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Leonor Beleza politician who attended the 2007 Bilderberg as Chairwoman of the health sector Champalimaud Foundation.
Asher Ben-Natan"A central figure in Israel’s defense and diplomacy establishment" who spoke at the 1979 JCIT
Ingemund Bengtsson politician. Attended the 1971 Bilderberg conference. Responsible for the UN Environment Conference in Stockholm in 1972.
William J. Bennett
Dick Benschop the 2000 Bilderberg as Dutch State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Tafelronde/Chair, Trilateral Commission, Shell CEO, Schiphol Airport Director
Harry van den Bergh politician who spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism on "Maintaining the Balance"
Chip Berlet"Spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time exposing them".
Jason Bermas of the earliest 911 skeptics, known for Loose Change
Tim Berners-Lee the world wide web.
Carl Bernstein
Hubert Beuve-Mery of Le Monde. Attended Bilderberg 1970. Directed Agence France-Presse 1970-1978
Nicolas Beytout Bilderberg French editor/journalist
Joe Biden deep state actor accused of sexual assault in 1993. As US Senator aggressively pushed for the patriot act, mass surveillance and death penalty for anyone who was not the CIA. As VP famous for sniffing and grabbing children on camera. Became US President in a quite weakened mental state.
Kurt Biedenkopf German politician "parachuted" into the former East Germany to lead the state of Saxony.
Ank Bijleveld Defence Minister. Tried to cover-up 2015 Hawija bombing. Warned for attacks with bioweapons in 2018.
William Binney senior technical director of the NSA, in charge of thousands of employees, William Binney resigned after 9-11 to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption.
Mehmet Ali Birand journalist with Milliyet and CNN Türk. Spoke positively of Fethullah Gülen. Attempted framed by intelligence services.
Hans-Heinrich Herwarth von Bittenfeld diplomat who spied for Britain during WW2. Went on to high positions in the West German foreign service, and attended the 1963 Bilderberg meeting.
Cofer Black deep state operative with a leading role in the CIA's kidnapping and torture
Tessa Blackstone academic who attended the 1990 Bilderberg as a Member of the House of Lords
Jean-Michel Blanquer academic and politician
Bill de Blasio
Max Blumenthal journalist, blogger, film maker whom the Times Of Israel tagged an "anti-zionist"
Sidney Blumenthal
Ivan Boesky stock trader
Charles Bohlen diplomat member of The Georgetown Set, advisor to all US Presidents from 1943 to 1968
Marcel Boiteux of Le Siècle who worked his whole career for Électricité de France and created French energy independence with nuclear power. Bilderberg/1973.
Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil who publicly refused a COVID-19 jab and suggested that the virus may have been intentionally created and released.
Paul Bonacci child victim of the Franklin child prostitution ring who was awarded one Million in damages from Larry King.
Troy Boner child victim of the Franklin child prostitution ring who testified to Gary Caridori. Found dead of a drugs overdose.
Dan Bongino commentator and former secret service agent who wants to abolish the FBI.
Robert Boothby politician and UK deep state operative, Clermont Set, Bilderberg
Gerd Bosbach statistician who criticized the dramatization of Covid-19 in 2020.
Nick Bostrom philosopher who first attended the Bilderberg in 2019.
Robert Bourassa the 1971 Bilderberg as Premier of Quebec
Kelly Bovino a children's charity for at-risk kids during her Jeffrey Epstein days called The Story Project. Virginia Giuffre stated "she sexually abused me with Epstein."
John Boyd-Carpenter
Bill Bradley Senator from New Jersey
Brazil (film) movie in which acts of "terrorism" are routinely carried out.
Vendeline von Bredow journalist, member of the American Council on Germany's Young Leaders for 2009
Andrew Breitbart political commentator who died of "heart failure" after exposing Anthony Weiner's sexting
Pete Brewton =ttfc fc cl t23AN investigative journalist who exposed the Savings and loan fraud.
Sergey Brin of Google.
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst politician & lawyer who attended the 1970 and 1974 Bilderbergs
Elco Brinkman politician
Manlio Brosio last Secretary General of NATO who was appointed before he attended the Bilderberg.
Bill Browder businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
Ken Brower expert senior fellow of the Institute for Statecraft
Madeleine Brown
Nick Bryant who wrote the second substantial book on the Franklin child prostitution ring.
Tania Bryer broadcaster in Epstein's black book.
Ian Brzezinski of Zbigniew Brzezinski, member of the Integrity Initiative's US Cluster.
Frank Bsirske Single Bilderberg Labour leader. Pushed to make Covid jabs mandatory, to be enforced with punitive fines.
Kathalijne Buitenweg politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2019.
Whitey Bulger connected US Crime boss assassinated in prison aged 89
Pierre-Henri Bunel
Erhard Busek the 1981 Bilderberg as chairman of the Vienna’s People’s Party. Later Vice-Chancellor of Austria for 4 years. Chairman of European Forum Alpbach.
George W. Bush 43rd US President, a bonesman, former oil businessman, now being pursued for war crimes.
