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Kathalijne Buitenweg27 March 1970Dutch politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2019.
Antony Burgmans13 February 1947Dutch businessman
Ian Buruma28 December 1951Dutch writer and editor who lives and works in the United States.
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken30 June 1954Richest woman in the Netherlands, from the Bilderberger Heineken family.
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti17 May 1971Dutch royalty
Marc Chavannes20 September 1946Former Washington correspondent and News Editor for Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. In 2009 he published a book on changing the Dutch mode of governance - and maybe why he was invited to the 2011 Bilderberg Conference.
Piet Dankert8 January 193421 June 2003Dutch politician who attended the 1967 Bilderberg. President of the European Parliament 1982-84
Wisse Dekker26 April 192425 August 2012Philips CEO 1982-1986. From 1988 to 1992, he chaired the European Round Table of Industrialists.
Rudi Dekkers27 July 195613 April 2024Owner of the 9/11-linked Huffman Aviation flight school, also with strong links to drug trafficking.
Henri Deterding19 April 18664 February 1939Anglo-Dutch oil tycoon, one of the richest men in the world, oil cartel instigator, very early sponsor of Hitler
John Deuss8 August 1942"One of the most successful international wheeler-dealers of recent decades" who lived "a charmed life on the edge" with help from the UK and US deep states
Anton Dijkgraaf11 January 191915 August 1974Dutch banker who attended the 1972 Bilderberg
Robbert Dijkgraaf24 January 1960One time Bilderberger. String theorist
Sharon Dijksma16 April 1971Dutch politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg
Frank Dikötter30 November 1961
Jaap van Dissel29 April 1957Head of Infectious Disease Control Centre. Played big role during Covid 19.
Willem Drees5 July 188614 May 1988A beloved Dutch PM. Worked together with Intelligence agencies to set up Gladio-outfit Inlichtingen en Operatiën. Signed off on murdering Indonesians in the civil war. Tried to cover up troubles with faith healers and a "hand layer" in the Dutch royal family. Left his socialist Dutch labour party because of their "refusal" to move with neoliberal ways Joop den Uyl opted.
Wim Duisenberg9 July 193531 July 2005President of the European Central Bank, 7 Bilderbergs
Willem van Eekelen5 February 1931Dutch Defence Minister who founded the JASON Institute
Willem Engel15 March 1977Dutch "Covid denier" who was arrested when he became too much of a headache.
Willem-Alexander Ferdinand27 April 1967Dutch royalty. Bilderberg
Pim Fortuyn19 February 19486 May 2002An assassinated Dutch politician
Louise Fresco11 February 1952Dutch food scientist who sat on the board of Unilever when she attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting. In 2020, appointed to World Health Organization Commission that called for a Pandemic Treaty and a One Health strategy to take control over human, animal and environmental health.
Cees de Galan2 May 19329 August 1987Dutch economist who assisted Victor Halberstadt mediating the "1981 cabinet crisis". Member of the 1971 shadow-cabinet full of deep politicians, spooks and even one accused paedophile.
Gayatri Galloway24 February 1985TV presenter and anthropologist wife of George Galloway.
Max Geldens19321989Dutch director of McKinsey & Company who wrote and gave a working paper for the 1984 Bilderberg
Frans Alphons Maria Alting von Geusau26 June 1933A Dutch diplomat and scholar in international law. Von Geusau was also an advisor to the Dutch government from 1968 to 1998.
Harold Goddijn23 April 1960Attended the 2008 Bilderberg as CEO of TomTom, a company developing location tracking technology used by more than one billion people every day.
Maria de GoeijIntegrity Initiative/Institute for Statecraft polyglot
Johan Goudswaard27 November 192126 January 2013Vice-chairman of the Board of Directors in the Dutch multinational Unilever when he attended the 1975 Bilderberg, and went on to invest heavily in the USA.
Frans A. de Graaf18 October 190523 July 1962Private secretary of Prince Bernhard
Ferdinand Grapperhaus11 August 1959Viceroy of Amsterdam's financial district, Dutch Justice Minister, COVID-19 Dutch Head-coordinator.
Frank de Grave27 June 1955Acting Mayor of Amsterdam in 1994. 1999 Bilderberg. Tried exposing a big Dutch bank to the De Nederlandsche Bank, was ignored initially. Became a member of the Council of State in 2018.
