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Revision as of 17:04, 16 December 2016 by Robin (talk | contribs) (Fake News...)
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Decade.png 2010s: )    Year.png 2016 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
CIA MD11 cash and body plane.png
The CIA cargo plane which landed in Africa, carrying 67 tons of fresh cash and a dead body.
2016 has continued the trend of increasing false flag terror events, increasingly sloppily carried out - such as the coincidental presence of Richard Gutjahr who just happened to be present with his camera ready to roll at two successive events (the Nice truck event and the 2016 Munich shooting).

2016 has seen a predictable increase in the number of incidents of "Islamic terrorism". Possibly the most outlandish deep event of the year was the February flight of a CIA plane, Western Global Airlines N545JN. The run up to the US Presidential Election saw a large amount of emails from Hillary Clinton's private email server, which was understood to have contributed to the victory of Donald Trump. These emails led directly to the 'Pizzagate' citizens' investigation which alleged paedophilia in the US political establishment, and then to the introduction of the Fake news" meme, in a now infamous article published in the Washington Post, under the name of Craig Timberg.

Western Global Airlines N545JN

Full article: Rated 5/5 Western Global Airlines N545JN

On 13 February 2016 a large cargo aircraft (Western Global Airlines N545JN) made an emergency landing at the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. Blood stains on the side of the plane from a cargo door lead ground staff to discover 67 tonnes of mint condition South African banknotes and a dead body. After a few days of representations from the US embassy, the crew of 5 were released, together with the plane and its cargo. No charges were filed, and the commercially-controlled media did not report the incident in US or Europe.[1]

Rise of "Terrorist" Incidents

2016 has seen several incidents of "terrorism", especially in Europe. These have included attacks in airports in Brussels and Istanbul, the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting, the Nice truck event and the 2016 Munich shooting. The commercially-controlled media has still not connected these to Operation Gladio, although the UK Daily Express published two articles around the 15th anniversary of 9-11 which questioned the US government's official narrative.[2][3]


Full article: Brexit

A referendum on exiting the EU threw the UK conservative party into turmoil after a narrow win for the "Brexit" camp. This was in spite of the sudden murder of anti-Brexit MP, Jo Cox, purportedly by a "lone nut".

2016 United States presidential election

Full article: 2016 United States presidential election
2016 United States presidential election.jpg

The 2016 United States presidential election inspired a lot of criticism of the process, and for many people came down to choosing the lesser evil between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The revelations came thick and fast in the run up to polling day, including Hillary Clinton's continuing Email debacle.

"Fake News"

Full article: Rated 3/5 “Fake News”

In November 2016, an article by Craig Timberg was uncritical in its echoing of allegations made by Propornot, an anonymous website which listed over 200 websites that echoed Russian Propaganda, even if unwittingly so.


Related Quotation

2023“Last week’s indictment of McGonigal is a classic case of raising more questions than were answered. The evidence presented by prosecutors suggests the FBI counterintelligence expert wasn’t introduced to Deripaska until his waning days with the bureau in 2018, aided by a pair of Russian diplomats. In 2019, after he’d retired, the indictment says McGonigal went to work for the oligarch to help him evade U.S. sanctions and to investigate a rival. But the Times also reported that U.S. counterintelligence — in which McGonigal had been a key player — had tried unsuccessfully to recruit Deripaska as an asset in the years around the 2016 election.

Like the Woody Allen character Zelig, Deripaska — a 55-year-old aluminum magnate who at one time was the richest man in Putin’s Russia — is turning up in the background everywhere in the ongoing corruption of American democracy. The oligarch’s history of multimillion-dollar business dealings with Paul Manafort — Trump’s campaign manager in the summer of 2016 — is central to the theory of Russian interference, after it was confirmed that Manafort shared key campaign data with a suspected Russian intelligence agent also connected to Deripaska.

