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1961 < 1962 < 1963 < 1964 < 1965 < 1966 < 1967 <1968 < 1969 < 1970 < 1971 > 1972 > 1973 > 1974 > 1975 > 1976 > 1977 > 1978 > 1979 > 1980 > 1981

Decade.png 1970s: )    Year.png 1971 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
1971 US abandons the gold standard.jpg
In 1971, the US abandoned the gold standard. Many nations' central banks continued to hold US dollars, due in part to the petrodollar.

In 1971 the US abandoned the gold standard after holders of dollars, concerned about currency inflation due to the rapid creation of dollars due to the Vietnam War started buying gold. This might have caused a large amount of capital flight away from the US dollar, but the petrodollar system stimulated a replacement demand, and several other currencies followed suit to leave the gold standard, rendering them equally suspect as inflation proof investments.

"War On Drugs"

Full article: War On Drugs

The US government under Richard Nixon began a "War On Drugs" which has not ended to this day. The official narrative declared that illegal drugs represented a serious threat the the social order, and so special laws were needed to prevent users from themselves. John Ehrlichman, the White House Domestic Affairs Advisor later admitted that this was a fraud.

Important New Groups

Full article: Club de Berne

The Club de Berne, a little known and highly secretive association of intelligence agencies, was founded in 1971. It is known to be associated with "counter-terrorism" (spinning off the Counter Terrorist Group in 2002) but its exact releance is unknown since no documents have yet emerged from the group.

Full article: World Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum, which was to play a key role decades later in the COVID-19 event.



Tuskegee syphilis experiment19321972A murderous experiment which looked at the progression of syphilis. Subjects were told that they were being treated, while in fact treatment was denied them. Exposed after 40 years by a whistleblower who went to the press.
Operation Paperclip8 May 19451990A transfer of top German scientists to USA.
Cold War194726 September 1991The official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia.
Operation Demagnetize19481980"The institutional hardening of Gladio", an expansion of Gladio in the late 1940s, early 1950s.
Lockheed/Bribery scandals19501976A series of bribes made by officials of the U.S. aerospace company Lockheed from the late 1950s to the 1970s in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft.
Project MKUltra13 April 19531973An illegal mind control research programme, where psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture were used to gain control of individuals.
COINTELPRO19561971Series of covert and illegal projects aimed at subversion of 1960s left wing movements
Vietnam WarDecember 195630 April 1975The Vietnam War was a proxy war lead by US that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from December 1956 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Millions of people were killed, mostly Vietnamese. JFK was assassinated soon after declaring his intent to withdraw US troops. The war helped the CIA to refine its methods of illegal drug trafficking, torture and the like.
Operation Snow White19601979Religious cult breaks into 100s of international government buildings to remove their own names, is not banned.
Operation Ranch Hand19621971U.S. military herbicidal/chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War
Rhodesian Bush WarJuly 1964December 1979
Chagos Archipelago/Depopulation196527 April 1973At the request of the US, the UK military forced the population of the Chagos Archipelago off their ancestral land so that the USA could construct a military base.
Phoenix Program19651972A clandestine CIA research project into the use of terror as a means of social control. Techhniques from South East Asia, were later developed in Latin America
The Troubles19661998The sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland which flared into serious sustained violence through the summer of 1969
Markovic affair196812 January 1976When a sexual blackmailer was killed in 196, it soon turned out he had pictures of very prominent persons, including future President Georges Pompidou and his wife Claude.
Operation Condor19681989US-backed campaign of assassination and terrorisation carried out in South America.
Great Oil Sniffer Hoax19691979A fraudulent scheme purporting to be able to detect oil by a new technology. Details remain rather obscure.
Clockwork Orange1970April 1976UK deep state campaign carried out to discredit the government of Harold Wilson
Inslaw19701990Complex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.
The Disappeared of the Yonne19701980Over three decades, some 30 young women went missing while in the care of the social services in the Yonne region of France.
FBI/Activities 1971-200119712001FBI activities between the official end of COINTELPRO and 911
Bilderberg/197123 April 197125 April 1971The 20th Bilderberg, 89 guests
"War on Drugs"18 June 1971A social control strategy that provides a lot of off-the-books funding for the US Deep state in particular. As a strategy of tension, it has served to scapegoat minorities and is used as a pretext for social militarization and the removal of civil liberties.


