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|image_caption=The [[Internet of Bodies]] (IoB) will be increasingly implemented
|image_caption=As [[Exposure of the SDS]] continues, the agenda quickens towards ever tighter control...
|description=An exciting year. Corporate media focused on [[mRNA]] concerns, rather than looking at the bigger picture of a continued global push towards [[techno-fascism]], just like in Ukraine, this year, focus was soon moved to another war, this time in [[Israel]].
'''2023''' was a year returning to the normal of the pre-Covid times: often complex [[deep events]] were forgotten in favour of new [[wars]]. The [[WHO]] ended the global emergency status of [[Covid]] (but not the pandemic status), more [[African]] nations shifted allegiance to [[China]]<ref>https://www.voanews.com/a/analysis-china-s-military-influence-in-africa-grows-as-russia-s-diminishes/7212127.html</ref> and [[Russia]]<ref>https://www.dw.com/en/russias-new-attempts-to-strengthen-ties-with-africa/a-66344620</ref> and suffered [[coups]] and [[colour revolutions]] because of it, and a complex [[banking]] crisis had 3 major [[banks]] going bankrupt.
After the spring, the year was marked by an enormous increase in [[AI]]-usage, which was mass rolled out for use by the public after [[Google]] and [[Microsoft]] bought out and funded several early leading developers. Many clients of [[Jeffrey Epstein]] continued to block, halt and sabotage investigations even half the decade after his death. Starting October, [[Israel]] and [[Palestine]] entered another chapter in their purposely endless war, which dominated worldwide media coverage.
==Yearly US Presidential raid==
Showing how far the US has deteriorated, on the 60 year anniversary of [[JFK Assassination]], which (as [[Mark Gorton]] puts it) "quickened" [[The Cabal]] into the [[US Deep state]] of today,<ref>[[Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State]]</ref>
Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned U.S. Attorney John R. Lausch Jr. to conduct an initial investigation into president [[Joe Biden]] - similar to [[Donald Trump]] following the discovery of 35 classified documents which he took from his offices.<ref>https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-classified-documents-think-tanks-14fd693c967e4422b0f6328e03cea189</ref><ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20230113030157/https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/garland-attorney-general-statement-01-12-23/h_d0728a48029a6407e468b05806963497</ref>
==Health Cover-ups==
=== COVID-19 ===
|caption=Project Veritas: Alleged Pfizer Scientist Describing Mutating Viruses
Early 2023, similarly to early 2022, began with a number of revelations damaging to the overarching [[COVID-19]] story. A series of voices critical specifically of the [[mRNA]] [[COVID jabs]], like [[Michael Yeadon]] continued voicing warning against mRNA [[vaccines]]. {{CCM}} have still for the most part sidelined the bigger picture, and have shown little interest in the [[origins of COVID-19]].
On the first weekday of January, most countries removed the travel ban for their citizens to [[China]] because of their [[Zero Covid]] policy, with China removing their ban for foreigners to enter the country one week later.<ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-64201776</ref><ref>https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/25/business/china-travel-covid-test.html</ref>
====Project Veritas sting====
{{FA|Project Veritas}}
[[Project Veritas]] released a video of a secretly recorded interview with [[Jordon Trishton Walker]], [[Pfizer]]'s director of research and development and [[mRNA]] scientific planning. Walker is seen admitting Pfizer executives have discussed "mutating" [[COVID]] viruses in order to develop tailored vaccines to treat them. Walker refused to call it [[Gain-of-function]]-research and hinting he and others in Pfizer suspect the same research method - mutating dangerous viruses - was responsible for a lab leak and therefore the [[Covid-19 pandemic]]. Walker deleted his social media accounts soon after the release of the "interview".<ref>https://mynbc15.com/news/nation-world/undercover-video-allegedly-shows-pfizer-exec-suspects-covid-resulted-from-virus-mutations-in-wuhan-coronavirus-jordon-trishton-walker-project-veritas</ref>
====CIA Admission and Cover Up====
Although ex-aides of the Biden administration such as [[Raj Panjabi]] voiced serious concerns calling the lab theory "plausible", US Congress and the CIA released a statement still denying any link.<ref>https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12828911/biden-covid-advisor-lab-leak-Dr-panjabi.html</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/covid19-united-states-intelligence-china-23dcbde0be5638556739b564ece97027</ref>
This was deemed more suspicious after the [[US]] Representative [[Brad Wenstrup]] claimed to possess a written testimony under oath that the virus was artificially created in a lab and released under unclear and nefarious circumstances.<ref>https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/bidens-ex-aide-agrees-wuhan-lab-leak-as-cause-behind-covid-19-pandemic-101702185025571.html</ref><ref>https://pressgazette.co.uk/publishers/wuhan-lab-leak-journalists-media/</ref><ref>https://www.science.org/content/article/cia-bribed-its-own-covid-19-origin-team-reject-lab-leak-theory-anonymous-whistleblower</ref>
|text=A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab.
Now, Representative [[Brad Wenstrup]] (R–OH), who chairs the [[House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic]], says his panel and the [[House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence]] have heard testimony from a [[whistleblower]] “who presents as a highly credible senior-level [[CIA]] officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member [[CIA]] team investigating the origin of [[COVID-19]] supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The [[whistleblower]] alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative [[Mike Turner]] (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.
|subjects=Human experimentation, CIA, Covid-19/Origins
|authors=Jon Cohen
|date=September 2023
===Covid-19 Re-activating diseases===
Several reports have been published pointing at the reactivation of [[viruses]] and [[diseases]] such as [[STDs]] and the Varicella-zostervirus in people taking a [[Covid-19 vaccine]].<ref>https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10413536/</ref>
===US Freight Train Crashes===
|caption=Freight Trains - [[HBO]]
{{FA|2023 Ohio train derailment}}
A [[Norfolk Southern]] rail car carrying plastic pellets was heated by a hot axle, an alarm failed to trigger and the long freight car crashed in East Palestine, [[Ohio]]. Dozens of unexplained actions were undertaken, resulting in a controlled "release" of dangerous clouds of [[chemicals]]. Days after the train carrying an array of toxic chemicals — some of which the [[EPA]] linked to [[cancer]], organ damage and irritation to the skin, nose and eyes — caught fire and derailed in this town of about 4,700 Ohio Gov. [[Mike DeWine]] - member of a suspected [[deep state]] actor list of [[FBI]]-whistleblower [[Sibel Edmonds]] - proclaimed the town safe.
A half year after the crash, independent researchers said the results of their research detecting levels of toxicity in the soil contradicted the government [[official narrative]] that the area is safe, and residents reported they were sick, but found the government refused any support or investigation into the cries of respondents, [[farmers]] or children in the area.<ref>https://www.ehn.org/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment-pollution-2662867187.html</ref>
===Banking crisis===
|caption= Why Wealthy Americans Love UBS, The Secretive Swiss Banking Giant - [[CNBC]]
[[Lebanon]] was deemed even more bankrupt following [[2020 Beirut blast]] as the [[Central bank of Lebanon]] devalued their own [[Lebanese]] Pound by 90%.<ref>https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2023/3/14/lebanons-currency-value-plunges-to-100000-against-the-dollar</ref>
[[Silicon Valley Bank]] recorded an increase of its deposit holdings during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the tech sector experienced a period of growth.
In [[2021]], it purchased long-term Treasury bonds to capitalize on the increased deposits. However, the current market value of these bonds decreased as the US [[Federal Reserve]] raised interest rates to curb US [[inflation]] surge that started after the [[Covid-19 lockdown]] and was further stimulated by the [[oil]] price hiking caused by Russian [[sanctions]] and sanctions against Russia.<ref>https://www.wsj.com/articles/silvergates-story-is-about-fundamentals-not-just-crypto-30f08fc6</ref>
Signature Bank fell after a steep fall of [[crypto]] money in the accounts.<ref>https://www.wsj.com/articles/signature-bank-is-shut-by-regulators-after-svb-failure-a5f9e0f7</ref>
The [[EU]] entered a "preparation phase" to lay foundations for a potential digital [[euro]] and [[CBDC]], with work to include finalizing the rules and selecting banks and hosts to develop platforms and infrastructures in November.<ref>https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/pr/date/2023/html/ecb.pr231018~111a014ae7.en.html</ref>
Several countries stopped using the dollar, in what was termed a trend in Africa and South America to appease China and move away from US [[parapolitics]].<ref>https://www.ft.com/content/669260a5-82a5-4e7a-9bbf-4f41c54a6143</ref>
[[Brazil]] and China signed an agreement to trade in their own currencies, ceasing the usage of the [[United States dollar]] as an intermediary. [[BRICS]] expanded with [[Egypt]], Argentina and 4 other countries joining them.<ref>https://www.rferl.org/a/brics-common-currency-challenge-russia-brazil/32571316.html</ref>
===Green policies vs consolidation of Big Oil===
Germany closed its last [[nuclear]] [[power plant]], a culmination of a wish following the [[Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster]].<ref>https://www.base.bund.de/EN/ns/nuclear-phase-out/nuclear-phase-out_node.html</ref> A strange form of [[deep lobbying]] as Germany had very little to do with the plant, no severe accidents have happened, and Germany was vital in not banning gas-fuelled cars in the [[EU]].<ref>https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/24/cars/eu-combustion-engine-debate-climate-intl/index.html</ref>
== Technology ==
{{FA|Artificial intelligence}}
[[image:RAND1.png|200px|thumbnail|The [[Internet of Bodies]] (IoB) will be increasingly implemented]]
2023 was noted by an enormous mass adaption of [[AI]]<ref>https://www.corbettreport.com/the-real-dangers-of-the-chatbot-takeover/</ref> including [[Machine learning]], [[mass surveillance]], and [[social engineering]]. Self driving cars made an introduction in [[US]] states such as [[California]], but many were recalled due to deathly incidents.<ref>https://theconversation.com/teslas-recall-of-2-million-vehicles-reminds-us-how-far-driverless-car-ai-still-has-to-go-219832</ref> AI models, leveraging advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, have become capable of creating realistic and coherent [[text]], [[images]], and [[music]]. An AI arms race between private companies was soon overshadowed by Microsoft-backed [[OpenAI]] and [[Google]]-owner [[Alphabet]], a trend [[Time]] magazine named "worrying".<ref>`https://web.archive.org/web/20230219175338/https://time.com/6255952/ai-impact-chatgpt-microsoft-google/</ref>
|caption=Hear a very unknown podcast from the [[WEF]] itself with an animation where the [[WEF]] explains and explores the current limitations of artificial intelligence and the possibility of creating human-compatible technology, and discover what will happen if AI is allowed to go on as unregulated as [[social media]]. - [[TED]]/[[WEF]]