In 2019, Deripaska did manage to get those U.S. sanctions lifted, in a controversial deal backed not only by Team Trump but critically by then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. That same year, a Deripaska-linked aluminium company announced it would build a large plant in Kentucky, where McConnell was running for re-election. (It eventually wasn’t built.) This is the same McConnell who, during that critical fall period in 2016, refused to sign a bipartisan statement warning about Russian election interference.”
January 2023



International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda8 November 199431 December 2016
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Al-Salam weapons deal21 December 20052017A large arms deal signed during the government of Tony Blair.
Barack Obama/Presidency20 January 200920 January 2017The Barack Obama administration
Iraq Inquiry24 November 20096 July 2016"The point of the delay is to give the impression Chilcot has been absolutely painstaking and therefore the bucket of whitewash he will throw cannot be hiding anything. Do not be fooled." (Craig Murray)
Biden–Ukraine corruption scandal20102020Maybe this scandal would have swung the US/2020 Presidential election the other way if the media had reported on it?
Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
Saleh v. Bush13 March 201310 February 2017A legal claim that the Iraq war was an illegal act of aggression, dismissed in 2017 by the Westfall Act since it was carried out by US government employees within the scope of their employment.
"2014 Ukraine coup/Anti-Terrorist-Operation"15 April 201424 February 2022Olexander Turchynov, as acting President of Ukraine, announced the start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors in 2014.
Day X plot2015February 2017A failed attack which appears to have been intended as a false flag to be blamed on Syria.
2015 European refugee crisisJuly 20152016Crisis in Europe over the escalating numbers of refugees from Middle-Eastern and North African countries.
Brussels Forum/201620162016Yearly discreet get-together of huge amount of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and NATO-close German Marshall Fund.
"Strike Hard Campaign"2016A research project into repressive social control carried out against Chinese Muslims.
Havana syndrome2016Attack on US embassy staff and spies in different locations around the world.
2016 Batley and Spen by-election20162016By election caused by the murder of Jo Cox
WEF/Annual Meeting/201620 January 201623 January 2016Attended by over 2500 people, both leaders and followers, who were explained how the Fourth Industrial Revolution would changed everything, including being a "revolution of values".
Exercise AliceFebruary 2016February 2016Secret 2016 UK pandemic exercise modelling the impact of a coronavirus outbreak
Munich Security Conference/201612 February 201614 February 2016The 52nd Munich Security Conference
Western Global Airlines N545JN13 February 201613 February 201667 tons of cash and a body found on a CIA plane. Not known to have been reported by corporate media in Europe or North America.
2016 Brussels Bombing22 March 201622 March 2016A terrorist attack in Brussels involving 3 explosions which reportedly killed more than 30 people and injured hundreds more. Responsibility for the attack was immediately attributed to ISIS by the commercially-controlled media, clearly assuming the people are still buying this "Muslim suicide bomber" Official Narrative
2016 Brussels Bombing/Media manipulation22 March 2016False Belgian media reporting on the Mass murder in Brussels
Counter Disinformation and Media Development ProgrammeApril 2016
Panama PapersApril 2016April 2016A huge (2.6TB) cache of confidential documents created by the Panamanian corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca that provide detailed information on more than 214,000 offshore companies, including the identities of shareholders and directors. Those identified include numerous wealthy and powerful political figures and organisations of many countries.
Le Cercle/2016 (London)June 2016June 2016Alan Duncan reports that the group met in St James’s Court Hotel in Westminster
Bilderberg/20169 June 201612 June 2016The 2016 Bilderberg meeting took place in Dresden, Germany.
2016 Orlando nightclub shooting12 June 2016 02:02:0012 June 2016 05:14:002016 mass shooting at gay nightclub in Florida
2016 Magnanville stabbing13 June 2016 09:00:0013 June 2016 09:00:00President Hollande called it “incontestably a terrorist act” and said France was facing a terror threat “of a very large scale”
Jo Cox/Murder16 June 201616 June 2016
2016 EU Referendum23 June 201623 June 2016
2016 Istanbul airport attack28 June 201628 June 2016Shootings and suicide bombings at Atatürk Airport in Istanbul,
Nice truck event14 July 201614 July 2016French vehicle-ramming attack in Nice on 14 July 2016. It was filmed by Richard Gutjahr, who 8 days later filmed the shooting in Munich.
2016 Munich shooting22 July 201622 July 2016A shooting spree supposedly carried out by an 18 year old, for as yet unexplained purposes.
Ritual at CERNAugust 2016August 2016Alleged occult ritual occurring in the grounds of CERN
2016 Saumur Daesh Cell21 September 201621 September 2016In 2016 gardeners in Saumur, France found what appeared to be a Daesh cell, complete with recording equipment and props such as ISIS flags. Local police were told by the French Ministry of Defense that it was an exercise, although local police knew nothing of it.
Exercise Cygnus18 October 201620 October 2016Simulation exercise to estimate the impact of a hypothetical H2N2 influenza pandemic in the UK. One of the purposes of the scenario prepared by experts from Imperial College London was to overcome Whitehall skepticism of their earlier absolutely wrong epidemic forecasting, and to drill politicians to make certain prepared responses in case of an emergency. Held October 2016.
2016 Hurriyah car bombing hoax30 October 201630 October 2016A real bomb in the Hurriyah area of Baghdad reported as having killed people by commercially-controlled media but exposed as a hoax after CCTV footage appeared online.
RussiagateNovember 20162019
US/2016 Presidential Election8 November 20168 November 2016The one time Russia managed to decide the American election; bypassing all intelligence agencies with a then 50 billion budget.
Halifax International Security Forum/201618 November 201621 November 2016Spooky conference in Canada
Le Cercle/2016 (Washington)December 2016December 2016The most recent Cercle meeting known to have been photographed. Guest Václav Klaus later published 7 photos of the event online.
2016 Berlin attack19 December 201619 December 2016Reported truck hijacking in Berlin attributed to ISIL.


