Difference between revisions of "Netherlands/Deep state"

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Bernhard ordered the launch of what they first named a "stay-behind network" of secret service agents that had secretly started opposition groups against the [[Germans]] or Russians in the late stages of the war. These agents - around 10 first - tried developing a plan to have a back-up mechanism in place for armed civilians that would fight against [[Russians]].<ref>https://www.inlichtingendiensten.nl/literatuur/Engelen_PIVOT_Stay_behind_organisatie.pdf</ref> Two separate groups that originated out of the war were targeted and professionalized by the [[British]]. These groups at first did not know of each-others existence.
Bernhard ordered the launch of what they first named a "stay-behind network" of secret service agents that had secretly started opposition groups against the [[Germans]] or Russians in the late stages of the war. These agents - around 10 first - tried developing a plan to have a back-up mechanism in place for armed civilians that would fight against [[Russians]].<ref>https://www.inlichtingendiensten.nl/literatuur/Engelen_PIVOT_Stay_behind_organisatie.pdf</ref> Two separate groups that originated out of the war were targeted and professionalized by the [[British]]. These groups at first did not know of each-others existence.
The Dutch committed war crimes after they tried to reclaim control of the Dutch East-Indies, better known as [[Indonesia]] in [[1945]]. Over 100000 were killed when President [[Sukarno]] - who was rumoured was leaning towards communist backers - declared complete independence from Japan and the Dutch. The [[UN]] has declared multiple actions by the Dutch (who only suffered ~1000 losses) [[war crimes]]. The Dutch government apologized in [[2011]], 64 years later.  
The Dutch committed war crimes after they tried to reclaim control of the Dutch East-Indies, better known as [[Indonesia]] in [[1945]]. Over 100000 were killed when President [[Sukarno]] - who was rumoured was leaning towards communist backers - declared complete independence from Japan and the Dutch. The [[UN]] has declared multiple actions by the Dutch (who only suffered ~1000 losses) [[war crimes]]. The Dutch government apologized in [[2011]], 64 years later. Did the Dutch "went back" to Asia at the bitter request of the CIA?
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After [[World War 2]] the [[CIA]] employed a few Dutch secret service agents that actively started opposition groups alongside their own agents in Romania and Bulgaria from the [[1950s]], [[Nieuwsuur]] revealed in [[2016]]. According to the segment they "actively employed partizans to stimulate anti-communist actions after a conference in Washington in [[1951]]". The [[CIA]] and [[AIVD]] (at that point known as BVD) both didn't had any collection upon request in their databases. What they did there is not recollected, at least according to the [[official narrative]].<ref>https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2129420-nederland-had-actieve-rol-bij-cia-operaties-koude-oorlog.html</ref>
After [[World War 2]] the [[CIA]] employed a few Dutch secret service agents that actively started opposition groups alongside their own agents in Romania and Bulgaria from the [[1950s]], [[Nieuwsuur]] revealed in [[2016]]. According to the segment they "actively employed partizans to stimulate anti-communist actions after a conference in Washington in [[1951]]". The [[CIA]] and [[AIVD]] (at that point known as BVD) both didn't had any collection upon request in their databases. What they did there is not recollected, at least according to the [[official narrative]].<ref>https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2129420-nederland-had-actieve-rol-bij-cia-operaties-koude-oorlog.html</ref>
Around [[1952]] framework was finalized and two groups of 21 secret service agents along with the newly formed BVD, started actively recruiting - right-wing - civilians in useful positions that ''did not have a leading position in their workplace or any communist ideas'', such as teachers, salesman, welders, drivers, physicians and sailors. This became later known as [[Operation Gladio]]. These two groups were called ''Operations'' and ''Intelligence''. This group directly reported to Minister of war and former officer, [[Kees Staf]] from [[1952]] and PM [[Willem Drees]] from [[1956]].
Around [[1952]] framework was finalized and two groups of 21 secret service agents along with the newly formed BVD, started actively recruiting - right-wing - civilians. In the 50s, 24 divisions were established: Operation had 7, Intelligence had 17. At the end of the 50s all these agents had their own secret intelligence-station in their house and a container with weapons and equipment which was to be held secret for their families. If someone "for any reason whatsoever" disappeared, they'd "vanish in the mist and never be found". The HQ of the Intelligence-Division was Villa Maarheeze, located in the coastal town of Wassenaar, according to an essay made up with help of former agents.<ref>https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6CCiTYELVK8J:https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/288630/Essay%2520onderzoek%2520111%2520stay-behind%2520(2).doc%3Fsequence%3D2+&cd=2&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=nl&client=firefox-b-d</ref>
According to the Dutch investigative program Brandpunt the agents-to-be (of which 7 appeared on TV) all were personally recruited by one member who became their [[handlers]] and appeared at their door with letters from Kees Staf or PM Willem Drees. They all recalled the "strange exceptional professionalism" of the operation; need-to-know basis, training in [[plausibility deniability]], they were required to be armed 24/7, never met another agent and were also trained in the [[US]] and the [[UK]] (which would also be their back-up basis of operations in case of a Russian attack).
For some positions individuals were trained up to 400 hours. In the 50s, 24 divisions were established: Operation had 7, Intelligence had 17. At the end of the 50s all these agents had their own secret intelligence-station in their house and a container with weapons and equipment which was to be held secret for their families. If someone "for any reason whatsoever" disappeared, they'd "vanish in the mist and never be found". The HQ of the Intelligence-Division was Villa Maarheeze, located in the coastal town of Wassenaar, according to an essay made up with help of former agents.<ref>https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6CCiTYELVK8J:https://dspace.library.uu.nl/bitstream/handle/1874/288630/Essay%2520onderzoek%2520111%2520stay-behind%2520(2).doc%3Fsequence%3D2+&cd=2&hl=nl&ct=clnk&gl=nl&client=firefox-b-d</ref>
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''Operations'' - located at first in [[Utrecht]], later in [[Amsterdam]] in the HQ of the Dutch Marines - fell directly under PM Willem Drees and had these 7 divisions; Psyops, Sabotage, Connections, Falsification, Operational Finance, Security and Codes. ''Operations'' was noted as the "Extreme Measures-unit". Their task was to "commit acts of sabotage", "acts of violence against persons - [[politicians]], [[activists]] and [[journalists]] included - that supported the enemy", "commit robberies" and "make propaganda that would hurt the enemy". The agents all confirmed on [[TV]] that they understand assassination was necessary and a confirmed part of their task. Gladio was already infiltrated in Dutch [[media]] as head of Dutch public broadcaster NCRV and head of the chairman of the Dutch Council of Journalism Tom Herstel was instructor for the [[psyop]]-division.
Gladio was already infiltrated in Dutch [[media]] as head of Dutch public broadcaster NCRV and head of the chairman of the Dutch Council of Journalism Tom Herstel was instructor for the [[psyop]]-division.
Interesting note; Villa Maarheeze, [[Clingendael Institute]], and one of three royal palaces of Bernhard and [[Juliana Wilhelmina]] are located in the same small town of Wassenaar within... 6 miles of each-other.
Interesting note; Villa Maarheeze, [[Clingendael Institute]], and one of three royal palaces of Bernhard and [[Juliana Wilhelmina]] are located in the same small town of Wassenaar within... 6 miles of each-other.
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[[Max Kohnstamm]] was a Dutch [[deep politician]] and Secretary General of the [[Action Committee for the United States of Europe]]. As well as attending the [[1961 Bilderberg]] he attended 27 subsequent meetings, and became a member of the [[Bilderberg Advisory Committee]], which chooses the [[Bilderberg/Steering committee|steering committee]].
[[Max Kohnstamm]] was a Dutch [[deep politician]] and Secretary General of the [[Action Committee for the United States of Europe]]. As well as attending the [[1961 Bilderberg]] he attended 27 subsequent meetings, and became a member of the [[Bilderberg Advisory Committee]], which chooses the [[Bilderberg/Steering committee|steering committee]].
The Dutch government accepted a request from the US to place 22 B28 nuclear bombs at Volkel Air Base<ref>https://www.bd.nl/uden-veghel-e-o/navo-verklapt-geheim-nederland-heeft-kernwapens-op-volkel~aa449ab2/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F</ref>. These bombs and a [[US Air Force]] squadron was placed there with the task to fly to [[Cuba]] if the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]] would get out of hand. the Dutch would not acknowledge this until  
The Dutch government accepted a request from the US to place 22 B28 nuclear bombs at Volkel Air Base<ref>https://www.bd.nl/uden-veghel-e-o/navo-verklapt-geheim-nederland-heeft-kernwapens-op-volkel~aa449ab2/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F</ref>. These bombs and a [[US Air Force]] squadron was placed there with the task to fly to [[Cuba]] if the [[Cuban Missile Crisis]] would get out of hand. the Dutch would not acknowledge this until [[2013]], when [[Ruud Lubbers]] revealed it himself<ref>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22840880</ref>. [[NATO]] did not acknowledge this not until [[2019]]<ref>https://nos.nl/l/2293723</ref>.
