Property:Has wikipediaPage

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Status: stable
A property to match people or organisations to their corresponding Wikipedia Page

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Pagename of a Website or other publication
  • Predicate:  Has wikipediaPage
  • Object:        English wikipedia pages (type URL)
    Note: see also Property:Has wikipediaPage2

18940 Pages use the property "Has wikipediaPage"

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Page nameHas wikipediaPage
Arms Dealerhttp://*
Jack Davishttp://*
Official narrativehttp://*
9-11/Premature deathhttp://*
Anthony Hallhttp://*
2001 Israeli Nerve Gas Attackshttp://*
2001 Anthrax attacks/Timelinehttp://*
Nuclear demolitionhttp://*
Deep eventhttp://*
Israel/Defense Forces/T-shirt affairhttp://*
Emad Abdalla Hassanhttp://*
JFK/Assassination/Premature deathhttp://*
Lawrence E. Kinghttp://*
Official opposition narrativehttp://*
Pierre Jovanovichttp://*
Scott Bennetthttp://*
The Corbett Reporthttp://*
UK Columnhttp://*
CIA/Drug trafficking/Exposurehttp://*
Douglas Valentinehttp://*
David Kelly/Assassinationhttp://*
Bill Faircloughhttp://*
James Corbetthttp://*
Isaac Kappyhttp://*
Ziad Abdelnourhttp://*
Mohammed Ferrathttp://*
Barry Jenningshttp://**
Bernard Assohttp://**
Kevin Annetthttp://**
Li Keqianghttp://21082162679 49329c217c o-scaled.jpg
Craig Fullerhttp://Craig L. Fuller
Credit cardhttp://Credit card
Ellen Margrethe Løjhttp://Ellen Margrethe Løj
Money/Fractional-reserve bankinghttp://Fractional-reserve banking
Front grouphttp://Front organization
Gayle Greenehttp://Gayle Greene.gif
Gretchen Whitmerhttp://Gretchen Whitmer
Heavy metalshttp://Heavy metals
President of the African National Congresshttp://History of the African National Congress
Misgav Institute for National Security and Zionist Strategyhttp://Institute for Zionist Strategies
Jeremy Howardhttp://Jeremy Howard.jpg
Jim McGreeveyhttp://Jim McGreevey
Maarten van Traahttp://Maarten van Traa
Eire/Minister/Justicehttp://Minister for Justice (Ireland)
Oscar Hammersteinhttp://Oscar Hammerstein
Peter deFaziohttp://Peter deFazio
Przemysław Czarnekhttp://Przemysław Czarnek
Richard Sykes (Big Pharma)http://Richard Sykes (microbiologist)
Robert Stinnetthttp://Robert Stinnett
Finland/Social Democratic Partyhttp://Social Democratic Party of Finland
US/Ambassador/South Vietnamhttp://US/Ambassador/South Vietnam
Bernie Swain
Hans Langemann Langemann (Jurist)
American Economic Association Economic Association
Ardingly College College
Armenia/Genocide Genocide
US/Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
US/Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs
Bank of Montreal of Montreal
Ben Bradshaw Bradshaw
Bunny Greenhouse Greenhouse
Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institutes of Health Research
Capital city city
Carla Provost Provost
Carne Ross Ross
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure for the Protection of National Infrastructure
Commonwealth Fund Fund
Corey Feldman Feldman
De Montfort University Montfort University
UK Defence Academy Academy of the United Kingdom
Deutsche Post Post
Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger Hanappi-Egger
Extinction Rebellion Rebellion
Federal Trade Commission Trade Commission
Frank Vanderlip A. Vanderlip
Full Fact Fact
Goddard College College
Google/Playstore Play
Herzliya Conference Conference
Hope College College
Howard Zinn Zinn
John Newman M. Newman
Koç Holdingç Holding
Kristi Noem Noem
Lew Rockwell Rockwell
London Business School Business School
Matti Vanhanen Vanhanen
Canada/Minister/Intergovernmental Affairs of Intergovernmental Affairs (Canada)
Denmark/Ministry of Justice of Justice (Denmark)
Muhlenberg College College
Mykolas Romeris University Romeris University
National Bank of Greece Bank of Greece
Nematollah Nassiri Nassiri
New York Law School York Law School
Ohio/Attorney General Attorney General
Ohio Northern University Northern University
Oslo Freedom Forum Freedom Forum
Pablo Picasso Picasso
Panteion University University
Robert Jay Lifton Jay Lifton
Cambridge University/Robinson College College, Cambridge
Rod Blagojevich Blagojevich
Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Company
The Real News Real News
Ulf Kristersson Kristersson
UNHCR Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United States Army War College States Army War College
United States Merchant Marine Academy States Merchant Marine Academy
Auckland University of Auckland
University of Central Florida of Central Florida
University of North Dakota of North Dakota
University of Sri Lanka of Sri Lanka
University of Surrey of Surrey
University of Westminster of Westminster
University of Zagreb of Zagreb
Université de Sherbrookeé de Sherbrooke
Vienna University of Economics and Business University of Economics and Business
Viktor Orbán Orbán
Warburg Pincus Pincus
Washburn University University
Wilfrid Laurier University Laurier University
William K. Black K. Black
William Paterson University Paterson University
World Maritime University Maritime University
Worldnewsdailyreport.com News Daily Report
Xavier High School High School (New York City)
Jane Bürgermeister Burgermeister
Alain Chouet Chouet
Alberico Casardi Casardi
Rinaldo Petrignani Petrignani
Umberto Cappuzzo Cappuzzo
Jefferson Morley
August Vanistendael Vanistendael
Australian American Leadership Dialoguehttp://no
Albert Thomas
Osman Olcay Olcay
Voz de Aztlan de Aztlan
Sander Hicks Hicks
Kim Iversen Iversen
Daniel Street
Andre-François Villeneuve
Dirk W. R. Hertzog Hertzog
Quanta Dialysis Technologies Ltd
Dilyana GaytandzhievaДиляна Гайтанджиева
Ignacio Camuñas Solís Camuñas Solís
Juan María Nin Génova Maria Nin i Gènova
Johannes Lobkowicz Lobkowicz
Karel Kovanda Kovanda
Tomáš Pojaráš Pojar
Aage Deleuran Deleuran
Allan Silberbrandt Silberbrandt
Bodil Nyboe Andersen Nyboe Andersen
Chresten Reves W. Reves
Delors committee
Eigil Jørgensen Jørgensen (diplomat)
Erik Hoffmeyer Hoffmeyer
Erling Bjøl Bjøl
Speaker of the Folketing formand
Haldor Topsøe Topsøe (kemiker)
Henrik Topsøe Topsøe
Ib Nørlund Nørlund
Jens Kampmann Kampmann
Jens Peter Jensen Peter Jensen
Jørgen Schleimannørgen Schleimann
Lars Findsen Findsen
Lars Rohde Rohde
Martin Krasnik Krasnik
Merete Eldrup Eldrup
Niels Harrit Harrit
Niels Matthiasen Matthiasen
Niels Nørlund Nørlund
