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Decade.png 2010s: )    Year.png 2012 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
NDAA 2012.jpg
2012 was the year in which the US executive claimed the right to officially dispense with the formality of legal proceedings if it saw fit.

"End of constitutional democracy"

Full article: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012

The 2012 NDAA claimed the legal right for the US Executive to kidnap and detentain indefinitely anyone, anywhere. Michel Chossudovsky wriote that "Barack Obama will go down in history as “the president who killed Constitutional democracy” in the United States.”[1] Chris Hedges lead a group of activists who challenged the bill's legality in Hedges v. Obama. His case proceeded to the US Supreme Court, where he was finally defeated in April 28, 2014.


Annecy shootings

Full article: Annecy shootings

The Annecy shootings were a deep event in France, the significance of which has still to emerge.

Sandy Hook

December 2012 saw an event at a school in Sandy Hook which was used to pass gun control legislation.[2]


Related Quotations

SDS“The United States, while announcing record levels of foreign military sales, effectively pulled the plug on the international arms trade treaty being negotiated at the UN in July 2012, despite at least ninety countries wanting to sign up to an adequate, if not inspiring draft text.”Andrew Feinstein9 August 2012
SDS/Activities“The United States, while announcing record levels of foreign military sales, effectively pulled the plug on the internernational arms trade treaty being negotiated at the UN in July 2012, despite at least ninety countries wanting to sign up to an adequate, if not inspiring draft text”Andrew Feinstein9 August 2012



International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda8 November 199431 December 2016
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Al-Salam weapons deal21 December 20052017A large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Al-Sweady Inquiry2009December 2014Inquiry that cleared the British Army of accusations of torture of prisoners of war in Iraq. Heavy deep state presence.
Barack Obama/Presidency20 January 200920 January 2017The Barack Obama administration
Iraq Inquiry24 November 20096 July 2016"The point of the delay is to give the impression Chilcot has been absolutely painstaking and therefore the bucket of whitewash he will throw cannot be hiding anything. Do not be fooled." (Craig Murray)
Biden–Ukraine corruption scandal20102020Maybe this scandal would have swung the US/2020 Presidential election the other way if the media had reported on it?
"Arab Spring"December 2010June 2012A neologism coined by western Establishments to describe a series of allegedly 'popular uprisings' that occurred throughout the Arab world from December 2010 through to around mid-2012 and which were planned triggered and orchestrated by western Deep State interests using well developed 'Colour revolution' methodologies.
Leveson Inquiry13 July 201129 November 2012Investigation of phone hacking
Berezovsky v Abramovitch31 October 201131 August 2012
Azerbaijani laundromat20122014Complex money laundering operation run by Azerbaijan uncovered in 2017.
Cicada 33014 January 20122014An elaborate series of puzzles that was published on the internet between 2012-2014
Hedges v. Obama13 January 201228 April 2014The plaintiffs challenged the 2012 NDAA contending that indefinite detention on "suspicion of providing substantial support" to groups such as al-Qaeda and the Taliban was so vague as to allow unconstitutional, indefinite detention of civilians based on vague allegations. The Court of Appeals struck down an initial agreement, and the US Supreme Court concurred, arguing that the plaintiffs could not prove they would be affected by the law, so had no standing to contest it.
WEF/Annual Meeting/201225 January 201229 January 20122113 guests in Davos
Munich Security Conference/20123 February 20125 February 2012The 48th Munich Security Conference
Brussels Forum/201223 March 201224 March 2012Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA-close German Marshall Fund.
Bilderberg/201231 May 20123 June 2012The 58th Bilderberg, in Chantilly, Virginia. Unusually just 4 years after an earlier Bilderberg meeting there.
Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
Le Cercle/2012 (Morocco)28 June 20121 July 2012An invitation letter of this meeting was leaked online
Annecy shootings5 September 20125 September 2012A mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
Clapper v. Amnesty International USA29 October 201226 February 2013James Clapper sought to dismiss Amnesty International's challenge of the Fisa Amendments Act. They Supreme Court ruled that dragnet surveillance could not be challenged since the plaintiffs were unlikely to be targets of surveillance - something that was revealed a few months later by the Edward Snowden leaks to be untrue. The decision appear to be nevertheless unchallenged.
US/2012 Presidential election6 November 20126 November 2012Barack Obama was re-elected
Halifax International Security Forum/201221 November 201223 November 2012Spooky conference in Canada discussing the "New Normal" and Western nations' "special burden".
Security and Defence Learning/201228 November 201229 November 2012
Sandy Hook14 December 201214 December 2012A shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.


