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![]() The iconic "terrorist" attack on New York, designed to kick start the domestic repression phase of the "War On Terror". | |
The year in 9/11 was followed up with the Amerithrax plot. This pair of dramatic false flag attacks, kick started US imperial aggression abroad and the rollout of a Police State at home. |
2001 will live in the minds of all those who lived through it, just as the assassination of JFK froze a moment of time for an earlier generation. In fact, both were carried out by the same group, which Mark Gorton refers to as "the cabal". Wikispooks has some fairly solid pages covering the 9-11 event and its aftermath.[1]
September 11th, 2001
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After the JFK Assassination and Watergate, 9-11 was the third clandestine coup carried out by the Cabal. It was a complex, multi-part plan that was used to sweep aside potential opposition to the massive curtailing of civil liberties in USA. Blamed on Ossama Bin Laden and "Al Qaeda", it was used to promote fear and Islamophobia, a foreshadowing of many false flag attacks come come this century, of which the majority would be carried out by Western/Mossad trained operatives, but blamed on "radical Islamists".
The Most Telling Slip Ups
- Full articles: 9-11/WTC7/Collapse, 9-11/WTC7/Collapse/Foreknowledge
- Full articles: 9-11/WTC7/Collapse, 9-11/WTC7/Collapse/Foreknowledge
In the event, the 9-11 operation went much less smoothly that the Cabal's earlier coups. In particular, no plane arrived to destroy World Trade Center 7. Considering that it was packed with explosives, and some preliminary explosions had been set off in the building, causing heavy damage to its internal structure, this can only have been a major mistake. After some thought, the plotters (possibly the Dancing Israelis detonated the explosives, destroying the building in about 6 seconds flat. Another remarkable mess up caused 3 TV channels to report on the collapse before it happened, was censored for many years by commercially-controlled media.
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2001 Anthrax attacks
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As a follow up to 9-11, the cabal sent weaponised anthrax spores to those US senators who were opposing their push to reduce civil liberties through the USA Patriot Act. Perhaps as a test of the Islamophobia and fear that the 9-11 attacks had created, many Muslims were illegally detained and beaten up by the US police. After a $100,000,000 "investigation" of this incident, it was eventually blamed on a "lone nut".
Invasion of Afghanistan
A massive military invasion was launched against Afghanistan, under the pretext that this was some kind of retaliation for the atrocity of 9/11. The production of opium (which the Taliban government had outlawed) surged following the US led NATO invasion and for the next decade and a half (at least) never returned to anything like the historic pre-invasion low - yielding massive profits for the illegal drug trade.
Event | Start | End | Description |
FBI/Activities 1971-2001 | 1971 | 2001 | FBI activities between the official end of COINTELPRO and 911 |
Contaminated blood affair | 1983 | 2003 | For several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands. |
Al-Yamamah arms deal | September 1985 | August 2006 | A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions. |
Operation Mass Appeal | 1990 | 2003 | An effort by MI6 to facilitate the UK's invasion of Iraq. |
Foster child drug trials | 1992 | 2004 | National Institutes of Health and Big Pharma force fed experimental pharmaceuticals to infants, toddlers, children and teenagers in New York and elsewhere in the United States. |
Mani pulite | 17 February 1992 | 2002 | Italian political corruption scandal 1992-2002 |
Bill Clinton/Presidency | 20 January 1993 | 20 January 2001 | The Bill Clinton administration |
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | 8 November 1994 | 31 December 2016 | |
Saville Inquiry | 1998 | 24 March 2010 | An investigation into Bloody Sunday which left 14 people dead. |
TOPOFF | 2000 | 2009 | A series of week long "counter-terrorism" exercises |
Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial | 3 May 2000 | 31 January 2001 | Judges at the Lockerbie Trial, sitting without a jury, convicted Abdelbaset al-Megrahi and sentenced him to life imprisonment |
