University of Leiden

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Group.png University of Leiden  
MottoLibertatis Praesidium
Type Public research university
Interest ofIntegrity Initiative/Cluster/Netherlands
An university with an unusual amount of deep state operatives among its alumni and other deep state connections.

The University of Leiden is a Dutch university. Its combination of history, location between cultural capital Amsterdam and political capital The Hague and intense cooperation with political and international institutions vital in deep state milieu - such as Clingendael - in both cities makes it an unusually influential university in the world of Dutch and European politics.

Integrity Initiative connections

The University of Leiden is Maria de Goeij's alma mater. She wanted to bring over someone from Leiden U to lecture for the Integrity Initiative. Julian Lindley-French is Special Professor for Strategic Studies at the University of Leiden.

Katharine Klacansky‎ was enrolled at Clingendael and ended up sitting close to Maria de Goeij with Rianne Siebenga and Sijbren de Jong hosting and starting the Dutch Cluster of the II.

Rianne Siebenga interned for the UN and published a paper during her time for the HCSS which calls for extensive use of governmental (and foreign even non-state) actors (including the killing of thousands of your own citizens and permanent military presence like in the Favela's of Rio de Janeiro as examples, where the police is according to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch the most deadly police force over the world) to prevent "recruitment" in "no-go urban areas (comparing them to IS-territory and drug-capitals in Colombia for a good enemy image)" even mentioning safe places as Paris, and the destruction of Tokyo and Warsaw in World War 2 as an example implicating that the bombardment of a city doesn't have to mean it's death forever[1]. - as if NATO would even need to consider starting such cruelties again. Perhaps a slip of the tongue?


A Quote by University of Leiden

Joris Voorhoeve“Take into account that 2/3ds of UN member states are no democracy, also take into count that quite a number of states are run by criminal organisations. Colonialism did not end, it took a different form.”12 April 2016YouTube



LSV Minerva1974A prestigious Dutch elite fraternity


Employees on Wikispooks

Sijbren de JongLecturer in Geo-EconomicsSeptember 2014October 2017
Joris VoorhoeveProfessor of International Organizations2010