[[2013]], when [[Ruud Lubbers]] revealed it himself<ref>https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22840880</ref>. [[NATO]] did not acknowledge this not until [[2019]]<ref>https://nos.nl/l/2293723</ref>.
[[Nazi Germany]] had left traumatic feelings in a lot of nationals resulting in an end of consociationalism. The [[1960s]] slowly saw a lot of new non-denominational people and institutions. This paved the way for a lot of  extreme public discourse for such a small country in future decades which the deep state has trouble handling up until this day.<ref>https://www.jstor.org/stable/589763?seq=1</ref><ref>https://insights.abnamro.nl/en/2016/12/euro-watch-dutch-politics-no-nexit/</ref><ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillarisation</ref>
[[Nazi Germany]] had left traumatic feelings in a lot of nationals resulting in an end of consociationalism. The [[1960s]] slowly saw a lot of new non-denominational people and institutions. This paved the way for a lot of  extreme public discourse for such a small country in future decades which the deep state has trouble handling up until this day.<ref>https://www.jstor.org/stable/589763?seq=1</ref><ref>https://insights.abnamro.nl/en/2016/12/euro-watch-dutch-politics-no-nexit/</ref><ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillarisation</ref>
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All [[Dutch Prime Ministers]] since 1982 have visited the Bilderberg: ([[Ruud Lubbers]] (1982-1994), [[Wim Kok]] (1994-2002), [[Jan Peter Balkenende]] (2002-2010), [[Mark Rutte]] (2010-).
All [[Dutch Prime Ministers]] since 1982 have visited the Bilderberg: ([[Ruud Lubbers]] (1982-1994), [[Wim Kok]] (1994-2002), [[Jan Peter Balkenende]] (2002-2010), [[Mark Rutte]] (2010-).
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A Dutch [[UN]]-sanctioned infantry group known as the Dutchbatters protected Bosnian Muslim man and boys until they were encircled by [[Bosnian]]-[[Serbians]] on the 8th of July [[1995]]<ref>https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-49042372</ref> in the Yugoslavian civil war in the city of [[Srebenica]]<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre</ref>. According to the official narrative<ref>https://www.spiegel.de/international/dealing-with-genocide-a-dutch-peacekeeper-remembers-srebrenica-a-364902.html</ref>, Dutch UN Lieutenant-Colonel Thom Karremans was denied request for air-support by Dutch general Nicolai two times, and an additional 2 times 3 days later and was only granted two strikes by one plane. That was after they were ordered by Nicolai to head back to Italy for refuelling after circling the area for hours. The US Air Force ''could not find'' these targets and resulted in the second Dutch strike to be aborted as the city was over-run by the army of [[Ratko Mladić]] who immediately threatened to "execute 55 Dutch soldiers". The Dutch were allowed to flee to the VN-base of Potocari. 20.000 of the Bosnian muslins fled to compound surrounding the basis. Thom Karramans was subsequently still ignored by the NATO-leadership and Dutch government and humiliated by Mladic. 2 days later Mladic kidnapped all men and boys (around 8000) of the 20.000 under the eyes of the Dutch infantry, led them away and executed them over a period of 9 days. The last remaining Dutchbat unit entered [[Zagreb]] celebrating with Minister [[Joris Voorhoeve]] a period later.<ref>https://balkaninsight.com/2019/08/08/it-was-hell-dutch-troops-recall-failure-to-stop-srebrenica-deaths/</ref>
A Dutch major was revealed to have ordered the [[MIVD]] in [[1995]] to secretly go to a lieutenant who had made pictures of [[Serbian]] [[war crimes]] in Srebenica. The Photographic films could've proven the Dutch would've known of the genocide much earlier than the international community would've condemned it to be. The film was "damaged beyond repair" after an "unusual production process". Lieutenant Peter Putten of the research-unit of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee argued in [[2015]] that the mistakes that led to the film never to be published and damaged beyond repair was part of a [[cover-up]] by the Dutch government. One of the leading involved [[MIVD]]-researchers did not go that far but did argue it was strange the Dutch MOD told him to remain silent. It seems the NATO-countries tried to made sure Yugoslavia destroyed itself from inside out and did not want anyone to find proof that they actively participated in war crimes with other purposes.<ref>https://nos.nl/artikel/2041124-fotorolletje-srebrenica-ligt-nog-in-archief.html</ref>
A Dutch major was revealed to have ordered the [[MIVD]] in [[1995]] to secretly go to a lieutenant who had made pictures of [[Serbian]] [[war crimes]] in Srebenica. The Photographic films could've proven the Dutch would've known of the genocide much earlier than the international community would've condemned it to be. The film was "damaged beyond repair" after an "unusual production process". Lieutenant Peter Putten of the research-unit of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee argued in [[2015]] that the mistakes that led to the film never to be published and damaged beyond repair was part of a [[cover-up]] by the Dutch government. One of the leading involved [[MIVD]]-researchers did not go that far but did argue it was strange the Dutch MOD told him to remain silent. It seems the NATO-countries tried to made sure Yugoslavia destroyed itself from inside out and did not want anyone to find proof that they actively participated in war crimes with other purposes.<ref>https://nos.nl/artikel/2041124-fotorolletje-srebrenica-ligt-nog-in-archief.html</ref>
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===Neoconservaties and War on Terror===
===Neoconservaties and War on Terror===
{{FA|Jan Peter Balkenende}}
[[Pim Fortuyn]] was assassinated on 6 May 2002, a week before prime ministerial elections. His direct opponent Jan Peter Balkenende was elected instead.  According to an international weekly journal of science called [[Nature Research|Nature Research]] Balkenende's government oversaw at least 27 instances of the [[CIA|CIA]] planes using Dutch airports near [[Amsterdam|Amsterdam]], [[Rotterdam|Rotterdam]] and [[The Hague|The Hague]] for [[extraordinary rendition|extraordinary rendition]] in his first 4 years. One instance had the final destination set as Amsterdam. Where a possible [[black site|black site]] would be remains unclear. The leaked reports and their findings were not reported in Dutch [[commercially-controlled media|commercially-controlled media]].<ref>https://www.nature.com/articles/palcomms201784</ref>
[[Pim Fortuyn]] was assassinated on 6 May 2002, a week before prime ministerial elections. His direct opponent Jan Peter Balkenende was elected instead.  According to an international weekly journal of science called [[Nature Research|Nature Research]] Balkenende's government oversaw at least 27 instances of the [[CIA|CIA]] planes using Dutch airports near [[Amsterdam|Amsterdam]], [[Rotterdam|Rotterdam]] and [[The Hague|The Hague]] for [[extraordinary rendition|extraordinary rendition]] in his first 4 years. One instance had the final destination set as Amsterdam. Where a possible [[black site|black site]] would be remains unclear. The leaked reports and their findings were not reported in Dutch [[commercially-controlled media|commercially-controlled media]].<ref>https://www.nature.com/articles/palcomms201784</ref>
In a big leak of [[diplomatic]] cables, Balkenende turned out to be quite active during the [[Iraq War|Iraq War]] and [[Afghan War|Afghan War]], gaining Dutch support for joining the intervention in both cases, promising to seemingly back the US for as long as they would be there.
In a big leak of [[diplomatic]] cables, Balkenende turned out to be quite active during the [[Iraq War|Iraq War]] and [[Afghan War|Afghan War]], gaining Dutch support for joining the intervention in both cases, promising to seemingly back the US for as long as they would be there. The cables called him a "harry potter-lookalike".
In a debate following the national inquiry<ref>https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/h-tk-20092010-41-4027.html</ref> about joining the invasion of [[Iraq|Iraq]], Balkenende told the House of Representatives that he would've done things differently in hindsight, another leaked classified memo revealed he had a conversation with [[Tony Blair|Tony Blair]], warning of "[[civil war|civil war]]", and the possibility that certain neighbours were going to get involved in the resulting power-vacuum. The inquiry stated that the Dutch government didn't have a legal basis to join in the invasion noting the [[AIVD|AIVD]] and [[MIVD|MIVD]] were significantly unsure about [[WMD|WMD]]s, but the [[Dutch Department of Defence|Dutch Department of Defence]] and Balkenende, Foreign Affairs Minister [[Jaap de Hoop Scheffer|Jaap de Hoop Scheffer]] and [[Dutch Minister of Defence|Dutch Minister of Defence]] [[Henk Kamp|Henk Kamp]] went ahead. Balkenende refused to comment on the memo.<ref>https://www.nu.nl/politiek/4181989/balkenende-waarschuwde-blair-inval-irak.html</ref><ref>https://nos.nl/artikel/128556-conclusies-commissie-davids-op-een-rijtje.html</ref> The inquiry claimed full independence but couldn't find some facts regarding Dutch military usage in Iraq or the coincidence that the [[Secretary General of NATO|Secretary General of NATO]] became the same De Hoop Scheffer who secretly received the US request for military aid 1 year before the other MPs knew.
===Gladio Revelations===
===Gladio Revelations===
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In [[2007]] investigative reporter Peter R. de Vries stunned the public with new revelations about Operation Gladio in a 4 year-long invesitgation. Linking numerous weapons-depots in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Roermond to Gladio. It revealed the main operational methods of Gladio and had directly disproven the Dutch claim of Ruud Lubber that the Dutch Gladio-division was "a classy division that just had a national importance". Several corrupt police officers were revealed to have turned a blind eye and even massively and actively participated in the distribution and hiding of weapons and munition to Belgian and "unknown foreign Gladio-criminals". At first weapons ended in the hands of the Dutch main [[drug lord]]s.
