"Flatten the curve" | "Gesellschaft im Ausnahmezustand - Was lernen wir aus der Coronakrise?", Gesellschaft für Soziologie an der Uni Graz, ca 01:17:02 |
"Lone nut" |
- 2, The Assassination of John Kennedy: An Alternative Hypothesis
William Pepper |
- 374
1989 |
- 41
Political party |
- 564
"Free market" |
- 564
John Taylor Gatto |
- 564
2017 Westminster attack |
- 73, p.171
Freedom of Information Act |
- 74
Ancient Rome/Deep state |
- 749
Truth |
- 75
Financial system |
- 87
Charles August Lindbergh | Banking and Currency and The Money Trust |
COVID-19/Vaccine/Mandation | 'Dr SHIVA Ayyadurai' POWERFUL Interview - MIT PhD on Corona virus with Jasmin Kosubek -RT Deutsch |
Psychopathy | (emphasis added) |
2014 Ukraine coup | (emphasis added) |
"Conspiracy theory/Academic research" | (emphasis added) |
Biological weapon | (emphasis added) |
David Baltimore | (emphasis added) cited in: https://swprs.org/on-the-origin-of-sars-coronavirus-2/ |
"Overpopulation" | (emphasis added) in: Why stock markets crash (2003) Princeton University Press, page 385. Downloaded from z-lib.org |
Climate change/Preparation | (emphasis added) in: Why stock markets crash (2003) Princeton University Press, page 385. Downloaded from z-lib.org |
New Age | (emphasis added) in: Paul Watzlawick, Vom Schlechten des Guten ("Of Badness in Goodness"), dtv, 1997 |
CBDC | - in conversation with Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | /home/lenovo/Desktop/ii/ii1/The Integrity Initiative Guide to Countering Russian Disinformation May 2018 v1.pdf |
Television | 01:10:40 |
Ukraine/Death squad | 04:15 / The interview "premiered" on Youtube on 2nd of April (source), the part with the questions about AZOV, however, seems to be ommited from it (was released as "Clip" on Fox News April 03, 2022) |
Troll | 110418 - Op Iris - Report..pdf |
Troll | 110418 - Op Iris - Report..pdf |
Arms for Libya | 1986 Bilderberg meeting report, p.27 |
James Schlesinger | 28 January 2003 The Empire Strikes Back |
Document:Our Secret Servants - The Shayler Affair | 31 August |
Kevin Ryan | 56 min, Interview about Another Nineteen |
Bellingcat | 81, The view from the bridge |
Encyclopedia of Domestic Assassinations | A 1964 FBI letter to Martin Luther King, urging him to commit suicide. |
Australian Broadcasting Corporation | A Chink of Aussie Light |
Deep state/2017 Popularisation | A Shadow Government Controls America |
Richard Sakwa | A review of Sakwa's book "Frontline Ukraine" |
COVID-19/Purposes | Address to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly by Alyaksander Lukashenko January 2022 |
BIS | Agreement between the Swiss Federal Council and the Bank for International Settlements to determine the Bank’s legal status in Switzerland |
Elie Wiesel | An Appointment with Hate |
Andriy Biletsky | Andriy Biletzky - Nazis in der Ukraine gibts doch gar nicht! Oder doch? #73 Wikihausen, Wikihausen YT channel, ca 58:42 |
WEF/Young Global Leaders/Advisory Group | Annual Report June 2014-July 2015 |
Foundation | April 1976, report of the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Committee), pp. 182-183. |
William Casey | Assistant to President Regan's newly appointed chief domestic policy adviser |
Douglas Hurd | At Chatham House |
Jan Øberg | At minutes 14 and 19 |
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute | At minutes 14 and 19 |
Greg Rowett | Balkans Trip Report SBL.pdf |
Directed-energy weapon | Between Two Ages, page 28 |
2018 California Fires | Blossom Inner Wellness YT channel / starting ca 05:20 (Part Two: https://rumble.com/v3f4dt7-33yr-fire-captains-shares-insights-about-freedom-and-fires.html) |
Robert Cooper | Breaking the Nations |
Propaganda Due | CHAP. IV. The French Revolution |
Cass Sunstein | Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule, “Conspiracy Theories,” Harvard Public Law Working Paper No. 08-03 |
Strategy of tension | Chapter 10: The Central Mechanism of 'Poisonous Pedagogy': splitting off and projection |
Holarchy | Chapter 19 |
"Safe and effective" | Chapter 3/Page 22 |
CIA | Chapter 8 |
Christopher Langan | Christopher Langan Interview 2019 - Patterson in pursuit |
Integrity Initiative/Cluster | Cluster_Roundup_Jul18.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Complete Minutes- Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint Workshop..pdf |
