

In September 2021, Julie Ponesse, a Professor of Ethics at the [University of Western Ontario]], was been fired after 20 years of service because she chose not to take the COVID vaccine.[8]



Page nameDescription
Declaration of HelsinkiA set of ethical principles regarding human experimentation developed originally in 1964 for the medical community by the World Medical Association regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics
Zeke EmanuelBrother of Ari Emanuel and Rahm Emanuel
Nuremberg CodeThe Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation set as a result of the subsequent Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII.
Peter SingerBioethicist favored by Bill Gates. Wants to "break the taboo" surrounding overpopulation.


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human RightsWikispooks PageUNESCOUNESCO Declaration stating that "Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice."
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