Mark Rutte

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5Person.png Mark Rutte   Powerbase WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(Politician, Deep state functionary)
Mark Rutte.jpg
The Hague, Netherlands
Alma materLeiden University
Founder ofThe 1001 Club
Member ofNetherlands/Deep state
Interest ofPieter Omtzigt
PartyPeople's Party for Freedom and Democracy
Hexabilderberger Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Introduced neo-liberalism with his mentor Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of scandals. Often "has no memory" of important incidents.

Employment.png Prime Minister of the Netherlands

In office
14 October 2010 - Present
Preceded byJan Peter Balkenende

Employment.png Member of the House of Representatives

In office
15 May 2002 - 27 May 2003

Employment.png Member of the House of Representatives

In office
28 June 2006 - 14 October 2010

Employment.png Member of the House of Representatives

In office
20 September 2012 - 5 November 2012

Employment.png Undersecretary for Education Culture and Science

In office
17 June 2004 - 27 June 2006
Serving with Medy van der Laan

Employment.png Undersecretary for Social Affairs and Employment

In office
22 July 2002 - 17 June 2004
Serving withPhilomena Bijlhout Khee Liang Phoa

Employment.png State Secretary for Education Culture and Science

In office
17 June 2004 - 27 June 2006
Served with Medy van der Laan

Employment.png State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment

In office
22 July 2002 - 17 June 2004
Served with Philomena Bijlhout Khee Liang Phoa

Mark Rutte is the Dutch Prime Minister since October 2010, as the successor of Jan Peter Balkenende. Rutte became the first neo-liberal PM in 92 years, finalizing the Dutch deep state power grab set-up in the 1980s. During Rutte's presidency, the Dutch increasingly became a loyal US-partner in the controversial counterterrorism-operations, abolished the Dutch "socialist" welfare state replacing it with the platformization of social services and set-up a - partly corrupt - neocon police state starting with the ineffective National Police formed following the 2009 Queen's Day Attack. Rutte is a vocal opponent against the Dutch drug policy[1] and ordered multiple cover-ups earning him the nickname "Telfon-mark" by media for his tendency to survive numerous scandals.[2]


Rutte, born in The Hague, was the youngest child of a merchant working with the Dutch East India Company (or VOC) in Indonesia. The first wife of his father was targeted and died during World War 2, as a prisoner of war of the Japanese.[3][4]

After achieving a masters degree in history at Leiden University in 1992, he joined the youth division of the People's Party for Freedom and Democracy or VVD in Dutch in 1988[5]. Unsurprisingly, Rutte got selected as a manager for Dutch food concern Unilever where he played a big role in reorganization. During Rutte's time at Unilever he became a skilled and known tough manager, which caused him to be re-shuffled to several divisions and subsidiaries within and around Unilver.[6] Rutte was awarded for his success with a seat in the national board of the VVD in 1993 and became a member of the candidate committee in 2001 before finally becoming a member of parliament in 2002.

Early Career


Rutte became State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment in 2002 to 2004 during the first coalitions of Jan Peter Balkenende. Rutte specially instructed his servants to target Somali residents for social assistance fraud, after Somalis were discovered to be also working in England and also received social benefits in the Netherlands. The civil servants started stopping Somali citizens on the street and decided to audit a man (documents later revealed it was because his facial characteristic pointed to him being Somalian). After the man refused access to his home the city executive council of Haarlem withheld the man's social benefits and his right to receive other benefits entirely.[7]

The Somali man sued the city and the court ruled that the "specific investigation aimed at Somali persons is discriminatory and against the Dutch constitution". Rutte was convicted for "encouraging discrimination on the basis of race", with a particular comment from the court that he "targeted them just because of their background and not their nationality". Rutte furiously rejected any claim that the policies were discriminatory and has done that to this day as he sees it as a form of "combating fraud", calling for a change to the first amendment of the constitution". [8]

“Municipalities should be able to target citizens with a certain background specifically. Seemingly that doesn't seem to be legally possible now. It's about time to change the law”
Mark Rutte (2007)  [9]