New Groups

Empire State CollegeEmpire State College logo.pngPublic
Liberal Arts
A college dedicated to adult, student-centered education
Inter-Alpha Group of BanksInter-Alpha.jpgA banking cartel created in 1971 by six banks in the European Community, directed from London by Sir Jacob Rothschild
Vancouver School of TheologyVancouver School of Theology.pngMilitary ranksMulti-denominational divinity school
EcoHealth AllianceEcoHealth Alliance.svgGroup which funded gain-of-function work on coronaviruses in the WIV. The director co-signed a statement in The Lancet "to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin." In November 2020, an Email was published which indicated he had organised it, which concludes "Please note that this statement will not have EcoHealth Alliance logo on it and will not be identifiable as coming from any one organization or person, the idea is to have this as a community supporting our colleagues."
Club de BerneClub de Berne.jpgShadowy group of intelligence agencies of the 28 states of the European Union (EU), Norway, Switzerland and Israel etc
The Hague ClubGroup.pngA network of philanthropic
Southern Poverty Law CenterSPLC Logo.svg
Center for Strategic and International StudiesCsis.pngThink tank
Military ranks
Ulster Defence AssociationGroup.png
WeekendavisenGroup.pngDanish corporate newspaper. Heavy Bilderberg habit.
Association of European Border RegionsAssociation of European Border Regions.pngOrganization of European regions, working to weaken national states, to the advantage of smaller regions and the larger EU superstructure. Presidents of the organization have a heavy Bilderberg habit.
Libertarian National CommitteeLibertarian National Committee.pngThe National Committee of the US Libertarian Party
World Finance CorporationGroup.png
Watergate/White House PlumbersGroup.pngA covert action group which intended to get caught, and attract odium to Richard Nixon
Military Reaction ForceMilitary Reaction Force.jpgHit squad
Pantheon-Assas UniversityGroup.pngUniversityUniversity which is considered the top law school in France.
University of Paris-SudLogoUPSUD.pngOne of the largest and most prestigious universities in France, particularly in science and mathematics 1971-2020.
Turkish Industry and Business AssociationTusiad.jpgPossible deep state milieu, under suspicion because it so well represented at the Bilderberg. Identifies with Western interests.
Information Policy UnitGroup.pngPropaganda
Libertarian PartyLibertarian Party.pngAmerican Libertarian party.