In [[2007]] investigative reporter Peter R. de Vries stunned the public with new revelations about Operation Gladio in a 4 year-long invesitgation. Linking numerous weapons-depots in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Roermond to Gladio. Several corrupt police officers were revealed to have turned a blind eye and even massively and actively participated in the distribution and hiding of weapons and munition to Belgian and "unknown foreign Gladio-criminals". At first weapons ended in the hands of the Dutch main [[drug lord]]s.
The weapons were traced back to be used in murders on police-agents, robberies on armoured cash transport cars, assassinations and more in [[Denmark]], [[France]], [[Germany]] according to further investigation by Brandpunt. Most notable was the consistent occurrence of [[arms smuggling
The weapons were traced back to be used in murders on police-agents, robberies on armoured cash transport cars, assassinations and more in [[Denmark]], [[France]], [[Germany]] according to further investigation by Brandpunt. Most notable was the consistent occurrence of [[arms smuggling
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Koos Hertogs - murderer, kidnapper and rapist of 3 girls<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koos_Hertogs</ref> - was named in the book of Yugoslavian secret agent [[Slobodan Mitric]] as an Dutch gladio-agent who he had trained with to attempt a [[coup]] on an [[African]] country bordered by [[South Africa]] that was a former [[Portuguese]] colony, (which points to [[Mozambique]]).
Koos Hertogs - murderer, kidnapper and rapist of 3 girls<ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koos_Hertogs</ref> - was named in the book of Yugoslavian secret agent [[Slobodan Mitric]] as an Dutch gladio-agent who he had trained with to attempt a [[coup]] on an [[African]] country bordered by [[South Africa]] that was a former [[Portuguese]] colony, (which points to [[Mozambique]]).
Hartogs was filmed in an investigation with Peter R. de Vries as being entangled in a [[cover-up]] with the presiding judge - Vice-President of The Hague Court [[Cornelis Stolk<ref>https://twitter.com/truthhitsevery1/status/1017472014960005127</ref>]] - who he had given child pornography in exchange for a "better" judge<ref>https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=koos+h+peter+r</ref>, a evaluating psychiatrist that was previously married to Stolk, and a free driver's lessons. Stolk actually managed to get an early release for Hartogs. In August 2012 writer Patrick Oomens published the book "The case Koos H."<ref>https://www.bol.com/nl/f/de-zaak-koos-h/9200000007788092/</ref>, in which he questions Koos H. being a serial killer and concludes that he doesn't fit the profile. According to Oomens, that would shed another light on the case and the writer conjectures that the whole case of Koos H. has more characteristics of a cover-up with connections to Operation Gladio. With respect to the 'befriended' psychiatrist, the writer claims to have discovered that the ex-wife of Stolk wasn't a psychiatrist at all, but in reality the first female pilot in the Netherlands who transported the Dutch Royal family in the early 50s. [[VIPPeadophile]] between Hartogs, [[Joris Demmink]] and [[Klaas Bruinsma]] all in a large long-reaching network started to appear, and started to appear as [[official opposition narrative]] during the 2010s.<ref>https://www.bibliotheek.nl/catalogus/titel.850738679.html/nederland-s-maffia/</ref>
Hartogs was filmed in an investigation with Peter R. de Vries as being entangled in a [[cover-up]] with the presiding judge - Vice-President of The Hague Court [[Cornelis Stolk<ref>https://twitter.com/truthhitsevery1/status/1017472014960005127</ref>]] - who he had given child pornography in exchange for a "better" judge<ref>https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=koos+h+peter+r</ref>, a evaluating psychiatrist that was previously married to Stolk, and a free driver's lessons. Stolk actually managed to get an early release for Hartogs. In August 2012 writer Patrick Oomens published the book "The case Koos H."<ref>https://www.bol.com/nl/f/de-zaak-koos-h/9200000007788092/</ref>, in which he questions Koos H. being a serial killer and concludes that he doesn't fit the profile.[VIPPeadophile]] between Hartogs, [[Joris Demmink]] and [[Klaas Bruinsma]] all in a large long-reaching network started to appear, and started to appear as [[official opposition narrative]] during the 2010s.<ref>https://www.bibliotheek.nl/catalogus/titel.850738679.html/nederland-s-maffia/</ref>
All documents regarding "Gladio" were deleted in the 90s. And de Vries' sources claims "someone just stole all important pieces of evidence when we got close to a case". So all of this will remain [[memory holed]] and a Dutch third rail topic.
All documents regarding "Gladio" were deleted in the 90s. And de Vries' sources claims "someone just stole all important pieces of evidence when we got close to a case". So all of this will remain [[memory holed]] and a Dutch third rail topic.
Brandpunt and de Vries his investigation, appear to imply "gladio has never ended", which was backed by several former agents and police-investigators. Brandpunt found an classified file from [[1998]] which stated "preprations have been made to have to make future O&I operations possible. Personnel and materials have been reserved. An unregistered company named "Quia Oportet" listed was named as successor if needed in both the Dutch MOD and the Dutch Ministry of [[Dutch Ministry of General Affairs]] their files in [[2002]], but the [[Dutch MOD]] government responded this company and all files regarding it are "state-secret" and will not be released until [[2050]]. Is  this a confirmation of [[Operation Gladio B]]?
Brandpunt and de Vries his investigation, appear to imply "gladio has never ended", which was backed by several former agents and police-investigators. Brandpunt found an classified file from [[1998]] which stated "preprations have been made to have to make future O&I operations possible. Personnel and materials have been reserved. An unregistered company named "Quia Oportet" listed was named as successor if needed in both the Dutch MOD and the Dutch Ministry of [[Dutch Ministry of General Affairs]] their files in [[2002]], but the [[Dutch MOD]] government responded this company and all files regarding it are "state-secret" and will not be released until [[2050]]. Is  this a confirmation of [[Operation Gladio B]]?
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{{FA|Illegal drug trade}}
{{FA|Illegal drug trade}}
The port of [[Rotterdam]] and [[Schiphol Airport]] are major world transit hubs for all kind of cargo. Both in particular are a central node in [[drug trafficking]] to Western Europe. In 2019 the newspaper AD reported Royal Military Police arrested at least 13 people working at Schiphol in all sorts of jobs from luggage to catering. They apparently placed "[[cocaine]] (having up to 225 pounds in their own houses along with €100.000) and [[heroin]] on board of planes coming from "[[South America]] & [[Africa]]", bringing them secretly on planes.<ref>https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/groot-aantal-werknemers-op-schiphol-betrokken-bij-drugssmokkel~a1066b2e/</ref>
The port of [[Rotterdam]] and [[Schiphol Airport]] are major world transit hubs for all kind of cargo.
In 2020 a drug-network of [[cocaine smuggling]] was detected to be operated by Schiphol-employees, and arrested after a [[drug bust]] on a plane from South America.<ref>https://www.ad.nl/binnenland/werknemers-op-schiphol-gepakt-na-smokkel-102-kilo-coke-meer-aanhoudingen-niet-uitgesloten~aab01e1d/</ref> The Royal Military Police denied it was linked to a drug bust in [[Argentina]] where 3 ''crew members'' of [[Martinair]] - a cargo airliner of [[KLM]] - were arrested in a drug bust where 82 packages of cocaine with up to 189 pounds by a sting operation involving 50 agents was found, with a street value of €7.500.000 on a flight from Schiphol to [[Ecuador]] with stops in [[Buenos Aires]] and [[Brazil]]. The three pilots were released, their names being kept silent.<ref>https://www.nhnieuws.nl/nieuws/260845/verdachte-piloten-martinair-in-argentinie-vrijgelaten</ref><ref>https://www.ad.nl/buitenland/drie-nederlanders-opgepakt-na-vondst-80-kilo-coke-in-martinair-cargo-vliegtuig-in-argentinie~ab1d6999/</ref>
{{FA|Sex trafficking}}
{{FA|Sex trafficking}}
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{{FA|Willem Matser}}
{{FA|Willem Matser}}
Lieutenant Colonel in Staff [[Willem Matser]], an advisor to the Secretary of the [[NATO]] Lord [[George Robertson]] and [[Chris Donnelly]], was arrested in February [[2003]]<ref>https://www.standaard.be/cnt/nfld22072003_001</ref> after a "package to Colombia" was intercepted at the airport with €200.000 in bank transfer receipts and "a CD with €200.000.000 in payment orders" with a fake document authorising the transfer of the same amount of money to Romania during the same time he tried developing projects and gaining a 51% controlling stake for the leading [[Romanian]] [[oil]] company (responsible for 10% of the Romanian GDP) for [[Dick Cheney]]'s [[Halliburton]] in Romania<ref>https://www.stelling.nl/kleintje/dossiers/de-brusselse-connectie</ref> (apparently because according to French analysts in which a French investigation that questioned the sudden support from East-Europe for the [[war on terror]] caused French President [[Jacques Chirac]] to become furious, because the country was hijacked by [[CIA]]-agents for support in the [[War in Iraq]])<ref>https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/navo-adviseur-werkte-samen-met-topgangsters~b7d80969/</ref>.
Lieutenant Colonel in Staff [[Willem Matser]], an advisor to the Secretary of the [[NATO]] Lord [[George Robertson]] and [[Chris Donnelly]], was arrested in February [[2003]]<ref>https://www.standaard.be/cnt/nfld22072003_001</ref> after a "package to Colombia" was intercepted at the airport with €200.000 in bank transfer receipts and "a CD with €200.000.000 in payment orders" with a fake document authorising the transfer of the same amount of money to Romania.

