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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "A solid 9/11 truth website". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Mark Crispin Miller  + (A professor of journalism and prominent critic of [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]])
  • Michael Barkun  + (A professor who denies that MKUltra was carried out on children.)
  • Document:Whistler against the wind - Gerald James  + (A profile of Gerald James, former Chairman of Astra Holdings and his battles against his appalling treatment by a corrupt system intent on hiding the dirty secrets of the Arms-to-Iraq affair.)
  • Pacifica Foundation  + (A progressive media foundation, generally anti-war, but also close to [[official narratives]].)
  • Operation Watchtower  + (A project to streamline clandestine drug importation into USA)
  • Walter Lüftl  + (A prominent Austrian civil engineer who, since 1992, has been victimised for preparing and privately circulating a report which concluded that the [[Official Narrative]] of alleged extermination gas chambers in World War II is not technically possible.)
  • Mark Koernke  + (A prominent US militia activist)
  • Goldsmith family  + (A prominent [[Jewish]] family and financial dynasty in [[England]].)
  • Koç family  + (A prominent [[Turkish]] family and financial dynasty in [[Turkey]].)
  • William Blum  + (A prominent critic of US empire)
  • Martin Bormann  + (A prominent official in Hitler's government with control over assets plundered by the Nazis. The official story says he died in Berlin in 1945, although this is disputed.)
  • Hunter S. Thompson  + (A prominent writer, openly critical of the US government. While writing an expose of 9/11 when he was found dead.)
  • Document:The International Terrorist Threat and the Dilemas in Countering it  + (A promotion of The War On Terror from the head of UK's MI5. "The world has changed"... etc.)
  • Rebranding Britain  + (A propaganda initiative started by the Conservative government and picked up by New Labour along with [[the Foreign Policy Centre]].)
  • Limited hangout  + (A propaganda technique to try to suppress the revelation of secret information.)
  • Property:Has wikipediaProtection  + (A property that only has meaning if the page has a corresponding Wikipedia Page. If set to "1", the corresponding page is edit protected.)
  • Property:Has interest  + (A property to match people or groups with their interests)
  • Property:Has wikipediaPage  + (A property to match people or organisations to their corresponding Wikipedia Page)
  • Property:Has wikipediaPage2  + (A property to match people or organisations to their corresponding Wikipedia Page)
  • Property:Has almaMater  + (A property to match people to the institutions they have as alma_maters)
  • Property:Has employer  + (A property to match people to their (current or former) employers)
  • Property:Has appointer  + (A property to match postings to their appointers)
  • Property:Has nominator  + (A property to match postings to their nominators)
  • Property:Has injuries  + (A property to report on the number of people injured by an event)
  • Property:Has fatalities  + (A property to report on the number of people killed by an event)
  • Property:Has survivors  + (A property to report on the number of survivors of an event)
  • Property:Has deputy  + (A property used by the concept object to connect jobs with the page of their deputy.)
  • EXPOSE Network  + (A proposed multi-million pound consortium to "[[counter disinformation]]". Exposed in the 7th tranche of documents in the [[Integrity Initiative leak]]. The UK government declined to fund it.)
  • Document:I am Israel  + (A prose poem detailing the history of the A prose poem detailing the history of the displacement and dispossession of native Palestinians from their ancestral land, the destruction of their homes and the decimation of their livelihoods between 1947 and the present, by Zionist Israel and its enablersresent, by Zionist Israel and its enablers)
  • Richard Whittam  + (A prosecuting counsel experienced at handlA prosecuting counsel experienced at handling major cases, with a track record of working for the UK intelligence agencies, security cleared "to the highest level". In June 2014, he claiming that "clearly exceptional circumstances" meant that a major terrorist case should be held in secret without the public being informed of the defendants' names.c being informed of the defendants' names.)
  • William D. Rogers  + (A protegé of [[Henry Kissinger]].)
  • Films For Action  + (A provider of inspiring videos. Named as an outlet of "[[Fake News]]" by [[PropOrNot]].)
  • Psychic  + (A psychic is a person that is sensitive to the parapsychological forces of the nonphysical realm.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Document:Social Psychology, Religious Belief, Censorship and the Holocaust  + (A psychological examination of [[Wikispooks:Definitions|"The Holocaust"]] [[Official Narrative]] as a manifestation of religious belief)
  • George Estabrooks  + (A psychologist who assisted with MK Ultra and boasted of using hypnotism to create an assassin.)
  • General Medical Council  + (A public body that controls the official register of medical practitioners in the UK)
  • Sacramento City College  + (A public community college in Sacramento, California.)
  • Wikiscanner  + (A public database that live scanned and crA public database that live scanned and cross-checked IP-adresses of [[Wikipedia]] editors. It turned out in the few years it ran that many topics were actively edited and monitored by [[deep state fractions]], [[spooks]], [[royals]], US Senators, [[corporations]] and even the [[NSA]], FBI and [[CIA]] themselves. [[WEF]] Member and Wikipedia founder [[Jimmy Wales]] called it a "good site for transparency" but did nothing when the owner went broke and pulled the site from the [[internet]].[[internet]].)
  • Christic Institute  + (A public interest law firm that exposed some operation of the [[US deep state]].)
  • Kingston University  + (A public research university in Kingston upon Thames in the southwest of London. A former polytechnic, it is regarded as a post-1992 University. Campuses are located in Kingston and Roehampton.)
  • Queen Mary University of London  + (A public research university in London. There are nine Nobel Laureates amongst Queen Mary's alumni.)
  • University College Galway  + (A public university located in the city of Galway, Ireland.)
  • EEC Monitor  + (A publication of the [[British-Israel Public Affairs Committee]] run by [[Eric Moonman]])
  • Mike Lofgren  + (A publicist of the [[deep state]] who ''doesn't'' challenge the [[official narrative]] of [[9/11]].)
  • Manuel Noriega  + (A puppet leader being used in [[CIA Drug trafficking]].)
  • Puppet leader  + (A puppet leader is a 'leader' who is actually a follower. Many national leaders are in secret thrall to powerful forces who established their 'power'.)
  • Barack Obama  + (A puppet of the deep state, groomed for a top job. Has overseen a rollout of police state tactics such as torture, mass surveillance and assassination.)
  • Skripal Affair  + (A purported chemical weapons attack. The [[Integrity Initiative]] carried out extensive research into how to [[control the narrative]] of the event.)
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average  + (A purportedly neutral indicator of the state of the economy.)
  • Hierarchy  + (A pyramidal arrangement of power or social status, with many people of low status, and corresponding few of high status.)
  • File:Security Terrorism and the UK.pdf  + (A quintessentially UK Establishment view on Security and Terrorism in the UK.)
  • Document:Economic Tasks - Vladimir Putin  + (A quintessentially orthodox IMF/WTO economic analysis from the Russian Prime Minister in the run up to the Presidential election in March 2012.)
  • Adam Garrie  + (A radio journalist)
  • Operation Crevice  + (A raid launched in the UK on the so-called "fertiliser bomb plotters".)
  • Document:Programme for the visit of the Lithuanian MOD Stratcom team  + (A range of seminars in connection with a Lithuanian delegation to Institute of Statecraft, including with Bill Browder's Hermitage)
  • 9-11/Censorship  + (A range of tactics have been employed to try to stifle dissent about 9/11, from ad hominem attacks to assassination. As of 2016, censorship is ongoing.)
  • Document:Zionist Terrorists Released by Mexican Attorney General  + (A rare English language article on the penetration of the Mexican Assembly building by two heavily armed Israeli and Zionist gunmen - and their release without charge or apparent investigation just two days later.)
  • Document:It's not Russia that's pushed Ukraine to the brink of war  + (A rare note of sanity (and accuracy) on the 2014 Ukraine coup from a western corporate media)
  • Document:The CIA - long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society  + (A re-examination of an obscure appendix from a CIA document that was exposed by the 1977 Senate hearings into MKULTRA. Is a secret CIA unit directing and expanding drug use in a pre-meditated effort to weaken society?)
  • 2016 Hurriyah car bombing hoax  + (A real bomb in the Hurriyah area of Baghdad reported as having killed people by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] but exposed as a hoax after [[CCTV]] footage appeared online.)
  • Document:Getting it Right  + (A realistic appraisal of the functioning and lack of EFFECTIVE political oversight of the UK Secret Intelligence Services)
  • Document:From Glory Boy to PoW Songbird  + (A reality based counterbalance to the de-rigeur 'war-hero' treatment that John McCain is routinely accorded by the US commercially-controlled media and his Wikipedia entry)
  • File:Machiavellian-state-terror.pdf  + (A reanalysis of the events of 7/7 as possible 'Machiavellian State Terror'.)
  • User:Robin  + (A reasonable overview of this undermentioned topic.)
  • Cold War II  + (A rebooting of the original [[Cold War]], that was definitely tied to the UK deep state in late 2018.)
  • Document:The Spanish Civil War  + (A rebuttal of the dominant western narratiA rebuttal of the dominant western narrative of the Spanish civil war as an idealistic crusade by the 'International Brigades' to defend an embattled elected left-wing government from evil fascists. As always, the devil is in the detail - in this case the inconvenient suppressed detailis case the inconvenient suppressed detail)
  • Cryptogon  + (A recommended news aggregator which only occasionally get distracted by prices of shares or gold.)
