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'''False flag''' attacks are carried out in ways calculated to deceive the victim as to the nature of the perpetrator, conventionally (though not necessarily) by a device such as flying ''false colours''. Operations of this nature have sometimes been used in commerce and politics.
|constitutes=Deep event, Psyop, Third rail topic
|description=False flags are attacks intended to blame a third party. Since a [[JCIT|1979 conference in Jerusalem]], the most common pattern in the West has been bomb attacks which [[authorities]] and the {{ccm}} quickly blame on [[suicide bombings|suicidal]] Muslims, promoting an overarching "[[war on terror]]" narrative, that promotes fear and is used to concoct [[casus bellis]] as needed.
|glossary=False flag attacks are actions carried out in ways calculated to deceive the victim as to the nature of the perpetrator. Historically, these often involved flying literal flags, e.g. from a ship, or wearing uniforms. The procedure has been used as a standard way to try to justify starting a war. Most recently, perhaps the most common false flag in Western nations have been bombs attacks blamed on Muslims designed to fuel fear and promote the "war on terror".
|key_properties=Start/End/ON has perpetrator/Has perpetrator/Description
|key_property_headers=Start/End/Attributed to/Perpetrator(s)/Description
|subjects=Strategy of tension
A '''False flag attack''' (or '''false flag operation''') is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. An attack on a target will appear to be done by an enemy, but this enemy is aided and the attack is often organised by the attacked target. They may be used as a stand alone [[casus belli]] or part of a longer term [[strategy of tension]], such as happened during the [[Italian]] [[Years of Lead]] during which [[Operation Gladio]] terrorised the [[Italian]] population. The primary modern example is the "[[War On Terror]]" which is being waged worldwide.<ref>https://www.wikiwand.com/en/False_flag</ref><ref>See "Examples" on the bottom of this page</ref>
''Please Note - This article is offered as an adjunct to the Wikipedia article [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag_attacks "False Flag"]. It aims to fill in some otherwise puzzling gaps, presenting missing incidents from a "Neutral Point of View" to the "Reliable Source" standard of Wikipedia. However, see "Notes" at the end, where some information acceptable to the Wikipedia, and quoted from there, is not to a high standard.
The term comes from navies warfare in [[1700s]] whereby a vessel flew the flag of a neutral or enemy [[country]] in order to hide its true identity. The tactic used by pirates and private assassins to deceive other ships into allowing them to move closer before attacking them as in famous [[Hollywood]] movies. It became legal in international maritime law, on the condition that the attacking vessel displayed its true flag once an attack had begun.<ref>https://books.google.com/books?id=xn17DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT281</ref><ref>https://www.cjr.org/language_corner/false-flags.php</ref>
==Important examples inadequately covered at WP==
== Purposes ==
====1954 Lavon Affair====
Individual events may have multiple congruent purposes (for example, as covert [[assassination]]s, or to discredit a particular group by framing them for the attack,), but campaigns (such as the "[[war on terror]]" or the Italian [[strategy of tension]]) often have broader [[War on Terror/Purposes|purposes]], such as effecting [[social change]] by using [[fear]] as a stressor of a population.
The Wikipedia article on [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag "False Flags"] barely mentions the so-called "Lavon Affair" when 13 Jews were arrested in Oct 1954 after one of their members was caught red-handed in a terrorist campaign.<ref>Hirst p.289</ref> It is now known to have been carried out by locally recruited Israeli agents in Egypt. Israeli agents "recruited nine young Egyptian Jews to stage terrorist attacks that, they thought, would be blamed on local insurgents and would discredit Nasser's rule" (Jewish Review, 2004.<ref>[http://www.jewishreview.org/Archives/Article.php?Article=2004-08-01-717 Jewish Review: "recruited nine young Egyptian Jews to stage terrorist attacks] that, they thought, would be blamed on local insurgents and would discredit Nasser's rule" 2004.</ref>) Two named individuals served 7 year sentences in Egypt, five(?) served 13 years and two commmitted suicide.
== Feasibility ==
While there were no deaths from the bombs placed in Egyptian, US and UK facilities in Alexandria and Cairo, the consequences for internal Israeli politics and the situation of Jews in Egypt was very considerable. Pinhas Lavon was wrongly blamed and forced to resign and the innocent Prime Minister Moshe Sharrat was replaced by one of the perpetrators, David Ben-Gurion. Ben-Gurion went on to concieve and carry out a number of wanton provocations and killings, including the 1956 attack on Suez, the mass-killing of Egyptian POWs and the first major destruction in Gaza. Six years later, a secret internal inquiry led to David Ben-Gurion's resignation but Sharret and Lavon's reputations were never officially cleared.  
Attribution of [[cyberterrorism|virtual attacks]] is notoriously difficult and predicted to get even harder<ref>https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2018/03/friday_squid_bl_615.html#comments</ref><ref>http://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/08/analysis_suggests_norks_not_behind_olympic_destroyer_malware_attack/</ref>, but increased mass communications (especially the [[mass surveillance]] carried out by [[intelligence agencies]] such as the [[NSA]]) mean that large scale false flag attacks in the real world are only feasible for secretive, influential and highly disciplined organisations. They are believed to rarely take place without the cooperation or at least the acquiescence of intelligence agencies. False flag attacks are a risky but regular tool used by [[deep state]] groups adept at co-opting the machinery of national governments.
Despite almost entirely ignoring this affair at the article on "False Flag", there is a Wikipedia article on it at [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavon_Affair Lavon Affair]. The Wikipedia says that it was "disastrous for Israel in several ways" but fails to mention any of the very serious effects on Egypt or Egyptian Jews (mentioned below). It may otherwise be largely complete and trustworthy.
== Strategy ==
|code= Y6LKmhDRWFc
|caption= [[Patrick Clawson]] of the [[Washington Institute for Near East Policy | Washington Institute]] in a 2012 QA. He explains, that in order for the United States getting into a war, there needs to be the initiation of a crisis; basically acknowledging a number of false flag attacks, or provocations that lead to war, in the last 150 years.<ref>https://www.corbettreport.com/false-flags-over-iran saved at [https://web.archive.org/web/20160808021031/https://www.corbettreport.com/false-flags-over-iran/ Archive.org] and [http://archive.is/5yuiL Archive.is]</ref>
[[Webster Tarpley]] has published extensively on the strategy of false flags. While they are inevitably contain an element of risk - especially for the lower level operatives who are usually lied to about their involvement, and are often [[murder]]ed as part of the cover-up - certain common strategies are employed to maximise the "[[plausible deniability]]" by which higher-ups life to fight - and kill - another day.  
=====Acknowledgement by Israel=====
=== Drills ===
One of the perpetrators who had committed suicide was re-interred with military honour on Mount Herzl in 1959.<ref>[http://www.meirmaxbineth.org Meir Max Bineth - Dedicated to his memory] re-interred in the Mount Herzl military cemetery in Jerusalem in 1959. Hebrew with some English.</ref>
{{FA|Terror drill}}
On March 30, 2005 Israeli President Moshe Katsav.<ref>[http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3065838,00.html#n "After half a century of reticence and recrimination], Israel ... honored ... agents-provocateur." YNetNews, 30th March 2005.</ref> and Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Moshe Ya’alon presented official citations to the three surviving agents and to representatives of those deceased, saying: “This is historic justice for those who were sent on a mission on behalf of the state and became the victims of a complex political affair.”<ref>[http://ariwatch.com/OurAlly/TheLavonAffair.htm “Egyptian-Jewish Spy Ring Gets Belated Salute”] “Fifty years after an Egyptian court convicted them of being Zionist agents, and 37 years after their release from Egyptian prisons, Marcelle Ninio [aka Victorin Ninyo], Robert Dassa and Meir Zafran were accorded military ranks Wednesday in recognition of their service to the state and their years of suffering. “Ninio and Dassa were promoted to lieutenant-colonel (res.) and Zafran to major (res.) in the Israel Defense Forces." "This is historic justice for those who were sent on a mission on behalf of the state and became the victims of a complex political affair.” Jerusalem Post March 31, 2005.</ref><ref>“Israel Honors Egyptian Spies 50 Years After Fiasco”
"[[Counter-terror drills]]" provide cover for activities as suspect as placing live [[explosives]] in a [[school]] bus.<ref>https://www.yahoo.com/news/cia-leaves-explosives-school-bus-training-exercise-172712978.html</ref> Many high profile terror attacks are near simultaneous with such drills (for example, [[9-11/Drills|9-11]] and [[7 July 2005 London bombings/Drills|7-7]]). Rogue employees can easily make the decision to make these drills "go live" if they deem conditions favourable, for example by remote detonation of bombs unbeknownst to other participants.
