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![]() JFK in the motorcade just prior to his assassination. | |
1963 was a seminal and ominous year in the development of US deep politics, as the JFK Assassination and ensuing cover up transformed the cabal from a more ad hoc group of criminal discontents into what remains to this day the dominant force in US deep politics. |
1963 was a year of unparalleled importance in the development of the US Deep State. The cabal that carried it out confirmed to themselves and to the rest of the criminal underworld that they had the capability to carry out the assassination of a popular US President, to carry out a coup d'etat in broad daylight in the USA. This began a decades long period of expansion as this cabal's influence grew first inside USA and the worldwide.[1]
Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech

In 1963, Martin Luther King gave his most celebrated speech, to 250,000 civil rights activists.
Thich Quang Duc's self-immolation
On June 11, 1963, an elderly monk named Thich Quang Duc, clad in a brown robe and sandals assumed the lotus position on a cushion in a blocked-off intersection. Aides drenched him with fuel, and the monk calmly lit a match and set himself ablaze to protest the US sponsored government of South Vietnam.
Kennedy Assassination
- Full article: John F. Kennedy/Assassination
- Full article: John F. Kennedy/Assassination
In November 1963, the JFK assassination proved to the perpetrators and to those with the deep political insight to understand it that a small cabal could indeed kill a highly charismatic US President with impunity. The cabal was 'quickened'[2] as the blood guilt bound the team of perpetrators together. Their ensuing need to cover up the crime spawned multiple more assassinations as unfortunate witnesses were murdered, and not satisfied with the Warren Commission, the cabal aimed for and achieved the long term control of the US political process also.[1]
1963 saw the founding of the Munich Security Conference.
Event | Start | End | Description |
Operation Bootstrap | 1930 | 1970 | Between 1930 and 1970, around one third of all women in the US territory of Puerto Rico were sterilized |
Tuskegee syphilis experiment | 1932 | 1972 | A murderous experiment which looked at the progression of syphilis. Subjects were told that they were being treated, while in fact treatment was denied them. Exposed after 40 years by a whistleblower who went to the press. |
Operation Paperclip | 8 May 1945 | 1990 | A transfer of top German scientists to USA. |
Cold War | 1947 | 26 September 1991 | The official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia. |
Operation Demagnetize | 1948 | 1980 | "The institutional hardening of Gladio", an expansion of Gladio in the late 1940s, early 1950s. |
Project AERODYNAMIC | 1949 | 1970 | Program to provide funding and equipment for anti-Soviet resistance groups in Ukraine |
Lockheed/Bribery scandals | 1950 | 1976 | A series of bribes made by officials of the U.S. aerospace company Lockheed from the late 1950s to the 1970s in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft. |
Project Ulysses | 1950 | 1968 | Mossad covert operation to infiltrate and subvert the Palestinian political leadership |
Operation Midnight Climax | 1953 | 1966 | A "free-wheeling illicit criminal" CIA project which filmed the effects of prostitutes dosing up victims with drugs such as LSD. |
Project MKUltra | 13 April 1953 | 1973 | An illegal mind control research programme, where psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture were used to gain control of individuals. |
COINTELPRO | 1956 | 1971 | Series of covert and illegal projects aimed at subversion of 1960s left wing movements |
Vietnam War | December 1956 | 30 April 1975 | The Vietnam War was a proxy war lead by US that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from December 1956 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Millions of people were killed, mostly Vietnamese. JFK was assassinated soon after declaring his intent to withdraw US troops. The war helped the CIA to refine its methods of illegal drug trafficking, torture and the like. |
1960s/Counterculture | 1960 | 1970 | An anti-establishment cultural phenomenon and political movement that developed in the Western world during the mid-20th century |
