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Dean Acheson AchesonUS deep state operative who was the 51st Secretary of State
Adam Smith International Smith InternationalLondon-based consultancy charged with overseeing the overseas work of the Adam Smith Institute. Used by British intelligence services to train puppet police forces in the Middle East.
Gerry Adams AdamsFormer IRA leader who is also president of the Sinn Féin
John Adams AdamsAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chief of the Communications Security Establishment Canada
Mike Adams AdamsThe "HealthRanger", owns and runs Natural News
David Addington AddingtonThe "most powerful man you’ve never heard of" (2006) who was an energetic supporter of torture under George W. Bush.
Sheldon Adelson AdelsonMulti-billionaire pro-Israel US sponsor of the US government
Andrew Adonis AdonisLabour party politician and Bilderberger. Vice Chairman of the European Movement (UK)
Advance Publications Publications
Advertising by corporations to try to increase or create people's desire to purchase their products
Afghanistan"The graveyard of empires" - Afghanistan has a reputation for undoing ambitious military ventures and humiliating would-be aggressors.
African Union Union
Philip Agee AgeeSpent twelve years in the CIA from 1957 to 1969 before becoming the most important CIA whistle blower ever.
Agence France-Presse France-PresseThe French-News-Agency is the world's oldest news organisation.
Marcus Agius AgiusBilderberg trustees, Chairman of Barclays and of the British Bankers Association
Agora Inc Inc.
Jonathan Aitken AitkenUK deep politician, Cercle chair, convicted perjurer
Fouad Ajami AjamiTriple Bilderberg "terror expert"
Al-Qaeda sketchy term that has been repeated endlessly by the corporate media. Its close connections to Western intelligence agencies are never examined. "The Brotherhood" of the modern era.
Alabama in the South East USA.
Albania small country in Southeastern Europe.
Albert Einstein Institution Einstein InstitutionSpooky think tank specializing in the study of "nonviolence as a form of warfare." Has nothing to do with pacifism: "It is all about seizing political power or denying it to others".
Danny Alexander AlexanderScottish politician. The deputy of George Osborne (2010 to 2015)
Helen Alexander AlexanderBritish businesswoman with numerous directorships. After several decades as an executive at The Economist, she attended the 2013 and 2014 Bilderberg meetings. Selected a WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow 1999.
Michael Alexander Alexander
Yonah Alexander Alexander
Algeria nation on the Mediterranean Sea. The largest country in Africa, formerly colonised by France.
Ayaan Hirsi Ali Hirsi Ali
Tariq Ali Ali
All-Party Parliamentary Group Parliamentary Grouptype of grouping in the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Paul Allaire Arthur AllaireBilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Allen & Company & Company, Inc.A very discreet banking company that arranges the annual Sun Valley Conference. A front for key globalist interests.
Gary Allen AllenUS author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, proposing that US big business and the left are in the same front.
Mark Allen AllenSpy turned businessman and lecturer via the revolving door
Richard Allen V. AllenUS National Security Advisor, Cercle, Iran-Contra...
Philip Alston Alstoninternational law scholar and human rights practitioner.
AlterNet that changed ownership in 2018, now NewsGuard gives Alternet a "green" rating.
Amazon monopoly/cartel online retailer with deep state connections.
American Center for Democracy Center for DemocracyA spooky anti-corruption group
American Congress for Truth Congress for TruthNeoconservative organization 'aiming to awaken and empower freedom-loving people everywhere to effectively combat'...'the multiple threats posed to America's national security and democratic values by radical Islam'.
American Enterprise Institute Enterprise InstituteThe Godfather of Washington neo-conservative lobby groups
American Foreign Policy Council Foreign Policy CouncilUS semiofficial think tank publishing plans to destroy Russia, disguised as "forecasts".
American Free Press Free PressUS weekly newspaper founded in 2001 which helped expose the Bilderberg.
American Freedom Alliance Freedom Alliance
American Iranian Council Iranian Council
American Jewish Congress Jewish Congress
American Security Council Security CouncilA cold war front group for the MICC deserving of further attention
American-Turkish Council Turkish CouncilSibel Edmonds has presented evidence implicating this group in espionage
Americans for Victory Over Terrorism for Victory Over TerrorismAstrotruf group founded to press for an aggressive "war on terror" and attempt to equate opposition to the Bush administration with terrorism.
