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The Wikipedia photo for 'terrorism' depicts the archetypal 21st century terrorist act
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• Jebsen Center for Counter-Terrorism Studies
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• Titan Corporation
• Philip Towle
• Gregory Treverton
• Trevi Group
• UK/FCO/Strategic Programme Fund
• UN/Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force
• United Nations Roster of Experts on Terrorism
• Paul Vallely
• Washington Policy and Analysis Inc.
• Ben J. Wattenberg
• Richard Whittam
• Paul Wilkinson
• World Federation of Scientists Permanent Monitoring Panel on Terrorism
• Elmo Zumwalt
Those atrocities which are not committed by governments.

The United States legal definition of terrorism excludes acts done by sovereign states.[1][2] According to U.S. law (22 U.S.C. 2656f(d)(2))[3] terrorism is defined as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience".[4][5][6] There is no international consensus on a legal or academic definition of terrorism.[7] United Nations conventions have failed to reach consensus on a definition of terrorism and state terrorism.[8]

"Terrorism is the war of the poor. War is the terrorism of the rich." - Leon Uris

Official narrative

The official narrative of terrorism is that in the 21st century, modern technology and increased access to information (especially about WMD, "weapons of mass destruction") has brought about a grave threat which needs to be countered by exceptional measures. Collectively referred to as the "War on terror", governments need such measures to be able to protect their citizens from heightened threat posed by "extermist" terrorists. While not part of the official narrative, the stereotype of the Islamic fundamentalist is one that is consistently promoted by the commercially-controlled media.[9]


The failure to agree on what "terrorism" actually is must be considered a weakness of the official narrative, as too its failure to mention state terrorism, false flag terrorism or the clear motivations of authorities to exaggerate or even deliberately increase "the terrorist threat". The prison-industrial-judidicial-law enforcement complex has an obvious commercial incentive for increasing terrorism and fear of it. The FBI, for example, has incited many terrorist plots in USA (according to Project Censored, the majority[10]) but commercially-controlled media are very reluctant to report on this. Since 2001 especially, the deep state has been rolling back civil liberties and building a police state under the pretext of the "War on terror".

War on terror

Full article: War on terror

According to Professor Mark Selden, "American politicians and most social scientists definitionally exclude actions and policies of the United States and its allies" as terrorism. The war on terror, which was rolled out after the end of the cold war - conveniently from the point of view of the Military-industrial-congressional complex - can be understood as the same old same old, a war on enemy governments and non-state actors.


The UK government's 2006 policy on combating terror lays particular emphasis on Islamic terror, noting for example:

The current threat from Islamist terrorism is serious and sustained. It is genuinely international in scope, involving a variety of groups, networks and individuals who are driven by particular violent and extremist beliefs. It is indiscriminate – aiming to cause mass casualties, regardless of the age, nationality, or religion of their victims; and the terrorists are often prepared to commit suicide to kill others. Overall, we judge that the scale of the threat is potentially still increasing and is not likely to diminish significantly for some years.
Countering International Terrorism: The United Kingdom’s Strategy, July 2006[11]

This is all the more remarkable since, according to Europol, less than 1% of terrorist incidents in Europe are by Islamic terrorists. Sociology professor David Miller has suggested that arms of the UK government such as MI5 are deliberately encouraging hatred of Muslims through such documents and through information provided to the commercially-controlled media.[9]

False flag terror

Full article: Rated 4/5 False flag

Arguably, most large scale terrorist plots in the 21st century have been false flag attacks, i.e. designed to be blamed on people other than the real perpetrators. The extent this represents a new tendency is moot and likely to remain so (due to the difficulty of establishing the real perpetrators of acts of terrorism now long past), but can be surmised to include a more generalised concensus of world public opinion that terrorist attacks are wrong, whatever their details and motivations. In a world in which such an understanding is firmly established, there is little to gain and a lot to lose by carrying out acts of terror -- while false flag attacks become correspondingly more attractive to those groups who believe that they can not only not only them out but also successfully pin the blame on some other group.



