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     Page name     BornDiedSummaryDescription
Pham Xuan An19272006Spook
Dillon Anderson14 July 190628 January 1974Spook
Lukas AndriukaitisResearcher
Integrity Initiative forensic researcher
Yuri Andropov15 June 19149 February 1984Spook
James Jesus Angleton9 December 191712 May 1987Spook
Deep politician
"The dominant counterintelligence figure in the non-communist world", according to Richard Helms, DCI.
Frans van Anraat9 August 1942Spook
War criminal
Big supplier of Saddam Hussein. Rejected setting up a new deep state-front in Iraq during Iraq War and fled an AIVD safehouse. Only Dutch national to ever appear of FBI Ten most Wanted list. Jailed for 17 years.
Michael A. Aquino16 October 19461 September 2019Spook
US spook, psyop specialist, satanist
Michael Ray AquinoSpook
Police officer
Filipino spy
Peter Archer20 November 192614 June 2012Spook
Frank Archibald31 July 195513 March 2020SpookFormer director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service
Richard Armitage26 April 1945Spook
Deep politician
"A sophisticated member of the top echelons of the U.S. government"
Manuel Artime29 January 193218 November 1977Spook
HSCA/Premature deaths
A spook who died from cancer before he could testify the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
Paddy Ashdown24 February 194122 December 2018Diplomat
Chatham House President for 10 years. MI6 operative and UK politician
Vladimir Ashurkov15 February 1972Spook
Alexey Navalny team member caught several times playing footsie with British intelligence services
Ronald Asmus29 June 195730 April 2011Diplomat
Expanded NATO eastwards
Sven Aspling28 August 19126 February 2000Spook
Swedish stay-behind organizer and last person to call Olof Palme
Julian Assange3 July 1971Spook
Media executive
A "hacktivist" of mysterious background, whose website, Wikileaks, has been the conduit for a lot of whistleblowing. His pronounced disinterest in 9/11 is particularly notable.
Vera Atkins16 June 190824 June 2000Spook
Ronald Augustinovich4 February 193811 August 2017Spook
Meber of Interpen
Juval Aviv24 February 1947SpookA terrorism expert and Mossad operative who once remarked on live TV: "It's easy to put a truck bomb, as we did, er, as happened in London."
Ami Ayalon27 June 1945Spook
Head of Israel's Shin Bet 1996-2000
A.J. Ayer29 October 191027 June 1989Spook
British spook and later Oxford professor
Bradley Ayers7 March 1935Spook
An employee of the JMWAVE CIA station who has named senior colleagues as implicated in the JFK assassination and testified about CIA drug dealing.
William Bader8 September 193116 March 2016Spook
US spook who in 1967 brought to Congressional attention that the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was a fraud perpetrated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara as a casus belli for the Vietnam War
Robert Baer1 July 1952SpookAmerican author and former CIA operative; some very interesting stuff, some suspected misdirection.
Tennant Bagley11 November 192520 February 2014Spook
Norman Bailey1931Spook
Spooky economist who taught "Economics for Foreign Policy Makers." Admitted on the record that the PROMIS database and search application has been given to the NSA
Louis Le Bailly18 July 19153 October 2010Spook
British naval officer and spook.
Zoë Baird20 June 1952Spook
Spookily connected US lawyer
Bernard Bajolet21 May 1949Diplomat
Deep state operative
Spooky diplomat
Mike Baker22 June 1961Spook
Worked in the CIA for 17 years as a covert field operations officer, specializing in counterterrorism, counternarcotics and counterinsurgency operations.
John Baker-White12 August 190210 December 1988Spook
UK spooky politician & propagandist
Omar BakriSpook
Joseph Ball1 September 188510 July 1961Spook
Deep state operative
British spook who forged the Zinoviev Letter to bring down the first British Labour Party government in 1924. "Ball also had a keen understanding of the dark arts of political manipulation, a readiness to use all means at his disposal and an ability to keep himself out of the limelight... he knew how to lie and how to keep a secret."
Ernst Hirsch Ballin15 December 1950Spook
Dutch politician, only Minister to have ever "burned" a suspected Mossad agent on a political party list on the order of the AIVD. Also pressured an MP to stop investigating Justice Secretary-General Joris Demmink.
Shumeet BanerjiSpook
WEF AGMs, Senior Adviser of Chatham House, BBC non-executive director
Ehud Barak12 February 1942Spook
Deep state operative
Israeli spook who was Prime Minister of Israel from May 1999 to March 2001. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
Peter Barbour5 October 192522 November 1996SpookWhen the government ordered ASIO to sever all ties with the Central Intelligence Agency, Barbour decided to ignored the order.
Bernard Barker5 December 19275 June 2009Spook
Deep state functionary
A soldier/spook involved both in the assassination of JFK and the Watergate coup.
Eeben Barlow1953Spook
John Perry Barlow3 October 19477 February 2018Musician
Member of the drug-promoting music band Grateful Dead and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation - and with strong ties to CIA. He may also have been involved in the conceptual origin that spawned CIA-connected entities such as Facebook.
Niel Barnard1949Spook
University professor and leader of the apartheid National Intelligence Service during the dirty wars in the 1980s.
Tracy Barnes2 August 191118 February 1972Spook
Deep state actor
US Deep state actor involved in the Bay of Pigs
Harvey Barnett25 December 192523 June 1995SpookASIO Director-General of Security
Joel Barr1 January 19161 August 1998Spook
William Barr23 May 1950Spook
Deep state operative
US deep state actor, US Attorney General
Gordon Barrass5 August 1940Spook
Richard BarrettSpook
"Terror expert"
MI5/MI6 "terror expert" who writes for corporate media
Paul Barril13 April 1946Spook
Special forces
"Terror expert"
French spook
John Barron26 January 193024 February 2005Spook
A spooky journalist who wrote on the evils of the KGB.
Mikhail Barsukov8 November 1947Spook
W. Ralph Basham17 November 1943Spook
Civil servant
Law enforcement official in U.S. Customs and Border Protection, United States Secret Service and Transportation Security Administration.
Justin BassiSpook
Australian spook who "wears CIA cufflinks". Leader of Australian Strategic Policy Institute.
Wouter Basson6 July 1950Spook
James Bath18 August 1936Spook
A businessman with connections to BCCI, George H. W. Bush and the Saudi Arabian government
Ramy El Batrawi23 May 1961Spook
Gianfranco Battelli1937March 2022Spook
SISMI Director on 9-11, who reports that he refused to cooperate in kidnapping terrorist suspects for the CIA.