Barbara Amiel Amiel"Ferocious defender of Israel" who married media baron Conrad Black in 1992. Accompanied him to the 1993 Bilderberg.
Hooshang Amirahmadi AmirahmadiIranian American spook who attended Le Cercle.
Amnesty International International"Effectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel." Revolving leadership door with US government.
Valerie Amos AmosBritish Labour politician
Michael Ancram AncramLikely took over from Norman Lamont as European chair of Le Cercle.
Inger Andersen Andersen
Jack Anderson Anderson
Robert O. Anderson O. AndersonTriple Bilderberg Big Oil exec who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
Richard Angell AngellRight wing activist in the UK Labour Party
Angola West African state
Animal rights rights
Anti-Defamation League League
Antiwar.com news and viewpoints since 1995; has moved closer to official narratives over the years
Anne Applebaum ApplebaumIntegrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core, didn’t think that Hunter Biden's laptop qualified as a major news story.
James Arbuthnot ArbuthnotBritish Conservative Party politician with intelligence/deep state ties.
Archer Daniels-Midland Daniels MidlandAmerican multinational food processing and commodities trading corporation
Argentina biggest country in South America.
William Arkin ArkinUS journalist close to the Pentagon
Arlington Institute Arlington InstituteAmerican future-predicting think tank. Members include a former CIA director and other deep state actors; and also future Covid dissidents Catherine Austin Fitts and David E. Martin.
Armenia Eurasian nation; formerly part of the USSR
Richard Armitage Armitage"A sophisticated member of the top echelons of the U.S. government"
Bernard Arnault ArnaultFrench billionaire businessman, the richest person in the world as of August 2021. Attended the 1992 Bilderberg
Sonia Arrison ArrisonUS futurist author and opponent of any paper evidence in electronic voting. Attended the 2010 Bilderberg
John Ashcroft AshcroftUS Attorney General on 9/11
Michael Ashcroft AshcroftBillionaire former deputy chairman of the Conservative Party
Paddy Ashdown AshdownChatham House President for 10 years. MI6 operative and UK politician
Hanan Ashrawi AshrawiPalestinian legislator, activist, and scholar.
Ed Asner AsnerA Jewish American actor, 9-11 activist, voice actor and a former president of the Screen Actors Guild
Aspartame used artificial sweetener with increasingly suspect looking health effects.
Aspen Institute Institute
Julian Assange AssangeA "hacktivist" of mysterious background, whose website, Wikileaks, has been the conduit for a lot of whistleblowing. His pronounced disinterest in 9/11 is particularly notable.
Associated Press PressVery important hub of corporate media
Association of Chief Police Officers of Chief Police OfficersA forum for chief police officers to share ideas and coordinate their strategic operational responses. Unaccountable to Parliament or the public by virtue of its limited company status.
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now of Community Organizations for Reform Now
David Astor AstorThe Observer Editor for over 25 years, attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
AstraZeneca British-Swedish multinational Big Pharma company that produced a COVID-19 jab
Atlantic Council of the United Kingdom Council of the United Kingdom
Mohamed Atta AttaOne of the 19 hijackers blamed for 9-11.
Gilad Atzmon AtzmonJazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer - mainly on the subjects of Israel and Judaic power
Nadhmi Auchi AuchiCercle-connected fraudster
Australia large island nation in the southern hemisphere which is pioneering universal surveillance of its citizenry.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Broadcasting Corporation
Austria republic in Central Europe. Since the end of the Cold War, Austria has become increasingly westernised.
Axis of Logic of LogicWebsite that was "committed to publishing news and commentary that is often not presented in the major news outlets". Exists in archived form since 2022.
Lloyd Axworthy AxworthyAttended the 1996 Bilderberg as Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ami Ayalon AyalonHead of Israel's Shin Bet 1996-2000
Azerbaijan former part of the USSR.
Shaukat Aziz AzizTri-national Citibank executive with "close ties" to the US deep state. Parachuted in to become Prime Minister of Pakistan. Cercle member.
José María Aznaré María AznarPrime Minister of Spain 1996-2004, "If Israel goes down, we all go down", various deep state connections
BAE Systems SystemsA global arms company, with interests also in civilian avionics and engineering. Its subsidiaries are also involved in providing intelligence, personnel and logistics support to US/UK military.