New Groups

Shadow BrokersGroup.png
Integrity Initiatives InternationalGroup.png
Ballard PartnersBallard Partners.pngInfluential lobbying firm
Proud BoysProud Boys flag.pngGroupA FBI affiliated "opposition" group.
Swiss Policy ResearchSPR.PNGSwiss Propaganda Research (SPR) is an independent non-profit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media. SPR is run anonymously by independent academics. High quality articles are available in up to 14 languages.
Snopes/Field Guide to Fake News Sites and Hoax PurveyorsGroup.png
European Counter Terrorism CentreGroup.png
Global Engagement CenterGroup.pngA "de facto U.S. government propaganda operation" run by the US State department.
UK National Cyber Security CentreGroup.png
Galvani BioelectronicsGroup.pngWell-funded Google/GlaxoSmithKline joint venture working on hacking the nervous system
PropOrNot/ListPropOrNot List.pngThe PropOrNot list was a list of websites that it stated "Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda"


New Websites

NewsBudNewsbud-blue-logo.pnghttps://www.newsbud.comIndependent research site founded by Sibel Edmonds, active 2016-2021. It was the continuation of Boiling Frogs Post.
Children's Health DefenseChildren's health defense.jpghttps://childrenshealthdefense.org/defenderCritic of vaccine safety and other health issues
PropOrNotPropOrNot.jpghttp://www.propornot.com/A spooky group which kicked off the steadily intensifying "Fake News Website" campaign
Babylon BeeBabylon Bee.jpghttps://babylonbee.com/Satirical website censored since 2020.
DCLeaksDCLeaks.webphttps://dcleaks.comWebsite that published hacked material during the 2016 election year.
WinterWatchWinterWatch logo.pnghttps://www.winterwatch.net
GabGab.svghttps://gab.com/Gab is a social networking service with a strict free speech approach for which it is criticized in corporate media.
TikTokTikTok logo.pnghttps://www.tiktok.com/Like YouTube but videos have a duration from fifteen seconds to three minutes. The company is filled with "former" CIA spooks
Tucker Carlson TonightTucker Carlson Tonight.pnghttps://www.foxnews.com/shows/tucker-carlson-tonightThe most-watched program on cable news


