Property:Has powerbase

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This property is for powerbase URLs

RDF logic:
  • Subject:      Powerbase URLs of people, groups or events
  • Predicate:  Has powerbase
  • Object:        URLs of powerbase pages (type URL)

1723 Pages use the property "Has powerbase"

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Page nameHas powerbase
21st Century Hasbara conference Century Hasbara conference
Active Change Foundation Change Foundation
Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri
Allen Dulles Dulles
Alun Gwynne Jones Jones (Lord Chalfont)
Andy Hayman Hayman
Anthony Browne Browne
Anton Turkul Turkul
Hugh Tovar Hugh Tovar
Barrie Gane Gane
Bilderberg/2009 2009 Vouliagmeni
Bilderberg/2010 2010 Sitges
Bilderberg/2012 2011 St Moritz
Bilderberg/2013 2013 Watford
Bilderberg/2014 2014 Copenhagen
"Terror expert"
Charles Elwell Elwell
Community Security Trust Security Trust
Council for Democracy and Tolerance for Democracy and Tolerance
Daniel Lafayeedney Lafayeedney
David Veness Veness
Democracy & Security International Conference and Security International Conference
Deputy Director General of MI5 Director General of the Security Service
MI6/Directorate of Counter-Intelligence and Security of Counter-Intelligence and Security (MI6)
MI6/Directorate of Security and Public Affairs of Security and Public Affairs (MI6)
Douglas Bernhardt Bernhardt
Duncan Hanrahan Hanrahan
Emergency Response & Research Institute Inc. Response & Research Institute Inc.
Ernest Hopkins M. Hopkins
Euston Manifesto United States Manifesto
Evelyn Le Chêne Le Chene
Force Research Unit Research Unit
Francis Whetstone Whetstone
Geoffrey Tantum Tantum
George H. W. Bush H. W. Bush
George Robertson Robertson
George W. Bush W. Bush
Gideon Falter Falter
Hakluyt & Company Ltd
Hill & Knowlton Strategies and Knowlton
Hugh Gaitskell Gaitskell
Hugh Stevenson Stevenson
Ian Andrews Andrews
Institute for Statecraft for Statecraft
Institute for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
Insurgency Research Group Research Group
John Gearson Gearson
Jonathan Institute Institute
Josh Arnold-Foster Arnold-Foster
Julian Lewis Lewis
Keenie Meenie Services Meenie Services
Lesley Simm Simm
Manfred Schlickenrieder Schlickenrieder
Maurice Fraser Fraser (Special adviser and lobbyist)
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit
Neil O'Brien O'Brien
Operation Mass Appeal Mass Appeal
Operation Nicole Nicole
Project Rich Picture Rich Picture
Le Cercle Circle
Revolving door Door
Richard E. Bissell E. Bissell
Richard Iron Iron
Richard M. Bissell M. Bissell Jr
Saladin Security Ltd Security
Sean Cleary Cleary
Stephen Lander Lander
Stephen Rimmer Rimmer
Thomas Christopher Barker Christopher Barker
Tony Robinson Robinson (Special Branch)
14th Intelligence Company Intelligence Company
2008 Counter-Terrorism advertising campaign Counter-Terrorism advertising campaign
7-Seas Global Intelligence Global Intelligence
910 Group Group
Aaron Friedberg Friedberg
Aberdeen Terrorism Research Unit Terrorism Research Unit
Abraham Foxman Foxman
Abu Qatada Qatada
Accuracy in Media in Media
Adam Butler Butler
Adam Ingram Ingram
Adam LeBor LeBor
Adam Smith International Smith International
Adnan Khashoggi Khashoggi
Adrian Tudway Tudway
Adrian Wooldridge Wooldridge
Alain Chouet Chouet
Alan Dershowitz Dershowitz
Alan Krueger Krueger
Alan Milburn Milburn
Alastair Buchan Buchan
Alastair Campbell Campbell
Alastair Goodlad Goodlad
Albert Jolis Jolis