Rutte was trained by deep politician Frits Bolkestein and his mentor Geert Wilders during his early years in parliament.[10] Bolkestein - at that time under fire for his increasing support for Israel, more EU-federalism and calling for a tough police apparatus against immigrants - had already left parliament in 1998 but became increasingly aligned with Rutte and Wilders their hardened stances following 9-11 and the forthcoming integration of the EU, which caused the apparent leaders, Jozias van Aartsen and Rita Verdonk to become seen as "outdated and old-fashioned" politicians of the "jaded" right. Especially Rutte began giving interviews trying to fill a hole left by assassinated politician Pim Fortuyn.[11]

Party coup

Following deep politician Jozias van Aartsen resigning after some big losses in Dutch municipal elections, Rutte's party began an internal election for the position of party leader in 2006. Rutte competed against 2 others but his media-appearances made him the preferred winner of the election. Among his vocal supporters was spooky Frank de Grave. Rita Verdonk turned out to be the only serious opponent. Verdonk was a neocon-version[12] of Geert Wilders, and supported by Bolkestein who believed Rutte wanted to let go of the "eurosceptic, migrant-skeptic, welfare-skeptic Dutch conservatism". Bolkestein called for a split in the proposed EU-expansion plans, something Rutte opposed in favor of privatizations and a "natural market process".[13]

“Anyone that can't efface themselves for support of the liberal vision, can bugger off. There have been hassles ever since Bolkestein left. Look what happened with Van Aarsten and Zalm. This is the line. I'll not hesitate to throw anyone out of the party if needed.”
Mark Rutte (2007)  [9]

Verdonk lost the party election against Rutte with 5%[14], but received more votes - 67.355[15] - from the electorate during the general election of 2006, a feat never achieved in Dutch politics, which cause Bolkestein and Hans Wiegel to call for a new "advisory commission" to alter the party direction, something fiercely denied by Rutte. From this point - the "traditional conservatives" in the party became permanent critics of Rutte. Verdonk left the party and started a new movement one year later. Rutte also became known for his alleged harsh outbursts in interviews and meetings regarding his MPs. Rutte seemingly hijacked the party and never let loose from this point on out.

Global Financial Crisis

Rutte became increasingly more economically neo-liberal during the late 2000s as a way to stay in power being backed by Dutch and foreign nationals, calling for the abolishment of social benefits of people under 27 in favor of employing these persons - including to homeless and mentally ill - in schools and hospitals. During the Dutch 2006 general election, Rutte and his VVD party lost 6 seats in parliament. According to most political pundits, his party and the general public only started to support him after Verdonk left the party and Rutte started attacking Jan Peter Balkenende who became the Dutch face of the Global Financial Crisis.[16]


39:40 "Uri Rosenthal has an excellent relationship with Sergey Lavrov" (after obtaining the Bilderberg effect). - 40:00 "We explained them, the Netherlands is in fact one of the biggest investors in Russia". - 40:15 "When we're building the NATO Missile Shield, it's not against Russia, but Iran - We're working very closely with the US on the issue of Iran".[17]

First Term

Rutte won 20,5% in the 2010 Dutch General elections and became the second-youngest PM in Dutch history and the first liberal in 92 years. His partner, the Christian-democrats of former PM Balkenende (who resigned) - held a referendum to block the cooperation with the VVD and Geert Wilders's PVV party. The party-members voted in favor of the cooperation and Rutte first coalition was born. The coalition only lasted 2 years. The coalition had some... questionable policies; the coalition ironically send "police-instructors" to Afghanistan, ironic as the previous coalition fell over the continuation of the presence of the Dutch army[18]. Rutte's cabinet implemented a fine for students that failed to obtain their degree without 2 years of delay, which along with removing the standard entree gift for students, has contributed to a massive increase of student debt[19]. Rutte also joined the 2011 Attacks on Libya.


Rutte placed an OP-ED in the Financial Times in 2011 to implement a new monetary policy to "condition" EU-countries not complying with the western-European budget ideologies similar to those of Guy Verhofstadt and Angela Merkel. Rutte called for "consistently and increasing harsher penalties, sanctions, and freedom in their budget policies, along with an "independent oversight" called the "commissioner for budgetary discipline". Rutte called for "expulsion" as the final solution if a country was completely held in stranglehold but still didn't recover[20]

National Police

Rutte's coalition formed the national police following the advice from the analytical risk-reports following the 2009 Queen's Day Attack from the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, the national police was a merger of the regional chains of commands into a separate national unit.

