Brussels Forum/2017

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Date23 March, 2017 - 25 March, 2017
LocationBrussels,  Belgium
ParticipantsJacob Abernethy, Dirk Achten, Koenraad Adam, Katya Adler, Katrin Adt, Izabela Albrycht, Alberto Alemanno, Leyla Aliyeva, Michael Allen, Youssef Amrani, Berit Anderson, Raymond Arnaudo, Ali Aslan, Mark Asuncion, Caroline Atkinson, Robert Atkinson, Umut Aydin, Hassan Ba, Nikolaas Baeckelmans, Nick Baird, Rosa Balfour, Michal Baranowski, Julian Barnes, David Barnes, Kevin Baron, Armando Barucco, Abdelhak Bassou, Philip Bednarczyk, Paul Behrends, Christoph Beier, Najlae Benmbarek, Abla Bennani, Thorsten Benner, Lora Berg, Benedetta Berti, Luc Bertrand, Kristine Berzina, Sophia Besch, Courtney Bickert, Carl Bildt, Allison Binns, Rana Birden-Corbacioglu, Michael Birnbaum, Mikhail Bondarenko, Tamas Boros, Anne Bourlon, Chris Bowers, Adina Braha, Jim Brainard, Darko Brkan, Elmar Brok, Christian D. Brose, Alexis Brouhns, Kerry Buck, Goran Buldioski, Sebastian Burduja, Reinhard Bütikofer, Christopher Caldwell, Elena Calistru, David Campbell, Jonathan Capehart, James Jay Carafano, Margaret Carlson, Carlos Carnicero Urabayen, Douglas Carswell, German Cash, Bogdan Ceobanu, Ahmet Ünal Cevikoz, Peter Chase, Alexander Cherinko, Carolina Chimoy, Vladimir Chizhov, Derek Chollet, Patrick Chovanec, Enrico Ciai, Maisie Clark, Steve Clemons, Pieter Cleppe, Elizabeth Collett, Iain Conn, Björn Conrad, Alfredo Conte, Caroline Cooper, Daniel Costello, Stephen Covington, John Crump, Kelley Currie, Ivo Daalder, Adelina Dabu, Herman Daems, François d'Alançon, Massimo D'Alema, Susan Danger, Laura Daniels, Zanab Darchiashvili, Roger Dassen, Sudha David-Wilp, Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Marcus Vinicius De Freitas, Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, François de Kerchove, Thibaut De Kerchove, Geert De Roep, Anne-Francoise De Veth, Milica Delevic, Gordana Delić, Pavol Demes, Elisabeth Denison, Cristian Diaconescu, Delio Diaz Garcia, Nebojsa Dobrijevic, Muriel Domenach, Karen Donfried, Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, Kimberly Dozier, Aleksandra Drecun, William Drozdiak, Sorin Ducaru, Paul Dujardin, Arnaud Dusaucy, Mikuláš Dzurinda, Adam Eberhardt, Lyubomira Efremova, Roman Egorov, Alexandra Ekkelenkamp, Mohamed El Harrak, Mehdi El Khatib Al Mahfoudi, Miriam Elder, Pinar Elman, Robin Emmott, Fredrik Erixon, Steven Erlanger, Guela Even, Nabil Fahmy, Ambroise Fayolle, Mark Fischer, Mary Fitzgerald, Marie-Valentine Florin, Joerg Forbrig, Jeff Fortenberry, Frederic Foubert, John Frank, Michael Franken, Simon Fraser, Maria Freitas, Roland Freudenstein, Frank Friedman, Akiko Fukushima, Kaspars Galkins, Judith Garcia, Geraldine Gardner, Anthony Gardner, Janis Garisons, Piero Gastaldo, Richard Gaul, Mario Gavenda, Sandro Gaycken, Su Ge, Mircea Geoana, Justin Gest, Stephen Gethins, Misha Glenny, Gabriel Glöckler, Michel Goffin, Silvio Gonzato, Rose Gottemoeller, Nik Gowing, Heather Grabbe, Charles Grant, Daniel Gros, Eva Gross, Alexander Grushko, Ulrike Guérot, Jeffrey Gullo, Anna Gustavsson, Maria Elena Gutierrez, Shota Gvineria, James Hairston, Jacqueline Hale, Ingrid Hamm, Philippe Hanot, Jane Harma, Christopher Harper, Allison Hart, John Hartley, Sasha Havlicek, Ryan Heath, Andrej Heinke, Roland Henins, David Herszenhorn, Joan Hoey, Paul Hofheinz, Max Hofmann, Barbara Holzer, Corinna Hörst, Diana Horvat, LeAnne Howard, Ted Howard, Hong Hu, Tomi Huhtanen, Rutger Huijgens, Rod Hunter, Rudolf Huygelen, Tacan Ildem, Alina Inayeh, Wolfgang Ischinger, Masafumi Ishii, Shada Islam, Yoko Iwama, Debbi Iwig, Wade Jacoby, Arnaud Jacquet, Harold James, Maryam Jamshid, Mikheil Janelidze, Jackson Janes, Ivana Jemelkova, Stian Jenssen, Ronald Johnson, Paulette Jordan, Lie Junius, Natascha Kabir, Eva Kaili, Claire Kaiser, Bahadir Kaleagasi, Kersti Kaljulaid, Riina Kaljurand, Constance Kann, Jonathan Katz, Kristina Kausch, Craig Kennedy, Aylin Keskintepe, Zalmay Khalilzad, Aroosa Khan, Dania Khatib, Adnan Kifayat, Hee-Eun Kim, Julian King, Niamh King, Riina Ruth Kionka, James Kirchick, Beka Kiria, Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Anke Kleinschmit, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Ilia Koberidze, Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Kazuo Kodama, Andrew Kolb, Natalia Koliada, Edin Koljenovic, Cvete Koneska, Ketevan Korkashvili, Daniel Korski, Zdzislaw Krasnodebski, Oleksii Krasnoshchokov, Ivan Krastev, Heinrich Kreft, Katharina Kreiser, Hubert