George H. W. Bush and bones mastermind of the bush family busine$$.
Jeb Bush Bush crime family member whom the cabal are trying to get elected.
Marvin Bush
Neil Bush of George H. W. Bush, involved in the Savings and loan fraud.
Prescott Bush father of the Bush family
Jacques de Bourbon Busset diplomat and author, attended the 1957 October Bilderberg as former Deputy Head of Robert Schuman’s Private Office, where he aided in the development of the Schuman Plan. Later Vice President at CERN
Claude Bébéar insurance executive and organizer of the business lobby.
Ulf Böge who headed the German anti-trust office for 8 years
Andreas von Bülow German government minister who attended the 1978 Bilderberg. A prominent 9-11 dissident
Richard Caborn
Michel Camdessus MD
Kim Campbell Canadian prime minister
Capricorn One =fn al tt 1
Jack Caravelli US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
Karl Carstens politician who attended the 1971 Bilderberg and caught a Bilderberg wind; became a member of the Bundestag in 1972. German President 1979-1984
Jimmy Carter US President posed problems for the US Deep state but was unsuccessful in his efforts to rein it in
Henri de Castries"French President of Bilderberg"
Fidel Castro an estimated 600 assassination attempts to be the longest ever non-royal leader.
Fabio Luca Cavazza magazine editor who had close connections to the United States Information Service and similar. Played a large role in the cultural cold war
Juan Luis Cebrián media mogul with a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Thane Eugene Cesar suspected assassin of RFK, an armed security guard who got the job a week earlier.
William Chasey operative who was effectively hounded out of Washington following publication of Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover-up
Dick Cheney deep politician with close ties to the MICC. Vice President 2001-2009, under George W Bush.
Children of Men =fn al tt 1All of humanity has been infertile for 20 years in connection with a flu pandemic. The movie never explains how exactly this happened.
Noam Chomsky acclaimed critic of US foreign policy with an encyclopedic knowledge of history, Chomsky has become a gatekeeper by his refusal to contemplate false flag attacks. By 2021 turned proponent of starving dissidents to death in concentration camps.
Michel Chossudovsky author, academic and editor of the Global Research website.
Bill Clinton deep politician, husband of Hillary Clinton, “every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother”
Hillary Clinton“Too big to jail”
Patrick Cockburn
Jared Cohen of Jigsaw, CFR, Bilderberg, who "grew up watching [GHWB]'s example & I was honored to get to know him in his later years."
Michael Cohen fraudulent US lawyer "who came out of nowhere to occupy a prominent spot in Trump’s orbit," found dead in 2021.
William Colby boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances
Control Factor film about psychotronic mind control.
Darren Conway
Calvin Coolidge
Jean-François Copé politician
Ramon Cortines superintendant of school systems
Andrew Coyne Canadian journalist who, having previously supported Canadian participation in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, dismissed any significance to the phrase the Great Reset after the public became aware of it, and supports vaccine passports.
Walter Cronkite
Monica Crowley News journalist who became Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Treasury under Donald Trump.
Brian Cubbon
Dave Cullen Youtuber and political dissident.
Mario Cuomo York Democratic party politician
Riam Dalati
Alfons Dalma journalist in the WW2 fascist Ustaša goverment. After the war, he changed his name and resettled in Austria, and with astonishing ease became a prominent journalist and editor. Cold warrior, possibly spook.
Stephen Dalziel for the Institute for Statecraft and "Research and Staff Coordinator" of the Integrity Initiative with "Forty years of dealing with Russia"... “Definitely not secret service, I promise you.” Russo-British Chamber of Commerce director
Jill Dando high profile BBC TV presenter shot dead in front of her house.
Peter Daszak "completely discredited, conflict-plagued", "longtime partner" of Zhengli Shi, moved US money to the WIV to weaponise bat coronaviruses but didn't mention this in the influential joint statement he secretly got published in The Lancet to promote the "lone bat" theory. Later "investigated" COVID-19's origins.
Elias Davidsson that the US deep state organized the events of September 11th, 2001.
Étienne Davignon deep politician, EU commissioner, Bilderberg chairman, Egmont Institute president
Ian Hay Davison Bilderberg UK banker. Managed the rapid growth of the accounting company Arthur Andersen in the UK.
John Dean key witness for the prosecution during the Watergate Coup
Richard Dearlove of MI6 from 1999 to 2004. Publicly announced in 2020 that he believed Covid-19 came from a laboratory.
Gaston Defferre the 1964 Bilderberg as Mayor of Marseille
Jean-Luc Dehaene the 2004 Bilderberg as former Prime Minister of Belgium
Ron Dermer Netanyahu's closest adviser and strategic consultant
Mattias Desmet
Thomas Dewey of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
Philip K. Dick science fiction writer concerned with the nature of reality, perception, human nature, and identity.
John Diefenbaker Canadian PM who fought the Canadian Deep state. Toppled in regime change operation by the Kennedy administration in 1962/63.