Gareth Williams | Concern grows over foreign involvement in spy's death |
Eastern Europe | Conference report p.23 |
Eastern Europe | Conference report p.23 |
Europe/Deep state | Conference report p.37 |
Bilderberg/1989 | Conference report p.58 |
Death squad | Counter-Intelligence: I - The Company (ca 17:35) |
World Finance Corporation | Cuban Exile Banker Under Wide Inquiry", Jeff Gerth, A1 |
Operation Gladio/Exposure | DG p.21 |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Dan%27s%20notes%20for%20Israel%20(003).pdf |
Chris Donnelly | Developing Strategic Thinking and the Means for Implementing National Strategy |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Developing Strategic Thinking and the Means for Implementing National Strategy |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Dictators or Democracies? U.S. Arms Transfers and Military Training |
Lockheed | Dictators or Democracies? U.S. Arms Transfers and Military Training |
Africa | Dictators or Democracies? U.S. Arms Transfers and Military Training |
Facebook | Discernment paper_BR2018_08.06_proposal2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Discernment paper_BR2018_08.06_proposal2.pdf |
Michael Ruppert | Excerpted from the film |
Urban Moving Systems | FBI report Newark Division |
Integrity Initiative/Cluster | FCO application form 2018 v2.pdf |
Karl Rove | Faith Certainty and the Presidency of G.W. Bush |
Corporate media/Censorship | Fingerprints of Election Theft |
9-11/Insider Trading | Footnote 130 to chapter 5 |
Journalist | GNN Video |
"Conspiracy theorist" | Grand Theft World Podcast 063 - United States of Fear - (06:27:00) |
Alex Jones | Grand Theft World Podcast 092 - Profits of Doom (ca. 04:05:45) |
Psychopathy/Psychopathy and staged events | Hare, R. D.,Babiak, P. (2006). Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work. New York: Regan Books. https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/127744-snakes-in-suits-when-psychopaths-go-to-work |
9-11/Official narrative | Hour #2, 23:15 |
Bernard Montgomery | House of Lords debate on the army estimates |
UK Independence Party | How Big Money and Big Brother won the British Elections |
Reform UK | How Big Money and Big Brother won the British Elections |
US/Freedom of Information Act | ISBN 978-0809001576 - page 34 |
Safari Club | Ibrahim Warde, The price of fear: the truth behind the financial war on terror (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007), 133. cf. Lacey, Inside the Kingdom, 66, 72, 76. |
"COVID-19/Vaccine" | In the comments below the article |
2023 | Inquirer |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint Workshop minutes |
Institute for Statecraft/Projection | Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint
Workshop minutes |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint
Workshop minutes |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint
Workshop minutes |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint
Workshop minutes |
Human rights | Introduction |
School | Introduction for 2002 Edition |
Election/Fraud | Introduction for 2002 Edition |
Meir Dagan | Israeli Channel 2 TV |
Kincora Boys' Home | Issue #1, p.1 |
NHS | Issue #80, View From The Bridge |
Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories | Issue #80, View From The Bridge |
Sunday Times | Issue 41 |
Katharine Graham | January 1990 |
Mervyn King | John Naisbitt, New York: Warner Books, 1982 |
RAND/Terrorism Chronology Database | Journal for Crime, Conflict and the Media 1 (4) pp.9-10 |
Malcolm X | Malcolm X Speaks (1965), p. 216 |
Bilderberg/Effect | Medieval King Charles WWIII Accelerationist Armageddonist Kerry Cassidy Tony Gosling Project Camelot - starting ca. 11:30 |
Ziad Abdelnour | Mehlis's Murky Past; US and Israeli Proxies Pushing the Next Neo-Con War: Faking the Case Against Syria] |
Ziad Abdelnour | Mehlis's Murky Past; US and Israeli Proxies Pushing the Next Neo-Con War: Faking the Case Against Syria] |
Official narrative | Memorandum Number One, 2002 Edition |
American Historical Association | Memorandum Number One, 2002 Edition |
Skull and Bones | Memorandum Number One, 2002 Edition |