Operation Snow White | 1960 | 1979 | Religious cult breaks into 100s of international government buildings to remove their own names, is not banned. |
Congolese Operation | 5 July 1960 | 25 November 1965 | |
JFK/Presidency | 20 January 1961 | 22 November 1963 | The JFK administration |
Operation Ranch Hand | 1962 | 1971 | U.S. military herbicidal/chemical warfare operation during the Vietnam War |
Bilderberg/1963 | 29 March 1963 | 31 March 1963 | The 12th Bilderberg meeting and the second one in France. |
Oswald moves to New Orleans | 1 May 1963 00:00:00 | 1 June 1963 00:00:00 | B. Riley Coffee Company. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 320 |
General Walker shot | 10 May 1963 00:00:00 | General Walker shot at in his home. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 319 | |
March on Washington | 28 August 1963 | 28 August 1963 | A march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. |
Maurice Bishop seen speaking to Oswald | 25 September 1963 00:00:00 | Antonio Veciana travels to Dallas for a meeting with Maurice Bishop (a.k.a. David Atlee Philips). In the lobby of the Southland building, Veciana sees Bishop speaking to a man Veciana later identifies as Lee Harvey Oswald. ref. Last Investigation, p 141 | |
National Security Action Memorandum 263 | 11 October 1963 | 11 October 1963 | Kennedy signs National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) #263, signalling his intention to withdraw troops from Vietnam |
Oswald begins job at TSBD | 16 October 1963 00:00:00 | Oswald begins job at Texas School Book Depository. He reportedly obtained it through a contact of Ruth Paine. ref. Last Investigation, p 422 | |
Oswald purchased rifle | 23 October 1963 00:00:00 | Ruth Paine makes notation on her calendar 'LHO purchase of rifle.' ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 293 | |
Lawson receives Texas trip schedule | 8 November 1963 00:00:00 | SS Agent Winston Lawson is briefed and receives a tentative schedule of Texas trip from SS Agent Roy Kellerman who was the agent in charge of arranging the timetable for trip and responsible for motorcade route. | |
Governor Connelly confirms trip | 8 November 1963 00:00:00 | Governor Connelly confirms trip to Dallas on November 21 - 22, 1963. ref. W.C. | |
Oswald delivers note to Dallas FBI HQ | 8 November 1963 00:00:00 | Oswald delivers a note to Dallas FBI HQ where Agent James Hosty is told to destroy it by Special Agent in Charge, Gordin Shanklin. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 261 | |
Lee Harvey Oswald/Letter to Mr. Hunt | 8 November 1963 00:00:00 | 8 November 1963 00:00:00 | Oswald writes to, Dear Mr. Hunt, (most likely E. Howard Hunt) I would like more information concerning my position. I am asking only for information. I am suggesting that we discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else. Thank you, Lee Harvey Oswald. ref. Last Investigation, p 423; Treachery in Dallas, p 324; Crossfire (letter shown in full) |
SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels test-drive route | 14 November 1963 00:00:00 | SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels drive route from Lovefield to Trademart which went down Main street to Stemmons freeway. ref. W.C. | |
JFK/Assassination/Motorcade/Route unchanged | 15 November 1963 00:00:00 | The JFK motorcade route revied but was unchanged. ref. W.C. | |
Dallas Times Herald reports route | 16 November 1963 00:00:00 | Dallas Times Herald reported that the Presidential motorcade apparently will loop through downtown area, probably on Main street on its way to Trade Mart. ref. W.C. | |
FBI calls to determine potential threat | 17 November 1963 00:00:00 | An FBI teletype is received, directed to all field offices to contact CIs (confidential informants) to determine whether a revolutionary group was a potential threat to the president during his Dallas trip November 22 - 23. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 77 | |
JFK/Assassination/Motorcade/Timing verified | 18 November 1963 00:00:00 | SS Agents Lawson and Sorrels with Dallas police assistant Chief Charles Batchelor drive motorcade route verifying that it could be driven in 45 minutes and was unchanged. ref. W.C. | |
Newspaper published precise route | 19 November 1963 00:00:00 | Newspaper published precise route mentioning the turn into Elm into Houston then onto the freeway. ref. W.C. | |
