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Gerry AdamsFormer IRA leader who is also president of the Sinn Féin
Iris AdamsThe first nurse to have the COVID-19/Vaccine at the hospital she worked at. Months later she died from COVID days before retirement.
James AdamsFBI Associate Director who persecuted a DA who investigated the Texas Rangers
James Adams#_50e745efc03c2fb0a7080fa514239a27Acting
Jerome AdamsDonald Trump's Surgeon General
Jerome Adams#_ada7d19bd648e52339f2acd11a93dd50Trump Administration
John AdamsAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
Mike AdamsThe "HealthRanger", owns and runs Natural News
Sherman AdamsGovernor of New Hampshire and powerful White House Chief of Staff under President Eisenhower.
Sherman Adams#_1d8c336a27727e6f89f8aab0a8c2a4fcProbably the most powerful chief of staff in history.
Stanley AdamsHoffmann-LaRoche whistleblower who was jailed for industrial espionage when found out.
Clara Leach Adams-EnderAmerican former army officer; Council on Foreign Relations/Members
Gautam Adanibillionaire WEF businessman, "Ecological Crossdresser", "one of India’s most ruthlessly adept billionaires"
AdbustersAnti-consumerist NGO which somewhat inadvertently kicked off the Occupy movement in 2011
AddictSomeone who has an addiction.
David AddingtonThe "most powerful man you’ve never heard of" (2006) who was an energetic supporter of torture under George W. Bush.
Adelaide ClubExclusive Adelaide club for members of the Adelaide Establishment.
Adelaide EstablishmentThe group of wealthy landowners and industrialists who have played a considerable role in the history of South Australia since 1836.
Adelaide University110 Rhodes Scholars
Kenneth AdelmanNeocon deep state operative US/Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations for 4 years
Kenneth Adelman#_249dc49248c11c08d1233b9560a97ad7Dates uncertain
Adelphi UniversitySmall university in New York
Sheldon AdelsonMulti-billionaire pro-Israel US sponsor of the US government
Konrad AdenauerGerman (deep?) politician, CDU leader
Debo AdesinaWEF editor
Adessium FoundationA secretive Dutch foundation that donates to projects backed by Western governments.
Wally AdeyemoAttended the 2022 Bilderberg as United States Deputy Secretary of the Treasury. Blackrock Senior advisor 2017-19
Wally Adeyemo#_6dbd0ba08ead856e62e82a3f63eb6959Attended Bilderberg 2022
Kamal AdhamDirector General of Al Mukhabarat Al A'amah at the time of BCCI and "Iran-Contra"
Jonathan AdiriSpooky Israeli digital healthcare businessman who previously worked in national security think tank
AdjuvantAdditive to reduce the cost of vaccines - with an acknowledged "side effect" of reducing fertility.
Alexandre AdlerFrench academic
Stephen Adlereditor-in-chief of Reuters, the source of most news, since 2011.
Anders AdlercreutzFinnish architect and politician.
Mnar AdleyFounder, CEO and editor in chief of MintPress News
Admiral Jeremiah Denton FoundationFoundation wanting to take back "control of our culture and our history books" on the basis of the Ten Commandments. Jumped on the terrorism industry bandwagon. Anti-war activist were at minimum, unwitting agents of the KGB.
Nahum AdmoniDirector of the Mossad 1982 - 1989
Gustaf AdolfSwedish royal who probably could have played an important role in post war Europe had he not died in 1947 air crash.
Hannes AdomeitSpooky German academic who headed up the German cluster of the Integrity Initiative.
Hannes Adomeit#_b3d4b8ab214f60b73e53f16cfba65b60Also headed the German cluster of the Integrity Initiative.
Hannes Adomeit#_bbf5d5109f24c19402737e6990584d58Also headed the German cluster of the Integrity Initiative.
Andrew AdonisLabour party politician and Bilderberger. Vice Chairman of the European Movement (UK)
AdrenochromeElixir of youth or nothing to it?
Advanced Research and Assessment GroupSpooky department of the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, run by Chris Donnelly
AdvertisingUsed by corporations to try to increase or create people's desire to purchase their products
John AdyeA former head of GCHQ.
Aegis Defence ServicesPMC founded in 2002 by Cercle attendee Tim Spicer
Oswald AeppliDouble Bilderberger Swiss banker who was "cleared by his fellow directors of any blame in the [Chiasso] case"
Aerospace manufacturerAn industry regarded as vitally strategic for great powers
Ben AffleckAmerican actor and filmmaker shilling for the CIA.
Afghanistan"The graveyard of empires" - Afghanistan has a reputation for undoing ambitious military ventures and humiliating would-be aggressors.
Afghanistan PapersA set of documents published by The Washington Post which constitute an official opposition narrative that the invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake.
Afghanistan/2001 InvasionThe war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan/2021 withdrawalThe end of the US–led NATO occupation of Afghanistan
AfricaThe "dark continent", almost completely overrun by European colonialists, now full of nominally independent governments. Its exploitation continues in a range of more modern, complex, forms, such as land grabbing.
African National CongressSouth Africa's governing political party since 1994.
Afrikaner BroederbondDeep state organization. Many prominent figures of South African life, including all leaders of the government, were members of the Afrikaner Broederbond.
Afro-EurasiaEarth's largest and most populous contiguous landmass
AftenpostenNorwegian newspaper with high Bilderberg attendance.
Aga Khan familyFamily leading religion with 20 million adherents. Close ties to British intelligence and deep state. Noted for its great wealth and playboy lifestyle.
