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1976 < 1977 < 1978 < 1979 < 1980 < 1981 < 1982 <1983 < 1984 < 1985 < 1986 > 1987 > 1988 > 1989 > 1990 > 1991 > 1992 > 1993 > 1994 > 1995 > 1996

Decade.png 1980s: )    Year.png 1986 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Olof Palme Assassination.jpg
Blood on a street in downtown Stockholm after Palme's assassination

Assassination of Olof Palme

Full article: Olof Palme/Assassination

The Swedish commercially-controlled media were quick to denounce this as the work of a "lone nut". Two years later Christer Pettersson was arrested for Palme's murder, but he was freed on appeal.

Savings & Loan Fraud

Savings and loan fraud.jpg

In the early 1980s under Ronald Reagan, Vice President George H. W. Bush managed regulatory changes took place that gave the S&L industry new powers and for the first time in history measures were taken to increase the profitability of S&Ls at the expense of promoting home ownership. These were milked towards the end of the decade, netting hundreds of millions of dollars for the fraudsters. Almost no one went to jail or was even investigated for this event.[1]

La Belle discotheque bombing

Full article: La Belle discotheque bombing

The 1986 Bilderberg saw a set of delegates research the opinions of other meeting attendees about the bombing of a disco in Berlin. The opening of the discussion saw the claim that evidence of Libyan involvement in the bombing of the Berlin discotheque was "overwhelming and irrefutable."[2] No mention was made of the Arms For Libya deal, in which a US deep state operative sold tonnes of plastic explosives to Libya and trained Gadaffi's military in bomb making.



Operation Paperclip8 May 19451990A transfer of top German scientists to USA.
Cold War194726 September 1991The official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia.
The Troubles19661998The sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland which flared into serious sustained violence through the summer of 1969
Operation Condor19681989US-backed campaign of assassination and terrorisation carried out in South America.
Inslaw19701990Complex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.
FBI/Activities 1971-200119712001FBI activities between the official end of COINTELPRO and 911
Project STARGATE19781995Project STARGATE aimed to gain domination over entire nations by making them cede their autonomy and privacy to the controlling person or group.
Bofors Affair19791988A collective name for two deals in which the Swedish arms manufacturer Bofors was involved in, including smuggling and bribes.
Operation Cyclone19791992The first time the CIA officially met Osama Bin Laden, they deemed him part of the hero movement to protect the world against Soviet influence. In Operation Cyclone, the CIA funded him and allowed entire cities to become death traps with the narrative of giving Soviets their own Vietnam.
1980s Afghan war24 December 197915 February 1989Another episode of the Soviet Union and US imploding a third world country from inside by fuelling a civil war with weapon smuggling. Afghanistan has yet to recover.
Arms-to-Iraq19801988A series of arms deals by UK companies during the Iran-Iraq War, when there was a UK government-endorsed UN embargo on such sales.
Iran-Iraq war22 September 198020 August 1988An war from 1980-1988, that was ended with a UN-brokered ceasefire.
Ronald Reagan/Presidency20 January 198120 January 1989The Ronald Reagan administration 1981-1989
The secret war against Sweden27 October 19811994A large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests.
Contaminated blood affair19832003For several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands.
McMartin PreschoolAugust 1983July 1990The day care scandal that started the so-called "satanic panic" of the 80s. Covered up.
Al-Yamamah arms dealSeptember 1985August 2006A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Savings and loan fraud19861995"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.
BRISPEC sting operation19861988FBI California entrapment that didn't touch Willie Brown
Wedtech scandal19861986
Le Cercle/1986 (Washington)February 1986March 1986
Le Cercle/1987 (Washington)February 1986March 1986
Olof Palme/Assassination28 February 198628 February 1986A "lone nut", Christer Pettersson, was blamed but his conviction was overturned. After a document surfaced implicating the Apartheid South Africa in the assassination, in 2020 the Swedish police blamed the assassination on a different, already deceased, "lone nut".
Olof Palme is shot and fatally wounded28 February 1986 23:21:3028 February 1986 23:21:30
Olof Palme is pronounced dead1 March 1986 00:06:001 March 1986 00:06:00Palme is pronounced dead.
La Belle discotheque bombing5 April 19865 April 1986A bombing in West Berlin, blamed by the US on Libya.
1986 United States bombing of Libya15 April 198615 April 1986A tactical air attack on Libya by the United States which targeted Muammar Gaddafi but missed
Hindawi affair17 April 198617 April 1986Failed attempt to smuggle a time bomb onto a plane
Bilderberg/198625 April 198627 April 1986The 34th Bilderberg, 109 participants
Chernobyl disaster26 April 1986 01:23:0026 April 1986 01:23:00Nuclear accident in the Ukrainian SSR on 26 April 1986
Le Cercle/1986 (Nice)October 1986October 1986
Toyota War16 December 198611 September 1987