after Reuters in Ha’aretz, March 30, 2005.</ref>
=====Israeli motives=====
=== Fallback strategies ===
After WW2, a much impoverished Britain was withdrawing from all of its interests "East of Suez" (India independence 1948 etc). It was preparing to give up the giant military base it had in the Suez Canal Zone while Bengurion and Eisenhower had been unable to persuade even a Conservative government under Winston Churchill not to do so. The head of Israeli intelligence, Colonel Benyamin Givli, ordered an existing, but ill-prepared, Egyptian spy-ring into action. He did so without Lavon or Sharret knowing anything about it.
False flags are usually designed with many contingency (fallback) strategies to thwart subsequent investigation by allowing the perpetrators to choose from a maze of {{on}}s and [[Official_opposition_narratives|''opposition'' narratives]] according to how events pan out. Additional countermeasures such as [[assassination]] or [[blackmail]] of [[whistleblower]]s, [[witness]]es or [[journalist]]s are sometimes used to try to preserve secrecy, but these counter-strategies have risks of their own. Exploitation of the target population's psychological weaknesses (such as people's [[fear]], [[naivety]], [[just world bias]], [[cognitive dissonance]] and [[conditioning]]) is an essential part of the effort to minimize the proportion of people who uncover the deception.
It is easy to assume that Israel sought to cause strife beteen Egypt and the West but historians have largely accepted that the aim was to destabilise Egypt. The Israeli historian Shabtai Teveth goes further in his detailed coverage "Ben-Gurion's Spy" (1996) p.81 and states that the aim was to help the British and strengthen Egyptian opponents of withdrawal from the Suez Canal area. It was aimed at ''"generating public insecurity and actions to bring about arrests, demonstrations, and acts of revenge, while totally concealing the Israeli factor.  The team was accordingly urged to avoid detection, so that suspicion would fall on the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, 'unspecified malcontents' or 'local nationalists'."''<ref>Teveth, Shabtai ''Ben-Gurion's Spy'' "suspicion would fall on the Muslim Brotherhood, the Communists, 'unspecified malcontents' or 'local nationalists'" not on the Egyptian regime. Columbia University Press, 1996, p.81.</ref><ref>Hirst, David ''The Gun and the Olive Branch'' "generally assumed that they were the work of the Moslem Brothers, then the most dangerous challenge to the still uncertain authority of Colonel (later President) Nasser and his two-year-old revolution" p.20.</ref>
== Psychology ==
|code= UGwSLcuMQD0
|caption= "How to Create a False Flag in 10 Easy Steps" - [https://www.bitchute.com/video/WLmPiNygSoi7/ Bitchute backup]
Zionist sympathisers at the Wikipedia have been hostile to calling it a "False Flag Operation" and most such references were removed from the WP again in June 2011. However, the term is used by ex-Knesset member Uri Avnery in his writings<ref>[http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=10179 the army carried out a false-flag sabotage campaign against US and British targets in Egypt] designed to cause strife between Egypt and the West. Uri Avnery, Zmag.</ref><ref>[http://zope.gush-shalom.org/home/en/about/1177150070 Haolam Hazeh ... an Israeli false flag operation in Egypt] Uri Avnery, Gush-Shalom.</ref> and is used in the book "Global Terrorism", 2004.<ref>[http://books.google.com/books?id=dULlTAe_NwEC&pg=PA46&dq=%22false+flag%22+Israel+Egypt&sig=6fM1-s1fY7OLrJF2A99xcUHSL0g Israel even used 'false flag' operations] "In 1954 sympathetic Jews in Egypt used bombs and arson against US installations. The objective was for local Arab..." ''Global Terrorism'' James and Brenda Lutz, 2004.</ref> Other Israeli sources have tried to suggest that the fire-bombing was an "Intelligence Operation" rather than an attack.
The [[psychology]] of the the targets of terror (the general public) has been extensively studied by "[[terror experts]]", who have gradually refined the process of how to most successfully tell the "[[big lie]]". Terror drills have been used to condition people, for example stoking [[Islamophobia]].<ref>http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/02/india-police-muslim-drills_n_6406648.html</ref>
=====Israeli benefit=====
=== Public Awareness ===
Israel gained greatly, in public relations (positive in the west, negative in the Middle East) and population terms, from the fall-out of an event which was generally reported as an antisemitic purge. Prime Minister Moshe Sharett denounced ''"the show trial which is being organized there against a group of Jews who have fallen victims to false accusations"''. The trade union newspaper Davar claimed that the Egyptian regime ''"seems to take its inspiration from the Nazis''" and lamented the "''deterioration in the status of Egyptian Jews in general''" For Haaretz the trial "''proved that the Egyptian rulers do not hesitate to invent the most fantastic accusations if it suits them''" and added that "''in the present state of affairs in Egypt the junta certainly needs some diversion''". The Jerusalem Post headlined "''Egypt Show Trial Arouses Israel, Sharett Tells House. Sees Inquisition Practices Revived''."<ref>Hirst, David ''The Gun and the Olive Branch'' "a group of Jews who have fallen victims to false accusations" p.289.</ref>
[[image:chartoftheday_11551_americans_top_fears_of_2017_n.jpg|left|500px|thumbnail|Evidence of an increasing failure of "[[terrorism]]" to scare people - and of increasing distrust of the {{on}} - was provided by a 2017 survey of the attitudes of 1207 US adults, which revealed their greatest fear to be "corrupt government officials".<ref name=statista>https://www.statista.com/chart/11551/americans-top-fears-of-2017/</ref>]]
=====Jews in Egypt suffer=====
[[Washington's Blog]] reported in April 2013, after the [[Boston Marathon Bombing]] that interest in False Flag attacks was at an all time high, citing data from [[Google Trends]]. In 2017, a survey showed that "[[terrorism]]" was not among US citizens top 20 fears, and that #1 was "corrupt government officials" - with almost 3/4 of people either "afraid" or "very afraid".<ref name=statista/>
[[image:false_flag_google_trends.png|left|430px|thumbnail|The dramatic spike in searches for "false flag" in April 2013, when the [[Boston Marathon bombings]] did occur.]] The geographical data showed that searches were being made on the term especially in [[USA]], [[Canada]], [[UK]], [[Malaysia]], [[Australia]] and [[Germany]]:<br/>
In July 1954, when the bombings started, there were still at least 50,000 Jews in Egypt (more than half of whom were actually foreign nationals)<ref>Hirst p.290</ref> despite mob and bombing attacks (eg 70 killed in bombings between June and Nov 1984<ref>Howard Sachar ''A History of Israel'' NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979, p. 401. "Between June and November 1948, bombs set off in the Jewish Quarter of Cairo killed more than 70 Jews" cited [http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/egjews.html JVL].</ref>) over the creation of Israel (and the defeat of the Egyptian forces). This, and the revolutionary upheaval four years later (eg eg in Jan 1951 mobs had rampaged through downtown Cairo setting fires and killing scores of people, including thirteen Britons) had caused around 10,000 Jews to leave (though few went to Israel). A Jewish journalist insisted: "''We, Egyptian Jews, feel secure in our homeland, Egypt''".<ref>Berger, Elmer ''Who Knows Better Must Say So'' Institute for Palestine Studies, Beirut, p. 14. cited Hirst p.290.</ref>
In 1956, Israel again attacked Egypt in concert with the UK and France in the "Suez Affair" and Egypt expelled almost 25,000 Egyptian Jews and confiscated their property, while approximately 1,000 Jews were sent to prisons and detention camps.<ref>[http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/egjews.html 1956 - Egypt expelled almost 25,000 Egyptian Jews and confiscated their property, while approximately 1,000 Jews were sent to prisons] Jewish Virtual Library.</ref>
=== September 11th, 2001 ===
=====Descriptive terms=====
Although widely effective at the time, 9/11 changed the dynamics of false flags because after nearly 15 years of mostly online activism by the [[9/11 Truth movement]] have lead to its being widely doubted. A 2015 survey, for example, found that 33% of [[Canadian]]s were in favor of a Parliamentary review of the [[9/11 Commission Report]], with 26% neither for nor against, and only 19% opposed.<ref>http://www.army.mod.uk/documents/general/2015DIN07-111.pdf</ref><ref>http://rethink911.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ReThink911Petition_Response.pdf</ref> This has lead to a new emphasis on [[internet censorship]] and the removal of [[freedom of speech]] (notably in France in 2015) as ways to try to prevent the unmasking of false flags attacks.
Despite the fact that it had caused a major and continuing scandal, Israeli military censorship applied to all the details of the "Lavon Affair" and, on the rare occasions it was mentioned in the years to follow it was called "Operation Susannah" or the "unfortunate business".<ref>Teveth, Shabtai ''Moshe Dayan. The soldier, the man, the legend'' was written 20 years later and refers to the Lavon Affair as the "unfortunate business". Quartet Books, 1974, p.265</ref> Attacks that are still known in English by the Zionist narrative, the "Lavon Affair", have most of the hallmarks of a significant (though fortunately cut-short) terrorist campaign but are not generally accepted as such.
== Selected Recent Examples ==