Facebook was the target of a lawsuit in [[New Mexico]] for being a breeding ground for child predators, according the lawsuit. The attorney general claimed his team made fake accounts of teens who were immediately found by predators and asked to perform and send pictures and images of them engaging in sexual acts, with footage of these acts being "10 times prevalent" on [[Facebook]] than porn sites.<ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/business-67640177?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA</ref>
The AG of New Mexico explained in the lawsuit his offices also found that Facebook; "especially promoted child porn" to teens, even when the [[algorithm]] had no history of this Facebook user searching for this images; coupled adult child predators together and suggested closed off groups to new users, and found that [[Meta]] recommended kids joined un-moderated groups devoted to facilitating underage prostitution. The office of the AG went even further, and was ''not'' sanctioned on Meta's platforms after starting an account where a fictitious mother offered her 13 year old daughter to child rapists.
=== Twitter ===
|caption=The stories that have come out of the Twitter Files have touched on much more than institutional bias - revealing that, for years, Twitter has been pressured by some very powerful institutions to suppress, moderate and in some cases amplify its content. But given that Elon Musk was also selective with what he chose to hand over to reporters – what are we not seeing in the Twitter Files?
{{FA|Twitter Files}}
The "[[Twitter Files]]" was the widely publicised set of screen shots and associated reporting around the change of ownership of [[Twitter]].
The '''Twitter Files''' emerged in December 2022 exposing collusion and conspiracy to censor on Twitter. 5 journalists and new [[CEO]] [[Elon Musk]] exposed Individuals - including but not limited to - the [[Democratic Party]] members of the [[United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence]], some Republicans in the [[Trump]] administration, and the federal government that actively influenced how Twitter ran the [[internet]] site by requesting and implementing forms of [[censorship]], [[astroturfing]] and the use of [[AI]] alongside [[social engineering]] to [[control the narrative]] on the site (which Musk continued for the more personally dangerous accounts to him, such as one tracking his plane whereabouts), while the site was rebranded "[[X]]" along the way in [[2023]].<ref>https://www.livemint.com/opinion/online-views/the-us-deep-state-s-sway-on-public-debate-is-disturbing-11673284854423.html</ref>
===EU Climate policies===
The EU banned the making and distribution of [[Diesel]]-powered vehicles by [[2035]] or petrol-powered cars not using bio-fuels.<ref>https://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/market-insights/latest-news/metals/032923-eu-approves-law-banning-sales-of-new-petrol-diesel-cars-from-2035</ref>
===Human experimentation?===
Several new discoveries into [[biochemical]] and human DNA editing - accelerated since and with COVID-19 funding - stimulated new eerie discoveries.<ref>https://www.labiotech.eu/trends-news/new-technique-safer-gene-editing/</ref><ref>https://www.news-medical.net/news/20231101/New-gene-editing-method-creates-first-mice-with-human-like-COVID-19.aspx</ref>
Scientists report the creation of the first synthetic human embryo from stem cells, without the need for sperm or egg cells in July.<ref>https://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2023/07/18/synthetic-embryo</ref>
Israeli scientists injected artificial modules into mice, ''curing the [[Alzheimer Disease]] in the mice they injected in the mice themselves''.<ref>https://translationalneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40035-022-00329-7</ref>
Universities of Bristol and Exeter discovered a DNA modification method of a gene is shown to reduce anxiety levels, offering an exciting novel drug target for anxiety disorders, according to [[Nature]] magazine.<ref>https://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2023/april/gene-brainstudy.html</ref>
New therapeutics using [[DNA]] editing via a method called [[CRISPR]] (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) were introduced as deemed legal in the [[UK]], follwiing [[MIT]] and [[Harvard]] studies, even though a pioneering scientist was jailed for testing the technique on kids in [[2018]].<ref>https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-03590-6</reF>
Ethical considerations and cost issues remain, but gene editing was called a possible cure to many common problems such as blindness and highly-deadly diseases as the first individuals in the U.S appeared to be cured from previously permanent diseases<ref>https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/16/1163104822/crispr-gene-editing-sickle-cell-success-cost-ethics</ref>, and was soon eerily named an option to clone food<ref>https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-future-of-food/</ref>, start a new form of [[eugenics]] and make new [[vaccines]]. Sperm, eggs and embryos were reported be passed to future generations of DNA-edited children in [[China]], raising the stakes for any mistakes made along the way, earning a warning in the [[NYT]]<ref>https://www.sciencefocus.com/future-technology/crispr</ref>.
===Quantum computing===
|caption=Fmr. intel official: U.S. is concealing a ‘multi-decade’ UFO program - [[CNBC]]
[[Scientists]] from the [[University of Sussex]] achieved [[quantum computing]] breakthroughs. The technology was feared to render the encryption behind passwords obsolete, making emails, personal data, or banking insecure in the [[2020s]].<ref>https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/02/230208125054.htm</ref>
Tech companies like [[AMD]] and [[Nvidia]] doubled their stock prices by 50% and suddenly became the part of the largest 10 companies in the world by revenue because of these advances.<ref>https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/21/nvidia-nvda-q3-earnings-report-2024.html</ref>
===US UFO Hearings===
The [[US Congress]] held hearings where several former intelligence officials and [[US Navy]] pilots testified the US having retrieved crashed [[UFOs]] and [[aliens]], claiming to have 40 government and civilian witnesses about a [[black project]] and [[black sites]] "above congressional oversight" bank-rolled by "misappropriation of funds" with pilots fearing "professional repercussion" as the [[FAA]] refuses for unknown, possibly sinister reasons to investigate any claims.<ref>https://www.space.com/us-hiding-evidence-alien-intelligence-ufo-whistleblower-claims</ref><ref>https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/faa-denies-tracking-ufos-publishes-database-containing-ufo-sightings/</ref>
==Deep events==
Bilderberg discussed the following topics;
<ref>https://bilderbergmeetings.org/press/press-release/press-release saved at [https://web.archive.org/web/20230523172629/https://bilderbergmeetings.org/press/press-release/press-release Archive.org] saved at [https://archive.is/GIT1F Archive.is]</ref>
* [[AI]]
* [[Banking System]]
* [[China]]
* [[Energy]] Transition - Several of the participants are active in "transitioning" energy supplies towards a sharp decline. [[Sally Benson]] is Chief Strategist for the "Energy Transition" at the [[Biden Administration]].
* [[Europe]]
* Fiscal Challenges
* [[India]]
* Industrial Policy and Trade
* [[NATO]] -
* [[Russia]] -
* Transnational Threats
* US Leadership
The [[WEF]] discussed the following;
1. [[Energy crisis|Energy]] and [[Food Crises]] in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature<ref>https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2023/about/meeting-overview</ref>
2. High [[Inflation]], Low Growth, High [[Debt]] Economy in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade and Infrastructure
3. Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing [[Frontier Technologies]] for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience
4. Social Vulnerabilities in the context of a New System for Work, Skills and Care
5. Geopolitical Risks in the context of a New System for Dialogue and Cooperation in a Multipolar World
===Weather modification===
New reports began to emerge where countries started using experimental chemicals on a large scale to start daily [[weather manipulation]] programs.<ref>https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2023/08/14/make-it-rain-cloud-seeding-the-controversial-weather-modification-technique_6093144_114.html</ref>
An article by climate journalists from "ClimateChangeNews" noted "a US startup carried out a [[geoengineering]] experiment in [[Mexico]], which the country claims was done without prior notice and consent causing a nationwide ban in Mexico".<ref>https://www.climatechangenews.com/2023/09/14/overshoot-commission-calls-for-research-into-solar-geoengineering/</ref> The startup named ''[[Making Sunsets]]'' "launched balloons injected with [[sulphur dioxide]] particles into the atmosphere" to "cool" the clouds in which they floated in.<ref>https://www.climatechangenews.com/2023/01/18/mexico-plans-to-ban-solar-geoengineering-after-rogue-experiment/</ref> Dioxide particles have been linked in large amounts to cause burns on skin, diarrhoea and uncontrollable spasm in human bodies.<ref>https://wwwn.cdc.gov/TSP/MMG/MMGDetails.aspx?mmgid=249&toxid=46</ref>
|caption= Ex-FBI Trump-Russia Investigator Arrested Over Ties To Russian Billionaire
[[FBI]] agent [[Charles McGonigal]], who was a part of the team investigating [[Trump]]-[[Russian]] collusion, was arrested in January for his connections to a Russian [[billionaire]] sanctioned by the U.S for [[bribing]], [[blackmailing]] and acts of violence against Russians. McGonigal promised to help Russian [[billionaire]] [[Oleg Deripaska]] bypass US sanctions by using shell companies while also investigating and potentially eliminating Russian opponents. [[The Inquirer]] ran an editorial, immediately claiming the [[FBI]] "used the same crooked FBI agent to win the US [[2016 Election]]", hinting a lot more [[politicians]] to have used [[Russian]] [[oligarchs]] for business contracts.<ref>https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/commentary/mcgonigal-russian-oligarch-trump-2016-election-20230129.html</ref>
|text=Last week’s indictment of McGonigal is a classic case of raising more questions than were answered. The evidence presented by prosecutors suggests the FBI counterintelligence expert wasn’t introduced to Deripaska until his waning days with the bureau in 2018, aided by a pair of Russian diplomats. In 2019, after he’d retired, the indictment says McGonigal went to work for the oligarch to help him evade U.S. sanctions and to investigate a rival. But the Times also reported that U.S. counterintelligence — in which McGonigal had been a key player — had tried unsuccessfully to recruit Deripaska as an asset in the years around the 2016 election.
Like the Woody Allen character Zelig, Deripaska — a 55-year-old aluminum magnate who at one time was the richest man in Putin’s Russia — is turning up in the background everywhere in the ongoing corruption of American democracy. The oligarch’s history of multimillion-dollar business dealings with Paul Manafort — Trump’s campaign manager in the summer of 2016 — is central to the theory of Russian interference, after it was confirmed that Manafort shared key campaign data with a suspected Russian intelligence agent also connected to Deripaska.
In 2019, Deripaska did manage to get those U.S. sanctions lifted, in a controversial deal backed not only by Team Trump but critically by then-Senate Majority Leader [[Mitch McConnell]]. That same year, a Deripaska-linked [[aluminium]] company announced it would build a large plant in Kentucky, where McConnell was running for re-election. (It eventually wasn’t built.) This is the same McConnell who, during that critical fall period in [[2016]], refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning about Russian election interference.