Niels Thygesen Thygesen
Nils Bernstein Bernstein
Nils Wilhjelm Wilhjelm
Ole Bjørn Kraft Bjørn Kraft
Ole Scherfig Scherfig
Peter Schütze Schütze
Poul Brink Brink
Poul Nyboe Andersen Nyboe Andersen
Poul Svanholm Svanholm
Stop Islamiseringen af Danmark Islamiseringen af Danmark
Tage Andersen Andersen (bankdirektør)
Thomas Ahrenkiel Ahrenkiel
Thomas Lund-Sørensen Lund-Sørensen
Ulrik Federspiel Federspiel
Ulrik Vestergaard Knudsen Vestergaard Knudsen
Denmark/Minister/Economic AffairsØkonomiminister
Adolph Bentinck Willem Carel Bentinck van Schoonheten
Huyn Affairäre Huyn
Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager Freiherr von Boeselager
Albrecht Müller Müller (Publizist)
Alexander Menne Menne
Alexander Principalov Prinzipalow
Alfons Dalma Dalma
Alfred Dallinger Dallinger
Ali Aslan Aslan
Alois Mertes Mertes
Alphons Horten Horten
American Council on Germany Council on Germany
Andreas Gerwig Gerwig
Andreas Lubitz Lubitz
Angelika Volle Volle
Arend Oetker Oetker
Arnold Lamping T. Lamping
Asia Times Times Online
Aspen Institute Germany Institute Deutschland
Atlantic Initiative Initiative
The Sinking of the Atlas (Schiff, 1951)
BMW Foundation Foundation Herbert Quandt
Barbara von Ow-Freytag von Ow-Freytag
Bernd Hamm Hamm (Soziologe)
Bernhard Worms Worms
Boris Reitschuster Reitschuster
Brigitte Ederer Ederer
Bürgerbewegung Pax Europaürgerbewegung Pax Europa
Carsten Breuer Breuer
Chris Donnelly Donnelly
Chris Tucker Tucker
Christiane Hoffmann Hoffmann (Journalistin, 1967)
Christine Beerli Beerli
Clarence Mitchell Mitchell
Claus Raidl Raidl
Club 45 45
Constanze Stelzenmüller Stelzenmüller
Operation Demagnetize
Dieter Spethmann Spethmann
Dirk Pohlmann Pohlmann?wprov=srpw1 0
Lina E. Linksextremismusprozess
Hammerbande Linksextremismusprozess
Eberhard Reinhardt Ernst Reinhardt
Eberhard Sandschneider Sandschneider
Eckehardt Werthebach Werthebach
Elias Davidsson Davidsson
Elmar Theveßen Theveßen
Erich Gysling Gysling
Erich Hampel Hampel
Erich Schmidt-Eenboom Schmidt-Eenboom
Ernst Friedlaender Friedlaender (Publizist)
Ernst Majonica Majonica
Ernst Georg Schneider Schneider (Unternehmer, 1900)
Ernst Wolff Wolff (Autor)
Eva Dichand Dichand
Felix Gutzwiller Gutzwiller
Felix von Eckardt von Eckardt
Florian Rötzer Rötzer
Folkmar Stoecker Stoecker
Frank Bsirske Bsirske
Frank Dikötter Dikötter
Franz Blankart Blankart
Franz Froschmaier Froschmaier
Franz Heubl Heubl
Franz Josef Bach Josef Bach
Franz Krapf Krapf
Franz Schoser Schoser
Fred Luchsinger Luchsinger
Friedrich Hoess Hoess
Friedrich König König (Politiker, 1933)
Fritz Berg Berg
Fritz Molden Molden
Fritz Pirkl Pirkl
Friedrich Verzetnitsch Verzetnitsch
Geert-Hinrich Ahrens Ahrens
George Perkovich Perkovich
Gerald Hinteregger Hinteregger
Gerardo Broggini Broggini
Gerd-Helmut Komossa Komossa
Gerd Bosbach Bosbach
Gerd Schulte-Hillen Schulte-Hillen
Gerhard Cromme Cromme
Gerhard Güllich Güllich
Gerhard Prinz Prinz
Gerhard Randa Randa
Gerhard Roiss Roiss
Gerhard Schmidt Schmidt
Gerhard Wisnewski Wisnewski
Gian Cittadini-Cesi Gaspare Cittadini Cesi
Global Panel Foundation Panel Foundation
Gordon Etherington-Smith Etherington-Smith
Gotthard von Falkenhausen von Falkenhausen
Guido Preparata Giacomo Preparata