New Groups

Government Securities Clearing CorporationGroup.png
National Law School of India UniversityNational Law School of India University Logo.pngUniversityConsidered the best law school in India
Dutch Military Intelligence and Security ServiceMivd-logo.jpgIntelligence agencyDutch military intelligence agency. Employed disappeared spook Willem Matser, covered up thefts of Operation Gladio weapon depots by a gang of liasons of the royal family.
International University of MonacoLogo International University of Monaco.jpgOffers courses in sport business management and international management, taught in English.
Mackenzie InstituteGroup.pngThink tank
Irish People's Liberation OrganisationGroup.png
OmnicomOmnicom.pngone of the big four advertising agencies in the world
Lusíada UniversityLusiad.pngPortugese private university, with branches in Angola.
Burnet InstituteBurnet Institute.jpgOne of the main scientific fig leafs used to justify measures during the COVID-19 deep event in Australia.
International Freedom FoundationGroup.png
Institut für TerrorismusforschungGroup.pngGerman research institute. Its work consists mostly of reinforcing the official narrative around "terrorism".
Crown Prosecution ServiceCrown Prosecution Service.svgLawThe principal public prosecuting authority, a non-ministerial UK government department that conducts (almost) all criminal prosecutions in England and Wales.
New South Wales Crime CommissionNswcc.pngNSW Commission with the object to reduce the incidence of organised crime.
In 2011, a jury found former NSWCC assistant director Mark Standen guilty of conspiring to import and supply 300 kilograms (660 lb) of pseudoephedrine and perverting the course of justice.
Research Foundation for the Study of TerrorismGroup.png


Groups that were Wound Up

Western Goals FoundationGroup.png
Communist Combatant CellsCommunist Combatant Cells.png