Giorgio AgambenItalian philosopher who spoke out clearly criticism of the case for excessive social control at the start of COVID-19
Jack Agazarian (WWII)UK spook of the SOE who was captured and killed in WW2.
Jack AgazarianInstitute for Statecraft businessman whose name was gone by 10 January 2019.
Philip AgeeSpent twelve years in the CIA from 1957 to 1969 before becoming the most important CIA whistle blower ever.
Agence France-PresseThe French-News-Agency is the world's oldest news organisation.
Agenda 2030A UN plan to achieve what they term "sustainable development" by 2030.
Agent provocateurAgents provocateurs are undercover agents intended to incite others to commit violent and/or illegal acts.
Mario Ferrari AggradiItalian politician
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_3c58a0abe713063e7bbcf21e2b7d61c0Attended Bilderberg/1967
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_794e3c8b66474e1e28647e6222ba9f1cAttended Bilderberg/1967
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_b6b3b449081407db22366350970c1c59Attended Bilderberg/1967
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_c2507cd8988b5b9c0f5b5cf3fef78f8eAttended Bilderberg/1967
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_ed617ad529a574e04ea4cea6c462525eAttended Bilderberg/1967
Mario Ferrari Aggradi#_f303553e93fb2545948584c9874cefa0Attended Bilderberg/1967
Aginter PressInternational anti-communist mercenary and "terrorist" organization, subcontracting for intelligence services, disguised as a pseudo-press agency.
Marcus AgiusBilderberg trustees, Chairman of Barclays and of the British Bankers Association
Agnelli familyThe absolutely most powerful dynasty in Italy, founded by Giovanni Agnelli
Edoardo AgnelliHeir to the huge Agnelli fortune who was "found dead under a bridge" after converting to Islam.
Gianni AgnelliItalian industrialist, 37 Bilderbergs
Gianni Agnelli#_23f391eb4c6e339257a469a9312ea95aPresident of the Italian employers' federation
Umberto AgnelliItalian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the Bilderberg Steering committee.
Umberto Agnelli#_036784c3cc5704a1f162794a7dce47beOf the Agnelli family
Umberto Agnelli#_b915adf3392c7665c0c8f83a8e7bfaaeOf the Agnelli family
Spiro AgnewUS Vice President under Richard Nixon. Removed by the cabal before the Watergate coup so Gerald Ford could retake the presidency for them.
Spiro Agnew#_6bec625268c622ae6163ce04bccb7bd9Removed by the cabal as vice president before the Watergate coup so Gerald Ford could retake the presidency for them.
Stuart AgnewA member of the European Parliament
Ajay AgrawalCanadian economist who has written several books on the economics of artificial intelligence. Attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting.
Dries van AgtA Dutch conservative Christian PM who started the Dutch Drug Policy to end the War on Drugs, vocally opposed Israel and appears to be removed as PM when neo-liberals and socialists became increasingly supportive of Cold War SDS policies.
Jose Pedro Aguiar-BrancoSingle Bilderberger Portuguese Defense minister. Potential leader of the Social Democrats, but failed to gain position.
Gary AguilarLeading authority on the medical evidence in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Member of Assassination Archives and Research Center.
Luis A. AguilarSecurities and Exchange Commissioner in the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis
Jaime Roldós AguileraA leader of Ecuador determined to try to better the living conditions of the population. Assassinated by the CIA.
Esperanza AguirrePresident of Madrid who resigned after her right hand man was imprisoned
Gary AguirreAn SEC whistleblower
David AgusAcademic physician with a very heavy WEF AGM habit
Avraham AhituvLed the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency, from 1974 to 1980
Krister AhlstromFinnish businessman. Attended 1994 Bilderberg meeting as President and CEO of the family consortium Ahlström.
Montek AhluwaliaGlobal Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy, G30
Babar AhmadUS pressure had Babar Ahmad arrested and held for 10 years in UK, although he had broken no UK law. He was beaten up by UK police in 2003. A petition signed by 149,388 people did not prevent his extradition to US - with no evidence of wrong doing provided - a country where it is likely he has been tortured.
Muhammad Idrees AhmadLecturer interested in the white helmets whom the UK Border Agency unsuccessfully tried to deport.
Mostafa Ahmadi-RoshanAn assassinated Iranian nuclear weapons specialist
Mahmoud AhmadinejadAn Iranian President who publicly called for an investigation into the events of 9/11 in the UN.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad#_0485139237a1f180e6aae23acb3b9cdeActing
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad#_449da1929dd573b51aebd3d53f6d8aedActing
Abiy AhmedEthiopian Prime Minister, censored by Facebook
Imran AhmedSpooky activist "Buffalo might never have happened if online hate had been tackled after Christchurch"
Mahmud AhmedDirector-General of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence
Nafeez Mosaddeq AhmedUK academic with extensive knowledge of deep politics and the use of false flag terror, featured frequently on Unwelcome Guests.
Esko AhoAttended the 1994 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Finland
Thomas AhrenkielDouble Bilderberg Danish govt spook, Director of Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
Geert-Hinrich AhrensSpooky German diplomat
Karl AhrensGerman SDP politician
Saleyha AhsanA freelance reporter, film maker and A&E doctor with a Sandhurst background. She has traveled to conflict zones in North Africa and Asia and made films and news reports including Libya, Syria, Bosnia, Palestine, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. She appeared with "Dr Rola" in the controversial 2013 video shown on the BBC's Panorama news programme calling for humanitarian bombings of Syria.
Martti Ahtisaari10th President of Finland, UN Commissioner for Namibia, 3 Bilderbergs
Aid convoy departs MoscowA 280 truck convoy loaded with @2,000 tons of humanitarian aid supplies departs from Moscow bound for Eastern Ukraine
Aid convoy moves inAll the trucks have crossed the border and are now in Ukraine.