Groups that were Wound Up

Union Graduate SchoolGroup.pngCollege in New York State, merged with Clarkson University in 2016.
Earhart FoundationGroup.pngFunder of a number of European organisations to support free-market scholars 1929-2016
Dickstein ShapiroDickstein Shapiro logo.pngLaw firm identified as implicated in corruption by Sibel Edmonds.
Public Interest LawyersPublic Interest Lawyers.pngCommercial
Muslim Contact UnitRobert Lambert speaks to MCU.jpgIntelligence agencySpooky unit of the UK Metropolitan Police interested in "radicalisation" of Muslims.
Clinton Global InitiativeGroup.png
Northern PartyNorthern Party (England) logo 2015.pngIfS backed UK political party. Electoral flop.


A Website that Closed

GawkerGawker.pnghttp://gawker.comA formerly highly popular website which helped expose The Deep State. In 2014 it published 3 important exposes by Mark Gorton. In 2015 it published parts of Epstein's black book. Closed in 2016 by harassment lawsuits.




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Shimon Peres2 August 19232016PoliticianSpooky Israeli politician
Loran Schmit2016PoliticianThe Nebraska Senator who appointed Gary Caradori to investigate the case of the Franklin child prostitution ring.
Marwan Khreesat19462016Spook
Bomb maker
Double agent
Triple agent?
Spooky Jordanian bomb maker
Peggy Seagrave2016AuthorCo-author of several highly interesting books on Asian deep politics and history.
Cesare Pucci19342016SpookLeader of Italian intelligence services
Stanley Adams19272016WhistleblowerHoffmann-LaRoche whistleblower who was jailed for industrial espionage when found out.
Albert Breton19292016EconomistCanadian economist and advisor to Pierre Trudeau who attended Bilderberg/1984 while sitting on commission preparing recommendation of a free trade agreement with the United States.
Robert Hanson19252016BusinesspersonAttended the 1982 Bilderberg as President and CEO of agricultural machinery producer John Deere.
Judith Kaye4 August 19387 January 2016New York
Judge with close ties to Sullivan & Cromwell
Ahmad Bishara19 January 194513 January 2016Kuwait academic and activist who advocated liberal political reforms in the autocratic emirate. Attended the 2003 Bilderberg meeting.
Lars Roar Langslet5 March 193618 January 2016Double Bilderberg Norwegian Minister of Culture
George Weidenfeld13 September 191920 January 2016London
United Kingdom
Media executive
Bilderberger Member of the House of Lords whose name appeared in Jeffrey Epstein's Black book. Suspected UK deep state operative.
Mustafa Koç29 October 196021 January 2016Heart attackBusinesspersonTurkish businessman. Attended all Bilderbergs from 2004 until his death in 2016
Cecil Parkinson1 September 193122 January 2016PoliticianBritish Conservative politician and cabinet minister. Tagged for high positions, but forced to resign after revelations that his former secretary was pregnant with his child.
Robert Pickus31 October 192322 January 2016California
St. Helena
SpookSpooky "peace activist" who proposed that in "the current political climate, war is essential for justice to prevail".
Marvin Minsky9 August 192724 January 2016US
ProgrammerInfluential cognitive and computer scientist. Pal of Jeffrey Epstein.
Giulio Regeni15 January 198825 January 2016Spook
Dieter Spethmann27 March 19261 February 2016Germany
BusinesspersonGerman businessman who attended the 1968 and 1980 Bilderbergs
Drew Lewis3 November 193110 February 2016United States
Secretary of Transportation under Reagan, best known for presiding over the firing of the striking U.S. air traffic controllers in 1981. Bilderberg/1988
Antonin Scalia11 March 193613 February 2016United States
JudgeUS judge
William H. Schaap1 March 194025 February 2016Author
James Kimsey15 September 19391 March 2016United States