Alumni on Wikispooks

Ayaan Hirsi Ali13 November 1969Netherlands
Beatrix Armgard31 January 1938NetherlandsRoyalty
Deep state actor
Former Dutch Queen. Survived 2009 Queen's Day Attack. In 1962 became the first woman to attend a Bilderberg meeting. Kicked a very heavy Bilderberg habit in 2015.
Hans van Baalen17 June 1960NetherlandsDeep state functionary"A Dutch pirate and a villain"
Thierry Baudet28 January 2983NetherlandsPolitician
Reinier BergemaNetherlands"Terror expert"Dutch "terror expert"
Frits Bolkestein4 April 1933NetherlandsPoliticianQuad Bilderberger Dutch Defence minister, mentor of Geert Wilders
Laurens Jan Brinkhorst18 March 1937NetherlandsPolitician
Dutch politician & lawyer who attended the 1970 and 1974 Bilderbergs
Ian Buruma28 December 1951NetherlandsAuthor
Dutch writer and editor who lives and works in the United States.
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken30 June 1954Netherlands
BillionaireRichest woman in the Netherlands, from the Bilderberger Heineken family.
Marc Chavannes20 September 1946NetherlandsJournalist
Former Washington correspondent and News Editor for Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. In 2009 he published a book on changing the Dutch mode of governance - and maybe why he was invited to the 2011 Bilderberg Conference.
Jaap van Dissel29 April 1957NetherlandsVirologistHead of Infectious Disease Control Centre. Played big role during Covid 19.
Justin Fox28 January 1964USJournalistBusiness journalist for Fortune magazine, Time Magazine and Bloomberg
Sean Fraser1 June 1984CanadaPolitician
Deep state functionary
WEF/Young Global Leaders/2022. After being elected to parliament in 2015, he became Minister of Immigration in 2021.
Frans Alphons Maria Alting von Geusau26 June 1933NetherlandsDiplomat
A Dutch diplomat and scholar in international law. Von Geusau was also an advisor to the Dutch government from 1968 to 1998.
Maria de GoeijNetherlandsDeep state operativeIntegrity Initiative/Institute for Statecraft polyglot
Oscar Hammerstein20 February 1954NetherlandsLawyerSuspected by the Dutch court of money laundering by corrupt Fred Teeven. Personal lawyer of a new group formed out of old Inlichtingen en Operatiën/Klaas Bruinsma group who was also linked to a child sex ring. A personal friend of multiple accused paedophiles.
Wopke Hoekstra30 September 1975NetherlandsPoliticianDutch Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister
Willem A. Visser 't Hooft20 September 19004 July 1985NetherlandsTheologianDutch theologian who became the first secretary general of the World Council of Churches. Informant for Allen Dulles during WW2. Single Bilderberger.
Peter Idenburg1942NetherlandsAcademicDutch business academic who visited the 1971 Bilderberg
Johannes Jansen17 November 19425 May 2015NetherlandsAcademicDutch theologist specialized in Arabian religions. Opposed Pim Fortuyn. Was persuaded by a judge in a case against Geert Wilders causing a judicial disqualification.
P. J. Kapteyn Jr31 January 1928NetherlandsJudgeEuropean Court of Justice judge, Dutch Council of State member, policymaker for Dutch Foreign Ministers and overseas departments.
Sigrid Kaag2 November 1961NetherlandsDiplomat
Dutch diplomat and politician. Although an outspoken feminist, Kaag vocally opposed a public trial regarding dozen of reports of sexual abuse within her own party. A successful and career-diplomat, named by Geert Wilders as the "namesake of a runway at Schiphol Airport", she has attended two Bilderberg meetings.
Alexander H.G. Rinnooy Kan5 October 1949NetherlandsMathematician
Dutch politician, businessman and mathematician
Katharine KlačanskýCzech RepublicResearcher
A member of the HCSS who unknowingly revealed some members and their link to the summer conference where the Dutch Cluster of the IfS was started.
E. N. van Kleffens17 November 189417 June 1983NetherlandsDiplomat
Dutch Bilderberger, heavy Bilderberg habit, President of the United Nations General Assembly 1954-55
Antonie Knoppers191516 December 2003Netherlands
AcademicMerck executive who attended the 1967 and 1970 Bilderbergs.
Kees van Lede21 November 1942NetherlandsBusinesspersonNamed the most powerful man in Dutch business in 2006. Attended Bilderberg/1989.
Hans Van Liemt19332020NetherlandsFinancier
Chairman of the Managing Board of Directors at DSM, a Dutch multinational mining and chemicals company. He attended the 1985 Bilderberg conference.
Alexander Pechtold16 December 1965NetherlandsPoliticianPopular politician during Afghan war. Protected Jan Peter Balkenende. Implicated in corruption. Single Bilderberg. Often ran his mouth with politically incorrect one-liners before Wilders took that role.
Kees van der Pijl15 June 1947NetherlandsAuthor
"Not Saudis, Israelis blew up Twin Towers with help from Zionists in US govt"
Ronald Plasterk12 April 1957NetherlandsPolitician
Genetic scientist and former Dutch Minister
Jan-Willem van Prooijen1975NetherlandsAcademicEstablishment favoured academic whose research interests include "conspiracy theories".
Samuel Rozemond1934NetherlandsSpook
Spooky Dutch foreign policy expert who attended the 1973 Bilderberg and later worked for the Clingendael Institute
Mark Rutte14 February 1967NetherlandsPolitician
Deep state functionary
Heptabilderberger, NATO SG & Prime Minister of the Netherlands. Protégé of Geert Wilders. Alleged boyfriend of Mabel van Oranje. Involved in a wide array of cover-ups. Often "has no memory" of them.
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer3 April 1948NetherlandsPolitician
Deep state operative
Bilderberger, ex Secretary General of NATO. He held an "anti-terrorist exercise" in Madrid 3 days before the 2004 Madrid train bombings.
Carel van Schelle26 August 19135 November 1987NetherlandsDiplomatDutch diplomat from patrician background. College van Vertrouwensmannen. Ambassador to NATO and OECD 1959-1961, then high ranking courtier for the royal family. Attended Bilderberg/1967
Edith Schippers25 August 1964NetherlandsPoliticianDutch politician
Rianne Siebenga1991NetherlandsScientist
Deep state operative
"Terror expert"
A secretive colleague of II-member Sijbren de Jong specialized in "counterterrorism".
Winnie Sorgdrager4 June 1948NetherlandsPolitician
Deep state operative
Max van der Stoel3 August 192423 April 2011NetherlandsSpook
Deep politician
Dutch deep politician. Main coordinator of the Dutch-division of Operation Gladio from the 1980s.
Morris Tabaksblat19 September 193720 October 2011NetherlandsBusinesspersonDutch Bilderberger businessman
Jan Tinbergen12 April 19039 June 1994NetherlandsAcademic
Dutch economist who was awarded the first Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1969
Matthijs VeenendaalNetherlandsScientist
Deep state operative
Leading Dutch cyber-expert that helped with the first Dutch cyber-defence strategies. Suspected liaison of the Institute for Statecraft and helped setting up their Dutch cluster. Has a spooky interest in deepfakes.
Maxime Verhagen14 September 1956NetherlandsPoliticianDutch politician
Willem Vermeend21 December 1948NetherlandsPolitician
Deep politician
Spooky former minister turned disinformation-agent. Launched Rian van Rijbroek's career.
Joris Voorhoeve22 December 1945NetherlandsDiplomat
Dutch politician and diplomat. Bilderberg, TLC, Srebrenica Dutch Defence Minister, World Bank member, Clingendael Director, Dutch Council of State. Implicated UK, UK & NATO actively allowed the Srerenica Massacre to happen.
Gerrit Wagner21 October 19168 October 2003NetherlandsBusinesspersonAttended the 1969, 1972 and 1973 Bilderberg as CEO of Shell which immediately preceded the "Oil crisis"
H. F. van Walsem18881968NetherlandsBusinesspersonChairman of the Board of Philips Industries Eindhoven.
Jason Walters6 March 1985Netherlands
Quia Oportet
"Terror expert"
A convicted terrorist who's Hofstadgroup - being under siege 2 miles from The Hague's parliamentary quarter - helped Islam becoming a permanent enemy image in Dutch sentiment.
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