Revision as of 19:02, 29 September 2020

Group.png Netherlands/Deep state
(Deep state)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png 5
Netherlands Deep state.jpg
Interest ofAIVD, Dutch Round Table
Founder ofQuia Oportet, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
Exposed byKees van der Pijl, Joël van der Reijden
SubpageNetherlands/Deep state/Functions
Netherlands/Deep state/Premature death
The Dutch deep state

The Dutch deep state was rebooted after World War II.


The Netherlands is a former colonial power and trading hub. Because of their small size and preference for sea-travel the Dutch mostly utilized strategic positions at harbours or straits unlike others empires. Most Dutch immigrants can be found now in the upper mid-west of the US, Brazil and Australia.[1]

Dutch Empire

A survey published in 2020 showed that the Dutch were more positive about the Dutch empire than any other former colonial power.[2]

World War II

The Dutch Army executed 400 young men in the town of Rawagede, another war crime - some as young as 15 year old - as they couldn't find any soldiers, these kids didn't look that dangerous, one would think[3].
Captain Raymond Westerling - assassinated 400 Indonesians personally, he even started a coup after the Dutch had ended the Civil war and decolonized Indonesia, the CIA attempted a similar coup 10 years later as they had files he was leaning towards becoming a "commie[4]".

Operation Market Garden may not have been that much of a failure as most would think.

The CIA recruited Dutch agent "Jan Constantin" and 4 others, trained them in Amsterdam and dropped them as what seems mercenaries

Bernhard von Biesterfeld appears to have been a figure of central importance in the Dutch deep state at this time. The Dutch first supported and outsourced Dutch secret service agents to front-lines, countries bordering the second world countries like Romania, Bulgaria and other unknown countries. According to a parliamentary inquiry supported by the Dutch MOD and a study from the VU University Amsterdam.

Bernhard ordered the launch of what they first named a "stay-behind network" of secret service agents that had secretly started opposition groups against the Germans or Russians in the late stages of the war. These agents - around 10 first - tried developing a plan to have a back-up mechanism in place for armed civilians that would fight against Russians.[5] Two separate groups that originated out of the war were targeted and professionalized by the British. These groups at first did not know of each-others existence.

The Dutch committed war crimes after they tried to reclaim control of the Dutch East-Indies, better known as Indonesia in 1945. Over 100000 were killed when President Sukarno - who was rumoured was leaning towards communist backers - declared complete independence from Japan and the Dutch. The UN has declared multiple actions by the Dutch (who only suffered ~1000 losses) war crimes. The Dutch government apologized in 2011, 64 years later. Did the Dutch "went back" to Asia at the bitter request of the CIA?

1950s - Gladio's start

Full article: Rated 5/5 Operation Gladio

After World War 2 the CIA employed a few Dutch secret service agents that actively started opposition groups alongside their own agents in Romania and Bulgaria from the 1950s, Nieuwsuur revealed in 2016. According to the segment they "actively employed partizans to stimulate anti-communist actions after a conference in Washington in 1951". The CIA and AIVD (at that point known as BVD) both didn't had any collection upon request in their databases. What they did there is not recollected, at least according to the official narrative.[6]

Around 1952 framework was finalized and two groups of 21 secret service agents along with the newly formed BVD, started actively recruiting - right-wing - civilians. In the 50s, 24 divisions were established: Operation had 7, Intelligence had 17. At the end of the 50s all these agents had their own secret intelligence-station in their house and a container with weapons and equipment which was to be held secret for their families. If someone "for any reason whatsoever" disappeared, they'd "vanish in the mist and never be found". The HQ of the Intelligence-Division was Villa Maarheeze, located in the coastal town of Wassenaar, according to an essay made up with help of former agents.[7]

Brandpunt interviews several former Gladio-agents and... former Minister Max van der Stoel ("stoel" meaning chair) who was named as leading coordinator under the pseudonym "Max van der Stool"

Gladio was already infiltrated in Dutch media as head of Dutch public broadcaster NCRV and head of the chairman of the Dutch Council of Journalism Tom Herstel was instructor for the psyop-division. Interesting note; Villa Maarheeze, Clingendael Institute, and one of three royal palaces of Bernhard and Juliana Wilhelmina are located in the same small town of Wassenaar within... 6 miles of each-other.

By his own account, Bernhard von Biesterfeld consulted 12 men before arranging the first Bilderberg Meeting, held in the Netherlands in 1954. The group, initially exclusively male, has had 181 Dutch members[8] over the years, more than other similarly sized European states.[9] (By way of comparison, there have only been two documented Dutch visitors to the Pinay Cercle: Cornelis Bossers & Frans Alphons Maria Alting von Geusau).[10]

US Deep state influence

In the 1950s and 1960s, US Deep state had vastly more money than the BVD, and used it to exert influence into the Netherlands. By 1958, for example, the CIA paid the salaries of approximately 51 of the 691 employees of the Dutch service.[11]


Max Kohnstamm was a Dutch deep politician and Secretary General of the Action Committee for the United States of Europe. As well as attending the 1961 Bilderberg he attended 27 subsequent meetings, and became a member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, which chooses the steering committee. The Dutch government accepted a request from the US to place 22 B28 nuclear bombs at Volkel Air Base[12]. These bombs and a US Air Force squadron was placed there with the task to fly to Cuba if the Cuban Missile Crisis would get out of hand. the Dutch would not acknowledge this until 2013, when Ruud Lubbers revealed it himself[13]. NATO did not acknowledge this not until 2019[14]. Nazi Germany had left traumatic feelings in a lot of nationals resulting in an end of consociationalism. The 1960s slowly saw a lot of new non-denominational people and institutions. This paved the way for a lot of extreme public discourse for such a small country in future decades which the deep state has trouble handling up until this day.[15][16][17]

Full article: Fracking

In Groningen, fracking for natural gas fields was started, which remains a controversial topic for deep politics until this day as halting the fracking would've result in a economic collapse for that coalition-cabinet, as the Dutch did not want Russian gas, and the Middle East has had its "fluctuations".[18][19]


The Dutch Prince Bernhard and Queen Juliana returning from Italy because of developments in the Lockheed scandal. In the back seat Juliana with her dog Sara. The Netherlands, August 26, 1976.