Internet service provider AOL founder with deep military ties, Bilderberg
Aubrey McClendon14 July 19592 March 2016OklahomaCar crashBusinesspersonA US businessman who died in suspicious circumstances.
Morgan Murphy16 April 19324 March 2016Chicago
PoliticianChicago Democrat politician
Nancy Reagan6 July 19216 March 2016US
Los Angeles
First lady
Jean-Bernard Raimond6 February 19267 March 2016France
PoliticianFrench Minister of Foreign Affairs 1986-1988
Asa Briggs7 May 192115 March 2016Spook
Official BBC historian with significant intelligence ties.
William Bader8 September 193116 March 2016Spook
US spook who in 1967 brought to Congressional attention that the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was a fraud perpetrated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara as a casus belli for the Vietnam War
Meir Dagan30 January 194517 March 2016Spook
Lothar Späth16 November 193 JL18 March 2016Politician
German politician
Guido Westerwelle27 December 196118 March 2016Germany
LeukemiaPoliticianAtlantik-Brücke, Bilderberg 2007, ousted after a media campaign. Died aged 54 of acute myeloid leukemia.
Anker Jørgensen13 July 192220 March 2016Denmark
PoliticianPrime Minister in the 1970s and 80s
Nigel Wylde16 March 194721 March 2016CancerSpook
British officer spook who raised concerns about false flag attacks and wholesale surveillance
Mae-Wan Ho12 November 194124 March 2016Activist
Biochemist among the first warning against the dangers of genetic engineering
Lester Thurow7 May 193825 March 2016EconomistUS political economist and supporter of governmental involvement in the direction of the economy who attended Bilderberg/1977.
Robert Sayre18 August 192431 March 2016Diplomat
Hans-Dietrich Genscher21 March 192731 March 2016Germany
Deep state operative
West-German deep state operator
Robert MacCrate18 July 19216 April 2016LawyerSullivan & Cromwell lawyer, investigated My Lai.
Duane Clarridge16 April 19329 April 2016Virginia
Deep politician
Founding director of the CIA Counterterrorist Center
Donald Easum27 August 192316 April 2016New Jersey
DiplomatUS diplomat with deep state connections.
John Jones (lawyer)14 June 196718 April 2016London
Struck by trainLawyerAssange lawyer who jumped in front of train
Gerasimos Arsenis30 May 193119 April 2016PoliticianAttended the 1994 Bilderberg as Greek Minister for National Defense
S. Ichtiaque Rasool193020 April 2016US
Wrote a working paper on global warming for the 1989 Bilderberg, proposing a large program of training dedicated cadre "motivated and placed in various strategic positions in industry, government and academia" and making it "a permanent and prominent part of our scientific, political and foreign policy agendas."
Philippe Brewaeys3 September 19572 May 2016BrusselsResearcher
Robert Bennett18 September 19334 May 2016United States
PoliticianMormon US Senator who attended Brussels Forums
Walther Kiep5 January 19269 May 2016Germany
Kronberg im Taunus
Politician, financial fraudster, perjurer, attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1974 to 1980
Mark Lane24 February 192710 May 2016United States
Early researcher into the JFK Assassination whose worked helped to prompt the CIA's coining of the phrase "Conspiracy theorist".
Berend Udink12 February 192624 May 2016Netherlands
PoliticianDouble Bilderberger Dutch politician
Omar Mateen16 November 198612 June 2016United States
Gilles Lamontagne17 April 191914 June 2016Quebec
Quebec City
PoliticianCanadian politician who attended the 1983 Bilderberg. Lieutenant Governor of Quebec 1984-1990
... further results


A Birth

Howard Marks10 April 2016Drug traffickerOxford attending large scale drug smuggler with MI6 among his wide range of contacts
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