Kreuch, Hanna Kristjansdottir, Mikaela Kumlin-Granit, Hans Kundnani, Videesha Kunkulagunta, Kathrin Kutlescha, Libby Lahar, Karel Lannoo, Bryan Lanza, Owen Larter, Christian Leffler, Marc Leland, Clara Lemaire, Mark Leonard, Aharon Leshno-Yaar, Ian Lesser, Pamela Lesser, Bruno Lété, Reta Jo Lewis, Thomas Leysen, Nicola Lightner, Tod Lindberg, Lee Litzenberger, Christopher J. Lombardi, Stefanos Loukopoulos, Mohammed Loulichki, Marc-Olivier Lücke, Richard Lui, Matthew Lussenhop, Michele Lynch, Hayatte Maazouza, Sammy Mahdi, Merle Maigre, Peter Mandelson, James Manyika, Ichrac Marmi, Duron Marshall, Alexandra Martin, Martin Mata, Peter Mather, Gale Mattox, Georgios Mavros, Méabh McMahon, John McCain, Kate McCarry, Nancy McEldowney, Christopher McHone, Walter Russell Mead, Tarek Megerisi, Thomas Melia, Katherine Mercer, Joel Meyer, Romana Michelon, Jelena Milic, Sara Miller Llana, Taylor Moore, John Moorwood, Paul Moreshead, Pol Morillas, Marouane Mortabit, Yascha Mounk, Alioum Moussa, Mikayla Mowzoon, Thanos Moysiadis, Luka Mucic, Juergen Mueller, Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Taras Mykhalniuk, Svante Myrick, Thomas Myrup-Kristensen, Asieh Namdar, Selin Nasi, Simon Nedess, Peter Neumann, Jan Neutze, Gerlinde Niehus, Annika Nilsson, Laurence Norman, Natalie Nougayrède, Tereza Novotna, Bartlomiej Nowak, Vassilis Ntousas, Tom Nuttall, Frances O' Donovan, Elizabeth O'Bagy, Xabier Ochandiano, Joel Osterman, Meghan O'Sullivan, Marc Otte, Nisrine Ouazzani Chahdi, Soli Ozel, Artis Pabriks, Ana Palacio, Alexis Papahelas, Ioan Pascu, Scott Pattison, Thomas Paulsen, Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalecz, Noam Perski, Carine Petit, Lapo Pistelli, Martin Plendl, Anna Poisner, Wilfried Porth, Francesco Profumo, Amy Pryhoda, Jana Puglierin, Martin Quencez, James Quigley, Mark Rachovides, Jennifer Rankin, Nicholas Rasmussen, Andris Razans, Morris Reid, Frank Reintjes, Didier Reynders, Tiit Riisalo, Verena Ringler, Nicolas Roche, Peter Roeder, Josh Rogin, Carmen Romero, Norbert Rottgen, Françoise Roure, Trudy Rubin, Daniel Runde, Nicolò Russo Perez, Gideon Sa'ar, Natalie Sabanadze, Stavros Sachinis, Aida Salketic, Athena Salman, Gerard Salole, Andrei Sannikov, Dev Sanyal, Mary Elise Sarotte, Marietje Schaake, Randall Scheunemann, Karl-Heinz Schlaiss, Helga Schmid, Juri Schnöller, Henri Schricke, Teri Schultz, Oliver Schwab, Michael Schwarz, Daniela Schwarzer, Brandon Scott, Amanda Sellers, Fabio Sgaragli, Jamie Shea, Hanna Shelest, Wendy Sherman, Adam Shub, Kyllike Sillaste-Elling, Esther Silver-Parker, Darius Skusevicius, Emma Sky, Alison Smale, Andrew Small, Catherine Smith, Brad Smith, Agata Smolak, Eduard Soler i Lecha, Xinning Song, Jesper Sørensen, Peter Sparding, Alwyn Spencer, Andris Spruds, James Steinberg, Ernst Stetter, Bruce Stokes, Amy Studdart, Michael Stumo, Maciek Surowiec, Theresa Swinehart, Stephen Szabo, Tomasz Szatkowski, Zsuzsanna Szelenyi, Rachel Tausendfreund, Leigh Tavaziva, Karen Taylor, Vessela Tcherneva, Alastair Teare, Sylke Tempel, Loredana Carolina Teodorescu, Bruno Tertrais, Harry Theocharis, Hannah Thoburn, Mischa Thompson, Brian Thorson, Frans Timmermans, Ania Tobur, Nathalie Tocci, Mykola Tochytskyi, Ingrid Todino, Dex Torricke-Barton, Conrad Tribble, Symeon Tsomokos, Ilter Turan, Daniel Twining, Heidi Tworek, Daliborka Uljarevic, Harlan Ullman, Özgür Ünlühisarcikli, Jan Uzieblo, João Vale de Almeida, Stephanie Valencia, Alfredo Valladão, Anick Van Calster, Johan Van den Driessche, Johan Van Regemorter, Herman Van Rompuy, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Piet Vandendriessche, Didier Vanderhasselt, John Vargas, Ivan Vejvoda, Marc Venhaus, Johan Verbeke, Guy Verhofstadt, Marc Vinck, Lúcio Mauro Vinhas de Souza, Philippe Vlerick, Kurt Volker, Ines von Behr, Eckart von Klaeden, Christoph Von Marschall, Zoran Vujic, Gjergji Vurmo, Christian Wagner, Celeste Wallander, Julian Walle, David Walsh, Bruno Waterfield, Katherine Watson, Kenneth Weinstein, Agata Wejman, Klaus Welle, Jeffrey Werner, J. Robinson West, Lydia Westlake, Moira Whelan, Xenia Wickett, Anna Wieslander, Kamili Wilson, Sven Witzenhause, Tobias Wolny, Alison Woodward, Dirk Wouters, Guillaume Xavier-Bender, Alex Yip, Shariq Yosufzai, Georg Zachmann, Leah Zell, Olena Zerkal, Edit Zgut, Astrid Ziebarth, Talal Zouaoui, Alazne Zugaza, Ioanna Zyga
PerpetratorsGerman Marshall Fund
DescriptionYearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund. The overarching theme was "‘End of Complacency – Era of Action?"

