Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was an actor turned US President. In 1981 he survived an assassination attempt, supposedly by lone nut (John Hinckley, Jr.)
FBI informer
In the late 1940s, Hollywood shifted its attention away from the Mafia's infiltration of the film industry to its infiltration by communists. Ronald Reagan, a young actor who was represented by Lew Wasserman and MCA, was a star player during the investigation and hearings by the U.S. House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), serving as both an informant for the FBI and a friendly witness for the committee.[1]
In October 1947, in the lead-up to the McCarthy era, the US Congress House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) subpoenaed a number of people working in the Hollywood film industry to testify at hearings. HUAC had declared its intention to investigate whether Communist agents and sympathisers had been planting propaganda in US films. The hearings opened with appearances by Walt Disney and Ronald Reagan, then president of the Screen Actors Guild and an FBI informer.[2] Disney testified that the threat of Communists in the film industry was a serious one. In his testimony before the HUAC, Reagan named several members of his union as communist sympathisers. (Later his first wife, actress Jane Wyman, stated in her biography with Joe Morella (1985) that Reagan's allegations against friends and colleagues led to tension in their marriage eventually resulting in their divorce.) In response, several leading Hollywood figures, including director John Huston and actors Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, and Danny Kaye, organised the Committee for the First Amendment to protest the government's targeting of the film industry.[3]
Screen Actors Guild
After his performance in the war against communism-which included support for IATSE, the Mafia-controlled union formerly run by Willi Bioff that was still run by his same executive board - Reagan was rewarded by being elected as president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), serving for five consecutive one-year terms.
Author Dan Moldea researched the links between Reagan and the Chicago Mafia extensively.[1] In 1952, during his fifth term, Reagan engineered a "blanket waiver," exempting MCA from SAG rules prohibiting a talent agency from also engaging in film production. Reagan's second wife, actress Nancy Davis, was also a member of the SAG board of directors at the time the MCA-SAG deal was made. MCA was the only such firm to have been granted such a favored status, giving it the ground floor in television production. It placed the company in a position where it could offer jobs to the actors it represented. Other talent agencies complained that this situation gave MCA an unfair advantage.
Soon after Reagan's tenure as SAG president ended, he found himself in serious financial trouble. With his film career on the skids, Reagan was saved by MCA with jobs in Las Vegas and on television. According to Justice Department documents, several government sources believed that the preferential treatment Reagan received from MCA was a payoff for services rendered while Reagan was the president of SAG.[1]
In 1959, the SAG membership reelected Reagan as president of SAG for a sixth term to lead an impending strike against the studios - despite the fact that Reagan had been producing episodes for MCA/Revue's General Electric Theater. According to SAG's by-laws, producers, even if they were primarily actors, are disqualified from serving on the SAG executive board. Previous board members faced with similar situations had resigned; Reagan refused to do so.[1]
Although MCA and a handful of smaller studios made an early, separate peace with SAG and continued production, the major motion picture companies held out, causing the strike to last six weeks. In the end, according to the president of IATSE, Reagan's final settlement with the big studios came with the help of Sidney Korshak- with whom Reagan had allegedly been associated. The 1960 contract was so unsatisfactory to the SAG membership it has since been called "The Great Giveaway." Reagan resigned in midterm soon after the strike.[1]
After several abortive attempts to investigate MCA for antitrust violations, the federal government--upon the election of John Kennedy as president and the appointment of Robert Kennedy as attorney general - began a concentrated probe into MCA's business affairs. The government had evidence that MCA had engaged in numerous civil and criminal violations of law and empaneled a federal grand jury to hear the specifics of its charges, which included restraint of trade, conspiracy with SAG to monopolize talent and film program productions, extortion, discrimination, blacklisting, and the use of predatory business practices. [1]
Election Campaign
Ronald Reagan was the preferred candidate of the Cabal. The Langemann Papers reveal that Le Cercle discussed how they could promote Ronald Reagan against Jimmy Carter. Spook Nicholas Elliott reported that in this context positive contact had been made with George H. W. Bush.[4]
October surprise conspiracy
- Full article: October surprise conspiracy
- Full article: October surprise conspiracy
Reagan's election was by facilitated by the October surprise conspiracy, a secret deal with Iranian hostage takers to give them weapons in order to prevent the release of the US embassy hostages before the 1980 US presidential election. In the event, the hostages were released hours after Reagan was inaugurated, but the official narrative still denies that this deal happened.
Assassination attempt
- Full article: Ronald Reagan/Assassination attempt
- Full article: Ronald Reagan/Assassination attempt
An assassination attempt was made against Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. The official narrative is that a "lone nut", John Hinckley, Jr. carried it out in an effort to impress actress Jodie Foster. Others have suggested that it was a plot to assume full political control of the presidency by his vice president, George H W Bush.[5]
During the Cold War, during a test run for a radio broadcast, Reagan tested the equipment with the following joke which was leaked and later played on TV live.
