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San Francisco

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Place.png San Francisco
500px-Golden Gate Bridge, SF (cropped).jpg
LocationsCalifornia, USA
Subpage(s)San Francisco/Mayor

" An NBC Bay Area Investigation reveals a dangerous mix of drug needles, garbage, and feces throughout downtown San Francisco."[1]


Related Quotation

Bohemian Grove“The upper class of San Francisco is that way.. It's not just the ratty part of town. The upper class in San Francisco is that way. The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time — it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine, with that San Francisco crowd.I don’t even want to shake hands with anybody from San Francisco. Decorators. They’ve got to do something ... but goddamn it we don’t have to glorify it”Richard Nixon



Operation Midnight ClimaxA "free-wheeling illicit criminal" CIA project which filmed the effects of prostitutes dosing up victims with drugs such as LSD.


Groups Headquartered Here

ClimateWorks2008Large funder of projects intended to steer public opinion and take control over all government policy under the pretext of fighting climate change. Part of "a blob" of similar very wealthy interconnected foundations with opaque structures. Backers include Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg.
Golden Gate University1901YMCA roots; Courses in law, business, taxation, and accounting.
Kaiser Family Foundation4 December 1948Big Pharma front conducting market research for drug roll-outs.
Substack2017Online platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters.
Tayen Lane2014A small publishing house from San Francisco that tried to publish a translated version of Udo Ulfkotte's Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News
The Asia Foundation1954Exposed as CIA front organization as far back as 1967.
University of California/Hastings College of the Law1878Has an extensive alumni network in California, particularly the San Francisco Bay Area.
University of San Francisco1855A private Jesuit university in San Francisco, California.


Open PhilanthropyGrant maker funneling deep state money among other things to pandemic planning. Financed Event 201.
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