Page nameDateAttributed toPerpetrator(s)Description
"Cyberterrorism"The use of computers by "terrorists" to cause disruption. This is an arena in which the determination of responsibility is particularly difficult, and therefore false flag attacks are that much more easy.
"Islamic terrorism"A trenchant enemy image, reinforced by the clandestine arming and training of groups under Operation Gladio/B
2004 Madrid train bombingsAl-QaedaA Spanish equivalent of 7/7, targetting civilians and blamed on Al Qaeda
2005 London bombingsHasib Hussain
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Germaine Lindsay
Shehzad Tanweer
A series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.
2011 Norway attacksAnders BreivikA car bomb in Oslo and subsequent mass shooting at a summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011, claiming a total of 77 lives.
2014 Kunming AttackXinjiang
A possible deep event in where assailants pulled out knifes at a train station and stabbed random passengers. Although no group claimed responsibility, Muslim Xinjiang "terrorists" were blamed. As official reaction, the Chinese government ramped up their efforts to mass incarcerate at least 1 million Muslims in Xinjiang.
2016 Istanbul airport attackIslamic StateShootings and suicide bombings at Atatürk Airport in Istanbul,
2021 Kabul Airport attacksISIS-KISIS-KSuicide bombings in the middle of the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw
2021 Washington D.C. RiotsDonald Trump
One of the most fortified positions in the US gets violently overrun by a group of Trump Supporters after a demonstration... without a single shot fired by the mob. Official narrative soon blamed Trump and extremists. Official opposition narrative soon blamed the democratic party trying to fraud Joe Biden into the White House. Several other governments were briefed by intelligence services that the incident seemingly "was being allowed" to happen.
2024 Crocus City Hall attackA mass shooting and multiple explosions on the edge of Moscow
2024 Lebanon pager explosionsIndiscriminate mass murder
"9-11/The 19 Hijackers"
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Zacarias Moussaoui
Walid bin Attash
Mustafa al-Hawsawi
Ramzi bin al-Shibh
Ammar al-Baluchi
US/Deep state
A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
Al-Qassam Brigades
AnsarallahIslamist political and military organisation from Yemen.
Canadian church attacksUnknownA coordinated string of vandalism and arson attacks on churches across Canada. The Canadian version of the George Floyd protests? (Ongoing)
Car bombBombs in cars, called the deadliest weapon in the 20th century.
Charlie Hebdo shootingChérif Kouachi
Saïd Kouachi
January prelude to the November 2015 mass murder in Paris when 139 were killed and 352 injured
Gretchen Whitmer/Kidnapping plot"Alt-right"UnknownThe "unsuccessful plot" in 2020 to overthrow the Michigan government arranged by the FBI.
Harrods bombingProvisional Irish Republican ArmyA car bomb by the IRA outside Harrods that killed 6 people in 1983
Hindawi affairFailed attempt to smuggle a time bomb onto a plane
July 2021 Gulf of Oman incidentIranIsrael
Incident in July 2021
La Belle discotheque bombingLibyaA bombing in West Berlin, blamed by the US on Libya.
Liverpool Women's Hospital bombingEmad al-SwealmeenEmad al-SwealmeenMysterious suicide bombing in Liverpool.
Nashville explosionAnthony Quinn WarnerA mysterious explosion that has been memory holed since the US Capitol riots.
San Bernardino shootingTashfeen Malik
Syed Rizwan Farook
US mass shooting in 2015, soon after the similar spree of mass murder in Paris
State terrorism
Unite the Right rally"Alt-right"UnknownAn deep event in 2017
Wakefield standoff"Extremism"US/PoliceA standoff between an anti-government militia and the police, in July 2021 in Wakefield, Massachusetts.


