Brussels Forum/2017
The Brussels Forum 2017 was held March 23-25, 2017 in Brussels, Belgium, with over five hundred participants[1]. It was hosted by the deep state German Marshall Fund under the Chatham House Rule.
Participants include heads of state, senior officials from the European Union institutions and the member states, U.S. Cabinet officials, Congressional representatives, Parliamentarians, academics, and media.[2] Altough not secret, the Forum receives as good as no media coverage.
An annual high-level meeting, the Brussels Forum provides a venue for the transatlantic community to address pressing issues. By bringing together leading politicians, thinkers, journalists, and business representatives, Brussels Forum helps shape a new transatlantic agenda.
The main theme was "End of Complacency – Era of Action?"[3]
Plenary Sessions:
- Addressing Popular Discontent at Home and Abroad
- US Leadership in a Changing Security Environment
- Beyond the Middle East Disorder
- Does the World Want to be Connected? (part 1. Economics ; part 2. Ideas, Identities, and Interconnectivity)
- The Reality of Economic Growth
- The Black Sea and Beyond: Strategies for a Troubled Periphery
- Reset or Retreat: The Cost of Rapprochement with Russia
- The Next Conflict? (part 1 North Korea; part 2. Eastern Europe and the Caucasus)
- Transatlantic Insecurity
Night-Owl Sessions:
- Is the Internet a Force for Good?
- A New Vision for Europe
- The Continuous Struggle: Living with Terrorism
- Rebooting Democracy
- The West in Trouble? Responses from Partners around the Globe
Related Quotation
Page | Quote | Author | Date |
Brussels Forum/2014 | “The ultimate soft power instrument in the world is the Brussels Forum” | Carl Bildt | 2014 |
Known Participants
66 of the 519 of the participants already have pages here:
Participant | Description |
Alberto Alemanno | "Public interest lawyer", "civic entrepreneur", WEF YGL 2015 |
João Vale de Almeida | Diplomat with a heavy Brussels Forum habit |
Ali Aslan | Spooky journalist, Georgetown University, many deep state ties |
Carl Bildt | Swedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions. |
Elmar Brok | lobbyist and European parliament politician, MSC regular |
Reinhard Bütikofer | German politician, regular at the Brussels Forum, also attends WEF AGMs |
Douglas Carswell | A former Tory who was UKIP's sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP |
Steve Clemons | US writer with a heavy HISF habit |
Julia De Clerck-Sachsse | Munich Security Conference Young Leader, multiple BF visits |
Steve Covington | DSO mentioned in the Integrity Initiative leak. "supported SACEURs in 15 NATO Summits, over 150 Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, and Chief of Defense Meetings, and executed high-level meetings in every country in Europe and Eurasia" |
Ivo Daalder | USDSO who co-authored Protecting the American Homeland - A Preliminary Analysis, a book published in 2002 by the Brookings Institution about 9/11 |
Milica Delević-Đilas | Serbian economist |
Karen Donfried | US spook, German Marshall Fund President 2014-2021 |
Sorin Ducaru | Romanian diplomat who held various senior posts |
Mikuláš Dzurinda | Slovak politician with a heavy BF habit |
Steven Erlanger | Deep state connected New York Times journalist. Ditchley Governor, Regular at the MSC and the Brussels Forum |
Simon Fraser | Former UK Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. Deputy Chairman of Chatham House. |
Roland Freudenstein | Spooky researcher and speaker in the German II cluster with a heavy Brussels Forum habit |
Nik Gowing | UK Deep state connected TV journalist |
Heather Grabbe | Academic BF regular, WEF GLT 2003 amongst other Deep State ties |
Ulrike Guérot | Deep state operative who was persecuted after she publicly dissented from SDS policy. |
Sasha Havlicek | CEO/Director of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue |
Wolfgang Ischinger | Spooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference |
Craig Kennedy | president of the German Marshall Fund in the period 1996-2014 |
Zalmay Khalilzad | US deep state actor who has been central in shaping the US policy towards Afghanistan |
Julian King | British diplomat and civil servant who was European Commissioner for the Security Union from 2016 to 2019. |
James Kirchick | US journalist |
Eckart von Klaeden | Triple Bilderberg German politician |
Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff | Vice President and Executive Director of the Berlin office at the German Marshall Fund, attender of a lot of deep staste events. The Alphen Group |
Silvana Koch-Mehrin | WEF/Young Global Leaders 2005. Promising euro-politician from the German FDP until revelations that she had plagiarized large parts of her doctoral thesis. |
Daniel Korski | British spook now dabbling in transforming the health sector |
Ivan Krastev | George Soros protegé |
Mark Leonard | Suspected UK DSO who founded the European Council on Foreign Relations. A regular the the Brussels Forum, MSC, WEF AGM. Authored Britain™: Renewing our Identity |
Thomas Leysen | Bilderberg Steering Committee Member. Trilateral Commission. |
Tod Lindberg | American Swiss Foundation/Young Leaders/1996, BF regular |
Mohammed Loulichki | Moroccan diplomat who as Vice-Chair of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee met with Tony Blair to hear about "countering violent extremism through education" |
Peter Mandelson | Supranational deep state operative. Bilderberg, TLC, Ditchley etc. |
Christoph von Marschall | Tranatlantic German journalist |
John McCain | Vietnam War veteran, sang about bombing Iran to voters, called the JFK assassination "the intervention". appears on a picture with Simon Elliot. |
Walter Russell Mead | US academic who attended the 2018 Bilderberg. |
Jelena Milić | Serbian member of the Integrity Initiative and of DisinfoPortal, suspected deep state functionary |
Yascha Mounk | German-American political scientist and author. |
Peter Neumann | Spooky "terror expert", ACG YGL/2012 |
Natalie Nougayrède | British journalist who was exposed as working for the Integrity Initiative. Her reporting is replete with topics of importance to the UK deep state. |
Meghan O'Sullivan | WEF AGM, MSC, Brussels Forum, Trilateral Commission/North American Chair... |
Artis Pabriks | Latvian politician and suspected deep state operative MEP |
Ana Palacio | Spanish politician, member of various spooky groups, signed the People’s Vaccine, attended 10 meetings of the Brussels Forum |
Alexis Papahelas | US-educated Greek journalist and editor who has visited 5 Bilderberg meetings. |
Nicholas Rasmussen | Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) 2014-2017. |
Didier Reynders | Belgian FM/European Commissioner for Justice accused of corruption |
... further results |