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The Pilgrims Society

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Group.png The Pilgrims Society  
(Deep state milieu, Dining clubISGP WebsiteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Pilgrims of GB dinner, 9 January 1951. Flags and logo in background
Pilgrims logo.gif
Formation16 July 1902
LeaderPresident of the Pilgrims Society
Type secret society
Interest ofJoël van der Reijden, Charles Savoie
Exposed byJoël van der Reijden, Lillian Scott Troy
Recipient ofDocument:Pilgrims Society Address 2002
Membership• 25.Jun.2015 Prince Philip in Frankfurt.jpg Philip Mountbatten
•  Princess Anne Laurence
• Charles Mountbatten-Windsor.jpg Charles Windsor
• Andrew Jeffrey.jpg Andrew Edward Windsor
•  Arthur William Patrick Albert Windsor
•  Edward Windor
•  Gooderham Acheson
•  John Lyon-Dalberg-Acton
•  Charles Francis IV Adams
•  Julius Ochs Adler
•  Alfred Lawrence Aiken
•  Herbert I. Aldrich
• Nelson W. Aldrich 1841–1915.jpg Nelson Wilmarth Aldrich
•  Winthrop Williams Aldrich
•  Malcolm Pratt Aldrich
•  Hulbert Stratton Aldrich
•  Charles Beatty Alexander
•  Henry Clay Alexander
•  Arthur Marvin Anderson
•  Ernest Angell
•  Mark A. Angelson
•  Walter H. Annenberg
•  Norman Armour
•  Anne Legendre Armstrong
• William Waldorf Astor.jpg William Waldorf Astor
•  William Vincent Astor
•  (Roberta) Brooke Russell Astor
• David Astor.png Francis David Langhorne Astor
•  Gavin Astor
• John Jacob Astor.jpg John Jacob Astor
• Clement Attlee.png Clement Richard Attlee
•  Jules Semon Bache
•  Ancell H. Bail
• George Fisher Baker.jpg George Fisher Baker
•  George Fisher Baker III
• JamesBaker.jpg James Addison Baker III
• George Ball.jpg George Wildman Ball
•  Charles Finch Barber
•  James William Barco
•  Clement Anderson Montague Barlow
•  J. Arthur Barratt
•  Edmund Bartlett
•  Stephen F. Bayne
•  James M. Beck
• Elliott v bell.png Elliott V. Bell
•  August Belmont Jr.
•  Franklin Bartlett Benkard
•  Courtenay Walter Bennet
•  William Benton
•  Charles William de la Poer Beresford
•  Leonard Bernstein
•  Samuel Reading Bertron
•  Edward J. Berwind
•  David H. Biddle
•  Francis Beverly Biddle
•  Anthony J. Drexel Biddle Jr.
•  Robert W. Bigelow
•  Robert Worth Bingham
•  Thomas Henry Bingham
•  Pelham Saint George Bissell
•  Eugene Robert Black
• Elmer Bobst.png Elmer Holmes Bobst
•  Philip Edward Leo Africa Bonn
•  Robert Lew Boron
•  Richard A. Boucher
•  Frederic H. Brandi
•  Mortimer Brandt
• Kingman Brewster Jr., photographic portrait -1951.jpg Kingman Brewster Jr.
•  Ian G.M. Brownlie
• 440px-1st Viscount Bryce 1902b.jpg James Bryce
•  Lee Hastings Bristol
•  Alfred Brittain III
• Harry Brittain.png Harry Brittain
•  Franklin Q. Brown
•  David Kirkpatrick Este Bruce
•  James Cabell Bruce
•  Hugh Bullock
•  William A. Moale Burden
• Warren E. Burger.png Warren Earl Burger
•  George W. Burleigh
