Property:Has sourceURL

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This property is to store URLs of 3rd party information, such as quotes or items in the Document: namespace. Also set Property:Has sourceName to specify the name, and Has sourceDetails for further reference details is available if required.|This property is to store URLs of 3rd party information, such as quotes or items in the Document: namespace. Also set Property:Has sourceName to specify the name, and Has sourceDetails for further reference details is available if required.

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Quote sub objects of the main namespace
  • Predicate:  Has sourceURL
  • Object:        URLs (type URL)
    Note: This is used to make a ref tag.

1558 Pages use the property "Has sourceURL"

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Page nameHas sourceURL
2010 United States diplomatic cables leak/Middle East<sup_id= "cite_ref-11"_class="reference"><a_href="#cite_note-11">[11]</a></sup> http://<sup id="cite ref-11" class="reference"><a href="#cite note-11">[11]</a></sup>
"Fake news website"
"War on Terror"
Washington Conference on International Terrorism
Elon Muskhttp://In the distant future, people may outlaw driving cars because it's too dangerous. You can't have a person driving a two-ton death machine
Paul Marcinkushttp://May 25, 1986, Observer, London
NATO/Defense Collegehttp://Mutual Security Act of 1951 Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, Eighty-second Congress, First Session, page 136
Financial system
David Petraeus
Document:The Corporate Climate Coup
"Climate change"
Freedom of speech
George Orwell
George Orwell
Mind control
Operation Garden Plot
Liz Wahl
National Security Agency
Red pill and blue pill
Population Matters
Jimmy Savile
Institute for Statecraft
Nicole Junkermann
Zach Vorhies
Conspiracy of Silence
Ritual abuse salter/status/1286442646991278080?s=19
Tucker Carlson
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Josep Borrell
Alex Jones
Richard Moore
Nord Stream/Sabotage
New Development Bank
Coral affair
Jean Ziegler
Olivier Oullier 67409.htm
Peggy Noonan
Harry S. Truman"For+some+time+I+have+been+disturbed+by+the+way+the+CIA+has+been+diverted+from+its+original+assignment.+It+has+become+an+operational+and+at+times+a+policy-making+arm+of+the+government....+I+never+had+any+thought+that+when+I+set+up+the+CIA+that+it+would+be+injected+into+peacetime+cloak+and+dagger+operations."+-&source=bl&ots=1iNfcSxPBy&sig=yAePSCsM75Vc8NeZE0b6TbCzYIY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=w_sBVJmyHITxgwSnkIHQCg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA"For+some+time+I+have+been+disturbed+by+the+way+the+CIA+has+been+diverted+from+its+original+assignment.+It+has+become+an+operational+and+at+times+a+policy-making+arm+of+the+government....+I+never+had+any+thought+that+when+I+set+up+the+CIA+that+it+would+be+injected+into+peacetime+cloak+and+dagger+operations."+-&source=bl&ots=1iNfcSxPBy&sig=yAePSCsM75Vc8NeZE0b6TbCzYIY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=w sBVJmyHITxgwSnkIHQCg&ved=0CB0Q6AEwAA
Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State
Operation Gladio/B
Operation Gladio/B
Military-industrial-congressional complex
Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations
"Conspiracy mindset"
Conspiracy belief
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projection
"Conspiracy mindset"
Mark Gorton
Saifullah Paracha v. George W. Bush
Vladimir Putin
Liberty Lobby p2.html#item37
Gerard Batten
Leo Tolstoy
Alan Sabrosky
William Odom
Stephan Adolphus Kock answers/1994/may/24/stephan-adolphus-kock
UK/Parliament/Lies to answers/1994/may/24/stephan-adolphus-kock
John Ehrlichman
Hanif Qadir
H. V. Evatt reps 21 hor8/#subdebate-30-0
William Cooper
Bronson Cutting
Woodrow Wilson
Deep state control
Deep state
Political correctness
"Financial services"
Document:Election 2017: finally, a real choice for Britain's voters
Malcolm X
Skripal Affair
Nord Stream/Sabotage
Nord Stream/Sabotage
Germany/Public broadcasting
Thomas Jefferson
Alina Mosendz
Russophobia type82914type82916 117126.shtml
Transhumanism 107th/121 Human Cloning/Organizational Statements/CGS/CGS Quiet Campaign 01.htm
Charles de Gaulle
Brian Paddick
Black site
Black site
Black site
"War on Drugs"
Douglas Hurd depth/uk politics/2001/open politics/foreign policy/uks world role.stm
Stella Rimington spies/transcripts/truespies prog1.txt
Colin Powell
"Gulf of Tonkin Incident"
Plastic word polit
Cass Sunstein id=1084585
Francesco Cossiga
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Preparation gorbachev i am against all walls 40673.html
The Matrix
Murray Rothbard
Fog of war - On War, Books 1 and 8.pdf
Refshttp://source URL
Frank Sturgis
Roy Cohn
Corporate media/Deep state control
Kurt Vonnegut
Sunny Sheu
Document:Huawei Hypocrisy
Walter Lippmann can be no higher law in journalism than to/163200.html
Death squad 1.html
9-11/Compensation fund N.htm
USS Liberty Incident
2014 Ukraine coup 02 28/Ukraine-was-a-playbook-CIA-coup-d-tat-Prof-Francis-Boyle-6845/
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack
George W. Bush
"9-11/Israel did it"
Hans Langemann Cercle.htm
American fascism
Sherard Cowper-Coles
Julian Assange
Richard Falk
Michael Chertoff
Madeleine Albright
Samantha Power
UFO the news/qa ufo journalist leslie kean.php
The Dark Overlord
William Cooper
Michael Levine
Rudy Giuliani giuliani.html
George Carlin
Coleen Rowley
Deep state/2017 Popularisation
Political spectrum
Deep state/2017 Popularisation
Salvador Allende
Deborah Birx
Cyrus Vance
Philip Zack
Document:The Occult Technology of Power
Document:The First 9-11 Sceptic
Brian Crozier
Foreign aid
Attorney General for England and Wales s top lawyer looking to block bid to prosecute Tony Blair over Iraq /
Michael Yeadon
BBC/Terrorism reporting
"National security"
Nice truck event
Ray Guagliardi
Boston Herald preying on parents fear
Mind control
Patrick Clawson
Hugh Gaitskell wright 1987.html
Operation Mockingbird cia and media.php
Time Magazine cia and media.php
Event 201
Panama Papers
Plastic word
9-11/Official narrative Condoleezza Rice 9 11 interview.htm
9-11/Official narrative Condoleezza Rice 9 11 interview.htm
US/Exceptionalism Condoleezza Rice 9 11 interview.htm
John Earman
Corporate media
Robert Cooper
Craig Murray
Petrodollar RL33533
Holger Münch
Daniel Pipes
Civil disobedience
Global Strategies Group
Cass Sunstein
Mark Rutte
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Black site
Phoenix Program
Lawrence Summers
Enrique Gomez-Hurtado
Thomas Hetherington
Unit 8200 gk 0208israel.html The Unit
Craig Spence
Mind control
Corporate media
Operation Gladio/B
Cheonan sinking
Theresa May
NDAA 2012
Corporate media/Deep state control
Gregory Clark
Robert Cooper
"Conspiracy theory"
"9-11/Israel did it"
Charles August Lindbergh
Fletcher Prouty
Roy Kellerman
Richard Blee b. 1
Alexandrina Victoria
Joanna Shields b 11295664.html
Parallel Construction n 3706207.html
Document:US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos it Created n 5901782.html
Barack Obama/Presidency b 598976.html
Mind control/Child Abuse
Malcolm Muggeridge marchetti.html
Theresa May
Enemy image
"9-11/Israel did it"
"9-11/Israel did it"
Francis Boyle
Project Censored
RAND/Terrorism Chronology Database 4/Burnett&Whyte.pdf
Max Cleland
Peter Power
Brian Michael Jenkins
Andrew Breitbart
Leo Tolstoy
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Aviation Administration
David Ray Griffin
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Document:Slaughter in Indonesia 1965-66
Gloria Steinem
John le Carré
Illegal drug trade
"Fake News" CNN boycott corporate sponsors fake news.html
2001 Anthrax attacks news-crime and courts/t/senator-suspect-had-help-anthrax-attacks
David Attenborough
Document:US Planned Syrian Civilian Catastrophe Since 2007
Strategy of tension
Operation Nicole
Big pharma
Menachem Begin
Document:The Israel lobby
Ziad Abdelnour r=1&adxnnl=1&oref=slogin&ref=middleeast&adxnnlx=1154455370-sCKn8yFUsT7Aa+FIOYZXGA
Liquid bomb plot and Op-Ed/Editorials
Document:The Propaganda Multiplier
Paul Craig Roberts
Malcolm Turnbull
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack
Gareth Williams (politician)
1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash
David Malcolm Nott Politics Show 8th May 2020 (lo-fi).mp3
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
Western Global Airlines N545JN
Woodrow Wilson am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controll/371973/
Sol Wachtler valley/2014/11/25/sol wachtler the judge who coined indict a ham sandwich was himself indicted.html
Frederick Taylor Gates connection 6.htm
Ali Mohamed
Gareth Williams
Operation Gladio/B
2011 Attacks on Libya analysis/2987399/why qaddafi had to go african gold oil and the challenge to monetary imperialism.html
Richard Whittam
National Security Agency inception security vint cerf google hangout/
Frank Lowy
Nigel Inkster and americas/article4466512.ece
Drug smuggling page 120.htm
Chappaquiddick incident
Mind control 04a.htm
Pia Union
National Institute of Drug Abuse
Political party
"Free market"
John Taylor Gatto
New York Times
Ancient Rome/Deep state
9-11/Official narrative
Yuval Diskin
Alfred Denning Commercial Law/Cases/UDT v Kirkwood.html
Jack Ruby
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Edward Lansdale eagle trust fund
9-11/Insider Trading
Operation Gladio/B
John Lennon/Assassination
Fethullah Gülen
Józef Retinger
"US/National security" blogs/threatlevel/2014/02/ibraruling.pdf
Ronald Lauder
Document:The Occult Technology of Power
David Mikkelson
Matthijs Veenendaal
Vanessa Beeley
Alexander Acosta
Alexander Lukashenko
Manuel Noriega
9-11/WTC Controlled demolition
"9-11/Israel did it"
Joop Den Uyl
Dries van Agt
Bernard Montgomery
Christopher Wray
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador campaign=SocialFlow&utm source=Twitter&utm medium=AP
Mark Rutte
Harvey Milk
Yossef Bodansky
Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship
Andrew Marr
Jamie Shea
Urban Moving Systems report section 1/page/n35/mode/2up?q=twenty+years
Club of Rome
"Climate change"
Aurelio Peccei
Dwight Eisenhower 1953 0416
Walther Rathenau
Committee of 300
Maurice Strong Strong Dossier djvu.txt
Human trafficking djvu.txt
Slavery djvu.txt
Victor Marchetti djvu.txt
Victor Marchetti djvu.txt
University of Leicester
Keith Woods woods/3292#selection-224.0-224.1
Elon Musk
Perpetual war
Tom Cotton
Silk Way Airlines
Claire McCaskill
Craig Murray
Jonathan Cook
Whitney Webb
Jon Rappoport
Jacques Attali par precaution/
Ruby Ridge
Bruce Cumings s Place in the Sun A Modern Histor.html?id=LR8svgdNOAYC&printsec=frontcover&source=kp read button#v=onepage&q&f=false
Germany/VIPaedophile esc=y&hl=de&id=Ki9jBgAAQBAJ&q=ddr#v=snippet&q=ddr&f=false
Mattias Desmet detail/Mattias-Desmet-Diagnoses-Researchers-as-Mentally-Disturbed-Mass-Hypnosis-Expert-or-Trojan-Horse
Jane Hill
Jeremy Farrar
Naomi Wolf
"Russian Propaganda"
David McGowan
Marie-Eve Carignan
Chris Exley
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Peter Daszak
Alan Dershowitz
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Warren Buffett
Arne Duncan source=CB&utm medium=Trumpian Republicans
"Fake News"
Independent media
National Endowment for Democracy
William Arkin
Hiroshi Hasegawa
Non-Aligned Movement,33009,862210,00.html
Charles Cogan
Daily Mirror
George W. Bush
Conservative Party
Satanism rock conspiracy theory weird scenes inside the canyon
Roderich Kiesewetter
Marjorie Thompson</ref></ref>
Michael Yeadon
"Conspiracy theorist"
"Vaccine passport"
Laura Gayler
Brian Martin
Conspiracy belief
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projection
Conspiracy theories/Academic research/Projection
David Lange
Donald Jeffries source=publication-search
The Mishcon Note 12 06 diana report.pdf
Peer review
Byram Bridle
Byram Bridle
Anthony Fauci
Bilderberg/2021 en
Bilderberg/2020 en
COVID-19/Perpetrators/Bilderberg en
EU/Censorship 20 1036
Věra Jourová 20 1006
Josep Borrell 20 1006
Strategy of tension joint statement of ministers for interrior en.pdf
Franziska Brantner
Theodore Shackley
COVID-19/Purposes -
Frans van Anraat
António Guterres
Jacques Cousteau
Australia/1975 coup d'état CIA involvement in the Whitlam dismissal
The Philippines Coca-Cola Company#Front groups
Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Company#Front groups
Immigration and Customs Enforcement Immigration and Customs Enforcement#Organization
Vladimir Lenin
Donald Trump Trump
Donald Trump Trump
Donald Trump Trump
Donald Trump Trump
John Bolton Trump#Quotes about Trump
Jeb Bush Trump#Quotes about Trump
Jimmy Carter Trump#Quotes about Trump
Rupert Murdoch Trump#Quotes about Trump
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
Corporate media/Logic Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin
George Carlin Carlin#It's Bad for Ya (2008)
George Carlin Carlin#It's Bad for Ya (2008)
Political party L. Mencken
James Mattis Mattis
Secrecy Pulitzer
Malcolm X X
Rodrigo Duterte Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte Duterte
Rodrigo Duterte Duterte
Leopold II of Belgium
Brussels Forum/2018
John Perkins
Muammar Gaddafi
Madeleine Albright
Louis McFadden
... further results
Showing 20 pages using this property.