Related Quotations

"Islamophobia"“"terrorism" in the post-9/11 American vernacular has become shorthand for "Islamic terrorism."”Gregory Krieg2 April 2017
"Terrorism/Response"“It is critical to understand that the threat from groups historically seen as direct sponsors of terrorism such as ISIS/Daesh and the coordinated state efforts from Russia in recent years are linked.”Anonymous6 August 2018
"War on Terror"“The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.”Bruce SchneierAugust 2006
9-11/Official narrative“It turns out, 45 years later, that those who truly hate us for our freedoms are not the array of dehumanised enemies cooked up by the war machine — the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Afghans, Iraqis, Iranians, even the Taliban, Al-Qaeda or ISIS. They are the financiers, bankers, politicians, public intellectuals and pundits, lawyers, journalists and business people, cultivated in the elite universities and business schools who sold us the Utopian dream of neoliberalism. We are entering the twilight phase of capitalism. Capitalists unable to generate profits by expanding markets have, as Karl Marx predicted, begun to cannibalise the state like ravenous parasites.”Chris Hedges2017
Arms for LibyaLibya is the principal sponsor of terrorism. It finances terrorist acts, it trains terrorist groups, it supplies arms, ammunition, passports and other documents to terrorists, and it uses its embassies, so-called peoples' bureaus, as weapons store-houses and sanctuaries for terrorists. Recently, Libya has been escalating its involvement in terrorism.”1986
George Carlin“Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It's as simple as that. The CIA doesn't kill anybody anymore, they neutralize people, or they depopulate the area. The government doesn't lie, it engages in disinformation. The Pentagon actually measures nuclear radiation in something they call sunshine units. Israeli murderers are called commandos, Arab commandos are called terrorists. Contra killers are called freedom fighters. Well, if crime fighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fires, what do freedom fighters fight?”George Carlin
Robin Cook“So long as the struggle against terrorism is perceived as a war that can be won by military means, it is doomed to fail. The more the West emphasises confrontation, the more it silences moderate voices in the Muslim world who want to speak up for cooperation.”Robin Cook8 July 2005
Tom Cotton“Waterboarding isn’t torture. We do waterboarding on our own soldiers in the military.”Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton““It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system. Thus, we are writing to bring to your attention two features of our Constitution—the power to make binding international agreements and the different character of federal offices—which you should seriously consider as negotiations progress.

First, under our Constitution, while the president negotiates international agreements, Congress plays the significant role of ratifying them. In the case of a treaty, the Senate must ratify it by a two-thirds vote. A so-called congressional-executive agreement requires a majority vote in both the House and the Senate (which, because of procedural rules, effectively means a three-fifths vote in the Senate). Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement.

Second, the offices of our Constitution have different characteristics. For example, the president may serve only two 4-year terms, whereas senators may serve an unlimited number of 6-year terms. As applied today, for instance, President Obama will leave office in January 2017, while most of us will remain in office well beyond then—perhaps decades.

