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This is a priority topic relating to deep politics.  Additions to this page or its subpages are particularly welcome,
though be advised that the official narrative is particularly suspect.

Concept.png Coronavirus Disease 2019 
(deep event,  virus,  biological weapon?,  social engineering,  mass surveillanceSaiditRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Interest of• "Wikipedia/List of COVID-19 conspiracy theorists"
• Jerome Adams
• Saleyha Ahsan
• Danielle Anderson
• Anti-Empire
• Martin Armstrong
• Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission
• Avaaz
• Sucharit Bhakdi
• Jay Bhattacharya
• Johann Biacsics
• Big pharma/Lobby
• Deborah Birx
• Thomas Bollyky
• Gerd Bosbach
• Peter Breggin
• Byram Bridle
• COVID Recovery Group
• Dolores Cahill
• Michael Callahan
• Kerry Chant
• Clade X
• Angelique Coetzee
• Ryan Cole
• Damian Collins
• James Corbett
• Corona Investigative Committee
• Jonathan Jay Couey
• Covid Action UK
• Daily Sceptic
• Peter Daszak
• Christian Drosten
• Arne Duncan
• Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
• Willem Engel
• Exercise Cygnus
• Hany Farid
• Anthony Fauci
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• First Draft
• Viviane Fischer
• Front-Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
• Reiner Fuellmich
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• Gregg Gonsalves
• John Goss
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• Avril Haines
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• David Hencke
• Patrick Henningsen
• Stefan Hockertz
• David Hughes
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• Independent SAGE
• Israeli Peoples Committee
• Jerm Warfare
• Hugo de Jonge
• Lancet/COVID-19 Commission
• Karl Lauterbach
• Leslie Lawrenson
• Luke Letlow
• Joyce Maluleke
• Peter McCullough
• Susan Michie
• NATO/ Civil Emergency Planning Committee
• Wahome Ngare
• Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom
• Ab Osterhaus
• Rand Paul
• Planet Lockdown
• Amazing Polly
• Matthew Pottinger
• Matthew Puttick
• Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez
• Stephen Redd
• Larry Romanoff
• Klaus Schwab
• Diamond and Silk
• Spiro Skouras
• Aleksandr Smirnov
• Astrid Stuckelberger
• Robbie Sutton
• Ben Swann
• The Corbett Report
• The Last American Vagabond
• UK Column
• UK Medical Freedom Alliance
• Alan Watt
• Chris Whitty
• Wolfgang Wodarg
• Ron Wright
• Wuhan Institute of Virology
• Michael Yeadon
• Gaia Young
• Yusen Zhou
• Yevgeny Zinichev
• Zuby
COVID-19/Media Manipulation
COVID-19/Medical killings
COVID-19/Premature death
COVID-19/Public Inquiry
COVID-19/Regime change
COVID-19/Task Force
COVID-19/Zero Covid

COVID-19 is the major deep event of our time. At first introduced as measures against a disease-causing “SARS-CoV-2” virus , publicly identified in late 2019 in China, the major escalation came on 11 March 2020, when the entire world entered a coordinated cycle of political measures never seen before, making the deep state show in plain view.

All aspects of the event show clear deep state manipulation, from the numerous planning events, the hugely exaggerated severity of the disease and the purposely inaccuracy in diagnostic methods. From there on it only gets worse. Please see the subsections for different aspects.

Particularly ominous is the apparent plan to inject everybody in the world with experimental gene therapies presented as a "vaccine". After the willing recipients had been jabbed, many country began first with increasingly aggressive demonization of those who decline the jab, followed either by simple mandates (such as the Vatican City) or decrees such as vaccine passports to deny those who declined the injections any semblance of a normal life, and possibly eventually even to life's essentially such as food.


Full article: COVID-19/Pathology
COVID-19 Pathology.jpg

Overstatement of the case fatality rate, "globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died" stated WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in a press conference in Geneva, contributed to COVID Panic.[1]

The case fatality rate varies very widely by country[2], is about twice as high for men than women and increases with age, especially above 70. It is much higher for people with pre-existing conditions, especially lung conditions, as common for any infection.