|subjects=Oleg Deripaska, Aluminium, 2016, US/2016 Election, Paul Manafort, Mitch McConnell
|date=January 2023
{{FA|JPMorgan Chase}}
{{FA|Epstein Affair}}
|caption= Attorney General FIRED After Suing JP Morgan For Covering Up Jeffrey Epstein's Crime Ring - [[The Hill]]
[[Google]]-founder [[Larry Page]] "disappeared" after facing a subpoena from the [[US Virgin Islands]] regarding his connections and possible [[sexual blackmail]] by Epstein.<Ref>https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12058017/The-Virgin-islands-locate-Google-founder-Larry-Page.html</ref>
Meanwhile, more strange incidents of Epstein associates came alight where they went beyond the law to halt lawsuits, slowly closing the pool of witnesses that could ever get Epstein's clients indicted, even though more agendas of Epstein describing meetings with top lawyers and top ranking CIA chiefs came alight.<ref>https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-cia-director-goldman-sachs-noam-chomsky-c9f6a3ff</ref><ref>https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/25/judge-jeffrey-epstein-case-dies-1292394</ref>
[[U.S Virgin Islands]] Attorney General [[Denise George]] was fired after 4 years of service after she started an investigation into [[Jeffrey Epstein]] connections to US [[Bank]] [[JPMorgan]].
The lawsuit claims JPMorgan Chase facilitated convicted felon Jeffrey Epstein's [[rape]] of women and girls, alleging that the bank should have known about Epstein’s illegal activity and as part of its anti-money laundering procedures, and should have reported their client to authorities.<ref>https://viconsortium.com/vi-government/virgin-islands-attorneygeneral-denise-george-has-been-terminated-#.Y7JaaMMZ3Xo.twitter</ref>
|text=Former V.I. Attorney General Denise George, who successfully sued the estate of Jeffrey Epstein and then was summarily fired by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. in December, has broken her silence in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times Magazine. In it, she hints that a run for governor may be in her future.
The interview — published Saturday by the Sunday Times, a 600,000-plus circulation newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. — is the first time George has spoken of her efforts to bring Epstein and his alleged accomplices to account, and the fallout from that endeavor.
George, who was widely lauded when she won a $105 million lawsuit against the Epstein estate in November — believed to be the largest monetary settlement in the history of the territory — subsequently filed suit for $190 million against his onetime bank, JPMorgan Chase, on Dec. 27 in Manhattan federal court, alleging violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.
Bryan fired George four days later, on New Year’s Eve, saying nothing at first but later admitting that he was “blindsided” by the lawsuit that has opened V.I. officials to scrutiny for their dealings with Epstein. That includes Bryan himself, who approved Epstein’s lucrative Economic Development Authority benefits when he was head of the EDA board and has been deposed by JPMorgan’s attorneys, along with a host of other territory officials.
|subjects=Epstein Affair, U.S Virgin Islands, Jeffrey Epstein
|authors=Sian Cobb
|date=September 2023
George argued that the Virgin Islands government let Epstein run amok because he donated millions to [[schools]], non profits and in particular to political campaigns on the islands,  George was spooked enough not to fight her firing.<ref>https://stthomassource.com/content/2023/09/25/denise-george-breaks-silence-around-epstein-case-and-her-firing/</ref>
[[File:Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 09-18-38 https i.redd.it y2bhe13qjz2b1.png.png|400px|thumbnail|JP Morgan was very busy this year, as it also played a part in the [[bailout]] of the two biggest bank collapses of the 21th century.]]
===Arab League===
After surviving a coup attempt by the [[US]], [[IS]] and dozens of shady-sponsored "[[terrorism]]" groups, [[Syria]] was readmitted into the [[Arab League]] with help from [[Russia]] in the [[Syrian Civil War]].<ref>https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/5/19/analysis-how-important-is-syrias-return-to-the-arab-league</ref>
The World Health Organization ended its declaration of [[Monkeypox]] as a global health emergency in the spring.<ref>https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/mpox-who-ends-global-health-emergency-rcna83940</ref>
===Canada & Saudi Arabia===
[[Canada]] and [[Saudi Arabia]] restore full diplomatic relations after cutting them in [[2018]] over the assassination of [[Jamal Khashoggi]], although Khashoggi's fiancé went on social media to condemn Saudi Arabia's ruling where it convicted the 5 alleged murderers to death, describing it as a total mockery of justice, and the 5 people sentenced to death were deemed to be [[patsies]] or fall guys with higher-ups not being investigated by Saudi [[police]].<ref>https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-saudi-arabia-restoring-diplomatic-relations-1.6853285</ref>
===Biden-EU Intelligence Agencies Data sharing agreement===
The [[European Commission]] and the U.S. government sign a new data communication agreement for transferring personal data in June after the [[European Court of Justice]] blocked the prior EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework for "forbidden data sharing" and "illegal". The new agreement didn't explain what would be done with the data the court deemed illegal between [[2000]] and [[2023]], the period the previous court investigated.<ref>https://apnews.com/article/data-privacy-cybersecurity-europe-us-7bfc7c2be54a81068b5b16dff32ed9c6</ref> The ruling marked the US-[[EU]] agreement a violation of the [[GDPR]] and said that the [[EU Commission]] had no legal basis in prohibiting the European data protection authorities launching investigations.<ref>https://noyb.eu/en/23-years-illegal-data-transfers-due-inactive-dpas-and-new-eu-us-deals</ref><ref>https://www.reuters.com/technology/eu-rules-take-aim-illegal-data-transfer-non-eu-governments-2022-02-23/</ref>
===Lockdown Files===
|caption= Lockdown Files: Behind the scenes of The Telegraph's investigation into Matt Hancock's WhatsApps.
{{FA|Lockdown Files}}
On 28 February 2023, [[journalist]] [[Isabel Oakeshott]] gave 100,000 of [[British Secretary of State for Health and Social Care]] [[Matt Hancock]]'s [[WhatsApp]] messages to [[The Daily Telegraph]].
The files included a [[conspiracy]] by the [[UK]] government coalition to come up with plans to cause "fear" in the general population during the British Covid lockdown.
[[Nguyễn Xuân Phúc]] resigns as President of [[Vietnam]] after he is deemed responsible for shady dealing including scandals which disrupted handling of the national [[Covid]] pandemic, including a [[bribery]] scandal linked to flying home Vietnamese citizens who were stranded abroad, the purchase of bad [[COVID-19]] [[PCR-test]]s, officials taking [[bribes]] from state companies including a communications company, and his officials being bribed by an [[oil giant]], a strange sight in a communist country with only one practically political party.<ref>https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/1/6/vietnam-removes-two-deputy-pms-amid-anti-corruption-drive</ref>
Large-scale spontaneous protests erupt across [[Israel]] in the wake of Prime Minister [[Benjamin Netanyahu]] firing his Defense minister who criticised the government's massive [[neo-conservative]] judicial overhaul plan. Dozens of [[Israeli air force]] reservists threatened to not show up for duty with nationwide protests continued for 7 months.<ref>https://fathomjournal.org/fauda-how-the-transformation-of-the-right-brought-israel-to-the-verge-of-a-constitutional-and-social-crisis/</ref><ref>https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-israels-judicial-reform-protesters-shifted-focus-to-aiding-victims-of-hamas</ref><ref>https://tass.com/world/1722349</ref><ref>https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israel-swears-in-netanyahu-as-prime-minister-most-right-wing-government-in-countrys-history</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/israel-judiciary-overhaul-netanyahu-protests-9eb2a020806b5a90d2bb0a057924a3ba</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/israel-netanyahu-legal-overhaul-military-e5896aa3c34f2b3b39157f5fcbfe9765</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/israel-netanyahu-protests-overhaul-courts-282e2cd18a2340a067625e148ebda41c</ref>
{{FA|2023 Hawaii wildfires}}
17,000 acres of land are burned and at least 115 people are killed on the US island of [[Hawaii]], with four others missing, when a series of wildfires break out on the island of Maui in Hawaii. Questions are placed at the lack of investigations by the local government and the signs of arson.
|caption=Gravitas Plus: Niger Coup: Who is the real culprit? | Is Africa headed for war? | WION
[[Africa]] was the location of several high-profile coups, with even the first ''elected'' presidents to be removed. Western [[CCM]] pointed for most, including the ones in [[Mali]] and [[Niger]] to Russia, as attempts to gain minerals and fossil fuels for Russia while also causing mass migrant waves to [[Europe]] to cause right-wing governments to win in [[EU]] countries, causing even [[war criminal]] [[Tony Blair]] to return to [[British]] politics and publish a warning in a column that Russia is trying to "destabilise" Europe by causing "[[extremism]] and migration to come to Europe". Blair opted for a ''new war'' against Russia in Africa.<ref>https://unherd.com/thepost/tony-blair-calls-for-new-front-against-russia-in-africa/</ref><ref>https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/how-putin-is-fomenting-europes-migrant-crisis/</ref>
In [[Ethiopia]], Amharan Special Forces withdraw from the Tigray Region, and soon thereafter also withdraw from nearly all of Ethiopia.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20230519153218/https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/eritrean-troops-seen-leaving-ethiopian-town-shire-2023-01-21/</ref>
US and [[France]]-backed President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger is toppled in a coup d'état after members of his presidential guard and the armed forces seize control of the country and install General Abdourahamane Tchiani as leader of a military junta, the 6th coup in [[West Africa]] starting in [[2020]].<ref>https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/14/world/niger-coup-treason-evidence-bazoum-intl-hnk/index.html</ref>
In September 2023 the Russian [[SVR]] gave out a press release in which it stated that the US is considering the assassination of the coup leaders.<ref>http://svr.gov.ru/smi/2023/09/amerikanskie-spetssluzhby-vozvrashchayutsya-k-praktike-likvidatsii-neudobnykh-afrikanskikh-liderov.htm</ref><ref>https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:US_intelligence_services_return_to_the_practice_of_eliminating_inconvenient_African_leaders</ref>
|caption=Why Myanmar's Civil War is Bad News for China
In [[Myanmar]], after the [[coup]] in [[2021]], the [[Chinese]] government is getting involved as [[triads]] are running massive [[fraud]] scams from within the war-torn cities in Myanmar, resulting in [[Beijing]] silently supporting air strikes on Burmese people killing over hundreds in Pazigyi alone.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20230412112258/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/11/world/asia/myanmar-airstrike.html</ref>
Azerbaijan attacked the [[Armenia]]-backed Republic of Artsakh. Protests erupt in Armenia, Artsakh announces the dissolution of government institutions, and over 100,000 ethnic Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan wins as Russia is too busy fighting Ukraine and many [[PMC]]s have been submerged by Russian military control.<ref>https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/91121</ref><ref>https://www.chathamhouse.org/2023/09/russia-concedes-karabakh-stake-new-regional-order</ref><ref>https://www.ft.com/content/38a85ab7-7c30-4918-9e54-be234900121e</ref>