USS Liberty Incident | Memorandum: Attack on the USS Liberty June 8, 1967 |
Thorstein Veblen | Men of Good Hope, (Oxford University Press, 1951) pp. 208-245 |
Document:Stephan Kock - Spook | Midland Bank Group international Trade Services: In
Support of Excellence (brochure) |
Miko Peled | Miko Peled Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012 - ca 40:38 |
Miko Peled | Miko Peled Seattle. Oct. 1, 2012 - ca 42:09 |
Jens Stoltenberg | Munich Security Conference |
Corporate media | My Glorious Defeats, 2024, Hardcover, page 138 |
BIS | Nation’s Business, March 1931, 24. BIS archive, File 7.18 (2), MCG8/55 |
American fascism | New York Times |
Document:The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld | New York: Little Brown, 2011), p. 52 |
Nick Redfern | Nicholas Redfern - The Real Men in Black - Ozark Mountain Publishing - ca 01:09:10 |
Document:Sins of Statecraft - The War on Terror Exposed | Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press, p. 3 |
Transhumanism | Orignally from his book "Metaman: The Merging of Humans and Machines into a Global Superorganism." |
Enemy image | Our Quest For ‘Absolute Security’ Guarantees Forever War |
Aafia Siddiqui | Part One, 43 minutes |
Dreyfus Affair | Pinay, Maurice. The plot against the Church (p. 52). Omnia Veritas Ltd. Kindle Edition. |
Totalitarianism | Political Psychology, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2016 |
2023 | Politico |
Ariel Sharon | Post by Kevin Barrett |
Government | Prejudices: Third Series |
Sweden/Deep state | Quoted in F.Heffermehl Medaljens bakside, Svein Sandnes bokforlag 2020, page 112 |
Political party | Random House. p. 268. ISBN 0-394-41128-5 |
Committee of 300 | Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922 Zur Kritik der Zeit, "Geschäftlicher Nachwuchs", Berlin, S. Fischer 1922 p.206+207 |
Yuval Diskin | Review of "Rise and Kill First": The Secret Israeli Worldwide Assassination Program, by Ronen Bergman |
Vaccine | Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center North, West Virginia University, School of Medicine, Room 2085, 1 Medical Center Drive, Morgantown, WV 26506-9186, USA. |
Enemy image | Routledge, London |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Russian Strategic Thinking 19 01 2018.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Russian Strategic Thinking 19 01 2018.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Russian Strategic Thinking 19 01 2018.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Russian Strategic Thinking 19 01 2018.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | Russian Strategic Thinking 19 01 2018.pdf |
Colin Ross | Satanic Ritual Abuse_ Principles of Treatment ( PDFDrive ).pdf, by COLIN A. ROSS, MD, Afterword by Elizabeth F. Loftus, University of Toronto Press Incorporated. |
CIA | Science.org |
2023 | Science.org |
COVID-19/Origins | Science.org |
Craig Murray | Senate Report on Torture |
Elliott Abrams | Sidney Blumenthal, The Rise of the Counter-Establishment: From Conservative Ideology to Political Power, pp. 161-162. |
Hollywood/Predictive programming | |
Psychopathy | Snakes in Suits (emphasis added) |
BBC | Speech delivered at the Chicago Socialism 2007 |
2023 | Stthomassource |
John Mearsheimer | Text appears on Page 175-6 of the book |
Research Foundation for the Study of Terrorism | The "Terrorist Threat" in Britain, No. 17 |
Port Arthur Massacre | The Australian |
David Blundy | The Boston Phoenix November 24-30, 1989: Vol 18 Iss 47 - page 11 |
Marina Abramović | The Ed Clay Show, Show Ep. 9, Arthur Kwon Lee - Visual Artist Art, Propaganda, & The Culture War / ~ 37:30 m |
Rudolf Steiner | The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness - GA 177 - 27 October 1917, Dornach |
Robert Cooper | The New Liberal Imperialism |
Death squad | The Secret Wars of the CIA: part I |
Madonna | The grammar errors were printed in the magazine. |
Rudolf Steiner | Things in Past and Present in the Spirit of Man - GA 167 - 4 April 1916, Dornach |
Hierarchy | Thinking Clearly About The Vast Machine (And Resisting The Hopelessness It Perpetuates)] |
George Orwell | Tribune |
Jack Teixeira | US War Propaganda Exposed w/ Ray McGovern, Alexander Mercouris and Glenn Diesen - starting ca 01:46 |