What these two constitutional provisions mean is that we will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei. The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time."”
Tom Cotton
Meir Dagan“In my opinion, no terrorist should feel immune, anywhere. I think that a person's life is forfeit the moment he decides to adopt terrorist tactics.”Meir Dagan1998
Peter Daszak“We don’t think twice about the cost of protecting against terrorism... We need to start thinking about pandemics the same way.”Peter Daszak21 April 2020
Peter DaszakPandemics are like terrorist attacks: We know roughly where they originate and what’s responsible for them, but we don’t know exactly when the next one will happen. They need to be handled the same way — by identifying all possible sources and dismantling those before the next pandemic strikes.”Peter Daszak27 February 2020
Document:Sins of Statecraft - The War on Terror Exposed“a group of powerful elites from various countries gathered at an international conference in Jerusalem to promote and exploit the idea of ‘international terrorism.’ The (Jerusalem) conference (on International Terrorism, or JCIT) established the ideological foundations for the ‘war on terror.’ JCIT’s defining theme was that international terrorism constituted an organized political movement whose ultimate origin was in the Soviet Union. All terrorist groups were ultimately products of, and could be traced back to, this single source, which - according to the JCIT - provided financial, military, and logistical assistance to disparate terrorist movements around the globe. The mortal danger to Western security and democracy posed by the worldwide scope of this international terrorist movement required an appropriate worldwide anti-terrorism offensive, consisting of the mutual coordination of Western military intelligence services.”Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed2005
Document:The First 9-11 Sceptic“We are going to see a great number of articles in the future from so-called experts and public officials. They will warn about more violence, more kidnappings, and more terrorists. Mass media, the armed forces, and intelligence agencies will saturate our lives with fascist scare tactics and 'predictions' that have already been planned to come true.”Mae Brussell1974
Earthquake“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”William Cohen28 April 1997
Harry Ferguson“Sadly, my advice today to any aspiring recruit who values the defence of human rights would be to stay away and do something better with their lives. The intelligence services are not what they were. Above all, they have forgotten the lessons that we learned during the struggle against Irish terrorism: that brutality and injustice are not the answer, they simply fuel the next generation of terrorists.”Harry Ferguson
Hypocrisy“let me formulate a thesis. The thesis is that we are all total hypocrites on any issue relating to terrorism. Now, let me clarify the notion "we." By "we," I mean people like us — people who have enough high degree of privilege, of training, resources, access to information — for whom it is pretty easy to find out the truth about things if we want to. If we decide that that is our vocation, and in the case in question, you don't really have to dig very deep, it's all right on the surface. So when I say "we," I mean that category. And I definitely mean to include myself in "we" because I have never proposed that our leaders be subjected to the kinds of punishment that I have recommended for enemies. So that is hypocrisy. So if there are people who escape it I really don't know them and have not come across them. It's a very powerful culture. It's hard to escape its grasp. So that's thesis number one, we are all total hypocrites, in the sense of the gospels, on the matter of terrorism. The second thesis is stronger, namely, that the first thesis is so obvious that it takes real effort to miss it. In fact, I should go home right now because it is obvious [...] Well, from all of this an obvious conclusion follows: there is an operational definition of terrorism, the one that is actually used — it means terror that they carry out against us — that's terrorism, and nothing else passes through the filter.”Noam Chomsky2002
Fred C. Iklé“Approximate military parity between the superpowers enhances the importance of PSYOP and POLWAR [Political Warfare]. Major adversaries equally armed and equally capable of destroying each other must turn away from shooting wars to settle their genuine conflicts. POLWAR and PSYOP pose a lower risk of escalation. Our era has become the age of terrorism, insurgency, and limited war because each of these is an essentially political method of struggle. In this era of superpower confrontation, it is no longer facetious to set Clausewitz' dictum, "War is the continuation of politics by other means," on its head. In our modern world, international politics is the continuation of war by other means.”Fred C. Iklé1986
McCarthyism“Just as the Palmer Raids turned up no actual bombers and the McCarthy era tactics identified few spies or saboteurs, so also the government's yield of actual terrorists from its current preventive detention program has been staggeringly small. According to Ashcroft, all of the detainees were "suspected terrorists." Yet of the approximately two thousand persons, only four have been charged with any crime relating to terrorism. None has been charged with involvement in the September 11 crimes, and the vast majority have been affirmatively cleared of any criminal charges by the FBI. As noted above, the government's policy has been to release and/or deport detainees only after the FBI has cleared them. Yet as of October 2002, Attorney General Ashcroft announced that the INS had deported 431 detainees, and in July 2002, the Justice Department reported that only eighty-one individuals remained in immigration detention. Thus, by the government's own account, virtually none of those detained as "suspected terrorists" turned out to be terrorists.”David Cole2003
William Odom“By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.”William OdomApril 2006
Polarising perspective“Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.”George W. Bush20 September 2001
Colin Powell“[Terrorism] is the cost of doing business and it's not just something that can happen overseas but, as this community knows better than anyone, it can happen here... I think there are limits to what you can do in a free society.”Colin Powell11 August 1998
RAND/Terrorism Chronology Database“Since the RAND-St Andrews chronology only records those incidents that are ‘international’, the database is orientated towards the recording of attacks on foreign visitors to, and military occupiers of, relatively poor countries. By definition those victims are normally business representatives and military personnel from economically strong, normally Western, nations. The second observation, which reinforces this latter point, is that the Chronology explicitly excludes acts of state terror committed by any government against its own citizens, and acts of violence occurring in war or in war-like situations. Incidents involving Western armies of occupation and businesses are included in the Chronology only where they are victims rather than the perpetrators of violence. Third, some of the methodological inconsistencies in the use of data in the Chronology database are reminiscent of the counter-insurgency position. It is possible to find non-violent activities and protests against state violence recorded in the database as "terrorism."”Jonny Burnett
Dave Whyte
Michael Rivero“Once a government resorts to terror against its own population to get what it wants, it must keep using terror against its own population to get what it wants. A government that terrorizes its own people can never stop. If such a government ever lets the fear subside and rational thought return to the populace, that government is finished.”Michael Rivero
Saudi Arabia“Saudi Arabia is the Arab world’s leading state sponsor of terror. It backs ISIS, al-Qaeda, its al-Nusra offshoot and other terrorist groups – supplying them with weapons (including CWs), munitions, funding and other material support.”Stephen Lendman27 November 2017
Strategy of tension“It is probably fair to say that of the roughly seven billion people who live on our planet today, far less than one percent has ever heard of the "strategy of tension." And only a very few of these could illustrate the strategy with specific historical examples. It is indeed a strategy of a shadow world, known only to a few military and intelligence officers (and some criminals) who have carried it out, a few police officers and judges who fought against it, and a handful of journalists and academics who have written about it.