Full article: COVID-19/Euthanasia

During the event, governments introduced care protocols such as broad do not resuscitate orders and use of iatrogenic medical procedures that led to dramatic increase in deaths among hospitalized and people in care homes.

In March 2020, the UK government started that COVID-19 "is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK."[3]

A noticeable trend was the total dismissal and censorship of early treatment methods such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and, in favor in conspicuously ineffective or lethal lung ventilation and drugs such as remdesivir and midazolam.

Premature deaths

Full article: Rated 5/5 COVID-19/Premature_death

There appear to be some suspicious deaths that could be connected to actions of each person which were going against government policy and/or big pharma interests. Some people are dying of COVID-19 during or after being vaccinated; and is being used to promote face masks and vaccines.[4]


Full article: COVID-19/Origins

January 2020 media reports connected the virus to a sea food market in Wuhan, China, which also sells meat from wild animals (bushmeat).[5] First the consumption of meat from snakes, then from bats was alleged to be the cause of the outbreak.[6] Reporting by commercially-controlled media downplayed other possibilities,[7][8][9][10][11] Beginning around April 2020, various reports appeared suggesting the virus was in evidence other countries in late 2019.

"Gain-of-function" Research

Full article: Gain-of-function

In early 2020 increasing suspicions spread that it was the a product of "gain-of-function" research in a bioweapons laboratory. A string of academic publications testify to the active research and development of novel coronaviruses in the nearby Wuhan Institute of Virology, China's only BSL4 facility.[12][13]


In October 2019 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-funded Event 201, an "exercise", which discussed a global coronavirus pandemic. Speculation increased that Covid could be a "plandemic" - a supranational deep state use of a bioweapon to develop a global control grid. This increased after the announcement of an almost[14] united global "lockdown" policy.


Full article: COVID-19/Pandemic

After confirming its novelty, China instigated strong containment measures, reportedly controlling the outbreak, as did South Korea.[15]

The WHO formally declared a pandemic on 11 March 2020,[16] after which many governments mandated China-style lockdowns; by the end of March 25 around 3 billion people had restrictions on their freedom of movement.[17]


Full article: COVID-19/Panic

Panic was engendered in myriad ways, most obviously in a deliberate overstatement of the risk presented by the virus.

The not fit for purpose PCR-test

To inflate the crisis, a testing method was used, the PCR test, that had a number of false positive results that could be tweaked (by adjusting the cycle threshold), allowing control of the official case count

A major part of the narrative was the idea of asymptomatic spread, meaning people not showing any symptoms but still infectious.[18] Despite this newly introduced medical notion being rejected in several large studies, the narrative of invisible spreaders continued unabated.


Full article: COVID-19/Legislation

Many nation states passed legislation with a titular connection to the coronavirus, generally circumventing existing legal restrictions or civil rights for the "national interest" of slowing virus transmission rates. Many nominal "democracies" have ruled by decree since then. Inconvenient laws have frequently been simply ignored "because COVID".


Full article: COVID-19/Lockdown

Although the UK government stated that "As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK",[19] the 329 page 2020 Coronavirus Bill was introduced to parliament on 22 March and made law on 25 March.[20] Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch termed it "the greatest loss of liberty in our history".[21] These were originally introduced as "state of emergency" measures, but government leaders have been issuing rolling extensions."

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau stated in April 2020 that “We will not be coming back to our former normal situation; we can’t do that until we have developed a vaccine and that could take 12 to 18 months.”[22] This statement (originating from Bill Gates?) was echoed all over the world by political leaders.

Mask Mandation

Full article: Rated 5/5 Face mask

Wearing of cloth face masks has little of no effect on virus transmission, but they were mandated in violation of standard pandemic advice.

Media Manipulation

Full article: COVID-19/Media Manipulation

Throughout COVID-19, the corporate media was used to an unprecedented degree to repeat the official narrative.