Robbert Dijkgraaf time Bilderberger. String theorist
Hrant Dink
Cory Doctorow in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization
Christopher Dodd Dodd.jpgUS lobbyist, lawyer and politician. MPAA CEO
Richard Dolan known UFO researcher.
Daniel Domscheit-Berg spokesperson for WikiLeaks, who attended the 2011 WEF AGM
Ken Dornstein
Jennifer Doudna the 2020 Nobel prize for Chemistry with Emmanuelle Charpentier
Tom Drake employee who blew the whistle on their illegal surveillance.
Jacques Duhamel
Allen Dulles served the longest ever term as [[Director of Central Intelligence]] and dominated [[American intelligence]] for a generation. He personified a cadre of [[Ivy League]] pragmatic elitists in high echelons of the government who greatly admired Germany’s scientific achievements.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> Dulles was fired by [[JFK]] after the [[Bay of Pigs]] and bore a grudge against him thereafter.
Bill Durodié regularly appeared on BBC as a "terrorism expert".
Jay Dyer of 'Esoteric Hollywood'
Aaron Dykes Infowars to pursue his own project, Truthstream Media, with his wife Melissa Dykes.
Melissa Dykes Truthstream Media with her husband Aaron Dykes.
Lawrence Eagleburger, terror expert and US deep state operative
Felix von Eckardt aide to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer
Dwight Eisenhower five-star general, supreme commander of NATO, Eisenhower was the US President who notably warned that "we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence... by the military–industrial complex."
Ralph Enckell diplomat. President Uhro Kekkonen's chief adviser on international politics.
Enemy of the State (film) =fn al tt 1
Eyes Wide Shut =fn al tt 1Depicts a hidden world where the richest and most powerful people partake in occult sacrificial sexual rituals.
James Fallows journalist, ACG Young Leaders 1977, CFR, First Bilderberg in 2018 aged 69
Lucie Faure of Edgar Faure, President of the National Assembly and former French PM. 1974 Bilderberg.
Werner Faymann chancellor for 7.5 years
Mary Ferrell researcher who created a large database on the John F. Kennedy assassination
David Ferrie figure who suddenly died within a few hours of his friend, Eladio del Valle.
Federico Trillo Figueroa diplomat and politician, Opus Dei.
Jonathan Finer deep state actor, Bilderberger, 7th Floor Group, CFR, friend of UK and US deep state functionaries
Joschka Fischer Bilderberg politician who was the main driver in transforming the Green Party from pacifism to hyper-militarism.
Catherine Austin Fitts dissident thinker with insights into the SDS and its policies
Thomas Fleiner Professor of Law "contributing to countless Swiss laws". Attended the 1972 Bilderberg
Loïk le Floch-Prigent dodgy Bilderberg businessman
Gerald Ford Deep State functionary who was made US President by The Cabal after they removed Richard Nixon with the Watergate Coup
Harold Ford state connected US congressman who joined FOX news in 2021 and discussed mandated COVID jabs
Vicente Fox
Allan Francovich was a talented and courageous filmmaker who produced unparalleled exposés of various misdeeds by the powerful. Termed a 'charlatan' by some, a "conspiracy theorist" by others (though not by Wikipedia).
Barbara Frum Canadian Broadcasting Corporation journalist. Attended Bilderberg/1986.
J. William Fulbright longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Frank Gaffney as "one of America’s most notorious Islamophobes"
Richard Gage architect and 9-11 dissident who set up Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth to spread awareness that the 9-11 official narrative is a fraud.
Hugh Gaitskell UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital.
John K. Galbraith
Jeff Gannon
Monique Garnier-Lançon state operative whose papers lead to a major exposure of Le Cercle. French convenor of Le Cercle in the first half of the 1980s.
Jim Garrison =ttfc fc cl t7
Bill Gates computer businessman, was "very close" to Epstein, Pushing a mass vaccination agenda in 2021. Called a Napoleon and drug trafficker repeatedly caught by the court of Washington D.C in the early 2000s.
Melinda Gates wife of Bill Gates. Billionaire, deep state functionary promoting vaccines and internet censorship.
Shlomo Gazit of Israeli military intelligence Aman 1974-1978
Timothy Geithner central banker
Brian Gerrish
Tarique Ghaffur"Britain's most senior Asian police officer by some way and a Muslim to boot." In 2008 settled a race discrimination claim against Scotland Yard, accepting a £280,000 out of court settlement.
Sam Giancana of Chicago mafia
Judi Gibbs
Eival Gilady triple Bilderberger Israeli soldier turned businessman
Keir Giles UK deep state operative, member of Integrity Initiative.
Terry Gilliam
Kirsten Gillibrand Hillary Clinton's seat as Senator from New York.
Françoise Giroud politician of the non-Gaullist right.
Rudy Giuliani mayor of New York on 9-11, who has made contradictory and unexplained statements about 9-11.
Giuseppe Glisenti TLC member who went to the 1971 Bilderberg, involved in European integration
Marcella Glisenti catholic intellectual and third world solidarity activist. Wife of one of the founders of the deep state Christian Democrat party. Visitor to the 1977 Bilderberg
Peter Glotz politician
Felipe Gonzalez the 1989 Bilderberg in Spain as Prime Minister of Spain
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!