Prince Bernhard played a major role until his exposure by the Lockheed/Bribery scandals, which caused the cancellation of the 1976 Bilderberg. When Dutch Prime Minister Joop den Uyl ordered an inquiry Bernhard refused to answer reporters' questions, stating: "I am above such things".[20] The results of the inquiry led to a constitutional crisis in which Queen Juliana threatened to abdicate if Bernhard was prosecuted. Bernhard was spared, but stepped down from several public positions and from chairing the Bilderberg. Victor Halberstadt is an economist who has maintained a low public profile in spite of attending all Bilderberg meetings since 1975, and being honorary Secretary General of the group from 1980-2000.[21]

The - now - notorious drug policy was green-lit in the 70s with the start of the coffee-shops in Amsterdam and Utrecht. The Dutch cities had a favourable location - close to each-other and other European cities, high density, and quick and modern infrastructure. As globalisation caused companies to outsource to Asia, the oil crisis of 1973 and the loss of jobs caused many people to become homeless (or hopeless) and turn to drugs or working for the Chinese, Russian and Italian mafia that had set-up hubs in Amsterdam as everything was legalised[22]. After a extreme surge of heroin[23], and the rise of drug dealers in the main streets of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Rotterdam & The Hague, most main drugs except cannabis were banned at the end of the 70s. At that point many Dutch crime bosses had already become skilled drug dealers known for their expertise. This became the start of the Dutch illegal drug trade where Klaas Bruinsma started his career in Amsterdam.


Paul Bremer was US Ambassador to the Netherlands from 1983-1986. Max van der Stoel became the main coordinator of the Operations and Intelligence.

Juliana had just pressured the public into not looking any further into Bernhard when Prince Claus - a former solider of the German army was revealed to be the future prince of Beatrix Armgard. In 2016 Claus was accused of "picking up underage boys in the city of Amsterdam" and at least "watching former Dutch Minister of Finance Onno Ruding having sex with one of them" in 1982. The victim recalled "paedophile-prositution to be tolerated in that time"[24] The first scandals of Vipaedophile are dated from this era - not reported in corporate media - and for Claus there appears to be only one earlier hint that he, for example, liked little boys when the Netherlands Government Information Service issued the statement "the Prince is not homosexual and wants the rumours to stop" following a article of the Telegraaf that suspected him citing sources that he also visited a "gay bar in New York" having prove made with an infrared camera, even reasoning Ronald Reagan was "worried about their royal policies" (whatever that may imply in this context)[25][26]

Klaus, Bruinsma, and dozens of other lawyers, politicians and Bernhard and his 1001 Club appear to be connected in one way or another in a a sex cult, with alleged ritual abuse all the way to Marc Dutroux. ISGP has their names pop up several 100 times regarding these matters, Bruinsma (with his clan already connected to gladio and controlling police-units one should wonder how powerful this boss exactly was) and his crime syndicate were being called by one news site as being involved at secretive parties in Amsterdam's financial district - the place where Nieuwsuur[27] said cocaine is mandatory - with child-abuse in the 1990s. The editors of the article specifically mentioned stopping the investigation for the moment citing "the urge to stay alive for quite a while".[28]

Israel's influence

Full article: 1981 Dutch Cabinet crisis

In October 1981, Juliana[29] appointed deep politicians Victor Halberstadt and Cees de Galan to mediate the Dutch Cabinet crisis, this crisis orginally was presented by the original narrative as a feud between the PM and progressive Dries van Agt and his CAD-fraction and the socialists in the coalition headed by deputy prime-minister "left"-wingJoop den Uyl and his PVDA party. Following the 1973 Oil crisis and the major inflation and loss of jobs, the two could not reach an agreement on social reforms. Other forgotten details include the participation of the NATO Double-Track Decision of 1979, PVDA members wanted to participate in a protest in 1981 with 400.000 civilians in Amsterdam. The PVDA lost massively after in the senate elections in 1981 after not pulling the plug out of the coalition as other protests regarding the Iran-Iraq war and the Soviet-Afghan war were also becoming political hot topics.[30]

Another theory regarding this crisis was that Van Agt was removed by the Dutch Deep state that backed Den Uyl (who has a picture in his bedroom and is a close friend of Israeli PM Golda Meir) who was PM from 1973 until 1977 and was a supporter of Israel as van Agt was deemed "too risky". Van Agt's is most known for his outspoken or sometimes explosive character; he remarked in the 1970s that the last remaining known Dutch convicted nazi's in prison should be released because he did not consciously experienced the war and "was arian",[31] he relocated the Dutch embassy to Tel Aviv and told Dutch media in 1982 that "Israel must not think that with provocations and attacks it will reach peace (...) as with gun-violence, unilateral acts and breaking international law and not complying with decisions made by the international community, such as those that have been enacted by the UN" and actively supported sending and keeping UN-troops in Lebanon during the 1982 Lebanon War. Van Agt became a staunch supporter of Palestine and hard critic of Israel and remained it well into the 2020s.[32] Meanwhile Joop den Uyl spoke on the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism as the speaker for the "Dutch response" to "terrorism".

Interestingly enough Van Agt's cabinet had a lot of politicians connected to deep state milleu not known at that time, Van Agt; 1 time bilderberg, Max van der Stoel - head of the Dutch-Gladio division from 1982, [Hans van Mierlo]] - 1 time bilderberg, started - with the future mayor of Amsterdam - a "shadow government" modelled on the British in 1971, publicly advocated for nuclear weapons agains the Sovjet Union[33] and Hans van den Broek. After Van Agt was put out of power a lot of privatization was slowly introduced.


All Dutch Prime Ministers since 1982 have visited the Bilderberg: (Ruud Lubbers (1982-1994), Wim Kok (1994-2002), Jan Peter Balkenende (2002-2010), Mark Rutte (2010-).


Full article: Hollanditis

"Hollanditis" was a word coined in 1981 by US historian Walter Laqueur to describe the rise of Dutch pacifism. In 1983, 550,000 participants demonstrated in The Hague aimed against the deployment of US cruise missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action

Full article: Stub class article Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action

Revolutionary Anti-Racist Action (RaRa) bombed property. The Dutch Interior Minister termed them a "terrorist" group. One of the victims was a prince and the owner of a leading supermarket-chain member of the 1001 club, if even he didn't receive protection, who was behind these attacks?[34]


Full article: Rated 5/5 Klaas Bruinsma

Crime bosses and corrupt officials were intertwined at this point. An interregional investigational unit, known as the IRT, was the subject of a parliamentary inquiry between North Holland/Amsterdam-Utrecht. The enquiry revealed the police officers infiltrated Klaas Bruinsma's (and his successors) drug empire and actively participated in it and executed several criminal acts which caused both teams to end up investigating each-other. Most notably, the employment of civilian criminal infiltrates was controversial. The enquiry and it's findings have caused the biggest law-changes in the Dutch criminal justice system.

Dutch official Gladio admittance

Up until this point the Dutch never admitted Gladio to be existent. Several weapon stashes were found and reported it corporate controlled media, but mayors, prosecutors, and other high-ranking officials all denied knowing the origins. Even when newspaper Elsevier release an article naming several Dutch nations and "at least two MPs to us as KGB-agents[35]." The agent was later revealed to be working for the World League for Freedom and Democracy. Ruud Lubbers admitted[36] the existence in 1990 of a Dutch division of the Operation Gladio-network. But noted, the Dutch division was not under direct NATO-Command, but the government; the organization operated under the "single-agent principle" meaning they did not work in groups and therefore could not commit crimes like the Bologna bombing, Peteano bombing and Piazza Fontana bombing; All civilian-employees were fired at this point. A Belgian agent revealed to Amsterdam main newspaper Het Parool that the Belgian and Dutch gladio-networks were in fact actively working together, meeting regularly.[37]

After these revelations the Dutch public did not ask questions about Gladio, as Lubbers left The Hague for an international philanthropist career, Muslim-"terrorism", the war on terror and several conflicts like in Sudan, Yugoslavia and Libya were becoming more popular due to commercial media and increased television coverage of such events by new commercial TV-stations such as CNN or national-known RTL.