  • Lost and Found ID  + (A recurring theme in deep events, whereby the perpetrators supposedly leave behind them a trail of very revealing information such as identity documents.)
  • "Refrigerated morgue trucks"  + (A recurring theme in the COVID-19 media manipulation was suggestive images of refrigerated trucks because morgues were overflowing.)
  • Project Iris  + (A reference used by [[Harod Associates]] on a report into public perceptions of the [[Skripal Affair]])
  • Fritz Kraemer  + (A refugee from Nazi Germany and "the greatest single influence" on [[Henry Kissinger]]. [[Mae Brussell]] identified him as "Number One" most powerful person in the United States.)
  • Below Gotham Labs  + (A regularly updated and informative news site with a focus on mass surveillance by [[The Deep State]].)
  • DEFUSE  + (A rejected proposal from [[Peter Daszak]] of [[EcoHealth Alliance]] to weaponise naturally occuring bat coronaviruses, to preempt "zoonotic spillover". Authenticity questionable.)
  • Jimmy Carter  + (A relatively enlightened presidency, although he was unable to restrain the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Richard Nixon  + (A relatively independent US president who may have been removed from power because he was planning to expose the conspiracy to assassinate JFK.)
  • Ketamine  + (A relatively safe anaesthetic)
  • Hinduism  + (A religion traditionally mostly in India.)
  • Atheist  + (A religious belief.)
  • 9-11/Drills  + (A remarkable number of [[terror drills]]A remarkable number of [[terror drills]] occured in the US on or around the day of 9-11, including drills about the hijacking of planes and the flying them into buildings. This is agreed by many 9-11 researchers to have been an obfuscation tactic, and to have hindered response to the real attacks.ave hindered response to the real attacks.)
  • Joël van der Reijden  + (A renowned independent researcher into the deep state. He serves as an inspiration to Wikispooks and occasionally contributes ISGP-related content himself.)
  • Mae Brussell  + (A renowned researcher and investigative journalist in the field of deep politics.)
  • Action Counters Terrorism  + (A replacement for the highly criticised [[Prevent]] "branding platform" of "[[counter-terrorism]]".)
  • Arms for Libya 2.0  + (A replay of the original [[Arms For Libya]]A replay of the original [[Arms For Libya]], in that a [[US deep state]] [[arms dealer]] was charged with selling weapons to Libya. However, in contrast to the original case, [[Marc Turi]] had a secret ace in the hole which caused the USDOJ to drop all charges and hush the affair up.o drop all charges and hush the affair up.)
  • Document:Craig Murray and 9-11  + (A reply to Craig Murray's article explaining his embargo on any further discussion of 9-11 in the comments section of his blog)
  • The Fitzgerald report  + (A report about monopolistic practices by [[big pharma]] from 1953)
  • File:Maidan snipers.pdf  + (A report about the Kiev Maidan sniper events of February 2014 by German TV investigative programme "Monitor" that first aired on 10 April 2014)
  • File:Armyvisitstoschools.pdf  + (A report about the recruiting activities and practices of the British army in the nations schools. It shows that emphasis is placed on schools in disadvantaged areas and discusses the reasons for this)
  • File:Proof the Investigation is Politically Directed TWA Flight 800.pdf  + (A report about what an airline executive with military background thought about TWA Flight 800 in the immediate aftermath.)
  • File:9-11-9 the Vicsim Report.pdf  + (A report alleging inconsistencies, repetitions and photo-fakery of much of the reporting and memorial sites for the victims of the 9/11 attacks.)
  • Document:Release of the Lockerbie Prisoner  + (A report by the official UN Observer of the Lockerbie Trial in the Netherlands, commenting on the release on compassionate grounds of the only person convicted in the Lockerbie case.)
  • File:Anonymous-Operation Want.pdf  + (A report into the finances of the Wallenberg family as they relate to a proposal to create an additional seat on the NASDAQ OMX Group Board of Directors which is currently (2 April 2011) awaiting SEC approval.)
  • Document:CIA wanted to kill Lockerbie bomber before trial  + (A report of [[William Chasey]]A report of [[William Chasey]]'s allegation (after being diagnosed with incurable cancer) that [[CIA]] agents tried to convince him to plant homing devices on [[Megrahi]] and [[Fhimah]] as part of the plot to assassinate them before the [[Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial|Lockerbie trial]].[[Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial|Lockerbie trial]].)
  • File:LloydsPeakOilReport.pdf  + (A report on "Sustainable Energy Security".)
  • File:Rainoffire.pdf  + (A report on Israeli use of white phosphoroA report on Israeli use of white phosphorous munitions during Operation Cast Lead against the Gaza Strip December 2008 - Jan 2009. It documents extensive use of illegal munitions and is notable for some startling pictures of white phosphorous trails raining down on fleeing civilians. trails raining down on fleeing civilians.)
  • Document:Progress report on establishing national clusters  + (A report on building of a network of cells to monitor and influence public opinion)
  • File:Fallujah Birth Defects.pdf  + (A report on research into the legacy radiation effects of depleted uranium weapons usage in Fallujah, Iraq during the 2003 Iraq war.)
  • Document:Human Rights Record of the United States in 2013  + (A report on the Human rights record of theA report on the Human rights record of the USA through 2013. An official publication of the government of the Peoples Republic of China. A response to the hypocricy of the US government in publishing similar reports on 200 countries and excluding itself - Clearly the US considers itself exempt in such matters.S considers itself exempt in such matters.)
  • John Urquhart Cameron/Lockerbie Forensic Evidence Report  + (A report on the Lockerbie forensic evidence compiled by Dr John Cameron)
  • File:Koechler-lockerbie-appeal report.pdf  + (A report on the appeal proceedings at the Scottish Court in the Netherlands)
  • Document:Shell Game, A Whistleblowing Report to the United States Congress  + (A report to congress)
  • File:JusticeDenied.pdf  + (A report written in 1999 in the run up to the unsuccessful appeal by Samar and Jawad against their conspiracy convictions. Includes a preface by Paul Foot.)
  • Bill Hunter  + (A reported who investigated the JFK assassination. Shot dead by a policeman, reportedly accidentally.)
  • Inconvenient History  + (A repository of scholarly works of historical revisionism - especially regarding World War II)
  • David Icke  + (A reputation in [[corporate media]] as the 'de facto face of conspiracy'.)
  • Global Research  + (A research and media organization based in Montreal, Canada, and highly recommended source of independent news)
  • UN/Institute for Disarmament Research  + (A research institute of the United Nations focused on [[disarmament]] and [[international security]]. The directors are "safe hands".)
  • Iran University of Science and Technology  + (A research institution and university of engineering and science.)
  • "Strike Hard Campaign"  + (A research project into repressive [[social control]] carried out against Chinese Muslims.)
  • Danny Casolaro  + (A researcher into the [[US Deep state]] who suffered a bloody fate soon after announcing that he was about to implicate powerful people.)
  • Martin John Rogers  + (A researcher into tropical diseases, particularly malaria, who suddenly disappeared without apparent explanation about 14 days before being found dead by his wrecked car.)
  • Milo Speriglio  + (A researcher who died in unexplained circumstances in 2000.)
  • Larisa Shevchenko  + (A resident of city of Lugansk in the [[Donbas]] who protested against the coup activities on the [[Maidan]] in [[Kiev]] since 2013.)
  • Document:Huawei’s phone business would be decimated without Google’s Android  + (A resolution to the ongoing [[US-China trade war|trade dispute between the US and China]]A resolution to the ongoing [[US-China trade war|trade dispute between the US and China]] is now more urgent than ever. However, [[China]] is unlikely to react positively to the bullying tactics of the [[US]]. And that means [[Huawei]]’s [[mobile phone|phone]] business may be in limbo for a while yet. business may be in limbo for a while yet.)
  • Asset  + (A resource by means of which intelligence is gathered; but also a person through whom things are getting done.)
  • John O'Neill  + (A respected and sincere opponent of "terroA respected and sincere opponent of "terrorism" who faced opposition in trying to investigate the [[U.S.S. Cole attack]] and who was the [[FBI]]'s leading expert on [[Al Qaeda]]. Later made Head of Security for the [[World Trade Center]], where he was killed on his first day at work, [[9-11 | September 11th]], 2001.[[9-11 | September 11th]], 2001.)
  • Barry Walker  + (A retired Hong Kong Police Force officer and commentator on the Lockerbie Bombing.)
  • Dair Farrar-Hockley  + (A retired Major General who joined the [[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Martin Moore-Bick  + (A retired UK judge who lead a public inquiry into the [[Grenfell Tower fire]].)
  • David Halpin  + (A retired UK orthopedic and trauma surgeon turned activist who, amongst other things, has been instrumental in questioning the official narrative as regards the death of Dr. David Kelly.)