U. E. Baughman21 May 19056 November 1978Spook
Boris Bazarov18931939SpookAssassinated spook
Pedro Baños1960Spook
A Spanish soldier and academic scheduled to become Director of the Spanish Department of Homeland Security but who was passed over after influence was applied by the Integrity Initiative.
Milton BeardenSpook
Sidney BearmanSpook
Edward Beddington-Behrens2 February 189728 November 1968Spook
Deputy Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service for a year during WW2. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg.
John Beevor19051987SpookBritish SOE spook who prepared a stay behind network in Portugal during WW2. Father of British historian Anthony Beevor.
Ahmad BehbahaniSpook
Former Iranian spook who defected to Turkey
Anthony Beilenson26 October 1932Spook
Cedric Belfrage8 November 190421 June 1990Author
Film critic
Part of British Security Coordination, then press control officer in Germany after the WW2. Suspected Soviet agent, or British double-agent.
Monte BelgerSpook
Walter BellSpook
Alfredo Sánchez Bella2 October 191624 April 1999Spook
Deep politician
Spanish spook and possible deep politician
Dino Bellasi1960Spook
Customs official
Swiss spook and officer who was exposed as organizing secret armed group - several years after the Swiss stay behind allegedly was dissolved.
John Bellinger1960Spook
A spook/lawyer representing the more patient and more PR-friendly approach to Empire
Ari Ben-Menashe4 December 1951Author
Officer in Israel's Military Intelligence Directorate from 1977 to 1987 and an arms dealer. Important source for exposure of Israeli deep state activities.
Cheryl Ben-Tov1960Spook
Peter Benenson31 July 192125 February 2005Spook
British lawyer and co-founder of Amnesty International.
Erik Bennett192828 January 2022Spook
A secretive UK military advisor in Oman and a Cercle attendee.
Scott BennettWhistleblower
Spent 2 years in jail as a result of speaking his mind and attempting to blow the whistle on fraud and corruption inside the US war machine.
William Tapley Bennett1 April 191729 November 1994Diplomat
Spooky US diplomat who worked mostly in Latin America.
Alf Roar Berg17 April 19332022Spook
Leader of the Military Intelligence Service in the period 1988–1993.
Klas Bergenstrand26 July 1945SpookDirector General of the Swedish Security Police (Säpo) 2004–2007. "Bergenstrand was in top physical shape. Therefore, his mysterious death in 2007 at age 61, officially from a heart attack, came as a shock."
Hendrik van den Bergh27 November 191416 August 1997Spook
Police officer
South African police official
Patrick BerghyWhistleblower
IT security specialist who appears prominently in Millie Weaver's 2020 film Shadowgate.
Isaiah Berlin6 June 19095 November 1997Spook
Deep state operative
Political theorist
UK spook, Milner Group/Outer Circle
Meyer Bernstein30 March 191410 December 1985Spook
Union organizer
US spook working under cover as union leader.
Susan Berresford1943Spook
President of the Ford Foundation
John Ashley BerryWhistleblower
Social worker
Whistleblower from GCHQ arrested with two journalists, Crispin Aubrey and Duncan Campbell, and charged with "communicating classified information to unauthorised persons"
Eugenio Berríos14 November 194715 November 1992Spook
Rob Bertholee7 August 1955Spook
Former Director General of the AIVD.
Yves Bertrand25 January 19443 June 2013SpookChief of French police intelligence from 1992 to 2004. Said too much to media. Died of "cause unknown" in 2013.
Paul BethelSpookUS spook who worked closely with anti-Castro exiles including Alpha 66.
Richard Betts15 August 1947Spook
US spook
Yuri Bezmenov19395 January 1993Spook
KGB defector
Margaret Thomson Biddle1897June 1956Spook
American millionaire heiress and businesswoman. After World War 2 she started a salon in Paris frequented by many deep politicians.
Christophe Bigot23 December 1965Diplomat
French diplomat and spook. A fierce ’promoter’ of the franco-israeli diplomatic relations, he has held senior positions in the intelligence service DGSE and the ministry's Africa department.
Alfreda Bikowsky1965Spook"The Unidentified Queen of Torture"
William Bishop19231990SpookOperation 40 connected CIA officer with unclear connections to the JFK assassination.
Richard M. Bissell18 September 19097 February 1994SpookMember of The Georgetown Set strongly suspected of being involved in the JFK Assassination
Richard E. BissellSpook
CSIS,United States Information Agency, USAID...
Björn Bjarnason14 November 1944Spook
Icelandic politician, heavy Bilderberg habit. Informant to US intelligence about his Icelandic politics.
Alf Bjercke30 May 19219 December 2011Spook
Norwegian business magnate and member of the 1001 Club
Cofer Black1950Spook
Deep state operative
"Terror expert"
US deep state operative with a leading role in the CIA's kidnapping and torture
Robert Black12 June 1947Spook
Suppressor Black toasting the Mickey Mouse tribunal that he designed to exonerate apartheid South Africa
William B. Black25 August 1936Spook
Nigel BlackwoodSpook
Reader in Forensic Psychiatry at King’s College London. Expert witness for the US prosecution in the Julian Assange extradition case.
Dennis Blair4 February 1947SpookRay McGovern wrote in 2010 that Blair was sacked as Director of National Intelligence because he "did not show the malleability"
George Blake11 November 1922SpookA UK spy who passed a lot of documents to the USSR.
Gordon Blake22 July 19101 September 1997Spook
Director of the National Security Agency 1962-1965
Richard BleeSpook
Deep state functionary
Louis Bloomfield8 August 190619 July 1984Spook
Deep state operative
Canadian Zionist and spook tied to the assassination of John F. Kennedy through the CIA front organization Permindex.
Eberhard Blum28 April 19199 July 2003SpookFormer BND chief
Robert Blum19111965Diplomat
Spooky US academic diplomat. OSS. Attended the 1956 Bilderberg. Died suddenly aged 54.
Anthony Blunt26 September 190726 March 1983Spook
British art historian and Soviet spy. Member of the Cambridge Five
Nicholas Bodington6 June 19043 July 1974Spook
Prodromos Bodosakis-Athanasiadis18911979Spook
Deep politician
Greek self-made businessman with top politicians in his pocket
John Bolton20 November 1948Spook
Deep state operative
Neocon US deep state operative who was Trump's National Security Advisor until September 2019
Antoine BonnemaisonSpook
Arthur Bonsall25 June 191726 November 2014SpookA former head of GCHQ.
Hendrik Boon23 August 19111 May 1991Diplomat
Dutch academic who attended the 1957 October Bilderberg
Derek Boorman30 September 1930Spook
Senior British Army officer and Chief of Defence Intelligence 1985-1988.