2021 | United States – China talks in Alaska |
Germany/VIPaedophile | Vater unser in der Hölle: Durch Inzest und den Missbrauch in einer satanistischen Sekte zerbrach Angelas Seele / 2008 edition, page 367 |
Vladimir Lenin | Vladimir Lenin, “Lessons of the Moscow Uprising,” Proletary, No. 2, August 29, 1906. |
SDS/Exposure | Vol 9, Issue 47, No 2 |
GM/Food | Vol. 11, No.7 |
Mental health | Vol. 11, No.7 |
William Colby | Volume 24, Number 5, January 24, 1997 |
Fog of war | Vom Kriege, Book 1, Chapter 3 |
Joe Biden | WITN Channel 22, ca. 06:50 |
Institute for Statecraft/Purposes | We Are NATO project Background paper |
Ronald Reagan | Wikipedia |
Earthquake | William Cohen's remarks at the news briefing of U.S. Department of Defense, April 28, 1997 |
Indira Singh | A Closer Look radio show #485 (October 28, 2005), Michael Corbin, J.P. Morgan IT specialist Indira Singh - http://web.archive.org/web/20160217082822/http://recordings.talkshoe.com/TC-94247/TS-449404.mp3 |
Larry McDonald | AZ Quotes saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is |
Noam Chomsky | NOAM CHOMSKY: STARVE THE UNVAXXED - The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #249, 26th Oct 2021 |
Noam Chomsky | NOAM CHOMSKY: STARVE THE UNVAXXED - The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters #249, 26th Oct 2021 |
Joe Biden | Unfiltered with Dan Bongino - Saturday, October 1 |
James Baker | [https://www.newspapers.com/clip/114816885/james-baker-about-job-creation/ Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas, 14 Nov 1990, Wed, page 36 |
Paedophile | How the PayPal Mafia is Building America's New Police State - Barrett Brown |
Peter Zeihan | Keynote – Peter Zeihan - 2022 - 25:20m - The ECC Association |
War party | In Quest of a Multipolar Economic World Order with Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar ( ~ 01:32:45) - transcript: https://michael-hudson.com/2021/03/what-flavour-oligarchy/ saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is |
Robert Steele | CIA Insider: Pedophilia Is Only the Gateway, Vampirism Is The Destination |
Freemasonry | Full interview with Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò-full about Planet Lockdown - ca. 01:03:45 |
Ron Johnson | at 10 minutes |
"Radicalisation" | at 21 minutes 30 seconds |
Golan Heights | ca 00:28:50 |
Wikipedia | ca 10:19 - Wikipedia Co-Founder Condemns It: “Most Biased Encyclopedia” in History - SYSTEM UPDATE/Glenn Greenwald |
Ben Swann | ca 13:30 |
Martin Bormann | ca 18:20 |
Martin Bormann | ca 19:30 |
Martin Bormann | ca 19:45 |
Jon Rappoport | from 18:08 |
Federal Emergency Management Agency | http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/wtc/groundzero/prisonplanet_longdebunked.htm |
Gustavo Vera | http://archive.today/2019.02.24-054609/https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/argentine-prostitute-who-accused-pope-of-complicity-in-child-sex-traffickin |
Philip Mountbatten | http://archive.today/2019.09.04-225141/https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh |
Jane Goodall | http://archive.today/2020.01.26-065653/https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1220696092532187136 |
WEF/Annual Meeting/2020 | http://archive.today/2020.01.26-065653/https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1220696092532187136 |
Alexander Zakharchenko | http://archive.today/2020.08.27-215443/https://off-guardian.org/2018/10/04/capt-paul-barril-we-know-who-killed-alexander-zakharchenko/ |
"Conspiracy theorist" | http://archive.today/2020.09.30-010345/https://haenfler.sites.grinnell.edu/elite-deviance-and-white-collar-crime/ |
Xi Jinping | http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2022-01/17/content_10123955.htm |
Xi Jinping | http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2022-01/17/content_10123955.htm |
George W. Bush | http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7809160.stm |
WEF | http://opentranscripts.org/transcript/future-without-waste/ |
Hollywood/Predictive programming | |
Graphika | http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/september/21/reds-plot-to-control-america/ |
The Georgetown Set | http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKalsop.htm |