Full article: COVID-19/Censorship

Under the guise of clamping down on medical misinformation, governments in collaboration with social media corporations drastically expanded censorship. This happened in combination with an information blackout of opposing viewpoints in legacy media. The medical misinformation censorship hit many highly qualified experts in virology and public health, who found themselves vilified. The censorship of independent media, instigated during Russiagate against "foreign influences", also intensified.

Questioning the safety of the "vaccines" was particularly censored, and regular people who posted memorials of their dead or injured after the injection found themselves removed as "misinformation".[23]


COVID-19 Vaccine.png
Full article: “COVID-19/Vaccine”

One of the bigger and more ominous parts of the deep event is the stated goal of injecting everybody in the world with experimental gene therapies. Presented as similar to traditional vaccines, these new technologies approved under emergency legislation represent a new frontier in human evolution. There is reason to think the vaccines are part of a mass depopulation or sterilization drive.

The RNA-vaccines ties in with a number of far-reaching technologies discovered the last decade in gene editing.

Vaccine Passports

Full article: “Vaccine passport”
Full article: ID2020

In an interview Bill Gates stated:

“Eventually we will need some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested [for COVID-19] recently, or when we have a vaccine, who has received it.

Mandatory Vaccination

Full article: Vaccine/Mandation

Starting with mandatory in some contexts like travel or for some occupations, governments are rapidly are moving to making a - constantly updated - vaccine passport essential for buying food or ever leaving the house again.


Naturally there were no shortage of meme variations on the "SCAMdemic", including this one using a scene from the excellent movie, They Live.
Full article: COVID-19/Resistance

Many was skeptical from the start or gradually become aware of the contradictions and hypocrisy, and a resistance to the extreme totalitarian dictates would grow. Among countless potential examples, one is that many people understand that a proper quarantine requires sequestering the sick, weak, and elderly, but forcing everyone to destroy their society for such a minor threat is tyranny.

A noticeable trend is the large number of medical experts who from the very start stated the medical part of the narrative was not true.

Uncensored news aggregation and forum discussions

Many independent media outlets have covered the deep event extensively. Others have more or less followed the official narrative.

Title logo from the documentary Plandemic Part 2 Indoctornation, according to the official site, "From the creators of the most viewed and banned documentary of all time."
Full article: COVID-19/Plandemic

Plandemic is a documentary series by Mikki Willis about the COVID-19 Coronavirus and the so-called "pandemic" which has not only been censored but has had a psyops manufactured to confuse the issue in the engineered arrest of Millie Weaver and her exposé ShadowGate documentary that revealed nothing new and was subsequently censored the same day as Plandemic.

Economic aspects

Full article: COVID-19/Economy

Part of the event is a profound restructuring of the world economy. With travel bans that look to be more or less permanent for ordinary people, the abolitionist of cash, the mass death of independent businesses, the loss of bodily autonomy and "the merging of people's physical, digital and biological" identities, the oligarchs have strengthened their grip.

In addition, the vaccination campaign has created a huge profiteering opportunity by Big Pharma and the owners of pharmaceutical companies. The forced lockdowns have shifted the economy over to digital outlets controlled by the world's richest. Barely noticed by the public, gigantic monetary "stimulus" packages have been given to the financial industry, where the biggest of them all, Blackrock, is managing the handouts.

The Great Reset

Full article: The Great Reset

The War On Cash

Full article: Cash

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that he approached India and other countries of Southeast Asia with a view to restructuring global supply chains.[24]
Dirk Müller argued that the lockdown is used to:

  • slow down the global economy in a slow and controlled fashion, a preferable alternative to an unpredictably bursting of the monetary bubble.[25]
  • accentuate the ongoing economic war with China, by accelerating capital flight from China[26]
Sign in a German supermarket urging for "contactless" payment

By the end of April 2020 in German shops signs begin to appear, saying: "Avoid cash, use your smartphone or cards for contactless payment to reduce the risk for infection!" [27]