New Groups

Hammarskjöld Inquiry TrustLord Lea of Crondall.jpgFund raising
Zinc NetworkZinc Network.jpgA "a privately owned communications agency that supports communities, brands and governments drive positive social change". Partnered with the Institute for Statecraft to propose a network of 56 NGOs in a bid for £9.75M funding from the UK/FCO.
RapplerRappler logo.pngFilipino online news website and "fact checker" largely funded by CIA or other deep-state run foundations.
International Cybersecurity DialogueGroup.png
Friends of Europe/Young European LeadersGroup.png
University of LawUniversity of Law logo.pngMilitary ranks
Private UK law university
Gatestone InstituteGatestone-logo-1000.gif
ApolutApolut logo.pngGerman-language independent media
McCain InstituteMcCain Institute.jpegInternational affairs think tankTraining "right" political leaders around the world in its image.
Defense Clandestine ServiceGroup.png
Better Than Cash AllianceBetter Than Cash Alliance logo.pngA lobby group to accelerate transition from cash to forced digital payments
Peaceful Change InitiativePeaceful Change Initiative.jpgNGO-builder funded by the British foreign office
German Marshall Fund/Young StrategistsGroup.pngThe CIA/deep state German Marshall Fund cultivating a cadre of emerging foreign policy leaders, with focus on East Asia
National School for GovernmentNational School of Government Logo.png
Joint Forces CommandUK strategic command logo.png
Hammarskjöld CommissionGroup.pngA group to report whether there was evidence enough to justify a reopening of the UN inquiry into the death of Dag Hammarskjöld. Their September 2013 verdict: Yes
Spain/Department/Homeland SecurityLogotipo del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de España.png
International Common Law Court of JusticeGroup.pngCourtAn organisation describing itself as "a lawful citizens tibunal of concience"
The TerraMar ProjectThe TerraMar Project.png
Academics For PeaceGroup.png
European Platform for Democratic ElectionsGroup.pngNGO doing election observations. Its judgement on what is deemed a "fair" election or not, might possibly be influenced by who finances it, which includes several NATO governments and deep state foundations. Also makes an "enemies list"
Aktis StrategyAktis Strategy.pngNow defunct following allegations of "gross financial mismanagement"


New Websites

SOFREPSOFREP.pnghttps://sofrep.com/Digital news and media website focused on frontline news about United States Armed Forces activities across the globe.
The Times Of IsraelTimes Of Israel.pnghttps://www.timesofisrael.com/News website
Liberty BlitzkriegWebsite.pnghttp://Libertyblitzkrieg.com
Spy CultureSpyculture.jpghttp://www.spyculture.comA website focused on the intersection of the intelligence agencies and the entertainment industries.
MintPress NewsMintPress News logo.pnghttps://www.mintpressnews.com/An independent website.
WikidataWikidata-logo-en.svghttps://www.wikidata.org/Support database for Wikipedia
TruePublicaTruePublica.pnghttp://truepublica.org.uk/about/UK independent media website.
Archive.todayArchive today.jpghttp://archive.today
Memory Hole BlogMemory-Hole.jpghttp://memoryholeblog.org/A forum for news, criticism and commentary on sociopolitical issues and phenomena overlooked or misreported by corporate media
Ron Paul InstituteRonPaulInstitute.pnghttp://ronpaulinstitute.org/Independent thinking with a libertarian angle
MediumMedium.pnghttp://www.medium.com/Online corporate publishing platform


A Group that was Wound Up

President's Council on Jobs and CompetitivenessGroup.pngPanel during Obama administration of mostly industry CEOs from outsourcing companies, created to advise "possible ways to improve the nation's economy".