JFK/Assassination/Route on front page | 20 November 1963 00:00:00 | Newspaper reports motorcade route on front page. ref. W.C. | |
Mock target practice witnessed | 20 November 1963 00:00:00 | Two Dallas police officers witness a mock target practice going on at the picket fence atop the knoll. They arrived in time to see the partipants depart in haste, and only write a report of the incedent subsequent to November 22. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 132 | |
Rose Cheramie/Warns of JFK assassination | 20 November 1963 00:00:00 | Rose Cheramie is thrown from a car, taken to hospital, and while there tells doctors that JFK is going to be killed in Dallas. ref. Crossfire, p 401 | |
Bundy signs 1st draft of NSAM 273 | 21 November 1963 00:00:00 | McGeorge Bundy, then assistant to President Kennedy, signs the key first draft of NSAM 273, in contradiction to all previous Kennedy policy. ref. JFK, CIA Vietnam by Prouty, p xii | |
J. D. Tippit/Murder | 22 November 1963 | 22 November 1963 | An accessory murder to the JFK assassination |
Lyndon Johnson/Presidency | 22 November 1963 | 20 January 1969 | The administration of president Lyndon B. Johnson |
9 SS Agents in Cellar Door bar | 22 November 1963 00:00:00 | Pat Kirkwood’s bar the “Cellar Door” is in Fort Worth, Texas. Several of the women serving liquor to the agents are also strippers from Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas | |
JFK/Assassination | 22 November 1963 | 22 November 1963 | The assassination of US President John F. Kennedy was the seminal deep political event of modern times, perhaps even more than 9-11. Both were done by the same group. Subsequently the group assassinated RFK, MLK and many others to try to contain the truth. |
Oswald still awake | 22 November 1963 00:30:00 | Marina Oswald notices that her husband, LHO, is still awake. | |
7 SS agents still drinking | 22 November 1963 02:00:00 | Seven Secret Service agents are still drinking at “The Cellar.” bar in Fort Worth. | |
Mary Lawrence sees Oswald | 22 November 1963 02:15:00 | Mary Lawrence, head waitress at the Lucas B&B Restaurant - two doors down from the Vegas Club, says she is positive that LHO enters the restaurant and tells her and the night cashier that he is waiting for Jack Ruby. | |
SS agent joking in The Cellar | 22 November 1963 03:30:00 | The Secret Service men at “The Cellar” are joking about how several firemen are the only ones left guarding the President at the Hotel Texas, in Fort Worth. | |
One SS agent still at Cellar | 22 November 1963 05:00:00 | One Secret Service agent is still drinking at “The Cellar.” ALL AGENTS HAVE TO REPORT FOR DUTY AT 8:00 AM - three hours from now. | |
Man with rifle spotted on Elm St. | 22 November 1963 11:00:00 | Julia Ann Mercer observes man with rifle | |
JFK/Assassination/Air Force One/Leaves Fort Worth | 22 November 1963 11:10:00 | Air Force One leaves Carswell AFB Fort Worth for 13 min flight to Lovefield Airport. | |
... further results |
New Groups
Group | Image | Type | Description |
University of Central Florida | ![]() | Large hub for space- and military-industrial research | |
University of York | ![]() | Public | University, located in the city of York, England. |
Joint Warfare Establishment | ![]() | Military | |
University of East Anglia | ![]() | Public Research university | Hosts seminars run by the Active Change Foundation as part of the counter-terrorism Prevent policy. |
Boston Consulting Group | ![]() | US 'market driven' strategic advisory company | |
Munich Security Conference | ![]() | Series of annual "Russophobia-drenched" conferences since 1963 on international security policy. | |
University of Haifa | ![]() | Public | Many Arab-Israeli students, very few among faculty. |
Institute for Policy Studies | ![]() | Progressive US think tank dependent on establishment foundations. Possible gatekeeper. | |
Merex AG | ![]() | Commercial | Widely used by intelligence agencies for secret arms deals. |
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals | ![]() | University | Saudi Arabian university |
Al-Mustansiriya University | ![]() | Public University | Not to be confused with the University of Baghdad |
AIPAC | Lobby | A lobby which has somewhere between a lot of influence and "total control" over the US Government. | |
Saginaw Valley State University | ![]() | The youngest of Michigan's 15 universities | |