Mail Isolation Control and Tracking | 2001 | A US mail program to photograph of the exterior of every piece of mail that is processed in the United States. | |
9-11/Exposure | 2001 | This article concerns the ever increasing public exposure of the events of 9-11. | |
Le Cercle/2001 (Washington) | 2001 | 2001 | Largely unknown Cercle meeting |
FBI Activities 2001-present | 2001 | FBI activities between the 911 and present | |
2001 Israeli Nerve Gas Attacks | 2001 | 2001 | For 6 weeks in early 2001, Israel is reported to have carried out a series of nerve gas attacks on Palestinian civilian populations in both Gaza and the West Bank. |
"Children Overboard" | 2001 | 2002 | The Australian government accused asylum seekers of throwing children into the ocean, which they knew was untrue. |
9-11/Official narrative | 2001 | The 9-11 plot, a false flag attack staged by the US/Deep state in concert with other deep states, was blamed on "19 hijackers" who were members of Al Qaeda. The official opposition narrative states that small scale corruption within the US government prevented the successful apprehension of the gang of 19, and also lead to some relatively minor inaccuracies and inconsistencies between the different official narratives. | |
George W. Bush/Presidency | 20 January 2001 | 20 January 2009 | the presidency of George W. Bush 2001-2009 |
Bilderberg/2001 | 24 May 2001 | 27 May 2001 | The 49th Bilderberg, in Sweden. Reported on the WWW. |
Peru/Truth and Reconciliation Commission | June 2001 | 28 August 2003 | An attempt to restore a functioning and non-criminal government to Peru. Reported that 69,280 people were killed between 1980 and 2000. |
Operation Dark Winter | 22 June 2001 | 23 June 2001 | An exercise where senior former officials would respond to a bioterrorist induced national security crisis. Uncannily predicted the 2001 anthrax attacks and other narratives. Held June 2001. |
9-11/Insider Trading | 6 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | A mound of evidence points to insider trading. However, the 9/11 Commission decided not to investigate the matter and the SEC destroyed important records. |
9-11 | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before. |
9-11/Air Defence | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | 46 mock hijack exercises were ongoing on the morning of September 11th and planes were unavailable, contributing to an unprecedented failure. Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission (simply ignored in their final report), implying a direct stand down order, would seem to explain the total failure of air defence around the Pentagon. Although standard operating procedure was not followed, those responsible were promoted rather than disciplined after the event. |
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | The FBI arrested at least one van of men (two or three) which was found to contain tons of explosives. This was announced on the day, two conflicting reports, but later retracted. No alternative explanation is known to have been given. |
9-11/WTC Controlled demolition | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | On September 11th, 3 steel reinforced buildings from the World Trade Center suddenly collapsed at freefall speed into their own footprints, a set of events to which Wikipedia devotes only a single article, one purged of 'fringe' scientific evidence at odds with the official narrative. |
9-11/Pentagon | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | The Pentagon was attacked on September 11th, allegedly by American Airlines Flight 77 piloted by Hani Hanjour, though many have stated that this seems unlikely. A lot of CCTV footage of what happened has been confiscated by the US government and not released. |
9-11/Drills | 11 September 2001 | 12 September 2001 | A remarkable number of terror drills occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks. |
9-11/Flight 93 | 11 September 2001 | 11 September 2001 | The official narrative, that the plan crashed into soft earth and buried itself, explaining the complete lack of luggage, plane or body parts, was questioned by reporters at the time, but that coverage seems not to have been repeated. |