Rijkman Groenink25 August 1949A big Dutch businessman and banker who was in the board of directors and in charge of ABN AMRO during the Global Financial Crisis. Noted to have a "bad reputation" in the UK.
Caroline de Gruyter11 September 1963Europe-correspondent for the Dutch NRC Handelsblad. Bilderberg/2024. Think-tanks.
Jacob de Haan31 December 188130 June 1924An assassinated Dutch Zionist.
Victor Halberstadt16 June 1939A professor of economics, with a minimal Wikipedia page, who has attended all Bilderberg meetings since 1975.
Ralph Hamers25 May 1966Attended the 2017 Bilderberg as ING CEO'. Prosecuted for massive corruption at ING concerning at least $1,25 billion. Even after the settlement with ING, the Dutch court prosecuted Hamers personally in 2020.
Oscar Hammerstein20 February 1954Suspected by the Dutch court of money laundering by corrupt Fred Teeven. Personal lawyer of a new group formed out of old Inlichtingen en Operatiën/Klaas Bruinsma group who was also linked to a child sex ring. A personal friend of multiple accused paedophiles.
Frank Heemskerk26 July 1969Spokesperson for the World Bank. State secretary for Economical affairs. Banker for ABN AMRO.
Freddy Heineken4 November 19233 January 2002Dutch businessman for Heineken International. Jeffrey Epstein/Black book
Jérôme Heldring21 December 191727 April 2013Chief editor of NRC Handelsblad from 1968 to 1972, connected to the paper from 1953. Transatlantic conservative, but warned that the peace dividend was a lie and the west had failed to develop to that dividend at all in 2012.
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert7 April 1973Dutch Defence Minister, connected to the 2015 Hawija bombing, lied about knowledge of any deaths and covered-up any juridical complicity with Mark Rutte & Bert Koenders.
Cor Herkströter21 August 1937Shell manager. Single Bilderberg
Adrienne van HeterenJanuary 1960regime change expert
Hans Hirschfeld18991961Dutch economist/diplomat. Rapporteur in the attendance list of the first Bilderberg.
Wopke Hoekstra30 September 1975Dutch Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
Cees van der Hoeven9 September 1947Dutch businessman
Marius Holtrop2 November 19021 April 1988Central banker. Worked for Shell in the 1930s. Was part of the commission that exposed Prince Bernhard's Lockheed Bribery Affair
Jan Hommen29 April 1943Triple Bilderberger Dutch corporate executive.
Maria J. 't Hooft29 August 191918 May 2010Dutch economist specializing in raw materials and commodities. Visitor to the 1972 Bilderberg
Willem A. Visser 't Hooft20 September 19004 July 1985Dutch theologian who became the first secretary general of the World Council of Churches. Informant for Allen Dulles during WW2. Single Bilderberger.
Anne HoogendoornExecutive Secretary of the Bilderberg Meetings
Andreas Egbert van Braam Houckgeest19131981Private Secretary to Prince Bernhard, later responsible for royal finances
Frans van den Hoven27 April 192321 January 2021Dutch businessman
Jean Marc Huët1969Dutch business executive formerly with Goldman Sachs and Unilever who attended his first Bilderberg in 2022 as Chairman of Heineken.
Peter Idenburg1942Dutch business academic who visited the 1971 Bilderberg
Poul Louis Justman Jacob19101991Chairman of Dutch state steel company Koninklijke Hoogovens in the 20th century.
Aad Jacobs28 May 1936Former head of Shell & ING. Inducted in Insurance Hall of Fame.
Johannes Jansen17 November 19425 May 2015Dutch theologist specialized in Arabian religions. Opposed Pim Fortuyn. Was persuaded by a judge in a case against Geert Wilders causing a judicial disqualification.
Renée Jones-Bos20 December 1952Former Dutch top-level ambassador to Russia and the US, later liaison for the AIVD and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Sijbren de JongA vocal strategic analyst for the IfS, vitally helped with the set-up of the Dutch Cluster of the II with his employer and the Dutch MOD.
Hugo de Jonge26 September 1977Dutch Health Minister during Covid-19.
Annemarie Jorritsma6 January 1950Career politician. Senate leader for Mark Rutte. Covered-up Mossad-connection in Bijlmer disaster. Worked together with big oil operatives Gerrit Zalm, Dick Benschop and deep state actor Willem Vermeend advising and promoting EU-federalisation, neo-liberalism and privatisation.
