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Decade.png 1980s: )    Year.png 1989 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Berlin wall end.jpg
Crowds gather at the decrepit Berlin Wall in November, 1989
A year of huge political change in Eastern Europe, as the people in nation after nation rose up to express their discontent with the Soviet backed governments. In China, the government stifled the popular demands for government change by a mass murder of (at least) hundreds of students.

1989 marked the end of the entrenched cold war, as the communist governments of Eastern Europe began to yield to popular pressure.

Financial crimes

Full article: Savings and loan fraud

1989 was a peak year in the USA for bank failures, as the ongoing Savings and loan fraud continued to transfer money from ordinary US citizens to those committing the (cabal-enabled) fraud. Author Pete Brewton has called this "the largest theft in the history of the world", and estimated the size of the total theft as about $500,000,000,000.[1]

Alfred Herrhausen was a banker on the Bilderberg/Steering committee who in 1987 embraced the cause of a debt jubilee. He was assassinated in 1989 "in a military operation of a complexity without precedent"

Disintegration of the Soviet Empire

In 1989, many nation states in Eastern Europe underwent sweeping political change in response to organised non-violent demonstrations by millions of their citizens. In contrast the report of the 1989 Bilderberg predicted that “The political stability of Eastern Europe will continue into the nineties.” [2] One exception was Romania, where Nicolae Ceaușescu's government was toppled 8 days after the military, police and Securitate shot anti-government demonstrators.

Existential crisis for Cold Warriors

The end of the Cold War presented a challenge for institutions which had been using it to justify their existence, a gap which was filled by "terrorism", a narrative in preparation since 1979:

“In one sense MI6 and MI5 have got it right, are, in fact, a brilliant success. Faced with their biggest crisis of the post-war period, the end of the Red Menace which justified the budgets,

the careers and the gongs, they have emerged with budgets renewed, new agendas approved; untouched by the politicians, unsupervised by anyone, still - we are not supposed to laugh - still accountable to the Crown not Parliament ( i.e. to no-one). Both MI6 and MI5 have reacted to the new conditions post Cold War in thoroughly competent, even creative ways. Needing something something to justify the budget, MI6 picked the international drug trade. Far as I know, since MI6 joined the 'war against drugs' the price of cocaine and heroin in the UK at street level has halved: it is now cheaper to get off your face, as they say in Hull, on smack than it is on alcohol. And didn't I read a few months ago that MI6 had persuaded Clare Short to task them to provide her with early warning of coups in the developing world? An honest-to-goodness license to do anything, anywhere. Only a Labour government, timid and ignorant, would fall for a proposal as preposterous as that one. MI5 hardly paused for breath after losing the KGB 'threat' contained in the Soviet Embassy and its Trade Mission, before acquiring the domestic terrorism franchise from the Met Special Branch and beginning the process of hyping up the animal rights and green activists as a new terrorist threat.

(And they are getting a new definition of terrorism run through the Houses of Parliament to support it.) Of course, only the politicians and some of the media - the handful who are paying any attention at all - take the talk of the war on drugs seriously. MI6 don't, I am sure; any more than they seriously intend to provide Clare Short with an early warning of coups in the Third World. At the higher levels of MI6, MI5 and all the rest they must be chortling in the senior dining rooms at the incredible gullibility of the British political class - and this present lot in particular.”
Robin Ramsay [3]

Tiananmen Square, China

Tank Man's iconic resistance to the violence of the the Chinese communist government, on July 4th, 1989, the day after tanks had crushed non-violent demonstrators nearby.

A year of huge political change in Eastern Europe, as the people in nation after nation rose up to express their discontent with the Soviet backed governments. In China, the government stifled the popular demands for government change by a mass murder of (at least) hundreds of students.

Inspired by the success of people in Eastern Europe, hundreds of thousands protested the government and demanded some proper representation. The Chinese government mobilised up to 300,000 soldiers and killed or injured thousands of demonstrators. The courage of Tank Man is one legacy of this bloodbath that continues to inspire non-violent resistance.