The most active perpetrators of false flag attacks are believed to be the intelligence agencies of US, UK and Israel.<ref>Chris Bollyn. {{where}}</ref> [[Operation Gladio]] is a good place to start in study of recent examples, since it is relatively well documented and believed to underpin a range of more modern developments (such as [[Operation Gladio/B]]).
====1950 Baghdad bombings====
=== 1945? - ? Operation Gladio ===
{{FA|Operation Gladio}}
The April 1950 bombings that helped panic most of the 150,000 Jews of Iraq to leave for Israel have never been claimed by the Zionists.
[[image:Bologna1.jpg|thumb|right|380px|The remains of the Bologna Central Station in August 1980 after an [[Operation Gladio]] bomb killed 85 civilians.]]
The Wikipedia presents a large number of other reasons why the Jews would have wanted to leave and strongly implies that the existence of Israel, and the activities of the Zionists in Iraq did nothing to cause problems for the Jews. But in the article on [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_in_Iraq#Modern_Iraq_.281918_to_the_present.29 "Jews in Iraq"] (Oct 2011) it does say:<blockquote>
This was a large operation in many European countries which is still only partially understood. It was most clearly revealed in Italy, after bomb attacks which killed hundreds of civilians were eventually admitted to have been carried out by a team established by [[NATO]] and the [[CIA]]. This operation quite probably gave rise to the [[Turkish deep state]]. The program has continued and expanded internationality and codenamed [[Operation Gladio B|Gladio B]].
The true identity and objective of the masterminds behind the bombings has been the subject of controversy.  A secret Israeli inquiry in 1960 found no evidence that they were ordered by Israel or any motive that would have explained the attack, though it did find out that most of the witnesses believed that Jews had been responsible for the bombings.<ref>I. Black & B. Morris ''Israel's Secret Wars'' (Futura, 1992), p93. This is the reference in current use at Wikipedia.</ref><ref>[http://www.ifamericansknew.org/history/demography.html Palestinian account of the bombings] If Americans Knew, 25th Mar 2006. This is the reference in current use at Wikipedia.</ref> The issue remains unresolved: Iraqi activists still regularly charge that Israel used violence to engineer the exodus, while Israeli officials of the time vehemently deny it. Historian Moshe Gat reports that "the belief that the bombs had been thrown by Zionist agents was shared by those Iraqi Jews who had just reached Israel".<ref>M. Gat, ''The Jewish Exodus from Iraq, 1948-1951'' (Frank Cass, 1997), p186-187. This is the reference in current use at Wikipedia.</ref> Sociologist Phillip Mendes backs Gat's claims, and further attributes the allegations to have been influenced and distorted by feelings of discrimination.<ref>[http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~ajds/mendes_refugees.htm Sociologist Phillip Mendes attributes the allegations to have been influenced and distorted by feelings of discrimination]. FORGOTTEN REFUGEES. This is the (dead link) reference in current use at Wikipedia.</ref><br><br>
=== 1954 Lavon Affair ===
{{FA|Lavon Affair}}
Journalist Naeim Giladi's position that the bombings were "perpetrated by Zionist agents in order to cause fear amongst the Jews, and so promote their exodus to Israel" is shared by a number of anti-Zionist authors, including the Israeli Black Panthers (1975), David Hirst (1977), Wilbur Crane Eveland (1980), Uri Avnery (1988), Ella Shohat (1986), Abbas Shiblak (1986), Marion Wolfsohn (1980), and Rafael Shapiro (1984). In his article, Giladi notes that this was also the conclusion of Wilbur Crane Eveland, a former senior officer in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who outlined that allegation in his book "Ropes of Sand".</blockquote>
In 1954, [[Israel]] used [[Egyptian]] [[Jews]] as a fifth-column to attack US and UK-owned targets in Cairo and Alexandria. In 1954, one such saboteurs was caught planting a bomb. Israel blamed "[[antisemitism]]" in Egypt for the accusations and anyone who dared repeat them, silencing almost all western comment. However, it finally ended five decades of denial in 2005, presenting official citations to surviving agents, saying: "This is historic justice for those who were sent on a mission on behalf of the state and became the victims of a complex political affair."<ref>[http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3065838,00.html#n "After half a century of reticence and recrimination], Israel ... honored ... agents-provocateur." YNetNews, 30th March 2005.</ref>
Other accounts state that arms were stock-piled in synagogues by the Zionists and were shown to the Iraqi services by a captured member of the underground.
The motive is still not entirely clear, though Israel wished to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone. Israel also urgently needed manpower to work and defend the land it had seized in 1948, so inducing "anti-semitism", pogroms and expulsions of Jews was to their advantage. The Wikipedia article on the [[Lavon Affair]] is detailed and largely complete, but it claims that the affair was "disastrous for Israel in several ways" - while omitting the serious effects on Egypt and Egyptian Jews.
==International Law, with examples==
=== 1967 USS Liberty Incident ===
{{FA|USS Liberty Incident}}
====Naval warfare====
''The Wikipedia section [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Naval_warfare here] says that ''"This practice was considered acceptable in naval warfare, provided the false flag was lowered and the national flag raised before engaging in battle"'' and covers (as at Oct 2011) the following: "Auxiliary cruisers" in both World Wars, Q-ships, the German commerce raider Kormoran sinking the Australian light cruiser HMAS Sydney in 1941, the use of a Kriegsmarine Ensign in the St Nazaire Raid and the destroyer Campbeltown made to resemble a German destroyer.
The [[Israel]]i attack on the USS Liberty illustrates what can happen when false flag attacks fail. Had the USS Liberty been actually sunk according to plan, Israel might have succeeded in plausibly denying culpability. As it was, the survivors report the planes as Dassault Mirage IIIs and Super-Mystere jets, which could only have been Israeli.<ref>[http://www.ifamericansknew.org/us_ints/ul-akins.html The Attack on the USS Liberty and its Cover-up] James Akins was U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Annual Distinguished Lecture, September 1999. If Americans Knew.org.</ref> The torpedo boats were correctly marked as being Israeli. The survivors all state that the USS liberty was flying the US flag, rendering highly implausible the official Israeli narrative that "we made a mistake". Other evidence includes the lack of markings on the Israeli planes and the jamming of US distress frequencies to try to stop the ship radioing for help. A high level cover up and a subservient US [[corporate media]] prevented major repercussions at the time.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
=== September 11<sup>th</sup> & Amerithrax ===
{{FAs|9/11|2001 Anthrax attacks}}
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
====Air warfare====
On [[September 11, 2001]], an attack occurred in the eastern US which killed thousands of people. The US government asserted that it was perpetrated by [[19 Hijackers]] under direction of [[Al Qaeda]]. Numerous anomalies, such as the [[WTC7/collapse|collapse]] of [[WTC7 |WTC7, a third tower in the World Trade Center]] which was ''not'' hit by an aeroplane, suggest that this event was a false flag. Many eye-witnesses report that explosives were involved in all three tower collapses. [[FBI]] whistleblower [[Sibel Edmonds]] has revealed a U.S. intelligence alliance between [[al Qaeda]] starting in [[1997]] and ongoing to present time.  An attack was launched against the Pentagon, which was subject to a military stand down. The [[official narrative]] fails to explain the innumerable  deviations from [[standard operating procedure]] before, during and after the attacks. [[Wikipedia]] editors rapidly [[Wikipedia/Censorship|censor]] any evidence which contradicts the official narrative. The coverup was completed and sealed with the domestic terror [[2001 Anthrax attacks|Anthrax attacks]] that frightened all government and media into a non-critical silence and complicit compliance with the subsequent unleashing of global "[[counter-terrorism]]" policies and [[permanent war]]s.
''The Wikipedia section [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Air_warfare here] states that aircraft must always be correctly marked by nationality and their military nature. There are no incidents reported.
== Admitted False Flag Attacks ==
[[Nation state]]s rarely admit to carrying out False Flag attacks, even when clear evidence exists that is unaccounted for by any other version of events. Some recent attacks which have been admitted, from [[Wikipedia]]'s list of false flag attacks:
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).  
* [[1978]] [[Celle Hole]] one bombing carried out by a West German secret service to further implicate the Red Army Faction, an active terrorist group. Revealed to be a not very serious (nobody hurt, no prison escape) case by the German government in 1986.
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
* [[1970s]] In [[Italy]] right-wing elements are accused of carrying out various terrorist acts as part of a broader [[Strategy of tension]]. There do not appear to be any of the elements of a false-flag element, though the 1972 killing of three Italian police [[Peteano bombing]] blame was initially blamed on their ideological opponents, the [[Lotta Continua]] ("continuous struggle", far left extra-parliamentary organization). Officers of the carabinieri were later indicted and convicted for manipulating the investigation in false directions. An [[Ordine Nuovo]] ("New Order" far right Italian cultural and extra-parliamentary political and terrorist organization founded in 1956) member has been named as the bomber.