The Brussels Forum 2017 was held March 23-25, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium, with over five hundred participants[1]. It was hosted by the deep state German Marshall Fund under the Chatham House Rule.


Participants include heads of state, senior officials from the European Union institutions and the member states, U.S. Cabinet officials, Congressional representatives, Parliamentarians, academics, and media.[2] Altough not secret, the Forum receives as good as no media coverage.

An annual high-level meeting, the Brussels Forum provides a venue for the transatlantic community to address pressing issues. By bringing together leading politicians, thinkers, journalists, and business representatives, Brussels Forum helps shape a new transatlantic agenda.


The main theme was "End of Complacency – Era of Action?"[3]

Plenary Sessions:

- Addressing Popular Discontent at Home and Abroad

- US Leadership in a Changing Security Environment

- Beyond the Middle East Disorder

- Does the World Want to be Connected? (part 1. Economics ; part 2. Ideas, Identities, and Interconnectivity)

- The Reality of Economic Growth

- The Black Sea and Beyond: Strategies for a Troubled Periphery

- Reset or Retreat: The Cost of Rapprochement with Russia

- The Next Conflict? (part 1 North Korea; part 2. Eastern Europe and the Caucasus)

- Transatlantic Insecurity

Night-Owl Sessions:

- Is the Internet a Force for Good?