Aid convoy moves outLast Trucks From Aid Convoy to Ukraine Return to Russia
Aidar BattalionNeo Nazi Army battalion in Ukraine
Mohamed Farah AideedPresident of Somalia assassinated in office
Mohamed Farah Aideed#_bb5cfd1a53823af82911c788ea5a0a64Assassinated in office
Jacques AigrainFrench Bilderberg banker/businessman, JPMorgan, then Swiss Re.
Alex AikenSenior UK "Director of Communications"
Roger AilesEstablished Fox Television in 1996 with Rupert Murdoch.
Bob AinsworthLabour MP, Secretary of State for Defence under Gordon Brown
John Ainsworth-DavisAuthor of a first person account of an alternative history in which Martin Bormann was rescued in a secret operation mounted by British Naval Intelligence.
Air Accidents Investigation BranchUK agency Responsible for investigating "serious incidents", such as the fate of flight Pan Am 103.
Air AmericaA CIA front company
Air Force Office of Scientific ResearchInvests in basic research efforts for the Air Force, in cooperation with private industry, academia, and other organizations.
Air Force One arrives at Washington DCAir Force One arrives at Andrews Air Force base Washington D.C., total flight time 2hrs 15min. ref. Best Evidence, p 680
Air France Flight 1611Air crash blamed on fire. The investigation covered up that it was hit by a military missile.
Air France Flight 296Air crash blamed on pilot error. The investigation covered up several important aspects.
Air India Flight 101A plane crash in France in 1966. Among those killed was the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India.
Air India Flight 182The biggest mass killing in Canadian history. Bomb blast brought a plane down off the coast of Ireland.
Air UniversityUniversity system for the United States Air Force
Air disasterThese are of particular interest on Wikispooks if there is a suggestion that they are non-accidental.
AirbusProduces 50% of all jet aircraft in the world. Largest airliner manufacturer during the 2020s. Accused of bribery of multiple countries. Received a ban from a group of dozens of banks for "involvement in nuclear weapons production".
John AirdCanadian lawyer and corporate director. Canadian Senator 1964-74
Terence AireyEarly Bilderberg Steering committee. UK soldier
AirlineCompanies that provide service to move people and freight through the air! And drugs, and war criminals, and diseases.
AirportA place were planes land and get loaded with passengers, and.... other nefarious cargo.
Adrian AispuroArrested in 2023, heavily armed and with fake U.S. Marshal credentials and demanded to be taken to the 2024 US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Corporate media were not interested.
Jonathan AitkenUK deep politician, Cercle chair, convicted perjurer
Jonathan Aitken#_41b48fc91f8f6c20497823b421a86714The start date is conjecture, based on <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a> and <a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a>
Fouad AjamiTriple Bilderberg "terror expert"
Semih AkbilSpokesman for the Turkish government after the invasion of Cyprus. Attended the 1975 Bilderberg
Luke AkehurstAnti-semite, self-proclaimed “Zionist Shitlord”
George AkerlofAmerican economist married to Janet Yellen. Was given the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Aziz AkhannouchNew Moroccan Prime Minister
Jane AkreWhistleblower who was told to make a report she knew to be false. Her case established that the US News can legally lie in USA.
Gündüz AktanSingle Bilderberger Turkish diplomat
Aktion T4Nazi Germany euthanasia programme.
Aktis StrategyNow defunct following allegations of "gross financial mismanagement"
Yıldırım AktürkConnections in the Turkish government. Member of the Board of Directors of TUSIAD
Mustafa AkyolSingle Bilderberg Turkish journalist and author arguing for Islamic liberalism
Al Akhbar EnglishA Lebanese-based daily newspaper
Al Masdar NewsOnline newspaper whichfocused largely on conflict zones in the Middle East: Syria, Yemen, and Iraq.Attacked by the Us "national security" deep state. As of 2023, it appears to be inactive.
Al MuhajirounUK banned jihadist group with links to Islamic terrorism; mutates under different names from time to time.
Al-Ahli Arab HospitalGaza hospital destroyed - allegedly - by Israel on 17 October 2023
Al-Aqsa MosqueA holy place in Islam and Judaism
Amr Al-DabbaghGovernor and chairman of the board of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority. Jeffrey Epstein/Black book.
Mohamed Al-FayedUK-Egyptian businessman with ties to Adnan Khashoggi. After the the death of his son Dodi Fayed and Diana Spencer, he claimed that the car crash was orchestrated by MI6 on the instructions of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
Al-HasakahCity in Northeastern Syria per 2022 occupied by US puppet administration.
Al-Mustansiriya UniversityNot to be confused with the University of Baghdad
Al-QaedaA sketchy term that has been repeated endlessly by the corporate media. Its close connections to Western intelligence agencies are never examined. "The Brotherhood" of the modern era.
Saud bin Nasir Al-SabahAs Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US
Al-Salam weapons dealA large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Al-Sweady InquiryInquiry that cleared the British Army of accusations of torture of prisoners of war in Iraq. Heavy deep state presence.
Jamal Al-TahatSenior fellow of the Institute for Statecraft who was paid £1000 for setting up Integrity Jordan.
Al-Yamamah arms dealA complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Rania Al-YassinQueen of Jordan. She represents the royal family in many international organizations.
AlabamaState in the South East USA.
Vahid AlaghbandBritish-Iranian commodities trader who several times has faced charges of fraudulent trading and conspiracy to defraud. Member of the pay-to-play Clinton Global Initiative.