Valerio Borghese6 June 190626 August 1974Spook
Deep state operative
Organized a failed coup in Italy and was exiled.
Alexander Bortnikov15 November 1951SpookBecame Director of the Federal Security Service in 2008
Orlando Bosch18 August 192627 April 2011Spook
Deep state functionary
Convicted assassin, Operation 40 member, released by special order of George H. W. Bush after a petition from Jeb Bush
Thomas Bossert1974Spook
"Terror expert"
Former US/Homeland Security Advisor
Colonel BottaSpookVery little known Cercle visitor.
Victor Bout13 January 1967Spook
Arms Dealer
Russian accused of arms smuggling by the US, was jailed with help from a turned associate, allegedly, on orders of the CIA.
David BowdichSpook
Police officer
Deputy Director of the FBI 2018-2021, Georgetown alumnus
Rupert BowenSpook
David Bowes-Lyon2 May 190213 September 1961SpookFather-in-law of queen Elizabeth 2. Member of the propaganda unit Political Warfare Executive during World War 2.
Robert Bowie24 August 19092 November 2013Spook
Deep state actor
US deep state actor who wrote item one of the agenda of the 1966 Bilderberg on the need to reorganise NATO, and it was done. DDNI 1977-79.
Marion BowmanDiplomat
FBI leader who refused to seek a special warrant to search Zacarias Moussaoui’s belongings before the 9/11 attacks. Later awarded cash bonus and presidential citation for "exceptional performance".
Christopher Boyce16 February 1953Whistleblower
Bank robber
A code clerk turned counter spook who also tried to see secret to the USSR, got caught, escaped and caught again. He revealed how the CIA was involved in the 1975 Australian coup.
Ernest BoyceSpook
Bjarne Braatoy19001957SpookCIA operative who became Secretary-General of the Socialist International
Simon Bracey-LaneSpook
Deep state operative
A "highly improbable left wing firebrand" who worked for the Institute for Statecraft and whom they denied was a spook.
Thomas W. Braden22 February 19173 April 2009Spook
Deep politician
OSS, Georgetown Set, CIA
Bruno Branciforte6 November 1947Spook
Italian admiral. The last head of the Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service and first leader of the Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency.
George Brandis22 June 1957Spook
Going to great lengths to protect deep state as Attorney General
Chase BrandonSpookThe CIA’s first Entertainment Industry Liaison
Paul Bremer30 September 1941Diplomat
Deep state actor
Executive of Marsh & McLennan, a company whose offices were hit by a plane on 9/11, "Coordinator for Counterterrorism", Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq ...
John Brennan22 September 1955Spook
"Terror expert"
DCIA, "terror expert", helped cover-up CIA/Torture
Richard Brenneke5 December 194123 July 2015Spook
A CIA and Iran-Contra insider who testified to participation in drug dealing, Iran Contra and the October surprise conspiracy.
Asa Briggs7 May 192115 March 2016Spook
Official BBC historian with significant intelligence ties.
Charles A. Briggs1 August 19264 November 2015Spook
Deep state actor
As the 3rd highest ranking CIA officer, he produced an affidavit, known by many CIA spooks to be mendacious, but which was only exposed after about 20 years.
Norah Briscoe18991996SpookAttempted to supply UK classified information to Nazi Germany
Desmond Bristow1 June 1917September 2000Spook
Umberto Broccoli1895Spook
Italian officer and spook who was involved in the establishment of Gladio
Thomas BrooksSpook
Bill Browder23 April 1964Spook
Spooky businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in Russia, barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.
Irving Brown5 October 191114 July 1989Spook
Union organizer
US Trade unionist and and consigliere for the CIA who attended the 1956 Bilderberg
David Bruce12 February 18985 December 1977Diplomat
spooky US diplomat
Aristide BrunelloSpookLittle known [[Cercle]] visitor. Vatican prelate and spy for the [[BND]] under [[Reinhard Gehlen]]. Attended a meeting of the [[Le Cercle]].<a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a>
Whitley BrunerSpookCIA officer who was head of the agency's Baghdad station in the 1990s, before becoming director of the private intelligence contractor Diligence.
Ivar Bryce19061985SpookDuring World War II Bryce worked the British Security Coordination, where he created a very successful forged Nazi map of South America for propaganda purposes.
John Buchan26 August 187511 February 1940Spook
Deep state operative
UK deep state operative. Member of the Outer Circle of the Milner Group and Governor General of Canada from 1935-1940.
David B. BuckleySpook
James Buckley9 March 1923Spook
William Francis Buckley30 May 19283 June 1985Spook
CIA Station Chief in Beirut, captured by Hezbollah.
William F. Buckley24 November 192527 February 2008Author
Television personality
Spooky Bilderberg TV speaker, friend of Alistair Horne
Colin Budd31 August 1945Diplomat
Victor Bulmer-Thomas1948Spook
Deep state operative
UK academic and Latin America specialist. Director at Chatham House from 2001 until 2006.
McGeorge Bundy30 March 191916 September 1996Spook
Deep state actor
S&B, Deep state actor, National Security Advisor
William Bundy24 September 19176 October 2000Spook
Deep politician
Skull & bones deep politician and cold warrior who played a key role in the US side of the Bilderberg.
Pierre-Henri Bunel1952Author
Guy Burgess16 April 191130 August 1963Diplomat
Mike BurgessSpookASIO Director-General of Security
Alexander Burnes16 May 18052 November 1841Diplomat
UK "spymaster" diplomat
Christopher BurrowsSeptember 1958Spook
Eugenio Burzaco22 January 1971Spook
Deep state operative
Argentinian politically connected spook with a large amount of dodgy dealings. WEF Young Global Leader 2006
George H. W. Bush12 June 192430 November 2018Spook
Deep politician
Skull and bones mastermind of the bush family busine$$.
Audrius Butkevičius24 September 1960Spook
Lithuanian politician and fellow of the Institute for Statecraft
Alexander Butterfield6 April 1926Spook
The spook who installed the taping system for Richard Nixon.
Ian ButterfieldSpookSpooky MICC consultant, Le Cercle
Pete ButtigiegSpook
US/2020 Presidential election/Candidates
US spook, Rhodes Scholar, US/2020 Presidential election/Candidate
Anthony Buzzard28 April 190210 March 1972Spook
Director of UK Naval Intelligence from 1951-1954. Attended the 3rd and 4th Bilderbergs after retiring
Ronald Bye23 November 193724 September 2018Whistleblower
Norwegian politician who exposed the Norwegian Stay Behind and Norwegian deep state.
Charles P. Cabell11 October 190325 May 1971Spook
Harold CacciaDiplomat
Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee after WW2. UK Ambassador to US after the Suez Crisis. Later Provost of Eton.
