Property:Has website

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|comment=This property matches websites to their individual or organisational owners
|comment=This property matches websites to their individual or organisational owners
|domain=Pagenames of people or organisations
|domain=Pagenames of people or organisations

Latest revision as of 10:09, 26 May 2014


Status: stable
This property matches websites to their individual or organisational owners

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Pagenames of people or organisations
  • Predicate:  Has website
  • Object:        URL of the website (type URL)
    Note: To make the link to personal websites, use the "Property:Has operator", see also "Property:Has URL"

4824 Pages use the property "Has website"

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Page nameHas website
Infobox person/doc[http://website http://website]
Infobox person[http://website http://website]
Andy Worthington
Barack Obama
Black Lives Matter
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairshttp://Caitlin Chase ,
Kasper Souren
Kevin Annett
Labour Party Irish Society
Lawrence Lessig
Megan McArdle
Pierre Poilievre
Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom
Rush Holt
Assassination Archives and Research Center
George Stephanopoulos stephanopoulos
US/Postmaster General
Australian Bureau of Statistics
American Center for Democracy
Australian College of Journalism
Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Technology and Logistics
Australian Davos Connection
Adrian Hänni
Public Advocate of New York City
Paul Wolfowitz
Association of Former Intelligence Officers
Ashfin Rattansi
Afzal Khan
Andreas Papandreou
Gary Aguirre
Jaime Caruana
Alain Chouet
Alexandre Adler
Svetlana Alexievich
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Alison Weir
Manfred Petritsch
George Alogoskoufis
Australian Labor Party
Alun Cairns
Amber Rudd
American University
American Freedom Alliance
Center for American Progress
Hooshang Amirahmadi
Anders Adlercreutz
André Vltchek
Andrew Gavin Marshall
Andy Wightman
Angela Eagle
Anglia Ruskin University
Angus Robertson
Anja Manuel
Annie Lööf
Andonis Samaras
Nonie Darwish
The Coalition on Political Assassinations
Jeff Gannon
Arlene Foster
Adrienne Arsht
American Security Council
Australian Secret Intelligence Service
Ed Chau
Ayesha Hazarika
Ballard Partners
Balli Group Plc
Barbara Follett
John Battelle
Adam Curtis
Brown Brothers Harriman
Behlül Özkan
Ben Carson
Bernard Asso
University of Belgrade
Bill Emmott
Bill English
Binali Yıldırım
Taglit Birthright
Bjarne Corydon
Jon Hellevig
Bill Morneau
Bob Dylan
Bob Marley
Bob Woodward
Bonnier Group
Stine Bosse
Bowdoin College
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Jim Hawes
Donna Brazile
Bret Weinstein
Brian Sandoval
Brian Stelter
University of Bristol
Brown University
New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority
Pat Buchanan
Bulgaria Analytica
Ron Burkle
George H. W. Bush
C13 Associates
Cambridge University
Canadian Labour Congress
Carlyle Group
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Catherine West
Central Bank of Russia
Center for Constitutional Rights
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Center for Security Policy
Centre for European Reform
Council for National Policy
Conservative Friends of Israel
Charles Krauthammer
Charlize Theron
Liz Cheney
Jean-François Revel
Ephraim Mirvis
Noam Chomsky
Chris Hadfield
Christopher Leslie
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Central Intelligence Retirement Association
Bill Clinton
Center for Medicine in the Public Interest
John Hickenlooper
P. Diddy
Dave Smith
Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
Dave Cullen
Conflict Studies Research Centre
John Conyers
Bob Corker
Cornerstone Group
Tom Cotton
Chinese Communist Party
Craig Murray
Craig Timberg
Christine Varney
Creighton University
Jeff Gates
International Crisis Group
Cristina Martín Jiménez
Ted Cruz
John Young
Center for Strategic and International Studies
John Hamre
Center for Peace and Security Studies
European Court of Justice 7024/
Alan Watt
Dmitry Medvedev
Dalton School
Damascus University
Daniel Bahr
Dave Anderson
David Corn
David DeGraw
David Gauke
David Gergen
David Ignatius
David Jones
David Ray Griffin
David Satter
David Swanson
David Dees
Deborah Dupre
Demis Hassabis
Democracy Now!
Democratic National Committee/Chair
DePauw University
Australia/Department/Foreign Affairs and Trade
David Halpin
Diana West
Diane Abbott
Diederik Samsom
Kevin Ryan
Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
Yale Divinity School
Gottfried Lange
Dora Bakoyannis
Israel/Defense Forces
US/Senate/Caucus on International Narcotics Control
University of Delhi
United States Ambassador to Ireland
Mark Dubowitz
Barry Walker
Evgeny Fedorov
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services 2010-2014/barnier/index en.htm
European Commissioner for Trade 2010-2014/degucht/