Matti AlahuhtaFinnish business executive who attended Bilderberg/2014 as outgoing CEO of KONE Corporation.
Kamal AlamFellow of the Institute for Statecraft,
Sami AlangariSaudi businessman with deep state connections.
AlaskaMost Northerly US State
Alba PartyScottish independence party, trying to take over from the Scottish National Party, which has moved closer to the British establishment.
Anthony AlbaneseAustralian prime minister
Francesca AlbaneseUN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese isn't related to Australian PM [[Anthony Albanese]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
AlbaniaA small country in Southeastern Europe.
Albany Law SchoolPrivate law school in Albany, New York State, with a historically close relationship with the New York Court of Appeals.
José Manuel AlbaresSpanish diplomat and Foreign Minister. Bilderberg 2022.
Isabel AlbersBelgian editor-in-chief
Albert Einstein InstitutionSpooky think tank specializing in the study of "nonviolence as a form of warfare." Has nothing to do with pacifism: "It is all about seizing political power or denying it to others".
George Albert#_4873edba7c5cdc5160f476ffebdd0b5fAs George V
Michel AlbertFrench economist, 1969 Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission Member
AlbertaCanadian province
Georges AlbertiniFrench deep state operative. Man-behind-the-scenes for many politicians.
Anton AlbertsSouth African politician
Kim AlbertsActivist with a focus on vaccine injury in the US.
Albrecht familyNorth German family, prominent as civil servants.
Albright Stonebridge GroupEconomic Hit Men
Albright Stonebridge Group/TeamTeam and Leadership in Albright Stonebridge Group
Madeleine AlbrightRuthless politician, acquired and beloved by everyone named Clinton in the 1990s. Hero of Kosovo. Most powerful woman of all time according to ISGP's superclass index. When asked about half a million dead Iraqi children because of the sanctions she enforced, she replied "We think the price is worth it."
Maria Luís AlbuquerquePortuguese Minister of Finance 2013-15 who introduced "reform" program in agreement with big banks, including Morgan Stanley. Attended Bilderberg 2016. Joined Morgan Stanley board in 2022.
Alfredo AlcainoChile born Cercle visitor, deep state connected lawyer
AlchetronA machine generated encyclopedia
AlcoholA popular recreational drug, although since it is legal in most nation states, it is often not termed as such.
Richard AldermanWidely criticised SFO director
Richard Alderman#_dcf4aa7e16220f34487870c785de67d3The Telegraph charged that the SFO "was run in a 'slovenly, sloppy' manner"
Nelson AldrichUS Deep state operative, member of The Money Trust, attended the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting
James AlefantisControversial owner of Comet Ping Pong.
Alberto AlesinaItalian economist who attended the 2018 Bilderberg and "strongly agreed" with the Bilderbergers' COVID Lockdown policy.
Alexander KiellandOil rig capsizing in 1980, the biggest disaster in Norwegian oil production. Theories of sabotage is a third rail subject.
Christopher AlexanderSpooky American marketing and communications executive
Danny AlexanderScottish politician. The deputy of George Osborne (2010 to 2015)
Helen AlexanderBritish businesswoman with numerous directorships. After several decades as an executive at The Economist, she attended the 2013 and 2014 Bilderberg meetings. Selected a WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow 1999.
Keith B. AlexanderChief of the NSA, now infamous for his mendacious denials regarding the illegal mass surveillance of US citizens.
Keith B. Alexander#_8e20156b9919092691a9a9d1e10c6737An infamously mendacious tenure
Kobi AlexanderA spooky businessman with connections to 9-11 and 7-7.
Michael Alexander#_185426a4657d8afa485e0a017323437fAlso foreign policy secretary to Margaret Thatcher
Pam AlexanderEnglish businesswoman and civil servant in Epstein's black book.
Paul Lir AlexanderThe Enterprise/CIA/Mossad operative and drug lord who mported as much as $9 billion US worth of cocaine into the US and Australia.
AlgeriaA nation on the Mediterranean Sea. The largest country in Africa, formerly colonised by France.
Algerian WarThe Algerian War of Independence
Carl-Fredrik AlgernonSwedish officer investigating weapons smuggling and corruption. Fell in front of a train.
Algiers putsch of 1961an attempt to get rid of Charles de Gaulle
Algorithm manipulationWhere algorithms on Social media are used in order to promote the Official narrative.
Rushanara AliUK Labour MP on the executive committee of the British-American Project.
AlibabaBiggest Asian Technology company
Ken AlibekSoviet biological warfare administrative management expert who defected to the United States.
Yasmin Alibhai-BrownBritish establishment Muslim journalist.
Alibi Cluba 50-member private, traditional club in Washington, D.C. ts members comprise of the Washington elite, including presidents, senators, among other prominent figures.
AlienationKeeping the populace alienated is a goal of the Deep State.
César AliertaDouble Bilderberger Spanish businessman
Aligarh Muslim UniversityBefore 1939, faculty members and students supported an all-India nationalist movement but after 1939, the university came to be a center of the Pakistan Movement.
Masih AlinejadUS-based regime change activist who has advocated for Israeli military attacks on her former country of Iran. Received $305,000 from the US government for her work at Voice of America, the US state broadcaster, between 2015 and 2019.
Masih Alinejad#_b1d0b5ca9aa99d389043da9bcb9179deOn the Persian Language Service
Samuel AlitoJustice of the Supreme Court of the United States who is also member of the deep state Knights of Malta and Opus Dei.
Aliyev familyThe ruling family of Azerbaijan.
Ilham AliyevPresident of Azerbaijan since 2003.