•  Edward Levy-Lawson
•  Arthur Frank Burns
•  Irving T. Bush
• Portrait of Nicholas Murray Butler.jpg Nicholas Murray Butler
•  Laurence John Cadbury
•  Newcomb Carlton
• Andrew Carnegie in National Portrait Gallery IMG 4441.JPG Andrew Carnegie
• Lord-Carrington.jpg Peter Carrington
•  Louis S. Cates
•  John Martin Cate Jr.
•  George Edward Gordon Catlin
•  Henry Edward Catto Jr.
•  John Calwell Calhoun
•  John Caulcutt
•  George Cave
•  Robert Gascoyne Cecil
•  William Merriam Chadbourne
•  Adna Romanza Chaffee
•  Arthur Neville Chamberlain
•  Michael Harrison Charles
•  Joseph H. Choate
•  Warren M. Christopher
•  Walter Percy Chrysler
•  Elihu Church
• Winston Churchill.jpg Winston Churchill
•  G. Russell Clark
•  Caspar Purdon Clarke
•  Robert Clarkson
•  James B. Clews
•  Richardson Clover
•  Charles P. Coleman
•  Leighton Hammond Coleman
•  Richard Vincent
•  Barron Gift Collier
•  Richard Henn Collins
•  Robert Moore Collins
•  Joan Breton Connelly
•  Henry Clark Corbin
•  Wykeham Stanley Cornwallis
•  Frederic René Coudert
•  Frederic René Coudert Jr.
•  Alexis Carrel Coudert
•  Eric Norman Spencer Crankshaw
•  William C. Crooks
•  William Nelson Cromwell
•  Julian Crossley
•  William J. Crowe Jr.
•  Joseph F. Cullman III
• Curzon GGBain.jpg George Curzon
•  Robert Fulton Cutting
•  John William Davis
•  Henry Pomeroy Davison
•  Charles G. Dawes
• Arthur Dean.jpg Arthur Hobson Dean
•  Richard A. Debs
•  Chauncey Mitchell Depew
•  Clarence Dillon
•  Clarence Douglas Dillon
•  Joseph Richardson Dilworth
•  Alva Clymer Dinkey
•  John Thompson Dorrance
•  Donald W. Douglas
•  Lewis Williams Douglas
•  Hugh Aloysius Drum
•  James Buchanan Duke
•  Angier Biddle Duke
• 5141136-3x2-700x467.jpg John Foster Dulles
• Allen w dulles.jpg Allen Welsh Dulles
•  William Butler Duncan
•  Gano Dunn
• Dupont copeland.png Lammot Du Pont Copeland
•  Richard Eells
•  Harry E. Ekblom
•  Ellsworth Eliot
•  William Phelps Eno
• Reginald Brett.jpg Reginald Esher
•  James H. Evans
•  Urban Huttleston Rogers Broughton
• William S. Farish III.jpg William Stamps Farish III
•  Eric Odin Faulkner
•  Marshall Field
•  Henry Morrison Flagler
•  Frank Marion Folsom
• Sir Hugh Foot 1951.jpg Hugh Mackintosh Foot
•  Malcolm Stevenson Forbes Sr.
• Steve Forbes.jpg Steve Forbes
•  Christopher Forbes
•  Ian Forbes
•  George S. Franklin Jr.
• Leon Fraser.png Leon Fraser
• Louise Fréchette.JPG Louise Fréchette
•  George Keith Funston
•  Eugene Gallatin
•  John W. Gardner
•  Thomas Sovereign Gates Jr.
•  James W. Gerard
•  Hardinge Stanley Giffard
•  Augustine Sands Gifford
•  Walter S. Gifford
•  Daniel Coit Gilman
•  Roswell L. Gilpatrick
•  Albert Hamilton Gordon
•  John Campbell Gordon
•  Edwin Gould
•  Samuel B. Gould
•  J. Peter Grace
•  William J. Graham
• 440px-Hamar Greenwood (Bain Collection).jpg Hamar Greenwood
•  William Henry Grenfell
•  William (Max-Muller) Grenfell