The Warren Commission | ![]() | Cover-up | The Warren Commission, officially referred to as "The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy" was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson. |
Groups that were Wound Up
Group | Image | Description |
Office of Scientific Intelligence | ![]() | |
Organisation armée secrète | ![]() | French terrorist organzation with Gladio ties |
Title | Born | Died | Place of death | Cause of death | Summary | Description |
Charles Jocelyn Hambro | 3 October 1897 | 1963 | Spook Banker | spooky UK banker. SOE head | ||
Robert Kerr | 11 September 1896 | 1 January 1963 | Washington DC | Politician | ||
Boris Morros | 1 January 1891 | 8 January 1963 | Spook Producer | |||
Frido von Senger und Etterlin | 4 September 1891 | 9 January 1963 | Soldier | General in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, who helped rebuild the German army after the war. Attended Königswinter conferences and the 1959 Bilderberg. | ||
Hugh Gaitskell | 9 April 1906 | 18 January 1963 | London Middlesex Hospital | Politician | A UK Labour politician who reportedly died of a rare illness in hospital. | |
Maurice Hankey | 1 April 1877 | 26 January 1963 | Deep state operative | UK deep state operative | ||
Abd al-Karim Qasim | November 1914 | February 1963 | Iraq Baghdad | Soldier | n Iraqi Army brigadier and nationalist who came to power in 1958 coup. Deposed in 1963 coup, possibly orchestrated by the CIA. | |
Henri Lafond | 20 August 1894 | 6 March 1963 | Shooting | French banker assassinated in 1963 | ||
William Beveridge | 5 March 1879 | 16 March 1963 | Oxford England | Academic Economist Social Scientist | Economist who helped shape welfare state policies and institutions in post-World War II Britain . | |
Gino Scarpa | 24 March 1894 | 29 March 1963 | Editor | Italian editor who attended the 1956 Bilderberg | ||
Per Jacobsson | 5 February 1894 | 5 May 1963 | London UK | Economist | Attended 2 Bilderbergs as Managing Director of the IMF | |
Harold Stanley | 2 October 1885 | 14 May 1963 | Pennsylvania Philadelphia | Banker | One of the founders of Morgan Stanley | |
Oleg Penkovsky | 23 April 1919 | 16 May 1963 | Soviet Union | Spook | ||
Walter Reid Wolf | 28 October 1896 | 18 May 1963 | Spook Banker | Briefly and not very successfully CIA deputy director from 1951 to 1953. | ||
Hugh Wyndham | 4 October 1877 | 6 July 1963 | Politician Deep state operative | UK deep state operative | ||
Philip Graham | 18 July 1915 | 3 August 1963 | US Virginia Marshall | Publisher | ||
James David Zellerbach | 17 January 1892 | 3 August 1963 | Deep state functionary Businessperson | Member of the Committee on the Present Danger, US deep state functionary? | ||
Estes Kefauver | 26 July 1903 | 10 August 1963 | Maryland Bethesda | Heart attack | Politician | US Senator who partially exposed organized crime - was at the same time blackmailed by the Chicago mob. |
Charles Seymour | 1 January 1885 | 11 August 1963 | Massachusetts Chatham | Academic Historian | President of Yale University with deep state ties. | |
Eric Johnston | 21 December 1896 | 22 August 1963 | Washington DC D.C. U.S. | Businessperson Asset | ||
Robert Brand | 30 October 1878 | 23 August 1963 | Banker Deep politician | Leader of the Milner Group from 1940 | ||
Guy Burgess | 16 April 1911 | 30 August 1963 | Russia Soviet Union Moscow | Diplomat Spook | Soviet spy and a British diplomat | |
Robert Schuman | 29 June 1886 | 4 September 1963 | France Lorraine Scy-Chazelles | Politician | French deep state operative | |
Harvey Hollister Bundy | 30 March 1888 | 7 October 1963 | Lawyer Deep state operative | Special Assistant on Atomic Matters under FDR. Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, | ||
Diana Churchill | 11 July 1909 | 20 October 1963 | Drug overdose Barbiturate | Daughter of Winston Churchill, died of a drug overdose | ||
Michael Ross | 1898 | November 1963 | Union organizer | Anti-communist US union leader involved in the work using the CIO as a conduit for Marshall Plan/CIA finance to take control over European unions. Attended the 1958 Bilderberg. | ||
Ngo Dinh Nhu | 7 October 1910 | 2 November 1963 | South Vietnam Saigon | Part of the Diem family that dominated South Vietnam; assassinated with his brother, Ngô Đình Diem, in a CIA-backed coup. | ||
