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Document:Bush angle to Reagan shooting still unresolved as Hinckley walksArticle16 August 2016Russ BakerProject MKUltra
George H. W. Bush
Bush family
Family Of Secrets
John Hinckley
Ronald Reagan/Assassination attempt
John Hinckley who shot and wounded President Reagan was released from a federal psychiatric facility on 5 August 2016 after being detained for 35 years. Hinckley's family were well known to the Bush family. Coincidence? Sure. Anything, after all, is possible.
Document:CIA Coordinates Nazis and Jihadistsarticle19 May 2014Thierry MeyssanGlobalisation
The Great Game
2014 Ukraine coup
Global politics used to be a question of Right (Captalist) - v - Left (Socialist) - or so we were expected to believe. Today the dominant question is 'Side with Anglo-US-Nato or oppose it?' - with the full spectrum of Left-Right present in both camps.
Document:CIA Experiments on Childrenarticle12 August 2010H.P. Albarelli Jr.
Jeffrey Kaye
Project MKUltra
Mind control
Document:CIA Killings Spell Defeat In Afghanistanarticle8 January 2010Douglas ValentineCIA
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion
Document:CIA Planned Couparticle2 September 1963Ngo Dinh NhuVietnam War
Document:CIA wanted to kill Lockerbie bomber before trialarticle5 July 2013Gareth Rose
Bob Smyth
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi
Jim Swire
Lamin Khalifah Fhimah
William Chasey
Buck Revell
A report of William Chasey's allegation (after being diagnosed with incurable cancer) that CIA agents tried to convince him to plant homing devices on Megrahi and Fhimah as part of the plot to assassinate them before the Lockerbie trial.
Document:CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotagearticle7 February 2012Felicity ArbuthnotCIA
In 1957, joint plans by the CIA and MI6 to destabilize Syria by means of staged border incidents and special forces assassinations of key political figures were approved by UK PM Harold Macmillan and US President Eisenhower.
Document:COINTELPRO Revisited - Spying & DisruptionarticleBrian GlickCOINTELPRO
Document:COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the USArticle4 March 2020Larry RomanoffFort Detrick
2019 Military World Games
The varieties of COVID-19 in Iran and Italy have been sequenced and declared to have no part of the variety that infected China and must, by definition, have originated elsewhere.
Document:Call for US to give update on fourth Lockerbie suspectArticle18 December 2022Kathleen NuttPan Am Flight 103
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi
UTA Flight 772
Kenny MacAskill
Abdullah al-Senussi
La Belle discotheque bombing
Ken Dornstein
Abu Agila Mas'ud
William Barr
Dorothy Bain
Merrick Garland
Former Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill: "Britain and America know everything. I want the UK and US to be more open. Libya have offered up Abu Agila Masud. But Masud is smaller beer. The Lord Advocate should find out what progress is being made on bringing Abdullah Senussi to court."
Document:Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s government in crisis after minister quits over corruption probeArticle13 February 2019Agence France-PresseJustin Trudeau
Meng Wanzhou
Jody Wilson-Raybould
Great Man-Made River Project
A Canadian minister’s sudden resignation on 12 February 2019 turned vague allegations of interference in the criminal prosecution of an engineering giant into a deepening political crisis for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals.
Document:Canada Rejects Petition to Lift All Sanctions on VenezuelaArticle9 November 2018Nino PaglicciaVenezuela
International Criminal Court
Chrystia Freeland
Justin Trudeau
Organisation of American States
Alan Freeman
While Canada chooses to speak of the “dire human rights and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela” – where there is none – it ignores, condones and rather endorses Saudi Arabia in the making of one of the worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen. That is the most vicious double standard that a “democratic” country can demonstrate.
Document:Canada Takes A Hostage: Free Meng WanzhouArticle8 December 2018Christopher BlackIran
Donald Trump
Pierre Trudeau
Justin Trudeau
Xi Jinping
Meng Wanzhou
John Bolton
Canadians should be angry about these traitors isolating Canada from China, from Russia, from Iran and their great cultures, and condemning Canada to be nothing more than an outpost of the American empire. For traitors they are as they betray the Canadian people by serving the interests of the Americans and their war machine. Free Meng Wanzhou, for so long as she is held hostage, so are we all.
Document:Canada sanctions 40 Venezuelans with links to political, economic crisisArticle22 September 2017Michelle ZilioVenezuela
Donald Trump
Chrystia Freeland
Nicolás Maduro
Justin Trudeau
Delcy Rodríguez
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, MP for the Toronto district of University-Rosedale, said: "I have some Venezuelan Canadians living in my constituency and they have been really vocal … and have said our family, our friends, they need help and they're counting on Canada to speak up."
Document:Cancer of Corruption, Seeds of Destruction - The Monsanto GMO Whitewasharticle19 December 2012William EngdahlFile:Toxicity of Roundup and Roundup-tolerant GM maize.pdf
Document:Capitalism normalizes death: From COVID-19 to the threat of nuclear warArticleAndre DamonNuclear war
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
The total devaluation of human life, the indifference to mass death in the pandemic and the recklessness with which American capitalism is rushing into conflict with Russia, reflect the views and social character of the American ruling class. This parasitic oligarchy feasts upon the impoverishment and exploitation of the working population.