• Portrait of Edward Grey, 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon.jpg Edward Grey
•  Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor
• General Guthrie.jpg Charles Guthrie
•  David Hacking
•  Godfrey Digby Napier Haggard
•  Edward Wood Halifax
•  Rupert N. Hambro
•  James G. Harbord
•  John O. Harbord
•  William Edward Harcourt
•  Edward Stephen Harkness
•  Edward Henry Harriman
• William Averell Harriman.jpg William Averell Harriman
•  George Leslie Harrison
•  Huntington Hartford III
•  George Harvey
• Gabriel Hauge.jpg Gabriel Hauge
•  Andrew "Anthony" MacKenzie Hay
•  Alfred Hayes
•  Harold Harris Healy Jr.
•  George Alexander Heard
•  Henry John "Jack" Heinz II
•  Alonzo Hepburn
•  Michael Herbert
•  Stanley van den Heuvel
•  Gordon Hewart
• William Hewitt.png William Alexander Hewitt
•  John Warren Hill
•  James J. Hill
• Paul Hoffman.jpg Paul Gray Hoffman
•  Frank J. Hogan
•  Douglas McGarel Hogg
• Richard Holbrooke.jpg Richard C. Holbrooke
•  Hamilton Holt
•  Henry Hornblower II
•  Alanson Bigelow Houghton Jr.
•  Walter Hoving
• Esme Howard 1924.jpg Esme William Howard
•  Billy Hughes
•  Charles Evans Hughes
•  James Hazen Hyde
• Field Marshal Sir Peter Inge KG, GCB.JPG Peter Inge
•  N. Baxter Jackson
•  Roy Harris Jenkins
•  Oliver Gould Jennings
•  Joseph Esrey Johnson
• Otto H. Kahn.jpg Otto Hermann Kahn
•  Frank B. Kellogg
•  John F. Kelsey Jr.
•  Edwin Walter Kemmerer
• Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. 1938.jpg Joseph Patrick Kennedy
• John Kerr.jpg John Kerr of Kinlochard
• Philip Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian.png Philip Henry Kerr
•  William Johnston "Tony" Keswick
•  Arthur Fitzgerald Kinnaird
•  Grayson Louis Kirk
• Henry Kissinger.jpg Heinz "Henry " Alfred Kissinger
•  Horatio H. Kitchener
•  Cyril Hugh Kleinwort
•  Robert Huntington Knight
•  Alvin W. Krech
•  Philip Lader
•  Charles Wallace Alexander Napier Cochrane-Baillie Thomas William Lamont
•  Gordon Lamont
•  Thomas Stilwell Lamont
• Robert Lansing.jpg Robert Lansing
•  Fred Lavis
•  Ivy L. Lee
•  James E. Lee
•  Russell C. Leffingwell
•  Robert Lehman
•  John Ethelbert Leslie
•  John J. Louis Jr.
•  Charles Clement Lucas Jr.
• Clare Boothe Luce and Henry Luce NYWTS.jpg Henry Robinson Luce
• Clare Boothe Luce and Henry Luce NYWTS.jpg Henry Luce III
•  James Gwaltney Westwarren Maclamroc
•  John Dewitt Macomber
•  Roger Mellor Makins
•  Walter Hampton Mallory
•  Theodore Marburg
•  Isaac Frederick Marcosson
•  George Catlett Marshall
•  Luther Martin III
•  William McChesney Martin Jr.
•  Alastair Bradley Martin
•  Baldwin Maull
•  John Anton Mayer
•  John McCain Jr.
• John J. McCloy.jpg John Jay McCloy
• Gates W. McGarrah.png Gates W. McGarrah
•  Keith Stratton McHugh
• Andrew Mellon.jpg Andrew W. Mellon
•  Paul W. Mellon
•  Bryce Metcalf
•  Jeremiah Milbank
•  William Christian Miller