Operation Paperclip8 May 19451990A transfer of top German scientists to USA.
Cold War194726 September 1991The official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia.
The Troubles19661998The sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland which flared into serious sustained violence through the summer of 1969
Operation Condor19681989US-backed campaign of assassination and terrorisation carried out in South America.
Inslaw19701990Complex financial/political fraud the full dimensions of which were never uncovered, but some of which were forced onto the official record.
FBI/Activities 1971-200119712001FBI activities between the official end of COINTELPRO and 911
Project STARGATE19781995Project STARGATE aimed to gain domination over entire nations by making them cede their autonomy and privacy to the controlling person or group.
Operation Cyclone19791992The first time the CIA officially met Osama Bin Laden, they deemed him part of the hero movement to protect the world against Soviet influence. In Operation Cyclone, the CIA funded him and allowed entire cities to become death traps with the narrative of giving Soviets their own Vietnam.
1980s Afghan war24 December 197915 February 1989Another episode of the Soviet Union and US imploding a third world country from inside by fuelling a civil war with weapon smuggling. Afghanistan has yet to recover.
Ronald Reagan/Presidency20 January 198120 January 1989The Ronald Reagan administration 1981-1989
The secret war against Sweden27 October 19811994A large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests.
Contaminated blood affair19832003For several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands.
McMartin PreschoolAugust 1983July 1990The day care scandal that started the so-called "satanic panic" of the 80s. Covered up.
Al-Yamamah arms dealSeptember 1985August 2006A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Savings and loan fraud19861995"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.
Franklin child prostitution ring19881991A US/Deep state backed child prostitution ring centered around Larry King that was partially exposed
Operation Yellowbird19891997A UK/US operation to extract Chinese leadership of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
George H. W. Bush/Presidency20 January 198920 January 1993The George H. W. Bush administration
Caracazo27 February 19898 March 1989Police massacre of 2-3000 people after protest against collapsing neoliberal economy.
Hillsborough disaster15 April 198915 April 1989A crush at a football stadium with the highest death toll in UK sporting history.
Bilderberg/198912 May 198914 May 198937th Bilderberg meeting, 110 guests
Tiananmen3 June 19894 June 1989A Chinese mass protest in hundreds of cities turned violent. Questions remain about the sequence of events, CIA involvement and the scope of the aftermath after a media blackout occurred as media were mentioning threats of civil war to be increasing. Chinese media banned the mentioning of the event entirely, while atrocity stories are trotted out regularly by Western corporate media to maintain an enemy image.
UTA Flight 77219 September 198919 September 19891989 plane bombing in the African nation of Chad. Libya was framed for political reasons, in a striking resemblance to the destruction of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Avianca Flight 20327 November 198927 November 1989
United States invasion of Panama20 December 198931 January 1990US war of aggression in 1989


New Groups

Accident Investigation Board NorwayAccident Investigation Board Norway logo.pngResponsible for investigating transport-related accidents within Norway, where the 1982 Mehamn Accident is one of them.
Wexner Israel FellowshipGroup.pngLes Wexner's Young Leaders program
Center for the Study of DemocracyCSD footer.png
Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and TerrorismGroup.pngThink tank
APECGroup.pngInternationalEconomic forum made up of the 21 countries in the Pacific Rim,
New Zealand Broadcasting Standards AuthorityBSA logo 2011.pngNew Zealand government supervision body for corporate media.
Common PurposeGroup.png
Council for the National InterestCouncil for the National Interest.jpgA non-profit anti-war advocacy group focused on transparency and accountability about the relationship of Israel and the United States.
Executive OutcomesExecutive Outcomes.jpgMilitary
A private military contractor which offered "Security management" and "full-service risk management consulting". It operated during the 1990s and boasted 500 military advisers and over 3000 military personnel, largely drawn from the South African Civil Cooperation Bureau.
Global Panel FoundationGroup.pngNGO with members who are mostly people with deep ties to the intelligence community, working behind the scenes promoting international cooperation with regard to decision-making and implementation processes.
AdbustersAdbusters.jpgAnti-consumerist NGO which somewhat inadvertently kicked off the Occupy movement in 2011
Social Market FoundationGroup.pngThink tank
The Sydney InstituteSydney Institute.pngAustralian business-friendly talking forum
AccentureAccenture.pngmultinational corporation that is heavily involved in privatization and public-private partnerships in sectors such as schools.
One World ActionOWA 21.jpgCharityA London-based charity, headed by Labour MEP Glenys Kinnock from 1989 until its closure in 2011, which provided development aid for overseas projects focusing on alleviating poverty and oppression, and on safeguarding people's human rights.
Therapeutic Goods AdministrationTherapeutic Goods Administration logo.pngThe medicine regulatory agency most captured by Big Pharma in the world.
Bruges GroupBruges logo small.pngOfficially, a eurosceptic think tank.
Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey PlazaSchoolbookDepository.jpgHistoricA museum that promotes the official narrative that JFK was killed by "lone nut" Lee Harvey Oswald.
AsusAsusTek logo.pngThe world's 5th-largest PC vendor by unit sales