A Group that was Wound Up

Information Liaison DepartmentGroup.png




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Otto Niemeyer18831971Banker
Alberto Pirelli18821971Deep state actor
Italian businessman who attended the first Bilderberg and 7 others up to 1963.
Michael Heilperin19091971EconomistPolish economist friend and colleague of Ludwig von Mises who attended 5 Bilderbergs up to 1960.
Ray Richardson31 March 1946January 1971Mexico
Malcom Wallace15 November 19217 January 1971US
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
Found guilty of "murder with malice aforethought" for which he was given a suspended sentence. He was working as LBJ's personal assassin since that time.
Jules Delaune193210 January 1971
Richard Russell2 November 189721 January 1971United States
Washington DC
Stephen McCarthyJuly 195126 January 1971Greenwich
Brook Hospital
Jacobo Árbenz14 September 191327 January 1971Mexico
Mexico City
A democratically elected President of Guatemala whom the CIA liquidated due to his land redistribution policy
Gunnar Jahn10 January 188331 January 1971Economist
Central banker
Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee and Norwegian Central Bank
Thomas Dewey24 March 190216 March 1971United States
Governor of New York, US lawyer, attended the 1957 February Bilderberg
Karl Blessing5 February 190025 April 1971France
Central banker
A classic example of the intelligent, amoral Nazi technocrat that smoothly transitioned to the new West Germany.
T. V. Soong4 December 189425 April 1971US
San Francisco
Deep state actor
Winston Scott30 March 190926 April 1971Spook
JFK/Assassination/Premature death
Charles P. Cabell11 October 190325 May 1971Virginia
Camille Gutt14 November 18847 June 1971Belgium
Central bankerFirst Managing Director of the IMF
Leonard Beaton20 June 19299 June 1971Italy
JournalistDied aged 41, three years after attending the 1968 Bilderberg. His book, The Reform of Power, was posthumously published in 1972.
Pietro Quaroni3 October 189811 June 1971RomeDiplomat
One of a dozen men whom Józef Retinger consulted when setting up the Bilderberg group
William Elliot3 June 189627 June 1971RAF commander, Bilderberger
Samuel Bronfman27 February 188910 July 1971Canada
Liquor producer who made it big during the US Prohibition. Kept mobster ties afterwards, even while going respectable as a businessman
Charles Wickham11 September 187920 July 1971Soldier
Police officer
British counter-insurgency expert organizing murder gangs and torture chambers in Northern Ireland, Greece and around the Empire.
Desmond Morton13 November 189131 July 1971Spook
Deep politician
An almost unknown and yet crucial British spymaster in the first half of the 20th century.
W. T. Wren1900August 1971BusinesspersonUK single Bilderberger industrialist
Finn Moe12 October 19026 August 1971Journalist
Transatlantic and pro-EU Norwegian politician who attended the First Bilderberg and two more in the 1950s
Barry Domville5 September 187813 August 1971
Peter Fleming31 May 190718 August 1971Scotland
Black Mount
British adventurer, spook,journalist, soldier and travel writer.
Roundell Palmer15 April 18873 September 1971Spook
Deep state operative
Minister of Economic Warfare in the Churchill wartime government between 1942 and 1945. his put him in charge of the Special Operations Executive (SOE), which ran undercover operations of sabotage in Occupied Europe.
Bourke Hickenlooper21 July 18964 September 1971New York
United States
Shelter Island
PoliticianAttended the 1963 Bilderberg as Chair of the Senate Republican Policy Committee. Introduced the Hickenlooper Amendment.
Nikita Khrushchev15 April 189411 September 1971Russia
Soviet Union
Clifton C. Carter191822 September 1971Politician
Roscoe White24 September 1971Burns
Hugo Black27 February 188625 September 1971United States
William Jackson25 March 190128 September 1971United States
Deputy CIA director prior to Allen Dulles
Kingman Douglass16 April 18968 October 1971Spook
Dean Acheson11 April 189312 October 1971United States
Sandy Spring
Deep state operative
US deep state operative who was the 51st Secretary of State
Roland Gwynne16 May 188215 November 1971Sussex
Patient, close friend, and probable lover of the suspected serial killer Dr John Bodkin Adams.
Marc "Boy-boy" Wallenberg28 June 192419 November 1971BusinesspersonWallenberg family businessman who killed himself after family intrigues
Rolf Gerhardsen3 February 190221 November 1971Spook
Phoebe Pool1913December 1971SpookBritish art historian and spy for the Soviet Union. Spooky suicide in 1971.



TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Michael Rubin1971Neconservativesenior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute
Tim Wilson1971Historian
Carlo Ratti1971Architect
Italian architect inventor who has focused on COVID-19
Andy Carvin1971Propagandist
Jahan MahmoodJanuary 1971Historian
"Terror expert"
UK "terror expert", member of the Institute for Statecraft, reported that UK authorities are radicalising young Muslims.
Arjen Kamphuis1971HackerDutch IT-expert with a Wikileaks connection. He disappeared during a trip in Norway in 2018.
Jonathan Newell1971US10 September 2021JudgePaedophile Judge who killed himself to avoid arrest from the FBI
Guccifer1971HackerRomanian hacker who gained access to e-mail accounts of US government officials and their family members.
Nicholas Paul Astbury1971DiplomatBritish diplomat who has worked in several areas of interest to the deep state (drugs, regime changes etc).
Dahlia Wasfi1971Activist
US/Iraqi Peace activist who spoke up against the invasion and occupation of Iraq
Sarah Dyke1971Politician
Matthew Remski1971
Shahid Bolsen1971
Thomas Massie13 January 1971US
West Virginia
Pablo Hernández de Cos20 January 1971Spain
Central bankerSpanish central banker
Paula Amorim21 January 1971Portugal
BusinesspersonPortuguese businesswoman in the energy sector and part of one of the richest families in Portugal. Bilderberg/2018.
Eugenio Burzaco22 January 1971Buenos AiresSpook
Deep state operative
Argentinian politically connected spook with a large amount of dodgy dealings. WEF Young Global Leader 2006
Sander Hicks1 February 1971Musician
Media executive
Emily Miller2 March 1971JournalistUS Conservative journalist and graduate of the Walsh School of Foreign Service
Karst Roeland Tates7 March 1971Gelderland
1 May 2009Terrorist?
Lone Nut?
Tates tried to kill the royal family on Queen Beatrix her birthday in 2009 in quite the chaotic vehicular assault.
Abu Zubaydah12 March 1971Saudi ArabiaA prisoner of the deep state, subjected to torture, denied legal process, still in detention for over 20 years.
James Hoare15 March 1971
Jody Wilson-Raybould23 March 1971Politician
Canadian cabinet minister who was forced out by Justin Trudeau
Sayeeda Warsi28 March 1971United Kingdom
West Riding of Yorkshire
Robert Gibbs29 March 1971United States
PropagandistPR-exec who was White House Press Secretary from 2009 to 2011, then started working for McDonald's.
Danielle Smith1 April 1971Canada
PoliticianPremier of Alberta since 2022
Shireen Abu Akleh3 April 197111 May 2022Journalist
Denis Voronenkov10 April 1971Russia
Soviet Union
23 March 2017PoliticianA vocal critic of Vladimir Putin. Assassinated in 2017.
Sharon Dijksma16 April 1971Netherlands
PoliticianDutch politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg
Ron Dermer16 April 1971US
Miami Beach
DiplomatBenjamin Netanyahu's closest adviser and strategic consultant
Kathryn Ruemmler19 April 1971United States
Washington State
LawyerWhite House Counsel to President Barack Obama from 2011 until 2014. She had dozens of meetings with Jeffrey Epstein in the years after her White House job. Joined Goldman Sachs in 2020.
Anwar al-Awlaki21 April 1971United States
New Mexico
Las Cruces
30 September 2011Academic
The first assassination victim in modern times for whose death the US government has openly admitted responsibility.
Jorge Moreira da Silva24 April 1971Portugal
Vila Nova de Famalicão
PoliticianPortuguese politician
Douglas Carswell3 May 1971London
United Kingdom
PoliticianA former Tory who was UKIP's sole representative in Parliament before becoming an Independent MP
Pamela Rendi-Wagner7 May 1971Austria
Austrian physician and "vaccine expert" catapulted to Chairwoman of the Austrian Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) in November 2018. Bilderberg 2018.
Danny Danon8 May 1971Diplomat
Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN since 2024
Boris Reitschuster12 May 1971Bavaria
COVID critic & Integrity Initiative
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti17 May 1971Argentina
Buenos Aires
RoyaltyDutch royalty
Gina Raimondo17 May 1971Rhode Island
Kristian Jensen21 May 1971Denmark
PoliticianDanish politician picked for the Marshall Memorial Fellowship. Attended the 2023 Bilderberg.
George Osborne23 May 1971LondonDeep politicianSuspected UK deep politician, heavy Bilderberg habit,
James Le Mesurier25 May 1971Singapore11 November 2019Spook
A UK spook involved in various NATO interventions, including sin Syria where he started the White Helmets and the Mayday Rescue Foundation. He was found dead in Istanbul in November 2019, which was labelled a suicide, in spite of the evidence.
Marco Rubio28 May 1971United States
Harry HartJune 1971BusinesspersonInstitute for Statecraft director who resigned after the Integrity Initiative leak. Serial company director, son of a spooky adviser to Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
Colin Kahl1 June 1971US
SpookNominated as Biden's Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
Steve Baker6 June 1971PoliticianTory MP who pushed gene-based Covid jabs on pregnant women.
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría Antón10 June 1971Spain
PoliticianDeputy Prime Minister of Spain until the day she attended the 2018 Bilderberg
Liz Kendall11 June 1971Abbots Langley
PoliticianBlairite Labour party leadership contender in 2015, Member of Parliament for Leicester West
Orly Weinerman21 June 1971Actor
Martin Krasnik22 June 1971Denmark
EditorDanish editor-in chief frequently accused of being a "spokesman for Israel". Attended Bilderberg/2022
... further results
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