The conclusive report[21] of the 2009 Queen's Day Attack mentioned the local and state security officials didn't neglect or failed in following procedures before and after the attack it was noted the security personnel didn't expect a vehicular assault and were in a state of chaos on-site as their mobile communication systems didn't work, according to officials that wanted to remain anonymous[22], new chains of command should be implemented, with the Dutch National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism now being the leading organization, being also responsible for deciding the local, state and national threat levels in case of such events with public officials, even regardless of threat-levels, and the chains of command to work in separate confidential "rings".

A decade after the events, it appears to be, the events have increased police powers which according to internal studies, didn't really have the desired effect and noted the increased ring of command with even classified private security personnel resulted in breaches[23], with the police able to send random individuals home, telling certain dissidents to stay home and creating a strategy of tension.[24]

The coalition officially fell because Wilders failed to support further budget cuts following the financial crisis increasingly affecting the whole EU in 2012.

Second Term

Rutte's second coalition was formed with the socialists of the Dutch Labour Party, a culture shock. During the 2010s Rutte became an adept of "realpolitik"; practically not following an ideological vision but doing anything that's needed to maintain the status quo. During his second coalition cabinet, Rutte started implementing similar policies seen under Ronald Reagan in the US, defending it by calling for the end of the welfare state, and the start of the "participation-society".

“Vision is like an elephant that robs your view. (...) When I think of the word "vision" I immediately think: go see an ophthalmologist!.”
Mark Rutte [25]

In 2014, Rutte's coalition made being illegal a crime, during the 2015 European refugee crisis[26], Rutte also made a new tax on corporations building housing projects, which contributed to illegal renting of those homes through AirBnB in the first few years,[27][28][29] causing hundreds of students of the University of Groningen alone to become homeless and forced to live in army barracks in front of the campus.[30]


Signing the Rostec Deal with V. Putin. "So no backsies if we bomb a plane with 190 Dutchies out of the sky right?" "No, I care more about money Mr. Putin, you know that."
"Guys let's make a picture smiling for Twitter! Maybe the families will cheer up. Actual caption on Twitter: "Earlier today I had a meeting with the leaders of Malaysia, Australia, Belgium & Ukraine regarding Malaysian Airlines 17.

Rutte called Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad comments in 2019 regarding the forthcoming exclusion of Russia from the investigation into Malaysian Airlines 17 "disappointing" and "confusing". Mohamad remarked, "the Joint Investigation Team's conclusion that Russia was behind the downing is just hearsay", further explaining "From the beginning, this has been a political case, where Russia should end as the culprit.".[31]

Rutte rejected questions from journalists asking why he withdrew sanctions on the maker of the Buk missile system, Rostec. Investigative journalists from Follow The Money revealed Rutte "even signed a new agreement for an office and arms deal" with Rostec, giving them an office that wasn't occupied in the financial district of Amsterdam.[32][33][34] In fact, the Dutch were the only ones that did not comply with the US organized list of 92 Russian companies sanctioned.[35]

Drug Deals

Current affairs program Nieuwsuur revealed in 2014 the Public Prosecution Service, on the order of Dutch Secretary of Security and Justice Fred Teeven was the money launderer[36] for at least 4 million guilders (or around 2m Euro's) for a Dutch drug trafficking criminal named Cees H. without knowledge of anyone outside Teeven and Field officer of the Dutch police in Amsterdam Zwagerman during Teeven's time as a prosecutor. Other details of this agreement were a secretly agreed "early release". Teeven and Zwagerman obfuscated numerous details and parts of the process, concealing many assets of H. Teeven was known as a "crime-fighter" tackling many drug traffickers that were becoming rich in Amsterdam with the drug trade.[37]

A journalist named Hendrik Jan Korterink was in contact with Nieuwsuur for several classified documents obtained about an infamous corruption case regarding a possibly corrupt national detective unit in the 1990s, when this journalist revealed he knew someone that had a copy of the actual deal. Nieuwsuur started investigating this deal and the new Ministry of Security and Justice that Teeven started working for in 2010 responded numerous times that the actual amount of laundered money was much lower than accused by the journalist and that any other "reconstructions and conclusions we will just leave for you to make". Teeven and Opstelten denied multiple times there was any proof left in the Ministry in The Hague, Nieuwsuur kept being prohibited any more info on the case and "recruited" civil servants working in the ministry that all separately confirmed parts of the letter. [38]