Dr. Tedros, DG of WHO, said a few days ago, we must move towards digital money, because physical paper and coin money can spread diseases, especially endemic diseases, like the coronavirus.”
Globalresearch,  Peter Koenig (March 12, 2020)  [28]

This is obvious propaganda because the virus is not transmitted this way.[29][30]


An example

Page nameDescription


COVID-19 victims on Wikispooks

Iris AdamsThe first nurse to have the COVID-19/Vaccine at the hospital she worked at. Months later she died from COVID days before retirement.
Alia Muhammad BakerIraqi librarian who saved thousands of books during the war.
Johann BiacsicsLeader of the Austrian Anti-vaxxer movement dies of COVID?
John BuchananHe caught the Delta variant of COVID in hospital and later died despite being double jabbed with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.
Roy Butler23 year old athlete who died shortly after Covid 19 vaccine injection, media cover-up.
Pierre BuyoyaFormer Burundian president who died allegedly of COVID-19 after rejecting the official narrative about the disease
Boonruen ChoonhavanThe widow of the former Prime Minister of Thailand died of a "COVID 19 related illness". Also a relative of the Queen Mother Srinagarindra.
Kali CookA death of a 4 year old girl being used to promote the COVID-19/Vaccine.
Pumza DyantyiSouth African health politician stated to have died from Covid-19 in December 2020.
Hassan FirouzabadiIranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff (1989 to 2016), died of COVID-19
Josée Forest-NiesingOntario Senator who died of COVID-19 at the age of 56
Valery Giscard d'EstaingRothschild bankster who was President of France from 1974 to 1981, Bilderberger
Hissène HabréThe former CIA backed dictator of Chad. He was victorious over Muammar Gaddafi in the Toyota War.
Stephen HarmonHe died in July 2021.
Hana HorkaCzech singer who allegedly died from COVID days after getting "infected on purpose".
Armoni HowardAmerican conservative activist who died from the COVID-19/Vaccine.
Marcus LambCOVID sceptical televangelist supposedly dies of COVID. after taking Ivermectin.
Leslie Lawrenson"Anti-vaxxer" dies of COVID?
Luke LetlowLetlow died with COVID within two months of being elected to Congress.
Pete LopezHe died from COVID after the hospital refused to administer Ivermectin even though he had a prescription.
Daniel and Davy MaciasUnvaccinated couple who died of COVID-19.
Cameron MackenzieReportedly the 14th South African MP to die from COVID.
MahalFamous Filipino actress and comedienne who had dwarfism. She died from COVID-19 in August 2021.
Geoff MakhuboThe Mayor of Johannesburg died suddenly of COVID in July 2021.
Joyce MalulekeThe 15th South African MP to die from COVID.
Captain Joe Manning"Anti-vaxxer police officer dies of COVID after promoting Ivermectin.
Mark McConnaugheyDespite being double jabbed, he died of an "asymptomatic Covid-19 infection"
Jackson MthembuLong running politician from South Africa, dies of Covid. His doctor has a fatal Helicopter crash the same day.
Giovanni PretoriusSouth African boxer who died from COVID.
Jerry RawlingsPolitical leader of Ghana since 1979, dies of Covid.
Bob SagetUS comedian known for his adult-oriented 'bad taste' stand-up comedy.
Noloyiso SandileSister of King Goodwill Zwelithini, who also reportedly died of COVID-19.
Rita SargsyanThe First Lady of Armenia reportedly died from COVID in November 2020.
David SassoliItalian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.
Aleksandr SmirnovRussian politician who reportedly died from COVID
Robert SteeleAmerican spook who became a "conspiracy theorist" and died of COVID.
Phil ValentineCOVID sceptic supposedly dies of COVID. The CCM is delighted.
Caleb WallaceAnti face mask mandate activist dies of COVID? The CCM is delighted.
Li WenliangFirst raised awareness of COVID-19 by publishing about it online. Disciplined by the Chinese government for "spreading rumours", posthumously pardoned. An early COVID-19 premature death
Ron WrightTexas congressman who died of COVID.
Jacobus Frederick van WykSouth African politician who died from COVID.
Gaia Young25 year old aristocrat "dies of headache" in July 2021
Vladimir ZhirinovskyLeading Russian politician who died suddenly
Goodwill ZwelithiniZulu King who reportedly died of COVID-19 in March 2021.
Zanele kaMagwaza-MsibiYet another South African politician who died from COVID. She was formerly a government minister and was the leader of an opposition party until her sudden death.
José ÉvrardFrench MP who opposed lockdowns and allegedly died of COVID-19