“My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”
Ronald Reagan (1984) [6]
In October 1982, President Reagan had made similar remarks about the Poland, a country revived after being wiped of the map twice in the 1900s. As he prepared to announce his cancellation of Poland's most favoured nation status (in retaliation for suppression of the Polish trade union Solidarity), Reagan called the military government "a bunch of no-good, lousy bums."[4] This was later aired by the ABC and NBC News. Because of this leak, the White House Correspondents' Association agreed not to publish such off-the-record presidential remarks in the future.[7]
In October 1971, a majority of the UN General Assembly voted (against the wishes of the US) to recognise the PRC. The next day Reagan commented to Richard Nixon, in a recording which was withheld until after Reagan's death out of concern for his "privacy": “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries — damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh. Reagan was less blatently racist than Richard Nixon, but still mounted a "passionate defense of the apartheid states of Rhodesia and South Africa". [8]
An event carried out
Event | Location | Description |
The secret war against Sweden | Sweden Stockholm Baltic Sea Karlskrona Hårsfjärden | A large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests. |
A Quote by Ronald Reagan
Page | Quote |
Washington Times | “The American people know the truth,” [...] “You, my friends at The Washington Times, have told it to them. It wasn't always the popular thing to do. But you were a loud and powerful voice. Like me, you arrived in Washington at the beginning of the most momentous decade of the century. Together, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.” |
Appointments by Ronald Reagan
Appointee | Job | Appointed | End | Description |
Charles Bowsher | Comptroller General of the United States | 1981 | 1996 | |
William Casey | Campaign Director | 1980 | 4 November 1980 | Appointed during the republican primaries.<a href="#cite_note-fof-1">[1]</a> |
Barber Conable | World Bank/President | 1 July 1986 | 1 September 1991 | Quill and Dagger |
Robert Conn | Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) | May 1981 | 15 December 1988 | |
Carol Dinkins | US/Deputy Attorney General | 1983 | 1984 | |
Marlin Fitzwater | White House/Press secretary | 1 February 1987 | 20 January 1989 | Acting |
Henry Grunwald | US/Ambassador/Austria | 23 December 1987 | 1 January 1990 | |
Philip Habib | Special Envoy to the Philippines | 1986 | 1986 | Arranged for the dumping of President Ferdinand Marcos. |
J. Daniel Howard | Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs | February 1988 | May 1989 | |
Fred C. Iklé | US/Under Secretary of Defense for Policy | 2 April 1981 | 19 February 1988 | Under Reagan |
Lawrence Korb | Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness | 4 May 1981 | 5 July 1985 | |
Frank Lavin | White House Director of Political Affairs | 16 March 1987 | 20 January 1989 | |
James Lilley | US/Ambassador/South Korea | 26 November 1986 | 3 January 1989 | |
John Louis | US/Ambassador/UK | 27 May 1981 | 7 November 1983 | |
Preston Martin | US/Federal Reserve/Vice Chair | 31 March 1982 | 30 April 1986 | |
Ronald Spiers | US/Ambassador/Pakistan | 1981 | 1983 | |
Ronald Spiers | Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research | 28 January 1980 | 4 October 1981 | |
Bing West | Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs | 4 April 1981 | 1 April 1983 | |
William Wilson | US/Ambassador/Holy See | 1984 | 1986 | |
Frank Edward Young | FDA/Commissioner | 15 July 1984 | 17 December 1989 |
Related Quotations
Page | Quote | Author |
George Carlin | “(in New York) I really haven't seen this many people in one place since they took the group photographs of all the criminals and lawbreakers in the Ronald Reagan Administration. Two-hundred and twenty-five of 'em, so far! 225 different people in the Ronald Reagan administration have either quit, been fired, arrested, indicted, or convicted of either breaking the law or violating the ethics code! These are the same people who were elected with the help of the moral majority. Elected with the help of the moral majority and the Teamsters union. That's a good combination! Organized religion and organized crime working together to help build a better America.” | George Carlin |
Hunter S. Thompson | “Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the military-industrial complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to preindustrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.” | Hunter S. Thompson |
Related Documents
Title | Type | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:Maggie's Guilty Secret | article | December 2013 | John Hughes-Wilson | A brief resume of the Arms-to-Iraq affair by a former colonel on NATO's international political staff in Brussels. It revisits the abortive rescue of US diplomatic staff held hostage by Iran under President Carter, paving the way for the UK to supply arms to both sides in the soon-to-follow Iran-Iraq war in covert defiance of UN sanctions. The UK establishment has been engaged in a monumental cover-up ever since. |
Document:Reagan - Killer, Coward, Con-man | obituary | 17 March 2011 | Greg Palast | |
Document:The great con that ruined Britain | Article | 3 April 2016 | Peter Hitchens | Peter Hitchens, the repentant Thatcherite, has second thoughts about privatisation: if it’s all been so beneficial, why do so many of the containers that arrive in British ports, full of expensive imports, leave this country empty? |
Who Killed Congressman Larry McDonald | article | February 1984 | Larry Flynt |
- ↑ Jump up to: a b c d e f
- ↑ "Good Night Betty Perske"
- ↑ Ceplair and Englund (2003), pp. 275–79
- ↑ Document:The Pinay Circle
- ↑ The Political Dominance of The Cabal
- ↑ Wikipedia
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