====Land warfare====
* [[1970s]] the [[CIA]] [[Project Cherry]]<ref>http://onwardoverland.com/Far_East/cambodianarticles/ciacambodia.html saved at [https://web.archive.org/web/20201213153332/http://onwardoverland.com/Far_East/cambodianarticles/ciacambodia.html Archive.org] saved at [https://archive.is/Ltvmv Archive.is]</ref> is described in [[Wikipedia]] as: "Covert [[assassination]] / [[destabilization]] operation during [[Vietnam war]], targeting Prince (later King) [[Norodom Sihanouk]] and the government of [[Cambodia]]. Disbanded."<ref>http://archive.today/2019.06.16-055612/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_cryptonym</ref> The operation has no seperate article as of 12/[[2020]].
|code= -43pjRwkVMU
|caption= '''''False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism''''' (29:08) a 2020 short documentary by [[James Corbett]],<ref name=BioterrorAndTranscript>[https://www.corbettreport.com/bioterror/ Episode 388 – False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism [[The Corbett Report]]</ref><ref name=BioterrorYouTube>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-43pjRwkVMU False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism] [[The Corbett Report]] 2020-11-20</ref> a contextual history and critical overview of the threat of the military industrial biological [[technocracy]] and their duplicitous "defensive" threat to humanity.
" ''For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack?'' "
* [[1962]] [[Operation Northwoods]] was a series of proposals for false-flag attacks, blaming [[Cuba]] for attacks carried out on US people/assets rejected by the Kennedy administration. In the same year [[Operation Mongoose]] was 12 proposals devised by the Department of Defense and against the same target. [[James Bamford]] wrote in his well-cited 2002 book "Body of secrets" that Northwoods "had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the [[Joint Chiefs of Staff]]".
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Land_warfare here] states that International Law permits approach of an enemy in his uniform, but it must be discarded before shooting.  
* [[1953]] [[Operation Ajax]] and [[Operation Boot]] were covert operations to overthrow the [[Prime Minister of Iran]] and replace him with the Shah.
Deception of other forms (eg false use of the Red Cross) are known as perfidy and are forbidden.
* [[1944]] [[Panzer Brigade 150]] wore American uniforms as they attempted to seize bridges ahead of the Ardennes Offensive, a German counter-attack. Their success was slight though the tactic caused the Americans great alarm. A Wikipedia article on the "Kommandoverband Jaguar German army unit" was deleted when it was discovered to have been largely taken from (and hence a copyright violation of) an article on a Russian web-site [http://beute.narod.ru/Beutepanzer/su/t-34/t-34-85/t-34_85_jaguar.htm here], claiming that Germans in Russian uniforms spent 6 hours in Soviet occupied territory. It is unclear whether this is a true false-flag attack/operation (as intended at both Wikipedia and Wikispooks). It is known that SOE agents sometimes wore German uniforms behind enemy lines and, in 1944, German soldiers were sometimes wearing the better-quality American uniforms. Debatable false-flag, treated here as covert.
The only example given (and the one on which International Law is based) is Operation Greif. Otto Skorzeny had ordered his men to infiltrate behind American lines in American uniforms but was cleared by the military court at the Dachau Trials.
* [[1939]] The [[Gleiwitz incident]] in which Germans dressed as Polish briefly seize a German radio station. They briefly broadcast in Polish and left behind the body of a freshly murdered German Silesian known to have been sympathetic to Poles. Genuine false-flag. Pretext for the German invasion of Poland, [[official narrative|official]] start of [[WWII]].  
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).  
* 1939 The [[Shelling of Finland]] by Joseph Stalin and USSR in order to get pretext for a war of aggression named the [[Winter War]].
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
* [[1933]] The [[Reichstag Fire]] was Hitler's pretext for suspending the Weimar Constitution and could have been false flag. Historians disagree as to whether Van der Lubbe acted alone or whether the arson was planned and ordered by the Nazis.
==Other types of False Flag and examples==
== See Also ==
*[[:Category:False Flag]] - The category of false flag attack pages
''The Wikipedia article includes these categories of "False Flag" including some useful examples.''
== References ==
====As pretexts for war====
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#As_pretexts_for_war here] covers a few incidents of False Flag Attacks used as pretexts for war eg 1931 Mukden incident, the Gleiwitz incident on August 31, 1939, and the 1953 overthrow of Mohammed Mosaddeq. Also the 1962 Operation Northwoods plot intended to excuse an attack on Cuba.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Pseudo-operations here] covers a few more incidents of False Flag Attacks.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Pseudo-operations here] includes under "False Flag Attacks" cases where communist authorities have used spies posing as peace-campaigners to discover secrets.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
====Dirty War====
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Dirty-War here] includes more "False Flag Attacks".
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
====Non-state operatives, terrorism====
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Terrorism here] includes more "False Flag Attacks" carried out either by or against non-state operatives, eg the Reichstag Fire and actions during the Algerian Civil War. It alleges that some of the "Chechen Bombings" of the 1990s were actually carried out by the Russian state.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Elections here] includes more "False Flag Attacks" carried out either by or against non-state operatives, eg shootings in the Caucasuses in 2008.
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
====Civilian usage====
''The Wikipedia page [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag#Civilian_usage here] includes more "False Flag Attacks" carried out by businesses, special interest groups, religions, political ideologies (eg Scientology) and campaigns for office (eg New Hampshire 2006).
''If you have published evidence of further cases wrongfully rejected at Wikipedia by bias, please add them. (You may wish to populate this section from the current Wikipedia entry at the same time).
''Wikispooks admins will not interfere without good reason as long as this notice is in place.''
==See also==
Wikipedia offers other concepts on similar lines:
* Black propaganda
* Casus belli
* Covert operation
* Front organization
* Inside job
* Joe job, a similar online concept
* Mimicry
* State terrorism
Wikipedia offers these other examples:
* 1962 CIA Operation Northwoods, a Plan to blame Cuba for a Terrorist attack in order to get a pretext for 'justified' War of aggression after USA funded and organized failed Terrorist attack known as CIA Operation Mongoose.
* 1953 CIA Operation Ajax, overthrow of the Prime Minister of Iran and his replacement with the Shah.<ref>[http://www.garretwilson.com/books/reviews/alltheshahsmen.html All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror] Stephen Kinzer, Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. This is the reference in current use at Wikipedia.</ref>
* 1939 Shelling of Finland by Joseph Stalin and USSR in order to get pretext for 'justified' war of aggression named Winter War
* 1933 The Reichstag Fire, Hitler's pretext for suspending the Weimar Constitution, may have been false flag.
* ''Bloed, Bodem, Eer en Trouw'' (Flemish neo-Nazi group preparing false flag attacks)
* Bologna massacre
* Canuck letter
* Celle Hole
* CIA PBSUCCESS ([USA]) Operation for overthrowing the Arbenz government in Guatemala in 1954
* CIA Project Cherry (USA non-stop assassination project to kill Norodom Sihanouk, Prince, and later King of Cambodia)
* Gleiwitz incident - 3rd Reich Nazis Operation Himmler in order to get pretext for 'justified' war of aggression against Poland with USSR day after that - named Fall Weiß
* Kommandoverband Jaguar German army unit conducting deep reconnaissance in Soviet uniforms
* ''Lavon Affair Israeli attempt to plant bombs in Western targets in Egypt, in blaming Arab elements''
* Marxist-Leninist Party of the Netherlands (fake party set up by the Dutch security service)
* Masada Action and Defense Movement ("Zionist" group bombing Arab targets in France, really French white supremacists)
* Operation Jaque
* Special Activities Division
* The Plaza Miranda Bombings in the Philippines, which led to Ferdinand Marcos's suspension of the writ of habeas corpus.
* The strategy of tension in Italy during the 1970s, when right-wing Italian, Spanish, Greek, and CIA agents caused various terrorist acts in Italy, which were publicly laid to Communist terrorist groups that were actually fakes, and to the Red Brigades who were actually innocent of these particular crimes
{{DEFAULTSORT:False Flag}}
[[Category:False Flag| ]]
[[Category:False flag operations]]
[[Category:Intelligence operations]]
[[Category:Diversionary tactics]]
[[Category:Propaganda techniques]]
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[[Category:Laws of war]]