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Nuri Birgi19071986Diplomat
Deep politician
23 Bilderbergs, Turkish Permanent Representative to NATO
Crosby Kelly19181986Propagandist
Deep state operative
Spooky US businessman known as a public relations pioneer. Attended Le Cercle
Semyon Semyonov19111986Spook
Judi Gibbs6 September 19533 January 1986US
Clinton body count
Joseph Kraft4 September 192410 January 1986JournalistDouble Bilderberg US journalist
Walter Berchtold1 October 190623 January 1986BusinesspersonSwiss businessman and double Bilderberger
John-Reier Martinsen3 March 19551 February 1986Norway
Northern Norway
Allan Hernelius19 March 19111 February 1986EditorInternational Press Institute/President from 1962-64
Abram Pritzker6 January 18968 February 1986Lawyer
Pritzker family
Founder of the Chicago Pritzker family fortune, with significant Mafia connections.
Barry Seal16 July 193919 February 1986United States
Baton Rouge
Drug trafficker
CIA/Drug trafficking/Premature death
Clinton body count
An ace pilot and drug smuggler for the US deep state who knew too much.
James Eastland28 November 190419 February 1986PoliticianA strong opponent of African American civil rights and a leading supporter of Jim Crow laws
Olof Palme30 January 192728 February 1986Sweden
Olof Palme/AssassinationLeader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969, and two-term Prime Minister, until his assassination in 1986.
Jacob Javits18 May 19047 March 1986West Palm Beach
Attended the 1964 Bilderberg as United States Senator from New York
Sherman Kent6 December 190311 March 1986Spook
Michele Sindona8 May 192022 March 1986Italy
Deep state actor
A financier and member of the Italian deep state
Theodore Kaufman22 February 19101 April 1986US
New Jersey
East Orange
Author of 'Germany Must Perish!'
Theodore Achilles29 December 19058 April 1986Washington (D.C.)Diplomat
Deep state functionary
Very closely connected to the creation NATO
Robert Marjolin27 July 191115 April 1986France
French economist/politician involved in the formation of the European Economic Community.
Wallis Simpson19 June 189624 April 1986France
4 route du Champ d'Entraînement
Married King Edward VIII in 1936. Ties to Italian intelligence.
Frank Hegarty28 August 1940May 1986GunshotIRA member recruited as British informer. Executed in 1986 with direct involvement of Martin McGuinness.
Robert A. Lovett14 September 18957 May 1986New York
United States
Locust Valley
Deep state operative
Gaston Defferre14 September 19107 May 1986France
PoliticianAttended the 1964 Bilderberg as Mayor of Marseille
Altiero Spinelli31 August 190723 May 1986Italy
PoliticianItalian politician, referred to as one of the founding fathers of the European Union.
Chester Bowles5 April 190125 May 1986Connecticut
Alfred Stern29 November 1897June 1986PragueSpook
Jacob von Julin23 July 19061 June 1986Finland
IndustrialistFinnish industrialist who went to the 1971 Bilderberg
William Dodge19113 June 1986Union organizerCanadian Labor Union Leader
Christian Beullac29 November 192316 June 1986PoliticianFrench politician who attended the 1979 Bilderberg meeting as Minister for Education.
F. Emmanuel Iselin27 September 191421 June 1986Soldier
Single Bilderberger. Swiss General Staff, then President of Bâloise, the third biggest Swiss insurance company.
Semih Akbil192721 June 1986BostonDiplomatSpokesman for the Turkish government after the invasion of Cyprus. Attended the 1975 Bilderberg
Niels Haagerup21 October 192529 June 1986Politician
Journalist and close collaborator of Erik Seidenfaden, NATO press secretary, Daily leader of the Danish Foreign Policy Institute. Strong champion of "the need to limit national sovereignty in favor of supranational schemes that can ensure international freedom and stability".
Clarence Streit21 January 18966 July 1986Washington DCJournalist
Deep state operative
Played a prominent role in the Atlanticist and world federalist movements
Iain Hamilton3 February 192015 July 1986Journalist
Robert Boothby12 February 190016 July 1986London
United Kingdom
Deep state operative
British politician and UK deep state operative, Clermont Set, Bilderberg
Cyrus Hashemi193821 July 1986London
Arms Dealer
Iran-Contra/Premature death
Spooky arms dealer, Iran-Contra/Premature death
W. Averell Harriman15 November 189126 July 1986New York
Yorktown Heights
Vicky de Lambray1950August 1986London
SuspiciousBritish transvestite male prostitute who became a favourite of Fleet Street gossip columnists.
Roy Cohn20 February 19272 August 1986United States
Sexual blackmail
Deep state operative
Made his name in the 1950s during the McCarthy anti-communist hearings. Ran sexual blackmail operations that abused and exploited children. Close to both Democrat and Republican presidents.
Otmar Emminger2 March 19113 August 1986Philippines
Heart attackEconomist
Central banker
German economist. President of the German Bundesbank in the late 1970s
Yehoshua Cohen22 June 19228 August 1986AssassinMember of a 3 man Stern Gang team dispatched by Yitzhak Shamir in September 1948 to kill Count Folke Bernadotte. He was the man who fired the fatal shots that killed both Folke Bernadotte and French Colonel Andre Serot who was travelling with him in the ambushed car
Alfred Schaefer30 January 19058 September 1986FinancierAttended the 1970 Bilderberg as president of the supervisory board of UBS.
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos13 December 190211 September 1986Greece
PoliticianAttended the first Bilderberg as Greek Defence Minister and former Greek Prime Minister. Also attended the 1956 Bilderberg.
David Harold Byrd24 April 190014 September 1986Businessperson
Texas oilman with connection to LBJ, who made millions of dollars from the JFK assassination.
Nicholas Kaldor12 May 190830 September 1986EconomistHungarian/British economist with large influence on 1960-70 Labour governments
Samora Machel29 September 193319 October 1986South Africa
Lebombo Mountains
PoliticianMozambican President probably killed by South Africa in 1976
H. Freeman Matthews26 May 189919 October 1986Washington DCPoliticianU.S. career diplomat who was Ambassador to three European countries and participated in the Yalta conference.
Lionel Murphy30 August 192221 October 1986Australia
Sherman Adams8 January 189927 October 1986New Hampshire
Deep politicianGovernor of New Hampshire and powerful White House Chief of Staff under President Eisenhower.
Vyacheslav Molotov9 March 18908 November 1986Russia
Soviet Union
Neil McLean28 November 191817 November 1986London
United Kingdom
Deep state functionary
Member of the Special Operations Executive in World War II who attended several meetings of Le Cercle during the 1980s.
... further results



TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Nadia Marcinko1986Czechoslovakia
One of four named "potential co-conspirators" granted immunity by the 2007 sweatheart plea deal that Alexander Acosta cut Jeffrey Epstein.
Hasti Taghi1986Journalist
Vice-president and chief of staff of NBCUniversal. Event 201 participant.
Eric Ciaramella1986Whistleblower
Not all whistleblowers are as genuine.
Alina Lipp1986Journalist
German independent journalist and former Green Party politician living in eastern Ukraine’s Donbass
Brando Benifei1 January 1986PoliticianItalian politician
Ola Brown1986London
United Kingdom
Healthcare entrepreneur
British-Nigerian medical doctor, WEF YGL 2013, AI NVF 2013, leading a team pushing ventilators and designing COVID-19 testing in Nigeria. Founded the Flying Doctors Healthcare Investment Group
Serena Stone1986Spooky UK diplomat in the FCO dealing in "counter-terrorism."
Heidi Blake1986United Kingdom
JournalistJournalist who took part in the II linked Tackling Tools of Malign Influence conference
Rachel Riley11 January 1986Broadcaster
Eva Maydell26 January 1986Bulgaria
PoliticianPresident of the European Movement International. WEF/Young Global Leaders/2022. One of the youngest ever visitors to the Munich Security Conference.
Gabriel Boric11 February 1986Chile
Punta Arenas
PoliticianElected President of Chile at age 35, one of the youngest leaders in the world.
Izkia Siches4 March 1986Politician
Chilean doctor prominent in corporate media during the Covid-19 deep event. In 2022 appointed Minister of Interior and Public Security, the second most important in government after the President. WEF Young Global Leader 2021 and fan of fellow YGL, New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern.
Tim Pool9 March 1986US
Alexander Arbuthnot1 May 1986
Lowkey23 May 1986Activist
Rania Khalek27 May 1986Lebanon
Abdel Mohsen Bin Walid Bin Abdulaziz18 July 1986A Saudi prince stopped in 2015 with 2 tons of amphetamines aboard his private jet.
Zuby19 August 1986MusicianUK rapper critical of the official narrative about Covid-19.
Stewart McDonald24 August 1986Politician
Deep state operative
Sebastian Kurz27 August 1986Austria
Deep state operativeAustria's youngest-ever Chancellor, World Economic Forum favourite, one of the youngest ever visitors to the Munich Security Conference. Revealed in 2021 to be running a deep state faction named "Die Familie" focused on power grabs.
Gilad Shalit28 August 1986SoldierIsraeli soldier captured by Hamas, held for five years in Gaza and released in exchange for 1,027 Palestinians imprisoned by Israel
Hasib Hussain16 September 1986United Kingdom
7 July 2005PatsyPatsy used in the 2005 London bombings
Omar Khadr19 September 1986Canada
A Canadian citizen who has nearly spent 1/2 of his life in military detention, after being arrested as a minor caught in a firefight in which several of his adult companions and a US soldier were killed.
Tamerlan Tsarnaev21 October 1986Russia
Soviet Union
Kalmyk ASSR
19 April 2013Informant?Official perpetrator of the Boston Bombings, possibly an FBI double agent. Died after an encounter with US police custody.
Aaron Swartz8 November 1986United States
Highland Park
11 January 2013HackerA hacker who died a suspicious death after using his talents to promote freedom of information
Darren Jones13 November 1986Politician
Omar Mateen16 November 1986New York
United States
12 June 2016
Andrew Tate1 December 1986Boxer
Internet personality
Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab22 December 1986Nigeria
EngineerThe Underwear bomber
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  1. www.unwelcomeguests.net/732
  2. File:Bilderberg-Conference-Report-1986.pdf