Rutte and three ministers personally instructed civil servants to deny any knowledge of the deal Teeven made and refused to make his e-mails regarding these requests public, even after Rutte was exposed by civil servants to have personally e-mailed the responsible investigator at the Dutch Minister of Justice and Security to tell them the exact amount of the transaction". Meanwhile, three key advisors had already come forward that Rutte knew of the existence of the deal.[39] Rutte has denied having ever received that mail from Teeven informing them about the transaction at all, even when the 2 ministers, one undersecretary, and the speaker of the house resigned in the fallout of this "incident". Rutte himself keeps defending releasing his e-mail server to make sure "servants can discuss matters privately".[40]


The Dutch Air Force became a fanatic part of NATO and US-led coalitions, with the media support of the deep state think tank HCSS, as they were known for their "high accuracy, precision bombing causing almost no collateral damage, that Americans lack". The Dutch were the most active air force with recorded strikes (over 2100) only behind the US, UK and France[41] in Operation Inherent Resolve, better known as the war against IS in Syria and Iraq.[42][43]

Apart from the statement that being outed as the country responsible for the most deaths in one year in Syria is not relevant to the question "should a country stay there", how can the media have more information of the biggest Dutch foreign bombardment since half a century[44]?
Full article: 2015 Hawija Bombing

The Dutch Department of Defence acknowledged "the high probability" of at least 74 civilian casualties in November 2019 in at least two separate incidents in 2019[45], the events - and Dutch Minister of Defence Ank Bijleveld - noted a blind rely and put the blame on US intel with in one instance Dutch officers ordering an attack on the "headquarters of IS" in Mosul, which turned out to be a family home, and another airstrike where the air force just simply "attacked an empty building".[46] In the 2015 Hawija Bombing, Dutch cabinet denied involvement until Dutch and US FOIA request revealed the "precision-airstrikes" have killed 70 people, with the local hospital reporting up to 200.

Dutch officers in Jordan and monitoring MOD officers in The Hague already informed the Secretary of Defense following the strike on the 3th and 4th of June "with the report of plausible civilian casualties", and continued to confirm it on 4 different occasions. Airwars and the Red Cross reported in August 2015 that the strike killed 70 to 170 people[47][48]. Defence Secretary Jeanine Hennis informed Foreign Affairs minister Bert Koenders and Prime-Minister Mark Rutte in June 2015, but both had no memory of the conversation taking place in 2018.[49]

The three former secretaries of the departments that stated no involvement in 2015 all denied any knowledge of information about the attack on the 6 and 7th of November 2019. Rutte may have been "judicially aware in 2016 of possible casualties" but lacked any memory whatsoever about a conversation regarding casualties.[50] The Dutch PM cited "military protocol and protection of pilots and families" for his lack of knowledge up until that point. NOS and NRC proved that protocol requiring informing the PM.[51] A parliamentary inquiry was ordered to be headed by spooky Dutch Minister of State Winnie Sorgdrager, a former assistant of suspected and accused peadophile and former Minister Joris Demmink. [52]


Days before the 2017 Dutch General Elections, Prime Minister Mark Rutte was put against a former student[53] - he is a part-time high school teacher - following a diplomatic incident resulting in riots that were noted to have influenced the election. The riots started after Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya - Minister of Family and Social Policies - was denied entrance to the Turkish embassy in Rotterdam to speak on the topic of a Turkish referendum, as the first EU country to do so. Rutte and Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb and ministers Lodewijk Asscher and Bert Koenders denied Kaya entrance as they didn't want the Turkish government to the campaign.

Dutch police, special intervention teams, and SWAT teams followed the Turkish convoy, encircled them, and ordered them to follow a Dutch convoy back to Germany or the embassy to be closed. Kaya refused for hours with her convoy allegedly threatening to "become martyrs" until she was assaulted by police personnel and being restrained and driven out of the country. Director-general of the AIVD Dick Schoof confirmed to have personally sent the order to the National Police and Military police to arrest Kaya but denied shooting her and her guards were sanctioned. Mayor Aboutaleb later revealed Rutte, Koenders and he authorized shooting the convoy if needed.[54] The 17-year-old student was most noticeably angered by the statements Rutte made on Dutch TV when being confronted with footage of the Turkish rioters calling the NOS "fake news" and assaulting the camera crew live on TV. Rutte said in reaction that the Turkish-Dutch citizens should "bugger off" themselves.[55][56]

“I'd like to actually beat up the troublemakers myself.”
Mark Rutte [57]

Third Term

Rutte third coalition was formed out of the two Christian parties CDA and CU and the federalist party D66.