In its essence, the strategy of tension targets the emotions of human beings and aims to spread maximum fear among the target group. “Tension” refers to emotional distress and psychological fear, whereas “strategy” refers to the technique of bringing about such distress and fear. A terrorist attack in a public place, such as a railway station, a market place, or a school bus, is the typical technique through which the strategy of tension is implemented. After the attack — and this is a crucial element — the secret agents who carried out the crime blame it on a political opponent by removing and planting evidence.

It must be noted that the targets of the strategy of tension are not the dead and the wounded of the terrorist attacks, as many might assume. The targets are the political opponents, who are discredited through the attack, and those who remain unharmed but learn of the attack, thereby coming to fear for their lives and those of their loved ones. Since the aims of the strategy are to discredit opponents and to create fear, the real targets are not the people who were killed, whether they number in the dozens or even thousands, but the millions of people who survive physically unharmed but emotionally distressed.”
Daniele GanserMay 2014
Donald Trump“Islamic terrorism is eating up large portions of the Middle East. They've become rich. I'm in competition with them. They just built a hotel in Syria. Can you believe this? They built a hotel. When I have to build a hotel, I pay interest. They don't have to pay interest, because they took the oil that, when we left Iraq, I said we should've taken”Donald TrumpJune 2015
Washington Conference on International Terrorism“Given terrorism's unique dependence on publicity and amplification, the media have a crucial role in either facilitating or obstructing the spread of terrorism against the West... manipulation of public opinion is in fact, central to the terrorist strategy. For this purpose, access to the media, indeed their domination, is indispensable.”
Whitney Webb“Bitcoiners should pay close attention to these developments as the DOJ in particular has attempted to paint bitcoin as the payment of choice for well-known terror groups like ISIS and al-Qaida, signaling that the working group proposed by this bill will likely seek to specifically target bitcoin. Adding to this concern is the fact that a slew of recent mainstream media reports — which cite Treasury and FinCEN officials, DOJ officials and CIA analysts — have claimed specifically that “terrorists are turning to bitcoin, and they’re learning fast”, that bitcoin is the “new frontier in terror financing”, and that “bitcoin is helping terrorists secretly fund their deadly attacks”. Even the prominent military think tank RAND Corporation has argued that “bitcoin and the dark web” are the newest terrorist threat.”Whitney WebbSeptember 2023


Event Planned

Liverpool Women's Hospital bombing14 November 202114 November 2021Liverpool
United Kingdom
Mysterious suicide bombing in Liverpool.


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A summary of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Attacks, from 1950 - 2005, giving the number of injuries and fatalities, and other information (if known) on the perpetrators and motives.
File:FBI Report - Terrorism 1980-2005.pdfreport2005FBINon-Muslims responsible for over 90% of all terrorist attacks in America
File:Jewish Terrorism under the British Mandate.pdffactsheet2006CJPMEInformation about specifically Jewish acts of terrorism against British military, police and civilian personnel in the years between the end of World War II and the establishment of the state of Israel
File:Report on Terrorism 2014.pdfreport30 April 2014US State DepartmentA summary of global "terrorism" in 2014.
File:Security Terrorism and the UK.pdfbriefing paper1 July 2005Chatham House
Lloyds of London
A quintessentially UK Establishment view on Security and Terrorism in the UK.
File:Targetedandentrapped.pdfreportMay 2011Various faculty members
File:Terrorism & Relative Justice.pdfpaper2007Mark Findlay
The "Terrorism" Industrybook12 May 1990Edward S. Herman
Gerry O'Sullivan
A look at the reality of terrorism, and how the institutional forces shape it to their ends.