Danny Jowenko14 December 195516 July 2011Controlled demolition expert who was famously interviewed about the destruction of WTC7, later suddenly died
P. J. Kapteyn Jr31 January 1928European Court of Justice judge, Dutch Council of State member, policymaker for Dutch Foreign Ministers and overseas departments.
Sigrid Kaag2 November 1961Dutch diplomat and politician. Although an outspoken feminist, Kaag vocally opposed a public trial regarding dozen of reports of sexual abuse within her own party. A successful and career-diplomat, named by Geert Wilders as the "namesake of a runway at Schiphol Airport", she has attended two Bilderberg meetings.
Arjen Kamphuis1971Dutch IT-expert with a Wikileaks connection. He disappeared during a trip in Norway in 2018.
Alexander H.G. Rinnooy Kan5 October 1949Dutch politician, businessman and mathematician
P. J. Kapteyn26 September 189527 September 1984Attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s.
C. Frits KarstenBanker, Honorary Treasurer of the Bilderberg and a member of the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Mona Keijzer9 October 1968Dutch cabinet minister who was sacked by Mark Rutte after criticising COVID-19 vaccine passports
Pieter Kerstens3 August 18968 October 1958Dutch politician and strong supporter of European cooperation.
Ewald Kist22 January 1944Former Olympian turned spokesperson for ING & Philips, named "part of the Dutch 200 most influential people" in 2015 by Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant.
E. N. van Kleffens17 November 189417 June 1983Dutch Bilderberger, heavy Bilderberg habit, President of the United Nations General Assembly 1954-55
Gerard J. Kleisterlee28 September 1946Dutch businessman, Tafelronde
Cor Van Der Klugt30 March 19256 January 2012Dutch businessman
Ben Knapen6 January 1951NRC Handelsblad/Editor-in-Chief, NOS correspondent, State secretary of European Affairs from 2010 to 2012, Dutch Senator.
Antonie Knoppers191516 December 2003Merck executive who attended the 1967 and 1970 Bilderbergs.
Klaas Knot14 April 1967BIS, 4 Bilderbergs, Central banker,Trilateral Commission
Bert Koenders28 May 1958International Crisis Group, International Commission on Missing Persons, UN Secretary-General' Special Representative in Ivory Coast from 2011 to 2013, founded the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank/International Monetary Fund, President of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly and leader of its Socialist Group, member of the parliamentary hearing committee on the Srebrenica massacre, Private secretary of Hans van den Broek, tried to memory hole 2015 Hawija bombing with Mark Rutte & Jeanine Hennis.
Max Kohnstamm22 May 191420 November 2010Member of the Bilderberg Advisory Committee, visited the Bilderberg 28 times. European chair of the CFR
Wim Kok29 September 193820 October 2018Dutch Minister of State, Dutch PM, Bilderberg, sued for war crimes in Yugoslavia where he and Jozias van Aartsen blamed "the wind" for missing targets by thousands of meters, killing dozens. Court found NATO and the Dutch Air Force and not the wind guilty, as NATO "used wrong legal basis".
V. J. Koningsberger10 February 189528 February 1966Dutch academic who attended the first Bilderberg meeting
Pieter Korteweg28 December 1941Dutch economist, Bilderberg Steering committee in the 1990s when he attended 7 Bilderbergs
Henri de Koster5 November 191424 November 1992TriBilderberg Dutch businessman and politician
Gualtherus Kraijenhoff11 July 192220 January 2011Dutch aristocrat and Big Pharma businessman. Attended the 1971 Bilderberg
Neelie Kroes19 July 1941Attended all Bilderbergs from 2005 up to 2012. European commissioner
Ed Kronenburg13 September 1951Grandmaster of the Royal house under Beatrix. Right hand of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. Former Secretary-General for Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Liaison of Hans van den Broek, Former director of OECD. Former ambassador to China. One time Bilderberger.
Arne Kruithof10 October 1963Flight School owner involved in 9/11. Keeps a very low profile. Implicated Rudi Dekkers was lying about his activities. Survived a heavy plane crash in 2002.
H. J. Kruls1 August 190213 December 1975Explosive Dutch general during World War 2. Trusted liaison of Prince Bernhard, former head advisor for the board of directors of KLM. Bilderberger.