“I'm totally, totally, totally against referendums on multilateral agreements.”
Mark Rutte [58]

Rutte was revealed in 2018 to have made secret agreements to abolish the dividend tax - costing 2 billion Euro's of the Dutch taxpayer's money - to stimulate Dutch multinationals located in the UK to relocate their HQ to Dutch soil. Rutte denied any reasoning for this "win-win" form of tax evasion to be placed into coalition agreements, even when it was nowhere to be found in election-programs.[59][60] Rutte survived a censure vote after an FOIA-request revealing Unilever and Shell requested this policy to be placed in the party program of the VVD, although the Dutch FOIA was granted, and revealed the agreements, Rutte told parliament "he has no memory of making those deals".[61]

Rutte maintained his version of the story even after state-TV revealed there were dozens of officially sanctioned and "criminal" multinationals[62]being located, sometimes in empty offices, just for tax evasion purposes. The secret deals have caused Dutch young nationals in inner cities to become victims of wage slavery as they can't keep up with the demand of housing prices around them as multinationals with empty offices drive up the prices and Rutte's second cabinet forbid Dutch citizens to live with more than 3 single people in one house but increased taxes for housing corporations and individual property renters.[63]


The Guardian in 2018 reported that "The Netherlands is starting to resemble a narco-state with the police unable to combat the emergence of a parallel criminal economy, a report from the Dutch police association has warned".[64] Rutte called Amsterdam to be suffering from a "Moroccan-mafia problem" in 2019, with Dutch Minister of Justice and Security Ferdinand Grapperhaus and him "declaring war in a war on drugs" on drug criminals, criminalizing "18 and 19-year-olds using weed" along with "yoga-sniffing girls"[65], calling for an end to the Dutch tolerated drug policy.[66]

Meanwhile, the surrounding countries - similar to the extreme surges of the 1980s - have coined the Netherlands a "narco-state", after a big hack revealed multiple police officers to be working for the Amsterdam drug syndicates in 2020.[67]

Syrian NLA Program

Rutte being surprisingly questioned about his leaked state secret Syrian funding program.

Nieuwsuur revealed on the 10th of August 2018 that the Dutch were actively supporting "22 rebel groups in Syria the Dutch government has declared at least one a terrorist organization" at least since 2015 in the form of outfits (not declared with what purpose) and pick-up trucks in a "counter-terrorism" program for "non-lethal assistance". Nieuwsuur decided to publish their investigation after the Dutch Public Prosecutor was trying to sentence a man for war crimes that had fought for one of these groups. Nieuwsuur actually put the Dutch official narrative of "only supporting moderate opposition groups" into question as every group was entangled with a more violent one. The research found several to this day classified documents with over 100 rebels and at least 6 groups receiving Dutch support including satellite-phones, laptops, mattresses, backpacks and camera's with the help of Turkish company Condor and Washington D.C based company Creative Associates, both alleged SDS front groups.[68]

Dutch Ministers Stef Blok and Sigrid Kaag send a letter to parliament announcing the end of the program, explaining a lack of oversight and the letting go of the idea that Bashar al-Assad would be overthrown. Several other incidents were noted to be part of the decisions including 1000s of food supplies that "got in the hands of Al-Qaida", with Bert Koenders caught lying how those "incidents" ended and if weapons were indeed part of the deal as one group was seen filming placing machine guns on their Dutch-funded Toyota fuelling questions what the operations actually were.[69] The investigation was state secret because of national security and Rutte tried to block his coalition partner as well as the Dutch Military prosecutor from investigating the NLA Program. The completely blacked-out state secret files seemingly implied the western coalitions instigated separate groups in Syria to fight each other and destroy the country from the inside out.[70]


An advisory referendum was called on the 2018 Dutch Intelligence and Security Services Act, after a campaign to obtain sufficient support declarations for a referendum was initiated by a group of students at the University of Amsterdam concerned about the sweeping surveillance powers granted to the General Intelligence and Security Service or AIVD under the new law. The new act made it legal for the AIVD to set-up unique non-removable DNA-databases, to infect computers in a network or proximity of another pc to hack a target computer, and share hacked information with foreign entities without any information what or to who the information was sent.[71]