Document:Casualties of Wararticle1 November 2010Ian Townsend-GaultWikileaks
Document:Censoring Criticism of the hate group conceptArticle17 June 2019Amalric de DroevigWikipedia/Censorship
Southern Poverty Law Center
"Hate group"
Hate group/Criticism
additions to the wikipedia 'Hate group' page by the author which were repeatedly deleted for no good reason
Document:Charles' Empire - the Royal Reset RiddleArticle9 September 2022Winter OakKlaus Schwab
Charles Mountbatten-Windsor
Bill Gates
Hakluyt & Company Ltd
20/80 society
The Great Reset
Fourth Industrial Revolution
Agenda 2030
Aga Khan IV
Impact investing
Business in the Community
Prince's Trust
British Asian Trust
The Prince’s Charities
Sustainable Markets Initiative
Ronald Cohen
Charles and his ruling class collaborators have to dress up their insidious Great Reset agenda as “doing good”, as “philanthropy” or “conservation”, because they know that otherwise the rest of us would not go along with it.
Document:Charlie Hebdo déjà vúarticle14 January 2015Adrian SalbuchiFalse flag
Charlie Hebdo shooting
An analysis of the Charlie Hebdo event of January 2015. It connects many dots linking it to a litany of similar outrages and exposing the essentially False flag nature of all of them.
Document:Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Biddersarticle8 December 2013Sibel EdmondsEdward Snowden Affair
Edward Snowden
Pierre Omidyar
Glenn Greenwald
A hard-hitting article on the Edward Snowden affair. Its author speaks with considerable authority on matters concerning intel/security whistle-blowing matters in the USA
Document:Chelsea Manning released, faces new imprisonment for refusing to testify against AssangeArticle10 May 2019Niles NiemuthWikileaks
Julian Assange
Chelsea Manning
Espionage Act of 1917
“The idea I hold the keys to my own cell is an absurd one, as I face the prospect of suffering either way due to this unnecessary and punitive subpoena: I can either go to jail or betray my principles,” Manning explained. “The latter exists as a much worse prison than the government can construct.”
Document:Chemtrails - Proof and Purposearticle1 January 2013T. J. ColesChemtrails
An outline of the activities of various agencies of the US UK military in the fields of climate modification by means of high altitude chemical spraying.
Document:Child Soldier Coerced Into Plea-Bargainarticle7 October 2010Keith Jones"Extraordinary rendition"
Omar Khadr
Document:Chinook Disaster and British Deep State Interestsarticle14 July 2011Finian Cunningham1994 Scotland RAF Chinook crash
Document:Circle of Powerarticle1999David GuyattLe Cercle
Document:Climate science is a "Zombie science"article23 February 2014Denis RancourtClimate Science
Corruption of Science
A clear general-case exposition of how science is corrupted by vast geo-political and globalised financial interests - taking climate science as its particular example
Document:Climate stupidity and human survivalarticle22 May 2015Denis Rancourt"Climate change"A broad-canvass look at the context of allegedly catastrophic, CO2-induced, anthropogenic global warming.
Document:Cognitive Dissidents?Article27 May 2019Alun SmithNigel Farage
Labour Party
Jeremy Corbyn
Conservative Party
People's Vote
UK/2019 European Parliament elections
Liberal Democrats
Reform UK
I voted remain but I would happily leave under a Corbyn government with a deal that protects our rights and our jobs. Isn't that the sensible thing to do now? Isn't that the compromise that can bring us all together again?
Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 1article5 August 2015Gerry Docherty
Jim Macgregor
Belgian Relief
The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging the war
Document:Commission for the Relief of Belgium 2article12 August 2015Gerry Docherty
Jim Macgregor
Herbert Hoover
Belgian Relief
The organisation, promotion and diversion of Belgian 'relief funding' for the hidden but nonetheless express purpose of prolonging WW1.
Document:Complaint filed alleging UK ministers' complicity in Israeli war crimesArticle16 January 2024Alex MacDonald
Dania Akkad
The Met
Counter Terrorism Command
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War
Document:Condemnation of mass killings in GazaArticle15 May 2018Hans KöchlerIsrael
International Progress Organization
International Criminal Court
2018 Gaza Massacre
Nakba Day
"The deliberate targeting of civilians by the Israeli army – inside the territory of Gaza – constitutes a war crime and crime against humanity. Those responsible must be brought to justice – in conformity with the Statute and on the basis of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) of which Palestine is a State Party."
Document:Conficker, Cyber Emergency, and the Internet Kill Switcharticle11 July 2010Kai TischenConficker
Document:Conjuring Hitler - Four years onarticle5 November 2008Guido PreparataThe Great Game
Adolf Hitler
Guido Preparata's afterword to "Conjuring Hitler", his seminal work on the origins of World War II. It was written to mark publication of the book in German, some four years after the original English edition. Rueful insights into the academic suppression of work which challenges the rigidly enforced victors' orthodox narrative of the greatest man-made humanitarian disaster in history.