Pieter Kuin7 April 190814 August 2002Unilever multinational corporation executive who spoke on "European co-operation for the development of Southern Italy" with Paul Rykens at the 1968 Bilderberg
Jaap Kymmell19212001Dutch banker and economist who attended the 1967 Bilderberg
Arnold Lamping17 June 18931 January 1970Deputy secretary general in Europe of the Bilderberg. All Bilderberg meetings from 1960 - 1968.
Kees van Lede21 November 1942Named the most powerful man in Dutch business in 2006. Attended Bilderberg/1989.
Arthur Docters van Leeuwen8 May 1945Former AIVD Director, Attorneys General chairman (a position he quit after Winnie Sorgdrager wanted to prosecute one of the attorneys his friends for pedo-activities), former chairman Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, former inspector for government finances at Ministry of Finance, big investor in Libyan Oil companies around the 2011 Attacks on Libya. One time Bilderberg.
Emile van Lennep15 January 19152 October 1996Secretary-General of the OECD for 15 years. Poly Bilderberg
Pieter Lieftinck30 September 19029 July 1989Dutch Minister of Finance for 7 years just after WW2. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg Meeting
Hans Van Liemt19332020Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors at DSM, a Dutch multinational mining and chemicals company. He attended the 1985 Bilderberg conference.
Christiaan Lindemans24 October 191218 July 1946
Aarnout Loudon10 December 1936Tafelronde, 1984 Bilderberg
John Loudon27 June 19054 February 1996Anglo/Dutch CEO of Shell, and close friend with David Rockefeller. Attended the 1962, 1965, 1975 Bilderbergs.
Marinus van der Lubbe13 January 190910 January 1934Blamed for the Reichstag Fire
Ruud Lubbers5 July 193914 February 2018Dutch deep state operative and Prime-Minister. Close ties to the SDS as Minister of State.
Joseph Luns28 August 191117 July 2002Ex Secretary General of NATO, Regular Bilderberger
Hanja Maij-Weggen29 November 1943Helped illegal drug trade with badly secured railway projects from Germany to Rotterdam. Covered up Mossad-connection to Bijlmer disaster.
Floris MaijersAttended the 1988 Bilderberg, and 1993 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board of Unilever
Sicco Mansholt13 September 190829 June 1995Attended the 1963 and 1964 Bilderbergs as European Commissioner for Agriculture
Fred Matser1945"Philanthropist" who has been called "the Dutch Bill Gates".
Willem Matser1952Willem Matser was a NATO official close to Lord Robertson, NATO’s 10th Secretary General. He was charged with various offences in connection with a $200m drug related money laundering operation between Colombia and Romania.
Tom-Jan Meeus1961Dutch journalist for NRC Handelsblad who attended Bilderberg/2024.
Gideon van Meijeren27 May 1988Durch politician who made a strong start asking Mark Rutte about his letter to Klaus Schwab.
Hans Melchers18 May 1938Dutch leader of chemical company, supplied poison gas components to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war.
Ad Melkert12 February 1956Double Bilderberg Dutch politician
Johannes Meynen13 April 190113 February 1980Bilderberg Steering committee, Netherlands Defence Minister
Hans van Mierlo18 August 193111 March 2010Shadow-cabinet member. Opposed peace movement. Liaison for US cruise missiles on Dutch soil. Dutch Defence minister. Lied about nuclear weapon storing at Dutch Air Force on US orders. Received orders from the US to not arrest Surinam dictator Desi Bouterse for drug trading (while the CIA was busy with Bouterse). Single Bilderberg.
Huib Modderkolk1982Journalist that has done multiple probes into Dutch intelligence services.
Alfred Mozer15 March 190512 August 1979Attended the 1963 and 1964 Bilderbergs
Roelof Nelissen4 April 193118 July 2019Dutch politician who attended the 1979 Bilderberg
Lambert van Nistelrooij5 March 1953Dutch politician making his career in the EU system , specializing in "regional policy".
Jeroen Oerlemans15 May 19702 October 2016
Jacobus Oldenbroek10 November 18977 March 1970Worked with Office of Strategic Services during WW2. Attended 2 Bilderbergs as General Secretary of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions.
Kajsa Ollongren28 May 1967Single Bilderberg Dutch politician
Willem Oltmans10 June 192530 September 2004The journalist to whom George de Mohnrenschildt entrusted some of his inside knowledge on the JFK Assassination before being himself assassinated.