Full article: Dutch Army
Intro into Srebenica

A Dutch major was revealed to have ordered the MIVD in 1995 to secretly go to a lieutenant who had made pictures of Serbian war crimes in Srebenica. The Photographic films could've proven the Dutch would've known of the genocide much earlier than the international community would've condemned it to be. The film was "damaged beyond repair" after an "unusual production process". Lieutenant Peter Putten of the research-unit of the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee argued in 2015 that the mistakes that led to the film never to be published and damaged beyond repair was part of a cover-up by the Dutch government. One of the leading involved MIVD-researchers did not go that far but did argue it was strange the Dutch MOD told him to remain silent. It seems the NATO-countries tried to made sure Yugoslavia destroyed itself from inside out and did not want anyone to find proof that they actively participated in war crimes with other purposes.[38]

More Gladio investigations

Newspaper de Groene published Dutch historians Wiebes and de Graaff's findings in an extra page depicting Lubbers to have lied about the actual clandestine operations and purposes of the organization. Their initial direct allies from the start next to the British were the CIA and the Mossad. It appears a Clandestine Planning Committee planned and organized foreign "counter-intelligence" operations that at times tried to instigate coup d'etat's. The Dutch Gladio-division and a predecessor of the MIVD were actually working together in the same building actively aiming to work together with the same methods for policies the SDS were following. At the supposed end of gladio there were 38 known Dutch hidden weapon depots.

The Dutch only... weren't that successful; they had "informants close to Indonesian President Sukarno up until 1964 as he was drifting towards communists" when the CIA attempted a coup in 1965; Two Dutch agent got caught in Moscow and jailed for two years, Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse - who was steering to communism befriending Fidel Castro and the leader of Grenada - discovered right hand and sergeant Roy Horb suddenly got gifted expensive horses which led to his contacts being outed as CIA-operatives, leading to a murderous spree of Bouterse which included Horb. In 2007 Maxime Verhagen, revealed a plan was cancelled to overthrow the dictatorship in 1986. Ruud Lubbers, Maxime Verhagen, Hans van den Broek confessed[39] they and the Americans actually planned to overthrow and arrests Bouterse with a full invasion in 1987 but did not do so out of fear for too many Dutch casualties. The villa also discovered and aided the Mossad in destroying a submarine communications cable between Egypt and Libya in 1972.[40]

De Groene also confirmed the Spanish Gladio agents had attempted to kill Dutch Princess Irene in 1975 and Prime Minister Cals was rumoured to have escaped a coup in 1965 by the Dutch counterparts.[41] Two former agents threatened to "put agricultural poison in baby power" in 1992 when blackmailing Dutch food business Nutricia.[42]


Wim Kok and his goverment resigned after the parliamentary enquiry about Yugoslavia published their findings. At this point neoconservatives from the SDS had surged to leading roles in the Dutch government and aligned institues, leading the Dutch to join war on terror under Jan Peter Balkenede's command.

Neoconservaties and War on Terror

Full article: Jan Peter Balkenende

Pim Fortuyn was assassinated on 6 May 2002, a week before prime ministerial elections. His direct opponent Jan Peter Balkenende was elected instead. According to an international weekly journal of science called Nature Research Balkenende's government oversaw at least 27 instances of the CIA planes using Dutch airports near Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague for extraordinary rendition in his first 4 years. One instance had the final destination set as Amsterdam. Where a possible black site would be remains unclear. The leaked reports and their findings were not reported in Dutch commercially-controlled media.[43] In a big leak of diplomatic cables, Balkenende turned out to be quite active during the Iraq War and Afghan War, gaining Dutch support for joining the intervention in both cases, promising to seemingly back the US for as long as they would be there.

Gladio Revelations

"When you name 'gladio', alarm bells go off at high-positions, and they'll do their best to kill the case". (..) "Justice ministries in Belgium, Netherlands and in Amsterdam have covered-up arms smuggling. Multiple government institutions used liaisons to participate. They were incredibly involved." "Gladio was a state within a state to overthrown leftist governments to pave the way for 'extreme-right".

In 2007 investigative reporter Peter R. de Vries stunned the public with new revelations about Operation Gladio in a 4 year-long invesitgation. Linking numerous weapons-depots in Utrecht, Amsterdam and Roermond to Gladio. Several corrupt police officers were revealed to have turned a blind eye and even massively and actively participated in the distribution and hiding of weapons and munition to Belgian and "unknown foreign Gladio-criminals". At first weapons ended in the hands of the Dutch main drug lords.

The weapons were traced back to be used in murders on police-agents, robberies on armoured cash transport cars, assassinations and more in Denmark, France, Germany according to further investigation by Brandpunt. Most notable was the consistent occurrence of [[arms smuggling ]] and suspects arrested but released and not prosecuted after intervention of public prosecutors that derailed investigations until the statue of limitations kicks in. Even when a new owner of the munition-shop requested his name to be cleared of any wrong-doing publicly, summary proceedings have been rejected two times. Many arms dealers that were requested after smuggling Gladio-weapons were never jailed but even given their license back while the case was under investigation. Meanwhile weapons had been linked to "murders on communists", the MIVD was listed as the company to have covered-up the instances of massive thefts of the underground-depots in Dutch woods.

At least one known company indicted has admitted it's former owners were probably involved in gladio. The whole investigation looked like a mafia movie as several retired owners only declared to the police that "they should stop searching" as "this goes much further", being released the next day. The Belgian journalist interviewed called it "ludicrous" that the Dutch did not instigate a parliamentary inquiry as it appeared the all Gladio-groups just went roque and "were full with Nazi's with tanks and cannons which received protection in every gladio-country" implicating them in the Olaf Palme assassination.

Koos Hertogs - murderer, kidnapper and rapist of 3 girls[44] - was named in the book of Yugoslavian secret agent Slobodan Mitric as an Dutch gladio-agent who he had trained with to attempt a coup on an African country bordered by South Africa that was a former Portuguese colony, (which points to Mozambique). Hartogs was filmed in an investigation with Peter R. de Vries as being entangled in a cover-up with the presiding judge - Vice-President of The Hague Court [[Cornelis Stolk[45]]] - who he had given child pornography in exchange for a "better" judge[46], a evaluating psychiatrist that was previously married to Stolk, and a free driver's lessons. Stolk actually managed to get an early release for Hartogs. In August 2012 writer Patrick Oomens published the book "The case Koos H."[47], in which he questions Koos H. being a serial killer and concludes that he doesn't fit the profile.[VIPPeadophile]] between Hartogs, Joris Demmink and Klaas Bruinsma all in a large long-reaching network started to appear, and started to appear as official opposition narrative during the 2010s.[48]

All documents regarding "Gladio" were deleted in the 90s. And de Vries' sources claims "someone just stole all important pieces of evidence when we got close to a case". So all of this will remain memory holed and a Dutch third rail topic. Brandpunt and de Vries his investigation, appear to imply "gladio has never ended", which was backed by several former agents and police-investigators. Brandpunt found an classified file from 1998 which stated "preprations have been made to have to make future O&I operations possible. Personnel and materials have been reserved. An unregistered company named "Quia Oportet" listed was named as successor if needed in both the Dutch MOD and the Dutch Ministry of Dutch Ministry of General Affairs their files in 2002, but the Dutch MOD government responded this company and all files regarding it are "state-secret" and will not be released until 2050. Is this a confirmation of Operation Gladio B?


Full article: Cold War 2.0

At this point with the rise of Internet and social media the importance of controlling the narrative on media became important. The Dutch were active specialised contributors to "counter-terrorism".[49] The Dutch called the Russians not neutral and therefore not welcome in the investigation of Malaysian Airlines 17.[50]

Full article: Dutch Cluster

Sijbren de Jong, Maria de Jong and the Dutch MOD set up the Dutch cluster of the Integrity Initiative. In 2018 Rian van Rijbroek appeared on Dutch TV, introduced in 2018 on Dutch TV as a cyber security expert and a hacker working for an intelligence agency and multiple governments again indicting Russia, China and North Korea. In 2019 the Clingendael Institute hosted Strengthening Europe's 'soft' and 'hard' defence, a Chatham House rule meeting attended by at least 4 members of the UK Deep state's Institute for Statecraft.[51] The brother of an deceased Gladio-member gifted his brothers enormous-depot to the police of Rotterdam in 2019.[52]


While other governments were mandating the wearing of face masks in shops and public places, in an ostensible effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Dutch government refused to do so (except for public transport),[53] citing lack of medical evidence that such a measure was advisable[54][55] -- an indication of the limits of the Dutch deep state. Dutch political scientist Maurice de Hond - a staunch critic of the Dutch government and their Covid-19 policy was "unofficially banned" from all current affair programs until mid-summer when the Dutch public lost faith in the Covid policies.[56] Nieuwsuur put the RIVM under more scrutiny when they revealed hundreds of retirement homes forced their employees to continue working through the pandemic even when having symptoms, as the RIVM didn't have the capacity to organize enough tests. Dozens of deceased seniors are projected to have died because of these scandals.[57] In September 2020 investigative group follow the money revealed the Dutch government actively rejected outsourcing testing-capacity. For the sake of "having those labs after the crisis". Decades of forced EU-corporation, but this must be done nationally. Perhaps the Covid lockdown isn't what it seems.