Bill Gates | http://web.archive.org/web/20000407211548/http://www.salon.com/tech/fsp/glossary/index.html |
Andrew Carnegie | http://web.archive.org/web/20060624085630/http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/1999/03/15/256491/index.htm |
Freemasonry | http://web.archive.org/web/20110424094131/http://amazingdiscoveries.org/S-deception-Freemason_Lucifer_Albert_Pike |
Philip Marshall | http://web.archive.org/web/20140115083259/http://www.calaverasenterprise.com/news/article_71f9b8da-6e27-11e2-99e8-001a4bcf887a.html |
Bernard-Henri Lévy | http://web.archive.org/web/20140719075919/http://euromaidanpress.com/2014/02/10/french-philosopher-bernard-henri-levy-the-heart-of-europe-now-beats-in-kyiv/ |
Bernard-Henri Lévy | http://web.archive.org/web/20200823005434/https://uacrisis.org/en/18157-bernar-levi |
Russia/Encirclement | http://web.archive.org/web/20210423205020/https://www.irishtimes.com/news/west-is-preparing-to-completely-encircle-russia-says-solzhenitsyn-1.1044979 |
Russia/Encirclement | http://web.archive.org/web/20210423205020/https://www.irishtimes.com/news/west-is-preparing-to-completely-encircle-russia-says-solzhenitsyn-1.1044979 |
Henry Windsor | http://web.archive.org/web/20210505051632/https://reclaimthenet.org/prince-harry-vaccine-misinformation/ |
Eugenics | http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html - https://web.archive.org/web/20191209103800/http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/34_41_114_fn.jpeg |
George W. Bush | http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/bushisms/2005/05/bushism_of_the_day_2.html |
Vince Foster/Premature death | http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/FOSTER_COVERUP/foster.php |
Jörg Haider | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VYP0DEv85M |
9-11/WTC7/Destruction | https://archive.org/details/GunsNButterIndiraSinghPtechAndThe911SoftwarePt1Pt2 — part 1 ca. 10:15 |
9-11/Premature death | https://archive.org/details/GunsNButterIndiraSinghPtechAndThe911SoftwarePt1Pt2 |
Shinzō Abe | https://asiatimes.com/2020/09/mob-war-mirrors-race-for-japans-next-premier/ |
Conspiracy/Public attitudes | https://books.google.fr/books?id=MW8SAAAAIAAJ&pg=PA13&dq=%22Since+I+entered%22&redir_esc=y&hl=en |
Joe Biden | https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1846619,00.html |
Joe Biden | https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1847918,00.html |
Peter McCullough | https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/08/26/dr-peter-mccullough-covid-19-vaccination-programme-most-deadly-in-history/ |
Peter McCullough | https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/08/26/dr-peter-mccullough-covid-19-vaccination-programme-most-deadly-in-history/ |
Robert Habeck | https://de.rt.com/europa/137653-eu-kommission-fordert-von-mitgliedstaaten/ - https://twitter.com/Georg_Pazderski/status/1521384639067303936 |
RNA Vaccine | https://de.rt.com/inland/110140-impfzentren-weiterhin-unklarheiten-bei-frage/ |
COVID-19/Pathology | https://edhub.ama-assn.org/jn-learning/video-player/18558826 |
Johnny Depp | https://edition.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Movies/09/03/depp.us.reax.reut/ - https://people.com/celebrity/johnny-depp-calls-u-s-a-dumb-puppy/ |
Aleksey Mozgovoy | https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/who-speaks-of-victory - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmcpj7uQprM |
Theodore Kaczynski | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution |
Journalist | https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/John_Swinton |
US/Nuclear weapons | https://fas.org/blogs/security/2017/03/super-fuze/ |
Norman Mineta | https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/archive/hearing2/9-11Commission_Hearing_2003-05-23.htm |
Dennis Hastert | https://isgp-studies.com/pizzagate#dennis-hastert-and-camp-nose |
Volodymyr Zelensky | https://larouchepub.com/pr/2022/20220306_yarosh.html |
COVID-19/Vaccine/Safety | https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2020/05/fact-check-bill-gates-did-not-admit-that-700000-people-will-be-harmed-or-killed-by-his-coronavirus-vaccines.html |