Albert Wohlstetter Wohlstetter
Alcide De Gasperi De Gasperi
Alec Douglas-Home Douglas-Home
Alex Allan Allan
Alex Karp Karp
Alex Schmid Schmid
Alex Younger Younger
Alexander Litvinenko Litvinenko
Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens Meleagrou-Hitchens
Alexander Nix Nix
Alexandre de Marenches de Marenches
Alfred Milner Milner
Alfred Sherman Sherman
Alfred Ulmer Ulmer
Alger Hiss Hiss
Ali Babacan Babacan
Alison McGovern McGovern
Alison Saunders Saunders
Alistair Crooke Crooke
Alistair McAlpine McAlpine
Allied Clandestine Committee Clandestine Committee
Alyn Smith Smith
Amber Rudd Rudd
American Center for Democracy Center for Democracy
American Congress for Truth Congress for Truth
American Enterprise Institute Enterprise Institute
American Foreign Policy Council Foreign Policy Council
American Iranian Council Iranian Council
American Jewish Congress Jewish Congress
American Security Council Security Council
Americans for Victory Over Terrorism for Victory Over Terrorism
Ami Ayalon Ayalon
Amir Abbas Fakhravar Abbas Fakhravar
Amir Taheri Taheri
Amnon Lipkin-Shahak Lipkin-Shahak
Amos Malka Malka
Amos Manor Manor
Amos Yadlin Yadlin
Ana Palacio Palacio
Anatole Kaletsky Kaletsky
Anders Breivik Breivik
Anders Eldrup Eldrup
Andrea Leadsom Leadsom
Andreas Schieder Schieder
Andrei Lugovoi Lugovoi
Andrew Adonis Adonis
Andrew Burns Burns
Andrew Knight Knight
Andrew Mitchell Mitchell
Andrew Natsios Natsios
Andrew Parker Parker
Andrew Silke Silke
Andrew Smith Smith
Andy Burnham Burnham
Angela Eagle Eagle
Angela Merkel Merkel
Angela Smith Smith
Angelo Codevilla Codevilla
Angus Robertson Robertson
Ann Taylor Taylor
Anne-Marie Slaughter Slaughter
Anne Applebaum Applebaum
Anne Lauvergeon Lauvergeon
Anthony Barber Barber
Anthony Barnett Barnett
Anthony Blunt Blunt
Anthony Buzzard Buzzard
Anthony Cordesman Cordesman
Anthony Hall Hall
Anti-Defamation League League
Antoine Bonnemaison Bonnemaison
Antoine Pinay Pinay
Anton Setchell Setchell
Antonio Tajani Tajani
António José Seguroónio José Seguro
Ariel Sharon Sharon
Armando Manocchia Manocchia
Arnaud Dotézac Dotezac
Arnaud de Borchgrave de Borchgrave
Arnold Beichman Beichman
Arseniy Yatsenyuk Yatsenyuk
Arthur Conan Doyle Conan Doyle
Arthur Goldberg Goldberg
Arthur Martin Martin
Aryeh Shalev Shalev
Asher Ben-Natan Ben-Natan
Ashland Institute for Strategic Studies Institute for Strategic Studies
Aspen Institute Institute
Association of Chief Police Officers of Chief Police Officers
Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom Council of the United Kingdom
Augusto Pinochet Pinochet
Avi Dichter Dichter
Avraham Ahituv Ahituv
Avraham Shalom Shalom
Axel Weber Weber
Ayesha Hazarika Hazarika
BAE Systems Systems
Bandar bin Sultan bin Sultan
Bank of Credit and Commerce International of Credit and Commerce International
Bank of Scotland of Scotland
Barack Obama Obama
Barclays Bank Bank
Barry Gardiner Gardiner
Barry Rubin Rubin
Bayer AG
Bell Pottinger Pottinger
Ben Goldsmith Goldsmith
Ben J. Wattenberg J. Wattenberg
Ben Wallace Wallace
Benador Associates Associates
Benjamin Netanyahu Netanyahu
Bernard Hogan-Howe Hogan-Howe
Bernard Ingham Ingham
Bernard Lewis Lewis
Bertrand Collomb Collomb
Bertrand Russell Russell
Bill Clinton Clinton
Bill Durodié Durodie
Bill Gammell Gammell
Bill Gates Gates
Blue Star PR Star PR
Bob Cryer Cryer
Bobby Ray Inman Ray Inman
Bohemian Grove Grove
Boris Berezovsky Berezovsky
Boris Johnson Johnson
Brad Wall Wall
Brendan Cox Cox
Brent Scowcroft Scowcroft