Guido Peruzzo Peruzzo
Gunter Huonker Huonker
Günter Poserünter Poser
Günther Straßmeirünter Straßmeir
Hannes Hofbauer Hofbauer
Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz von Ploetz
Hans Günther Sohlünther Sohl
Hans Harder Biermann-Ratjen
Hans-Joachim Selenz Selenz
Hans-Peter Keitel Keitel
Hans-Werner Wiermann Wiermann
Hans Arnold Arnold (Diplomat)
Hans Boden Constantin Boden
Hans Graf Huyn Graf Huyn
Hans-Henning Blomeyer Henning Blomeyer-Bartenstein
Hans Igler Igler
Hans Josef Horchem Josef Horchem
Hans Merkle Lutz Merkle
Hans Rühle Rühle
Hans Seidel (Austrian) Seidel (Ökonom)
Hans Kopp W. Kopp
Hansjörg Geigerörg Geiger
Harold Taswell Langmead Taylor Taswell
Heinrich Neisser Neisser
Heinrich Oswald Oswald (Manager)
Heinrich Treichl Treichl
Heinrich Troeger Troeger
Heinz Bude Bude
Heinz J. H. Ruhnau Ruhnau
Hennecke Graf von Bassewitz Graf von Bassewitz
Henning Wegener Wegener
Herbert Amry Amry
Herbert Batliner Batliner
Herbert Grünewald Grünewald
Heribert Apfalter Apfalter
Heribert Hellenbroich Hellenbroich
Hermann Withalm Withalm
Holger Münch Münch
Horst Gerlach Gerlach (Politiker)
Horst Teltschik Teltschik
Hugo Bütler Bütler
Hugo Portisch Portisch
German-Foreign-Policy zur deutschen Außenpolitik
Ingrid Brodnig Brodnig
Innovation Group Group
Jens Berger Berger
Joachim Krause Krause (Politikwissenschaftler)
John Beevor Grosvenor Beevor
Johnny Depp Depp
Josef Krainer Krainer junior
Josef Taus Taus
Jost Pfeiffer Pfeiffer
Jörg Kukiesörg Kukies
Jürgen Großmannürgen Großmann (Manager)
Jürgen Strubeürgen Strube
Jürgen Weberürgen Weber (Ingenieur)
Kai Wargalla Wargalla
Karel Schwarzenberg Schwarzenberg
Karl-Heinz Narjes Narjes
Karl Czernetz Czernetz
Karl-Friedrich Grau Friedrich Grau
Karl Mommer Mommer
Karl Sevelda Sevelda
Katharina Borchert Borchert
Katrin Suder Suder
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger Frankenberger
Klaus-Peter Müller Müller
Klaus Blech Blech
Klaus Liesen Liesen
Klaus Mangold Mangold
Knut Freiherr von Kuhlmann-Stumm von Kühlmann-Stumm
Konrad Porzner Porzner
Kurt Becker Becker (Journalist)
Kurt Birrenbach Birrenbach
Kurt Seinitz Seinitz
Red Cross/President der Präsidenten des Internationalen Komitees vom Roten Kreuz
Ambassador/Iraq der türkischen Botschafter im Irak
Turkey/Ambassador/Azerbaijan der türkischen Botschafter in Aserbaidschan
Turkey/Ambassador/Iraq der türkischen Botschafter in Irak
Germany/Public broadcasting der öffentlich-rechtlichen Programme in Deutschland
Lorenzo Vallarino Gancia Gancia
Ludger Westrick Westrick
Ludwig Rosenberg Rosenberg
Ludwig Steiner Steiner (Politiker, 1922)
Lübeck disasterübecker Impfunglück
M100 Sanssouci Colloquium Sanssouci Colloquium
Alexander Maculan Holding
Sinking of the MV Magdeburg (Schiff, 1958)
Marcello Guidi Guidi
Mario Ohoven Ohoven
Markus Spillmann Spillmann
Martin Schmid Schmid (Politiker)
Martina Salomon Salomon
Matthias Naß Naß
Max Graf Thurn Thurn (Ökonom)
Michael Ballweg Ballweg
Michael Butter Butter
Michael Meyen Meyen
Michaela Geiger Geiger
Neue Zürcher Zeitung Zürcher Zeitung
Norbert Wieczorek Wieczorek
Norbert Zimmermann Zimmermann (Unternehmer)
Paul Jolles Jolles
Paul Leverkuehn Leverkuehn
Paul Schreyer Schreyer
Peter Forstmoser Forstmoser