All-Party Parliamentary Grouptype of grouping in the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Paul AllaireBilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Andrés AllamandWEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow/1995. By 2020 Foreign Minister of Chile.
Norman Allan#_ff90116d0151d289c3b5a91b62d00857In the pocket of crime boss Abe Saffron
Tim AllanAlleged to have orchestrated the attempted campaign/coup against UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Jean AllardSenior Canadian officer. Bilderberg 1968
Jean Allard#_0dfe821220f107dc39f58d69f1afd442Attended Bilderberg 1968
Rupert AllasonWriter of books and articles on the subject of espionage. Attended Le Cercle.
Giovanni AllavenaHead of Italian intelligence service SIFAR, connected to "some the darkest events that took place in Italy after the war". Removed after files scandal in 1966. Member of P2.
Giovanni Allavena#_9969c01ff6020bea267592f3973757d7Last holder of this post. Resignation that was in fact removal. Connected "to some the darkest events that took place in Italy after the war".
Joseph AllbaughDirty-tricks specialist who led FEMA during 911.
Joseph Allbaugh#_be5d3ea765fa9e48534b0d044b4a09a5Resigned
Joe AllbrittonAmerican banker, publisher and deep state actor. A friend of George H.W. Bush, he bought Riggs Bank in 1981, which enjoyed a "relationship" with the CIA similar to the BCCI.
Allen & CompanyA very discreet banking company that arranges the annual Sun Valley Conference. A front for key globalist interests.
Charles E. AllenUnder Secretary for Intelligence & Analysis at the US Department of Homeland Security 2005 - 2009
Clifford AllenProminent UK pacifist who died in March 1939
Diane AllenOne of the first women in the Sandhurst, an Institute for Statecraft senior spook with DV (developed vetting)
Gale AllenChief of the Classification Review Division at the Central Intelligence Agency.
Gary AllenUS author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, proposing that US big business and the left are in the same front.
John AllenA Retired US Marine Corps 4 star General
John Allen#_4a87932e4b52fab9dfe02c503fdc03b0Acting
Lew AllenDirector of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force.
Mark AllenSpy turned businessman and lecturer via the revolving door
Mark Allen#_fd004b906441732a182f37631142389eDates highly uncertain, but cited as deputy chief when Abdul-Hakim Belhaj was kidnapped from Malaysia in March 2004.<a href="#cite_note-c4t-1">[1]</a>
Paul AllenCo-founder of Microsoft, GLT 1995
Richard AllenUS National Security Advisor, Cercle, Iran-Contra...
Richard Allen#_752fa227849567721119c20ca96a96c1Attended a meeting of Le Cercle in 1983, in the company of Richard Nixon.
Terry AllenWriter for In These Times who claimed that "We should be sounding the alarm over endless war being waged in our name, not conspiracy theories."
Salvador AllendeThe first marxist to be elected in South America. Deposed by the CIA.
Randolph AllesAmerican law enforcement officer and government official.
Randolph Alles#_ca3ec5323f5e29f62ada7b38e7593ed7Acting
Stephen AlleyBritish intelligence officer who was part of the plot to assassinate Grigori Rasputin.
David AllfreyFormer head of the UK Army's head of recruitment strategy, Institute for Statecraft
Alliance 90/The GreensThe green party of Germany. Originally anti-war, it is now the foremost war party in Europe. Also proponent of Covid-19 agenda. Now being positioned to government by the deep state.
Alliance for ScienceGates Foundation-funded GMO and pesticide lobbyist organizations.
Alliance for Securing Democracy"A well-funded national security advocacy group"
Allied Clandestine CommitteeTogether with the Clandestine Planning Committee, the ACC coordinates the Operation Gladio 'stay behind' groups.
Milton AllimadiFounder/editor of Black Star News, which broke the news of Sunny Sheu's murder.
Rosena Allin-KhanBritish Member of Parliament from the Labour Party.
Michel AlliotFrench Professor of Law who formulated higher education reforms after the large student protests of May 68. Single Bilderberger in 1970, where one of the subjects was the "Future Function of the University In Our Society".
Graham AllisonAttended the Bilderberg in 2007 after a 33 year break. First attended, as a speaker, in 1970, aged 30. Multiple deep state connections.
Jeremy AllisonBritish computer programmer known for his contributions to the free software community
Allivane InternationalA CIA/MI6 front company involved in arms deals.
Yigal Allon#_7397e50e8083efbf631690ad8f03b9edActing
Poppy AllonbyHead of the Global Product for BlackRock in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) & APAC (Asia-Pacific)
Colin AllredAmerican politician, lawyer, and former professional football player. As of September 2021, Allred had voted in line with Joe Biden's stated position 100% of the time.
Almaz-AnteyRussian state-owned company in the arms industry.
João Vale de AlmeidaDiplomat with a heavy Brussels Forum habit
Joaquín AlmuniaSpanish politician, European Commissioner for 10 years, 6 Bilderbergs
Joaquín Almunia#_5359d30807035e5e577e054f4214299bServed with Siim Kallas
George AlogoskoufisGreek economist and minister Minister of Economy and Finance from 2004 to 2009, where is accounting tricks to increase debt led to the 2010 Greece/Debt crisis. He attended all Bilderberg meetings from 2005 until 2009.
Ali Hikmet AlpTurkish diplomat who attended the 1994 Bilderberg meeting.
John AlpassFriend and colleague of MI5 chief Stephen Lander
Dmitri AlperovitchSpooky businessman
Alpha Delta PhiUS student society run out of Hamilton College
Alpha-gal syndromeA tick-borne allergy to red meat that some have speculated is a biological weapon.
AlphabetParent company of Google.