Latest revision as of 23:29, 10 December 2023

False flag attacks are actions carried out in ways calculated to deceive the victim as to the nature of the perpetrator. Historically, these often involved flying literal flags, e.g. from a ship, or wearing uniforms. The procedure has been used as a standard way to try to justify starting a war. Most recently, perhaps the most common false flag in Western nations have been bombs attacks blamed on Muslims designed to fuel fear and promote the "war on terror".

Concept.png False flag Glossary.png 
(Deep event,  Psyop,  Third rail topic)Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png 4
Interest of• Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed
• Sandra Barr
• Kevin Barrett
• 'Burning Blogger of Bedlam'
• Amy Baker Benjamin
• Christopher Bollyn
• James Corbett
• Bonnie Faulkner
• James Fetzer
• Robert S. Finnegan
• Allan Francovich
• Guns And Butter
• Patrick Henningsen
• Intellihub
• Caitlin Johnstone
• Frank Kitson
• Thierry Meyssan
• Steve Pieczenik
• Fletcher Prouty
• Michael Rivero
• Paul Craig Roberts
• Ralph Schoenman
• Bernie Suarez
• Webster Tarpley
• The Corbett Report
• The Truthseeker
• James Tracy
• Unwelcome Guests
• William Walker
• Washington's Blog
• What Really Happened
• WinterWatch
• Gerhard Wisnewski
• Karel van Wolferen
False flags are attacks intended to blame a third party. Since a 1979 conference in Jerusalem, the most common pattern in the West has been bomb attacks which authorities and the commercially-controlled media quickly blame on suicidal Muslims, promoting an overarching "war on terror" narrative, that promotes fear and is used to concoct casus bellis as needed.

A False flag attack (or false flag operation) is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party. An attack on a target will appear to be done by an enemy, but this enemy is aided and the attack is often organised by the attacked target. They may be used as a stand alone casus belli or part of a longer term strategy of tension, such as happened during the Italian Years of Lead during which Operation Gladio terrorised the Italian population. The primary modern example is the "War On Terror" which is being waged worldwide.[1][2]


The term comes from navies warfare in 1700s whereby a vessel flew the flag of a neutral or enemy country in order to hide its true identity. The tactic used by pirates and private assassins to deceive other ships into allowing them to move closer before attacking them as in famous Hollywood movies. It became legal in international maritime law, on the condition that the attacking vessel displayed its true flag once an attack had begun.[3][4]


Individual events may have multiple congruent purposes (for example, as covert assassinations, or to discredit a particular group by framing them for the attack,), but campaigns (such as the "war on terror" or the Italian strategy of tension) often have broader purposes, such as effecting social change by using fear as a stressor of a population.


Attribution of virtual attacks is notoriously difficult and predicted to get even harder[5][6], but increased mass communications (especially the mass surveillance carried out by intelligence agencies such as the NSA) mean that large scale false flag attacks in the real world are only feasible for secretive, influential and highly disciplined organisations. They are believed to rarely take place without the cooperation or at least the acquiescence of intelligence agencies. False flag attacks are a risky but regular tool used by deep state groups adept at co-opting the machinery of national governments.


Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute in a 2012 QA. He explains, that in order for the United States getting into a war, there needs to be the initiation of a crisis; basically acknowledging a number of false flag attacks, or provocations that lead to war, in the last 150 years.[7]

Webster Tarpley has published extensively on the strategy of false flags. While they are inevitably contain an element of risk - especially for the lower level operatives who are usually lied to about their involvement, and are often murdered as part of the cover-up - certain common strategies are employed to maximise the "plausible deniability" by which higher-ups life to fight - and kill - another day.