BBC state propaganda apparatus disguised as a quasi-autonomous public service corporation.
BNP Paribas ParibasWorld's 8th largest bank by total assets, paid the US Justice Department $8.97 billion after accusations of money laundering
BP oil company implicated in the 1953 Iran Coup.
Ali Babacan Babacan8 times Bilderberg visitor, Turkish politician
William Bader B. BaderUS spook who in 1967 brought to Congressional attention that the "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" was a fraud perpetrated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara as a casus belli for the Vietnam War
Bahrain rich Arab nation, formerly part of the British Empire.
Bain & Company and CompanyOne of the "Big Three" management consultancies
Sheila Bair Bair
Zoë Bairdë BairdSpookily connected US lawyer
Howard Baker BakerSuspected deep state operative assisted for many years by Cercle attendee George Montgomery
Mike Baker BakerWorked in the CIA for 17 years as a covert field operations officer, specializing in counterterrorism, counternarcotics and counterinsurgency operations.
Norman Baker BakerMP convinced that David Kelly was murdered.
Harriett Baldwin Baldwin
Balkan Action Committee Action Committee
Bangladesh most populated country in the world. Formerly part of the British Empire.
Bank company or institute where people store their money or assets. Banks often launder your money with criminals.
Bank of Credit and Commerce International of Credit and Commerce InternationalThe "Bank of Crooks and Criminals International", as some nicknamed it, was a bank set up to facilitate large scale, global money laundering, mainly to support a range of black operations by intelligence agencies.
David Campbell Bannerman Campbell BannermanUKIP MEP
Patricia Barbizet BarbizetProminent figure in the French business world
Barclays Bank Bank
Bard College CollegeLiberal arts college in New York State from 2021 funded by Open Society Foundations
John Baring BaringDirector of the Bank of England, attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1980s
John Perry Barlow Perry BarlowMember of the drug-promoting music band Grateful Dead and a founding member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation - and with strong ties to CIA. He may also have been involved in the conceptual origin that spawned CIA-connected entities such as Facebook.
Harry Barnes Barnes
Anthony Barnett Barnettco-founder of openDemocracy (UK)
Michel Barnier BarnierDeep state connected politician who attended the 2006 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
Richard Barrett BarrettMI5/MI6 "terror expert" who writes for corporate media
Barrick Gold Gold
Eva Bartlett BartlettCanadian independent journalist much attacked by the deep state
W. Ralph Basham Ralph BashamLaw enforcement official in U.S. Customs and Border Protection, United States Secret Service and Transportation Security Administration.
Cherif Bassiouni BassiouniAdvisor to the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
Gary Bauer Bauer
Bayer AG of Monsanto
Baylor University UniversityOldest continuously operating university in Texas
Nicolas Bazire BazireNicolas Sarkozy's best man
Bechtel construction and civil engineering company in the US and the 9th-largest privately owned American company in 2016
Margaret Beckett BeckettUK foreign secretary, Le Cercle attendee
Vanessa Beeley BeeleyBritish investigative journalist focused on the Middle East. Helped expose the White Helmets.
Menachem Begin BeginAttended the JCIT as Prime Minister of Israel
Belgium European colonial power
Bell Pottinger PottingerReceived $500 million from the US DOD to create a range of propaganda, including fake Al-Qaeda videos
Daniel Bell BellBilderberger co-founder of neoconservatism.
Griffin Bell Bell
John Bell John BellMedical researcher who attended the 2013 Bilderberg. Appointed to the UK Vaccine Task Force. Became a center of attention when he stated that COVID-19 vaccines "are unlikely to completely sterilize a population".
Sir David Bell BellFormer Chairman of the Financial Times
Tim Bell BellChair of Bell Pottinger
Saul Bellow BellowUS/Canadian writer. Member of Balkan Action Committee & Committee on the Present Danger
Max Beloff Beloff"Think-tanks can be important in bringing about a change in broad public perceptions..." British historian who founded the University College of Buckingham, now the University of Buckingham.
Lenny Ben-David Ben-David
Richard Ben-Veniste Ben-VenisteA lawyer who has taken various legal roles for the US deep state, including securing the Watergate coup.