Official examples

NameAttributed toPerpetrator(s)Description
1983 Beirut barracks bombings
2001 Anthrax attacksBruce IvinsThe cabalA week after 9/11, weaponised anthrax spores was sent from a US lab to media offices and to two U.S. Senators who were obstructing the rollback of civil liberties. A $100M FBI investigation concluded that posthumously blamed a "lone nut" researcher. In 2015, the FBI head of the investigation sued the US Attorney General alleging that exculpating evidence had been withheld.
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attackSaar Noam Ben Zvi
Salvador Guersson
Two Israelis caught with false passports grenades, explosives and guns in the Mexican parliament a month after 9-11. Later released without charge. Western corporate media aware but uninterested.
2004 Madrid train bombingsAl-QaedaA Spanish equivalent of 7/7, targetting civilians and blamed on Al Qaeda
2005 London bombingsHasib Hussain
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Germaine Lindsay
Shehzad Tanweer
A series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.
2008 Mumbai attacksHafiz Saeed
Sayeed Zabiuddin Ansari
An incident of "terrorism" used to introduce the Indian National Investigation Agency. The perpetrators may have connections to the CIA and deep state.
2010 Times Square car bombing attemptFaisal Shahzad
Amateurish terrorist attack stated to be by Faisal Shahzad. Judging from from track history, FBI agent provocateur involvement always worth keeping in mind.
2011 Norway attacksAnders BreivikA car bomb in Oslo and subsequent mass shooting at a summer camp in Norway on 22 July 2011, claiming a total of 77 lives.
2014 Kunming AttackXinjiang
A possible deep event in where assailants pulled out knifes at a train station and stabbed random passengers. Although no group claimed responsibility, Muslim Xinjiang "terrorists" were blamed. As official reaction, the Chinese government ramped up their efforts to mass incarcerate at least 1 million Muslims in Xinjiang.
2015 Sousse attacksSeifeddine Rezgui YacoubiA mass shooting at the tourist resort of Port El Kantaoui, Sousse, Tunisia.
2016 Magnanville stabbingPresident Hollande called it “incontestably a terrorist act” and said France was facing a terror threat “of a very large scale”
2016 Orlando nightclub shootingOmar Mateen2016 mass shooting at gay nightclub in Florida
2017 Barcelona attacksNational Intelligence CenterAttackers were police informants and under intense surveillance. Happened at a convenient time for the Spanish government.
2021 Kabul Airport attacksISIS-KISIS-KSuicide bombings in the middle of the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw
2021 Liverpool bombingEmad al-SwealmeenAn IED that detonated in a taxi outside Liverpool Women's Hospital at 10:59am on Remembrance Sunday, killing the alleged perpetrator
2021 Washington D.C. RiotsDonald Trump
One of the most fortified positions in the US gets violently overrun by a group of Trump Supporters after a demonstration... without a single shot fired by the mob. Official narrative soon blamed Trump and extremists. Official opposition narrative soon blamed the democratic party trying to fraud Joe Biden into the White House. Several other governments were briefed by intelligence services that the incident seemingly "was being allowed" to happen.
2022 Freedom ConvoyA Canadian protest against the COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation for truckers which acted as a focal point for opposition to government overreach.
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War/October 7Iran
Hamas attacks Israeli settlements in Southern Israel, mass raping and abducting, which get called an Israeli "9-11" by CCM. The NYT and Al Jazeera claimed the Israeli government knew of the impending attack, ignored warnings, shot some of their own civilians, made up several stories and used the resulting increased death toll to go on a revenge killing spree in the 2023 Israeli invasion of Gaza.
Bologna bombingCommunismOperation GladioA murderous attack on the Italian public, carried out by the MI6/CIA led Operation Gladio, blamed on communists, as part of a wider program to prevent their electoral success in Italy.
Canadian church attacksUnknownA coordinated string of vandalism and arson attacks on churches across Canada. The Canadian version of the George Floyd protests? (Ongoing)