Joe Biden | https://medium.com/@ASterling/twitter-says-cspan-videos-of-joe-biden-at-2016-senate-swearing-in-ceremony-are-child-sexual-abuse-a2dfbc8143a6 saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is |
Robert Malone | https://news.yahoo.com/single-most-qualified-mrna-expert-173600060.html |
Styxhexenhammer666 | https://odysee.com/@Styxhexenhammer666:2/Goofy,-Maskurbating,-Sellout-Satanists!:4 |
Vicky Ward | https://pagesix.com/2021/07/15/maria-farmer-slams-vicky-wards-jeffrey-epstein-podcast/ |
Philip Mountbatten | https://people.com/archive/vanishing-breeds-worry-prince-philip-but-not-as-much-as-overpopulation-vol-16-no-25/ |
QAnon | https://porkinspolicyreview.com/2019/09/25/porkins-policy-radio-episode-197-qanon-silent-but-deadly-with-robbie-martin-part-1/ |
Washington Times | https://prospect.org/features/dear-leader-s-paper-moon/ |
Petro Poroshenko | https://sputniknews.com/20141114/1014748940.html saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is |
QAnon | https://steemit.com/qanon/@sadcorp/is-qanon-really-military-intelligence-da28585e9ec21 |
Backdoor | https://t.me/durov/196 |
US/Nuclear weapons | https://thebulletin.org/2017/03/how-us-nuclear-force-modernization-is-undermining-strategic-stability-the-burst-height-compensating-super-fuze/ |
US/Nuclear weapons | https://thebulletin.org/2017/03/how-us-nuclear-force-modernization-is-undermining-strategic-stability-the-burst-height-compensating-super-fuze/ |
US/VIPaedophile | https://thegoodnewstoday.org/dr-phil-interview-exposes-global-elite-pedophiles/ |
National Endowment for Democracy | https://thegrayzone.com/2018/08/20/inside-americas-meddling-machine-the-us-funded-group-that-interferes-in-elections-around-the-globe/ |
Will Hutton | https://thenewamerican.com/bilderberg-elites-stop-trump-boost-hillary-stop-brexit-boost-migration/ |
Jarosław Kaczyński | https://tvpworld.com/62967842/we-are-in-disagreement-with-germany-not-the-eu-kaczynski |
The Great Reset | https://twitter.com/ArtCrunchy/status/1491439979243147264 |
2021 | https://twitter.com/DineshDSouza/status/1476628760422199297 |
2021 | https://twitter.com/_whitneywebb/status/1461723180217913349 |
2021 | https://twitter.com/immortaltech/status/1354930393531772937 |
Genetic Extinction Technology | https://web.archive.org/web/20020923154604/http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf |
Foundation | https://web.archive.org/web/20040417004858/http://www.questionsquestions.net:80/docs0209/0929_ford_trustees.html |
United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation | https://web.archive.org/web/20120123053255/http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/acd.02.html |
Barack Obama/Presidency | https://web.archive.org/web/20160913053144/http://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/197-military-officers-purged-by-obama saved at Archive.is |
Andrei Fursov | https://web.archive.org/web/20170608180020/http://www.zpu-journal.ru/en/journal/contents/2014/1/Fursov_World-Capitalist-System |
United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation | https://web.archive.org/web/20180918075502/https://www.harris.senate.gov/news/press-releases/at-intelligence-hearing-harris-highlights-risks-of-interim-security-clearances |
BioNTech | https://web.archive.org/web/20210128105132/https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/rede-von-bundeskanzlerin-merkel-anlaesslich-des-davos-dialogs-des-world-economic-forum-am-26-januar-2021-videokonferenz--1844594 |
Richard Sauder | https://web.archive.org/web/20210314185912/http://thelastdaysoftolemac.com/prophecy/an-inconvenient-truth-part-six/ |
Port Arthur Massacre | https://web.archive.org/web/20210530024516/https://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;query=Id:%22chamber/hansardr/1996-05-06/0089%22;src1=sm1 |
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US/2000 Presidential Election | https://www.liveabout.com/hunter-s-thompson-quotes-2734322 |
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Open Society Foundations | https://www.newstatesman.com/economics/economics/2014/04/ns-profile-george-soros |
National Endowment for Democracy | https://www.nytimes.com/1997/03/31/us/political-meddling-by-outsiders-not-new-for-us.html |