  • Document:The World Through the Prism of Europe  + (A retrospective on how Europe now views thA retrospective on how Europe now views the events of World war II and its aftermath by the wife of Ernst Zundel who has been relentlessly persecuted by the western Establishment for no reason other than stubbornly authoring and publishing research on WWII and The Holocaust.ishing research on WWII and The Holocaust.)
  • User:Peter  + (A revealing description of the methodologies of power and the dynastic modalities of its passing. Do not be put off by the word 'Occult', which is used in its classic root sense of 'Hidden'.)
  • Document:Ariel Sharon - War is Peace  + (A review of how the western corporate media reported on the legacy of Ariel Sharon following his death in early January 2014, together with evidence of the unreported reality.)
  • File:Freedom Flotilla.doc  + (A review of media sources.)
  • Document:JFK - What We Know Now  + (A review of the JFK assassination evidence 47 years on, including comments on the [[Zapruder film]])
  • Document:My 2019  + (A review of the author's year. Notable forA review of the author's year. Notable for his retrospective on the scurrilous misrepresentations of his views on immigration, Islam, China and other contentious topics, by [[The New Statesman]] which cost him his unpaid government advisory job before it was exposed as a thoroughly dishonest [[hit piece]] and an apology issued.[[hit piece]] and an apology issued.)
  • Document:Cognitive Infiltration  + (A review of the book by [[David Ray Griffin]])
  • Document:Behind the 2011 Orgy of Destabilisations  + (A review of the book by [[David Ray Griffin]])
  • Document:Full Spectrum Dominance  + (A review of the book by [[William Engdahl]].)
  • Document:The Jewish Question  + (A review of the historical tensions between the Jewish Diapora and its host nations up to the end of the nineteenth century)
  • Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz  + (A review of the the series of forensic exaA review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authorityt that was published without his authority)
  • Gish gallop  + (A rhetorical technique that involves overwhelming the opponent with as many arguments as possible, with no regard for the accuracy, validity, or relevance of those arguments.)
  • OpIndia  + (A right wing news website based in [[India]])
  • Merchant Venturers  + (A royally chartered group of 85 rich individuals, centered on Bristol, exercising great influence over financial institutions, big media and big oil.)
  • Document:Victoria Nuland's 'Ukraine-gate' Deceptions  + (A rundown of the for-public-consumption deceptions of Victoria Nuland in connection with her "Ukraine-Gate" telephone call gaff, details of which broke in early February 2014)
  • Document:War on Libya: Official Lies and Misconceptions  + (A rundown of the principal falsehood propagated by the official narrative on Libya)
  • Document:The Production of Evil  + (A russian Lawyer decodes the real meaning of ISIS)
  • Contadora Island  + (A safe haven in [[Panama]] where U.S. politicians and corporate executives enjoyed sex and drugs away from the prying eyes of the international press, particularly in the [[1980s]].)
  • Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity  + (A scarier version of [[DARPA]])
  • Document:Washington's "Pivot" hits a Brick Wall  + (A scathing polemic on US support and promotion of the civil war in Ukraine)
  • Atlantic Storm  + (A scenario designed to mimic a summit of transatlantic leaders forced to respond to a bioterrorist attack. Recommended [[militarization]], [[vaccination]] and stockpiling drugs. Held January 2005.)
  • Document:Chris Donnelly Washington DC Schedule  + (A schedule of c's meetings in Washington)
  • Antony Sutton  + (A scholarly professor at the [[Hoover Institution]]A scholarly professor at the [[Hoover Institution]] who became controversial when he tried to reach the public with his research. His work has become increasingly influential as the Internet Age has gathered momentum after his death at the age of 77 in 2002. after his death at the age of 77 in 2002.)
  • Dunblane school massacre  + (A school massacre by an acquaintance of [[George Robertson]], a Bilderberger and later [[Secretary General of NATO]] with a range of other connections.)
  • Stoneman Douglas High School shooting  + (A school shooting in Florida in 2018)
  • File:TheRudolfReport.pdf  + (A science-based forensic examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz.)
  • Tyrone Hayes  + (A scientific whistleblower. [[Big Ag]] corporation [[Syngenta]] orchestrated an attack on Hayes' scientific credibility.)
  • Information hygiene  + (A scientific-sounding [[buzzword]]A scientific-sounding [[buzzword]] being promoted as part of the [[SDS]] [[internet censorship]] project. Information hygiene is a mix of censorship through "[[fact checkers]]" and "technological solutions", and attempting to get the population to [[self censor]] and instead "[[trust the experts]]".[[trust the experts]]".)
  • DuckDuckGo  + (A search engine that claims not to track its users, and which does not appear to be censoring this site as much as [[Google]])
  • NNDB  + (A searchable database of over 40,000 people, groups and jobs of interest.)
  • David Malone  + (A second generation documentary film-maker whose father made The Ascent of Man with Bronowski, The Age of Uncertainty with Galbraith and Cosmos with Sagan.)
  • The Nazi atom bomb programme  + (A secret [[black project]] by [[Nazi Germany]] testing [[nuclear weapons]] before the end of [[WW2]] [[Adolf Hitler]] plotted to decimate [[Britain]] with.)
  • Pine Gap  + (A secret [[mass surveillance]] [[CIA]] base in Australia, named as reasoning for a coup in the [[1970s]].)
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership  + (A secret agreement which abrogates several aspects of national sovereignty in the name of "free trade". The US withdrew in January 2017.)
  • UK/Stay behind  + (A secret armed network of selected civilians set up in Britain after the war and was secretly modernised in the [[Thatcher]] years and maintained into the 1980s.)
  • Shield  + (A secret committee set up by radical right-wing activists and former intelligence officers in the UK in 1976. Their aim was quite possibly to get Margaret thatcher elected.)
  • October surprise  + (A secret deal which offered the Iranians weapons in return for their preventing the release of the US embassy hostages before the 1980 US presidential election.)
  • 1910 Jekyll Island meeting  + (A secret meeting at Jekyll Island, attended by six men who conspired to privatise the US money system for control of the "[[money trust]]".)
  • Book and Snake  + (A secret society of interest.)
  • Scroll and Key  + (A secret society of interest.)
  • Adessium Foundation  + (A secretive Dutch foundation that donates to projects backed by Western [[governments]].)
  • Erik Bennett  + (A secretive UK military advisor in Oman and a Cercle attendee.)
  • Rianne Siebenga  + (A secretive colleague of [[II|II]]-member [[Sijbren de Jong|Sijbren de Jong]] specialized in "counterterrorism".)
  • 14th Intelligence Company  + (A secretive unit of the British Army used to put [[SAS]] and SAS trained personnel on the streets in Northern Ireland while being able to pretend that the SAS were not deployed there.)
  • Document:My contribution  + (A self assessment by Chris Hernon of how he can help the the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • International Tribunal of Natural Justice  + (A self-appointed people's [[court]] to investigate [[VIPaedophile]] claims. It videos its hearings and posts them on [[YouTube]].)
  • British Satellite News  + (A semi covert propaganda operation funded by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • London Radio Service  + (A semi covert propaganda run by the British government's Central Office of Information for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Gateside Mills  + (A semi-derilict venue which was the official HQ of a number of groups, including the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Norwegian Institute of International Affairs  + (A semi-official foreign policy think tank close to the [Norwegian Defence Research Establishment and the military intelligence service.)
  • Hidden History  + (A seminal work of historical revisionism. A seminal work of historical revisionism. It is a meticulously researched tour de force on the hidden and suppressed history of the origins of World War I. The book will be very uncomfortable reading for anyone schooled in the Western Establishment Victor's history of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.'s history of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.)
  • File:Jonestown.pdf  + (A seminal work on Jim Jones, leader of The People's Temple and the massacre at Johnstown Guyana.)
  • File:Propaganda.pdf  + (A seminal work on the systematic manipulation of public opinion.)
  • Mahmoud al-Mabhouh  + (A senior Hamas military commander and one of the founders of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. He was murdered in his hotel room at the 5 star Rotana Hotel in Dubai having arrived in the country earlier that day from Syria.)
  • Ian Blair  + (A senior UK policeman who claimed in 2006 that "[[Islamic terrorism]]" constituted "a far graver threat in terms of civilians than either the [[Cold War]] or the [[Second World War]]".)
  • Hilda Murrell  + (A senior UK spook turned anti-nuclear activist assassinated in 1984 on the day she had notified friends that she had some sensitive papers she was seeking to publish... Blamed in 2006 on a 16 year old "lone nut")
  • Philip Lyon  + (A senior and trusted aide of Tony Blair who was found guilty of child pornography.)
  • Deputy Ambassador/UK  + (A senior diplomat and typically a key advisor to the Ambassador or High Commissioner)
  • Johanna Möhring  + (A senior fellow of the [[Institute for Statecraft]])
  • Roland Carnaby  + (A senior spook who was shot by a Houston police officer following a high speed motor car chase and died of his wounds.)
  • Arne Burkhardt  + (A senior, highly accomplished pathologist from Germany who came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of [[COVID-19/Vaccine|Covid "vaccinated"]] patients.)
  • Security and Defence Learning  + (A sequence of 8 international conferences A sequence of 8 international conferences hosted by the New Security Foundation. "The event brings together academics, professional practitioners, security specialists, government officials and representatives of private sector companies for a discussion of key issues."companies for a discussion of key issues.")