Benador Associates Associates
Daniel Benjamin BenjaminCenter for Strategic and International Studies, Refugees International, "Coordinator for Counterterrorism"
Tony Benn BennSocialist MP for UK Labour Party
Robert Bennett BennettMormon US Senator who attended Brussels Forums
William J. Bennett J. Bennett
Boris Berezovsky BerezovskyA Russian billionaire oligarch who fell out with Vladimir Putin. Found dead in 2013 - the corner returned an open verdict.
Luciana Berger BergerFormer Labour MP Liverpool Wavertree, former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel. After parliament started working for PR-company Edelman.
Sandy Berger BergerA US National security advisor caught removing "terrorism"-related materials from the from the US national archives just prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission.
Nicolas Berggruen BerggruenSponsor of influential think-tanks
Ronen Bergman BergmanIsraeli journalist who published Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings - in reality a very flattering limited hangout.
C. Fred Bergsten Fred BergstenBrookings Institution, CFR, 5 Bilderbergs ...
Chip Berlet Berlet"Spends 99 percent of his time attacking the people who have actually exposed U.S. Government crimes and cover-ups, and one percent of his time exposing them".
Wayne Lee Berman L. BermanUS Businessman with deep political connections.
Bermuda overseas territory. Tax haven famous for the Bermuda Triangle.
Franco Bernabè BernabeItalian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg
Ben Bernanke BernankeAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Edward Bernays BernaysNephew of Sigmund Freud and the father of 20th century propaganda techniques.
Carl Bernstein Bernstein
Sian Berry BerryWas leader of the Green Party of England and Wales (2018-21) and hopes to follow Caroline Lucas as MP for Brighton Pavilion in July 2024
Christoph Bertram BertramGerman journalist with a heavy Bilderberg habit
Jeff Bezos BezosWorld's richest man. Founded Amazon, grandson of a DARPA co-founder
Bhutan small country in the Eastern Himalayas. A constitutional monarchy which has Buddhism as the state religion.
Hunter Biden BidenSecond son of the deep state actor, Joe Biden.
Joe Biden BidenUS deep state actor accused of sexual assault in 1993. As US Senator aggressively pushed for the patriot act, mass surveillance and death penalty for anyone who was not the CIA. As VP famous for sniffing and grabbing children on camera. Became US President in a quite weakened mental state.
Bernhard von Biesterfeld BernhardNazi arms dealer. Alleged bodyguard of Hitler, early member of the SS, requested presidency under Hitler during WW2. An early leader of the Dutch Deep State, founded Dutch division of Operation Gladio named Inlichtingen en Operatiën, co-founded Bilderberg as Steering Committee chairman. Started 1001 Club, WWF, Rijkens Club. Linked to Klaas Bruinsma.
Big Tech Tech
Big lie liePropaganda technique.
Bilderberg subject to a strong media blackout (almost never reported in newspapers before around 2010), protected by national police, the Bilderberg group holds an annual meeting of approximately 130 bankers, political & military leaders, CEOs of multinational corporations, editors and royalty. Meetings are firmly off the record, although increasingly leaky.
Bilderberg/2003 2003The 51st Bilderberg, in Versailles, France
Carl Bildt BildtSwedish deep politician, serial Bilderberger and visitor to the MSC. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Melinda Gates FoundationVery influential and rich foundation established to take leadership of global health.
Hans Binnendijk BinnendijkDutch born academic and US deep state functionary, a member of Atlantic Council and RAND corporation, deeply involved with NATO.
Julie Bishop TrussAustralian former politician.
Black Lives Matter Lives MatterAdvocacy and protest organization. Has a tendency to become very popular around elections and subsequently... dissappear.
Conrad Black BlackFraudulent Bilderberg steering committee member
Edwin Black Black
BlackRock owns a piece of everything? They do!
Tessa Blackstone BlackstoneUK academic who attended the 1990 Bilderberg as a Member of the House of Lords
Blackwater was a huge US-based private military contractor infamous for a string of scandals.
Robert Blackwill D. BlackwillUS deep state connected diplomat
Ian Blair BlairA senior UK policeman who claimed in 2006 that "Islamic terrorism" constituted "a far graver threat in terms of civilians than either the Cold War or the Second World War".
Tony Blair BlairRemarkably popular at the time, Tony Blair was a UK prime minister, now infamous for lying the UK into invading Iraq, notwithstanding massive opposition. He is currently sought for War crimes by many people.