Full article: Terror drill

"Counter-terror drills" provide cover for activities as suspect as placing live explosives in a school bus.[8] Many high profile terror attacks are near simultaneous with such drills (for example, 9-11 and 7-7). Rogue employees can easily make the decision to make these drills "go live" if they deem conditions favourable, for example by remote detonation of bombs unbeknownst to other participants.

Fallback strategies

False flags are usually designed with many contingency (fallback) strategies to thwart subsequent investigation by allowing the perpetrators to choose from a maze of official narratives and opposition narratives according to how events pan out. Additional countermeasures such as assassination or blackmail of whistleblowers, witnesses or journalists are sometimes used to try to preserve secrecy, but these counter-strategies have risks of their own. Exploitation of the target population's psychological weaknesses (such as people's fear, naivety, just world bias, cognitive dissonance and conditioning) is an essential part of the effort to minimize the proportion of people who uncover the deception.


Full article: Psychology
"How to Create a False Flag in 10 Easy Steps" - Bitchute backup

The psychology of the the targets of terror (the general public) has been extensively studied by "terror experts", who have gradually refined the process of how to most successfully tell the "big lie". Terror drills have been used to condition people, for example stoking Islamophobia.[9]

Public Awareness

Evidence of an increasing failure of "terrorism" to scare people - and of increasing distrust of the official narrative - was provided by a 2017 survey of the attitudes of 1207 US adults, which revealed their greatest fear to be "corrupt government officials".[10]

Washington's Blog reported in April 2013, after the Boston Marathon Bombing that interest in False Flag attacks was at an all time high, citing data from Google Trends. In 2017, a survey showed that "terrorism" was not among US citizens top 20 fears, and that #1 was "corrupt government officials" - with almost 3/4 of people either "afraid" or "very afraid".[10]

The dramatic spike in searches for "false flag" in April 2013, when the Boston Marathon bombings did occur.

The geographical data showed that searches were being made on the term especially in USA, Canada, UK, Malaysia, Australia and Germany:

False flag google trends geography.jpg

September 11th, 2001

Full article: Rated 4/5 9-11

Although widely effective at the time, 9/11 changed the dynamics of false flags because after nearly 15 years of mostly online activism by the 9/11 Truth movement have lead to its being widely doubted. A 2015 survey, for example, found that 33% of Canadians were in favor of a Parliamentary review of the 9/11 Commission Report, with 26% neither for nor against, and only 19% opposed.[11][12] This has lead to a new emphasis on internet censorship and the removal of freedom of speech (notably in France in 2015) as ways to try to prevent the unmasking of false flags attacks.

Selected Recent Examples

The most active perpetrators of false flag attacks are believed to be the intelligence agencies of US, UK and Israel.[13] Operation Gladio is a good place to start in study of recent examples, since it is relatively well documented and believed to underpin a range of more modern developments (such as Operation Gladio/B).

1945? - ? Operation Gladio

Full article: Rated 5/5 Operation Gladio
The remains of the Bologna Central Station in August 1980 after an Operation Gladio bomb killed 85 civilians.

This was a large operation in many European countries which is still only partially understood. It was most clearly revealed in Italy, after bomb attacks which killed hundreds of civilians were eventually admitted to have been carried out by a team established by NATO and the CIA. This operation quite probably gave rise to the Turkish deep state. The program has continued and expanded internationality and codenamed Gladio B.

1954 Lavon Affair

Full article: Lavon Affair

In 1954, Israel used Egyptian Jews as a fifth-column to attack US and UK-owned targets in Cairo and Alexandria. In 1954, one such saboteurs was caught planting a bomb. Israel blamed "antisemitism" in Egypt for the accusations and anyone who dared repeat them, silencing almost all western comment. However, it finally ended five decades of denial in 2005, presenting official citations to surviving agents, saying: "This is historic justice for those who were sent on a mission on behalf of the state and became the victims of a complex political affair."[14]

The motive is still not entirely clear, though Israel wished to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone. Israel also urgently needed manpower to work and defend the land it had seized in 1948, so inducing "anti-semitism", pogroms and expulsions of Jews was to their advantage. The Wikipedia article on the Lavon Affair is detailed and largely complete, but it claims that the affair was "disastrous for Israel in several ways" - while omitting the serious effects on Egypt and Egyptian Jews.

1967 USS Liberty Incident

Full article: Rated 4/5 USS Liberty Incident

The Israeli attack on the USS Liberty illustrates what can happen when false flag attacks fail. Had the USS Liberty been actually sunk according to plan, Israel might have succeeded in plausibly denying culpability. As it was, the survivors report the planes as Dassault Mirage IIIs and Super-Mystere jets, which could only have been Israeli.[15] The torpedo boats were correctly marked as being Israeli. The survivors all state that the USS liberty was flying the US flag, rendering highly implausible the official Israeli narrative that "we made a mistake". Other evidence includes the lack of markings on the Israeli planes and the jamming of US distress frequencies to try to stop the ship radioing for help. A high level cover up and a subservient US corporate media prevented major repercussions at the time.

September 11th & Amerithrax

Full articles: 9/11, 2001 Anthrax attacks

On September 11, 2001, an attack occurred in the eastern US which killed thousands of people. The US government asserted that it was perpetrated by 19 Hijackers under direction of Al Qaeda. Numerous anomalies, such as the collapse of WTC7, a third tower in the World Trade Center which was not hit by an aeroplane, suggest that this event was a false flag. Many eye-witnesses report that explosives were involved in all three tower collapses. FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has revealed a U.S. intelligence alliance between al Qaeda starting in 1997 and ongoing to present time. An attack was launched against the Pentagon, which was subject to a military stand down. The official narrative fails to explain the innumerable deviations from standard operating procedure before, during and after the attacks. Wikipedia editors rapidly censor any evidence which contradicts the official narrative. The coverup was completed and sealed with the domestic terror Anthrax attacks that frightened all government and media into a non-critical silence and complicit compliance with the subsequent unleashing of global "counter-terrorism" policies and permanent wars.

Admitted False Flag Attacks

Nation states rarely admit to carrying out False Flag attacks, even when clear evidence exists that is unaccounted for by any other version of events. Some recent attacks which have been admitted, from Wikipedia's list of false flag attacks:

  • 1978 Celle Hole one bombing carried out by a West German secret service to further implicate the Red Army Faction, an active terrorist group. Revealed to be a not very serious (nobody hurt, no prison escape) case by the German government in 1986.
  • 1970s In Italy right-wing elements are accused of carrying out various terrorist acts as part of a broader Strategy of tension. There do not appear to be any of the elements of a false-flag element, though the 1972 killing of three Italian police Peteano bombing blame was initially blamed on their ideological opponents, the Lotta Continua ("continuous struggle", far left extra-parliamentary organization). Officers of the carabinieri were later indicted and convicted for manipulating the investigation in false directions. An Ordine Nuovo ("New Order" far right Italian cultural and extra-parliamentary political and terrorist organization founded in 1956) member has been named as the bomber.
False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism (29:08) a 2020 short documentary by James Corbett,[18][19] a contextual history and critical overview of the threat of the military industrial biological technocracy and their duplicitous "defensive" threat to humanity.