Peter Jungen Jungen
Peter Mitterbauer Mitterbauer
Peter Petersen Petersen (Politiker, 1926)
Peter Wuffli Wuffli
Pietro Supino Supino
Péter Györköséter Györkös
Rainer Gut E. Gut
Ranko Vilović Vilović
Raymond Probst Probst
Renate Köcher Köcher
Revolutionären Aufbau Schweizärer Aufbau Schweiz
Richard Gutjahr Gutjahr
Richard Schenz Schenz
Robert Jeker A. Jeker
Robert du Plooy Abraham Du Plooy
Roger de Weck de Weck
Rolf Schweiger Schweiger
Rolf Soiron Soiron
Rudolf Mueller Mueller (Politiker, 1904)
Rudolf Scholten Scholten
Rüdiger Altmannüdiger Altmann
Rudiger von Rosenüdiger von Rosen
Siegmar Mosdorf Mosdorf
Silvana Koch-Mehrin Koch-Mehrin
Stauffenberg Service
Stefan Hockertz Hockertz
Stefan Kornelius Kornelius
Stefan Schwarz Schwarz (Politiker)
Stephanie Babst Babst
Mercator Foundation Mercator
Susanne Ruoff Ruoff
Tassilo Broesigke Broesigke
Day X plot gegen Bundeswehrsoldaten ab 2017
Theodor Benzinger Benzinger
Thomas Ebeling Ebeling (Manager)
Thomas Farmer L. Farmer
Thomas Röper Röper
Ulf Böge Böge
Ulrich Grillo Grillo
United States Committee for a Free Lebanon States Committee for a Free Lebanon
Urs Schwarz Schwarz (Journalist)
Victor Umbricht Hermann Umbricht
Virgilio González R. González
Volker Perthes Perthes
Walter Lüftl Lüftl#Revisionist und Klimawandelleugner
Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann Hoffmann
Werner Marx Marx (Politiker, 1924)
Wilhelm Drexelius Drexelius
Willi Krichbaum Krichbaum
Willy Linder Linder
Wolfgang Hesoun Hesoun
Zentrum Liberale Moderne Liberale Moderne
Sinan Ülgen
Andreas AndrianopoulosΑνδρέας Ανδριανόπουλος
Andreas ZaimisΑνδρέας Φ. Ζαΐμης
Giorgos TragasΓιώργος Τράγκας
Thanos VeremisΘάνος Βερέμης
Charles ArliotisΚάρολος Αρλιώτης
Constantin StavropoulosΚωνσταντίνος Α. Σταυρόπουλος
Niki KerameusΝίκη Κεραμέως
Chris Sky Sky
Boris Nemtsov Nemtsov
Scotland/Advocate-General Advocate
Mark Urban Urban
Wikipedia/Reliability of Wikipedia
Zev Zelenko Zelenko
Bilderberg/2007 Bilderberg Meeting&oldid=290197564
Ashli Babbitt Babbitt&redirect=no
Audio transcript transcription&redirect=no
C T Bowring & Co Bowring&oldid=1107701737
Christian Drosten Drosten
Coincidence theory theory&redirect=no
Conservative Party Junior Whip Whip&redirect=no
Ed Asner Asner&action=edit&editintro=Template:BLP editintro
"Fake News" news website&oldid=749709748
George Lauder V. Lauder (CIA)&oldid=977452344
"Hate group" group&oldid=895092121
He Will Not Divide Us Will Not Divide Us
Howard Springs Quarantine Facility Springs Quarantine Facility&redirect=no
Laurie Flynn Flynn
South Africa/Member of Parliament of the National Assembly of South Africa&redirect=no
New Eastern Outlook Eastern Outlook&redirect=no
Internet/Anonymity anonymity&redirect=no
UK/Minister/Industry Under-Secretary of State for Business and Industry&redirect=no
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
Penny Pritzker Pritzker
People's Bank of China's Bank of China
Saifullah Paracha v. George W. Bush Paracha v. George W. Bush&redirect=no
Canada/Secretary of State for External Affairs of State for External Affairs&redirect=no
Shawn Slovo Slovo&oldid=708992944
... further results
Showing 20 pages using this property.

Showing 2 related entities.