{{FA|2023 Gaza−Israel conflict}}
Hamas launches an massive, aerial, land and intelligence attack on Israeli settlements in southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, prompting a military response from the Israel Defense Forces for the 1100 Israeli victims. Israel launches numerous air strikes on Lebanon after rockets are fired by Hezbollah and further attempts are made to penetrate Israel, and has killed over 4000 kids in the following 4 months, according the [[Al Jazeera]].<ref>https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/7/is-israels-gaza-war-the-deadliest-conflict-for-children-in-modern-times</ref>
===Russia & Ukraine===
|caption=For [[centuries]], leaders often depended on bands of mercenary warriors to make up their military strength in times of [[war]], but as national [[militaries]] evolved, these formations shank from prominence, with modern PMCs generally being focused on support roles like base or VIP security or logistics (even if their contracts grew massively post 2001).
Wagner doesn't follow that example. A force tens of thousands strong, Wagner has helped spearhead the Russian offensives around Bakhmut, and taken on international prominence.
In this episode, we look at the evolution of [[PMC]]s, Russia's modern employment of them, and the implications of Wagner's role in [[Ukraine]] and its public spats with the Russian MoD - ''Perun'' - 2023.
{{FA|2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine}}
Russia and Belarus signed an agreement in Minsk allowing the stationing of Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory in May.<ref>https://apnews.com/article/belarus-russia-nuclear-weapons-shoigu-285ff887e8b1c28d20ff68e1d775441e</ref>
====Wagner Coup====
{{FA|Wagner Group}}
While the invasion became a [[WW1]]-styled trench war, [[PMC]] [[Wagner Group]] attempted to coup the Russian military and after seizing military operational headquarters in Rostov, it marched on [[Moscow]], resulting in a 3-day lockdown in Moscow of daily life, only resulting in [[Wagner]] leadership to stop on the outskirts of Moscow, meeting with Russian president [[Putin]] shortly after, and unsurprisingly dying in a suspicious plane crash.
====IFS Ban====
The '''[[Institute for Statecraft]]''' ('''IfS'''), formerly the '''Institute for Statecraft and Governance'''<ref>https://www.companieslist.co.uk/prev/SC312442-the-institute-for-statecraft-and-governance</ref>, a [[UK deep state]] [[DSF|faction]], was declared an "undesirable organisation" in [[Russia]] for "suspected involvement in blowing up the Crimean Bridge" in September 2022 by [[Ifs]] leader [[Chris Donnelly]]<ref>https://thegrayzone.com/2022/10/10/ukrainian-kerch-bridge/</ref> seemingly ''hinting the Ifs to still exist''.<ref>https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-institute-statecraft-undesirable-organizations/32326596.html</ref><ref>https://www.svoboda.org/a/genprokuratura-priznala-nezhelateljnoy-organizatsiey-institute-for-statecraft/32326506.html</ref>
====Military Pact====
The US, [[Japan]], and [[South Korea]] agree to sign a trilateral pact in August, seemingly preparing for a [[war]] against [[China]].<ref>https://www.voanews.com/a/proposed-naval-drills-signal-closer-military-cooperation-among-moscow-beijing-pyongyang-/7259027.html</ref>
====Spy balloons====
|text=Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one.
Soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hold up shotguns. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear.
|subjects=The Pentagon, Encirclement of China, China, Cold War, WW3, World War 3, Nuclear War.
|authors=Michael Hirsh
|date=September 2023
Starting Janaury, a high-altitude balloon originating from China flew across [[North America]]n airspace, resulting in a continues live-[[TV]] broadcast by all of the normally divided [[CCM]]. The shooting of the first balloon was followed by at least 3 more being shot down by the [[US Air Force]], although later reports showed the 3 other balloons had no relation to [[China]]. The shootings and televised coverage seemingly appeared to be part of the increasing [[strategy of tension]] to fuel the [[encirclement of China]], with [[Politico]] reporting the preparations made by China in [[technology]] making the [[Pentagon]] "freak out".<ref>https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/09/america-weapons-china-00100373</ref><ref>https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/5/explainer-what-are-spy-balloons-and-why-are-they-used</ref>
[[Finland]] became the 31st member of [[NATO]], doubling the alliance's border with Russia, at Finland's request, with [[Sweden]] trying the same but being blocked by [[Turkey]] to force them to ban and extradite Kurdish-Turkish politicians and liaisons working in Sweden.<ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20230331010505/https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/30/world/russia-ukraine-news</ref>
==Social Engineering==
|caption=On the 150th day of 2023, and so far this year there have been 263 mass shootings -- incidents with 4 or more people shot -- reported in the U.S., with 327 victims killed. Both those figures are the highest ever recorded this early in a year.
A new study showed [[mass shootings]] raise the amount of more lenient gun laws being passed in US politics, putting the term [[gun control shooting]] in a different light as mass shooting rose to an all time high according to US definition.<ref>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB3qNWRaxGE</ref>
A [[mass shooting]] occurred in [[Serbian]] capital [[Belgrade]], resulting in 19 deaths and mass protests culminating in a buy-back and a moratorium on new weapons permits and a review of current gun licenses, getting quoted in a lot of [[corporate media]], with one slightly less deadlier shooting following in [[Prague]]<ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67830858</ref><ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65468404</ref><ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65597622</ref>
Several organisations, including the World Athletic, Cricket and Chess federations banned [[transgender]] women that called themselves women after they went through male puberty from playing in female events.<ref>https://www.forbes.com/sites/tylerroush/2023/11/21/transgender-women-banned-from-international-cricket-latest-major-sport-with-restrictions/</ref><ref>https://apnews.com/article/congress-transgender-women-sports-ban-athletes-1c58c20cac2b191e323e4376d7949a2d</ref><ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-66538328</ref><ref>https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2023/aug/17/trans-women-banned-from-world-chess-events-while-review-takes-place</ref>
|caption=The Schengen Area faces a crisis with member states reintroducing border controls due to migration concerns. This video explores the challenges and reasons behind the perceived decline of the Schengen Area - TLDR News EU
[[File:Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 08-10-13 https external-preview.redd.it UWkQsQlqabo2euoRyunhpijAfsXuVaK JDwn6PUeYfg.jpg auto webp&s 1fda85f644a2b6694ce50068ae356f3799cee5ad.png|300px|thumb|left|]]
{{FA|2022–2023 Brazilian election protests}}
In [[Brasil]], [[Jair Bolsonaro]] after losing to [[Lula da Silva]], set to hand over governing power on New Years Day, has his supporters storm the parliamentary buildings, including congress, the [[Brazilian Supreme Court]] and the [[Presidential Palace of Planalto]] resulting in $1m damage and 88 wounded citizens.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Brazilian_general_election</ref>
In [[China]], [[Xi Jinping]] is elected for a third term as [[President of China]] (a nations first three-termer), purging a lot of officials, gaining attention<ref>https://www.politico.eu/article/chinas-paranoid-purge-xi-jinping-li-keqiang-qin-gang-li-shangfu/</ref> in [[CCM]].<ref>https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/10/xi-jinping-handed-unprecedented-third-term-as-chinas-president</ref>
In [[Singapore]], Former deputy prime minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam is elected president with a vote share of over 70%.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Singaporean_presidential_election</ref>
In [[Thailand]], pro-democratic parties such as the [[Move Forward]] and [[Pheu Thai]] parties got a majority of seats in the House of Representatives while pro-military parties such as [[Palang Pracharat]] lost seats. The military backed parties conspired to keep themselves in power, with former convicted billionaire [[deep state]] leader [[Thaksin Shinawatra]] getting pardoned and his daughter leading the new coalition.
In [[Argentina]], Javier Milei wins the 2023 Argentine presidential election.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Argentine_general_election</ref>
In [[Turkey]], Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defeats Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to win a third term as president.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Turkish_presidential_election</ref>
In [[Spain]], The 2023 Spanish general election is held, with the People's Party winning, but being kept out of government by the socialists of [[Pedro Sanchez]].<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Spanish_general_election</ref>
In [[New Zealand]], the National Party wins a plurality of seats.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_New_Zealand_general_election</ref>
In [[Europe]], [[Poland]] loses its conservative, anti-immigration coalition, being replaced by long-time [[EU]]-puppet and [[deep state actor]] [[Donald Tusk]].<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Polish_parliamentary_election</ref>
In Czechia, former prime minister [[Andrej Babiš]] lost against independent pro-EU former NATO Military committee member [[Petr Pavel]], which was dubbed a referendum regarding support for [[Ukraine]].<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Czech_presidential_election</ref>
In the Netherlands, anti-[[Islam]], anti-[[EU]] and anti-[[immigration]] politician [[Geert Wilders]] wins the general elections for the first time.<ref>https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20231125-far-right-s-geert-wilders-seals-shock-win-in-dutch-election-after-years-on-political-fringe</ref>
In [[Slovakia]], Smer, of former prime minister [[Robert Fico]], wins a plurality of seats in the National Council.<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Slovak_parliamentary_election</ref>
===Schengen End?===
{{FA|European Union}}
The [[EU]] urged its members in March to deport illegal migrants, with [[Greece]] opting for the EU to fine non-European countries that don't take their citizens back. Elections in Germany coming in [[2024]] were noted be also a reasoning for these new crackdowns, as social-economical problems caused by immigrants could cause the [[AfD]] party to win.<ref>https://www.voanews.com/a/greece-wants-eu-to-slap-sanctions-on-countries-that-won-t-accept-return-of-illegal-migrants/7297844.html</ref> <ref>https://apnews.com/article/european-union-migration-deportation-returns-asylum-dd76171c27878aa26842af2955f8ee2b</ref><ref>https://www.euronews.com/2023/10/02/schengen-zone-are-border-controls-making-a-comeback</ref>
Several political operatives in the UK government resigned regarding immigration rows.<ref>https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/13/uk/suella-braverman-leaves-government-rishi-sunak-gbr-intl/index.html</ref>
==Expected events==
*1 January: [[Croatia]] is expected to adopt the [[euro]] and become the 20th member state of the [[eurozone]].
*Winter: Scheduled general elections in [[Poland]] and [[Spain]].