Olivier Blanchard BlanchardFrench economist, Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute
Lloyd Blankfein BlankfeinAttended the 2007 Bilderberg as Goldman Sachs/Chairman
Bill de Blasio de Blasio
Hans Blix BlixAttended the 1989 Bilderberg as IAEA Director General
Robert Blumhttp:// Spooky US academic diplomat. OSS. Attended the 1956 Bilderberg. Died suddenly aged 54.
William Blum BlumA prominent critic of US empire
David Blunkett Blunkett
Paul Boateng Boateng
Yossef Bodansky Bodansky
Barbara Bodine Bodine
Ken Boehm F Boehm
Boeing based arms manufacturer which also makes civilian aircraft that since the 1990s have became known for their sometimes dubious reliability.
Bohemian Grove GroveA US deep state milieu in Northern California.
Bolivia country in South America, a large producer of cocaine. Formerly part of the Spanish Empire.
Marc Bolland BollandDutch businessman who was the CEO of Marks & Spencer, after having been CEO ofMorrisons.
Joshua Bolten BoltenWhite House Chief of Staff to George W. Bush
John Bolton R. BoltonNeocon US deep state operative who was Trump's National Security Advisor until September 2019
Roger Bone BoneFormer UK diplomat who went over to the military-industrial complex as President of Boeing UK. He is also a Trustee of the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI).
Emma Bonino BoninoAttended the 1998 Bilderberg as European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection
Murray Bookchin BookchinPhilosopher who founded the social ecology movement
Max Boot BootDouble Bilderberg historian and editor eager for wars.
Arnaud de Borchgrave de BorchgraveSpooky journalist
David Boren BorenJobs including Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board
Michael Boskin BoskinSenior Fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Panelist at the 1991 Bilderberg, on the panel Economic And Financial Threats To The Alliance.
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Herzegovinasmall nation in the Balkans.
Boston Consulting Group Boston Consulting GroupUS 'market driven' strategic advisory company
Botswana in Southern Africa. Formerly part of the British Empire, Botswana is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.
Virginia Bottomley Bottomley
Victor Bout BoutRussian accused of arms smuggling by the US, was jailed with help from a turned associate, allegedly, on orders of the CIA.
Chester Bowles Bowles
Francis Boyle BoyleAcademic lawyer, Francis Andrew Boyle is Fab at the World Court
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe Brabeck-LetmatheNestlé executive who attended the 2011 Bilderberg. Wants to privatize and charge for all water in the world.
John Brademas BrademasUS politician
Bill Bradley BradleyUS Senator from New Jersey
Willy Brandt BrandtWest German Chancellor 1969-1974
Brazil large and not particularly populous country which has made a priority of biofuels.
Andrew Breitbart BreitbartA political commentator who died of "heart failure" after exposing Anthony Weiner's sexting
Paul Bremer BremerExecutive of Marsh & McLennan, a company whose offices were hit by a plane on 9/11, "Coordinator for Counterterrorism", Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority of Iraq ...
John Brennan O. BrennanDCIA, "terror expert", helped cover-up CIA/Torture
Albert Bressand BressandFrench academic
Leonid Brezhnev Brezhnev
Jean Bricmont BricmontBelgian physicist and essayist. Author of the book Humanitarian Imperialism, describing how United States and its Western allies are pursuing imperialist goals under the pretext of defending human rights.
Andrew Brimmer BrimmerAfrican-American economist who attended the 1972 Bilderberg as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
British Aerospace Aerospace
British Airways AirwaysThe flag carrier airline of the United Kingdom
British Petroleum Petroleum
British Security Coordination Security Coordination
British-American Project American Project
British-American Tobacco Tobacco
Broadcasting Board of Governors Board of GovernorsOvert propaganda arm of the US government. Notable for continued funding of Tor.
David Brock Brock
Ian Brodie BrodieAttended the 2008 Bilderberg as Chief of Staff to the Canadian Prime Minister
Edward Brooke BrookeThe first African-American elected to the US Senate. He attended Bilderberg 1969, where one of the subjects was Elements of instability in Western Society. Of possible relevance is that Brooke sat on a commission investigating the causes of over 150 riots throughout the United States in 1967. He was also mooted as a candidate for Vice President.
Brown Brothers Harriman Brothers Harriman & Co.Spooky bank that helped Fritz Thyssen finance Adolf Hitler