Carole Cadwalladr1969Author
Journalist who took part in an IfS presentation about "Russian Propaganda". Rose to international prominence in 2018 when she exposed the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal.
John Cairncross25 July 19138 October 1995SpookBritish civil servant who became an intelligence officer and spy during the Second World War. He was alleged to be the fifth member of the Cambridge Five.
Richard Calder19433 November 2014Spook
Albert Calland1952Spook
US Naval Special Warfare officer who was Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 2005-2006.
Patrick Calvar26 November 1955SpookFrench spook. Single Bilderberg
Ian CameronSpook
Gorden Sunderland Campbell5 July 1905Spook
Kurt Campbell27 August 1957Diplomat
"Asia Tsar" under president Joe Biden
Ralph J. Canine9 November 18958 March 1969Spook
First director of the National Security Agency.
Vincent Cannistraro21 May 2019Spook
Jack Caravelli195231 October 2019SpookSuspected US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
John Carbaugh194519 March 2006Spook
Arms Dealer
Deep state functionary
Cercle attendee linked to political double dealing, arms deals and Iran-Contra.
Kendall CardSpook
Former Director of Naval Intelligence
Robert CardilloSpookDirector of the large National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
David CareySpookFormer Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency with lots of experience in the narcotics field.
Margaret Carlisle28 March 2006Spook
Deep state operative
Legislative aide to Iran-contra insider, James McClure. Le Cercle
Giovanni CarloSpook
Frank Carlucci18 October 19303 June 2018Spook
Deep state actor
A Princeton roommate of his fellow US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld.
John CarmanWhistleblower
Police officer
Set up a website about his experience of corruption in the US/Customs and Border Protection
Roland Carnaby195629 April 2008Spook
Deep state operative
A senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.
Jay Carney22 May 1965Spook
Former Time magazine bureau chief who became White House Press Secretary
William Guy Carr2 June 18952 October 1959Author
Joseph Carroll19 March 191020 January 1991SpookFirst director of the Defense Intelligence Agency
John le Carré19 October 193112 December 2020Author
Luciano Carta31 January 1957SpookAttended the 2020 MSC as director of AISE, an Italian intelligence agency
Ashton Carter24 September 195424 October 2022Spook
Former US Secretary of Defense
David CarterDiplomat
Spooky British diplomat
Marshall Carter16 September 190918 February 1993Spook
Director of the National Security Agency from 1965 to 1969.
Mario Casardi1 April 1915Spook
Peter CaseltonSpook
Richard Casey29 August 189017 June 1976Spook
Deep politician
Australian who founded ASIS
Celerino Castillo1949Whistleblower
A former DEA agent who exposed deep state involvement in drug trafficking.
Henri de Castries15 August 1954Spook
"French President of Bilderberg"
Henry Catto6 December 193018 December 2011Spook
Jack Caulfield12 March 192917 June 2012Spook
Deep state functionary
Anthony Cavendish20 July 192712 January 2013Spook
Deep state operative
"Leading member" of Le Cercle.
Whittaker Chambers1 April 19019 July 1961Author
Fred ChangSpookFormer Director of Research at the National Security Agency.
William Chasey11 February 194023 May 2015Whistleblower
CIA operative who was effectively hounded out of Washington following publication of Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover-up
Marion de Chastelain24 May 191017 January 2000SpookAmerican-born Canadian who worked as an agent for the British Security Coordination and Secret Intelligence Service during World War II.
Chief of the Communications Security Establishment CanadaSpook
Michael Chomiak12 August 19051984Spook
Nazi Editor in Chief turned Canadian farmer
Alain Chouet24 August 1946Spook
Richard Christmann13 November 19051989Spook
Evelyn Le Chêne1936Author
Suspected spymistress who infiltrated the Campaign Against Arms Trade
Eric Ciaramella1986Whistleblower
Not all whistleblowers are as genuine.
Joseph Clancy1955SpookDirector of the United States Secret Service 2014-2017
Edward Clark15 July 190616 September 1992Diplomat
Floyd Clarke7 January 1942SpookBriefly acting FBI Director under Bill Clinton.
George ClarkeSpook
Richard Clarke27 October 1950Spook
"Terror expert"
American spook and "terror expert"
Duane Clarridge16 April 19329 April 2016Spook
Deep politician
Sean Cleary26 October 1948Spookspooky South African
Ray Cline4 June 191816 March 1996Spook
"Terror expert"
Senior CIA, spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism
Thomas Clines18 August 192830 July 2013Spook
"Ted Shackley's career-long deputy and sidekick"
Bill Clinton19 August 1946Spook
Deep politician
US deep politician, husband of Hillary Clinton, “every bit as corrupt as Nixon, but a lot smoother”
Robert Close30 April 19226 December 2003Spook
Belgian Anti-Communist spook who attended Le Cercle.
Richard Clutterbuck22 November 19176 January 1998Spook
Military academic equaling political dissent with political violence, and political violence with terrorism.
Erle Cocke10 May 192123 April 2000Spook
Deep state operative
A spooky deep state operative who made a death bed confession of CIA involvement.
Angelo Codevilla25 May 194320 September 2021Spook
Staff in Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Professor of international relations. Proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Defender of the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.
Frank Coe19072 June 1980Spook
Charles Cogan11 January 192814 December 2017SpookCIA officer, admitted the agency had “funded the worst fellows right from the start, long before the Iranian revolution and long before the Soviet invasion.”
David S. Cohen1963Spook
Confirmed as Deputy Director of the CIA in January 2015
David CohenSpookCIA protege of William Casey, Robert Gates and John Deutch, he has been accused of masterminding the demolition of the World Trade Center.
Ian CohenSpook
Stuart CohenSpook
Yair CohenSpook
Former head of Unit 8200
Yoram Cohen1960Spook
Yossi CohenSpookDirector of Mossad 2016-2021
William Colby4 January 192027 April 1996Spook
Deep politician
CIA boss who maybe became too loose-mouthed, died in suspicious circumstances
Lester ColemanSpook
John Collard1 January 191323 July 2002Spook
Olivier Combe1961Spook
Police officer
Larry Combest20 March 1945Spook
James Comey14 December 1960Spook
An insider who decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton
Lucien Conein29 November 19193 June 1998Spook
Manuel Contreras4 May 19297 August 2015SpookChilean spymaster.
Chester CooperSpook
William Cooper6 May 19435 November 2001Researcher
9-11/Premature death
Radio host
Announced around 10 weeks before 9/11 that "Whatever they're going to blame on Usama bin Laden - don't you believe it...They will soon do something outlandish to gain the support of the Sheeple".<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> He was killed by the [[US Marshals Service]] less than two months after the event.
Colin Coote19 October 18938 June 1979Spook
Editor of The Daily Telegraph with close ties to the intelligence services.
Miles Copeland16 July 191614 January 1991Spook
Thomas Corbally25 March 192115 April 2004Spook
Sexual blackmail
Deep state operative
John Cordeaux23 July 19024 January 1982Spook
UK Conservative Party politician and intelligence officer.
William Corson25 September 192517 July 2000Spook
Spook and counterinsurgency expert who became became critical of the "American intelligence empire". Unofficial adviser to Frank Church and the Senate Intelligence Activities Committee.
Tony Cothron15 May 1955Spook
Director of Naval Intelligence 2006-2008
Steve CovingtonSpook
Deep state operative
DSO mentioned in the Integrity Initiative leak. "supported SACEURs in 15 NATO Summits, over 150 Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief of Defense Meetings, and executed high-level meetings in every country in Europe and Eurasia"
Sherard Cowper-Coles8 January 1955Diplomat
Spooky UK diplomat
Lionel Crabb28 January 190919 April 1956Spook
A spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, John Sinclair.
Cleveland Cram21 December 19179 January 1999SpookResponsible for the CIA's liaison with British intelligence services MI5 and MI6 in the 1950s
Jean Marie CretonSpook
Deep state operative
A serial convicted weapon smuggler mentioned in a TV doc as mastermind between Dutch and Belgian Gladio divisions. Creton also was a supplier to the supposed perpetrators of the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
Jack Alston Crichton16 October 191610 December 2007Spook
Spook who had a close association with George H. W. Bush, involved in the arrangements of the visit that US President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas.
James Critchfield30 January 191722 April 2003SpookSenior CIA spook who handled Reinhard Gehlen. Then Near East Division Chief from 1959 to 1969 where he arranged a coup in Iraq. Le Cercle
Francis Cromie30 January 188231 August 1918Spook
British intelligence officer responsible for several assassinations and coup attempts in Russia and early Soviet Union during 1917-1918, including Grigori Rasputin. Killed in shootout during Cheka raid on embassy after high-ranking Cheka leader was assassinated.
Patrick CroninSpook
Cronin has worked in a number of think tanks connected to the US military-industrial complex.
Sean CroninSpookA little known spook and member of the Institute for Statecraft
Alistair Crooke1950Diplomat
A UK spook who has gone on the record stating that "The West does not actually hand the weapons to al-Qaida, let alone to ISIS... , but the system they’ve constructed leads precisely to that end."
Jack Dyer Crouch1 July 1958SpookDeputy National Security Advisor under President George W. Bush
Philip Crowe7 January 190816 November 1976Diplomat
Big game hunter
US OSS spook and diplomat
Robert Crowley13 July 19248 October 2000SpookSecond in command of the CIA's Directorate of Operations, which was in charge of covert operations. Source for several interesting interviews and lists, but of uncertain reliability.
Brian Crozier4 August 19184 August 2012Spook
Deep politician
Arch espionage insider who founded his own intelligence agency
Catherine CrozierSpook
Deep state operative
A "Strategic Communications Advisor" listed as a member of the Inner Core of the Integrity Initiative's UK cluster
Brian Cubbon9 April 192820 May 2015Spook
Civil servant
John Cuckney12 July 192530 October 2008Spook
Deep state functionary
A spooky establishment figure connected to arms deals and probably more
Tony Cuesta13 June 19262 December 1992Spook
Cuban Exile. Founder of Alpha 66 and later set up the guerrilla group Comandos L. Admitted to involvement in the JFK assassination.
Bud Culligan6 June 1926September 2010Whistleblower
Described the plane, the route and how he shot Hammarskjöld’s plane.
Ernest Cuneo27 May 19051 March 1988Author
Mark CunninghamSpookUS intelligence worker specializing in creating and promoting NGOs for regime changes.
Christopher Curwen9 April 192918 December 2013SpookHead of MI6
Robert Cutler12 June 18958 May 1974Spook
Edward Cutolo4 November 193126 May 1980Whistleblower
Drug trafficker
CIA/Drug trafficking/Premature death
A drug smuggler who named a lot of names about the CIA's drug trafficking, and who then died a sudden death, as did many of those he named.
Federico Umberto D'Amato19191 July 1996Spook
Deep politician
Italian spook who claimed to have founded the Club de Berne. In 2020, indicated him as one of the 4 principal organizers or financiers of the 1980 Bologna train station massacre.
Michael D'Andrea195427 January 2020Spook
Meir Dagan30 January 194517 March 2016Spook
Roald Dahl13 September 191623 November 1990Author
Dell DaileySpook
Former US Coordinator for Counterterrorism.
Elma Dangerfield11 October 190722 January 2006Author
British journalist and Liberal Party politician. She also was an intelligence operative during and after World War 2, working especially with Eastern European exiles.
Jerry Daniels11 June 194129 April 1982SpookA CIA spook from the heroin/covert war operation in Laos and contact to general Vang Pao. Was reportedly poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Claude Dansey10 September 187611 June 1947SpookBegan his career in intelligence in 1900, and remained active until his death in 1947.
Norman Darbyshire1 October 192417 June 1993SpookBritish spy who worked for the SOE and the MI6. He played a key role in the 1953 coup d'état that overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh, the prime minister of Iran.
Francis DashwoodDecember 170811 December 1781Spook
Jack Davis22 August 1951SpookCIA, censored from Wikipedia
Nathaniel Davis12 April 192516 May 2011Diplomat
Spooky US diplomat. Death squads in Central America, coup in Chile
F. Trubee Davison7 February 189614 November 1974Spook
Son of influential banker Henry Davison. Worked with deep state operatives Judge Gary and Bill Donovan. After WW2 Director of Personnel for the CIA.
Jon Day23 April 1954Spook
UK spook
Nick Day1968SpookUK spook, head of Diligence named in Epstein's black book
Matt DeHart11 June 1984Whistleblower
US hacker who claimed to have received documents about the CIA's role in the 2001 Anthrax attacks. Later arrested for child pornography.
Harry Dean1927Spook
John Gunther Dean24 February 19266 June 2019Diplomat
Richard Dearlove23 January 1945SpookHead of MI6 from 1999 to 2004. Publicly announced in 2020 that he believed Covid-19 came from a laboratory.
Steven Dedijer25 June 191113 June 2004Spook
Danny DefenbaughSpook
James Denton5 July 195122 June 2018Spook
He designed, developed, and implemented a portfolio of democratization programs that were active in over 30 countries, mostly in the former communist bloc. By a happy coincidence the new governments aligned with US economic and geopolitical interests.