Latest revision as of 17:26, 3 April 2024

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As Exposure of the SDS continues, the agenda quickens towards ever tighter control...
An exciting year. Corporate media focused on mRNA concerns, rather than looking at the bigger picture of a continued global push towards techno-fascism, just like in Ukraine, this year, focus was soon moved to another war, this time in Israel.

2023 was a year returning to the normal of the pre-Covid times: often complex deep events were forgotten in favour of new wars. The WHO ended the global emergency status of Covid (but not the pandemic status), more African nations shifted allegiance to China[1] and Russia[2] and suffered coups and colour revolutions because of it, and a complex banking crisis had 3 major banks going bankrupt.

After the spring, the year was marked by an enormous increase in AI-usage, which was mass rolled out for use by the public after Google and Microsoft bought out and funded several early leading developers. Many clients of Jeffrey Epstein continued to block, halt and sabotage investigations even half the decade after his death. Starting October, Israel and Palestine entered another chapter in their purposely endless war, which dominated worldwide media coverage.

Yearly US Presidential raid

Showing how far the US has deteriorated, on the 60 year anniversary of JFK Assassination, which (as Mark Gorton puts it) "quickened" The Cabal into the US Deep state of today,[3] Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned U.S. Attorney John R. Lausch Jr. to conduct an initial investigation into president Joe Biden - similar to Donald Trump following the discovery of 35 classified documents which he took from his offices.[4][5]

Health Cover-ups


Project Veritas: Alleged Pfizer Scientist Describing Mutating Viruses
Full article: Covid-19/Origins

Early 2023, similarly to early 2022, began with a number of revelations damaging to the overarching COVID-19 story. A series of voices critical specifically of the mRNA COVID jabs, like Michael Yeadon continued voicing warning against mRNA vaccines. Commercially-controlled media have still for the most part sidelined the bigger picture, and have shown little interest in the origins of COVID-19. On the first weekday of January, most countries removed the travel ban for their citizens to China because of their Zero Covid policy, with China removing their ban for foreigners to enter the country one week later.[6][7]

Project Veritas sting

Full article: Project Veritas

Project Veritas released a video of a secretly recorded interview with Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer's director of research and development and mRNA scientific planning. Walker is seen admitting Pfizer executives have discussed "mutating" COVID viruses in order to develop tailored vaccines to treat them. Walker refused to call it Gain-of-function-research and hinting he and others in Pfizer suspect the same research method - mutating dangerous viruses - was responsible for a lab leak and therefore the Covid-19 pandemic. Walker deleted his social media accounts soon after the release of the "interview".[8]

CIA Admission and Cover Up

Although ex-aides of the Biden administration such as Raj Panjabi voiced serious concerns calling the lab theory "plausible", US Congress and the CIA released a statement still denying any link.[9][10] This was deemed more suspicious after the US Representative Brad Wenstrup claimed to possess a written testimony under oath that the virus was artificially created in a lab and released under unclear and nefarious circumstances.[11][12][13]

“A majority of U.S. intelligence agencies has so far concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic mostly likely started when SARS-CoV-2 jumped from an infected animal host into people; a wildlife market in Wuhan, China, has received intense attention from researchers as the potential source. But the Department of Energy and FBI so far have favored the so-called lab-leak hypothesis, even though none of the agencies has expressed high confidence in their conclusions on COVID-19’s origin. CIA, for example, had reportedly said it was “unable to determine” whether SARS-CoV-2 made a direct jump from animals to humans—or came from a lab. Now, Representative Brad Wenstrup (R–OH), who chairs the House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, says his panel and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have heard testimony from a whistleblower “who presents as a highly credible senior-level CIA officer.” According to the press release, the whistleblower testified that only the most senior analyst of a seven-member CIA team investigating the origin of COVID-19 supported the zoonotic transmission theory. The whistleblower alleged the other six team members supporting the lab origin then received “a significant monetary incentive to change their position,” wrote Wenstrup and Representative Mike Turner (R–OH), who chairs the intelligence panel.”
Jon Cohen (September 2023)  [14]

Covid-19 Re-activating diseases

Several reports have been published pointing at the reactivation of viruses and diseases such as STDs and the Varicella-zostervirus in people taking a Covid-19 vaccine.[15]

US Freight Train Crashes

Freight Trains - HBO
Full article: 2023 Ohio train derailment

A Norfolk Southern rail car carrying plastic pellets was heated by a hot axle, an alarm failed to trigger and the long freight car crashed in East Palestine, Ohio. Dozens of unexplained actions were undertaken, resulting in a controlled "release" of dangerous clouds of chemicals. Days after the train carrying an array of toxic chemicals — some of which the EPA linked to cancer, organ damage and irritation to the skin, nose and eyes — caught fire and derailed in this town of about 4,700 Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine - member of a suspected deep state actor list of FBI-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds - proclaimed the town safe. A half year after the crash, independent researchers said the results of their research detecting levels of toxicity in the soil contradicted the government official narrative that the area is safe, and residents reported they were sick, but found the government refused any support or investigation into the cries of respondents, farmers or children in the area.[16]


Banking crisis

Why Wealthy Americans Love UBS, The Secretive Swiss Banking Giant - CNBC

Lebanon was deemed even more bankrupt following 2020 Beirut blast as the Central bank of Lebanon devalued their own Lebanese Pound by 90%.[17] Silicon Valley Bank recorded an increase of its deposit holdings during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the tech sector experienced a period of growth.

In 2021, it purchased long-term Treasury bonds to capitalize on the increased deposits. However, the current market value of these bonds decreased as the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates to curb US inflation surge that started after the Covid-19 lockdown and was further stimulated by the oil price hiking caused by Russian sanctions and sanctions against Russia.[18] Signature Bank fell after a steep fall of crypto money in the accounts.[19]


The EU entered a "preparation phase" to lay foundations for a potential digital euro and CBDC, with work to include finalizing the rules and selecting banks and hosts to develop platforms and infrastructures in November.[20]


Several countries stopped using the dollar, in what was termed a trend in Africa and South America to appease China and move away from US parapolitics.[21] Brazil and China signed an agreement to trade in their own currencies, ceasing the usage of the United States dollar as an intermediary. BRICS expanded with Egypt, Argentina and 4 other countries joining them.[22]

Green policies vs consolidation of Big Oil

Germany closed its last nuclear power plant, a culmination of a wish following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.[23] A strange form of deep lobbying as Germany had very little to do with the plant, no severe accidents have happened, and Germany was vital in not banning gas-fuelled cars in the EU.[24]


Full article: Artificial intelligence
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) will be increasingly implemented

2023 was noted by an enormous mass adaption of AI[25] including Machine learning, mass surveillance, and social engineering. Self driving cars made an introduction in US states such as California, but many were recalled due to deathly incidents.[26] AI models, leveraging advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, have become capable of creating realistic and coherent text, images, and music. An AI arms race between private companies was soon overshadowed by Microsoft-backed OpenAI and Google-owner Alphabet, a trend Time magazine named "worrying".[27]

Hear a very unknown podcast from the WEF itself with an animation where the WEF explains and explores the current limitations of artificial intelligence and the possibility of creating human-compatible technology, and discover what will happen if AI is allowed to go on as unregulated as social media. - TED/WEF


Facebook was the target of a lawsuit in New Mexico for being a breeding ground for child predators, according the lawsuit. The attorney general claimed his team made fake accounts of teens who were immediately found by predators and asked to perform and send pictures and images of them engaging in sexual acts, with footage of these acts being "10 times prevalent" on Facebook than porn sites.[28]

The AG of New Mexico explained in the lawsuit his offices also found that Facebook; "especially promoted child porn" to teens, even when the algorithm had no history of this Facebook user searching for this images; coupled adult child predators together and suggested closed off groups to new users, and found that Meta recommended kids joined un-moderated groups devoted to facilitating underage prostitution. The office of the AG went even further, and was not sanctioned on Meta's platforms after starting an account where a fictitious mother offered her 13 year old daughter to child rapists. [29]


The stories that have come out of the Twitter Files have touched on much more than institutional bias - revealing that, for years, Twitter has been pressured by some very powerful institutions to suppress, moderate and in some cases amplify its content. But given that Elon Musk was also selective with what he chose to hand over to reporters – what are we not seeing in the Twitter Files?
Full article: Twitter Files

The "Twitter Files" was the widely publicised set of screen shots and associated reporting around the change of ownership of Twitter. The Twitter Files emerged in December 2022 exposing collusion and conspiracy to censor on Twitter. 5 journalists and new CEO Elon Musk exposed Individuals - including but not limited to - the Democratic Party members of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, some Republicans in the Trump administration, and the federal government that actively influenced how Twitter ran the internet site by requesting and implementing forms of censorship, astroturfing and the use of AI alongside social engineering to control the narrative on the site (which Musk continued for the more personally dangerous accounts to him, such as one tracking his plane whereabouts), while the site was rebranded "X" along the way in 2023.[30]

EU Climate policies

The EU banned the making and distribution of Diesel-powered vehicles by 2035 or petrol-powered cars not using bio-fuels.[31]

Human experimentation?