  • Jimmy Savile  + (A serial abuser of children who was for decades untouchable, till his death.)
  • Jean Marie Creton  + (A serial convicted weapon smuggler mentioned in a TV doc as mastermind between Dutch and Belgian [[Gladio]] divisions. Creton also was a supplier to the supposed perpetrators of the [[2004 Madrid train bombings]].)
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak  + (A series of 7 leaks, starting on 5 November [[2018]], of unknown origin and veracity. After some time, the II disputed the authenticity of some of the documents, but was not clear about which.)
  • Wizards of Money  + (A series of MP3s about money with ''a bit of a twist'')
  • Arms-to-Iraq  + (A series of arms deals by UK companies during the [[Iran-Iraq War]], when there was a UK government-endorsed UN embargo on such sales.)
  • Lockheed/Bribery scandals  + (A series of bribes made by officials of the U.S. aerospace company [[Lockheed]] from the late 1950s to the 1970s in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft.)
  • 2005 London bombings  + (A series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.)
  • 2015-11 Paris attacks  + (A series of coordinated terrorist attacks in France. Suicide bomber remembered to bring his passport, which survived blast.)
  • Yellow vests movement  + (A series of mass demonstrations in France which expressed the dissatisfaction with the political process. Subject to increasingly violent repression.)
  • Conspiracy Files  + (A series of programmes, each of which focuses on a particular "[[Conspiracy theories]]".)
  • Palmer Raids  + (A series of raids in 1919-1920 to capture and arrest foreign-born [[leftist]]s and [[deport]] them from the United States. Breakthrough for [[J. Edgar Hoover]].)
  • Media manipulation  + (A series of techniques in which the [[CCM]] create an image or argument that favors their particular interests. It can be actual fakery and is a form of [[propaganda]].)
  • Kennedy curse  + (A series of unfortunate events. Why does the [[Kennedy family]] have such bad luck? Coincidence?)
  • TOPOFF  + (A series of week long "[[counter-terrorism]]" exercises)
  • Autism  + (A serious mental condition which is poorly understood. Agreed to be on the rise, the reasons for this are disputed.)
  • Paradise Papers  + (A set of 13.4 million confidential electronic documents about use of tax havens to house around $10 trillion. The highly skewed nature of the exposure (very little from the US) suggest it was a modified hangout)
  • 7th floor group  + (A set of USDOJ officials who met at the top of the US State Department to control information. Termed by the FBI a "shadow government". Ignored by corporate media. [[Wikipedia]] removed its coverage of the group.)
  • Afghanistan Papers  + (A set of documents published by ''[[The Washington Post]]'' which constitute an [[official opposition narrative]] that the invasion of Afghanistan was a mistake.)
  • Declaration of Helsinki  + (A set of ethical principles regarding [[human experimentation]] developed originally in 1964 for the medical community by the [[World Medical Association]] regarded as the cornerstone document on human [[research ethics]])
  • Brabant Massacres  + (A set of murders between 1982 and 1985, in which 28 people died and 40 were injured. It became [[Belgium]]'s most notorious unpunished crime spree.)
  • The NORAD Tapes  + (A set of over 100 recordings of air traffic controllers, military aviation officers, airline and fighter jet pilots, as well as two of the hijackers, made over the course of two hours on the morning of [[9/11]])
  • Bunga bunga party  + (A sex for TV work pyramid scheme, with children and ritual occult practises allegedly led by former Italian president Berlusconi. One whistleblower - [[Imane Fadil]] - died suddenly.)
  • Atlanta sex trafficking operation  + (A sex trafficking operation in [[Atlanta]].)
  • Nashville sex trafficking operation  + (A sex trafficking operation in [[Nashville]].)
  • Ovidiu Tender  + (A shady Romanian businessman magnate, currently in jail for money laundering. Scheduled for release in 2026.)
  • Oswald LeWinter  + (A shady character who issued a lot of confA shady character who issued a lot of conflicting statements and claimed to be ex-CIA. The official narrative about him - "it's all lies, he's a complete fraud" - scores for simplicity, but does not explain how he could have been so well informed on such a wide range of [[deep state]] operations.[[deep state]] operations.)
  • Accuracy in Media  + (A shady non-profit broadcaster with some good segments.)
  • The Finders  + (A shady paedophile/sex trafficking cult with US deep state backing.)
  • File:Barack Obama - the Unauthorized Biography.pdf  + (A sharp analysis which clearly showed Obama to be more more than a puppet long before most people had noticed there was only rhetoric behind his promises of "change you can believe in".)
  • Sinking of the RMS Lusitania  + (A shipwreck that facilitated the entry of the US into World War I.)
  • Document:Second Baha Mousa Memorial Lecture  + (A shocking introduction to the systematic abuse of prisoners by the British military in Iraq and focusing on the case of Baha Mousa)
  • Sandy Hook  + (A shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.)
  • Bloody Sunday (1972)  + (A shooting of unarmed civil rights protesters and bystanders by the British Army.)
  • 2016 Munich shooting  + (A shooting spree supposedly carried out by an 18 year old, for as yet unexplained purposes.)
  • Gun control shooting  + (A shooting that brings about tighter gun control or debate about it.)
  • The Bravo Evolution Report  + (A short Sci-fi essay by anthropologist Oliver Scott Curry from 2006; was picked up by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].)
  • Document:An open letter to Mr Graham Howell, Director, Secretary, Ofcom  + (A short complaint to Ofcom about the "media restrictions" in support of "democracy")
  • File:Operation Parricide Sade Robespierre & the French Revolution.pdf  + (A short expose of the violence that happened during the years of the [[French Revolution]].)
  • Right Club  + (A short lived group that organised to oppose [[Jewish]] power.)
  • Document:Good war - Bad war  + (A short readable expose of how the myth of the "Good War" is used by the Western Establishment to fashion our 'reality' - focussing on the largely forgotten devastation visited upon the Korean peninsular by the US and its victorious World War II allies.)
  • User:Robin  + (A short summary.)
  • Document:Leaked phone call on Ukraine lays bare Washington’s gangsterism  + (A short, readable resume of US foreign affairs diplomatic gangsterism, illustrated by the "Ukraine-Gate" intercepted telephone conversation between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to the Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.)
  • Norway/Ministry of Foreign Affairs  + (A significant donor to [[NGOs]] and planning organizations. Many of the recipients dovetail with [[NATO]] objectives like [[regime changes]] and [[controlling the narrative]].)
  • 911 Review  + (A simple 9-11 website.)
  • Document:Bob Ainsworth on the subject of the melted cavalry man  + (A simple guide to understanding politicians)
  • Fysbis  + (A simple yet effective [[Linux]] Trojan.)
  • Justice for Megrahi  + (A single issue justice campaign group trying to overturn the 2001 conviction of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi.)
  • Arnold Goodman  + (A sinister "power behind the throne" exerting huge influence on the British establishment.)
  • Skeptical about skeptics  + (A site dedicated to countering dogmatic, ill informed attacks leveled by self-styled skeptics on pioneering scientific research and researchers)
  • Media Lens  + (A site dedicated to exposing and illustrating western corporate media as closely following a 'Propaganda Model' that thoroughly vitiates its claims to being objective, impartial and 'free')
  • MuckRock News  + (A site of interesting documents obtained by FOIA requests.)
  • Patreon  + (A site to encourage donations for content providers, but from late 2020 deleting dissident accounts.)
  • Al-Qaeda  + (A sketchy term that has been repeated endlessly by the corporate media. Its close connections to Western intelligence agencies are never examined. "The Brotherhood" of the modern era.)
  • Document:Alice in Wonderland  + (A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a subject which - for most people, most of the time - is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' or similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed 'as normal'.ole, so that life can proceed 'as normal'.)
  • "Flatten the curve"  + (A slogan introduced during the [[Covid 19]] pandemic.)
  • "Protect the NHS"  + (A slogan used in [[Great Britain]] to justify government actions around the [[NHS]] during [[COVID-19]].)
  • El Salvador  + (A small Spanish-speaking [[nation state]] in [[Central America]]. Brutal [[CIA]] proxy war in the 1980s)
  • Institute on Strategic Trade  + (A small but influential Washington based group started by [[Cercle]] member [[Miles Costick]].)
  • Slovenia  + (A small country in Europe that was never part of the [[Warsaw Pact]].)
  • Albania  + (A small country in Southeastern Europe.)
  • Rhode Island  + (A small island state on the coast of the [[USA]].)
  • Tayen Lane  + (A small publishing house from San Francisco that tried to publish a translated version of [[Udo Ulfkotte]]'s ''Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News'')
  • Cyprus  + (A small, divided, island in the Mediterranean. Greek Cyrpus was aggressively pushing the [[COVID-19/Vaccine]] in May 2021.)
  • Crack cocaine  + (A smokable form of [[cocaine]] which rose in popularity in the USA in the [[1980s]] after the [[CIA]] upscaled the [[CIA/Drug trafficking|cocaine importation]] into the US.)
