Information Clearing House
One of the central independent media outlets. Tries to tell the stories that corporate media never will. Includes a lot of videos. |

"News you won't find on CNN or Fox News"
Started: June 2001
Founder: Tom Feeley
Member of: Poynter Institute/List, PropOrNot/List
Founder/Owner: Tom Feeley
In its own words:
"Not For Profit - For Global Justice - Since 2001"
Constitutes: independent media
Main focus: war, war crimes
Information Clearing House is a massive compendium of dissident reporting, run by Tom Feeley, with help from 'Dick M'.[1] In 2016 it was included on the PropOrNot List. The site editing was temporarily suspended after Feeley had a stroke on 21st March, 2016,[2] but is up and running since then.
Tom Feeley describes the site's outlook that "that no life is more valuable than another, that every person has a right to live a life of peace and joy."[1] Each citizen has a civic responsibility to inform himself and share that information with others. The corporate media pumps information into our homes and does a great job of providing the information that our government wants us to know. It has in my opinion become the propaganda arm of government, and a great number of those who call themselves journalists are in fact nothing less than presstitutes.
Those who wish to inhibit free access to information are in my opinion a great danger to our nation. Why would any adult interfere with the right of fellow citizens to inform themselves?
There is a war going on for the minds of America, those waging this war are determined to control the American people by taking possession of our minds and by controlling our sources of information.[3]
In April 2019, it was ranked around 65,000 globally.[4]
Over 50,000 pages, as of October 2018.
Documents sourced from Information Clearing House