Several new discoveries into biochemical and human DNA editing - accelerated since and with COVID-19 funding - stimulated new eerie discoveries.[32][33] Scientists report the creation of the first synthetic human embryo from stem cells, without the need for sperm or egg cells in July.[34] Israeli scientists injected artificial modules into mice, curing the Alzheimer Disease in the mice they injected in the mice themselves.[35] Universities of Bristol and Exeter discovered a DNA modification method of a gene is shown to reduce anxiety levels, offering an exciting novel drug target for anxiety disorders, according to Nature magazine.[36]


New therapeutics using DNA editing via a method called CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) were introduced as deemed legal in the UK, follwiing MIT and Harvard studies, even though a pioneering scientist was jailed for testing the technique on kids in 2018.[37] Ethical considerations and cost issues remain, but gene editing was called a possible cure to many common problems such as blindness and highly-deadly diseases as the first individuals in the U.S appeared to be cured from previously permanent diseases[38], and was soon eerily named an option to clone food[39], start a new form of eugenics and make new vaccines. Sperm, eggs and embryos were reported be passed to future generations of DNA-edited children in China, raising the stakes for any mistakes made along the way, earning a warning in the NYT[40].

Quantum computing

Fmr. intel official: U.S. is concealing a ‘multi-decade’ UFO program - CNBC

Scientists from the University of Sussex achieved quantum computing breakthroughs. The technology was feared to render the encryption behind passwords obsolete, making emails, personal data, or banking insecure in the 2020s.[41] Tech companies like AMD and Nvidia doubled their stock prices by 50% and suddenly became the part of the largest 10 companies in the world by revenue because of these advances.[42]

US UFO Hearings

The US Congress held hearings where several former intelligence officials and US Navy pilots testified the US having retrieved crashed UFOs and aliens, claiming to have 40 government and civilian witnesses about a black project and black sites "above congressional oversight" bank-rolled by "misappropriation of funds" with pilots fearing "professional repercussion" as the FAA refuses for unknown, possibly sinister reasons to investigate any claims.[43][44]

Deep events

Bilderberg discussed the following topics; [45]

The WEF discussed the following;

1. Energy and Food Crises in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature[46]

2. High Inflation, Low Growth, High Debt Economy in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade and Infrastructure

3. Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience

4. Social Vulnerabilities in the context of a New System for Work, Skills and Care

5. Geopolitical Risks in the context of a New System for Dialogue and Cooperation in a Multipolar World

Weather modification

New reports began to emerge where countries started using experimental chemicals on a large scale to start daily weather manipulation programs.[47] An article by climate journalists from "ClimateChangeNews" noted "a US startup carried out a geoengineering experiment in Mexico, which the country claims was done without prior notice and consent causing a nationwide ban in Mexico".[48] The startup named Making Sunsets "launched balloons injected with sulphur dioxide particles into the atmosphere" to "cool" the clouds in which they floated in.[49] Dioxide particles have been linked in large amounts to cause burns on skin, diarrhoea and uncontrollable spasm in human bodies.[50]

Ex-FBI Trump-Russia Investigator Arrested Over Ties To Russian Billionaire


Full article: Rated 5/5 Russiagate

FBI agent Charles McGonigal, who was a part of the team investigating Trump-Russian collusion, was arrested in January for his connections to a Russian billionaire sanctioned by the U.S for bribing, blackmailing and acts of violence against Russians. McGonigal promised to help Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska bypass US sanctions by using shell companies while also investigating and potentially eliminating Russian opponents. The Inquirer ran an editorial, immediately claiming the FBI "used the same crooked FBI agent to win the US 2016 Election", hinting a lot more politicians to have used Russian oligarchs for business contracts.[51]

“Last week’s indictment of McGonigal is a classic case of raising more questions than were answered. The evidence presented by prosecutors suggests the FBI counterintelligence expert wasn’t introduced to Deripaska until his waning days with the bureau in 2018, aided by a pair of Russian diplomats. In 2019, after he’d retired, the indictment says McGonigal went to work for the oligarch to help him evade U.S. sanctions and to investigate a rival. But the Times also reported that U.S. counterintelligence — in which McGonigal had been a key player — had tried unsuccessfully to recruit Deripaska as an asset in the years around the 2016 election.

Like the Woody Allen character Zelig, Deripaska — a 55-year-old aluminum magnate who at one time was the richest man in Putin’s Russia — is turning up in the background everywhere in the ongoing corruption of American democracy. The oligarch’s history of multimillion-dollar business dealings with Paul Manafort — Trump’s campaign manager in the summer of 2016 — is central to the theory of Russian interference, after it was confirmed that Manafort shared key campaign data with a suspected Russian intelligence agent also connected to Deripaska.

In 2019, Deripaska did manage to get those U.S. sanctions lifted, in a controversial deal backed not only by Team Trump but critically by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. That same year, a Deripaska-linked aluminium company announced it would build a large plant in Kentucky, where McConnell was running for re-election. (It eventually wasn’t built.) This is the same McConnell who, during that critical fall period in 2016, refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning about Russian election interference.”
 (January 2023)  [52]


Full article: JPMorgan Chase
Full article: Epstein Affair
Attorney General FIRED After Suing JP Morgan For Covering Up Jeffrey Epstein's Crime Ring - The Hill

Google-founder Larry Page "disappeared" after facing a subpoena from the US Virgin Islands regarding his connections and possible sexual blackmail by Epstein.[53] Meanwhile, more strange incidents of Epstein associates came alight where they went beyond the law to halt lawsuits, slowly closing the pool of witnesses that could ever get Epstein's clients indicted, even though more agendas of Epstein describing meetings with top lawyers and top ranking CIA chiefs came alight.[54][55] U.S Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George was fired after 4 years of service after she started an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein connections to US Bank JPMorgan. The lawsuit claims JPMorgan Chase facilitated convicted felon Jeffrey Epstein's rape of women and girls, alleging that the bank should have known about Epstein’s illegal activity and as part of its anti-money laundering procedures, and should have reported their client to authorities.[56]

“Former V.I. Attorney General Denise George, who successfully sued the estate of Jeffrey Epstein and then was summarily fired by Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. in December, has broken her silence in an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times Magazine. In it, she hints that a run for governor may be in her future.

The interview — published Saturday by the Sunday Times, a 600,000-plus circulation newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. — is the first time George has spoken of her efforts to bring Epstein and his alleged accomplices to account, and the fallout from that endeavor. George, who was widely lauded when she won a $105 million lawsuit against the Epstein estate in November — believed to be the largest monetary settlement in the history of the territory — subsequently filed suit for $190 million against his onetime bank, JPMorgan Chase, on Dec. 27 in Manhattan federal court, alleging violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.

Bryan fired George four days later, on New Year’s Eve, saying nothing at first but later admitting that he was “blindsided” by the lawsuit that has opened V.I. officials to scrutiny for their dealings with Epstein. That includes Bryan himself, who approved Epstein’s lucrative Economic Development Authority benefits when he was head of the EDA board and has been deposed by JPMorgan’s attorneys, along with a host of other territory officials.”
Sian Cobb (September 2023)  [57]

George argued that the Virgin Islands government let Epstein run amok because he donated millions to schools, non profits and in particular to political campaigns on the islands, George was spooked enough not to fight her firing.[58]

JP Morgan was very busy this year, as it also played a part in the bailout of the two biggest bank collapses of the 21th century.

Arab League

After surviving a coup attempt by the US, IS and dozens of shady-sponsored "terrorism" groups, Syria was readmitted into the Arab League with help from Russia in the Syrian Civil War.[59]


The World Health Organization ended its declaration of Monkeypox as a global health emergency in the spring.[60]

Canada & Saudi Arabia

Canada and Saudi Arabia restore full diplomatic relations after cutting them in 2018 over the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, although Khashoggi's fiancé went on social media to condemn Saudi Arabia's ruling where it convicted the 5 alleged murderers to death, describing it as a total mockery of justice, and the 5 people sentenced to death were deemed to be patsies or fall guys with higher-ups not being investigated by Saudi police.[61]

Biden-EU Intelligence Agencies Data sharing agreement

The European Commission and the U.S. government sign a new data communication agreement for transferring personal data in June after the European Court of Justice blocked the prior EU-U.S. Privacy Shield framework for "forbidden data sharing" and "illegal". The new agreement didn't explain what would be done with the data the court deemed illegal between 2000 and 2023, the period the previous court investigated.[62] The ruling marked the US-EU agreement a violation of the GDPR and said that the EU Commission had no legal basis in prohibiting the European data protection authorities launching investigations.[63][64]

Lockdown Files

Lockdown Files: Behind the scenes of The Telegraph's investigation into Matt Hancock's WhatsApps.
Full article: Lockdown Files

On 28 February 2023, journalist Isabel Oakeshott gave 100,000 of British Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock's WhatsApp messages to The Daily Telegraph. The files included a conspiracy by the UK government coalition to come up with plans to cause "fear" in the general population during the British Covid lockdown.