  • Anti-war  + (A social movement, usually in opposition to a particular nation's decision to start or carry on an armed conflict, unconditional of a maybe-existing just cause.)
  • Laos  + (A socialist state and the only landlocked country in Southeast Asia.)
  • Socialite  + (A socialite is a person, typically a woman from a wealthy and possibly aristocratic background, who is prominent in high society.)
  • C. Wright Mills  + (A sociologist who helped expose the US Ruling class)
  • Bernard Barker  + (A soldier/spook involved both in the assassination of JFK and the Watergate coup.)
 (A solid 9/11 truth website)
  • 911 Blogger  + (A solid 9/11 truth website, running since 2005)
  • 9-11 Research  + (A solid and early 9-11 investigation site, not much updated of late, but still containing valuable material.)
  • User:Robin  + (A solid start on understanding the [[JFK Assassination]].)
  • User:Robin  + (A solid start, but lacking polish.)
  • The Power of Nightmares  + (A some-holds-barred look at how fear has come to dominate politics in America, Britain and around the world — which observes that much of that fear is based on an illusion.)
  • Anthrax  + (A sometimes fatal disease)
  • User:Robin  + (A somewhat disorganised but fact packed page, which gives an angle on the concept never fond in the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]].)
  • 21st Century Wire  + (A sound alternative news site.)
  • User:Robin  + (A sound run through of objections to corporate media, with many leads to follow up for those now to scepticism of the corporate media and a note on modern alternatives.)
  • Document:Whistleblowers - Risks and skills  + (A sound set of advice for would be whistleA sound set of advice for would be whistleblowers, and a ''strong discouragement from trusting the official channels''. As a whistleblower, you need to be aware that a wide set of options is available, and your success in blowing the whistle will depend only in part upon the injustice you expose. Another crucial aspect is your skill set and support network. This essay provides sound advice from an establishment-sceptic researcher who has reviewed a lot of whistleblowing reviewed a lot of whistleblowing cases.)
  • The Black Vault  + (A source of FOIAed US government documents)
  • Project Veritas  + (A source of primary material exposing corruption of the [[US deep state]]. Subject to censorship by [[Reddit]] in 2019. Although not on the [[PropOrNot/List]], the site was on [[Zimdars' list]].)
  • Roxane Farmanfarmaian  + (A specialist in Western policy toward [[Iran]] and [[Iraq]], including issues of [[oil]], [[media]], "[[terrorism]]" and [[Islam]])
  • Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ  + (A spectacular and effective stunt in a $10 million propaganda campaign orchestrated by the Kuwaiti government, which may well have swung the balance in what was a close congressional vote on the use of the US military against the Iraqi invasion.)
  • File:Operation Crimson Mist-Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda.pdf  + (A speculative article about [[psychotronic warfare]].)
  • Document:NSA GCHQ and the Death of Gareth Williams  + (A speculative article connecting the NSA with the death of Gareth Williams)
  • Document:Speech by Head of MI6  + (A speech by then Director General of MI6 to The Society of Editors about the work of the SIS's and their relationship with the media.)
  • Thomas Devine  + (A spook and deep state operative very close to [[George H. W. Bush]])
  • Walter Krivitsky  + (A spook and defector)
  • Hugh Tovar  + (A spook involved in Vietnam and Indonesia)
  • Steve Kangas  + (A spook turned whistleblower who was one of the first political campaigners on the internet. Probably murdered by the [[US Deep state]].)
  • Harry Ferguson  + (A spook who admits that the UK tortured IRA members in Northern Ireland.)
  • Nicholas de Kerchove  + (A spook who attended [[Le Cercle]] on multiple occasions.)
  • John Paisley  + (A spook who died before he could testify in the [[HSCA]].)
  • Manuel Artime  + (A spook who died from cancer before he could testify the [[House Select Committee on Assassinations]].)
  • Vladimiro Montesinos  + (A spook who established [[Peru]] as a narco-state to supply [[cocaine]] to the [[cabal]])
  • Manfred Schlickenrieder  + (A spook who for two decades posed as an environmental activist in order to spy for [[big oil]] and [[intelligence agencies]].)
  • Gordon Lonsdale  + (A spook who organised the [[Portland Spy Ring]]. Died in suspicious circumstances in Moscow.)
  • Lionel Crabb  + (A spook whose illadvised fatal dive lead to the early retirement of MI6 Director general, [[John Sinclair]].)
  • Wirt Dexter Walker III  + (A spook whose stock trades strongly suggest that he had foreknowledge of the 9/11 event.)
  • John Bellinger  + (A spook/lawyer representing the more patient and more PR-friendly approach to Empire)
  • Richard Gutjahr  + (A spookily prescient journalist who just happened to be situated twice in two weeks to shoot video of "terrorist" attacks.)
  • Harken Energy  + (A spooky Bush dominated company which never made much money for outsiders.)
  • Coalition for Peace Through Security  + (A spooky UK front group to try to oppose [[CND]].)
  • Laura Jordan Dietrich  + (A spooky US government insider)
  • Tore Lindeman  + (A spooky [[whistleblower]] who appears in ''[[Shadowgate]]'', whose credentials have been subsequently questioned.)
  • Resistance International  + (A spooky anti-communist anti-communist organisation that existed between 1983 and 1988)
  • American Center for Democracy  + (A spooky anti-corruption group)
  • Export–Import Bank of the United States  + (A spooky bank, central in US power projection around the world)
  • Kobi Alexander  + (A spooky businessman with connections to 9-11 and 7-7.)
  • Colloquium on Clandestine Collection  + (A spooky colloquium in Washington DC)
  • Document:Independent journalism in hostile places or How to report Repressive Regimes and survive  + (A spooky company called Foreign Desk Ltd suggest a joint event with the Integrity Initiative. The proposal has comments from II's Victor Madeira)
  • Honeypot  + (A spooky concept.)
  • Colloquium on Intelligence and Policy  + (A spooky conference in November 1984)
  • Erle Cocke  + (A spooky deep state operative who made a death bed confession of CIA involvement.)
  • Peter Wilkinson  + (A spooky funder of [[Brian Crozier]].)
  • Kuwaiti-American Corporation  + (A spooky group which between 1993 and 1999 held a controlling share of Securacom.)
  • PropOrNot  + (A spooky group which kicked off the steadily intensifying "[[Fake News Website]]" campaign)
  • John Barron  + (A spooky journalist who wrote on the evils of the KGB.)
  • Tom Slick  + (A spooky millionaire businessman)
  • The Enterprise  + (A sprawling criminal network of thousands of people in key positions across USA. Set up by head of [[The Cabal]], [[George H. W. Bush]].)
  • Kaiser Wilhelm Institute  + (A sprawling umbrella organization for many institutes, testing stations, and research units. After 1945, continued as the [[Max Planck Society]].)
  • The Spike  + (A spy thriller by twospooks.)
  • Elizabeth Pack  + (A spy who used sex to gain information during WWII.)
  • Mort Sahl  + (A stand up comedian similar to [[George Carlin]] who spoke out about the crimes of the [[US deep state]].)
  • PCR method  + (A standard DNA-amplification method in medical laboratories, but misused to create a false pandemic during the [[COVID-19|COVID-19 deep event]].)
  • Wakefield standoff  + (A standoff between an anti-government militia and the [[police]], in July 2021 in Wakefield, [[Massachusetts]].)
  • Document:Project Babylon and the still smoking Iraqi supergun  + (A startling account of the murky dealings of the British political establishment and security services surrounding the [[Arms-to-Iraq]] affair in general and the legal proceedings against [[Asil Nadir]] in particular)
  • Document:Masters of metal  + (A startling and ominous analysis of progress towards an impending New world Order)
  • Document:Doreen and Karen – a tale of two mothers  + (A startling and telling comparison of the treatment of two horrific racially-motivated murders by the UK Establishment.)
  • Social isolation  + (A state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and [[society]]. Encouraged by the PTB.)
  • BBC  + (A state propaganda apparatus disguised as a quasi-autonomous public service corporation.)
  • Nieuwsuur  + (A state-funded [[TV]] program that replaced several award-winning current affairs programs that were "too biased"...meaning not following the [[official narrative]].)
  • Document:Forgive us for not dying in Slavyansk  + (A statement by Igor Druze, Advisor to Igor Strelkov, following the DPR militia withdrawal from Slavyansk and their arrival in Donetsk)
  • Document:Ex-Intelligence Officers, Others See Plusses in WikiLeaks Disclosures  + (A statement of support for Wikileaks. "The big question is not whether Americans can 'handle the truth.' We believe they can...")
  • Document:Renowed German Mathematician and Professor of Statistics Slams Dramatization of Covid-19  + (A statistical demolition of the assumptions underlying official models being used to manage the COVID-19 pandemic)
  • Anna Politkovskaya  + (A staunch opponent of the Second Chechen War who was assassinated.)
  • European Coal and Steel Community  + (A step towards European Union)
  • User:Robin  + (A still fairly untidy but useful introduction of how UK politics have been manipulated from behind the scenes and what the group is currently up to.)