- A New Vision for Europe

- The Continuous Struggle: Living with Terrorism

Information Warfare

- Rebooting Democracy

- The West in Trouble? Responses from Partners around the Globe


Related Quotation

Brussels Forum/2014“The ultimate soft power instrument in the world is the Brussels Forum”Carl Bildt2014


Known Participants

66 of the 519 of the participants already have pages here:

Alberto Alemanno"Public interest lawyer", "civic entrepreneur", WEF YGL 2015
João Vale de AlmeidaDiplomat with a heavy Brussels Forum habit
Ali AslanSpooky journalist, Georgetown University, many deep state ties
Carl BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Elmar Broklobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular
Reinhard BütikoferGerman politician, regular at the Brussels Forum, also attends WEF AGMs
Douglas CarswellA former Tory who was UKIP's sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP
Steve ClemonsUS writer with a heavy HISF habit
Julia De Clerck-SachsseMunich Security Conference Young Leader, multiple BF visits
Steve CovingtonDSO mentioned in the Integrity Initiative leak. "supported SACEURs in 15 NATO Summits, over 150 Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief of Defense Meetings, and executed high-level meetings in every country in Europe and Eurasia"
Ivo DaalderUSDSO who co-authored Protecting the American Homeland - A Preliminary Analysis, a book published in 2002 by the Brookings Institution about 9/11
Milica Delević-ĐilasSerbian economist
Karen DonfriedUS spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021
Sorin DucaruRomanian diplomat who held various senior posts
Mikuláš DzurindaSlovak politician with a heavy BF habit
Steven ErlangerDeep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum
Simon FraserFormer UK Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Deputy Chairman of Chatham House.
Roland FreudensteinSpooky researcher and speaker in the German II cluster with a heavy Brussels Forum habit
Nik GowingUK Deep state connected TV journalist
Heather GrabbeAcademic BF regular, WEF GLT 2003 amongst other Deep State ties
Ulrike GuérotDeep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy.
Sasha HavlicekCEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Wolfgang IschingerSpooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference
Craig Kennedypresident of the German Marshall Fund in the period 1996-2014
Zalmay KhalilzadUS deep state actor who has been central in shaping the US policy towards Afghanistan
Julian KingBritish diplomat and civil servant who was European Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016 to 2019.
James KirchickUS journalist
Eckart von KlaedenTriple Bilderberg German politician
Thomas Kleine-BrockhoffVice President and Executive Director of the Berlin office at the German Marshall Fund, attender of a lot of deep staste events. The Alphen Group
Silvana Koch-MehrinWEF/Young Global Leaders 2005. Promising euro-politician from the German FDP until revelations that she had plagiarized large parts of her doctoral thesis.
Daniel KorskiBritish spook now dabbling in transforming the health sector
Ivan KrastevGeorge Soros protegé
Mark LeonardSuspected UK DSO who founded the European Council on Foreign Relations. A regular the the Brussels Forum, MSC, WEF AGM. Authored Britain™: Renewing our Identity
Thomas LeysenBilderberg Steering Committee Member. Trilateral Commission.
Tod LindbergAmerican Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1996, BF regular
Mohammed LoulichkiMoroccan diplomat who as Vice-Chair of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee met with Tony Blair to hear about "countering violent extremism through education"
Peter MandelsonSupranational deep state operative. Bilderberg, TLC, Ditchley etc.
Christoph von MarschallTranatlantic German journalist
John McCainVietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot.
Walter Russell MeadUS academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
Jelena MilićSerbian member of the Integrity Initiative and of DisinfoPortal, suspected deep state functionary
Yascha MounkGerman-American political scientist and author.
Peter NeumannSpooky "terror expert", ACG YGL/2012
Natalie NougayrèdeBritish journalist who was exposed as working for the Integrity Initiative. Her reporting is replete with topics of importance to the UK deep state.
Meghan O'SullivanWEF AGM, MSC, Brussels Forum, Trilateral Commission/North American Chair...
Artis PabriksLatvian politician and suspected deep state operative MEP
Ana PalacioSpanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum
Alexis PapahelasUS-educated Greek journalist and editor who has visited 5 Bilderberg meetings.
Nicholas RasmussenDirector of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 2014-2017.
Didier ReyndersBelgian FM/European Commissioner for Justice accused of corruption
... further results
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