Brett McGurk McGurk
Brian Binley Binley
Brian Crozier Crozier
Brian Cubbon Cubbon
Brian Kingham Kingham
Brian Michael Jenkins Michael Jenkins
Brian Nelson Nelson
Brigitte Gabriel Gabriel
British Aerospace Aerospace
British Information Services Information Services
British Petroleum Petroleum
British Security Coordination Security Coordination
British War Propaganda Bureau War Propaganda Bureau
Bruce Kovner Kovner
Brunel University University
Business Executives for National Security Executives for National Security
Börje Ekholmörje Ekholm
Børge Brendeørge Brende
Cambridge Analytica Analytica
Cambridge University University
Campaign Against Antisemitism Against Antisemitism
Cardiff University University
Carl Bildt Bildt
Carl Gershman Gershman
Carlyle Group Group
Carmi Gillon Gillon
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Endowment for International Peace
Caroline Lucas Lucas
Cass Sunstein Sunstein
Catherine Stihler Stihler
Catherine West West
Cato Institute Institute
Center for Peace and Security Studies for Peace and Security Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies for Strategic and International Studies
Center for Vigilant Freedom for Vigilant Freedom
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise for the Defense of Free Enterprise
Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
Centre for Defence Studies for Defence Studies
Centre for European Reform for European Reform
Centre for Social Cohesion for Social Cohesion
Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence
Century Group Group
Chaim Herzog Herzog
Channel 4 4
Charles Bohlen Bohlen
C. D. Jackson Douglas Jackson
Charles Farr Farr
Chuck Horner Horner
Charles Jones Jones
Charles Krauthammer Krauthammer
Charles Murray Murray
Charles Portal Portal
Charles Shoebridge Shoebridge
Charles Tannock Tannock
Chatham House House
Chris Grayling Grayling
Chris Patten Patten
Chris Skidmore Skidmore
Chris Williamson Williamson
Christian Democratic Union Democratic Union
Christian Social Union Social Union
Christine Lagarde Lagarde
Christopher Curwen Curwen
Christopher Haskins Haskins
Christopher Hitchens Hitchens
Christopher Meyer Meyer
Christopher Monckton Monckton
Christopher Steele Steele
Christopher Tugendhat Tugendhat
Charles Schumer Schumer
Church Committee Committee
City of London/Police of London Police
Civil Cooperation Bureau Cooperation Bureau
Claude Imbert Imbert
Clement Attlee Attlee
Cleveland Cram Cram
Clive Lewis Lewis
Coalition Information Center Information Center
Coalition for a Democratic Majority for a Democratic Majority
Cofer Black Black
Colin Boyd Boyd
Colin Figures Figures
Colin Gubbins Gubbins
Colin McColl McColl
Colin Wallace Wallace
Colloquium on Analysis and Estimates on Analysis and Estimates
Colloquium on Clandestine Collection on Clandestine Collection
Colloquium on Counterintelligence on Counterintelligence
Combating Terrorism Center Terrorism Center
Commission for Countering Extremism for Countering Extremism
Committee on the Present Danger on the Present Danger
Communist Party of Great Britain Party of Great Britain
Community Intelligence Intelligence
Competitive Enterprise Institute Enterprise Institute
Con Coughlin Coughlin
Conny Axel Meier Axel Meier
Conrad Black Black
Conservative Monday Club Monday Club
Conservative Party Party
Control Risks Risks
Copper Green Green
Cord Meyer Meyer
Council of Economic Advisers of Economic Advisers
Council on Foreign Relations on Foreign Relations