  • User:Robin  + (A still slightly random assortment of ways in to the purposes of the fiction of drug interdiction and the reality of the multi-trillion dollar business which this charade evolved to protect.)
  • Stock market crash  + (A stock market crash is a type of financial [[disaster]])
  • Sijbren de Jong  + (A strategic analyst for the [[IfS]] and one of the Dutch standard media figures on Russian policy.)
  • Document:Institute for Statecraft Event Nigeria  + (A strict security round table discussion with Donald Duke, very likely to be a candidate in the next presidential elections in Nigeria)
  • Muammar Gaddafi  + (A strikingly independent leader who rarely cowtowed to the Western establishment.)
  • James Eastland  + (A strong opponent of African American civil rights and a leading supporter of Jim Crow laws)
  • University of Gothenburg  + (A strong tradition of research innovation)
  • Methamphetamine  + (A strongly addictive recreational drug)
  • Document:Pro-Kremlin trolls infiltrating comments on news sites for major influence operation, research says  + (A study at [[Cardiff University]] shows that "Pro-Kremlin [[trolls]]" are influencing opinion in the West by infiltrating the comments sections of news [[websites]]. Dissent from the [[Official Narrative]]? Must be [[Russian]] [[disinformation]].)
  • File:Awara-Study-Russia-Economy-09.012.2014.pdf  + (A study of developments in the Russian economy between 2000 and 2014)
  • File:Antisemitism-Cui Bono.pdf  + (A study of the relationship between Zionism and its perennial allegations of antisemitism among majority gentile populations, especially in Europe and the USA)
  • Thales UK  + (A subsidiary of [[Thales]].)
  • Hollywood/Predictive programming  + (A subtle form of [[psychological conditioning]]A subtle form of [[psychological conditioning]] provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes. If and when these changes are put through, the public will already be familiarized with them and will accept them more likely as "natural progressions".<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>]</a></sup>)
  • Underwear bombing  + (A successful [[engineer]] supposedly turns "[[extremist]]", joins [[Al-Qaeda]] and boards a plane with a professional made [[bomb]] in his underwear without a passport. His [[handler]] has never been found.)
  • Public Diplomacy Department  + (A successor to the Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Information Department  + (A successor to the Overseas Information Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)
  • Document:Arabs Beware the Small States Option  + (A succinct introduction to proposals, wideA succinct introduction to proposals, widely canvassed among Western Elites but otherwise largely suppressed, to impose a new political settlement on the entire Middle East involving the re-ordering of its national borders along sectarian lines. These proposals represent the increasingly dominant leitmotif of 21st century Globalist driven Middle-Eastern policy.ry Globalist driven Middle-Eastern policy.)
  • Bilderberg/Effect  + (A sudden career advancement, such as might happen to a [[deep state functionary]] who attends a [[Bilderberg meeting]])
  • Peteano bombing  + (A suicide bomb attack which lured 3 carabinieri to their deaths with a booby trapped car bomb. The cover up of this murder - and its later ''un''covering by Italian judge [[Felice Casson]] was a major event in the exposure of [[Operation Gladio]].)
  • File:A Global Chronology of Incidents of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Attacks 1950-2005.pdf  + (A summary of Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear Attacks, from 1950 - 2005, giving the number of injuries and fatalities, and other information (if known) on the perpetrators and motives.)
  • Document:Estonia: Sunk due to n-cargo?  + (A summary of an article from the Belgian rA summary of an article from the Belgian reporter Maarten Rabaey in the De Morgen newspaper from 27 April 1996 about details of the sinking of the ship, the so-called 'Felix Report' and the reasoning behind the almost immediate sealing of the wreck in a sarcophagus. Archive of this article [ here] and [ here]monitor/452/estonia-sunk-due-n-cargo here])
  • File:Report on Terrorism 2014.pdf  + (A summary of global "terrorism" in 2014.)
  • File:Haider-leaflet.pdf  + (A summary of inconsistent facts surrounding the crash.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1955.pdf  + (A summary of the 1955 Bilderberg meeting that took place from September 23-25 at the Grand Hotel Sonnenbichl in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, West Germany.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1958.pdf  + (A summary of the 1958 Bilderberg meeting that took place from 13-15 September 1958 in Buxton, England)
  • File:Bilderberg-meeting-report-1958.pdf  + (A summary of the 1958 Bilderberg meeting that took place from September 18-20 at the Çinar Hotel in Yeşilköy, Istanbul, Turkey.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1960.pdf  + (A summary of the 1960 Bilderberg meeting that took place from May 28-29 at the Palace Hotel in Bürgenstock, Nidwalden, Switzerland.)
  • File:Bilderberg-Conference-Report-1961.pdf  + (A summary of the 1961 Bilderberg meeting that took place from 21 April 1961 - 23 April 1961 at St-Castin, Quebec, Canada)
  • File:Bilderberg-meeting-report-1962.pdf  + (A summary of the 1962 Bilderberg meeting in Saltsjöbaden, Sweden.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1963.pdf  + (A summary of the 1963 Bilderberg meeting that took place from May 29-31 in Cannes, France.)
  • File:Bilderberg-meetings-report-1980.pdf  + (A summary of the 1980 Bilderberg meeting that took place from April 18-20 at the Dorint Sofitel Quellenhof in Aachen, Germany.)
  • 9-11/Legal action  + (A summary of the contradictory array of legal judgements around 9-11)
  • Document:Why I wear a white poppy  + (A summary of the reasons why the author wears a white poppy during the UK Remembrance Day commemoration.)
  • Document:10 Ways We Are Being Tracked Traced and Databased  + (A summary overview of technological developments in the main branches of surveillance technology with examples of their current and developing application.)
  • Mega Group  + (A super-secret, by-invitation-only group of powerful American and Canadian "mega-billionaires," who meet behind closed doors twice a year, to set the overall policy for the "official" Israel Lobby in North America)
  • Faraj Hassan  + (A supporter of [[Aafia Siddiqui]])
  • Gerald Posner  + (A supporter of [[US deep state]] [[official narrative]]s)
  • Alan Dershowitz  + (A supporter of [[torture]] and legal defender of [[Jeffrey Epstein]])
  • Catherine Perez-Shakdam  + (A suspected Israeli spy who infiltrated [[Iran]] under journalistic cover. To create a [[legend]], she got herself hired by among others the independent media outlets [[MintPress News]] and [[American Herald Tribune]].)
  • Keir Starmer  + (A suspected [[deep state operative]], who as [[Director of Public Prosecutions]] failed to prosecute [[Jimmy Savile]] but pressed on with charges against [[Julian Assange]].)
  • Boston Marathon bombings  + (A suspicious bombing with an even more suspicious attempt at a clean up - including the murder of [[Ibragim Todashev]] while in police custody.)
  • Eventide Home fire  + (A suspicious fire.)
  • Document:A Day in the Life of a Banned Canadian  + (A sympathetic (and anonymous) interview with Kevin Annett.)
  • Document:The Mystery of Dr Aafia Siddiqui  + (A sympathetic retelling of the persecution of Aafia Siddiqui, up to 2009.)
  • LSD  + (A synthetic psychedelic which is widely used as recreationally.)
  • Dead man's switch  + (A system designed to operate if a human is incapacitated.)
  • Social credit system  + (A system of '''reward and punishment mechanisms''' for the government to control its citizens.)
  • Social credit system/China  + (A system of '''reward and punishment mechanisms''' for the Chinese government to control its citizens.)
  • University of Colorado  + (A system of public universities in Colorado consisting of four campuses)
  • University of Illinois  + (A system of public universities in Illinois consisting of three universities: [[University of Illinois at Chicago|Chicago]], [[University of Illinois Springfield|Springfield]], and [[University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign|Urbana-Champaign]])
  • Law  + (A system of rules that are enforced through social institutions in an effort to try to control behaviour. In the modern world, it is often enforced top down through a hierarchical system of paid functionaries.)
  • Parapolitics  + (A system or practice of politics in which accountability is consciously diminished.)
  • File:Auschwitz - A judge looks at the evidence.pdf  + (A systematic, critical examination of the documents, testimonies, confessions and personal accounts relating to [[Auschwitz]] as a center of programmatic extermination by gassing and other means)
  • Operation Nicole  + (A tabletop exercise "based on a realistic counter terrorism incident... specifically developed for Muslim communities".)
  • SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028  + (A tabletop pandemic planning exercise that gave advice how to handle "communication challenges" in a vaccination campaign after the public has become aware that it is more damaging than the disease. Held October 2017.)
  • Asset stripping  + (A tactic used to centralise control and power.)
  • 1986 United States bombing of Libya  + (A tactical air attack on [[Libya]] by the [[United States]] which targeted [[Muammar Gaddafi]] but missed)
  • Prenatal Ultrasound  + (A taken-for-granted component of modern maternity care..but critics say it may cause permanent and heritable damage for ten generations and beyond.)
  • Dilawar  + (A taxi driver who was in the wrong place at the the wrong time. Tortured while in US custody and dead within the week. A leaked autopsy revealed "homicide", but the US authorities have not taken any action in this regard.)