Alphabet agencyAcronym used to describe U.S. intelligence agencies
Herve AlphandBilderberger French diplomat
Fuat AlpkartalA Turkish officer with strong ties to the Turkish intelligence community and a former Military Attaché in Washington. Attended the 1959 Bilderberg.
Joseph AlsopInfluential journalist very close to the CIA
Kjetil AlstadheimSingle Bilderberger Norwegian journalist and editor
Kjetil Alstadheim#_69f178b3bff2b67b033e20f1773f24a9Attended Bilderberg 2017 when working here
Philip Alstoninternational law scholar and human rights practitioner.
Alt TechNew social media platforms.
AltCensoredA website archiving material censored by YouTube
AlterNetAlt-media that changed ownership in 2018, now NewsGuard gives Alternet a "green" rating.
Alternative medicineThere are alternatives to the medical treatments promoted by Big Pharma.
Renato AltissimoItalian politician
Renato Altissimo#_786d0620303883b6bc56fb8504205468Went to 1970 Bilderberg
Peter AltmaierGerman politician who was Head of the Chancellery 2013-2018.
Robert AltmanUS lawyer involved in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Friends with the Clintons for decades
Roger AltmanUS Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Roger Altman#_3014b1c421fcf301a608943d3dd285bcUS Banker, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Sam AltmanYoung visitor to the 2016 Bilderberg, Elon Musk liaison, CEO of OpenAI and former CEO of Reddit.
Rüdiger AltmannGerman intellectual
AluminiumLightweight, reactive, toxic metal.
Gilberto AlvaradoCIA informant who claimed that during a visit to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City he overheard a man he now recognized as Oswald, talking to a red-haired Negro man.
Laura AlvarezThird wife of Jeremy Corbyn
Gustavo AlverezCIA-connected Honduras army commander who led torture/death squads
Marco AlveràItalian gas executive, turning into "hydrogen power"
Clara Ferreira AlvesPortuguese journalist who attended the 2011 Bilderberg. Member of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund
Anne AlyAustralian MP and terror expert
Alzheimer's diseaseA neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and progressively worsens
Luís AmadoPortuguese politician who attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Christiane AmanpourUK/Iranian journalist on CNN, uncritically promoted COVID-19 vaccine uptake
Joaquim do AmaralPortuguese politician who attended the 1999 Bilderberg. Party-supported candidate for President in 2001, losing to fellow Bilderberger Jorge Sampaio.
Luis Mira AmaralPortuguese politician and banker
José Alberto Albano do AmaranteBrazilian nuclear physicist and officer assassinated in 1981 by Mossad and CIA with radioactive poisoning.
AmazonA monopoly/cartel online retailer with deep state connections.
Mukesh AmbaniAsia's richest man living in the world's most expensive house. Selected a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Forum in 1994. By the 2010s, he sat on the board of the same World Economic Forum. Member of the Global Board of Advisors of the US Council on Foreign Relations.
Ambassador News ServiceAlleged propaganda operation said to be affiliated with Brian Crozier and Peter Janke, both of the intelligence affiliated Institute for the Study of Conflict.
Ambassador/BelarusAmbassadors to Belarus
Ambassador/BhutanAmbassadors to the Indian puppet state of Bhutan, mostly represented by their Ambassador to India.
Ambassador/ChileThe ambassadors to the South American republic of Chile.
Ambassador/Czech RepublicA list of ambassadors to the Czech Republic
Ambassador/Democratic Republic of CongoThe ambassadors to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Ambassador/DenmarkAmbassadors to Denmark.
Ambassador/GeorgiaAmbassadors to the republic of Georgia
Ambassador/Holy SeeDiplomatic representatives to the Holy See.
Ambassador/HondurasThe foreign ambassadors to the Central American republic of Honduras
Ambassador/IndonesiaAmbassadors to Indonesia
Ambassador/JamaicaAmbassadors to Jamaica
Ambassador/LiberiaForeign diplomatic representatives to Liberia The US Ambassador is the most important.
Ambassador/LibyaAmbassadors to Libya
Ambassador/LuxembourgForeign ambassadors to Luxembourg.
Ambassador/MongoliaAmbassadors to Mongolia.
Ambassador/NamibiaForeign ambassadors to Namibia.
Ambassador/NetherlandsAmbassadors from foreign countries working in the Netherlands
Ambassador/NigerAmbassadors to the African republic of Niger
Ambassador/OECDAmbassadors to the OECD.
Ambassador/SpainForeign ambassadors to Spain
Ambassador/São Tomé and PríncipeForeign ambassadors to the African country of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Ambassador/TanzaniaForeign ambassadors in the East African state of Tanzania.
Ambassador/ZambiaAmbassadors to the African nation of Zambia.
Shepard AmbellasFounded Intellihub. Reported on the 2012 Bilderberg.
Myles AmbroseRichard Nixon's first drug czar
Alfredo Ambrosetti6 times Bilderberg visitor Italian businessman
Giorgio AmbrosoliAn Italian lawyer assassinated while investigating Michele Sindona.
America First CommitteeA non-interventionist pressure group
AmericaInTheWorldA neocon website
American Airlines Flight 587A catastrophic plane crash in New York City exactly two months and one day after 9-11.
American Australian AssociationA group designed to create a cadre of influential Australians loyal to the United States
American Center for DemocracyA spooky anti-corruption group
American Civil WarThe Start of US World dominations, the Civil war saw capitalists fight capitalists in a war over tax, slavery and the question how big and kind of an imperial force the US should become on the North American continent.
American Committee for Peace in ChechnyaA group of neocon warmongers showing a touching concern for the Russian separatist province of Chechnya.