Patrick Haseldine/Suppressed Lockerbie evidence ignited 9-11 attacks | 11 September 2001 08:46:00 | 11 September 2001 10:28:00 | |
9-11/E-4B | 11 September 2001 09:44:00 | 11 September 2001 | An E-4B was spotted over the White house and the Pentagon on 9/11. The official narrative for more than a decade was not to talk about it, although it was reported on CNN and video, photos and eye witnesses do exist. Later declassification did prove the basic fact that the plane was present. |
9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Foreknowledge | 11 September 2001 10:45:00 | 11 September 2001 17:21:00 | The first reference to a third tower collapsing is by Jane Standley of the BBC at around 10:45 a.m. Other references are later that afternoon. |
9-11/WTC7/Destruction | 11 September 2001 17:20:52 | 11 September 2001 17:20:58 | Compared to the WTC Twin Towers, few people have seen video footage of the collapse of the 47-story WTC building 7, but the event was predicted and recorded by at least 3 TV networks and exactly resembles a controlled demolition. The event was subject to a news blackout by commercially controlled media for years afterwards, no mention of WTC7 was made in the 9/11 Commission's final report and Wikipedia has no separate page for this event. |
2001 Anthrax attacks | 18 September 2001 | 9 October 2001 | A week after 9/11, weaponised anthrax spores was sent from a US lab to media offices and to two U.S. Senators who were obstructing the rollback of civil liberties. A $100M FBI investigation concluded that posthumously blamed a "lone nut" researcher. In 2015, the FBI head of the investigation sued the US Attorney General alleging that exculpating evidence had been withheld. |
Toulouse chemical factory explosion | 21 September 2001 | 21 September 2001 | One of the most serious explosions involving ammonium nitrate |
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion | 7 October 2001 | 30 August 2021 | The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan. |
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack | 10 October 2001 17:00:00 | 10 October 2001 17:30:00 | Two Israelis caught with false passports grenades, explosives and guns in the Mexican parliament a month after 9-11. Later released without charge. Western corporate media aware but uninterested. |
Patriot Act | 26 October 2001 | A legislative coup d'état | |
Kunduz airlift | November 2001 | November 2001 | A clandestine rescue of senior Al Qaeda members, carried out by the US military |
American Airlines Flight 587 | 12 November 2001 | 12 November 2001 | A catastrophic plane crash in New York City exactly two months and one day after 9-11. |
Crossair Flight 3597 | 24 November 2001 | 24 November 2001 | A plane crash in Switzerland in November 2001. Among those killed were famous musicians. |
2001 Indian Parliament attack | 13 December 2001 | 13 December 2001 | An attack that greatly increased tensions between India and Pakistan. |
New Groups
New Websites
Event | Image | URL | Description |
Mad Cow News | ![]() | http://www.madcowprod.com | Where Daniel Hopsicker published his research. |
History Commons | ![]() | http://www.HistoryCommons.org | A collaborative research site, collecting and organising facts from the corporate media. Data used to be publicly exportable, but that feature is no longer available. The site is famous for its very detailed 9/11 timeline by Paul Thompson. |
Spiked Online | ![]() | https://www.spiked-online.com/ | British internet magazine |
American Free Press | ![]() | http://americanfreepress.net/ | US weekly newspaper founded in 2001 which helped expose the Bilderberg. |
Media Lens | ![]() | http://www.medialens.org/ | A site dedicated to exposing and illustrating western corporate media as closely following a 'Propaganda Model' that thoroughly vitiates its claims to being objective, impartial and 'free' |
Wikipedia | ![]() | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki | A vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia. |
Open Democracy | ![]() | http://OpenDemocracy.net | A huge, multi-author site with thousands of articles. |
Joe Vialls' website | ![]() | A collection of no holds barred investigations, particularly into false flag "terrorism" from about 1995-2005. | |
Information Clearing House | ![]() | http://www.informationclearinghouse.info | One of the central independent media outlets. Tries to tell the stories that corporate media never will. Includes a lot of videos. |