Melvin Goodman
Richard Goodwin and speechwriter to Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, and to Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Helped plan 1964 Brazil coup.
Al Gore American politician and Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmist who was made 45th Vice President of the United States from 1993 to 2001 under President Bill Clinton.
Tony Gosling
Porter Goss
Robbie Graham with an interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Frank de Grave Mayor of Amsterdam in 1994. 1999 Bilderberg. Tried exposing a big Dutch bank to the De Nederlandsche Bank, was ignored initially. Became a member of the Council of State in 2018.
Jeremy Greenstock diplomat who held a number of influential posts such as UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Chairman of the UNSC's Counter-Terrorism Committee, Brussels Forum
Geordie Greig editor of the Daily Mail. "Britain's most connected man".
Ronald Grierson financier/businessman
G. Edward Griffin banking cartels and "The Rothschild formula"
Eldon Griffiths Conservative politician and journalist. Attended Le Cercle.
Ulrich Grillo businessman who attended the 2013 and 2016 Bilderbergs
Fulvio Grimaldi =fn al nm 1Italian journalist, television host and blogger.
Bo Gritz =tt ov st
Robert J. Groden
Alfred Grosser writer known for his contributions towards the Franco-German cooperation. Attended Bilderberg/1980. Later known for criticizing Israel and the cynical use of antisemitism accusations.
Richard Grove for a meeting, Richard Grove was not in the World Trade Center when it was attacked.
Karel De Gucht politician and 3 time Bilderberger
Bernard Guetta journalist and editor, and MEP. Supported the official narrative from a "leftist" angle during the Cold War, the Arab Spring, the deep state drive for European supranational integration; and the New Cold War. French-American Foundation/Young Leader. Bilderberg/1998.
Ted Gunderson policeman supposedly turned dissident who gave confusing revelations
Alfred Gusenbauer de Madrid, quad Bilderberger Austrian politician
Corey Haim actor who died of an "accidental drug overdose" after making accusations relating to Hollywood/VIPaedophile.
Greg Hajdarowicz drug company founder and owner of newspaper Rzeczpospolita, since 2021 in collaboration with George Soros. Attended Bilderberg 2018.
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger on Gender and Diversity in management
Warren Harding under suspicious circumstances, as did a number of people around him.
Robert Hare
Benjamin Harrison
Niels Harrit chemist whose research provides evidence that the trade center towers were demolished by nano-thermite.
Joseph Harsch correspondent for each of the three major broadcast US networks he "shaped as much as has any journalist the American public’s understanding of the breathtaking events of the 20th century". 1958 and 1962 Bilderbergs
Kurt Haskell lawyer who overheard a 3rd party get the underwear bomber boarded on the plane without a passport, and incident which he says "fundamentally changed his life".
Orrin Hatch
Tom Hayden New Left activist and politician. Aligned with US foreign policy from a "human rights" angle.
Chris Hedges fearless speaker of truth to power, Chris Hedges was a war correspondent for almost 20 years, when he quit and began a blistering series of books which challenge different aspects of corporate capitalism. In 2012 he filed suit contending that the NDAA's provision for indefinite detention without trial was unconstitutional. Unbowed, he remains a thorn in the side of the establishment.
Per Egil Hegge Norwegian journalist and editor
Lars Heikensten central banker and Nobel Foundation
Richard Heinberg of Peak Oil.
Olli-Pekka Heinonen politician and civil servant. Bilderberg boost in 2011, when he became Prime Minister's state secretary.
Teresa Heinz $500 million fortune after husband died in aircraft accident, later married John Kerry.
Eero Heinäluoma Finnish politician. Groomed as successor Prime Minister, but failed in elections.
Kyle Hence
Jimi Hendrix guitarist and singer who died of a drug overdose.
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert Defence Minister, connected to the 2015 Hawija bombing, lied about knowledge of any deaths and covered-up any juridical complicity with Mark Rutte & Bert Koenders.
Franz Heubl politician who attended le Cercle
John Hickenlooper politician and businessman
Frederick Hitz =m nm knf i1
Mike Hoare British Army Soldier and later an infamous Mercenary with numerous exploits to his name.
Jimmy Hoffa labor leader whose disappearance may be related to the JFK Assassination
David Hoffman
Erik Hoffmeyer academic and central bank governor for 29 years who attended the 1982 Bilderberg
Barbara Honegger
Herbert Hoover President 1929-1933
J. Edgar Hoover Deep politician whose position as long time FBI head allowed him to make extensive use of sexual blackmail.
John Hope aristocrat and Tory politician.
Daniel Hopsicker producer, director and investigative journalist whose primary focus was the illegal drug trade by the US deep state.
Karen House Corporate Media controller who attended the 1982, 1988, and 1992 Bilderbergs.