" For the past twenty years, the world has been in the midst of a so-called "war on terror" set in motion by a false flag attack of spectacular proportions. Now the stage is being set for a new spectacular attack to usher in the next stage in that war on terror: the war on bioterrorism. But who are the real bioterrorists? And can we rely on government agencies, their appointed health authorities, and the corporate media to accurately identify those terrorists in the wake of the next spectacular terror attack? "

  • 1962 Operation Northwoods was a series of proposals for false-flag attacks, blaming Cuba for attacks carried out on US people/assets rejected by the Kennedy administration. In the same year Operation Mongoose was 12 proposals devised by the Department of Defense and against the same target. James Bamford wrote in his well-cited 2002 book "Body of secrets" that Northwoods "had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff".
  • 1944 Panzer Brigade 150 wore American uniforms as they attempted to seize bridges ahead of the Ardennes Offensive, a German counter-attack. Their success was slight though the tactic caused the Americans great alarm. A Wikipedia article on the "Kommandoverband Jaguar German army unit" was deleted when it was discovered to have been largely taken from (and hence a copyright violation of) an article on a Russian web-site here, claiming that Germans in Russian uniforms spent 6 hours in Soviet occupied territory. It is unclear whether this is a true false-flag attack/operation (as intended at both Wikipedia and Wikispooks). It is known that SOE agents sometimes wore German uniforms behind enemy lines and, in 1944, German soldiers were sometimes wearing the better-quality American uniforms. Debatable false-flag, treated here as covert.
  • 1939 The Gleiwitz incident in which Germans dressed as Polish briefly seize a German radio station. They briefly broadcast in Polish and left behind the body of a freshly murdered German Silesian known to have been sympathetic to Poles. Genuine false-flag. Pretext for the German invasion of Poland, official start of WWII.
  • 1933 The Reichstag Fire was Hitler's pretext for suspending the Weimar Constitution and could have been false flag. Historians disagree as to whether Van der Lubbe acted alone or whether the arson was planned and ordered by the Nazis.

See Also



Page nameStartEndAttributed toPerpetrator(s)Description
"Gulf of Tonkin Incident"2 August 19644 August 1964VietnamUS/NavyTwo faked attacks used by the USA as a casus belli to commit ground forces to the Vietnam War.
"Jubilee Plot"Francis Millen
Thomas Callan
Michael Harkins
An attempt by Irish nationalist patsies to assassinate Queen Victoria and her Cabinate during her Golden Jubilee thanks giving service at Westminster abbey on 20 June 1887
"Kosovo student poisoning"22 March 199022 July 1990The alleged poisoning of thousands of Kosovan young people by toxic gases or substances in 1990. It came in the run-up to the Kosovo War and gained lots of coverage in the international press.
"The Storming of the Reichstag"Attempted false flag incident, where police agents provocateurs attempted to incite a small crowd of right wing protesters to storm Parliament, in an attempt to smear a larger COVID-dissident demonstration the same day.
2001 Mexican legislative assembly attack10 October 2001 17:00:0010 October 2001 17:30:00Saar Noam Ben Zvi
Salvador Guersson
Two Israelis caught with false passports grenades, explosives and guns in the Mexican parliament a month after 9-11. Later released without charge. Western corporate media aware but uninterested.
2002 Bali bombings12 October 2002 23:05:0012 October 2002 23:05:00Al-Qaeda
Jemaah Islamiyah
Two bombs in Bali that killed 202 people, blamed on Al-Qaeda
2002 Venezuelan coup attempt11 April 200213 April 2002A failed CIA-backed coup attempt against President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez.
2005 London bombings7 July 2005 08:50:007 July 2005 09:47:00Hasib Hussain
Mohammad Sidique Khan
Germaine Lindsay
Shehzad Tanweer
A series of coordinated attacks on London's public transport system during the morning rush hour, allegedly carried out by four Muslim suicide bombers.
2011 Alexandria bombingArmy of IslamAn deadly attack on a church in Egypt to stoke tensions during the 2011 regime change.
2014 Ukraine coup/Odessa massacre2014 Ukraine coupEvents in Odessa culminating in the deaths of 48 (official narrative) and up to 120 (evidence-based alternative narrative) anti-Kiev Junta demonstrators by fire, gun-shots and beatings in and around the Odessa Trade Union building on 2 May 2014
2016 Berlin attack19 December 201619 December 2016Islamic State
Anis Amri
Reported truck hijacking in Berlin attributed to ISIL.
2016 Hurriyah car bombing hoax30 October 201630 October 2016A real bomb in the Hurriyah area of Baghdad reported as having killed people by commercially-controlled media but exposed as a hoax after CCTV footage appeared online.
2017 Barcelona attacksNational Intelligence CenterAttackers were police informants and under intense surveillance. Happened at a convenient time for the Spanish government.
2018 missile attack on Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraftIsrael trying to start WW3 by having Russian plane shot down in war ruse.
2021 Washington D.C. RiotsDonald Trump
One of the most fortified positions in the US gets violently overrun by a group of Trump Supporters after a demonstration... without a single shot fired by the mob. Official narrative soon blamed Trump and extremists. Official opposition narrative soon blamed the democratic party trying to fraud Joe Biden into the White House. Several other governments were briefed by intelligence services that the incident seemingly "was being allowed" to happen.
2022 Brooklyn Subway ShootingFrank Robert James
9-1111 September 200111 September 2001Al-Qaeda
"9-11/The 19 Hijackers"
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Zacarias Moussaoui
Walid bin Attash
Mustafa al-Hawsawi
Ramzi bin al-Shibh
Ammar al-Baluchi
US/Deep state
A complex and spectacular set of events in New York and Washington. The US government was quick to blame Al Qaeda, though no evidence of guilt was presented and there is much suspicion about what Al Qaeda really is. In the USA 9-11 assisted the Patriot Act's roll back of civil liberties, the stepping up of domestic surveillance and the financial advancement of the military industrial complex. Abroad 9-11 helped launched wars on Iraq and Afghanistan that had been planned long before.
9-11/George Washington Bridge plot11 September 200111 September 2001The FBI arrested at least one van of men (two or three) which was found to contain tons of explosives. This was announced on the day, two conflicting reports, but later retracted. No alternative explanation is known to have been given.
9-99/Ryazan incident22 September 199923 September 1999FSBMoscow FSB officers discovered wiring up what looked like a bomb in the basement of a building by night. Local FSB unaware. Claimed to be a terror drill but no documentation was presented. Instead documents were sealed and discussion of it prohibited in the Duma.
Achille Lauro hijacking7 October 198510 October 1985Palestine Liberation Front1985 hijacking of the Italian ocean liner MS Achille Lauro by four men representing the Palestine Liberation Front. Later revealed to in fact be an Israeli "black" propaganda operation.
Bologna bombing2 August 1980 10:25:002 August 1980 10:25:00CommunismOperation GladioA murderous attack on the Italian public, carried out by the MI6/CIA led Operation Gladio, blamed on communists, as part of a wider program to prevent their electoral success in Italy.
Celle Hole25 July 197825 July 1978Prison escape organized by secret services, possibly to arrange a "shot while fleeing"
Cheonan sinking26 March 201026 March 2010North KoreaThe sinking of the South Korean Corvette 'Cheonan' on 26 March 2010 with the loss of 46 South Korean sailors, quickly blamed on North Korea by the US and its allies.
Day X plot2015February 2017'Franco A.'?
'Mathias F.'?
'Maximilian T.'?
A failed attack which appears to have been intended as a false flag to be blamed on Syria.
Gleiwitz Incident31 August 193931 August 1939PolandGermany
Alfred Naujocks
The excuse for an invasion of Poland, starting World War II
Gretchen Whitmer/Kidnapping plot"Alt-right"UnknownThe "unsuccessful plot" in 2020 to overthrow the Michigan government arranged by the FBI.
HMS Defender Crimea controversy23 June 202123 June 2021RussiaVladimir Putin
Boris Johnson
A diplomatic military controversy between Russia and the UK
Hindawi affair17 April 198617 April 1986Failed attempt to smuggle a time bomb onto a plane
J. D. Tippit/Murder22 November 196322 November 1963JFK/Assassination/PerpetratorsAn accessory murder to the JFK assassination
JFK/Assassination22 November 196322 November 1963Lee Harvey OswaldUS/Deep state
The assassination of US President John F. Kennedy was the seminal deep political event of modern times, perhaps even more than 9-11. Both were done by the same group. Subsequently the group assassinated RFK, MLK and many others to try to contain the truth.
Jovenel Moïse/Assassination7 July 20217 July 2021UnknownSDSThe assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.
July 2021 Gulf of Oman incident29 July 202129 July 2021IranIsrael
Incident in July 2021
Lavon AffairJuly 1954October 1954EgyptMossadA false flag bombing campaign carried out in Egypt against US, UK and Egyptian targets. Israel was caught and exposed - and officially admitted responsibility some 51 years later.
Mukden Incident18 September 193118 September 1931ChinaJapanA particularly feeble excuse of a false flag used by the Japanese to try to justify their 1931 invasion of Manchuria
Nashville explosion25 December 202025 December 2020Anthony Quinn WarnerA mysterious explosion that has been memory holed since the US Capitol riots.
Oklahoma City bombing19 April 199519 April 1995Timothy McVeigh
Terry Nichols
The cabalA highly suspicious terrorist bombing that was initially blamed on "Muslims", then on lone nuts Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Many questions remain answered about the official narrative.
Operation Embarrass14 February 19471948'The Defenders of Arab Palestine'MI6A false flag bombing campaign MI6 carried out to try to stem Jewish immigration.
Operation Gladio/B1997US/Deep state
UK/Deep state
A development of Operation Gladio to help roll out the "war on terror" by promoting US/NATO-sponsored false flag attacks to be blamed on "Muslim terrorists".
Operation WashtubCIA
Anastasio Somoza García
Pan Am Flight 10321 December 198821 December 1988Abdelbaset al-MegrahiWhen Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland on 21 December 1988, killing all 259 passengers and crew on board, news reports cited UN Assistant Secretary-General, Bernt Carlsson, as its highest-profile victim. US and British intelligence operatives, posing as Lockerbie investigators, ignored the evident targeting of the UN diplomat and instead focused on the jumbo jet. With the result that the wrong country was blamed and an innocent person convicted of the Lockerbie bombing.
Patrick Haseldine/Suppressed Lockerbie evidence ignited 9-11 attacks11 September 2001 08:46:0011 September 2001 10:28:00Al-Qaeda
Plan JB 355US
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Claire Lee Chennault
A 1941 plan for dozens or hundreds of US bombers with American crews masked by Chinese markings to bombing Japanese cities
Russian apartment bombings4 September 199916 September 1999Ibn al-Khattab
Adam Dekkushev
Yusuf Krymshakhalov
FSBA 'Russian 9/11' which boosted support for the second war that was launched in Chechnya
Shelling of Mainila26 November 193926 November 1939FinlandSoviet UnionA false flag used to launch the Winter War.
Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack21 August 201321 August 2013Syria
The Bombers Affair (Luxembourg)30 May 19842 December 1985Luxembourg terrorist attacks by the local Gladio stay-behind network
The Sinking of the AtlasThe Red HandDirection Générale de la Sécurité ExtérieureGerman cargo ship sunk by French agents in 1958. Blamed on fictional Red Hand terrorist organization.
The Sinking of the SS San FlavianoCIABritish oil tanker sunk in 1958 by the CIA bombing under false flag. The purpose was make foreign companies like Shell suspend operations and in Indonesia, to weaken the Indonesian economy and destabilize the government.
The secret war against Sweden27 October 19811994Soviet RussiaNATO
William Casey
Ronald Reagan
James Lyons
National Underwater Reconnaissance Office
Bror Stefenson
A large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests.
USS Liberty Incident8 June 19678 June 1967IsraelA 1967 false flag attack by Israel that tried and failed to sink the USS Liberty, a United States Navy signals intercept ship. The investigation was told to "conclude that the attack was a case of 'mistaken identity' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary." Israel paid compensation but always contested that it was accidental.
... further results