Pieter Omtzigt8 January 1974Dutch MP. Shadowed by the Turkish Deep State for investigating accused peadophile and justice Secretary-General Joris Demmink. Shadowed by the Maltese Deep State for investigating the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Pressured by Ernst Hirsch Ballin and Piet Hein Donner to leave Joris Demmink alone. Silenced from the investigation about Demmink personally by Mark Rutte and his own party and the Childcare Benefits Affair.
Conrad Oort5 December 192823 November 2007Bilderberg Steering committee Dutch banker
Henk Oosterhuis20 April 189321 January 1962Attended the first Bilderberg as President of the Netherlands Federation of Trade Unions, and also the 1956 Bilderberg
J. J. OoyevaarUnknown Dutch visitor to the 1956 Bilderberg
Mabel van Oranje8 November 1981Abnormal influential spook. Helped destroying Yugoslavia. Lover of Drug Kingpin and friend of the royals Klaas Bruinsma. Burned publicly by an AIVD-agent.
Ab Osterhaus2 June 1948Former head of the Laboratory of Immunology of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, was a vital, panic-spreading proponent of a "national hard-enforced lockdown" from the start of Covid-19 in the Netherlands.
Pieter OttenDirector of Philips for 22 years
G. E. OverwegUnidentified Dutchman who was "in attendance" at the first two Bilderbergs
Schelto Patijn13 August 193615 July 2007Dutch politician who attended the 1972 Bilderberg
Alexander Pechtold16 December 1965Popular politician during Afghan war. Protected Jan Peter Balkenende. Implicated in corruption. Single Bilderberg. Often ran his mouth with politically incorrect one-liners before Wilders took that role.
Frits Philips16 April 19055 December 2005Dutch Bilderberger businessman. Philips family with Philips Electronics.
Henri Pieck19 April 189512 January 1972Dutch architect, painter and graphic artist who also was a spy for the Soviet Union.
Kees van der Pijl15 June 1947"Not Saudis, Israelis blew up Twin Towers with help from Zionists in US govt"
Ronald Plasterk12 April 1957Genetic scientist and former Dutch Minister
Paul Polman11 July 1956Bilderberger who was made a member of the Lancet Commission on COVID-19
Roelie Post1959
Jan-Willem van Prooijen1975Establishment favoured academic whose research interests include "conspiracy theories".
Herman van Roijen10 April 190516 March 1991
Stella Ronner-GrubačićDutch diplomat seen dining with a businessman convicted of money laundering.
Uri Rosenthal19 July 1945Dutch politician
Anton van Rossum1945Dutch business executive
Samuel Rozemond1934Spooky Dutch foreign policy expert who attended the 1973 Bilderberg and later worked for the Clingendael Institute
H. Onno Ruding15 August 1939TLC, 3*Bilderberg, implicated in underage sex-ring with Prince Claus and Mayor Ed van Thijn.
Mark Rutte14 February 1967Heptabilderberger, NATO SG & Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Protégé of Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of cover-ups. Often "has no memory" of them.
Anthony Ruys20 July 1947Dutch Bilderberg businessman spending his career increasing sales of processed foods, alcohol and tobacco. Member of the EU business lobby group United Europe.
Paul Rykens14 September 188819 April 1964Dutch businessman and friend of Józef Retinger who was initially consulted on the founding of the Bilderberg Group
Erik van Sabben31 January 197216 January 2009Engineer-recruited-spook that was responsible for installing Stuxnet in Iranian nuclear facilities. Found death 2 weeks later in a "motorcycle accident"
Ivo Samkalden10 August 191211 May 1995Dutch politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the early 1960s. Law and order mayor of Amsterdam from 1967 to 1977. Opposed many peace-projects.
Diederik Samsom10 July 1971Dutch euro-politican and Bilderberger. As senior EU bureaucrat, forced through €1 trillion+ "green" buildings directive making home ownership unaffordable.
Herman Sandberg19 December 191810 January 2008Dutch editor-in-chief of one of the country's largest newspapers at the time, Het Parool.
Marietje Schaake28 October 1978Dutch spooky euro-politician. Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
Ad J. ScheepbouwerDutch businessman
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer3 April 1948Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO. He held an "anti-terrorist exercise" in Madrid 3 days before the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
Paul Scheffer3 September 1954Double Bilderberger author/academic
Carel van Schelle26 August 19135 November 1987Dutch diplomat from patrician background. College van Vertrouwensmannen. Ambassador to NATO and OECD 1959-1961, then high ranking courtier for the royal family. Attended Bilderberg/1967
Willem Scherpenhuijsen15 March 193331 July 2020Dutch banker/soldier
Edith Schippers25 August 1964Dutch politician
W. K. Norbert Schmelzer22 March 192114 November 2008
Alex Schmid3 November 1943Academic supporter of the "War on Terror"
Dick Schoof8 March 1957Former Director General of the AIVD. Secretary-General at the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Dutch PM
Giles Scott-Smith
Feyo Sickinghe1 May 19268 June 2006Dutch industrialist
Rianne Siebenga1991A secretive colleague of II-member Sijbren de Jong specialized in "counterterrorism".