Hubert Humphrey
E. Howard Hunt CIA officer and USDSO. Heavily involved in both the Watergate Coup and the assassination of JFK.
Samuel Huntington
Kay Bailey Hutchison ambassador to NATO said US prepared to consider a military strike to destroy Russian missiles.
Hans Graf Huyn deep politician who attended Le Cercle
Per Hækkerup transatlantic Foreign Minster, with ambitions to become PM
David Ignatius of spooky "security" conferences
Claude Imbert deep state connected columnist and editor. Bilderberg/1991. After his death exposed as France/VIPaedophile.
Ferdinando Imposimato who has spoken out about 9/11 and other deep politics subjects.
Walter Isaacson and CEO of the Aspen Institute. US deep state biographer, energetic CRISPR advocate
Hastings Ismay Secretary General of NATO.
Brian Ivory businessman
JFK last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population.
Glenda Jackson actress and politician
Annie Jacobsen apologist
Natacha Jaitt model who became a whistleblower for child sex abuse by Argentina's elite class
Mort Janklow connected literary agent
Tedo Japaridze Minister of Foreign Affairs who inadvertently exposed Le Cercle by mentioning it on his online biography.
Wyclef Jean rapper, YGL/2010
Bernard Jenkin
Peter Jennings TV news anchor
Siv Jensen single Bilderberger who attended the 2006 Bilderberg as Leader of the Progress Party, a job she held until 2021
Lyndon Johnson agreed to have been heavily involved in the plot to assassinate his predecessor, JFK.
Alex Jones very vocal and popular radio show host who occasionally has predicted deep events. Although having a very loyal fan base, several researchers have called him a spook.
Alun Gwynne Jones politician, Cercle visitor, the only person who spoke more than once at the JCIT
Steven E. Jones
Lionel Jospin 1996. French PM 1997-2002
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr
Julia Jäkel publisher who attended the 2015 and 2016 Bilderbergs.
Joe Kaeser businessman Bilderberger
Isaac Kappy actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.
Phillip Karber academic
Kostas Karras actor and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee, 19 Bilderbergs
Nicholas Katzenbach States Deputy Attorney General at the time of the JFK assassination who assisted in the cover up
Muharrem Kayhan of TÜSIAD. Bilderberg 2000
Leslie Kean
Liya Kebede YGL
Hans-Peter Keitel Bilderberger President of the Federation of German Industries
Claude de Kemoularia Permanent Representative to the UN, double Bilderberg banker
Helena Kennedy barrister, broadcaster, member of the House of Lords.
Ted Kennedy politician named in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book.
John Kerry Skull and Bones DSO, in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book ...
Adnan Khashoggi arms dealer.
Jamal Khashoggi journalist
Ruhollah Khomeini
Nikita Khrushchev =ttfc fc cl t87
Walter Kielholz Swiss insurance and bank manager with extensive networks
Martin Luther King Luther King was a pastor and political activist whose moral stance in the US in the 1960s posed a serious challenge to the institutionalised corruption at the heart of the US establishment. Now feted by the US government, although the US legal process conceded in 1999 that he was assassinated by the same government.
Cristina Kirchner vice president; former first lady and former president
Henry Kissinger deep politician, 40+ Bilderbergs, Nobel peace prize, war criminal
Eckart von Klaeden Bilderberg German politician
Dave von Kleist
Thomas Klestil of Austria 4 years after attending the 1988 Bilderberg
Herman Kling diplomat. Attended Bilderberg 1963 as Minster of Justice.
Vitaly Klitschko the WEF Annual Meeting 2016 as Mayor of Kiev
Cor Van Der Klugt businessman
Fletcher Knebel of Seven Days in May (1962), about an attempted military coup in the United States.
Mati Kochavi Kochavi is a billionaire Israeli spook, since 9-11 a 'high-tech mogul'. CEO of many high tech companies specialising in cutting edge "cyber-security" and "public safety" technologies.
Bert Koenders Crisis Group, International Commission on Missing Persons, UN Secretary-General' Special Representative in Ivory Coast from 2011 to 2013, founded the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank/International Monetary Fund, President of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly and leader of its Socialist Group, member of the parliamentary hearing committee on the Srebrenica massacre, Private secretary of Hans van den Broek, tried to memory hole 2015 Hawija bombing with Mark Rutte & Jeanine Hennis.
Mark Koernke prominent US militia activist
Adam Kokesh libertarian political activist, radio host, and author.
Lucy Komisar York City-based investigative journalist and drama critic. CFR
David Koresh cult leader shot dead in the Waco siege.
Johann Olav Koss Olympic champion. When attending 2006 Bilderberg conference he led a Canadian NGO.
Ole Bjørn Kraft Danish conservative politician whom Józef Retinger consulted when setting up the Bilderberg group
Jens Krag politician who attended 3 Bilderberg conferences, 2 of them as Prime Minster of Denmark. Supporter of Danish membership of NATO in 1949, then went to "see more of the world" at the Danish embassy in the United States. Brought the country into the EEC (later European Union) in 1972.