The Writings of Israel Shamir | ![]() | http://www.israelshamir.net/ | Israel Shamir's personal web site. An archive of his writings. |
Global Research | ![]() | http://www.globalresearch.ca | A research and media organization based in Montreal, Canada, and highly recommended source of independent news |
Groups that were Wound Up
Group | Image | Type | Description |
Royal Ulster Constabulary | ![]() | ||
Enron | ![]() | "America's Most Innovative Company" for six consecutive years, especially in the accounting department. Massive bankruptcy in December 2001 | |
Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism | ![]() | Think tank | |
Panel 2000 | ![]() | Blairite propaganda committee to polish the UK's image abroad. |
Title | Born | Died | Place of death | Cause of death | Summary | Description |
Michael Hanley | 24 February 1918 | 1 January 2001 | Salisbury | Spook | Director General of MI5 in the 1970s | |
William McLean | 30 October 1916 | 2001 | Millionaire | Canadian double Bilderberger director of Canada's biggest meat packing company, in the process of international expansion (with limited success); as was the topic of the 1968 Bilderberg meeting. | ||
Jaap Kymmell | 1921 | 2001 | Banker Economist | Dutch banker and economist who attended the 1967 Bilderberg | ||
William P. Rogers | 23 June 1913 | 2 January 2001 | Maryland Bethesda U.S. | Politician | US Secretary of State overshadowed by Henry Kissinger | |
Paul Vanden Boeynants | 22 May 1919 | 9 January 2001 | Belgium Aalst | Politician Fraudster | Prime Minister of Belgium, convicted fraudster and tax evader. | |
Leo Marks | 24 September 1920 | 15 January 2001 | Spook Mathematician | |||
Chester A. Nagle | 18 June 1919 | 20 January 2001 | Author Spook Soldier Lawyer Deep state operative | US Deep state operative, CIA, member of Task Group Alpha, an associate of Ted Shackley | ||
Abraham Beame | 20 March 1906 | 10 February 2001 | New York | Politician | Mayor of New York City 1974-1977 | |
Montague Woodhouse | 11 May 1917 | 13 February 2001 | Spook | |||
Monty Woodhouse | 11 May 1917 | 13 February 2001 | Spook Politician Academic Deep state actor | He was Parliamentary Secretary to the Home Office when he attended the 1963 Bilderberg. | ||
Edwin Plowden | 6 January 1907 | 15 February 2001 | Civil servant Businessperson | UK senior civil servant involved in implementing the Marshall Plan. Friend of Jean Monnet, who worked to bring Britain into an European community. Attended Bilderberg/1961. | ||
Henry Wade | 11 November 1914 | 1 March 2001 | US Dallas Texas | Lawyer | US lawyer | |
Panayotis Lambrias | 1 September 1926 | 3 March 2001 | Journalist Politician | Assistant Minister to the Office of the Greek Prime Minister | ||
Michael Elkins | 22 January 1917 | 10 March 2001 | Israel Jerusalem | Author Spook Journalist Broadcaster | Close connections to Israeli intelligence operations. Worked for the BBC,CBS and Newsweek. The first journalist to report at the beginning of the Six-Day War, and a speaker at the 1979 JCIT. | |
Henry Lee Lucas | 23 August 1936 | 12 March 2001 | Serial killer | |||
Cord Meyer | 1920 | 13 March 2001 | Spook Propagandist Deep state operative | CIA spook who may have run the cover up of the JFK assassination | ||
L. Richardson Preyer | 11 January 1919 | 3 April 2001 | North Carolina Greensboro | Cancer | Politician | Democrat member of US House Select Committee on Assassinations |
John Oakes | 23 April 1913 | 5 April 2001 | Spook Journalist Propagandist | "Media asset" of James Jesus Angleton who ran the editorial page of the New York Times. | ||
Richard Scammon | 17 July 1915 | 27 April 2001 | Author Academic | Director of the U.S. Bureau of the Census 1961-1965. For the 1985 Bilderberg wrote a working paper entitled Some Aspects of the American Political System | ||
Barend Biesheuvel | 5 April 1920 | 29 April 2001 | Netherlands Haarlem | Politician | 1968 Bilderberg. Dutch PM 1971-73 | |
L. Dean Brown | 21 August 1920 | 2 May 2001 | Kidney failure | Diplomat | US diplomat who attended the 1979 Bilderberg as Middle East Institute/President | |
Jacques de Bourbon Busset | 27 April 1912 | 7 May 2001 | Paris | Author Politician | French diplomat and author, attended the 1957 October Bilderberg as former Deputy Head of Robert Schuman’s Private Office, where he aided in the development of the Schuman Plan. Later Vice President at CERN | |