  • NewsGuard  + (A tech company which is teaming up with [[Microsoft]] as regards "[[fake news]]")
  • Apple  + (A tech company, in a [[corrupt]]A tech company, in a [[corrupt]] duopoly with [[Microsoft]], its effective [[social engineering]] of children during the [[2010s]] and [[2000s]] and its adaption of youth culture made it the most valuable company in the world. [[PRISM]]-member. Throws activists or anyone not a [[WEF]]-member of their platform in geopolitical dilemmas. [[Fashion industry]] and [[wage slavery]] promoter.[[wage slavery]] promoter.)
  • Autumn Radtke  + (A tech-valley CEO of a bitcoin exchange who died a violent death, aged 28. It was ruled a suicide.)
  • Auckland University of Technology  + (A technical college before year 2000)
  • The Verge  + (A technology news and media outlet)
  • Giles Radice  + (A template for [[Tony Blair]] arguing for "modernization" of the [[Labour Party]]. A leading member of the [[European Movement]] in the UK.)
  • Bristol Covid surge hub  + (A temporary [[Nightingale Hospital]] was built in [[Bristol]] in January 2022, ostensibly to deal with the [[Omicron variant]]. It closed without having treated a single patient.)
  • The Pedophocracy  + (A term coined by David McGowan, who claims that the abuse of children forms a part of the habits of control of the ruling elite.)
  • "Hate symbols"  + (A term created by the [[ADL]]. An [[enemy image]] mobilised to facilitate legal restriction of [[free speech]].)
  • Great Awakening  + (A term in conspiracy culture.)
  • "Open government"  + (A term used to promote faith in government.)
  • Eurabia  + (A term: portmanteau of [[Europe]] and [[Arabia]].)
  • Juval Aviv  + (A terrorism expert and Mossad operative who once remarked on live TV: "It's easy to put a truck bomb, as we did, er, as happened in London.")
  • 2016 Brussels Bombing  + (A terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3A terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to [[ISIS]] by the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]], clearly assuming the people are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" [[Official Narrative]][[Official Narrative]])
  • Mujahedin-e Khalq  + (A terroristic cult seeking to overthrow the government of Iran. First allied to the USSR, then to Saddam Hussein and then finally to Israel.)
  • File:Carter-Ruck Syria Report.pdf  + (A text-book example of the how and why of demonising one's enemies. A widely reported shock-horror document is 'leaked' just prior to a conference, the outcome of which is regarded as crucial to Western global policy interests.)
  • Electronic Privacy Information Center  + (A think tank concerned with the impact of technology on privacy and free speech.)
  • International Centre for Counter-Terrorism  + (A think tank set up by [[Clingendael]], the [[Netherlands/Ministry of Foreign Affairs]] and [[Leiden University]] aiming to "instruct and organize [[counterterrorism]] plans".)
  • "Fact checking"  + (A thinly veiled effort to counter suspicion in official narratives as promoted by the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]. i.e. "Trust us, we've fact checked this article".)
  • Document:Sex Plague - The Normalisation of Deviance and Depravity  + (A thorough analysis of how sexual deviance and depravity is becoming normalised in the USA and much of the Western World. The article identifies the political, cultural and religious forces behind this revolution, together with the reasons for it.)
  • ISGP  + (A thoroughly researched collection of articles which tell some important and generally untold stories, especially about the rich and powerful.)
  • User:Robin  + (A thought provoking introduction to the 2001 Anthrax mailings, which were used to cow opposition to the [[PATRIOT Act]], including the remarkable fact that the FBI's case lead has sued the agency, alleging malpractice!)
  • Alpha-gal syndrome  + (A tick-borne allergy to red meat that some have speculated is a biological weapon.)
  • Vaduz Institute  + (A tight-knit circle of conservative politicians, managers and military strategists who continue to meet in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, four times a year.)
  • Document:Countdown to Destruction in Syria  + (A timeline of US and Western-European interference in Syria since its formation in 1916)
  • Document:Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Veto  + (A timeline summary of political/diplomatic events leading to the Russia/China veto of the February 2012 UNSC resolution on Syria.)
  • City of London  + (A tiny part of central London not fully subject to the authority of parliament.)
  • Coincidence theory  + (A tongue in cheek suggestion by Michael Parenti. It suggests that no conspiracy is necessary, things repeatedly happen by chance in ways that magically maintain the interests of the very wealthy, year after year.)
  • Document:The slandering of a Russian “Elon Musk”  + (A tongue-in-cheek analysis of strange goings-on in the Russian Drone design and manufacturing industry; but with a hard edge to it which plausibly suggests Isaeli-Mossad shenanigans)
  • Document:Navalny, Ukraine and the West  + (A tongue-in-cheek, mildly satirical commenA tongue-in-cheek, mildly satirical commentary on the latest "Vladimir Putin poisoned my cat" [[Novichok]] nonsense emanating from the Westerm media over the September 2020 hospitalisation of Russian 'opposition politician' and Western super-hero [[Alexei Navalny]][[Alexei Navalny]])
  • Television  + (A tool of [[20th century]] [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]], now used as a tool of [[mass surveillance]].)
  • Smartphone  + (A tool of [[mass surveillance]])
  • "Conspiracy mindset"  + (A tool of [[the deep state]] to undermine opposition. Anyone who believes in high level corruption (holds "[[conspiracy beliefs]]") is assumed to be mentally abnormal and deficient, although the majority of the population do so.)
  • Woodrow Wilson  + (A tool of the US deep state.)
  • Achnacarry Agreement  + (A top secret 1928 agreement to form an oil [[cartel]] of all the major oil producers of the time)
  • Manhattan Project  + (A top secret project to develop [[nuclear weapons]] for use in WW2)
  • Low Traffic Neighbourhood  + (A top-down scheme implemented to reduce through-traffic in residential areas through the use of filtered permeability and traffic calming.)
  • Third rail topic  + (A topic that is not to be touched.)
  • Mount Allison University  + (A total of 55 [[Rhodes Scholarships]], the highest per capita of any Canadian university.)
  • Tor Moursund  + (A towering figure in Norwegian banking from the 1960s until his death in 1996. Attended the [[Bilderberg/1981|1981]] and [[Bilderberg/1982|1982 Bilderberg]] meetings.)
  • British Bankers' Association  + (A trade association for bankers which was working with the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Oslo Commerce School  + (A traditional mercantile high school in "the best part" of Oslo.)
  • June 2009 Washington Metro train collision  + (A train accident which some consider a murder, since it eliminated a high ranking witness to the events of [[9-11]].)
  • Operation Paperclip  + (A transfer of top German scientists to USA.)
  • Ottawa Treaty  + (A treaty to ban [[land mine]]s.)
  • "Islamic terrorism"  + (A trenchant [[enemy image]], reinforced by the clandestine arming and training of groups under [[Operation Gladio/B]])
  • Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission  + (A tribunal to address the 2003 invasion ofA tribunal to address the 2003 invasion of Iraq and associated abuses. Its verdict:- the UK/US/NATO establishment is guilty of war crimes. So far the criminals remain at large — but are staying out of Malaysia, the country in which the tribunal was carried out.try in which the tribunal was carried out.)
  • Document:Post Trip Report Euan Grant  + (A trip report by Euan Grant)
  • Triple agent  + (A triple agent is a spy who pretends to be a double agent for one side, while they are truthfully a double agent for the other side.)
  • Document:Combatting Russian Disinformation  + (A truly astonishing II document, with a loA truly astonishing II document, with a lot of dirty methods. It is written by an established covert French propaganda network, spreading more than a 1000 stories a month, offering to work for II. "our ability to publish articles across hundreds of credible media outlets means that any campaign we undertake will have far more sway than the content published only on state-sponsored outlets RT and Sputnik, and their local few allies." and Sputnik, and their local few allies.")
  • Courage Foundation  + (A trust for fundraising the legal defence of individuals such as whistleblowers and journalists.)
  • Antibiotic  + (A type of drugs intended to kill bacterial infections.)
  • Antidepressant  + (A type of drugs prescribed to sufferers of [[depression]])
  • Bond  + (A type of security under which the issuer (debtor) owes the holder (creditor) a debt, and is obliged to repay over a specified amount of time.)
  • Electromagnetic Pulse  + (A type of weapon where a large amount of electric and magnetic energy is released - often by mobile device such as car or missile - on a smaller scale than a nuclear weapon. Its effects can be devastating for electronic devices.)
  • Democratic Unionist Party  + (A unionist (protestant, pro-UK) political party in [[Northern Ireland]])
  • Rod Thornton  + (A university lecturer who fired after he published a paper about his university's mistreatment of a Muslim students under the "war on terror" pretext.)
  • University of California  + (A university system in California. The Irvine campus mandated [[Covid-19 vaccination]] in 2021.)
  • Yellowcake  + (A uranium concentrate powder obtained as an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores, sought as a raw material for production of nuclear weapons.)
  • Document:US media, politicians mobilize against Sochi Olympics  + (A useful analysis of the orchestrated campaign of vilification against Russia and its president coincident with the run-up to the Sochi winter Olympics.)