• Alfred Milner.jpg Alfred Milner
•  George Stevens Moore
•  Charles Garrett Ponsonby Moore
• J. P. Morgan.jpg John Pierpont Morgan
•  John Pierpont Morgan Jr.
•  Henry "Harry" Sturgis Morgan
•  William Fellowes Morgan
•  Henry Morgenthau Jr.
•  Dwight Whitney Morrow
•  Levi Parsons Morton
•  William H. Morton
• Time-magazine-cover-montagu-norman.jpg Montagu Norman
• Portrait of Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe.jpg Alfred Harmsworth
•  Adolph Simon Ochs
•  Sandra Day O’Conner
•  Floyd Bostwick Odlum
•  John Merrill Olin
•  John F. O'Ryan
•  Norton Otis
• Walter Page.jpg Walter Hines Page
•  Walter Hines Page II
• WmSPaley1939.jpg William S. Paley
•  Gilbert Parker
• Emyr Jones Parry.jpg Emyr Jones Parry
•  Maurice Henry Parsons
•  Emil J. Pattberg Jr.
•  Ellmore Clark Patterson
•  Richard Cunningham Patterson Jr.
•  Charles A. Peabody
•  Richard A. Peabody
•  Norman Vincent Peale
•  Charles Penrose
•  Charles Penrose Jr.
•  James De Wolf Perry
•  Francis Spencer Perryman
• Peter Peterson.jpg Peter George Peterson
•  James Graham Phelps-Stokes
•  Nicholas Phillips
•  Henry Phipps
•  Frank L. Polk
•  Henry Codman Potter
• Lewis Thompson Preston.jpg Lewis Thompson Preston
• Charles H Price II.jpg Charles H. Price
•  William Beaumont Putney III
•  Percy Rivington Pyne II
•  Eben Wright Pyne
•  Charles H. Rabin
•  Francis F. Randolph
•  William F. Ray
•  Ronald A. Raymond
•  Rufus Isaacs
•  Philip Dunham Reed
•  William H. Rehnquist
•  Whitelaw Reid
•  Ogden Mills Reid
•  Ogden Rogers Reid
• Robin Renwick.png Robin Renwick
•  Richard S. Reynolds Jr.
•  Philip Rhinelander
• Cecil Rhodes.jpg Cecil John Rhodes
•  Ivor Seward Richard
•  Frank W. Richardson
• Elliot Richardson.jpg Elliot L. Richardson
• The Lord Richardson of Duntisbourne.jpg Gordon Richardson
•  Matthew Bunker Ridgway
•  Malcolm Leslie Rifkind
•  Frederick Sleigh Roberts
• George Robertson.jpg George Robertson
•  Leland Rex Robinson
•  John Davison Rockefeller Jr.
• Percy Avery Rockefeller.jpg Percy Avery Rockefeller
•  James Stillman Rockefeller
• Nelson Rockefeller.jpg Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller
• DavidRockefeller.jpg David Rockefeller
•  William Rockefeller
•  Charles Francis Roe
•  Robert Vincent Roosa
•  John Roosevelt
• Elihu Root.jpg Elihu Root
•  Elmo Roper
•  Edmund Leopold Rothschild
•  Kenneth Claiborne Royall
• Dean Rusk.jpg David Dean Rusk
•  M. Lindsay Russell
•  Percy Sanderson
•  William Cary Sanger
•  David Sarnoff
•  Herbert Satterlee
• Jacob Schiff.jpg Jacob Henry Schiff
•  Mortimer L. Schiff
•  John M. Schiff
•  David T. Schiff
• Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. 1961.jpg Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
•  Charles M. Schwab
•  Robert L. Schuettinger
•  Harold B. Scott
•  Charles Scribner IV
•  Leonard T. Scully
•  Glenn T. Seaborg
•  Martin E. Segal
•  Raymond G.H. Seitz