Although the Director-General of the AIVD Rob Bertholee lied about more parts of the act in media appearances, such as being allowed to hack entire cities without any legal basis to save the information gained for at least 3 years[72], the majority voted against the act but the law was revised very slightly but ratified in 2018.[73]


Nieuwsuur supported the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (or RIVM in Dutch) claims that face masks weren't proven to be effective and therefore should not be mandatory in public apart from public transport, even when many schools and offices were showed to be accelerating the risks of local outbreaks due to poor ventilation.[74] A research published in July of 2020 revealed regions with bad air pollution throughout the Netherlands and other places had more cases than other places with lower amounts of pollution, citing 8% increase in deaths.[75] Nieuwsuur actually defended the Dutch "intelligent lockdown" that included "not one clear line of strategy", with the RIVM explaining immunity can't be achieved if everyone just sits at home making the Dutch quite similar to Dominic Cummings alleged statements to "let old people die". Multiple professors called the policy of only making masks mandatory in 5 main streets in the main cities "bullocks" and "against the Dutch constitution", Dutch professors had already called for people to "never pay the fines for socializing or not wearing masks" giving similar reasons.[76] Mark Rutte called the policy "a form of maximum control".[77] [78]

Nieuwsuur put the RIVM under more scrutiny when they revealed hundreds of retirement homes forced their employees to continue working through the pandemic even when having symptoms, as the RIVM didn't have the capacity to organize enough tests. Dozens of deceased seniors are projected to have died because of these scandals. [79]

Although calling it "ineffective" at first, the RIVM and Rutte made face masks mandatory for public indoor buildings and schools in the winter of 2020. Describing violent protest against the Dutch Covid lockdown, following the first curfew since World War 2 Rutte called the rioters "criminals" and their acts “nothing to do with fighting for freedom”, on a “one percent” minority opposed to lockdown restrictions."[80]

In 2020, Rutte started advocating for the removal of several Eastern European countries from the EU following their isolationistic and conservative social policies. In a debate in parliament following the Covid-19 EU recovery fund, Rutte, when being asked if you need to force countries to reform their juridical system to western European standards to be legally able to receive the fund, Rutte responded that the post-Covid-19 "ultimate option is to set up a new EU without Poland and Hungary because they don't care about rule of law", calling for the European parliament to design a new inverse version of Article 50.[81][82]

Seemingly an ironic remark, especially as attempts at silencing journalists Rutte and his party used as arguments is something the Dutch cluster of the Institute for Statecraft set up 500 meters behind his house also were skilled[83] executioners in.[84] The debate was quoted in an unusually great amount of known media-outlets, eerie being promoted as a push to advance the EU to a new "complete single European market", apparently calling for a new east-west divide ending in a Cold War 2.0 after seizing all financial reserves of the accused countries, that is.[85]

In a surprising turn of events, the court of The Hague ruled that the curfew should be lifted immediately on the 16th of February, citing the government of Mark Rutte was "continuously talked about the implementation, which proved the urgent need to implement it - especially without a parliamentary vote - was deemed a constitutional violation of the Dutch people's privacy". Mark Rutte kept instructing the Dutch to observe the curfew while the case was brought to the court of appeals.[86]

Dutch Childcare Benefits Scandal

“My political career is a concatenation of judgemental errors.”
Mark Rutte (2018)  [87]

In a continuation of his early policies, Rutte's third cabinet fell in 2021 over the conclusions of the parliamentary inquiry over the social benefits policies set out by Rutte in the early 2010s. Rutte after being convicted of violating the constitution reimplemented his policies at the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, which included "targeting" citizens of the basis of race and background accusing them wrongly of fraud, fining them for thousands of Euro's without any investigation with up to 26.000 parents involved. When the parliamentary inquiry concluded Mark Rutte's three cabinets had violated "institutional rights" of citizens, the day after resigning, the Dutch parliament received a report back that simply stated multiple times "for answer on question 4, see question 8" at which question 8 pointed back to question 3. Following the benefits scandal, Rutte was personally charged by 80 parents for 3 acts of prosecutorial malfeasance.[88] The new leader of the Christian party Pieter Omtzigt called all branches of government corrupt including the media, linking them to an intimate gang, sketching an Operation Mockingbird-like society.[89]


Even after - according to commercial media - all written reports only were to be cleared to document after checking for "sensitive remarks", the servants themselves have started a game under Rutte to hide as many documents requested as possible. Or falsely documents by wrongly labeling them "confidential" or state secret. A crime for which nobody has been convicted yet, signifying the close-knit cooperation of the Dutch media, parliament and the deep state.