European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro 2010-2014/rehn/index en.htm
European Commissioner for Jobs Growth Investment and Competitiveness 2010-2014/rehn/index en.htm
José Manuel Barroso barroso/president/index en.htm
European Court of Human Rights
Ellen Brown
Keith Ellison
Endowment for Middle East Truth
Emily Thornberry
University of Athens
University of Warsaw
Wuhan University
Vladimir Putin
Ali Khamenei
Martín Varsavsky
Moscow State Institute of International Relations
South Korea/President
President of Taiwan
Saint Petersburg State University
Tel Aviv University
Wuhan Institute of Virology
Wuhan University of Technology
Electronic Privacy Information Center
Erik Moshe
Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy
Ethan Zuckerman
European Union
European Foundation for Democracy
Fabian Society
Mark Zuckerberg
Faik Öztrak
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Family Security Matters
Erlangen Nuremberg University
Federal Trust
Fehmi Koru
Felix Gutzwiller
Jacob G. Hornberger
Madeleine McCann
Tim Hwang
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
World Peace Foundation
Fox News
Foreign Policy Centre
François-Philippe Champagne
Frank Dobson
Nick Bryant
Frederick Kempe
Foundation for Research on Economics and Environment
Freedom Defense Initiative
Jimmy Lai
Talha Ahsan
Fritt Ord
Francis Fukuyama
Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology
Gary Sick
Bill Gates
Gavin Williamson
Government Communications Security Bureau
George Osborne
George Pataki
George Soros
Germar Rudolf
Gilles Kepel
Kirsten Gillibrand
Glenn Greenwald
Glenn Hubbard
Michel Chossudovsky
George Mason University
Mark Gaffney
Katrin Göring-Eckardt
Romania/Prime Minister
Jeremy Wright
Mark Rutte
Stephen Gowans
George Papaconstantinou
Graham E. Fuller
Green Monitor
Greg Clark
Greg Coppola
Stanford Graduate School of Business
Great Transition Initiative
Simon Jenkins
Günther Oettinger
Hal Jackman
Hans-Peter Bartels
Gikas Hardouvelis
Harriett Baldwin
Orrin Hatch
The Heartland Institute
Paul Smyth
Herzliya Conference
Hilda Murrell
David Kaiser
Peter Hitchens
Harvard/Law School
Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs
Harvard Medical School
Oberlin College
John Perry Barlow
Horst Seehofer
Howard Fredrics
Howard Stern
H.P. Albarelli Jr.
University of Huddersfield
International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic
Jørgen Huno Rasmussen
Norsk Hydro
Iain Wright
Dylan Avery
Ian Bremmer
Ian Lavery
ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon
International Center for Alcohol Policies
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence
International Democrat Union
I. F. Stone
Ilhan Kesici
Imad Mustafahttp://imad
The Institute of Modern Russia
Mike Pence
James Inhofe
Institute for National Strategic Studies
University of Gdańsk
Australian Institute of International Affairs
Institute for Public Policy Research
Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament
Pakistan/Prime Minister
Islamist Watch
Israel Shamir
International Trade Union Confederation
Ivo Mosley
Jacinda Ardern
Jack Conte
Jack Matlock
Jacob Mchangama
Jacob Wohl
James Fallows
Jamestown Foundation
James Webb
Jane Ellison
Janet Phelan
Jay Dyer
Jean-Marie Le Pen
Jeff Koons
Barry Jennings
Jeremy Paxman
Jerry Brown
Jess Phillips
Jeremy Howard
Jim Goad
Jimmy Wales
Jo Johnson
Jo Cox
Jody McIntyre
Joe Anderson
John Hemming
John Browne
John Helmer
John Kasich
John Key
John le Carré
John Pilger
John Thurso
Jonathan Freedland
Joseph Muscat
Joshua Cooper Ramo
Julia Gillard
Julie Girling
Justine Greening
Tim Kaine
Karen House
Kari Lake
Kasim Reed
Kate Osamor
Keir Starmer
Jack Kemp
University of Kent
Kevin Rudd
Klaus Iohannis
Pamela Rendi-Wagner
Don Knabe
Adam Kokesh
Kono Taro
Naomi Koshi
Kristian Jensen
James Howard Kunstler
Lamont Colucci
Brian Berletic
Larry Sanger
Lars Løkke Rasmussen
University of Law
Patrick Leahy
Leo Varadkar
Leuren Moret
Lindsey Graham
Libyan Investment Authority
Australia/Liberal Party
Dahlia Wasfi
Ole Dammegård
Liliana Gil
Eduard Limonov
Liz Kendall
Lev Leviev
Lloyds of London
Michael Ashcroft
Louise Ellman
Louka Katseli
Lowy Institute
Chabad Lubavitch
Loyola University
Luciana Berger
Luke Akehurst
Mogens Lykketoft
Fondazione Magna Carta
Margot James
Maria Ressa
Mark Crispin Miller
Mark Curtis
Marnia Lazreg
Martina Anderson
Brandon Martinez
Mauricio Macri
Max Blumenthal
May Ayres
Chicago/Mayor the mayor.html
Claire McCaskill
McGill University
Cathy McMorris Rodgers
Robbie Martin
Melanie Phillips
Robert Menendez
Merritt College
Scott Noble
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu
Mhairi Black
Michael Nehls
Michael Moore
Michael Parenti
Michael Flynn
AIJAC/Rambam Programs/2015
Sharmine Narwani
Michael Bloomberg
Millfield School
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sloan School of Management
Mitt Romney
Marsh & McLennan
Mateusz Morawiecki
Cabinet Office/MMU
... further results

Showing 9 related entities.