American Committee on United EuropeCIA front organization. Proves European unity movement was a heavily US-driven project.
American Congress for TruthNeoconservative organization 'aiming to awaken and empower freedom-loving people everywhere to effectively combat'...'the multiple threats posed to America's national security and democratic values by radical Islam'.
American Continental CorporationArizona company involved in the Savings and loan fraud through its chairman Charles Keating.
American Council on Germany/Young LeadersDeep state recruitment network
American Enterprise InstituteThe Godfather of Washington neo-conservative lobby groups
American Foreign Policy CouncilUS semiofficial think tank publishing plans to destroy Russia, disguised as "forecasts".
American Foreign Policy InstituteFront group to push propaganda
American Free PressUS weekly newspaper founded in 2001 which helped expose the Bilderberg.
American Herald TribuneNamed as an outlet of "Fake News" by PropOrNot and the Poynter Institute. Domain confiscated by the US government in 2020, site soon up again with Canadian domain name, but again seized by US warrant.
American Security CouncilA cold war front group for the MICC deserving of further attention
American Swiss FoundationMore than 1,400 US and Swiss future leaders have been selected to participate in it Young Leaders program since 1990.
American Swiss Foundation/Young LeadersYoung Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1990Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1991Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1992Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1993Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1994Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1995Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1996Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1997Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1998Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1999Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2000Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2001Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2002Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2003Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2004Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2005Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2006Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2007Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2008Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2009Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2010Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2011Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2012Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2013Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2014Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2015Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2016Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2017Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2018Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2019Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2021Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/2022Young Leaders selected by the American Swiss Foundation
American UniversityOne of the top five feeder schools to the U.S. Foreign Service, Congressional staff, and the CIA
American University in CairoPrestigious English-language university in Cairo
American University of BeirutPrestigious US-run university in Lebanon
American War MachineA 2014 book by Peter Dale Scott.
American-Turkish CouncilSibel Edmonds has presented evidence implicating this group in espionage
Americans for Democratic ActionThe "activist organization of Cold War liberalism."
Americans for Victory Over TerrorismAstrotruf group founded to press for an aggressive "war on terror" and attempt to equate opposition to the Bush administration with terrorism.
Otto Wolff von AmerongenBilderberg Advisory Committee member, deep politician
John AmeryBrother of politician Julian Amery. A Nazi-sympathiser who was executed for high treason by the UK government.
Julian AmeryMI6, deep politician who chaired Le Cercle for several years.
Julian Amery#_6c59e8df1b7353832766e9e5ce78e65cThe end date is conjecture, based on <a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a> and <a href="#cite_note-3">[3]</a>
Leo AmeryUK historian and deep state actor, chief lieutenant of Alfred Milner
Mark AmesAmerican journalist who lived in Moscow during the 90s.
David AmessBritish parliamentarian and COVID-19 dissident who was fatally stabbed in October 2021. He had criticised Big Pharma, the COVID 19/Lockdowns, mandatory face masks, and vaccine passports.
Amherst CollegeMassachusetts liberal arts college with many deep state-connected alumni.
Jeffrey AmherstBritish soldier, pioneer in biological warfare.
Barbara Amiel"Ferocious defender of Israel" who married media baron Conrad Black in 1992. Accompanied him to the 1993 Bilderberg.
Barbara Amiel#_6034be329fad035550c37d01bb23e357Married to media tycoon Conrad Black. Attended Bilderberg/1993.
Barbara Amiel#_c4f5b6c1b3408d8587c61e834f884e4cMarried to media tycoon Conrad Black. Attended Bilderberg/1993.
Hafizullah Amin#_4c5d7bbc2556ed6666e69b5a579b7713As Chairman of the Council of Ministers (Afghanistan)
Hafizullah Amin#_9cf89a5897105478c08512d791bb3492As Chairman of the Revolutionary Council
Hooshang AmirahmadiIranian American spook who attended Le Cercle.
Meir AmitDirector of The Mossad 1963-1968
AmmanCapital and main city of Jordan.
Peter AmmonGerman diplomat, Atlantik-Brücke, MSC
AmnesiaMemory failure
Amnesty International"Effectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel." Revolving leadership door with US government.
Amnesty International USAUS division of Amnesty International
Dario AmodeiAI expert invited to the 2024 Bilderberg
Paula AmorimPortuguese businesswoman in the energy sector and part of one of the richest families in Portugal. Bilderberg/2018.
Edward Heathcoat AmoryNotting Hill Set journalist
Valerie AmosBritish Labour politician
AmpedStatusNews aggregation site supplemented with perceptive analysis and reports by the site's owner. Seems to have gone defunct in 2014.
AmphetaminesRecreational drugs with potential for use in combat.
Ampleforth CollegeUK establishment day and boarding school with decades of sexual abuse and cover ups.
Anis AmriSupposed perpetrator of the 2016 Berlin attack, termed "Not independently notable" by Wikipedia.
Herbert AmryDiplomat whistleblower who was killed in Iran/Contra affair
Herbert Amry#_31034172527d463b891cf511a5ce5fcastart date uncertain
Klaus-Georg von AmsbergPrince Claus of the Netherlands, fought for Hitler, implicated in underage sex ring with mayor Ed van Thijn and finance minister Onno Ruding. Alleged victim of sexual blackmail.
AmsterdamCocaine distributor to all sides in World War 1. Led the European illegal drug trade from the 1970s.
Sheetal Amte-KarajgWEF YGL found dead aged 39, reportedly a suicide
Dibyesh AnandIndian/British academic on Tibet who writes for the Guardian.
Ancient Rome/Deep stateThe Ancient Roman Deep State.
Michael AncramLikely took over from Norman Lamont as European chair of Le Cercle.