Related Quotations

Saleyha Ahsan“In that first week there was a window and the UK Government went in a totally different direction to the rest of the world. It was about buying time for the NHS and a vaccine and they didn’t take it. Other countries were warning us and we didn’t listen. And we will pay the penalty with lives. I don’t want the public to be scared but a dose of reality is their best protection.”Saleyha Ahsan
Jacques Attali“A major pandemic would raise awareness of the need for altruism, at least self-interested. History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid: then it first sets up defense mechanisms; sometimes intolerable (scapegoats and totalitarianisms); sometimes futile (distraction); sometimes effective (therapeutic, if necessary setting aside all previous moral principles). Then, once the crisis has passed, it transforms these mechanisms to make them compatible with individual freedom and to include them in a democratic health policy. The beginning of the pandemic could trigger one of these structuring fears.”Jacques Attali3 May 2009
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded two models to “predict” the spread of COVID-19. The Imperial College London and the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Seattle predicted that 2.2-million Americans would die unless drastic lockdown measures were followed. Both colleges quickly reduced their predictions, but the world is still in lockdown as a result of it. In 2005, the Imperial College of London predicted that 200-million people worldwide would be killed by bird flu. When the “crisis’ was over, the virus had killed 78 people worldwide. In 2009, the College predicted that the swine flu would kill 65,000 people in the UK, but the final number was 457. From 2006 through 2018, the Gates Foundation donated $185-million to the College to continue their good work.”William Engdahl
Jon Rappoport
1 May 2020
COVID-19/Lockdown“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the New Normal" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not. Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”19 May 2020
COVID-19/Pathology“There are now 50-some high-quality zero prevalence studies, says it has a 95% survival rate for people who are 70 and older. For people under 70, it's 99.95% survival. It's much less deadly for people who are under 70, 99.95. And for children, it's frankly, the flu is worse. We've had more flu deaths among children this year than COVID deaths, just in terms of mortality.”Jay Bhattacharya
COVID-19/Timeline“Were it not for the test data that you get from the TV all the time, you would rightly conclude that the pandemic was over, as nothing much has happened.”Michael Yeadon
COVID-19/Timeline“I want to say it again: we in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as a primary means of control of this virus. [. . .] We may well have a doubling of world poverty by early next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents and poor families are not able to afford it.

This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe, actually. And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method. Develop better systems for doing it. Work together and learn from each other. But remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
David Nabarro12 October 2020
COVID-19/Timeline“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians, it’s outrageous, this is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public,”Roger Hodkinson
Marie-Eve Carignan“Early findings show that there really is a rapid uptake of different conspiracy theories, particularly in the United States and France. Similar theories about other diseases that took years to establish themselves only took a few weeks to take hold, super quickly, because people are absorbing so much information! That’s what’s alarming.”Marie-Eve Carignan5 April 2020
Climate change/Preparation“There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19 (...) climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind.”Klaus Schwab3 June 2020
Climate change/Preparation“[...] and let me give you two examples for what could be driving our new global agenda. The first example is climate change. Climate change is the looming crisis behind Covid; and the loss of biodiversity is a main driver of today's and potentially future pandemics.”Ursula von der Leyen19 February 2021
Jonathan Jay Couey“I think that the origins of the virus was a lab leak drama. Probably there was a bioweapon in the beginning to seed everything because that would be necessary, but I don't think there is any evidence for a virus that has gone around the world for 3 years. And the PCR tests and the sequences are not evidence of that... we don't have any of that data from pre 2020, so you don't know whether those sequences could have been found in 2019, 18, 17, 16 because no one was looking.”Jonathan Jay Couey8 February 2023
Jonathan Jay Couey“I know for sure that they are combining out lack of biological knowledge and our general society's lack of good health and access to health care to create a crisis to usher in all kinds of changes that would otherwise ... never be possible.”Jonathan Jay Couey19 July 2020
Ron DeSantis“Politicians want to force you to cover your face as a way for them to cover their own asses that's just the truth they want to be able to say they're taking this on and they're doing this even though it's not proven to be effective they want to continue to do it”Ron DeSantis22 August 2021
Jeremy Farrar“There is no peacetime any more...Preparedness and readiness is a constant and needs to be part of the fabric of society... My preference would be to streamline the architecture of global health with the WHO in the middle of the web, convening, advising, guiding and providing an emergency response... Crumbs from the table will not cut it in the era of pandemics.”Jeremy Farrar2021
Anthony Fauci“Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, and he doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine...

Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on with the bottom. You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have, being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way...

They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to and a smugly like Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people, face out, and lie directly into the camera.”
Anthony Fauci
Kary Mullis
Bill Gates“I am hopeful, though, that the end is finally in sight. It might be foolish to make another prediction, but I think the acute phase of the pandemic will come to a close some time in 2022.”Bill Gates7 December 2021
Lena Hallengren“It’s not a fact that if you just close whatever you can, you get rid of the virusLena Hallengren18 December 2020
Patrick Henningsen“Anywhere you see the phrase, "the New Normal" – you should reject it. It's based on fraudulent premise that #COVID19 is somehow fundamentally much greater threat than other infectious diseases, when it's not. Anyone pushing this should be confronted and publicly admonished.”Patrick Henningsen19 May 2020
ID2020“Is it just a coincidence that ID2020 is being rolled out at the onset of what WHO calls a Pandemic? – Or is a pandemic needed to ‘roll out’ the multiple devastating programs of ID2020?”Global Research
Peter Koenig
12 March 2020
Israel/Deep state“was supposed to be facing trial this week on bribery, fraud and breach of trust charges." Instead, he was shutting down the courts and ordering Israel’s internal security service to identify people who should be quarantined using data harvested from their phones. Both of those extraordinary moves, announced in the dead of night on Sunday and Tuesday, were made in the name of combating the coronavirus. The court shutdown also had the effect of delaying Mr. Netanyahu’s corruption trial by two months.”David Halbfinger
Isabel Kershner
18 March 2020
Johns Hopkins/Center for Health Security“The so-called Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University, which is at the heart of the Covid19 pandemic management and which has contributed greatly to the global escalation through its misleading charts, is also very closely linked to the US security apparatus and has been involved in some of its earlier simulations and operations.”Millie WeaverAugust 2020
Elon Musk“Extremely big difference between died because of or died with. Also, did the person actually have C19 or did they just have C19 symptoms? It’s almost impossible to die without feeling weakness, shortness of breath or other C19 symptoms, unless you were crushed by a falling piano.”X
Elon Musk
Elon Musk“There is considerable conflation of diagnosis & contraction of “corona”. Actual virality is much lower than it would seem. I think this will turn out to be comparable to other forms of influenza. World War Z it is not”X
Elon Musk
NBC“Dr Joseph Fair appeared at least 10 times on NBC and MSNBC over the last two months to share his fight against Covid-19 with the networks’ viewers. His television appearances – including an interview from his hospital bed – fueled panic about the illness. Describing himself as a fit and healthy 42-year-old, Fair claimed in May that he had absorbed the virus through his eyes while on a flight. As it turns out, there is no reason to believe he ever contracted the virus.”
National Intelligence Council“Other pathogens – such as the SARS coronavirus or other influenza strains – also have this potential... Outside the US, critical infrastructure degradation and economic loss on a global scale would result as approximately a third of the worldwide population became ill and hundreds of millions died.”National Intelligence Council
Atlantic Council
November 2008
Maajid Nawaaz“Up to 700,000 vaccine passports have been affected by NHS blunders, locking many people out of foreign travel, after the wrong data was recorded by health officials

Imagine (if) this locked you out of DOMESTIC services?