At the end of the 2010s the Rutte doctrine became known as the "need to know" policy Rutte implemented into ministries that internal discussions among civil servants and with ministers do not need to be shared with journalists and with the Lower House. The policy turned Dutch political institutions known throughout Europe for their openness and bluntness into compartmentalized executive consultants for EU deep state milieu, skilled in plausible deniability. According to Rutte, this is to be able to discuss matters freely without fear of being stared at for ill-advised ideas. Critics accuse that this contributes to a culture of concealment and deception. The doctrine was based on a guideline established in 2002 by Dutch Minister of the Interior Klaas de Vries. This stated that personal policy opinions of civil servants were not covered by the obligation to inform. Formally, the guideline had remained unchanged, but according to critics, its use had changed, such as the fact that more documents were omitted for that reason.[90] The term first surfaced in a text message from a civil servant to Rutte, which was discussed during the interrogation of Rutte and others in the child benefits scandal.[91]

Politico placed Rutte at 4th - ahead of António Costa and Guy Verhofstadt - on a shortlist to be watching in the years ahead in Europe in 2018, calling him a "political Goldilocks who believes his Dutch-style not-too-hot, not-too-cold temperament offers the best path forward for Europe, Rutte has moved to fill the void caused by Brexit, assembling a coalition of like-minded nations to serve as a counterweight — or third pole — to French and German dominance.."[92]

Joël van der Reijden of ISGP reports his family to have been befriended by bodyguards of Rutte, suspecting one to be an AIVD informant.[93]

Mabel was Oranje was rumored in 2019 to be the girlfriend of Rutte. Mabel, a former lover of Dutch drug kingpin Klaas Bruinsma - who was linked running a pedophile network through the Dutch royals, next to his associates stealing and using Operation Gladio weapons and explosives - is an alleged ex-girlfriend during Rutte's student years.[94]


A Document by Mark Rutte

TitleDocument typePublication dateSubject(s)Description
Mark Rutte-Klaus Schwab-letter.pngLetter26 November 2020The Great ResetMark Rutte's letter to Klaus Schwab, thanking him for sending a copy of the book "COVID-19: The Great Reset".


A Quote by Mark Rutte

People's Party for Freedom and Democracy“Anyone that can't efface themselves for support of the liberal vision, can bugger off. There have been hassles ever since Bolkestein left. Look what happened with Van Aarsten and Zalm. This is the line. I'll not hesitate to throw anyone out of the party if needed.”2007Elsevier


Appointments by Mark Rutte

Wopke HoekstraNetherlands/Deputy Prime Minister10 January 20222023
Wopke HoekstraNetherlands/Foreign Minister10 January 2022
Wopke HoekstraNetherlands/Minister/Finance26 October 201710 January 2022


Related Quotations

Pieter Omtzigt“Long I've objected comparing Malta and the Netherlands. But here something else is not functioning. That is power and opposing power. There is such an intimate connection between the coalition and parliament, between the parliament and the media, between the parliament and the justice system. If you ask difficult questions, you become the problem. There is something wrong with the checks and balances. And it goes further. The criminal justice system doesn't work anymore. All the NGOs that hog the government's money, all don't work anymore. Know what happens nowadays? They don't dare to speak, because the government will kill their subsidy. We've organized or system so precisely that our flock of politicians values the party-chairman more than the electorate.”Pieter Omtzigt19 January 2021
Pieter Omtzigt“I've stopped with that case after Sybrand Buma stormed into my office. Because he had been given an instruction from Mark Rutte that I had to stop with the questions in parliament about Joris Demmink.”Pieter Omtzigt10 October 2020
Mabel van Oranje“Mabel had attempted persistently to pocket the chairman of the JOVD, Jan Peter Balkenende's state secretary for social affairs Mark Rutte. Rutte's administrative colleagues at his party were so shocked by her stalk-ish behaviour that they protected their friend and chairman. Mabel appeared with the chauffeur of Klaas Bruinsma completely unannounced and ordered us to bring her to Mark's room. We staunchly denied because she was stoned as a shrimp and a complete mess.”Mabel van Oranje
PG Kroeger
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy“Anyone that can't efface themselves for support of the liberal vision, can bugger off. There have been hassles ever since Bolkestein left. Look what happened with Van Aarsten and Zalm. This is the line. I'll not hesitate to throw anyone out of the party if needed.”Mark Rutte2007
Geert Wilders“Mark is a gigantic control-freak. He gets irritated if he can't influence the results. But when the curtains fall down, he'll begin to shout profanities. (...) People don't know half of how far he goes. He looks a little bit like a school kid. Meanwhile, he's one of the biggest power-politicians.”Geert Wilders2020
Maria ZakharovaNATO countries, and the Secretary General in particular, do not make decisions in the alliance because the United States dominates the organization. "In this structure, not even the member states decide anything, let alone the Secretary General. The Americans run everything.”Maria Zakharova26 June 2024