Groups that were Wound Up

Institute for the Study of ConflictInstitute for the Study of Conflict.pngPropaganda
Think tank
Original CIA funded "anti-terrorism" group
American Continental CorporationGroup.pngArizona company involved in the Savings and loan fraud through its chairman Charles Keating.
Active Measures Working GroupGroup.png
Research Foundation for the Study of TerrorismGroup.png




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Alberto Giovannetti19131989
Max Geldens19321989Dutch director of McKinsey & Company who wrote and gave a working paper for the 1984 Bilderberg
Carlisle Humelsine19151989SoldierRockefeller protege who attended the 1964 Bilderberg
Richard Christmann13 November 19051989Spook
Bernhard Maier19361989Diplomat
Iran-Contra/Premature death?
Ship designer and Austrian Honorary Consul in Geneva, Switzerland. He died in what was ruled a suicide, although he had contacts with arms deals and was a close friend Uwe Barschel, who also died under mysterious circumstances.
John Layton28 September 191223 January 1989Businessperson
Gustavo Alverez12 December 193725 January 1989SoldierCIA-connected Honduras army commander who led torture/death squads
William Stephenson23 January 189731 January 1989Paget
Chadbourne Gilpatric1 February 1989SpookOSS in WW2, then joined the Rockefeller Foundation
Pat Finucane194912 February 1989Catholic Belfast solicitor killed by loyalist paramilitaries on 12 February 1989
Alfred Dallinger7 November 192623 February 1989Switzerland
Air disasterPolitician
Union organizer
Austrian politician, Bilderberg 1979, died in a small plane crash in 1989
Joseph Fenton195326 February 1989Belfast man killed by the Provisional IRA (IRA) for acting as an informer for the Royal Ulster Constabulary's (RUC) Special Branch
John J. McCloy31 March 189511 March 1989Connecticut
Deep politician
Central banker
US deep politician, Warren Commission, CFR Chair for 17 years, President of the World Bank ...
Guillaume Guindey19 June 190911 March 1989Central bankerQuad Bilderberg BIS General Manager. Marshall Plan. Advised General de Gaulle to repatriate the French gold reserve from the United States.
Alof de Louvencourt31 March 191111 March 1989Férolles-AttillyDeep politicianFirst President of Le Siecle
William Higgitt10 November 19172 April 1989Canada
Police officer
Deep state actor
Per Hysing-Dahl31 July 19207 April 1989Politician
Mentioned as possible defense minister in 1981, at time of Bilderberg meeting. Instead appointed President of the Norwegian Parliament (Storting)
David Webster1 December 19441 May 1989
Frank Cluskey8 April 19307 May 1989Dublin
Spoke at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism as Leader of the Irish Labour Party
Howard Corcoran25 January 190611 May 1989US
Washington DC
US federal judge. Brother of Thomas Corcoran, a close friend of Lyndon B. Johnson.
Donald Hiss15 December 190618 May 1989SpookThe younger brother of Alger Hiss. Donald Hiss's name was mentioned during the 1948 hearings wherein his more famous and older brother, Alger, was accused of spying for the Soviet Union, and two years later convicted of perjury before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC).
Warren Magnuson12 April 190520 May 1989Washington DC
U.S. Representative (1937–1944) and a U.S. Senator (1944–1981) from Washington state.
Bernice Eddy30 September 190324 May 1989Virologist
Claes-Ulrik Winberg23 September 192531 May 1989Businessperson
Ruhollah Khomeini24 September 19023 June 1989Iran
Eleanor McBean12 September 19056 June 1989Los AngelesAuthor
Lopez Rega17 November 19169 June 1989Argentina
Buenos Aires
Ib Nørlund29 August 191714 June 1989
I. F. Stone24 December 190718 June 1989JournalistOne of the great reporters of the 20th century, I.F. Stone, told journalism students never to forget that "All governments lie."
Thorkil Kristensen9 October 189926 June 1989Denmark
First Secretary-General of the OECD. 3 Bilderbergs
A.J. Ayer29 October 191027 June 1989Spook
British spook and later Oxford professor
Karl Bendetsen11 October 190728 June 1989Architect of the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. 1971 Bilderberg
Hasan Işık19162 July 1989Diplomat
Turkish diplomat and politician who attended the 1975 Bilderberg meeting.
Pieter Lieftinck30 September 19029 July 1989The HaguePolitician
Dutch Minister of Finance for 7 years just after WW2. Attended the February 1957 Bilderberg Meeting
Sidney Hook20 December 190212 July 1989California
Stanford University
PhilosopherAmerican philosopher and anti-communist activist.
Irving Brown5 October 191114 July 1989France
Union organizer
US Trade unionist and and consigliere for the CIA who attended the 1956 Bilderberg
Colin Crowe7 September 191319 July 1989DiplomatBritish diplomat who was stationed in Egypt at a critical period, and afterwards was ambassador to Saudi Arabia, high commissioner to Canada and permanent representative at the United Nations.
Dolf Sternberger28 July 190727 July 1989Germany
German Political Science academic who attended the third and fourth Bilderbergs
Michael Harrington24 February 192831 July 1989Author
US democratic socialist whi write The Other America.
Paolo Baffi5 August 19114 August 1989Italy
Central banker
Hubert Beuve-Mery5 January 19026 August 1989Journalist
Founder of Le Monde. Attended Bilderberg 1970. Directed Agence France-Presse 1970-1978
James Markham7 March 19439 August 1989France
Shot with air rifleJournalist
Iran-Contra/Premature death
New York Times foreign correspondent who allegedly killed himself with air rifle while investigating leads in the Iran-Contra affair.
H. Montgomery Hyde14 August 190710 August 1989United Kingdom
Spooky UK politician and lawyer who attended the first Bilderberg and one more.
Robert Anderson4 June 191014 August 1989New York
United States
Le Cercle, Bilderberg,
Jose Rivera191116 August 1989Cancer
Joseph Alsop10 October 191028 August 1989JournalistInfluential journalist very close to the CIA
Anton Lubowski3 February 195212 September 1989Namibia
Namibian anti-apartheid activist assassinated by South Africa's Civil Cooperation Bureau
Bruno Heck20 January 191716 September 1989Germany
PoliticianFounder of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, member of Le Cercle
Ferdinand Marcos11 September 191728 September 1989United States
Frederick Hoyer Millar6 June 190016 October 1989Diplomat
... further results



TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Carla Gregory1989Politician
Emad al-Swealmeen198914 November 2021Failed asylum seeker
Marcus Decker1989Activist
Seth Rich3 January 198910 July 2016Programmer
Clinton body count
A Washington DC staffer who was murdered for unclear reasons, and whom Julian Assange hinted may have been a source for Wikileaks. The FBI claimed for 4 years they had no data on him, later admitting that they had thousands of pages of documents and his laptop.
Martin Sellner8 January 1989ViennaActivist
Right wing activist from Austria
Nina Jankowicz10 March 1989Spook
Deep state operative
An Integrity Initiative's Inner Core member who styled herself "The Mary Poppins of disinformation", nominal head of a US DoDS internet censorship project in 2022 which was disbanded amid condemnation and ridicule. In 2024 she resurfaced as head of the "American Sunlight Project".
Hannah Giles15 March 1989Journalist
Gabriel Attal16 March 1989France
PoliticianA "rising star" of French politics who attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting, before being put in charge of the French education system.
Christopher Wylie19 June 1989Whistleblower
Jessica Mauboy4 August 1989Australia
Northern Territory
Australian singer,
William McNeilly10 August 1989Whistleblower
Blew the whistle on manifold failures of the Trident nuclear weapons system. Arrested. Dishonourably discharged.
Salah Abdeslam15 September 1989Belgium
Ilya Zhitomirskiy12 October 198912 November 2011Hacker
Russian hacker who co-developed Diaspora, a distributed social network which was marketed as a Facebook killer. Officially a suicide.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez13 October 1989PoliticianAmerican politician, member of the Democratic Socialists of America - but not afraid to create an impression of being like Marie Antoinette.
PewDiePie24 October 1989Sweden
YouTuberOne of the most famous YouTubers. He has been a target of the Anti-Defamation League.
Ronan BurtenshawDecember 1989Journalist
Damilola Taylor7 December 1989Nigeria
27 November 2000Student
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