Raymond Probst | 6 March 1919 | 9 May 2001 | Biel | Diplomat | Swiss Ambassador to Washington. Attended 1983 Bilderberg as one of the top civil servants in the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs. | |
Arthur Tange | 18 August 1914 | 10 May 2001 | Australia Canberra 6) | Diplomat Deep state actor | A member of the Australian Deep state who played a role in the 1975 Australian coup d'état. | |
Mario Schimberni | 10 March 1923 | 17 May 2001 | France Paris | Businessperson | Italian businessman | |
Alan Westerman | 25 March 1913 | 18 May 2001 | One of very few people from the Southern hemisphere who have attended a Bilderberg, possibly around the founding of the Trilateral Commission. | |||
Ralph Enckell | 13 May 1913 | 18 May 2001 | Helsinki | Diplomat | Finnish diplomat. President Uhro Kekkonen's chief adviser on international politics. | |
Philip Buchen | 27 February 1916 | 21 May 2001 | Washington DC U.S. | Lawyer | Buchen, a longtime friend and law partner of Gerald Ford, delivered an influential memo written by a Nixon aide that strongly argued for clemency for in Watergate scandal. | |
Tad Szulc | 25 July 1926 | 21 May 2001 | Journalist | |||
Fletcher Prouty | 24 January 1917 | 5 June 2001 | Virginia McLean | Whistleblower | A US military establishment insider who fingered Edward Lansdale as the orchestrator of the JFK assassination. | |
Timothy McVeigh | 23 April 1968 | 11 June 2001 | Indiana USP Terre Haute Terre Haute U.S. | Soldier Security guard | ||
David Spedding | 7 March 1943 | 13 June 2001 | Spook | |||
Gianfranco Piazzési | 2 July 1923 | 25 June 2001 | Italy Rome | Author Journalist | Italian journalist and writer who attended Bilderberg/1971. Journalistically ostracized after too close scrutiny of P2. | |
Hugh Fraser | 22 September 1921 | July 2001 | Spook | Officer in the Special Operations Executive and MI5. | ||
Robert J. Hanks | 1924 | 8 July 2001 | Journalist Mariner | Cercle regular, rear admiral,Cold War hardliner | ||
Katharine Graham | 16 June 1917 | 17 July 2001 | Boise Idaho | Accidental fall | Deep state functionary Publisher | Quad Bilderberger, TLC, deep state functionary? |
Lori Klausutis | 2 August 1972 | 19 July 2001 | US | 9-11/Premature death Intern | An intern for Joe Scarborough who in July 2001 was found dead at her desk aged 28, reportedly due to undiagnosed heart problems. | |
Harold Beeley | 15 February 1909 | 27 July 2001 | Diplomat Academic Historian | Sympathetic to Palestine, hated by the Zionists, father of Vanessa Beeley | ||
Franz Josef Bach | 4 February 1917 | 3 August 2001 | Germany Aachen | Diplomat Politician Deep state actor Businessperson | A leading German member of the Cercle, who organised the 1982 meeting in Wildbad Kreuth. | |
Lawrence Legere | 2 January 1919 | 11 August 2001 | US North Carolina Winston-Salem | Soldier | Officer who was advisor to the National Security Council under presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson He attended the 1958 Bilderberg conference. | |
Walter Walker | 11 November 1912 | 12 August 2001 | Soldier | |||
Aaliyah | 16 January 1979 | 25 August 2001 | The Bahamas | Musician Actor Singer | American celebrity who was killed in a plane crash just as her career was starting. | |
Ahmad Shah Massoud | 2 September 1953 | 9 September 2001 | Bombing | Politician Military | Ahmad Massoud.jpg | |
Mohamed Atta | 1 September 1968 | 11 September 2001 | New York North Tower Lower Manhattan World Trade Center U.S. | One of the 19 hijackers blamed for 9-11. | ||
Abdulaziz al-Omari | 28 May 1979 | 11 September 2001 | New York Manhattan North Tower 2) World Trade Center U.S. | |||
Waleed al-Shehri | 20 December 1978 | 11 September 2001 | New York Manhattan North Tower World Trade Center U.S. | |||
Fayez Banihammad | 19 March 1977 | 11 September 2001 | New York US Manhattan | |||
Hani Hanjour | 13 August 1972 | 11 September 2001 | The Pentagon Arlington County Virginia U.S. | A poor pilot who supposedly piloted a 747 into the Pentagon. | ||
Ziad Jarrah | 11 May 1975 | 11 September 2001 | Pennsylvania Somerset County U.S. | |||
Saeed al-Ghamdi | 21 November 1979 | 11 September 2001 | Pennsylvania 9-11/Flight 93 U.S. | |||
... further results |