Related Quotations

Patrick Clawson“One can combine other means of pressure with sanctions. I mentioned that explosion on August 17th. We could step up the pressure. I mean look people, Iranian submarines periodically go down, some day one of them might not come up, who would know why? We can do a variety of things if we wish to increase the pressure... We are in the game of using covert means against the Iranians. We could get nastier.”Patrick ClawsonSeptember 2012
Francesco Cossiga“Maroni should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior. First, leave the high school students alone, because think what would happen if a twelve-year-old was killed or seriously injured. Let them do the university students instead. Withdraw the police force from the streets and universities, infiltrate the movement with agents provocateurs ready for anything, and let the demonstrators devastate the shops, set fire to cars and set fire to cities for ten days. After that, thanks to popular support, the sound of ambulance sirens will overwhelm that of police and carabinieri cars. In the sense that the police should massacre the protesters mercilessly and send them all to hospital. Do not arrest them, since the magistrates would immediately set them free, but beat them to a pulp, and to a pulp even those teachers who foment them. Especially the teachers. Not the old ones, of course, but the little girls teachers, yes.”Francesco Cossiga2008
Mikhail Gorbachev“The storming of the capitol was clearly planned in advance, and it's obvious by whom”Mikhail Gorbachev7 January 2021
Strategy of tension“When you were on the Right you were not supposed to attack the State or its representatives. You were supposed to attack civilians, women, children, innocent people from outside the political arena. For one simple reason: To force the Italian public to turn to the State turn to the regime and ask for greater security. This was precisely the role of the right in Italy. It placed itself at the service of the State which created a strategy aptly called the "Strategy of Tension" in so far as they had to get ordinary people to accept that at any moment over a period of 30 years, from 1960 to the mid eighties a state of emergency could be declared. So, people would willingly trade part of their freedom for the security of being able to walk the streets, go on trains or enter a bank. This is the political logic behind all the bombings. They remain unpunished because the state cannot condemn itself.”Vincenzo Vinciguerra
Robert Stuart“Let me pin my colours to the mast and say that I am absolutely convinced that the BBC did deliberately and knowingly fake evidence of chemical attacks.”Craig Murray
Robert Stuart


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  1. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/False_flag
  2. See "Examples" on the bottom of this page
  3. https://books.google.com/books?id=xn17DwAAQBAJ&pg=PT281
  4. https://www.cjr.org/language_corner/false-flags.php
  5. https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2018/03/friday_squid_bl_615.html#comments
  6. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/08/analysis_suggests_norks_not_behind_olympic_destroyer_malware_attack/
  7. https://www.corbettreport.com/false-flags-over-iran saved at Archive.org and Archive.is
  8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/cia-leaves-explosives-school-bus-training-exercise-172712978.html
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/02/india-police-muslim-drills_n_6406648.html
  10. a b https://www.statista.com/chart/11551/americans-top-fears-of-2017/
  11. http://www.army.mod.uk/documents/general/2015DIN07-111.pdf
  12. http://rethink911.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ReThink911Petition_Response.pdf
  13. Chris Bollyn. [Where?]
  14. "After half a century of reticence and recrimination, Israel ... honored ... agents-provocateur." YNetNews, 30th March 2005.
  15. The Attack on the USS Liberty and its Cover-up James Akins was U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, Annual Distinguished Lecture, September 1999. If Americans Knew.org.
  16. http://onwardoverland.com/Far_East/cambodianarticles/ciacambodia.html saved at Archive.org saved at Archive.is
  17. http://archive.today/2019.06.16-055612/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_cryptonym
  18. [https://www.corbettreport.com/bioterror/ Episode 388 – False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism The Corbett Report
  19. False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism The Corbett Report 2020-11-20