Maajid Nawaaz3 September 2021
OffGuardian“The most peculiar thing about COVID19 so far has been that they are not hiding the data […] The data is right there, and yet it is separate from the narrative, which never references the data; the data never references the narrative. What you have to do is basically ignore everything the media says, and just look at the numbers, and…where the numbers come from”OffGuardian21 April 2020
Jon Rappoport“Long term, the medical cartel is the most dangerous cartel in the world, because they fly under a politically neutral banner. They claim they are completely non-partisan, we are here to help, to heal, and that's it. Who could doubt that? This is the greatest cover operation anyone could conceive of, using medical science, the medical system, with its toxic drugs, its toxic vaccines, to destroy whole populations from within. And occasionally come out with some massive epidemic program to further suppress and destroy populations.”Jon Rappoport29 September 2022
Malcolm Roberts“It’s called the largest ever wealth transfer from taxpayers to globalist corporations - in this case Big Pharma. As usual, govt is the middle man & the means of extracting money from taxpayers. Legal yet immoral.”Malcolm Roberts7 August 2021
Klaus Schwab“[...] the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.”Klaus Schwab3 June 2020
Universal Basic IncomeCovid-19 is the catalyst for the Great Reset, in which universal basic income plays a securing role. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the strategic solution to protect the ruling classes from Molotov cocktails and global civil unrest by those being methodically dispossessed of their occupations, dignity and self-preservation – the working class, much middle class, peasantry, artisans, and those that comprise the informal economy that presides in the Global South. Disclosures on coming “disbanding of existing safety-net programs” are not included in the foundation-funded marketing campaigns.”Cory Morningstar
Universal Basic Income“When UBI begins to be rolled out globally, one can expect public healthcare to slowly disappear, replaced by privatized services (largely Telehealth). Further, UBI payments will be linked to benefits via blockchain – ensuring full spectrum compliance and servitude of whole societies. Billionaires are supporting/financing UBI marketing campaigns for good reason: it is preferable to pay a pittance to the citizenry than to risk losing the social license that allows for the continued decimation of the Earth, coupled with the continued exploitation of those most oppressed and vulnerable.”Cory Morningstar
WHO/Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health“The TAG is composed of renowned experts representing a broad range of disciplines relevant to behavioural insights and sciences, including psychology, behavioural economics, anthropology, social marketing and more. The group also brings together extensive experience in designing and implementing national health policies and programmes informed by behavioural insights and sciences; in evaluating the impact of behaviourally informed public health initiatives in low- and middle-income countries; and in setting up or running behavioural insights units in organizations.

WHO published the open call for experts in February 2020, soliciting proposals for members to serve on its TAG to inform the work of WHO’s newly established Behavioural Insights and Sciences Initiative. The group will provide expert advice for the development of a road map for WHO to define a mechanism to systematically include behavioural evidence in its work and in national health policies and programme planning. The recommendations of the expert group will be addressed to WHO across the three levels of the Organization (HQ, regional, and country offices). The TAG shall have the following functions:

  1. Advise WHO on how to adopt behavioural insights and science perspectives to support WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work and how to identify priority areas for implementation within WHO and in Member States;
  2. Make recommendations to WHO for the development of an operational framework for the mainstreaming of behavioural insights and sciences into WHO operations, particularly in the area of providing technical advice on national health policies and programme planning;
  3. Advise WHO on potential challenges and risks for the Organization related to the recommendations made by the TAG.”


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  1. "WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020"
  13. Document:Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the COVID-19 virus
  14. Exceptions to the trend included Sweden, Belarus and Burundi
  15. Both countries had contingency plans after dealing with SARS
  16. "What is a pandemic and does it change the approach to coronavirus?"
  18. "Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)"
  27. Similar observations: