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Decade.png 2010s: )    Year.png 2017 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Chartoftheday 11551 americans top fears of 2017 n.jpg
In 2017, "Terrorism" dropped from being the #2 fear of US citizens in 2016 to #22! Their biggest fear was "corrupt government officials", up 15% in one year to 75%.
In 2017 the legal, ideological and technical foundations of internet censorship were expanded under the veil of the (increasingly disbelieved) threat of "terrorism". US adults' biggest fear continued to be, not "terrorism" but "corrupt government officials".

In 2017 the phrase "deep state" was widely (with contrasting definitions) used by the commercially-controlled media. This followed their introduction of the "Fake News" meme in November 2016. 2017 saw reports of censorship of many the 200 sites listed by PropOrNot, including Naked Capitalism, Truthdig and Counterpunch[1] and an April adjustment of Google's search algorithm to send less visitors to progressive websites[2]. The case Saleh v. Bush was concluded in February 2017, and the Bush administration officials deemed not guilty of war crimes since "The actions that (Bush administration officials) took in connection with the Iraq War were part of their official duties".[3] The ADL reported that "Anti-Semitic Incidents Surged Nearly 60% in 2017",[4] although this finding has been criticised.[5]

"Fake News"

Full article: Rated 3/5 “Fake News”

The "Fake News website" meme introduced in November 2016 appears to have been intended to smear websites to bolster faith in the commercially-controlled media, was quickly reduced to the issue of "fake news". Global efforts were underway in 2017 to try to automate censorship (a.k.a. "fact checking") and crack down on whistleblowers. In the UK, Conservative MP Damian Collins is heading an inquiry into combatting the so-called "fake news" problem, which is reportedly considering increasing the maximum punishment for publishing real information online, from 2 years to 14 years.[6] Various commentators have suggested that the net effect of the "fake news" meme may have been a type of blowback - encouraging everyone to be more critical consumers of news, checking facts and sources.

Deep state exposure

After years of being ignored, the phrase "deep state" became popular after the 2016 US Presidential election and has continued to grow in popularity, particularly in the case of the US Deep State.[7] In 2017, leaks continue, including a leak of hacking tools, which were offered for sale by a group calling itself Shadow Brokers.

"War On Terror"

The Home Office tweet announcing that they would set up a new commission to "counter extremism".[8]
Full article: War On Terror

In January, outgoing US president Barack Obama signed Executive Order 12333. This expanded the provision for mass surveillance by removing legal restrictinos on the NSA sharing intercepted raw data with agencies including the FBI, the DEA, and the Department of Homeland Security.[9]

In UK three acts of "Muslim terrorism" in the run up to the General Election continued the "War On Terror". They had little detectable affect upon the election result.

Action Counters Terrorism

Full article: Action Counters Terrorism

In March 2017, the UK government - still unreceptive to the population's growing doubts about the 9/11 official narrative - re-branded its "counter terrorism" activity by launching a campaign entitled "Action Counters Terrorism".

2017 Refugee False Flag

Full article: 2017 Refugee False Flag
The 2017 Refugee False Flag plot was never carried out, after carelessness in Vienna airport lead to its being exposed

In April, carelessness by 'Franco A.', an officer of the German Bundeswehr, lead to uncovering of the False Flag plot after he was arrested with a firearm in Vienna airport. Having created a fake Syrian identity in 2015, he was charged in 2017 with two conspirators for planning an "act of state-threatening violence".[10] The commercially-controlled media reported on their arrest, but did not spend long on their case. They were released in November 2017 on grounds of lack of evidence.[11]

"Commission for Countering Extremism"

Full article: Commission for Countering Extremism

After the Manchester bombing, the UK Home Office announced their intention to set up a "Commission for Countering Extremism‎" with an unusually militaristic photo (left) which was criticised fairly widely.[citation needed]

UK General Election

Full article: UK/2017 General Election

In UK the Prime Minister Theresa May called a snap election when her party was a long way ahead in the polls, aiming to increase her parliamentary majority. The opposition Jeremy Corbyn however defied predictions by closing the gap and increasing the seats held by the Labour Party, resulting in a hung parliament, leading the Tories to form a coalition with the DUP.

Young people in particular were heavily in support of the Labour party. The UK suffered three acts of "terrorism" during the election campaign, the 2017 Westminster attack, the Manchester Bombing & the June 2017 London attack. In spite of heavy coverage by the commercially-controlled media, these did not appear to greatly influence the election outcome, which was a hung parliament and an increased support for the Labour Party under Corbyn.



Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Al-Salam weapons deal21 December 20052017A large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Barack Obama/Presidency20 January 200920 January 2017The Barack Obama administration
Biden–Ukraine corruption scandal20102020Maybe this scandal would have swung the US/2020 Presidential election the other way if the media had reported on it?
Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
Saleh v. Bush13 March 201310 February 2017A legal claim that the Iraq war was an illegal act of aggression, dismissed in 2017 by the Westfall Act since it was carried out by US government employees within the scope of their employment.
"2014 Ukraine coup/Anti-Terrorist-Operation"15 April 201424 February 2022Olexander Turchynov, as acting President of Ukraine, announced the start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors in 2014.
Day X plot2015February 2017A failed attack which appears to have been intended as a false flag to be blamed on Syria.
RussiagateNovember 20162019
Danske Bank/Money laundering scandal20172018
War on Journalism2017The "War on Journalism" is a global campaign to try to suppress fact-based reporting. It is a deep state response to increased awareness of big media's mendacity and that many "democracies" offer their citizens no real choice.
WEF/Annual Meeting/201717 January 201720 January 20172950 known participants, including prominently Bill Gates. "Offers a platform for the most effective and engaged leaders to achieve common goals for greater societal leadership."
Donald Trump/Presidency20 January 201720 January 2021The Donald Trump administration
Russia’s Strategy on NATO'S Eastern and Southern Flanks27 January 2017 09:30:0027 January 2017 16:30:00A CIDOB/The Institute for Statecraft/NATO meeting
Munich Security Conference/201717 February 201719 February 2017The 53rd Munich Security Conference
BrexitMarch 201731 January 2020The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union.
Wikileaks/Vault 77 March 2017Release of electronic surveillance and cyber warfare tools from the CIA arsenal.
Action Counters Terrorism7 March 2017A replacement for the highly criticised Prevent "branding platform" of "counter-terrorism".
2017 Westminster attack22 March 201722 March 2017A combined vehicle assault and stabbing at an iconic London location
Brussels Forum/201723 March 201725 March 2017Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund. The overarching theme was "‘End of Complacency – Era of Action?"
Vigilant Guard 1723 March 201731 March 2017March 2017 military exercise held in Georgia, practicing "any sort of catastrophic event". Also coinciding with Atlanta bridge collapse.
2017 Manchester bombing22 May 201722 May 2017A highly suspicious 2017 bombing in Manchester, UK, that reportedly killed 22 people and injured hundreds. Provided a pretext for suspending campaigning in the UK/2017 General Election
Reframing Russia1 June 201731 May 2020An IfS/II discussed project about "The RT Challenge" which was publicly launched in 2019, not under the II/IfS name.
Bilderberg/20171 June 20174 June 2017The 65th Bilderberg Meeting
June 2017 London attack3 June 20173 June 2017Three men drove a van into pedestrians on London Bridge and attacked people with knives.
Grenfell Tower fire14 June 201714 June 2017The worst UK residential fire since World War II.
Answering Russia's Strategic Narratives22 June 201722 June 2017Invitation only one day event organised by The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, sponsored by The Institute for Statecraft, about "Russian propaganda"
Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty7 July 20177 July 2017Legally binding international agreement to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination.
A World in Flux: The Future of Democracy Europe and the Middle East12 September 201713 September 2017Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia with a host of spooky participants
Democracy and Propaganda - Can independent media defend universal values?12 September 201713 September 2017An EED "fake news" conference in Ukraine
2017 Las Vegas shooting1 October 20171 October 2017The most deadly mass shooting in US history, one about which many questions - most particularly "Why?" - remain unanswered. The original official narrative of a single "lone nut" shooter was confused as of February 2018.
SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028October 2017October 2017A tabletop pandemic planning exercise that gave advice how to handle "communication challenges" in a vaccination campaign after the public has become aware that it is more damaging than the disease. Held October 2017.
Paradise PapersNovember 2017November 2017A set of 13.4 million confidential electronic documents about use of tax havens to house around $10 trillion. The highly skewed nature of the exposure (very little from the US) suggest it was a modified hangout
Wikileaks/Vault 8November 2017A leak of some of the source code of the Vault 7 leaks.
Halifax International Security Forum/201717 November 201719 November 2017Spooky conference in Canada


New Groups

Commission for Countering ExtremismCommission for Countering Extremism.pngA "counter-extremism" group set up after the 2017 Manchester bombing.
EU DisinfolabEU Disinfolab.jpgII aligned group focused on "Russian Propaganda"
Security Without BordersSecurity Without Borders logo.png
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/SpainGroup.pngThe Integrity Initiative's first foreign cluster, set up in Spain in January 2017
Democracy Integrity ProjectGroup.png
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/NetherlandsGroup.pngThe Integrity Initiative's Dutch Cluster, set up with help from the Dutch MOD
Integrity Initiative/Cluster/LeadersGroup.png
Credibility CoalitionCredibilty coalition.pngfact checker
SubstackSubstack logo.pngOnline platform that provides publishing, payment, analytics, and design infrastructure to support subscription newsletters.
Zentrum Liberale ModerneGroup.png
Patriot FrontPatriot Front.pngAmerican white nationalist group that bears many hallmarks of an FBI entrapment operation, setting the stage for a false flag terrorism event
Forbidden StoriesGroup.pngAn "independent" NGO and media outlet financed by the usual cluster of deep state connected foundations.
ACT for NIHACT for NIH (logo).pngBig Pharma lobbying firm
FaktiskFaktisk logo.pngNorwegian "fact-checking" website with close personnel ties to the intelligence services and the military.
Red Tape InitiativeRed Tape Initiative.jpg
Best for BritainBest for Britain.pngMilitary ranksA George Soros funded Pro-EU organisation.
Open PhilanthropyOpen Philanthropy logo.pngGrant maker funneling deep state money among other things to pandemic planning. Financed Event 201.
UN/Office of Counter-TerrorismGroup.pngAgency
Alliance for Securing DemocracyGroup.png"A well-funded national security advocacy group"
Lawyers Committee for 911 InquiryLCfor911.pngCharityA organisation of professionals seeking legal accountability for the events of 9-11 and the prosecution of those responsible
The Queer Insurrection and Liberation ArmyTQILA Emblem.pngImprobable militia presumably a propaganda exercise to create support for war in the Western liberal opinion.
Labour Against The WitchhuntCropped-LAW-logo-with-rose.jpgLobby group for pro Jeremy Corbyn supporters in UK Labour Party.


New Websites

Big League PoliticsBig League Politics logo.pnghttp://www.bigleaguepolitics.comBig League Politics is a politically independent news website, reporting from a Pro-Trump point of view.
The Post MillennialThe Post Millennial.pnghttps://thepostmillennial.com/Canadian news website.
BitChuteBitChute Logo.pnghttps://bitchute.com/Video hosting website. Alternative to YouTube.
EverybodyWikiEverybodywiki.pnghttps://en.everybodywiki.com/A wiki that keeps articles which are deleted by Wikipedia
PresearchPresearch.svghttps://engine.presearch.org/Decentralized search engine that takes in community feedback in it's development.
UnHerdUnHerd.pnghttps://unherd.com/British online magazine; "hosting alternative viewpoints to a mainstream audience". Does however financially tie in with the George Soros network.
SaiditSaidit.pnghttps://saidit.netA non-corporate, open source, alternative to Reddit


Groups that were Wound Up

British Bankers' AssociationBritish Bankers’ Association logo.svgA trade association for bankers which was working with the Integrity Initiative.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaICTY logo.pngNATO dominated court established to justify own actions and keep control over Western Balkans region.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau InstituteJean-Jacques Rousseau Institute.pngNeoconservative French think tank




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Nuno Brederode Santos19442017JournalistPortugese journalist and presidential advisor.
George Krimsky19422017JournalistUS journalist that was part of Cold War propaganda apparatus
Greg Szymanski2017Researcher
Radio host
Maidhc Ó Cathail2017Researcher
Rogério Martins30 September 19282017Politician
Portuguese industrial manager for Siemens and parliamentarian who attended the 1982 and 1983 Bilderberg meetings
Luc Coene11 March 19475 January 2017Economist
Central banker
Belgian central banker
Mário Soares7 December 19247 January 2017Portugal
Udo Ulfkotte20 January 196013 January 2017Whistleblower
Former editor of a German broadsheet who exposed press corruption while also subscribing to Islamophobic views.
Vahit Halefoglu19 November 191921 January 2017Turkey
Turkish senior diplomat at Foreign Minister
Tam Dalyell9 August 193226 January 2017Scotland
West Lothian
Labour MP who posed the "West Lothian Question"
Albert Stubblebine6 February 19306 February 2017US
New Jersey
US major general who publicly dissented from the 9-11 Official narrative
John R. Simpson13 February 193210 February 2017Police officerInterpol director who set the agenda of fighting "international terrorism", against French opposition.
Omar Abdel-Rahman3 May 193818 February 2017
Vitaly Churkin21 February 195220 February 2017New York
United States
DiplomatRussian Un Ambassador who died of what officially was a heart failure, at a time when there was a lot of Western diplomatic pressure on Russia and several other diplomats had died in a short period of time.
Peter Corterier19 June 193622 February 2017Politician
Deep state functionary
Double Bilderberg possible German deep state functionary
David Waddington2 August 192923 February 2017
Gerald Kaufman21 June 193026 February 2017PoliticianBritish Labour Party politician
Gordon Thomas21 February 19333 March 2017Author
David Rockefeller12 June 191520 March 2017New York
United States
Pocantico Hills
Deep politician
US deep politician. CFR founder. Only person to attend over 50 Bilderberg meetings.
Robert Silvers31 December 192920 March 2017New YorkEditor
Deep state operative
US editor with deep state ties, Director of the US Ditchley Foundation
Martin McGuinness23 May 195021 March 2017Northern Ireland
Khalid Masood25 December 196422 March 2017London
Named by UK police as the perpetrator of the 2017 Westminster attack
Denis Voronenkov10 April 197123 March 2017Ukraine
PoliticianA vocal critic of Vladimir Putin. Assassinated in 2017.
Deane Hinton12 March 192328 March 2017Diplomat
Klaus Liesen15 April 193130 March 2017Germany
BusinesspersonOne of the ten most powerful "grey eminences" in the German economy. Bilderberg/1981
Yevgeny Yevtushenko18 July 19331 April 2017Oklahoma
Media executive
Giovanni Sartori13 May 19244 April 2017Italy
AcademicUS-formed Italian political scientists. Bilderberg/1985.
Sheila Abdus-Salaam14 March 195212 April 2017New York
United States
JudgeA US judge found dead in the Hudson River in 2017
Piero Ottone3 August 192416 April 2017Italy
JournalistItalian journalist
Sterling Seagrave15 April 19371 May 2017Author
Author of numerous other books which address unofficial and clandestine aspects of the 20th-century political history of countries in the Far East.
Tom Bolan30 May 1924May 2017LawyerSilent partner to the sexual blackmail operative Roy Cohn in their politically potent law firm for three decades.
Luigi Ramponi30 May 19305 May 2017Italy
SpookItalian spook, Trilateral Commission
Hugh Thomas21 October 19317 May 2017Author
UK historian. Chairman of the neoliberal and military hawkish Centre for Policy Studies.
Mauno Koivisto25 November 192312 May 2017Finland
PoliticianFinnish politician President of Finland from 1982 to 1994. Also the country's prime minister twice, from 1968 to 1970 and again from 1979 to 1982.
Helga Steeg8 June 192717 May 2017Tri-Bilderberger executive director of the International Energy Agency
Roger Ailes15 May 194018 May 2017United States
Palm Beach
Media mogulEstablished Fox Television in 1996 with Rupert Murdoch.
Peter Marychurch13 June 192721 May 2017SpookA former head of GCHQ.
Alistair Horne9 November 192525 May 2017JournalistUK historian with deep intelligence ties
Zbigniew Brzezinski28 March 192826 May 2017United States
Falls Church
Deep politician
A central US Deep politician, Cercle, Bilderberg, ...
Konstantinos Mitsotakis18 October 191829 May 2017Greece
PoliticianAttended the 1993 Bilderberg as Prime Minister of Greece
Manuel Noriega11 February 193429 May 2017Brain tumorSoldier
Puppet leader
A puppet leader being used in CIA Drug trafficking.
Adnan Khashoggi25 July 19356 June 2017London
United Kingdom
Arms DealerMulti-billionare arms dealer.
Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann5 February 19338 June 2017Nicaragua
Barbara Kulaszka195315 June 2017CancerLawyer
Helmut Kohl3 April 193016 June 2017Germany
PoliticianAttended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s. Chancellor of Germany 1982-1998
Mats Johansson26 December 195124 June 2017EditorSwedish editor mentioned as a person of interest by the Integrity Initiative, but died in 2017
Torvild Aakvaag27 January 19279 July 2017BusinesspersonSingle Bilderberg Director General of Norsk Hydro
Klaus Eberwein195712 July 2017US
Clinton body count
A Haitian government official and businessman who was found dead with gunshot in head, a week before he was due to testify before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission.
Liu Xiaobo28 December 195513 July 2017China
ActivistChinese activist who was selected to receive the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize.
Anders Björgerd8 November 192018 July 2017BusinesspersonSwedish utilities exec
... further results


A Birth

TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Kali Cook2017US7 September 2021COVID-19/Premature deathA death of a 4 year old girl being used to promote the COVID-19/Vaccine.
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