Nguyễn Xuân Phúc resigns as President of Vietnam after he is deemed responsible for shady dealing including scandals which disrupted handling of the national Covid pandemic, including a bribery scandal linked to flying home Vietnamese citizens who were stranded abroad, the purchase of bad COVID-19 PCR-tests, officials taking bribes from state companies including a communications company, and his officials being bribed by an oil giant, a strange sight in a communist country with only one practically political party.[65]


Large-scale spontaneous protests erupt across Israel in the wake of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu firing his Defense minister who criticised the government's massive neo-conservative judicial overhaul plan. Dozens of Israeli air force reservists threatened to not show up for duty with nationwide protests continued for 7 months.[66][67][68][69][70][71][72]

Full article: 2023 Hawaii wildfires

17,000 acres of land are burned and at least 115 people are killed on the US island of Hawaii, with four others missing, when a series of wildfires break out on the island of Maui in Hawaii. Questions are placed at the lack of investigations by the local government and the signs of arson.


Gravitas Plus: Niger Coup: Who is the real culprit?

Africa was the location of several high-profile coups, with even the first elected presidents to be removed. Western CCM pointed for most, including the ones in Mali and Niger to Russia, as attempts to gain minerals and fossil fuels for Russia while also causing mass migrant waves to Europe to cause right-wing governments to win in EU countries, causing even war criminal Tony Blair to return to British politics and publish a warning in a column that Russia is trying to "destabilise" Europe by causing "extremism and migration to come to Europe". Blair opted for a new war against Russia in Africa.[73][74]


In Ethiopia, Amharan Special Forces withdraw from the Tigray Region, and soon thereafter also withdraw from nearly all of Ethiopia.[75]


US and France-backed President Mohamed Bazoum of Niger is toppled in a coup d'état after members of his presidential guard and the armed forces seize control of the country and install General Abdourahamane Tchiani as leader of a military junta, the 6th coup in West Africa starting in 2020.[76] In September 2023 the Russian SVR gave out a press release in which it stated that the US is considering the assassination of the coup leaders.[77][78]


Why Myanmar's Civil War is Bad News for China

In Myanmar, after the coup in 2021, the Chinese government is getting involved as triads are running massive fraud scams from within the war-torn cities in Myanmar, resulting in Beijing silently supporting air strikes on Burmese people killing over hundreds in Pazigyi alone.[79]


Azerbaijan attacked the Armenia-backed Republic of Artsakh. Protests erupt in Armenia, Artsakh announces the dissolution of government institutions, and over 100,000 ethnic Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh after Azerbaijan wins as Russia is too busy fighting Ukraine and many PMCs have been submerged by Russian military control.[80][81][82]


Full article: 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict

Hamas launches an massive, aerial, land and intelligence attack on Israeli settlements in southern Israel from the Gaza Strip, prompting a military response from the Israel Defense Forces for the 1100 Israeli victims. Israel launches numerous air strikes on Lebanon after rockets are fired by Hezbollah and further attempts are made to penetrate Israel, and has killed over 4000 kids in the following 4 months, according the Al Jazeera.[83]

Russia & Ukraine

For centuries, leaders often depended on bands of mercenary warriors to make up their military strength in times of war, but as national militaries evolved, these formations shank from prominence, with modern PMCs generally being focused on support roles like base or VIP security or logistics (even if their contracts grew massively post 2001).

Wagner doesn't follow that example. A force tens of thousands strong, Wagner has helped spearhead the Russian offensives around Bakhmut, and taken on international prominence. In this episode, we look at the evolution of PMCs, Russia's modern employment of them, and the implications of Wagner's role in Ukraine and its public spats with the Russian MoD - Perun - 2023.

Full article: 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Russia and Belarus signed an agreement in Minsk allowing the stationing of Russian tactical nuclear weapons on Belarusian territory in May.[84]

Wagner Coup

Full article: Wagner Group

While the invasion became a WW1-styled trench war, PMC Wagner Group attempted to coup the Russian military and after seizing military operational headquarters in Rostov, it marched on Moscow, resulting in a 3-day lockdown in Moscow of daily life, only resulting in Wagner leadership to stop on the outskirts of Moscow, meeting with Russian president Putin shortly after, and unsurprisingly dying in a suspicious plane crash.


The Institute for Statecraft (IfS), formerly the Institute for Statecraft and Governance[85], a UK deep state faction, was declared an "undesirable organisation" in Russia for "suspected involvement in blowing up the Crimean Bridge" in September 2022 by Ifs leader Chris Donnelly[86] seemingly hinting the Ifs to still exist.[87][88]


Military Pact

The US, Japan, and South Korea agree to sign a trilateral pact in August, seemingly preparing for a war against China.[89]

Spy balloons

“Dozens of versions of the above war-game scenario have been enacted over the last few years, most recently in April by the House Select Committee on competition with China. And while the ultimate outcome in these exercises is not always clear — the U.S. does better in some than others — the cost is. In every exercise the U.S. uses up all its long-range air-to-surface missiles in a few days, with a substantial portion of its planes destroyed on the ground. In every exercise the U.S. is not engaged in an abstract push-button war from 30,000 feet up like the ones Americans have come to expect since the end of the Cold War, but a horrifically bloody one. Soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army hold up shotguns. And that’s assuming the U.S.-China war doesn’t go nuclear.”
Michael Hirsh (September 2023)  [90]

Starting Janaury, a high-altitude balloon originating from China flew across North American airspace, resulting in a continues live-TV broadcast by all of the normally divided CCM. The shooting of the first balloon was followed by at least 3 more being shot down by the US Air Force, although later reports showed the 3 other balloons had no relation to China. The shootings and televised coverage seemingly appeared to be part of the increasing strategy of tension to fuel the encirclement of China, with Politico reporting the preparations made by China in technology making the Pentagon "freak out".[91][92]


Finland became the 31st member of NATO, doubling the alliance's border with Russia, at Finland's request, with Sweden trying the same but being blocked by Turkey to force them to ban and extradite Kurdish-Turkish politicians and liaisons working in Sweden.[93]

Social Engineering

On the 150th day of 2023, and so far this year there have been 263 mass shootings -- incidents with 4 or more people shot -- reported in the U.S., with 327 victims killed. Both those figures are the highest ever recorded this early in a year.

A new study showed mass shootings raise the amount of more lenient gun laws being passed in US politics, putting the term gun control shooting in a different light as mass shooting rose to an all time high according to US definition.[94]

A mass shooting occurred in Serbian capital Belgrade, resulting in 19 deaths and mass protests culminating in a buy-back and a moratorium on new weapons permits and a review of current gun licenses, getting quoted in a lot of corporate media, with one slightly less deadlier shooting following in Prague[95][96][97]

Several organisations, including the World Athletic, Cricket and Chess federations banned transgender women that called themselves women after they went through male puberty from playing in female events.[98][99][100][101]


The Schengen Area faces a crisis with member states reintroducing border controls due to migration concerns. This video explores the challenges and reasons behind the perceived decline of the Schengen Area - TLDR News EU
Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 08-10-13 https external-preview.redd.it UWkQsQlqabo2euoRyunhpijAfsXuVaK JDwn6PUeYfg.jpg auto webp&s 1fda85f644a2b6694ce50068ae356f3799cee5ad.png
Full article: 2022–2023 Brazilian election protests

In Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro after losing to Lula da Silva, set to hand over governing power on New Years Day, has his supporters storm the parliamentary buildings, including congress, the Brazilian Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace of Planalto resulting in $1m damage and 88 wounded citizens.[102]

In China, Xi Jinping is elected for a third term as President of China (a nations first three-termer), purging a lot of officials, gaining attention[103] in CCM.[104]

In Singapore, Former deputy prime minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam is elected president with a vote share of over 70%.[105]

In Thailand, pro-democratic parties such as the Move Forward and Pheu Thai parties got a majority of seats in the House of Representatives while pro-military parties such as Palang Pracharat lost seats. The military backed parties conspired to keep themselves in power, with former convicted billionaire deep state leader Thaksin Shinawatra getting pardoned and his daughter leading the new coalition. [106]

In Argentina, Javier Milei wins the 2023 Argentine presidential election.[107]

In Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan defeats Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu to win a third term as president.[108]

In Spain, The 2023 Spanish general election is held, with the People's Party winning, but being kept out of government by the socialists of Pedro Sanchez.[109]

In New Zealand, the National Party wins a plurality of seats.[110]

In Europe, Poland loses its conservative, anti-immigration coalition, being replaced by long-time EU-puppet and deep state actor Donald Tusk.[111]

In Czechia, former prime minister Andrej Babiš lost against independent pro-EU former NATO Military committee member Petr Pavel, which was dubbed a referendum regarding support for Ukraine.[112]

In the Netherlands, anti-Islam, anti-EU and anti-immigration politician Geert Wilders wins the general elections for the first time.[113]

In Slovakia, Smer, of former prime minister Robert Fico, wins a plurality of seats in the National Council.[114]

Schengen End?