Michael Ancram#_a6b6cce7771d4db9df6f9a344ad49650Start date is conjecture, but would be after October 13, 2008
Jamil AnderliniCorporate journalist with long China experience. Attended Bilderberg/2024, where one of the subjects was China. WEF/YGL.
Jamil Anderlini#_0c9e7233a8ee1a8e5e97699c31b2a06dAttended Bilderberg/2024
Bodil Nyboe AndersenDanish central banker who pushed for introduction of the euro. Daughter of Bilderberger Poul Nyboe Andersen and attended 3 Bilderberg meetings herself. Trilateral Commission.
Inger Andersen#_535b804e21467ecfcd9d21c85374c400Appointed after her third WEF AGM
K. B. AndersenDanish Minister of Education and Minister of Foreign Affairs, triple Bilderberger
Poul Nyboe AndersenDanish economist and politician. Member of the Trilateral Commission. His daughter is former national bank director Bodil Nyboe Andersen.
Tage AndersenDanish banker who attended 7 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
Thomas Thune AndersenDanish Bilderberger who was CEO of oil subsidiary of shipping giant Maersk
Thomas Thune Andersen#_4fd587db90e322962ae396a52dfee2a4Attended 2009 Bilderberg meeting
Anderson UniversityEstablished in 1917 as the Anderson Bible Training School
Bruce AndersonUK pro-torture spooky journalist, Le Cercle, attended a "terrorism" related conference chaired by Harold Elletson in 2009.
Danielle AndersonAustralian researcher
Dave AndersonFormer Labour MP
George AndersonAdmiral in the United States Navy and a diplomat. As the Chief of Naval Operations between 1961 and 1963, he was in charge of the US blockade of Cuba during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.
Joe AndersonMayor of Liverpool (2012 to 2021)
Joe Anderson#_77a40cdc9ae4b0157e9651d7dc18aeedarrested for corruption
Martina AndersonMEP for Northern Ireland
Martina Anderson#_5c45665b47e4bf74a9623a156b47c0bdServing with Jonathan Bell
Perry AndersonUK historian
Robert AndersonLe Cercle, Bilderberg,
Robert O. AndersonTriple Bilderberg Big Oil exec who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Robert Anderson#_1404dedad84c06a6348f054174eed2a5"Canadian holding company with far flung international interests"
Robert Anderson#_dcc5730d5c15c2db736b97c44222ac00New York-based investment banking firm
Magdalena AnderssonAttended the 2016 Bilderberg as Swedish finance minister. Supporter of the Great Reset who was briefly Prime Minister of Sweden.
Magdalena Andersson#_e25190a0705382fa87de95de9d8f774aAttended the 2016 Bilderberg
Sven AnderssonSwedish Social Democrat politician and deep state actor
Sven Andersson#_c8eb911af88d1f513201e8bfd79d0ec1The IB-affair was exposed
Eva Andersson-DubinFormer Miss Sweden who dated Jeffrey Epstein for 11 years, then married hedge fund billionaire Glenn Dubin. Mentioned in Epstein's Black book, flew the Lolita Express.
AndorraA micro state in Europe. An enclave between France and Spain.
Miguel Stilwell de AndradeCEO of Portuguese electric utilities company with lots of wind power. Attended 2023 Bilderberg meeting
Dwayne AndreasLarge political donor to both major US parties.
Marta AndreasenA member of the European Parliament
Nino AndreattaItalian politician and founder of think-tanks. Removed officials who appeared in the list seized from Licio Gelli and imposed the dissolution of the Banco Ambrosiano.
Nino Andreatta#_1058a98d4a71f5926216867f0af9722cChristian Democrats
Nino Andreatta#_2760c97d87fb71ec1f87072ed534db33Christian Democrats
Nino Andreatta#_d95a4e924692c56bd6c2341e85f1b330Christian Democrats
Marc AndreesenAmerican entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer who co-authored Mosaic, the first widely used web browser
Giulio Andreotti"The ultimate insider of Italian political life", who as Italian Prime Minister publicly confirmed the existence of Operation Gladio
Johan AndresenSecond generation Bilderberger businessman billionaire.
Melanie Andress-TobiassonLas Vegas judge who is said to have committed suicide amidst an ethics probe after she started investigating underage prostitution ring
Christopher AndrewOfficial historian of MI5
Daniel AndrewsPolitician who came to prominence during the COVID-19 deep event.
Ian AndrewsUK military bureaucrat who resigned as chairman of the Serious Organised Crime Agency because of a failure to declare a conflict of interest.
Ian Andrews#_478066a7328ca965a380d29d0c347e5cResigned "because of a failure to declare an interest in a management consultancy company which he is required to do in the SOCA Register of Director’s Interests."
Carolyn AndrianoEpstein accuser who died of a drug overdose; her death was only made public five months later.
Andreas AndrianopoulosGreek politician who attended the 1988 Bilderberg, then became Minister of Trade. Was along with fellow Bilderberger Stefanos Manos the main spokesman for the economic liberal tradition in Greece.
Frans AndriessenEU commissioner
Lukas AndriukaitisIntegrity Initiative forensic researcher
AndroidA widely used mobile operating system
Hannes AndroschFormer Bilderberg Steering committee member, politician, banker, businessman
Kirill AndrosovRussian financier, businessman, YGL, 2008-2010 Deputy chief of staff to Vladimir Putin
Robert AndréAttended the first Bilderberg and 2 more, president of the "Syndicat de Petrole"
Andrés Bello Catholic UniversityTop private university in Venezuela
José AndrésSpanish-American chef and restaurateur with ties to the US deep state