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Minister of Defence, potential future Chancellor
Henry Kravis his wife, Marie-Josée Kravis, a billionaire multi-Bilderberger
Ed Kronenburg of the Royal house under Beatrix. Right hand of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Former Secretary-General for Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Liaison of Hans van den Broek, Former director of OECD. Former ambassador to China. One time Bilderberger.
James Howard Kunstler author, social critic, public speaker, and blogger. Covid-dissident.
Jonathan Kwitny
Marc LaLonde politician who attended the 1977 Bilderberg as Canada/Minister of National Health and Welfare
Anton LaVey figure of modern satanism.
Osama bin Laden CIA operative, heavily involved in CIA covert operations such as Operation Cyclone and Gladio plan B.
Christine Lagarde President of the European Central Bank
Fatima Lahnait for Statecraft "terror expert"
Graf Otto Lambsdorff the 1980 and 1984 Bilderbergs as West Germany/Federal Minister of Economics.
Mark Lane researcher into the JFK Assassination whose worked helped to prompt the CIA's coining of the phrase "Conspiracy theorist".
David Lange New Zealand's nuclear-free policy
Lewis Lapham journalist. Editor of Harper's Magazine. Attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Guy Lawson American journalist and true crime writer
Patrick Leahy
Legendary Sin Cities series about Paris, Berlin and Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s.
Manuela Ferreira Leite the 2006 Bilderberg conference as non-executive administrator of the Portuguese Banco Santander Totta, and the 2009 Bilderberg as President of the Social Democratic Party (which despite its name it is a liberal-conservative party).
Pierre Lellouche politician
John Lenczowski founder of the IWP
François Lenglet Bilderberg French editor
John Lennon famous musician who came out firmly against war and spoke out about the "insane" behaviour of government leaders.
Richard Levernier US nuclear power security whistleblower
Victor Lewis-Smith film producer who has spoken out against the UK establishment.
Ursula von der Leyen President of the European Commission promoting Vaccine passports
G. Gordon Liddy
Joe Lieberman whom Sibel Edmonds named in 2006 as one of her "Dirty Dozen".
David Lifton
Rush Limbaugh shaper of the 80s and 90s.
Staffan Burenstam Linder Sphere Swedish economist and key figure in the Moderate Party. Bilderberg/1988.
Paavo Lipponen, Prime Minister of Finland
John Lipsky Bilderberger. Briefly acted as Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund
Jens Litten leader who sided with the deep state and chose a career over radicalism. Possibly the second youngest Bilderberger ever.
Joe Lockhart
Russell Long Majority Whip who was sexually blackmailed to prevent exposure of the real killers of JFK.
Marita Lorenz
Lucky Luciano
Annie Lööf politician who attended the 2017 Bilderberg meeting and was a member of the Trilateral Commission. From a minor party, but asked to form a government in 2018, which did not succeed.
MLK Luther King was a pastor and political activist whose moral stance in the US in the 1960s posed a serious challenge to the US deep state. Now feted by the US government, although the US legal process conceded in 1999 that he was assassinated by the same government.
MLK/Assassination a US-government assisted assassination!
David MacMichael whistleblower who went public with information that the Reagan Administration was planning a coup d’état against the Nicaraguan government.
Graeme MacQueen academic and 9-11 dissident who participated in the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
Annie Machon quit together with fellow MI5 whistleblower David Shayler in 1996/7 to expose details of various illegal actions by the organisation. She is currently a political activist working to help other whistleblowers.
Wayne Madsen online investigative journalist, author and columnist specializing in intelligence and international affairs.
Ernst Majonica politician, part of the US-led effort to get rid of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.
Henry Makow"Conspiracy theorist" and the inventor of the boardgame Scruples.
Stephanos Manos politician who went to the 1986, 1993 and 2001 Bilderbergs
Margarida Marante journalist who went to the 1996 Bilderberg
Ferdinand Marcos
Jim Marrs for 9/11 Truth who taught a class on the JFK assassination at the University of Texas at Arlington for 30 years.
Stephen Marshall
James Mattis“Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.”
Ueli Maurer politician joining the Bilderberg circuit
Chrissie Mayr comedian and Covid-19 dissenter
Mariana Mazzucato who attended the 2018 Bilderberg meeting. A shill for Big Pharma, she also advocates climate lockdowns.
Joseph McBride first to discover documentary evidence that George H. W. Bush was an undercover CIA operative.
Sarah McClendon
John J. McCloy deep politician, Warren Commission, CFR Chair for 17 years, President of the World Bank ...
George McGovern
Ray McGovern McGovern is a former CIA veteran who chaired National Intelligence Estimates and personally delivered intelligence briefings to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, their Vice Presidents, Secretaries of State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff etc.
William McKinley President assassinated in 1901
Cynthia McKinney politician who did question the official narrative of 9/11 early on.
Gary McKinnon
John McMurtry =ttfc fc cl t6John McMurtry is a professor of philosophy at Guelph university and a Fellow of the Canadian Royal Society
Robert McNamara Deep state actor, War criminal, Defense secretary, World Bank president, Brookings, CFR...