Information Operation | https://www.nytimes.com/2004/12/13/politics/pentagon-weighs-use-of-deception-in-a-broad-arena.html - https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Information_Operations_Roadmap |
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Joe Biden | https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/08/14/obama-biden-relationship-393570 |
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Water | https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nestle-ceo-water-not-human-right/ |
Nestlé | https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/nestle-ceo-water-not-human-right/ |
Jörg Haider | https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/saddam-festnahme-haider-spricht-von-schmierenkomoedie-der-amerikaner-a-278671.html |
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South Korea | https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jan/31/parasite-director-bong-joon-ho-korea-seems-glamorous-but-the-young-are-in-despair |
IPCC | https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/climate-change-for-18-years-an-orchestrated-litany-of-lies |
National Endowment for Democracy | https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1991/09/22/innocence-abroad-the-new-world-of-spyless-coups/92bb989a-de6e-4bb8-99b9-462c76b59a16/ |
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Shinzō Abe | https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/BL-JRTB-19812 |
"Conspiracy theorist" | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMotykw0SIk |
John Young | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMRUiB_8tTc |
COVID-19/Timeline | https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/pandemic-over-former-pfizer-chief-science-officer-says-second-wave-faked-false-positive |
COVID-19/Timeline | https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/top-pathologist-claims-covid-19-greatest-hoax-ever-perpetrated-unsuspecting-public |
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | https://x.com/AOC/status/1803528341359829265 |
Ayo Kimathi | https://youtu.be/wR1jilsr_dI - ca 07:15 |
Shinzō Abe | https://zh.wikiquote.org/wiki/%E5%AE%89%E5%80%8D%E6%99%8B%E4%B8%89 |
Institute for Statecraft/Projection | ii_Network_Skripal_10.09.18_Part1.pdf |
Euan Grant | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Integrity Initiative/Cluster | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Integrity Initiative/Cluster | iihandbookv2.pdf |
Integrity Initiative/Cluster | iihandbookv2.pdf |
"Antisemitism" | initially broadcast on Democracy Now in an interview with Amy Goodman |
US/Deep state | p. 10 |
Federal Reserve Act | p. 102 |
US/Deep state | p. 103 |
Paul Volcker | p. 109 |
Walter Pincus | p. 109 |
1959 | p. 13 |
"Non-violent extremism" | p. 16 |
Victorian era | p. 171 |
Johan Galtung | p. 171 |
Johan Galtung | p. 171 |
Psychopathy/Psychopathy and gender | p. 18 |
US/Deep state | p. 180 |
UK/Deep state | p. 3 |
Woodrow Wilson | p. 32 |
Wellcome Trust | p. 385 |
Bruce Schneier | p. 53 |
Monopoly | p. 6 |
Frederick Heinze | p. 64 |
South Africa/Deep state | p. 7 |
Wounded Leaders | p. 78 |
Antoine Pinay | p. 8 |
Karl-Friedrich Grau | p. 8 |
Woodrow Wilson/Deep state control | p. 82 |
University of California/Los Angeles | p. 82 |
Fabian Escalante | p. 83 |
Gold | p. 93 |
The Mishcon Note | p. 97 |
Federal Emergency Management Agency | p.157 |
Rosa Koire | page 137 |
Dan Kovalik | page 145 |
Coefficients (dining club) | page 171 |
Victor Marchetti | page 198 |
Victor Marchetti | page 52 |
Philip Marshall | page 9 |
Supranational deep state/History | pp. 104-105 |
Meeting | pp. 195-96 |
McCarthyism | pp. 25-26 |
Hugh Gaitskell | pp. 362-363, paperback, Heinemann Australia, 1987 ISBN 0-85561-166-9 |
Refs | source_details |
Victor Ostrovsky | starting 27:10 |
Bärbel Bohley | translated from the German |
Imperial College London | xliii |
Dave Cullen | ~ 05:50 min |
Thomas Hamilton | ~ 34:00 m, Sandra Uttley - Dunblane Unburied (old interviews with Vyzygoth) - Part 1a of 2 Part 1b of 2 Part 2 of 2 - or Part 1 - Part 2 |
Anatoly Shariy | Чего стоят "расследования" Bellingcat (the video has English and German subtitles) |
Diether Dehm | „BND-Arbeitsgruppe Sahra Wagenknecht mit mindestens sechs Leuten“ - Diether Dehm im Gespräch. - ca. 03:40 |