The Dutch government actively tired to not get any more tests by not outsourcing testing-labs. And denies that happened. But why would they do that?


The Netherlands is home to several large multinational companies, including Heineken, Unilever, ABN AMRO, ING Group and Rabobank. Also Philips‎ (which was a major funder of Le Cercle) and Royal Dutch Shell (generally lead by Bilderbergers in recent years). Bellingcat has its own office in the Hague and receives significant funding from Dutch sources through formally 'private' organizations, like the Adessium Foundation. Their universities have produced numerous deep politicians. LSV Minerva seems similar to Skull and Bones only a tiny bit slightly less effective, or not as thoroughly investigated?

The secret Commission for Intelligence and Security Services is made up of leaders of the 7 or 6 largest fractions in the lower house. Meeting, less then 10 times a year. Reports of this commission tasked with reviewing the activities of the AIVD and MIVD were secret and noted by journalists to be made up of confusing text on purpose. Nobody was ever allowed to leak anything discussed. This commission caused controversy when Dutch Minister of Defense Jeanine Hennis was quoted by journalists of the NRC to have told the members that the MIVD had collected 1,8 million metadata of wiretapped telephone-data in one month, this data was shared with the NSA.[58][59]

Clingendael Institute

Full article: Clingendael Institute

In 1983 Clingendael Institute was founded by the Dutch MOD[60], it was the result of a merger of 5 small think-tanks. Nowadays it receives 75%[61] of it's funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dutch MOD and mentioned among "major national think tanks" (such as Egmont, Chatham House etc.) in Integrity Initiative documents[62][63]


The Netherlands likes to boost an image of being "the most well-behaved boy in the EU-class"[64] and hosts several international organizations, often in the Hague which is the deep state milleu capital. It has its own military info-war system.[65]

NATO's public relations

A 2019 poll revealed the Netherlands to be the most in favour of military intervention under NATO's clause 5

NATO is popular in the Netherlands, a country and actively participates in all parts of its joint military operations, including propaganda about them. The Dutch led by Mark Rutte[66] in the 2010s have adopted a form of realpolitik[67] similar to Angela Merkel and are willing to do anything to "stay on as members of the in-group that runs the Western world, to be taken serious inside NATO [..] to be in the core countries of NATO."[68]

The country is seat for NATO courts such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, the ICC and the ICJ which are used to prosecute NATO's enemies while being depicted as impartially dispensing justice on behalf of the "international community".

International Criminal Court

Full article: International Criminal Court

The ICC wrote Tony Cartalucci is neither "international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal. It is an institutionalized tool – one of many – used by Western corporate-financier interests to coerce and control nations across the developing world."[69]

International Court of Justice

Full article: International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice ignored the blatant illegality of the 2003 Iraq War, even when the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission found Tony Blair and a bunch of US government officials guilty of war crimes.

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Full article: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, infamous for its biased investigations of alleged chemical weapons incidents (like Douma), has its HQ in the Hague. This is despite the heavy cover-up of disasters like the Bijlmer disaster.


Full article: Rated 4/5 Illegal drug trade

The port of Rotterdam and Schiphol Airport are major world transit hubs for all kind of cargo.

Full article: Sex trafficking

Apart from the Amsterdam Red light District who would put the number of women there to be trafficked at 400 a year[70], Over a third of all child porn over the world in hosted on Dutch servers, with a EU hotline reporting 82%, the British Internet Watch Foundation reporting 50% ("defeating the second ranked country the US by 42%) and even a one of the lowest estimates put in one being ranked hosting 20% of all images, given the dutch[71][72][73]. The Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) is an Internet exchange point based in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. Established in the early 1990s, the quality of this location and the Dutch infrastructure is given as reasoning... which does not make sense if the average nefarious paedophile would realize that the AIVD is self-proclaimed champion of wire-tapping and seem to be logically expanding their eagerness under the guise of Ferdinand Grapperhaus, so who is hosting these sites?

Full article: Rated 3/5 Willem Matser

Lieutenant Colonel in Staff Willem Matser, an advisor to the Secretary of the NATO Lord George Robertson and Chris Donnelly, was arrested in February 2003[74] after a "package to Colombia" was intercepted at the airport with €200.000 in bank transfer receipts and "a CD with €200.000.000 in payment orders" with a fake document authorising the transfer of the same amount of money to Romania.


An example

Page nameDescription
Operatiën en InlichtingenPrince Bernhard started this division that quite strangely - investigated, confirmed, and even covered up by the MiVD - had most of its weapons ending in the hands of the Dutch leading drug kingpins like Klaas Bruinsma. That Bruinsma and Bernhard are also linked in a pedophile sex ring is a third rail topic.


Related Quotations

AIVD“Everyone spies”AIVD2020
Dries van Agt“Marcel van Dam had the for many plausible opinion that the Prince of the Netherlands should be handled by the Dutch State as every other citizen. So to be brought before trial. I, as Minister of Justice didn't think that was completely unreasonable.”Dries van Agt2005
Jan Peter Balkenende“Of course, even if we ever determine that Volkert van der Graaf was an agent, wittingly or unwittingly, of a "liberal CIA", that does not mean that the Fortuyn case is automatically closed. In this article plenty of evidence has been presented that indicates Fortuyn and close allies as Theo van Gogh, Oscar Hammerstein, Gerard Spong and Tomas Ross, like Volkert van der Graaf and "liberal CIA" NGO network and Friends of the Earth, are part of a parallel security state-controlled network of (neo)conservatives and related right-wingers, which we could well term "conservative CIA". At a higher level, this (neo)conservative network actually got its way with the 2004 murder of Theo van Gogh by an Islamic radical.”Joël van der Reijden
Jan Peter Balkenende
Jan Peter Balkenende“I don't get why you are so annoying and negative about this. Let's be happy together! Let's say: The Dutch are finally able to do this again, that VOC-mentality, looking beyond borders, dynamic! Right?!”Jan Peter Balkenende
Klaas Bruinsma“Boys Club de Amstel ... ran by a certain Mr. Kroner [Kreuner]. A business partner of him was liquidated in the 90's, an acquaintance of de Dominee [Klaas Bruinsma], who regularly visited there. ... Getting back to Piet van Haut: This fantasy-filled caricature also brought along a certain Marc [Dutroux], later known as the Monster of Belgium. This Marc had contacts with Duscedo, of the imperium of the gentlemen Tukkers and consorts. [Incorrect, unclear sentence follows, so loosely translated:] With Charles Geerts pulling the strings.”Joël van der Reijden
Klaas Bruinsma
Klaas Bruinsma“Who is to say that Abbas, Bruinsma and "the Hakkelaar" weren't used as pawns in a game much larger than they were, much as Mink Kok seems to have been used time and again? They are allowed to flourish a little bit, receive a little protection, a little legal aid, and when their time is up some rival gang takes them out and that one gets the protection when necessary. It's entirely possible. But where would the manipulation of these mafia groups come from? Most likely CIA Gladio/"stay behind" networks, which, during the Cold War, revolved around Prince Bernhard and individuals as Bib van Lanschot and Cees van den Heuvel.”Joël van der Reijden
Klaas Bruinsma
Klaas Bruinsma“Is Bruinsma's early connection with Mabel a coincidence? Maybe. But there are an awful lot of coincidences here. Mafia bosses Klaas Bruinsma, Etienne Urka and John Engelsma all seem to have had close direct or, through Oscar Hammerstein and Frits Salomonson, very close indirect ties to the Dutch royal family. Rutger Schimmelpenninck, partner in Boekel de Neree and curator of Text Lite, also has very close ties to the royal family.”Joël van der Reijden
Klaas Bruinsma
Ruud Lubbers“At the foot away, this trouble-field needs to be down-tunneled in a motion, so that appointments along this road with the cabinet can be out-concluded quickest and as best.”Ruud Lubbers
Netherlands/Deep state/Functions“The accusations against Bruinsma, Geerts, Scala and Videorama speak for themselves. And this same group has its ties to members of the Dutch royal family. Not mentioned yet, in 1989 Geerts put up a $500,000 bail for U.S. porn boss Reuben Sturman, a good friend of his. Back in the 1970s and 1980s Sturman and his partner Robert DiBernardo, both working for the Gambino crime family (DiBernardo was murdered on orders of John Gotti, soon after he (once again) was indicted for production and distribution of child pornography), maintained a virtual monopoly on the hardcore porn industry in the United States. They were also repeatedly accused of involvement in the production and distribution of child pornography, which until the late 1970s still was somewhat sanctioned. A gigantic portion of this type of material actually was imported from the Netherlands at the time.”Joël van der ReijdenOctober 2014
Pieter Omtzigt“Long I've objected comparing Malta and the Netherlands. But here something else is not functioning. That is power and opposing power. There is such an intimate connection between the coalition and parliament, between the parliament and the media, between the parliament and the justice system. If you ask difficult questions, you become the problem. There is something wrong with the checks and balances. And it goes further. The criminal justice system doesn't work anymore. All the NGOs that hog the government's money, all don't work anymore. Know what happens nowadays? They don't dare to speak, because the government will kill their subsidy. We've organized or system so precisely that our flock of politicians values the party-chairman more than the electorate.”Pieter Omtzigt19 January 2021
Pieter Omtzigt“I've stopped with that case after Sybrand Buma stormed into my office. Because he had been given an instruction from Mark Rutte that I had to stop with the questions in parliament about Joris Demmink.”Pieter Omtzigt10 October 2020
Operation Gladio/Exposure“When we began 4 years ago with this case, we couldn't believe this lawyer, but now I can't deny it any more. We discovered that the justice departments in Belgium, The Netherlands and in particular in Amsterdam have made several cases in international weapons smuggling silently disappear. These departments have consistently remarked that illegal ownership of weapons would be tackled directly. I can't deny that this has happened on purpose. Of course, the Dutch Ministry of Justice makes mistakes that sometimes have sad consequences, but, these volumes, this stubborn, and this simple can only happen if it was your intention all along. Admitting it, they will never do, because you'd have to admit why you did this, and the experiences from the 1980s with Gladio learns that these sort of deals will be denied till the bitter end. Which means we'll probably never know of the exact dealings.”Peter R. de Vries2007
Joël van der Reijden“There most certainly is evidence that quite a bit of child abuse takes place at the highest level of society and that people in this milieu for the most part care little about this problem. Also, there have been very demonstrable ties between the royal house of Orange, Klaas Bruinsma-Etienne Urka-John Engelsma-Charles Geerts Maffia and Intelligence & Operations. This last group was the Dutch brand of CIA Operation Gladio/"Stay Behind" network. These ties have to be investigated much deeper, because it appears that it's from this milieu that a lot of manipulation of the Dutch state has taken place, seemingly including paedophile entrapment operations. And isn't it just really strange that all Dutch names that have been leaked over the years with regard to paedophilia include homosexuals?”Joël van der ReijdenOctober 2014
Mark Rutte“Vision is like an elephant that robs your view. (...) When I think of the word "vision" I immediately think: go see an ophthalmologist!.”Mark Rutte
Henk Vredeling“Congresses don't buy jet-fighters”Henk Vredeling1975
Peter R. de Vries“When we began 4 years ago with this case, we couldn't believe this lawyer, but now I can't deny it any more. We discovered that the justice departments in Belgium, The Netherlands and in particular in Amsterdam have made several cases in international weapons smuggling silently disappear. These departments have consistently remarked that illegal ownership of weapons would be tackled directly. I can't deny that this has happened on purpose. Of course, the Dutch Ministry of Justice makes mistakes that sometimes have sad consequences, but, these volumes, this stubborn, and this simple can only happen if it was your intention all along. Admitting it, they will never do, because you'd have to admit why you did this, and the experiences from the 1980s with Gladio learns that these sort of deals will be denied till the bitter end. Which means we'll probably never know of the exact dealings.”Peter R. de Vries2007