Ngo Dinh Diem | 3 January 1901 | 2 November 1963 | South Vietnam Saigon | Politician | The 1st President of South Vietnam, assassinated by the CIA. | |
Alfred Roberts | 30 November 1897 | 18 November 1963 | Union organizer | British trade unionist who attended the 1958 Bilderberg as ILO/Vice chair | ||
JFK | 29 May 1917 | 22 November 1963 | Dallas Texas U.S. | Gunshot | Politician | The last US president to effectively seek to promote the welfare of the US population. |
J. D. Tippit | 18 September 1924 | 22 November 1963 | Dallas Texas Methodist Hospital | Police officer | Policeman murdered in Dallas, Texas on the same day as JFK was assassinated, 22 November 1963. The connect to the plot is unclear. | |
Aldous Huxley | 26 July 1894 | 22 November 1963 | Los Angeles California U.S. | Author | v | |
Lee Harvey Oswald | 18 October 1939 | 24 November 1963 | US Dallas Texas | Patsy | A patsy accused of the assassination of JFK and assassinated himself 2 days later by another "lone nut" gunman | |
Karyn Kupcinet | 6 March 1941 | 28 November 1963 | California West Hollywood U.S. | Actor JFK/Assassination/Premature death | A US actress who evinced foreknowledge of the JFK assassination. | |
Elizabeth Pack | 22 November 1910 | 1 December 1963 | Cancer | Spook | A spy who used sex to gain information during WWII. | |
Grant Stockdale | 2 December 1963 | Florida Miami | Diplomat Salesman JFK/Assassination/Premature death Businessperson | A friend of JFK who died shortly after the Kennedy assassination | ||
Michael Groves | 19 August 1946 | 3 December 1963 | Unknown | Soldier JFK/Assassination/Premature death | Died under mysterious circumstances 7 days after commandeing the JFK honor guard for JFK's funeral, | |
Irénée Du Pont | 21 December 1876 | 19 December 1963 | US Wilmington Delaware | Deep politician Billionaire Businessperson | Poisoning the US with tetraethyl lead and other chemicals as head of DuPont. A central figure in the unsuccessful 1934 Business Plot to install a puppet leader in US White House. |
Title | Born | Place of birth | Died | Summary | Description |
Linh Dinh | 1963 | Vietnam Saigon | Journalist Poet Academic | Linh Dinh writes for The Unz Review. | |
Sanya Popovic | 1963 | Academic | |||
Geoffrey Pyatt | 1963 | Diplomat Deep state operative | US Ambassador to Ukraine during the 2014 Maidan regime change | ||
Rita Katz | 1963 | Iraq Basra | Researcher Spook | ||
David S. Cohen | 1963 | Spook Lawyer | Confirmed as Deputy Director of the CIA in January 2015 | ||
Patrick Pelloux | 1963 | Doctor | An emergency responder who notified François Hollande about the Charlie Hebdo event, and notified the world that a "multi-site attack exercise" had been planned for the day od the November 2015 Paris attacks. | ||
Steven Mnuchin | 1963 | New York US | US Secretary of the Treasury 2017-2021 | ||
Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz | 1963 | Politician | Spooky Saudi deputy minister and fourth son of King Abdullah who attended Le Cercle in 2012, during the attempt at regime change in Syria | ||
Mark Riebling | 1963 | Academic Historian | |||
Richard English | 1963 | Northern Ireland Belfast UK | Historian | ||
Gideon Rachman | 1963 | UK | Journalist | Quad Bilderberg UK journalist and friend of MI6 whistleblower Richard Tomlinson | |
Börje Ekholm | 1963 | Deep state functionary Businessperson | Wallenberg Sphere businessman, succeeded fellow Bilderberger Marcus Wallenberg as CEO of Investor AB. Then CEO of Ericsson. | ||
Jaap Winter | 1963 | Lawyer | Dutch corporate lawyer who was chairman of the High Level Group of Company Law Experts set up in 2001 by the European Commission to advise it on a new regulatory framework for company law in Europe. Attended the 2011 Bilderberg meeting. | ||
Gideon Rose | 1963 | Journalist | US journalist, WEF regular | ||
José Entrecanales | 1 January 1963 | Businessperson Millionaire | Billionaire Spanish businessman | ||
Regina Dugan | 1963 | Businessperson | DARPA director, Silicon valley, Bilderberg, Covid-19,Wellcome Trust | ||
André Vltchek | 1963 | Soviet Union Saint Petersburg | 22 September 2020 | Author Journalist Filmmaker Philosopher | Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. |
Steve A. Linick | 1963 | Lawyer | Inspector General for fraud and abuse, seemingly without rocking the boat too much. | ||
Ali al-Salabi | 1963 | Politician Clergy | Played a key role in providing the rebels in the 2011 Libyan Civil War with Qatari money and arms. | ||