Marjanne Sint24 July 1949Dutch politician
Boyan Slat27 July 1994The youngest ever attendee of the Bilderberg, invited to speak about cleaning up the oceans.
Marie-Anne Tan-De SonnavilleFebruary 1953Judge who erratically and emotionally suspended the lift of the Dutch Covid 19 2021 curfew ordered 4 hours earlier after being saved from a judicial disqualification.
Winnie Sorgdrager4 June 1948
André Spoor22 June 193118 September 2012Attended the 1971 and 1972 Bilderberg as NRC Handelsblad/Editor-in-Chief
Max Steenberghe2 May 189922 January 1972Dutch politician and businessman who attended the first Bilderberg.
André Steur1970Dutch Director of Plans & Major General of the Dutch Air Force. Connected to 2015 Hawija bombing.
Dirk Stikker5 February 189723 December 1979Dutch Bilderberg diplomat and banker, Secretary General of NATO
Max van der Stoel3 August 192423 April 2011Dutch deep politician. Main coordinator of the Dutch-division of Operation Gladio from the 1980s.
Fred StreeflandDutch computer security specialist with ties to military intelligence.
Gerard Stuart16 September 189325 October 1969Dutch economist who attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Tim Sweijs1980The director of research of Dutch think tank HCSS since 2018. Has an intense interest in "killer robots" and lethal autonomous weapons. Warned along with Clingendael for a new 9-11 situation to come from Covid-19.
Morris Tabaksblat19 September 193720 October 2011Dutch Bilderberger businessman
Karst Roeland Tates7 March 19711 May 2009Tates tried to kill the royal family on Queen Beatrix her birthday in 2009 in quite the chaotic vehicular assault.
Fred Teeven5 August 1958Prosecutor in Amsterdam "battling" drug trade in the 2000s. Covered-up Gladio. Replaced Pim Foruyn as placeholder. Former state secretary of justice during the 2010s. Resigned after lying to parliament about the paper-trail of deals made with criminals after Mark Rutte denied the paper-trail to even exist.
Ed van Thijn16 August 193419 December 2021Mayor of Amsterdam, shadow-cabinet founder, suspected paedophile in a underage sex-ring with Prince Claus and Onno Ruding.
Michel Tilmant21 July 1952Dutch Bilderberg banker
Frans Timmermans6 May 1961Spooky Dutch Bilderberger politician who was Foreign Minister during the shoot down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and played an important role in the following propaganda campaign. As EU Commissioner, responsible for introducing Agenda 2030 directives designed to reduce both home ownership and the farming sector by demanding new very costly inputs. Also wants GMO crops.
Jan Tinbergen12 April 19039 June 1994Dutch economist who was awarded the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969
Maarten van Traa18 May 194521 October 1997Politician
Arnold Croiset van Uchelen1962Counsel for the Dutch royal family
Berend Udink12 February 192624 May 2016Double Bilderberger Dutch politician
Joop Den Uyl9 August 191924 December 1987Politician. Dutch Prime Minister. Deep state functionary. Teenage Adolf Hitler fan. While leading the most "socialist" coalition in Dutch history Den Uyl's cabinet secretly smuggled weapons to Israel for the Yom Kippur War, trained their soldiers, set up the first national counterterrorism units used in controversial missions, cover-up Prince Bernhard Northrop Affair.
Matthijs VeenendaalLeading Dutch cyber-expert that helped with the first Dutch cyber-defence strategies. Suspected liaison of the Institute for Statecraft and helped setting up their Dutch cluster. Has a spooky interest in deepfakes.
W. VeenstraA director of the secretariat who was "in attendance" at the March 1955 Bilderberg.
Jeroen van der Veer27 October 1947HexaBilderberger Shell manager, Honorary Global Chairman of the London Speaker Bureau
Hans van de Ven19532021Former SIGINT head of the Dutch MiVD intelligence agency in 1990s. Suspicious death ruled "natural death". House was burglarized shortly after, female found in house sought for fraud let loose. Police reopened case in 2022.