  • Document:The Labour Party turns on the Israel Lobby  + (A useful analysis of the paranoia of the Jewish-dominated British Establishment and its media at the prospect of the Labour Party being led by someone who is not 'de-rigeur' subservient to the Israel Lobby)
  • File:TheGasChamberOfSherlockHolmes.pdf  + (A useful and readable non-technical review of the evidence for the alleged extensive use of homicidal gas chambers by Germany during WWII.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful closer look at this increasingly important topic.)
  • User:Robin  + (A useful glossary which explains some of [[Peter Dale Scott]]'s terminology - which has been highly influential in writing this site. A useful adjunct to the [[Project:Glossary]].)
  • Document:How Russia betrayed America  + (A useful mirror image of the Anglo-US-Nato official narrative about Russia)
  • Thought experiment  + (A useful philosophical argument; whereby ideas are thought through in order to reach a hypothetical conclusion.)
  • Document:The War on Conspiracy Realists Continues  + (A useful run-down on the Orwellian absurdity of recently announced UK government measures to 'combat extremism' which in practice mean to make life difficult for people who effectively question the [[Official Narrative]] on the [[War on Terror]])
  • Opinion poll  + (A useful survey method)
  • RNA Vaccine  + (A vaccine based on changing the human RNA. The concept has long been of high military interest.)
  • Vaccine  + (A vaccine is a biological preparation intended to provide active acquired immunity to a particular disease.)
  • Grassy knoll  + (A vantage point used by one or more of the [[JFK assassination]] team.)
  • Clinton body count  + (A variety of lists showing a large number of persons who have met their demise in suspicious circumstances, often execution-style, who appear to have some connection to the Clintons.)
  • Mitrokhin Archive  + (A vast number of handwritten notes allegedly smuggled out of KGB archives by defector [[Vasili Mitrokhin]], but possibly a British intelligence disinformation operation.)
  • Black Op Radio  + (A vast source of audio material about [[conspiracies]] in general and the [[JFK Assassination]] in particular.)
  • Wikipedia  + (A vast, one of a kind, multi-language, multi-editor encyclopaedia.)
  • Frontline Club  + (A venue used by the [[Institute for Statecraft]]/[[Integrity Initiative]]. Founded by former military officer turned "independent" journalist.)
  • Canada/Genocide  + (A very dark chapter of Canada's history whA very dark chapter of Canada's history which was chanced upon and the determinedly exposed by Rev. Kevin Annett. For well over a century, Native Canadians were abused, infected with smallpox or TB, forcibly sterilised and sometimes flat out murdered in a climate of impunity. The Canadian government issued a formal apology for the episode in 2008, though it also announced that while some compensation payments would be made, the genocide would go made, the genocide would go unpunished.)
  • Jerry Sullivan  + (A very experienced retired soldier and current [[Department of State]]-officer named part of the Dutch Cluster for the [[II]] of the [[IfS]].)
  • From The Wilderness  + (A very highly respected alternative news source, now defunct.)
  • Phillips Exeter Academy  + (A very large number of CIA and deep state operatives have attended this school.)
  • The Pilgrims Society  + (A very low profile group that has been in operation for over a century and has Elizabeth Regina as its patron. Members include ministers, diplomats, CEOs and others. Who knows what this "dining society" discusses over dinner?...)
  • User:Robin  + (A very short page, but one with many links to [[deep events]] in which CCTV footage was unavailable, lost or falsified.)
  • Making Intelligence Smarter  + (A very spooky [[Council on Foreign Relations]] task force recommending among other things continued large budgets and overturning bans on [[CIA]] members [[journalistic cover|posing as journalists]] and members of the clergy in covert operations overseas.)
  • 9-11/WTC7/Destruction/Censorship  + (A very telling omission by the corporate media, lasting for several years, that totally suppressed mention of the complete (forewarned) collapse of WTC7. Note that the 911 originally neglected to give an account of this unprecedented event.)
  • Alex Jones  + (A very vocal and popular radio show host who occasionally has predicted deep events. Although having a very loyal fan base, several researchers have called him a [[spook]].)
  • Center for American Progress  + (A very well funded US [[think tank]] and advocacy organization closely aligned with the Democratic Party establishment.)
  • Document:Ukraine: One ‘Regime Change’ Too Many?  + (A veteran CIA analyst's take on the US-NATO regime change push in the Ukraine)
  • Alisha Owen  + (A victim of the [[Franklin child prostitution ring]] who served 4½ years for [[perjury]] after blowing the whistle on the group)
  • Vimeo  + (A video sharing platform.)
  • Monkeypox  + (A virus found in the 1950s in monkeys. TheA virus found in the 1950s in monkeys. The lurid exaggerations in the corporate media presentation of Monkeypox have many similarities to [[Covid-19]]. The symptoms are remarkably similar to one of the main side effects of [[COVID-19/Vaccine|Covid-19 jabs]].[[COVID-19/Vaccine|Covid-19 jabs]].)
  • Marburg virus  + (A virus presented by corporate media in 20A virus presented by corporate media in 2021 as the next big thing, despite only a handful of deaths since 2005. Super-deadly but apparently now with asymptomatic infection (i.e no symptoms) that can be detected with a [[PCR test]]. May be cover for vaccine injuries.[[PCR test]]. May be cover for vaccine injuries.)
  • Swine flu (H1N1)  + (A virus that was massively promoted as becA virus that was massively promoted as becoming a deadly pandemic for about 20 months on corporate media, from January 2009 to August 2010. Was declared a pandemic by WHO, with governments making big purchases for vaccines, only to throw them away, as the flu was deemed more damaging world wide.e flu was deemed more damaging world wide.)
  • JMWAVE  + (A vital CIA station in the development of the conspiracy to assassinate [[JFK]], and therefore in the development of the modern day [[US Deep state]].)
  • Rockefeller family  + (A vital family in the [[US Deep state]], since the days of [[The Money Trust]])
  • The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies  + (A vital, mostly overlooked [[Dutch]]A vital, mostly overlooked [[Dutch]] think-tank operating in the parliamentary quarter of [[The Hague]]. One of the biggest data centres working closely with multiple Dutch ministries. The prolific alliance of founders make its ties to the [[Dutch Deep state]] and [[Military-industrial complex]] highly plausible.[[Military-industrial complex]] highly plausible.)
  • Denis Voronenkov  + (A vocal critic of [[Vladimir Putin]]. Assassinated in 2017.)
  • Sijbren de Jong  + (A vocal strategic analyst for the [[IfS]], vitally helped with the set-up of the Dutch Cluster of the [[II|II]] with his employer and the [[Dutch MOD|Dutch MOD]].)
  • Blackballing  + (A voting procedure used for secret ballots)
  • 2003 Iraq War  + (A war for oil carried out after "[[Operation Mass Appeal]]" an MI6-backed propaganda campaign.)
  • Yemen  + (A war torn country in the [[Middle East]])
  • Gulf War  + (A war used by the US to effectively cow the Saudis into submission and bolster US military domination of the Gulf region.)
  • Brave New World  + (A warning - or a manual?)
  • James W. McCord  + (A watergate burglar, CIA, FBI)
  • Polarising perspective  + (A way of framing the debates that effectively hinders consensus and promotes disharmony.)
  • Land mine  + (A weapon which is semi-buried in the ground until activated, e.g. by someone stepping on them.)
  • Epik  + (A web hosting company.)
  • AltCensored  + (A website archiving material [[censored by YouTube]])
  • Conspiracy Dossiers  + (A website dedicated to investigations of important information regarding supranational parapolitics and the dark events surrounding it.)
  • CAVDEF  + (A website dedicated to voter fraud and serial killers.)
  • Reclaim The Net  + (A website focused on daily news about censorship in the United States and worldwide.)
  • Crimes of Britain  + (A website focused on exposing the crimes of the UK)
  • Spy Culture  + (A website focused on the intersection of the intelligence agencies and the entertainment industries.)
  • Wikipediocracy  + (A website for discussion and criticism of Wikipedia.)
  • Counterterrorism Blog  + (A website hosting numerous rightwing terrorism experts.)
  • Islamic News  + (A website set up to entrap Islamists by posing as a Jihadi site)
  • Leak site  + (A website to promote the leaking of information.)
  • The Free Thought Project  + (A website which publishes "conversations about the promotion of [[liberty]] and the daunting task of [[government accountability]]." Negatively reviewed by "[[fact-checker]]" [[Snopes]].)
  • Rogue Media Labs  + (A website which republished all the [[Integrity Initiative Leak]] documents)
  • 2001 Anthrax attacks  + (A week after [[9/11]]A week after [[9/11]], weaponised anthrax spores was sent from a US lab to media offices and to two U.S. Senators who were obstructing the rollback of [[civil liberties]]. A $100M [[FBI]] investigation concluded that posthumously blamed a "[[lone nut]]" researcher. In 2015, the FBI head of the investigation sued the [[US Attorney General]] alleging that exculpating evidence had been exculpating evidence had been withheld.)
  • Ed Gullion  + (A week after he arrived in Zaire, [[Dag Hammarskjöld]]'s plane crashed.)
  • Wagner Group  + (A well known ruthless [[private military contractor]]. Its founders were involved in a chaotic coup in [[2023]].)