Full article: European Union

The EU urged its members in March to deport illegal migrants, with Greece opting for the EU to fine non-European countries that don't take their citizens back. Elections in Germany coming in 2024 were noted be also a reasoning for these new crackdowns, as social-economical problems caused by immigrants could cause the AfD party to win.[115] [116][117] Several political operatives in the UK government resigned regarding immigration rows.[118]



Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
The Twitter Files2 December 202217 March 2023Elon Musk buying Twitter resulted in the exposure of internal Twitter Inc documents
Next Libyan presidential election20232023Postponed presidential election in Libya mid-COVID.
WEF/Annual Meeting/202415 January 202319 January 2023The theme for the invited "stakeholders" was "rebuilding trust in the international system". Who exactly were are to trust remains a secret, as 95% of the participants were not disclosed.
WEF/Annual Meeting/202316 January 202320 January 2023The theme of the meeting was "Cooperation in a Fragmented World"
2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes6 February 20236 February 2023
2023 West Lancashire by-election9 February 20239 February 2023
Munich Security Conference/202317 February 202319 February 2023Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists. The real decisions are made by deep politicians behind the scenes, elsewhere.
Lockdown Files28 February 202328 February 2023Matt Hanchock has his WhatsApp messages leaked
2023 Scottish National Party leadership election13 March 202327 March 2023Who will succeed Nicola Sturgeon as First Minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party?
National Conservative Conference15 May 202317 May 2023A 2023 conference on Conservativism
Bilderberg/202318 May 202321 May 2023The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Lisbon, with 128 guests on the official list. The earliest in the year since 2009.
Brussels Forum/202323 May 202324 May 2023Annual 3 day spooky get-together of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the very spooky German Marshall Fund.
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Wagner coup attempt23 June 202323 June 2023An attempted coup, by some seen as false flag by Putin to lure out generals and double agents within the Russian State, by others as the sign the Russian state will collapse in the 2020s.
2023 Somerton and Frome by-election20 July 202320 July 2023
2023 Uxbridge and South Ruislip by-election20 July 202320 July 2023
2023 Selby and Ainsty by-election20 July 202320 July 2023
2023 Hawaii wildfires8 August 202311 August 2023The city of Lāhainā, Hawaii was destroyed by fire.
2023 Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election5 October 20235 October 2023
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War7 October 2023Hamas attack on dozens of illegal Israeli settlements in Southern Israel provoking mass retaliatory killings by Israel. Corporate media call it the Israeli "9-11", while critics of Israel refer to "10-7" as a staged, military operation in order to manufacture consent for a disproportionate response.
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/October 77 October 20238 October 2023Hamas attacks Israeli settlements in Southern Israel, mass raping and abducting, which get called an Israeli "9-11" by CCM. The NYT and Al Jazeera claimed the Israeli government knew of the impending attack, ignored warnings, shot some of their own civilians, made up several stories and used the resulting increased death toll to go on a revenge killing spree in the 2023 Israeli invasion of Gaza.
2023 Mid Bedfordshire by-election19 October 202319 October 2023
2023 Tamworth by-election19 October 202319 October 2023
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/Israeli invasion of Gaza27 October 2023After October 7, Israel invaded Gaza with widespread international support. The IDF went on a widely reported revenge killing spree. Even by Israel's own account, they killed 19,500 Palestinian civilians after half a year of bombing hospitals, schools and civilian towers, utilising numerous condemned tactics.
Halifax International Security Forum/202317 November 202319 November 2023Spooky conference in Canada in November 2023


New Groups

COVID-19 Immunity Task ForceGroup.png
BBC/VerifyBBC.svgPropagandaA BBC "fact checking service"


Groups that were Wound Up

Institute for StatecraftInstitute for Statecraft logo.pngThe UK MoD/FCO funded group that ran the ironically named Integrity Initiative, exposed in 2018 by 'Anonymous' as an organ of the UK/Deep state
Wagner GroupWagner-Group-Logo-history.pngA well known ruthless private military contractor. Its founders were involved in a chaotic coup in 2023.




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Kristina Borjesson19542023CancerJournalist
Julio Abreu19402023Professional meeting organizer who witnessed the 1988 Bilderberg, then was organizer of the 1989 Bilderberg.
Thomas Hughes11 December 19253 January 2023Deep state actorTrilateral president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for 20 years, Bilderberg 1971 and 1972
Diamond and Silk197010 January 2023Activist
African-American Trump supporting sisters, fired from Fox News for questioning COVID
Ritt Bjerregaard19 May 194121 January 2023PoliticianDouble Bilderberg Danish politician. Georgetown Leadership Seminar, Trilateral Commission..
Tom Nairn2 June 193221 January 2023Academic
Eunice Dwumfour19931 February 2023New Jersey
Council-women in New Jersey shot brutally shot dead for unclear motive.
Selçuk Yaşar17 January 192511 February 2023Turkey
BusinesspersonTurkish businessman and of the founders of TÜSİAD. Attended Bilderberg 1975.
Arne Treholt13 December 194212 February 2023Russia
Convicted of spying for the KGB
Robbie Graham198117 February 2023Author
Researcher with an interest in the UFO phenomenon.
Peter Herrndorf27 October 194018 February 2023Broadcaster
Canadian media executive who attended the 1999 Bilderberg.
Thomas H. Lee27 March 194423 February 2023New York
United States
Clinton body count
US businessman friend of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Gunshot to the head.
James Abourezk24 February 193124 February 2023PoliticianUS politician who opposed illegal activities by the CIA
Richard Schenz25 January 19401 March 2023Austria
BusinesspersonAustrian Bilderberger businessman
Andrey Botikov19742 March 2023StrangulationVirologist
COVID-19/Premature death
Russian Sputnik jab scientist "killed by intruder" in unclear circumstances in 2022.
Dana J. Hyde19685 March 2023LawyerWhite House official during the Clinton and Obama administrations who died in 2023 freak air incident.
Jeff Thomas19878 March 2023US
FallingModelsudden death
Sebastian Roberts7 January 19549 March 2023SoldierBritish army officer who was member of the Bullingdon Club.
'Stakeknife'12 January 1946April 2023Spook
Nigel Lawson11 March 19323 April 2023PoliticianUK politician who attended the 1982 Bilderberg as Secretary of State for Energy and then was Chancellor of the Exchequer for 6 years, 1990 Bilderberg.
Roy McGrath9 August 19693 April 2023US
fugitive politician
Bob Lee20 December 19794 April 2023US
San Francisco
StabbingBusinesspersonTech businessman who was murdered by an unknown assailant in San Francisco
Jeff Lumpkin19595 April 2023Florida
Venice Fishing Pier
Air disasterBusinesspersonRaytheon director who was killed in a plane crash
Patty Lumpkin19555 April 2023Florida
Venice Fishing Pier
Air disasterRealtorWife of a Raytheon director who was killed in a plane crash
Graeme MacQueen194825 April 2023Academic
Canadian academic and 9-11 dissident who participated in the 9/11 Consensus Panel.
Winfred Bischoff10 May 194125 April 2023BankerInfluential banker who drove Schroders’ growth, steered Citigroup through the financial crisis and chaired Lloyds Banking Group.
Allan Gyngell1947May 2023Spook
Australian Spook and Director-General of the Office of National Assessments (ONA) from 2009 to 2013.
Marc LaLonde26 July 19296 May 2023PoliticianCanadian politician who attended the 1977 Bilderberg as Canada/Minister of National Health and Welfare
Stephen Lendman17 August 19349 May 2023US
JournalistUS independent journalist and analyst
David Miranda10 May 19859 May 2023Whistleblower
Played a key role in Edward Snowden's global surveillance leaks. Died of a gastrointestinal infection aged 37
Rashid Buttar20 January 196618 May 2023Poisoning?Doctor
COVID-19/Premature death
US physician targeted for censorship and harassment as one of the "Disinformation Dozen" by the Center for Countering Digital Hate and the US government during the Covid deep event. Died prematurely in 2023, shortly after a CNN interview where he claimed he had been poisoned.
Lars Ramqvist2 November 193820 May 2023Chemist
Swedish industrial manager who attended the 2001 Bilderberg meeting as Chairman of Ericsson, a multinational telecommunications company in the Wallenberg sphere.
Carolyn Andriano23 May 2023Epstein Affair/Premature deathEpstein accuser who died of a drug overdose; her death was only made public five months later.
Arne Burkhardt6 January 194430 May 2023DrowningPathologist
COVID-19/Premature death
A senior, highly accomplished pathologist from Germany who came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of Covid "vaccinated" patients.
Tina Joemat-Pettersson16 December 19635 June 2023South AfricaUnknownPoliticianScandal ridden ex-minister form South Africa who died suddenly
Pat Robertson22 March 19308 June 2023United States
Virginia Beach
ClergyAccording to Kay Griggs, Robertson was part of the "perverted Marine Corps clique" around her husband.
Silvio Berlusconi29 September 193612 June 2023Italy
Media mogul
Italian media magnate, three time Prime Minister of Italy, bunga bunga parties ...
Glenda Jackson9 May 193615 June 2023Politician
UK actress and politician
Daniel Ellsberg7 April 193116 June 2023Author
A feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Arnaldo Forlani8 December 19256 July 2023PoliticianPrime Minister of Italy who resigned after the P2 lodge was exposed.[1]
Michel Dupuy11 January 19309 July 2023Canada
2nd generation Bilderberger, a Canadian diplomat like his father
Dennis M. Nagy22 May 19435 August 2023SpookActing Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, where he was responsible for creating Soviet Military Power, an inflated estimate of Soviet power, to justify the increasing defense budgets of the Reagan Administration.
Helene Carrere d'Encausse6 July 19295 August 2023France
HistorianWrote a working paper for the discussion on How Should The West Deal With The Soviet Bloc for the 1985 Bilderberg.
Rodney Elton2 March 19309 August 2023PoliticianBritish Conservative politician and member of the House of Lords. Attended the 1977 Bilderberg.
Daniel Hopsicker16 July 195122 August 2023Author
Film producer, director and investigative journalist whose primary focus was the illegal drug trade by the US deep state.
Yevgeny Prigozhin1 June 196123 August 2023Founder of Wagner
Dmitry Utkin11 June 197023 August 2023SoldierWagner founder
Mohamed Al-Fayed27 January 192930 August 2023London
BusinesspersonUK-Egyptian businessman with ties to Adnan Khashoggi. After the the death of his son Dodi Fayed and Diana Spencer, he claimed that the car crash was orchestrated by MI6 on the instructions of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Bill Richardson15 November 19471 September 2023PoliticianUS Bilderberger who went to Myanmar in 2021 "to speed the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines from the COVAX facility to Myanmar and to help mitigate a possible fourth wave of COVID-19."
Hans-Ulrich Klose14 June 19376 September 2023
... further results
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  1. https://www.voanews.com/a/analysis-china-s-military-influence-in-africa-grows-as-russia-s-diminishes/7212127.html
  2. https://www.dw.com/en/russias-new-attempts-to-strengthen-ties-with-africa/a-66344620
  3. Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State
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