Peter Deriabin192120 August 1992Spook
KGB officer who defected to the United States in 1954.
Erich Dethleffsen2 August 19044 July 1980Spook
German Nazi general, later Gehlen Organisation and BND. 1958 Bilderberg
John Deverell2 June 1994SpookDirector of MI5's G-branch, killed in the 1994 Mull of Kintyre Chinook crash.
Thomas Devine1926Spook
Deep state operative
A spook and deep state operative very close to George H. W. Bush
Larry Devlin18 June 19226 December 2008SpookCIA chief of station in Congo in 1960, shortly before Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba's two-month term in office, dismissal from power and ultimate execution. Later CIA chief for Africa.
Renee DiRestaSpook
"Former" CIA operative who is "leader of the global censorship industry" as research manager at Stanford Internet Observatory.
Larry Diamond2 October 1951Spook
regime change expert
Paul Dickopf9 June 191019 September 1973Police officerSS spook who became leader of the German Federal Police after the war, where he recruited exclusively former Gestapo and SS officers. Also a paid "unilateral agent" of the CIA since 1948.
William Diebold19182002Spook
CFR economist
Laura Jordan Dietrich21 May 1952Spook
Deep state functionary
A spooky US government insider
Paul Dietrich1949Spook
Spook, Cercle visitor
Thomas Dine29 February 1940Spook
Civil servant
Former executive director of AIPAC and former president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Eugene Dinkin10 June 193821 May 2012Whistleblower
AN "unsung hero" spook who intercepted a communication about the JFK assassination. Shared this with journalists in the press room of the United Nations office in Geneva. Smeared as having poor mental health
Yuval Diskin11 June 1956Spook
Ahmed Dlimi193122 January 1983Spook
A Moroccan spook who died in suspicious circumstances
Lev E. Dobriansky9 November 191830 January 2008Spook
Academic working with Ukrainian exile groups for the CIA.
Geoffrey DoddsSpook
Deep state functionary
Denis Donaldson19504 April 2006SpookSinn Féin member exposed in December 2005 as an MI5 employee. Assassinated in 2006.
Rebecca DoneganSpookInspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2001.
Karen DonfriedSpookUS spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021
Tom Donilon14 May 1955Spook
Deep state operative
Spooky Bilderberger. Has advised the presidential campaigns of Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Joe Biden, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, designing policy, managing conventions, preparing candidates for debates, and overseeing presidential transitions. His brothers are also deep state operatives.
Chris Donnelly10 November 1946Spook
Deep politician
A UK Deep politician who set up the Institute for Statecraft (amongst other groups).
William F. DonnellySpookCIA officer becoming Inspector General of the Agency.
Joan Donoghue12 December 1957Spook
A life-long US State Department apparatchik
Tom DonohueSpook
William J. Donovan1 January 18838 February 1959Spook
Deep politician
Izi Dorot19161980Spook
David Dorsett8 October 1956Spook
Director of Intelligence, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Chief of Naval Operations. Then straight over to a lucrative job at Northrop Grumman.
Jack Dorsey19 November 1976Spook
Deep state actor
The former CEO of Twitter.
Double agentSpook"Turned" agents that are often used to transmit disinformation or to identify other agents as part of counter-espionage operations
Kingman Douglass16 April 18968 October 1971Spook
John Thomas Downey19 April 193017 November 2014Spook
Central Intelligence Agency officer who was captured in China in November 1952 and imprisoned until March 1973.
Tom Drake22 April 1957Whistleblower
NSA employee who blew the whistle on their illegal surveillance.
Thomas Drew26 September 1970Diplomat
Spooky British diplomat; Counter-Terrorism and National Security
Gerry Droller19051992Spook
Tyler Drumheller12 April 19522 August 2015SpookFormer chief of the CIA covert operations in Europe
Waldo Dubberstein21 October 1907May 1983SpookUS spook shot in the head after becoming entangled in Edwin Wilson
Yves-Marc DuboisSpook
Possible head of the Vatican intelligence service. Attended Le Cercle.
François Duchene17 February 192712 July 2005Spook
Spooky key adviser to Jean Monnet
Charles DuelferSpookUS spook who led post-war whitewash of lie of "Iraqi WMDs".
Antony Duff25 February 192013 August 2000Diplomat
Allen Dulles7 April 189329 January 1969Spook
Deep politician
Dulles served the longest ever term as [[Director of Central Intelligence]] and dominated [[American intelligence]] for a generation. He personified a cadre of [[Ivy League]] pragmatic elitists in high echelons of the government who greatly admired Germany’s scientific achievements.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> Dulles was fired by [[JFK]] after the [[Bay of Pigs]] and bore a grudge against him thereafter.
John Foster Dulles25 February 188824 May 1959Diplomat
Deep politician
US lawyer turned deep politician, brother of Allen Dulles
Ann Dunham29 November 19427 November 1995Spook
Peter Dutton18 November 1970Spook
Australian politician close to the security apparatus
Vladimir Dzhabarov29 September 1952Spook
Russian politician and spook.
John J. DziakSpook
John Earman191310 April 1974SpookA CIA Inspector General for 6 years who opposed Operation Midnight Climax. Very little information is available about him as of 2019.
Jen Easterly8 June 1968Spook
Deep state functionary
US spook. Morgan Stanley, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Bilderberg 2022.
James Easton11 February 190819 October 1990Spook
An RAF pilot who became deputy director general of MI6
Elizabeth EconomySpook
US spook, WEF
William Ehrman1950Spook
Rafi Eitan23 November 192623 March 2019Spook
Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside"
Gadi Eizenkot19 May 1960Spook
Nader ElhamessiAugust 1974Spook
Spooky businessman who "randomly" sat next to Saleyha Ahsan, co-founded World for Libya
Allen Elkins17 March 193121 December 2017Spook
CIA officer who worked for the agency for 35 years, including in the secret war in Laos and regime changes in the Dominican Republic
Michael Elkins22 January 191710 March 2001Author
Close connections to Israeli intelligence operations. Worked for the BBC,CBS and Newsweek. The first journalist to report at the beginning of the Six-Day War, and a speaker at the 1979 JCIT.
Marc Ellenbogen6 February 1963Spook
Deep state operative
Patron of the very intelligence-connected Henry Jackson Society and Chairman of the Global Panel Foundation
Harold Elletson8 December 1960Spook
Deep state operative
MI6, MP, Integrity Initiative, New Society Foundation
Nicholas Elliott15 November 191613 April 1994Spook
Deep politician
A key spook with a wide range of connections.