Walter Russell Mead academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Inês de Medeiros actress/politician
Ad Melkert Bilderberg Dutch politician
Thierry Meyssan Meyssan is a French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference.
Ramón de Miguel at the 2002 Bilderberg.
Jim Miklaszewski who in June 2001 attended Operation Dark Winter. The first to report the Pentagon had been attacked on 9-11.
Mark Crispin Miller professor of journalism and prominent critic of commercially-controlled media
Slobodan Milošević President of Serbia who died in custody, preempting his trial
Missing (film) =fn al tt 1Costa-Gavras movie based on the disappearance of American journalist Charles Horman, in the aftermath of the United States-backed Chilean coup of 1973.
Andrea Mitchell journalist who attended the 2002 Bilderberg. Wife of Alan Greenspan.
Paul Moder
Mahathir Mohamad of Malysia. Member of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission. Implicated Boeing and CIA in Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappearance. Disagreed on the official narrative into MH 17.
Dan Moldea of books about the rise and fall of Jimmy Hoffa, the Mafia's penetration of Hollywood, its links to Ronald Reagan, and its influence on professional football, as well as works about the Robert F. Kennedy assassination.
Fritz Molden journalist, publisher, diplomat who attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Guy Mollet of a dozen men whom Józef Retinger consulted when setting up the Bilderberg group
Serge Monast
Walter Mondale Vice President 1977-81 under GHWB
José Eduardo Moniz journalist who attended the 1987 Bilderberg
Marilyn Monroe US entertainer who reportedly died of an accidental drug overdose aged 36.
Mike Monroney politician who attended two early Bilderbergs
Thierry de Montbrial deep politician with his own intelligence agency. Former serial Bilderberger
Eric Moonman
Michael Moore documentary film-maker and author, called talking about the 9-11 NORAD stand-down "'un-American".
George Moscone of San Francisco. Assassinated
Siegmar Mosdorf politician from the Social Democrats close to German industry. Attended Bilderberg/2001. Later PR consultant
Ivo Mosley critic
Oswald Mosley to fame in the 1930s as the British Union of Fascists (BUF).
Vasco Graça Moura lawyer, writer, translator and politician
Bill Moyers House Press Secretary in the 1960s. Former CFR. In 1987 published The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis, an early expose of the US deep state
Brian Mulroney Canadian Prime Minister
Henri Nallet politician who was at the 2001 Bilderberg
Andrei Nekrasov of the documentary film "The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes".
Benjamin Netanyahu deep politician who has been Prime Minister of Israel
Peter Neumann "terror expert", ACG YGL/2012
Hartmut Neven computing researcher who attended the 2018 Bilderberg
Pauline Neville-Jones governor, Chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee
Curt Nicolin businessman. A part of the Wallenberg Sphere, he was chairman of ASEA and the Swedish Employers Association, and attended the 1984 Bilderberg meeting.
Kaius Niemi editor who attended the 2022 Bilderberg
Richard Nixon relatively independent US president who may have been removed from power because he was planning to expose the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.
Scott Noble maker of top notch films.
Alberto Nogueira diplomat during the Estado Novo, in favor of keeping the colonies in Africa, who attended several Bilderberg meetings.
Michel Noir the 1991 Bilderberg as Mayor of Lyon, a job he kept until 1995 when it passed to another Bilderberger
Grover Norquist
Oliver North the can for the Iran-Contra affair.
Not Without My Daughter =fn al tt 1Propaganda movie made at a low point in US-Iranian relations
Ray Nowosielski
Ewald Nowotny politician and central banker
Gus O'Donnell
James O'Keefe up Project Veritas in 2006, from which he was ousted in 2023, right after exposing Pfizer.
Barack Obama puppet of the deep state, groomed for a top job. Has overseen a rollout of police state tactics such as torture, mass surveillance and assassination.
Peter Oborne Telegraph journalist who went independent
Christine Ockrent journalist and editor, wife of fellow deep state operative Bernard Kouchner
Arend Oetker businessman, Chairman of Atlantik-Brücke for 5 years, named one of the: "50 most powerful people in the German economy"
Keith Officer of the founders of the Australian Foreign Service. Single Bilderberg.
Jean-Yves Ollivier
Willem Oltmans journalist to whom George de Mohnrenschildt entrusted some of his inside knowledge on the JFK Assassination before being himself assassinated.
Operation Gladio (film) groundbreaking documentary which did more than any other to publicise the existence of Operation Gladio - NATO-sponsored False flag terrorism in Western Europe.
Ed Opperman from Las Vegas.
Len Osanic of Black Op Radio, a comprehensive radio show focused on the JFK assassination.
Lee Harvey Oswald patsy accused of the assassination of JFK and assassinated himself 2 days later by another "lone nut" gunman
Loyola de Palacio politician who attended the 2004 Bilderberg
Greg Palast BBC reporter and journalist who, while good on certain subjects, has been termed as a gatekeeper for a vociferous defense of the official narrative about 9/11.
Chamath Palihapitiya capitalist with a working class background.