Cubana de Aviación Flight 455CIA
Orlando Bosch
Gretchen Whitmer/Kidnapping plot"Alt-right"UnknownThe "unsuccessful plot" in 2020 to overthrow the Michigan government arranged by the FBI.
Hamas"Terrorists" according to the West, largely founded, financed and brought to power by Israel, Hamas has led Palestine into becoming an enemy image to the western world since 2006.
He Will Not Divide UsCelebrityHollywood endorsed "artistic exhibition", set up in opposition to the presidency of Donald Trump. which was trolled. An infamous event in internet history.
HezbollahPolitical Islamic party, and army fighting many wars in the Middle East, linked to possible CIA drug trafficking.
Kenosha riotsBlack Lives Matter
2020 saw a lot of violence across the USA, but the Kenosha riots were probably the most spooky.
Liverpool Women's Hospital bombingEmad al-SwealmeenEmad al-SwealmeenMysterious suicide bombing in Liverpool.
Mukden IncidentChinaJapanA particularly feeble excuse of a false flag used by the Japanese to try to justify their 1931 invasion of Manchuria
Nashville explosionAnthony Quinn WarnerA mysterious explosion that has been memory holed since the US Capitol riots.
Nord Stream/SabotageUnknownUkraine?
US deep state?
Destruction of Europe's energy supply, under different circumstances it would be considered a declaration of war.
Oath Keepers"American far-right anti-government militia whose leaders have been convicted of violently opposing the government of the United States"
Oklahoma City bombingTimothy McVeigh
Terry Nichols
The cabalA highly suspicious terrorist bombing that was initially blamed on "Muslims", then on lone nuts Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Many questions remain answered about the official narrative.
Oktoberfest BombingGundolf KöhlerOperation GladioA bomb in Munich attributed to a "lone nut" neo-nazi, Gundolf Köhler.
Reichstag FireMarinus van der LubbeGenerally reckoned at the time to be a false flag attack, Hitler quickly seized upon the fire at the Reichstag to pass an "enabling act", ushering in full on totalitarian rule. In retrospect it may indeed have been the work of an isolated individual.
San Bernardino shootingTashfeen Malik
Syed Rizwan Farook
US mass shooting in 2015, soon after the similar spree of mass murder in Paris
Unite the Right rally"Alt-right"UnknownAn deep event in 2017
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  1. Gupta, Dipak K. (2008). Understanding terrorism and political violence: the life cycle of birth, growth, transformation, and demise. Taylor & Francis. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-415-77164-1.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  2. Sinai, Joshua (2008). "How to Define Terrorism". Perspectives on Terrorism. Terrorism Research Institute. 2 (4).Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  3. U.S. Department of State (February 1, 2010). "Title 22 > Chapter 38 > § 2656f - Annual country reports on terrorism". Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  4. Gupta, p. 8
  5. Sinai, Joshua (2008). "How to Define Terrorism". Perspectives on Terrorism. Terrorism Research Institute. 2 (4).Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  6. "Country Reports on Terrorism - Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism". National Counterterrorism Center: Annex of Statistical Information. U.S. State Department. April 30, 2007.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  7. Williamson, Myra (2009). Terrorism, war and international law: the legality of the use of force against Afghanistan in 2001. Ashgate Publishing. p. 38. ISBN 978-0-7546-7403-0.Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  8. Rupérez, Javier (6 September 2006). "The UN's fight against terrorism: five years after 9/11". U.N. Action to Counter Terrorism (in Tr. from Spanish). Real Instituto Elcano of Spain.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)Page Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css must have content model "Sanitized CSS" for TemplateStyles (current model is "Scribunto").
  9. a b http://www.unwelcomeguests.net/672
  10. http://www.projectcensored.org/4-fbi-agents-responsible-for-majority-of-terrorist-plots-in-the-united-states/
  11. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/272320/6888.pdf

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