Document:Conspiracies and Conspiracismarticle28 June 2010James H. Fetzer"Conspiracy theory"This is an effective rebuttal of the claims of Chip Bertlet in his book "Toxic To Democracy: Conspiracy Theories, Demonization, & Scapegoating" which uses the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracist" in the establishment's now de-rigeur pejorative sense.
Document:Conspiracy Theory meets Conspiracy FactArticle1 April 2020Michael BuergermeisterPolice state
"Conspiracy theory"
Big pharma
This is all merely a bad dream, merely a dystopian nightmare. This has nothing to do with reality.
Document:Controversy surrounding MintPress Ghouta reportarticle22 September 2013Phil GreavesSyrian Chemical Weapons AttackEarly commentary on the furore caused by Mint Press article that revealed evidence of Saudi Arabia being behind the 21 August 2013 chemical weapons attack in Ghouta, Syria
Document:Corbyn and the Jewsarticle15 December 2016Gilad AtzmonBoard of Deputies of British Jews
Judaic power
Jeremy Corbyn
Commentary on the February 2016 meeting between Jeremy Corbyn and the leadership of the Board of Deputies of British Jews
Document:Corbyn fans should welcome this attempted coup, the Blairites are committing political suicidearticle26 June 2016Kerry-anne MendozaTony Blair
Jeremy Corbyn
Hilary Benn
Margaret Hodge
Ann Coffey
2016 EU Referendum
In these uncertain days after the Brexit vote, when the Labour party needed to rally UK progressives to prevent a right-wing Brexit from the European Union – a small number of Labour MPs have instead chosen to mount a coup against leader Jeremy Corbyn. But Corbyn supporters should be ecstatic, because this opportunistic and ignorant move is an act of political suicide for the Blairites.
Document:Corbyn receives International Peace Prize in GenevaArticle9 December 2017Stop the War Coalition
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Jeremy Corbyn
Document:Costs President Obama is about to pay for Ukrainearticle1 March 2014Andre FomineVictoria Nuland
US/Sponsored Regime-change efforts since 1945
Ukraine Riots 2013-14
Oriental Review's prognosis for the denouement of US-Western sponsored 'regime-change' efforts in Ukraine
Document:Council of Europe sides with Julian AssangeArticleSara ChessaWikileaks
Julian Assange
George Foulkes
Council of Europe
Boris Johnson
Jeremy Corbyn
Nils Melzer
The attitude of European institutions is changing after years of silence which seemed to authorise or support the US and the United Kingdom’s behaviour in relation to an individual who is apparently deprived of the right to prepare his defence and deprived as well of his right to dignified psychophysical conditions. Now, the Council of Europe has decided to speak up on behalf of Julian Assange.
Document:Craig Murray and 9-11article30 January 2010PeterCraig Murray
Craig Murray's blog
A reply to Craig Murray's article explaining his embargo on any further discussion of 9-11 in the comments section of his blog
Document:Credit Suisse and the power of moneyArticle20 March 2023Peter SchwarzUBS
Switzerland/National Bank
Credit Suisse
The merger creates a monster bank with a balance sheet total of CHF (Swiss francs) 1.5 trillion ($1.6 trillion), almost twice the gross domestic product of Switzerland, which amounted to CHF 771 billion in 2022. If it enters a tailspin, it will trigger a tsunami that will drag the Swiss state budget and parts of the world economy into the abyss.
Document:Crown AgentsarticleJuly 2007Dean AndromidasCrown Agents
John Cuckney
Millbank Technical Services
Document:Cryptome’s searing critique of Snowden Incarticle13 February 2016Tim ShorrockCryptome
Corporate media
Edward Snowden
Commentary on an interview with John Young and his wife Deborah Natsios by Pit Schultz of at the 'Transmedia 2016' event in Berlin on 6 February 2016
Document:DR Congo - The Heart of Western Darknessarticle9 September 2011Asad IsmiDR Congo
Rwandan Genocide
A compelling introduction to the loyal and murderous US-Western allied Regimes of DR Congo, Uganda and Rwanda and the genocidal exploitation of African resources by the West.
Document:Dag Hammarskjöld - US, UK and South Africa still withholding crucial informationArticle10 October 2019Ludwig De BraeckeleerGCHQ
National Security Agency
Dag Hammarskjöld
Jan van Risseghem
Crypto AG
Mohamed Chande Othman
“Communications sent from the CX-52 cryptographic machine used by Dag Hammarskjöld appear to have been intercepted by British and United States signals and intelligence agencies as a result of a secret interception and decryption setting that those agencies held that enabled them to intercept surreptitiously.”
Document:Dag Hammarskjöld's plane may have been shot down, ambassador warnedarticle4 April 2014Julian BorgerDag HammarskjöldBorger describes a recently released diplomatic cable which casts fresh doubts on the theory that Dag Hammarskjöld died an accidental death.