Dick Ellis13 February 18955 July 1975Spook
British intelligence officer who worked against the Soviet Union. Also at the British Security Coordination.
Dawn EllisonSpook
Tobias Ellwood12 August 1966Spook
Neocon UK MP, Chairs the Defence Select Committee.
Charles Elwell16 May 191911 January 2008SpookM15's "Witchfinder-General"
Oded EranDiplomat
Possibly spooky Israeli diplomat
Gilad Erdan30 September 1970Diplomat
Israeli Spook and Ambassador at the UN
Lars EricssonJune 2012SpookLeader of Sweden's most powerful and secretive intelligence service Office for Special Acquisition, found drowned in 2012.
Reuven ErlichSpook
Fritz Ermarth1941Spook
Deep state operative
Le Cercle. CIA. RAND
Fabian Escalante24 November 1940Spook
Pablo Escobar1 December 19492 December 1993Spook
Drug trafficker
Drug kingpin who ran the Medellín drug cartel for the CIA.
George Estabrooks16 December 189530 December 1973Spook
A psychologist who assisted with MK Ultra and boasted of using hypnotism to create an assassin.
Jacob Esterline26 April 192016 October 1999SpookDeputy chief of the CIA Western Hemisphere division
Musbah EterSpook
Jonathan Evans1958Spook
"Terror expert"
Director General of MI5, HSBC Director ...
Wilbur Crane Eveland1 July 19182 January 1990SpookCIA station chief in the Middle East.
Mehmet Eymür1943SpookIn 1995-6 he led the Tcounter-terrorism department of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization
Bill Fairclough31 August 1950Spook
Bill Fairclough's biography
Yaya FanusieSpook
CIA Bilderberger "counter-terrorist"
Aharon Zeevi Farkash1948Spook
Thomas Farmer26 July 19235 February 2015Spook
Deep state functionary
CIA expert on student recruitment, founder of American Academy in Berlin.
Charles Farr15 July 195915 February 2019SpookSpooky UK civil servant, Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee until his 2019 death
Lincoln D. Faurer7 February 19287 November 2014SpookUnited States Air Force officer who was director of the National Security Agency from 1981 to 1985.
Julian Faux1935July 1998SpookA Deputy Director General of MI5, currently with no Wikipedia page.
Mike FeghaliSpook
Perry Fellwock1947Whistleblower
The first NSA whistleblower
Mark Felt17 August 191318 December 2008Spook
'Deep throat'
The supposed true identity of 'deep throat', who played a part in the Watergate Coup.
Bruce Ferguson4 July 1949SpookNew Zealand spook and Chief of the Defence Force
Harry Ferguson1961Whistleblower
A spook who admits that the UK tortured IRA members in Northern Ireland.
Joe Fernandez1 February 19373 December 2020SpookCIA station chief in Costa Rica and a figure in Iran-Contra.
Mario FerraroJuly 1995Researcher
Italian spook who was assassinated in 1995
Matthew Festing30 November 194912 November 2021Spook
The 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, and the only one to have stepped down.
Alan Fiers1939SpookCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer who had a major responsibility for support of the Nicaraguan Contras' guerilla war.
José Figueres25 September 19068 June 1990Spook
President of Costa Rica on three occasions. During his first term in office he abolished the country's army. He had an uneasy relationship with the CIA, who twice tried but failed to assassinate him, despite him working closely with the agency on many issues.
Colin Figures1 July 19258 December 2006SpookHead of MI6
Lars Findsen17 September 1964SpookHead of the Danish Defence Intelligence service. Suspended in 2020 after spying on intelligence supervision board members, and withholding or lying about key information of other criminal activity.
Thomas Fingar11 January 1946Spook
Fingar oversaw preparation of the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran, which concluded with "high confidence" that Iran had halted its nuclear weapon design and weaponization work in 2003.
Alexander Finnen8 June 1952Spook
Deep state operative
Spooky UK deep state operative, Chris Donnelly's "right hand man"
Desmond FitzGerald16 June 191023 July 1967Spook
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
A US Spook and Georgetown Set member who died of a "heart attack"
Ian Fleming28 May 190812 August 1964Author
Jeremy FlemingSpookDeputy Director of MI5, Director of GCHQ since 2017. Attended his first Bilderberg in 2019.
Peter Fleming31 May 190718 August 1971Author
British adventurer, spook,journalist, soldier and travel writer.
Valentine Fleming17 February 188220 May 1917Spook
Ian Fletcher25 August 1959Diplomat
Former head of the NZ Government Communications Security Bureau
Leon FloresSpook
Eugene Fluckey5 October 191328 June 2007SpookDirector of Naval Intelligence 1966-1968.
Michael Flynn1958Spook
US military spook
Jacques Foccart31 August 191319 March 1997Spook
Deep politician
French spook and deep politician, best known as a chief adviser to French presidents on African affairs.
Kyle Foggo21 November 1954Spook
Resigned as Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency in 2006 amid corruption charges. Prosecutors said he "had a history of misconduct spanning two decades." 37 months after a plea deal.
Ford Foundation/PresidentSpook
Frank Gregory FordWhistleblower
US spook. Claimed foreknowledge of 911 and having discovered caches of Iraqi WMDs after 2003 invasion. Then whistleblower on torture in Iraq who was right away put in mental institution.
Robert Stephen Ford1958Diplomat
Trowbridge Ford26 July 2021Spook
A former US Army Counter Intelligence Corps analyst. He retired to live outside Stockholm.
Henrietta Fore12 September 1948Spook
Civil servant
Deep state operative
As Executive Director of UNICEF worked in collaboration with GAVI, CEPI and the World Health Organization, among others, to facilitate COVID-19 vaccination.
Daniel Forestier1952March 2019SpookA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Robert Forrester4 May 195322 March 2018Spook
Randall FortSpook
Adrian FortescueJune 1941August 2004Diplomat
Spooky UK panelist at the 2002 Bilderberg. Son-in-law of Winston Churchill. Died in 2004
Wyche Fowler6 October 1940Diplomat
Robert de Foy23 March 189315 August 1960Spook
Tristan Mendès France7 March 1970Spook
Part of the French cluster of the intelligence service operation Integrity Initiative, now working to implement internet censorship through his Stop hate money project.
Larry FranklinSpook
Brian FranksSpook
Dick Franks13 July 192012 October 2008SpookHead of MI6
David FrascaSpook
Police officer
Deep state operative
"The cutting edge of the U.S. Government's pre-September 11 do nothing policy in regards to Al Qaeda terrorists."
Hugh Fraser22 September 1921July 2001SpookOfficer in the Special Operations Executive and MI5.