•  John Shannon
•  Charles Hitchcock Sherrill
•  William Shields
•  George P. Shultz
•  Robert Leland Sigmon
•  J. Edward Simmons
•  William Edward Simon
•  John J. Sinclair
•  William MacDonald Sinclair
•  William Sowden
•  John Sloane
•  Olcott Damon Smith
•  Ashley Sparks
•  James Joseph Speyer
•  Jill Spiller
• Eliot Spitzer.jpg Eliot Spitzer
•  Robert Chapman Sprague
•  Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice
•  Allan Sproul
•  Julius Stahel
•  Edward George Villiers Stanley
•  Eugene W. Stetson Jr.
•  James C. Stewart
•  Chauncey D. Stillman
•  Henry Lewis Stimson
•  Donald Smith
•  Mary Strathmore
•  Elliott Bowman Strauss
•  Benjamin Strong Jr.
•  Collin Campbell Stuart
•  Kynaston Studd
•  Edwin Sherwood Stowell Sunderland
• Peter Sutherland.jpg Peter Denis Sutherland
•  Gerard Swope
•  William Stuart Symington
•  William Howard Taft
•  Henry Waters Taft
•  John Wilson Taylor
•  Maxwell D. Taylor
•  Myron Charles Taylor
• Margaret Thatcher.jpg Margaret Thatcher
•  Walter Nelson Thayer
•  Roy Thomson
•  Kenneth Roy Thomson
•  Henry Frederick Tiarks
•  Charles C. Tillinghast Jr.
•  John Goodwin Tower
•  Lynn Alfred Townsend
•  John B. Trevor
•  Eliot Tuckerman
•  Robert Holmes Tuttle
• Mark Twain.jpg Mark Twain
•  Lawrence Tweedy
• Cyrus Vance.jpg Cyrus Roberts Vance
•  Frank Arthur Vanderlip
•  G. Tully Vaughan II
•  Richard Snow Vokey
• Paul Volcker.jpg Paul A. Volcker
•  Edward Butterfield Vreeland
•  Herbert Harold Vreeland
•  Robert Wade-Gery
•  David Walker
•  Paul Moritz Warburg
• 1926 Sir Sigmund and Eva Maria Warburg.jpg Siegmund George Warburg
•  George Warburg
•  George Gray Ward
•  Harry E. Ward
•  Nicholas Donnell Ward
•  Louis Bancel Warren
•  Alan Watson
•  Thomas J. Watson Jr.
•  Arthur K. Watson
•  Bethuel M. Webster
•  John Weston
•  Joseph Wheeler
•  Post Wheeler
•  Henry White
•  James G. White
• John C. Whitehead.png John C. Whitehead
•  Charles S. Whitman
•  Eli Debevoise Whitney
•  John "Jock" Hay Whitney
•  George Woodward Wickersham
•  Albert Henry Wiggin
•  Frederick E. Williamson
•  Carroll Louis Wilson
•  George T. Wilson
•  John Gilbert Winant
•  Deborah L. Wince-Smith
•  Henry Cutler Wolfe
•  Leonard Wood
•  George Donald Woods
•  Clarence Mott Woolley
•  Robert M. Worcester
•  Evelyn Wrench
•  Joshua Butler Wright
•  Henry M. Wriston
•  Walter Bigelow Wriston
•  Owen D. Young
•  Samuel Baldwin Marks Young
•  James D. Zirin
A very low profile group that has been in operation for over a century and has Elizabeth Regina as its patron. Members include ministers, diplomats, CEOs and others. Who knows what this "dining society" discusses over dinner?...
Pilgrims Society logo. "Hic et Ubique" - "here and everywhere"; apparently a reference to the idea that the United States and Great Britain should stand together side by side everywhere. The eagle represents the United States; the lion Great Britain