Maxime Verhagen14 September 1956Dutch politician
Willem Vermeend21 December 1948Spooky former minister turned disinformation-agent. Launched Rian van Rijbroek's career.
Evert Vermeer20 November 191020 May 1960Dutch journalist turned politician who attended the 1958 Bilderberg. Fell ill in 1959 and died in 1960
Edwin Vernède22 May 192224 November 2001Personal Secretary to Prince Bernhard for 30 years (1965-95)
Ben Verwaayen11 February 1952
Lodewijk J. R. de VinkFebruary 1945Dutch Bilderberger Big Pharma executive
B. H. M. Vlekke18991970Dutch academic who did propaganda work when in exile in the United States during WW2. In attendance at the first Bilderberg 1954.
Joris Voorhoeve22 December 1945Dutch politician and diplomat. Bilderberg, TLC, Srebrenica Dutch Defence Minister, World Bank member, Clingendael Director, Dutch Council of State. Implicated UK, UK & NATO actively allowed the Srerenica Massacre to happen.
Willem van Voorthuizen1943
Henk Vredeling20 November 192427 October 2007Mysterious smuggler between CIA and Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Operated without government knowledge. Officially the connection of the Dutch to the 1973 Oil Crisis.
Jonkheer van Vredenburch
Egbert de Vries1901Unidentified Dutch witness to the 1959 Bilderberg
Gijs de Vries22 February 1956Dutch "terror expert" WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1998...
Klaas de Vries28 April 1943Single Bilderberg retired Dutch politician who attended Atlantic Storm
Peter R. de Vries14 November 195615 July 2021A Dutch former army sergeant turned journalist, controversial as friend and associate of leading Dutch gatekeepers on conspiracy theories, criminal lawyers and criminals, including Klaas Bruinsma. Uncovered dozens of cases of corruptions or cover ups by criminals and the government, including on Mabel van Oranje and revealing Inlichtingen en Operatiën. Shot dead in 2021.
Karel Vuursteen25 July 1941Dutch businessman who attended the 1995 and 1996 Bilderbergs
Lodewjk de Waal4 November 1950Attended the 1999 Bilderberg conference as chairman of the Dutch Trade Union Federation.
Gerrit Wagner21 October 19168 October 2003Attended the 1969, 1972 and 1973 Bilderberg as CEO of Shell which immediately preceded the "Oil crisis"
Jacques Wallage27 September 1946Dutch sociologist
H. F. van Walsem18881968Chairman of the Board of Philips Industries Eindhoven.
Jason Walters6 March 1985A convicted terrorist who's Hofstadgroup - being under siege 2 miles from The Hague's parliamentary quarter - helped Islam becoming a permanent enemy image in Dutch sentiment.
J. T. Warmenhoven20 October 1932Dutch diplomat "in attendance" at two early 1970s Bilderbergs
Nout Wellink27 August 1943Attended the 2006, 2009 and 2010 Bilderbergs as President of the Central Bank of the Netherlands
Peter Wennink1957"If there’s one person in Europe you need on your side to solve the global chips-shortage crisis, it’s Wennink."
Hans Wijers11 January 1951Dutch very centrally placed business executive. Bilderberg/2004 and Bilderberg/2009. Member of the Trilateral Commission’s Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition
Herman Wijffels13 March 1942Dutch economist politician
Geert Wilders6 September 1963Early mentor of Mark Rutte. Anti-immigration politician. Backed by Israeli-lobbyists.
Jaap Winter1963Dutch corporate lawyer who was chairman of the High Level Group of Company Law Experts set up in 2001 by the European Commission to advise it on a new regulatory framework for company law in Europe. Attended the 2011 Bilderberg meeting.
Johan Witteveen12 June 192123 April 2019Managing Director of the IMF from '73-78
Karel van Wolferen1941Dutch journalist and retired professor at the University of Amsterdam
Gerrit Zalm6 May 1952Dutch politician. Shell. Attended the Bilderberg in 2014, personally prosecuted for money laundering at ABN AMRO Bank.
Jelle Zijlstra27 August 191823 December 2001Former PM, triple Bilderberger and Dutch Minister of State. Secret central banker for the US and rejected saving Dries van Agt in 1981 and chairman-post for the European Commission. Only PM in the world to become BIS president.