Events Participated in

Bilderberg/201231 May 20123 June 2012US
The 58th Bilderberg, in Chantilly, Virginia. Unusually just 4 years after an earlier Bilderberg meeting there.
Bilderberg/20136 June 20139 June 2013Watford
The 2013 Bilderberg group meeting.
Bilderberg/201511 June 201514 June 2015Austria
The 63rd meeting, 128 Bilderbergers met in Austria
Bilderberg/20169 June 201612 June 2016Germany
The 2016 Bilderberg meeting took place in Dresden, Germany.
Bilderberg/20187 June 201810 June 2018Italy
Hotel Torino Lingotto Congress
The 66th Bilderberg Meeting, in Turin, Italy, known for months in advance after an unprecedented leak by the Serbian government.
Bilderberg/201930 May 20192 June 2019Switzerland
The 67th Bilderberg Meeting
Bilderberg/20222 June 20225 June 2022US
Washington DC
Mandarin Oriental Hotel
The 68th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Washington DC, after an unprecedented two year hiatus during which a lot of the Bilderberg regulars were busy managing COVID-19
Bilderberg/202318 May 202321 May 2023Portugal
Pestana Palace Hotel
The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Lisbon, with 128 guests on the official list. The earliest in the year since 2009.
Bilderberg/202430 May 20242 June 2024Spain
The 70th Bilderberg Meeting
Munich Security Conference/201812 February 201814 February 2018Germany
The 54th Munich Security Conference
Munich Security Conference/202014 February 202016 February 2020Germany
The 56th Munich Security Conference, in 2020, "welcomed an unprecedented number of high-ranking international decision-makers."
Munich Security Conference/202416 February 202418 February 2024Germany
Annual conference of mid-level functionaries from the military-industrial complex - politicians, propagandists and lobbyists - in their own bubble, far from the concerns of their subjects
WEF/Annual Meeting/201323 January 201327 January 2013World Economic Forum
2500 mostly unelected leaders met to discuss "leading through adversity"
WEF/Annual Meeting/201422 January 201425 January 2014World Economic Forum
2604 guests in Davos considered "Reshaping The World"
WEF/Annual Meeting/201521 January 201524 January 2015World Economic Forum
Attended by a lot of people. This page lists only the 261 "Public Figures".
WEF/Annual Meeting/201620 January 201623 January 2016World Economic Forum
Attended by over 2500 people, both leaders and followers, who were explained how the Fourth Industrial Revolution would changed everything, including being a "revolution of values".
WEF/Annual Meeting/201717 January 201720 January 2017World Economic Forum
2950 known participants, including prominently Bill Gates. "Offers a platform for the most effective and engaged leaders to achieve common goals for greater societal leadership."
WEF/Annual Meeting/201823 January 201826 January 2018Switzerland~2200 of the super-rich meet to talk about "Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World"
WEF/Annual Meeting/201922 January 201925 January 2019World Economic Forum
"The reality is that we are in a Cold War [against China] that threatens to turn into a hot one."
WEF/Annual Meeting/202021 January 202024 January 2020World Economic Forum
This mega-summit of the world's ruling class and their political and media appendages happens every year, but 2020 was special, as the continuous corporate media coverage of COVID-19 started more or less from one day to the next on 20/21 January 2020, coinciding with the start of the meeting.
WEF/Annual Meeting/202316 January 202320 January 2023World Economic Forum
The theme of the meeting was "Cooperation in a Fragmented World"


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  9. a b Elsevier
  57. AD.
  58. AD.
  87. Rutte