Known members

33 of the 34 of the members already have pages here:

Jozias van AartsenOne time Bilderberger
Klaus-Georg von AmsbergPrince Claus of the Netherlands, fought for Hitler, implicated in underage sex ring with mayor Ed van Thijn and finance minister Onno Ruding. Alleged victim of sexual blackmail.
Beatrix ArmgardFormer Dutch Queen. Survived 2009 Queen's Day Attack. In 1962 became the first woman to attend a Bilderberg meeting. Kicked a very heavy Bilderberg habit in 2015.
Hans van Baalen"A Dutch pirate and a villain"
Jan Peter BalkenendeDutch PM for 8 years in 2000s, became PM after his opponent - who was leading in the polls - got assassinated. Single Bilderberger, joined the war on terror, oversaw the decade with the most deaths from terror-attacks on Dutch soil.
Gaby van den BergAn extremely experienced and well-connected behavioural and communication scientist "very interested" in the IfS.
Bernhard von BiesterfeldNazi arms dealer. Alleged bodyguard of Hitler, early member of the SS, requested presidency under Hitler during WW2. An early leader of the Dutch Deep State, founded Dutch division of Operation Gladio named Inlichtingen en Operatiën, co-founded Bilderberg as Steering Committee chairman. Started 1001 Club, WWF, Rijkens Club. Linked to Klaas Bruinsma.
Laurens Jan BrinkhorstDutch politician & lawyer who attended the 1970 and 1974 Bilderbergs
Hans van den BroekLawyer, politician, Bilderberger panellist, Dutch Foreign Minister for 10 years. Dutch Minister of State. "Valuable member named by EU-officials". Rejected Secretary General role for NATO.
Klaas BruinsmaMysterious Amsterdam drug lord in the 1970s and 1980s. Connected to the Dutch royal family through a princess (and possibly more royalty), spooks and underage-sex trafficking. Assassinated in 1991
Joris DemminkA controversial retired Dutch Justice Department official from the Netherlands.
Willem-Alexander FerdinandDutch royalty. Bilderberg
Maria de GoeijIntegrity Initiative/Institute for Statecraft polyglot
Victor HalberstadtA professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Sijbren de JongA vocal strategic analyst for the IfS, vitally helped with the set-up of the Dutch Cluster of the II with his employer and the Dutch MOD.
Alexander H.G. Rinnooy KanDutch politician, businessman and mathematician
Wim KokDutch Minister of State, Dutch PM, Bilderberg, sued for war crimes in Yugoslavia where he and Jozias van Aartsen blamed "the wind" for missing targets by thousands of meters, killing dozens. Court found NATO and the Dutch Air Force and not the wind guilty, as NATO "used wrong legal basis".
Kees van LedeNamed the most powerful man in Dutch business in 2006. Attended Bilderberg/1989.
Ruud LubbersDutch deep state operative and Prime-Minister. Close ties to the SDS as Minister of State.
Joseph LunsEx Secretary General of NATO, Regular Bilderberger
Hans van MierloShadow-cabinet member. Opposed peace movement. Liaison for US cruise missiles on Dutch soil. Dutch Defence minister. Lied about nuclear weapon storing at Dutch Air Force on US orders. Received orders from the US to not arrest Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse for drug trading (while the CIA was busy with Bouterse). Single Bilderberg.
Mabel van OranjeAbnormal influential spook. Helped destroying Yugoslavia. Lover of Drug Kingpin and friend of the royals Klaas Bruinsma. Burned publicly by an AIVD-agent.
Mark RutteHeptabilderberger, NATO SG & Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Protégé of Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of cover-ups. Often "has no memory" of them.
Marietje SchaakeDutch spooky euro-politician. Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Jaap de Hoop SchefferBilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO. He held an "anti-terrorist exercise" in Madrid 3 days before the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
Max van der StoelDutch deep politician. Main coordinator of the Dutch-division of Operation Gladio from the 1980s.
Joop Den UylPolitician. Dutch Prime Minister. Deep state functionary. Teenage Adolf Hitler fan. While leading the most "socialist" coalition in Dutch history Den Uyl's cabinet secretly smuggled weapons to Israel for the Yom Kippur War, trained their soldiers, set up the first national counterterrorism units used in controversial missions, cover-up Prince Bernhard Northrop Affair.
Jeroen van der VeerHexaBilderberger Shell manager, Honorary Global Chairman of the London Speaker Bureau
Maxime VerhagenDutch politician
Gijs de VriesDutch "terror expert" WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1998...
Herman WijffelsDutch economist politician
Juliana WilhelminaSad (but not completely clean) wife of seemingly ruthless Prince Bernhard. Was silenced and blackmailed very early with her spooky connections by her own husband.
Jelle ZijlstraFormer PM, triple Bilderberger and Dutch Minister of State. Secret central banker for the US and rejected saving Dries van Agt in 1981 and chairman-post for the European Commission. Only PM in the world to become BIS president.


Event Planned

1981 Dutch Cabinet crisis19811982The Hague
PM Dries van Agt was set-up (after a decade-long power struggle) to work with a lot of deep politicians, spooks, Israel's liaison Joop den Uyl, the Dutch Operation Gladio boss, a corrupt royal family and NATO. He never had a chance.


5star.png 4 April 2021 Terje 
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