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Christian Kind19272012JournalistHead of the Swiss newspaper NZZ's foreign editorial office. Attended the 1979 and 1989 Bilderbergs.
Cor Van Der Klugt30 March 19256 January 2012Netherlands
BusinesspersonDutch businessman
Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan11 January 2012Iran
An assassinated Iranian nuclear weapons specialist
Charles Price1 April 193112 January 2012US
Indian Wells
US diplomat Bilderberger in Epstein's Black book
Manuel Fraga Iribarne23 November 192215 January 2012Spain
Deep state operative
Member of both Le Cercle and the 1001 Club.
Thérèse Delpech11 February 194817 January 2012ParisPropagandist
Deep state operative
French representative of a neoconservative/transatlantic clique that took control over the political and strategic direction of France in the 1990s. Attended the 2012 Bilderberg
Daniel Marvin10 October 193319 January 2012Soldier
Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah3 October 194421 January 2012CancerDiplomatAs Kuwaiti Ambassador to the US
Jacques Maisonrouge20 September 192425 January 2012BusinesspersonFrench/US IBM executive. "‘Down with borders’, a revolutionary student slogan of the 1968 Paris university uprising, is also a welcome slogan at IBM.”
Oscar Luigi Scalfaro9 September 191829 January 2012Italy
Carlo Sartori3 July 194613 February 2012Academic
Italian TV manager at RAI and a prominent mass media analyst
Robert Carr11 November 191617 February 2012Politician
Robin Corbett22 September 193319 February 2012United Kingdom
Hemel Hempstead
Had strong ties with the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (People's Mujahedin of Iran) and also chairman of the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom.
Marie Colvin12 January 195622 February 2012Syria
JournalistCorporate war reporter. Died while embedded with rebel forces in Syria.
Andrew Breitbart1 February 19691 March 2012United States
Los Angeles
A political commentator who died of "heart failure" after exposing Anthony Weiner's sexting
James Q. Wilson27 May 19312 March 2012Boston
Provided guidance on how best to coordinate the national war on drugs.
Norman St John-Stevas18 June 19292 March 2012London
UK Conservative politician
Richard Descoing23 June 19583 April 2012New York
Civil servant
Single Bilderberger who died in unexplained circumstances.
Michael Sands14 December 19456 April 2012Los Angeles
Hollywood/Premature death
Hollywood publicist
Publicist for Gary Devore. Close to the CIA. Choked to death on free food sample
Mike Wallace9 May 19187 April 2012US
New Canaan
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller13 July 191316 April 2012Denmark
Deep politician
Shipping magnate
Danish shipping magnate and Danish deep politician
Stanley Rogers Resor5 December 191717 April 2012Civil servantUnited States Secretary of the Army during the Vietnam War.
Chuck Colson16 October 193121 April 2012United States
Falls Church
LawyerIndicted for conspiring to cover up the Watergate burglaries
Shukri Ghanem9 October 194229 April 2012Austria
Eduardo Valle10 March 19473 May 2012Mexico
PoliticianIn 1994 he named the political and economic state of Mexico as "narco-democracy" and in 2003 he referred to it as "narco-state".
Frank Pearl27 May 19434 May 2012CancerFinancier
Media executive
Five times Bilderberger financier; "the richest and most influential man whom no one really knew." Accused of fraud after his death.
Aatos Erkko16 September 19325 May 2012EditorFinnish multi millionaire publisher
Kostas Karras21 June 19366 May 2012Politician
Greek actor and politician. Bilderberg Steering committee, 19 Bilderbergs
Nicholas Katzenbach17 January 19228 May 2012United States
New Jersey
Deep state actor
United States Deputy Attorney General at the time of the JFK assassination who assisted in the cover up
Giampiero Cantoni10 February 19399 May 2012Italy
Italian entrepreneur and Senator for Silvio Berlusconi's party. Exposed as confidential informant to the US embassy.
Curtis Smothers26 August 194314 May 2012Academic
Mary Richardson Kennedy4 October 195916 May 2012New York
United States
Abdelbaset al-Megrahi1 April 195220 May 2012Libya
Svenn Stray11 February 192220 May 2012Politician
Deep state actor
Bilderberger Norwegian Foreign minister
Eugene Dinkin10 June 193821 May 2012Whistleblower
AN "unsung hero" spook who intercepted a communication about the JFK assassination. Shared this with journalists in the press room of the United Nations office in Geneva. Smeared as having poor mental health
Lars EricssonJune 2012DrowningSpookLeader of Sweden's most powerful and secretive intelligence service Office for Special Acquisition, found drowned in 2012.
Roger Garaudy17 July 191313 June 2012France
Peter Archer20 November 192614 June 2012Spook
Jack Caulfield12 March 192917 June 2012Spook
Deep state functionary
Michael Palliser9 April 192219 June 2012Diplomat
Spooky UK diplomat
Yitzhak Shamir22 October 191530 June 2012Israel
Tel Aviv
Gianfranco Cicogna Mozzoni29 September 196230 June 2012South Africa
Deep state operativePartner of spook and sexual blackmailer Ghislaine Maxwell in the 1980s. Died in fiery air crash in 2012. His grandfather was deep politician Giuseppe Volpi.
Robert Jeker26 August 1935July 2012FinancierSwiss financier who attended several Bilderberg meetings as CEO of Credit Suisse.
Ben-ami Kadish2 September 192316 July 2012Spook
Jean François-Poncet8 December 192818 July 2012France
French Minister of Foreign Affairs in the late 1970s, attended 2 Bilderbergs in the early 1980s. A panelist on Operating The Alliance at the 1985 Bilderberg.
Alastair Burnet12 July 192820 July 2012Journalist
Economist editor who didn't go to the Bilderberg.
Alexander Cockburn6 June 194121 July 2012Germany
Bad Salzhausen
Leftist journalist with a sense of humor and diverse range of opinions. A great read.
George Lauder2 March 192425 July 2012Spook
CIA officer who was among other things Acting Chief of the Latin American Division, before in the 1980s becoming defender of its reputation as Director of Public Affairs.
Gore Vidal3 October 192531 July 2012United States
Hollywood Hills
John Keegan15 May 19342 August 2012Journalist
... further results
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