Michael Palliser UK diplomat
Schelto Patijn politician who attended the 1972 Bilderberg
Bruno Patino media manager who attended his first |Bilderberg meeting in 2018.
Morehead Patterson of American Machine and Foundry, which he made one of the pillars of the US military-industrial complex, hiring former CIA director Walter Bedell Smith as vice-chairman. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg
Norman Pearlstine, quad Bilderberger editor
Aurelio Peccei businessman who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1960s, founder of the Club of Rome
Alexander Pechtold politician during Afghan war. Protected Jan Peter Balkenende. Implicated in corruption. Single Bilderberg. Often ran his mouth with politically incorrect one-liners before Wilders took that role.
Jiří Pehe presidential advisor who attended the 2001 Bilderberg. Formerly worked for Freedom House and Radio Free Europe.
Claiborne Pell the 1992 Bilderberg as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Arno Penzias physicist, radio astronomer and Nobel laureate in physics.
Richard Perle"widely considered a core representative of the neoconservative political faction"
Manfred Petritsch state researcher with huge German-language output.
Wolfgang Petritsch Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Close to Bruno Kreisky.
Friedbert Pflüger politician
Thomas Pickering diplomat and suspected deep politician, because of being so highly connected
Steve Pieczenik qualified US government insider turned whistleblower/regime critic.
François-Henri Pinault Bilderberger businessman
Antoine Pinay French deep politician, chairman and eponymous head of the Pinay Cercle
Søren Pind the 2016 Bilderberg as Danish Minister of Justice
João de Deus Pinheiro politician who attended Bilderberg/1990 as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Later European Commissioner.
Augusto Pinochet
Planet Lockdown
Derek Plumbly of the key figures in the propaganda operation entitled Operation Mass Appeal, which ran from the late 1990s to facilitate to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Jesus de Polanco billionaire media mogul.
Ruprecht Polenz politician. Proponent of Turkish membership in the EU.
Clive Ponting UK civil servant who blew the whistle on the Belgrano affair
Paulo Portas Defence & Foreign minister. Like his predecessor in both roles, Luís Amado, a single Bilderberger
Hugo Portisch Austrian editor-in-chief and journalist who attended 4 Bilderberg meetings. His documentaries "helped to shape Austria's collective historical awareness".
Gerald Posner supporter of US deep state official narratives
John Potash
Colin Powell officer and politician heavily involved in the deep state Iran-contra affair. He is particularly remembered for his dramatic lies in the UN Security Council before the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, claiming Iraq was in possession of weapons of mass destruction.
Dennis Prager conservative radio talk show host, founder of PragerU.
Thomas Prinzhorn billionaire, businessman and politician
Fletcher Prouty =ttfc fc cl t70A US military establishment insider who fingered Edward Lansdale as the orchestrator of the JFK assassination.
Jordi Pujol (Spanish) politician
Herbert Pundik editor/Israeli spy who attended the 1986 Bilderberg
Vladimir Putin of Russia, Russian deep politician.
Pierre Péan pioneering investigative journalist, whose work shed light on a variety of deep events
François Pérol banker with Rothschild & Co and "great architect of the economic program of President Nicolas Sarkozy" who attended Bilderberg 2008.
RFK of murdered US president John F. Kennedy, Robert had been his Attorney General and wanted to become US President himself so he could uncover his brothers killers. Assassinated.
Giles Radice template for Tony Blair arguing for "modernization" of the Labour Party. A leading member of the European Movement in the UK.
Claus Raidl Chairman of the General Council of the the Austrian National Bank 2008-2018. Vice President of the European Forum Alpbach since 2012.
Jean-Bernard Raimond Minister of Foreign Affairs 1986-1988
Steven Rattner decades at Lehman Brothers, Lazard Freres, Morgan Stanley, US Treasury Department, 5 Bilderbergs, Brookings...
David Ray Griffin =tt cl t8An energetic 9-11 dissident who wrote several books on the September 11 attacks.
Ronald Reagan turned deep state functionary. Lots of black operations happened during his presidency.
Goronwy Rees spook. Close friend and confidant of Guy Burgess.
Rudy Reichstadt of the French website Conspiracy Watch. He is a 'first tier' member in the French cell of the Integrity Initiative.
Jeff Rense
Jean-François Revel
Didier Reynders FM/European Commissioner for Justice accused of corruption
Franck Riboud generation Bilderberger businessman
Jean Riboud businessman
Hugo Rifkind journalist who wrote in November 2020 that Vaccine passports are only for fantasy land
Peter Righton
Rui Rio politician
Michael Rivero
Alfred Robens Labour politician with aspirations to become Prime Minister. Attended the 1956 Bilderberg
Nelson Rockefeller
Lew Rockwell
Herman van Roijen
Franklin D. Roosevelt recalled for his 'new deal'
Theodore Roosevelt
Charlie Rose journalist whose break came after he was hired by fellow multi-Bilderberger, Bill Moyers
Johnny Roselli for the Chicago Outfit. Died just before the HSCA.
Rudiger von Rosen businessman banker
Rick Ross