Oliver Kamm | 1963 | Author Journalist | |||
Paulette Hamilton | 1963 | Birmingham England | Politician | ||
Norbert Häring | 1963 | Journalist Economist | |||
Salvatore Princiotta | 1963 | May 2007 | 9-11/Premature death Firefighter | A 9/11 firefighter who was murdered. | |
John Kirby | 1963 | US Florida Saint Petersburg | Naval ranks Bureaucracy | Pentagon official | |
David McBride | 1963 | Whistleblower Soldier Lawyer | Australian Army lawyer who exposed war crimes in Afghanistan. | ||
David McKay | 1963 | Canada Montreal Quebec | Banker | President and CEO of the Royal Bank of Canada who committed to $100 billion in "sustainable financing". Bilderberger | |
Paul Cudenec | 1963 | Researcher Anarchism COVID-19/Dissident | |||
Captain Joe Manning | 1963 | US | 25 August 2021 | Police officer COVID-19/Premature death | "Anti-vaxxer police officer dies of COVID after promoting Ivermectin. |
John Buchanan | 1963 | US | 3 September 2021 | COVID-19/Premature death | He caught the Delta variant of COVID in hospital and later died despite being double jabbed with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. |
David S. | 1963 | UK | Spook | In August 2021, a British security guard at the UK embassy in Berlin was arrested by police on suspicious of spying for Russia. | |
Ian Lavery | 6 January 1963 | Ashington England | |||
Rand Paul | 7 January 1963 | Pennsylvania Pittsburgh U.S. | Politician Deep state operative | ||
Tim Luckhurst | 8 January 1963 | Author Journalist Academic | UK journalist | ||
Kono Taro | 10 January 1963 | Politician Deep state actor | Deep state actor overseeing the Japanese administration of the COVID-19 jab | ||
Richard Tomlinson | 13 January 1963 | Whistleblower Spook | MI6 whistleblower imprisoned in 1997 for breaking the Official Secrets Act 1989 | ||
Bruce Schneier | 15 January 1963 | Author Academic | An expert on cryptography, who has written over a dozen books on the subject. | ||
Mathias Döpfner | 15 January 1963 | Editor Media mogul Billionaire | CEO of mightiest media group in Germany and Europe, Axel Springer SE, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee and other transatlantic networks, most notably Atlantik-Brücke. Became billionaire after receiving gift from elderly widow. | ||
Maxime Bernier | 18 January 1963 | Canada Quebec | Politician Populism Maverick | Maverick politician; former MP and Minister; Leader of the People's Party of Canada, campaigning for COVID-19/Resistance. | |
Stephen Conroy | 18 January 1963 | Cambridgeshire United Kingdom. England | Politician Deep state operative | Introduced internet censorship as Australian Minister of Communications. Later on the board of Australian Strategic Policy Institute and lobbyist for the gambling industry. | |
John Bercow | 19 January 1963 | Middlesex Edgware England | Speaker of the House of Commons 2009-2019 | ||
Martin Bashir | 19 January 1963 | Journalist | BBC journalist | ||
Guy Lawson | 26 January 1963 | Author Lawyer | Canadian American journalist and true crime writer | ||
George Monbiot | 27 January 1963 | London Paddington UK England | Author Activist | Turns a Nelson's eye to uncomfortable events. | |
Arpad Busson | 27 January 1963 | Financier Playboy | Former hedge fund manager and playboy who runs the charity Absolute Return for Kids. Big donor to the Clinton Foundation. Listed in Jeffrey Epstein's black book. | ||
Thomas Jordan | 28 January 1963 | Financier Economist | Swiss economist and central banker | ||
Ngaire Woods | February 1963 | Academic Deep state operative | Integrity Initiative connected single Bilderberger, regular WEFer, a lot of other deep state connections | ||
Marc Ellenbogen | 6 February 1963 | Germany Heidelberg | Spook Deep state operative | Patron of the very intelligence-connected Henry Jackson Society and Chairman of the Global Panel Foundation | |
Igor Kolomoisky | 13 February 1963 | Ukraine Soviet Union Dnepropetrovsk | Oligarch Billionaire | Russian billionaire oligarch banned from entering the US due to "significant corruption" | |
Juan Carlos Ramírez Abadía | 16 February 1963 | Colombia Palmira | Drug kingpin who disappeared after being extradited to the US | ||
James Boasberg | 20 February 1963 | California San Francisco | Judge | "The go-to judge if you don’t want something released to the public" | |
... further results |