The Pilgrims Society is a British-American deep state milieu dining club established 1902. In so far as the general public are aware of its existence at all, that awareness is, in all probability confined to its established custom of holding dinners to welcome into office each successive U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom and each new British Ambassador to the United States. There is a lot more however to the The Pilgrims Society than simply hosting the odd old-boys dinner party.

"The Pilgrims Society" has only a minor entry at Wikipedia - 400 words as of August 2016.[1] This may be a testament to the influence of established power centers and a certain reluctance to upsetting their wish for privacy. The patron of the society was Elizabeth Windsor.


At the turn of 20th century a number of influential persons were interested in bringing the establishments of the United States and Great Britain closer together. The St. George's Society in New York, the American Society in London, and the growing network of Anglo-American League branches in England (founded by a good number of later Pilgrims Society members), were seen as inadequate, so the idea arose to form a new, elitist society with branches in both London and New York. This became the Pilgrims Society, which organized regular meetings in such prestigious hotels as the Victoria, the Waldorf Astoria, the Carlton Ritz, and the Savoy.

The idea of setting up what ultimately became the Pilgrims Society was first discussed by a number of Americans working in London. One of them was Lindsay Russell, a well-connected lawyer from New York, who regularly visited London in these days to set up his law firm Alexander and Colby. It was Russell who got together with General Joseph Wheeler (on a visit in London), General Lord Roberts, and Sir Harry Brittain. Together they organized the original meeting of the Pilgrims of Great Britain at the Carlton Hotel on July 11, 1902. The meeting was a success and two weeks later Lord Roberts was elected president of the Pilgrims; Lord Grenfell and Admiral Hedworth Lambton became vice presidents. Two other vice presidents were Americans: Senator Chauncey M. Depew (Yale Skull & Bones 1856; lawyer to Cornelius Vanderbilt; member of J.P. Morgan's elite Corsair Club, together with William Rockefeller) and General Joseph Wheeler. Sir Harry Brittain became secretary and the Archdeacon of London, William MacDonald Sinclair, was elected chairman of the executive committee [2]

Pilgrims Society USA

Full article: Pilgrims Society/USA

The first meeting of the Pilgrims of the United States was at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York on 13 January 1903. The Pilgrims of Great Britain and the Pilgrims of the United States have reciprocal membership.


In 1940, John T Whiteford wrote:

"There are several curious things about these Pilgrims functions. In the first place there is present at these dinners an array of notables such as it would be difficult to bring together under one roof for any other purpose and by any other society... Among the guests were John D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont and other members of the House of Morgan... We are entitled to know what the Pilgrim Society is, what it stands for, and who these powerful Pilgrims are that can call out the great to hear a British Ambassador expound to Americans the virtues of a united democratic front." [3]

Professor Carroll Quigley's seminal 1966 Tragedy and Hope provided a lot more context and exposed the Anglo-American Establishment to an unprecedented extent, but stopped short of naming the The Pilgrim Society. Nevertheless, the following brief passage has been cited as a good precis of The Pilgrims and their objectives:

"[The aim of the international bankers was] nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."[4]

In 1971, Gary Allen wrote in Nixon, The Man Behind The Mask that "[Elmer] Bobst is listed as a member of the highly secret Pilgrim Society, which is even closer to the inner circle of the conspiracy than the CFR."[5]

The most comprehensive study to date

Most of the internet references to The Pilgrim Society are recent (ie post 2000) and owe much to a seminal study by Joel Van der Reijden originally posted on his ISGP web site. In particular the brief Wikipedia (November 2010) article relegates The Pilgrims to the category of "Dining Clubs" and is restricted to anodyne mention of the ambassadors' dinners custom plus a similarly anodyne claim about its objectives by an American Diplomat. [6]

The ISGP study can be found in the following locations:

Both are highly recommended for anyone seeking to understand Quigley's "Anglo-American Establishment".


As of 2008, not complete[7].


Known members

97 of the 487 of the members already have pages here:

Nelson AldrichUS Deep state operative, member of The Money Trust, attended the 1910 Jekyll Island meeting
David AstorThe Observer Editor for over 25 years, attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
John Jacob AstorThe first multi-millionaire in the US, who "seemed to be backed by “friendly forces” and in the right places
William Waldorf AstorMember of the Astor family
Clement AttleeUK Prime Minister from 1945 to 1951
George Fisher BakerThe "Dean of American Banking", 3rd richest US citizen at his death
James BakerUS DSO, many deep state connections from the Atlantic Council to the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce
George BallUS deep politician who attended all 40 Bilderberg meetings up to his death, he helped make key decisions about post-WW2 Europe.
Elliott BellFinancial writer for The New York Times, Superintendent of Banks. Attended the 1960 and 1962 Bilderbergs
Elmer BobstAmerican businessman and deep state actor who worked in the pharmaceutical industry. VIPaedophile.
Reginald BrettA member of the Milner Group/Society of the Elect.
Kingman BrewsterAttended the 1965 Bilderberg as President of Yale University. US Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1977-81
Harry BrittainBritish journalist, Conservative politician, and one of the founders of the Pilgrims Society.
James BrycePresident of the Pilgrims Society 1915 - 1917
Hugh BullockPresident of the US Pilgrims Society for 41 years, no Wikipedia entry as of 2015.
Warren BurgerChief Justice of the United States 1969-1986
Nicholas Murray ButlerLifelong friend of Elihu Root, President of the Pilgrims Society for 18 years, President of the Carnegie Endowment for 20 years, President of Columbia University for 43 years. Supported the Briand-Kellogg Pact.
Andrew CarnegieRobber Baron steel magnate
Peter CarringtonUK Deep politician. Bilderberg chairman. President of the Pilgrims Society. Secretary General of NATO. Chairman of the UK Conservative Party. Busy guy.
Neville ChamberlainUK PM 1937-1940
Winston ChurchillUK PM who founded The Other Club with F. E. Smith.
Lammot du Pont CopelandPart of the influential DuPont chemical family, activist for population control
George CurzonCountries are "pieces on a chessboard, upon which is being played out a game for the domination of the world”
Charles G. DawesUS Vice President 1925-1929
Arthur DeanChairman and senior partner of Sullivan & Cromwell, where he worked closely with John Foster Dulles
Lewis DouglasUS diplomat
Allen DullesDulles served the longest ever term as Director of Central Intelligence and dominated American intelligence for a generation. He personified a cadre of Ivy League pragmatic elitists in high echelons of the government who greatly admired Germany’s scientific achievements.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a> Dulles was fired by JFK after the Bay of Pigs and bore a grudge against him thereafter.
John Foster DullesUS lawyer turned deep politician, brother of Allen Dulles
Hugh FootBritish colonial administrator and Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
Steve ForbesBillionaire editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine.
Leon FraserPresident of the Bank of International Settlements 1933-35. Shot himself in April 1945.
Louise FréchetteCanadian politician who attended the 2000 Bilderberg as United Nations Deputy Secretary-General
Robert Gascoyne-CecilBilderberg, Le Cercle, The Other Club, Ditchley Governor
Hamar GreenwoodCanadian-born British lawyer and politician who was President of the Pilgrims Society
Edward Grey
Charles GuthrieUK Army's Chief of the General Staff 1994-1997
Alfred HarmsworthBritish deep state press baron. Pilgrims Society. Removed from all control of his empire by Zionists in 1922 with alleged insanity.
W. Averell HarrimanSenior US deep state operative?
Gabriel HaugeEarly member of the Bilderberg Steering committee, CFR. "The expert who tells [President Eisenhower] what to think"
William HewittJohn Deere's sixth president. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the early 1960s
Paul Hoffmanled the implementation of the Marshall Plan from 1948–1950, and was then president of the Ford Foundation. Five time early Bilderberger.
Richard HolbrookeBilderberg/Steering committee, deep state operative
Esmé HowardAn integral member of the small group of men who made and implemented British foreign policy (the Milner group?)
Charles Evans HughesChief Justice of the United States.
William S. Farish III"The Bush family money man".
Peter IngePresident of the Pilgrims Society, senior UK soldier
Rufus IsaacsBritish Liberal politician and judge, who became Lord Chief Justice of England, Viceroy of India, and Foreign Secretary.
John D. Rockefeller JrOnly son of Standard Oil co-founder John D. Rockefeller.
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.In the Office of Strategic Services from 1943-1945.
Otto Kahn
... further results


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Document:Pilgrims Society Address 2002speech28 November 2002Richard BoucherFull of platitudes and the obligatory quotations from politicians past to bolster and confirm the essential righteousness of the Pilgrims present. Probably a fairly typical address to The London Pilgrims by a US Embassy Official, but hard to read without squirming at the delusional sanctimonious arrogance it exudes.
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  1. Wikipedia entry for "The Pilgrims Society", August 2016
  2. ISBN 1-86197-290-3 'The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A Centennial History' - Anne Pimlott Baker, 2002, p. 13
  3. "Sir Uncle Sam: Knight of the British Empire". 1940 pamphlet by John T Whiteford
  4. ISBN 0-945001-10-X Tragedy and Hope, Carroll Quigley
  5. Nixon, The Man Behind The Mask, p.223
  6. The Pilgrims Society - Wikipedia page