Council on Global Terrorism on Global Terrorism
CounterJihad/Brussels Conference Brussels Conference
Counter Terrorism Command Terrorism Command
Cranfield University University
Cressida Dick Dick
Crispin Davis Davis
Crown Agents Agents
Crown Prosecution Service Prosecution Service
Cynthia Lummis Lummis
Daily Express Express
Daily Mail Mail
Damian Collins Collins
Damian Green Green
Damian Hinds Hinds
Dan Gertler Gertler
Dan Meridor Meridor
Dani Yatom Yatom
Daniel Shapiro B. Shapiro
Daniel Bell Bell
Daniel Benjamin Benjamin
Daniel Graham Graham
Daniel Pipes Pipes
Daniel Vasella Vasella
Daniel Yergin Yergin
Danny Alexander Alexander
Darren Murphy Murphy
David A. Harris A. Harris
David Aaronovitch Aaronovitch
David Abshire Abshire
David Addington Addington
David Astor Astor
Sir David Bell Bell
David Ben-Gurion Ben-Gurion
David Blunkett Blunkett
David Boren Boren
David Bruce Bruce
David Burrill Burrill
David Byrne Byrne
David Cameron Cameron
David Campbell Bannerman Campbell Bannerman
David Carter Carter
David Claydon Claydon
David Cohen Cohen
David Davis Davis
David Evennett Evennett
David Friedman Friedman
David Frum Frum
David Gauke Gauke
David Graham Graham
David Green Green
David Hannay Hannay
David Horowitz Horowitz
David Ignatius Ignatius
David Irving Irving
David James James
David Jones Jones
David Kimche Kimche
David Lea Lea
David Lidington Lidington
David Manning Manning
David Miliband Miliband
David Mundell Mundell
David Owen Owen
David Petrie Petrie
David Project Project
David Pryce-Jones Pryce-Jones
David Ranson Ranson
David Rockefeller Rockefeller
David Waddington Waddington
David Walker Walker
David Walker (SAS) Walker (SAS)
David Winnick Winnick
David Wright Wright
David Wurmser Wurmser
David Yerushalmi Yerushalmi
David Young Young
De Beers Beers
Dean Acheson Acheson
Dean Godson Godson
Defence Academy of the United Kingdom Academy of the United Kingdom
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency Evaluation and Research Agency
Defence Manufacturers Association Manufacturers Association
DIA Intelligence Agency
Democracy Institute Institute
US/Democratic Party Party
Democratic Unionist Party Unionist Party
Denis Donaldson Donaldson
Denis Healey Healey
Denis Payne Payne
Dennis Ross Ross
Dennis Stevenson Stevenson
Derek Pasquill Pasquill
Derek Plumbly Plumbly
Desmond FitzGerald FitzGerald
Deutsche Bank Bank
Devon Cross Cross
Diana West West
Diane Abbott Abbott
Dick Cheney Cheney
Dick Taverne Taverne
Dido Harding Harding
BBC/Director-General of the BBC
Dirk Coetzee Coetzee
Ditchley Foundation
Donald Maitland Maitland
Donald Rumsfeld Rumsfeld
Donald Trump Trump
Donna Brazile Brazile
Douglas Carswell Carswell
Douglas Hurd Hurd
Douglas Feith J. Feith
Douglas Murray Murray
DEA Enforcement Administration
Duane Clarridge Clarridge
Dwayne Andreas Andreas
Dwight Eisenhower D. Eisenhower
E. Howard Hunt Howard Hunt
Earhart Foundation Foundation
EastWest Institute Institute
Ed Balls Balls
Ed Husain Husain
Edward Bernays Bernays
Edward Heath Heath
Edward Jay Epstein Jay Epstein
Edward Lansdale Lansdale
Edward S. Herman S. Herman
Edward Teller Teller
Edward Timpson Timpson
Edward du Cann du Cann
Edwin Meese Meese
Eeben Barlow Barlow
Efraim Halevy Halevy
Einat Wilf Wilf
Elaine Chao Chao
Eliana Benador Benador
Elie Kedourie Kedourie
Elie Wiesel Wiesel
Eliza Manningham-Buller Manningham-Buller
Elliott Abrams Abrams
Elma Dangerfield Dangerfield
Elmo Zumwalt Zumwalt
... further results
Showing 20 pages using this property.

Showing 1 related entity.