Wayne Fredericks26 February 191718 August 2004Diplomat
US diplomat and Africa expert. Having worked for the CIA during the Korean War, Fredericks was also a chief member of the Ford Foundation. Attended the 1979 Bilderberg meeting
Jay Freres193419 June 2015Diplomat
9-11/Premature death
USDSO who pressured Michael Springman to give visas in Jaddah. Supposed victim of a lightning strike.
John FrewenSpook
Spooky general who directed the 2021-22 forced jab campaign in Australia.
Tom FrieldsSpookFBI agent who was part of the process of firing and silencing Sibel Edmonds.
Iver FrigaardSpook
Police officer
Laurence H. Frost22 July 190223 May 1977SpookDirector of the National Security Agency 1960-62 until fired by Robert McNamara. Involved in early decisions regarding spy satellites and the SIGINT program.
Mike Frost1938Whistleblower
Canadian SIGINT spook for 34 years who became a whistleblower
Hannah Fry21 February 1984Spook
TV presenter
Tom FuentesSpookAssistant Director of the FBI who candidly admitted too much success would only lead to reduced budgets.
Graham E. Fuller28 November 1937Author
His daughter married the uncle of a Boston Bombing suspect. The Turkish government has charged Fuller in connection with the failed Turkish coup.
Andrew Fulton6 February 1944Spook
Corporate spy
Peter KeeleySpook
Yegor Gaidar19 March 195616 December 2009Spook
Barrie Gane19 September 1935Diplomat
John GannonSpook
Matthew Gannon11 August 195421 December 1988SpookCIA officer killed in the Lockerbie Bombing
Frank Gardner31 July 1961Spook
"Terror expert"
Spooky soldier turned “terror expert” who was BBC Security Correspondent.
Robert Gates25 September 1943Spook
Deep state actor
US deep state actor and spook
Noel Gayler25 December 191314 July 2011Spook
Director of the National Security Agency from 1969 to 1972, and Commander of Pacific Command from 1972 to 1976.
Shlomo Gazit19268 October 2020Spook
Director of Israeli military intelligence Aman 1974-1978
Reinhard Gehlen3 April 19028 June 1979Spook
Head of the Gehlen Organisation under Adolf Hitler, smoothly transitioned post war to head of the BND
Hansjörg Geiger1 November 1942SpookFormer BND chief
William W. Geimer18 August 19371 December 2002Spook
Founder and leader of The Jamestown Foundation from 1984.
Licio Gelli21 April 191915 December 2015Spook
Deep politician
Fascist deep politician who ran Propaganda Due
Reuel Marc GerechtAuthor
Rolf Gerhardsen3 February 190221 November 1971Spook
Mike GermanWhistleblower
Exposed the corrupt management of 'counterterrorism' at the FBI
Carl Gershman20 July 1943Spook
Deep state actor
President of the National Endowment for Democracy since it was founded in 1984. His entire career has been in and around CIA-connected entities.
John GersonSpook
Deep state operative
UK spook turned oil executive
Mohamed El GhanemSpook
Egyptian senior spook defector who allegedly refused to spy Geneva's Muslim community leaders on behalf of Swiss and US Intelligence services. In retaliation, he was imprisoned without charge by the Geneva judiciary in 2007. Possibly still detained as of 2022.
Majid Giaka1960Spook
Double agent
Libya intelligence worker, became a CIA asset in 1988 and defected to the United States in 1991.
Guido Giannettini22 August 1930May 2003Spook
Amos GiladSpookFormer head of the research division of Israel's military intelligence organisation, Aman
Andrew Gilchrist19 April 19106 March 1993Diplomat
British Ambassador to Indonesia who helped arrange a military coup which organized death squads killing more than 500,000 people.
Carmi GillonJanuary 1950Diplomat
Shin Bet leader who failed to provide adequate security during the 4 November 1995 assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
Raymond GilmourSpook
Chadbourne Gilpatric1 February 1989SpookOSS in WW2, then joined the Rockefeller Foundation
Yossi Ginossar194612 January 2004SpookSenior spook who was used by three Israeli prime ministers as a back-channel envoy to the Palestinian leader
Philip Giraldi1946Spook
"Terror expert"
CIA/DIA spook and “terrorism expert”
Benyamin Givli191919 August 2008Spook
Richard H. GizaSpookUS spook, DIA
Leslie Glass191117 December 1988Diplomat
Dan Glickman24 November 1944Spook
Deep state operative
CIA advisor and Chair of the Motion Picture Association of America
Paul GobleSpookUS spook working on ethnic and nationality questions in Eastern Europe
Roy GodsonSpook
Guido Goldman4 November 193730 November 2020Spook
Deep state actor
Edward Goldsmith8 November 192821 August 2009Author
Pioneering environmentalist with a hint of misanthropy.
Anatoli Golitsyn25 August 1926Spook
Álvaro Gomez-Hurtado8 May 19192 November 1995Spook
Spooky Colombian diplomat who attended Le Cercle. Assassinated in 1995
David C. Gompert6 October 1945Spook
Melvin GoodmanSpook
Anne GoodpastureSpook
Michael Goodwin31 January 19167 September 1988Spook
Oleg Gordievsky10 October 1938Spook
KGB resident-designate (rezident) and bureau chief in London, and was a double agent, providing information to the British MI6 from 1974 to 1985.
David GordonSpook
John A. Gordon22 August 1946Spook
"Terror expert"
Held a variety of posts in the US government including Homeland Security Advisor 2003-4, Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 1997-2000
Sue GordonSpook
Sebastian Gorka22 October 1970Spook
"Terror expert"
US/UK/Hungarian who became a public figure in Hungary as a "terrorism expert" after 9-11. Contact of Chris Donnelly.
Peter GossSpook
Porter Goss26 November 1938Spook
Deep state operative
Rene GoughSpook
U.S. Navy SEAL
Marcell Rene “Gooch” Gough (left) — U.S. Navy SEAL (Class 8) and CIA Spook who died in 1965 during the Congolese Rebellion in the Congo, Africa, and given 84th CIA Memorial Star on Wall of Honor.
Harold Goulding21 August 19034 August 1945Spook
Master mariner, spook and commander of the Special Boat Unit Headquarters who carried out "very secret work". Interest centers on the final month of the war, when Goulding was purportedly posted to Cardiff. Died of meningitis in an Edinburgh hospital 3 months later after another unexpected posting to Scotland.
Rolf GraageSpook
Arms Dealer
Arms dealer, Le Cercle...
Colleen GraffySpook
US spook and propagandist
Daniel Graham13 April 192531 December 1995Spook
Deep state functionary
Iran-Contra connected CIA/DIA spook