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Contaminated blood affair19832003For several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands.
Al-Yamamah arms dealSeptember 1985August 2006A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Operation Mass Appeal19902003An effort by MI6 to facilitate the UK's invasion of Iraq.
Foster child drug trials19922004In the nightmarish, surreal world of pediatric clinical trials, infants, toddlers, children and teenagers in New York and around the United States are forced to ingest dangerous, toxic pharmaceuticals, arranged by the National Institutes of Health and Big Pharma.
Mani pulite17 February 19922002
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda8 November 199431 December 2016
Saville Inquiry199824 March 2010An investigation into Bloody Sunday which left 14 people dead.
TOPOFF20002009A series of week long "counter-terrorism" exercises
Children Overboard affair20012002The Australian government accused asylum seekers of throwing children into the ocean, which they knew was untrue.
Peru/Truth and Reconciliation CommissionJune 200128 August 2003An attempt to restore a functioning and non-criminal government to Peru. Reported that 69,280 people were killed between 1980 and 2000.
Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Wilton Review20022002In 2002, it recommended the creation of an overarching public diplomacy strategy.
Le Cercle/2002 (Washington)20022002
2002 Venezuelan coup attempt11 April 200213 April 2002A failed CIA-backed coup attempt against President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez.
Cory Collusion InquiryMay 2002April 2004
Bilderberg/200230 May 20022 June 2002The 50th Bilderberg, held at Chantilly, Virginia.
Le Cercle/2002 (Morocco)27 June 20021 July 2002William Hague attended
Soham murders4 August 20024 August 2002
Operation Torsion4 October 20024 October 2002
2002 Bali bombings12 October 2002 23:05:0012 October 2002 23:05:00Two bombs in Bali that killed 202 people, blamed on Al-Qaeda
Paul Wellstone/Assassination25 October 2002 10:22:0025 October 2002 10:22:00A crash officially recorded as an accident, but which several researchers consider to have been a covert assassination.


New Groups

Stop The BoycottGroup.pngLobby
Klub 500Klub500.jpgOrganisation for businesses which employ over 500 people. Trained to fund political parties legally, not with "brown envelopes".
Egyptian Civil Aviation AuthorityGroup.pngThe ministry in charge of civil aviation in Egypt. Investigations include EgyptAir Flight 990, EgyptAir Flight 804 and Metrojet Flight 9268.
Science Media CentreScience Media Centre uk.png"Independent" media briefing centre for scientific issues in the UK, enjoying close links with the British government and corporations.
Academic Friends of IsraelGroup.pngLobby
Civitatis InternationalGroup.pngThink tank
Cambridge Security ProgrammeGroup.png
American Congress for TruthAct for America.pngNeoconservative organization 'aiming to awaken and empower freedom-loving people everywhere to effectively combat'...'the multiple threats posed to America's national security and democratic values by radical Islam'.
Almaz-AnteyAlmaz-Antey-logo.pngRussian state-owned company in the arms industry.
Counter Terrorist GroupGroup.png
NanobiosymNanobiosym (logo).pngNanotechnology
Genetic modification
American nanotechnology company
Search for International Terrorist EntitiesGroup.png
Norwegian Defence University CollegeForsvarets høgskole.pngOffers 'leadership courses' for key military and civilian decision-makers
Giuliani PartnersGiulianiPartners.gif
ARKArk-logo 1.pngAn NGO " to transform children’s lives". Plenty of its fundraisers have a Jeffery Epstein connection.
David ProjectGroup.pngLobby
NORTHCOMOfficial NORTHCOM Seal.pngMilitary
Prague Security Studies InstituteGroup.pngCzech think-tank established with extensive ties to neoconservative circles. Mentioned in the Integrity Initiative's EXPOSE network.
Institute for the Study of Violent GroupsLogo-isvg.png
Kovalev commissionGroup.pngAn ill-fated commission to investigate the 1999 Russian Apartment bombings. Various members of it were assassinated or died after suspicious accidents.
Muslim Contact UnitRobert Lambert speaks to MCU.jpgIntelligence agencySpooky unit of the UK Metropolitan Police interested in "radicalisation" of Muslims.
The Paypal MafiaFile Paypal Mafia 2014.jpgDeep state faction“We all became each other’s social life. Because of that, we formed really deep connections.” The genesis of the biggest tech companies with spooky ties to organs of the Deep State such as the WEF and Bilderberg.
Saban Center for Middle East PolicyGroup.pngResearch
Think tank
Coalition for Democracy in IranGroup.pngFront group
London Metropolitan UniversityLondon Metropolitan University Logo.jpgResearch
Public university in London, England
SwissmedicSwissmedic.pngSwiss surveillance authority for medicines and medical devices. Most of the members have huge conflict of interest with Big Pharma
OxitecOxitec.pngUK based biotechnology company that develops genetically modified insects with an inbuilt genetic extinction technology.
Think tank
AIJAC/Rambam ProgramsGroup.pngThe Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) arranges a large number of junkets "fact-finding trips" to Israel for selected journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics. Includes similar programs.
9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry9-11 Joint Congressional Inquiry.jpgCover-upThe first inquiry into 9/11, by its own admission "not in the blame game". It produced an 800 page report of which 28 pages were censored, and released in redacted form in July 2016.
Americans for Victory Over TerrorismGroup.pngAstrotruf group founded to press for an aggressive "war on terror" and attempt to equate opposition to the Bush administration with terrorism.
EurojustEurojust.pngAn agency of the EU set up to tackle terrorism, drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, fraud, corruption and money laundering.
Homeland Security Advisory CouncilGroup.png
Radio SawaLogo sawa.gifPart of the overt US propaganda apparatus.
Policy ExchangePolicy Exchange.jpgThink tankA neoconservative orientated think-tank with close ties to David Cameron
House and Senate Taiwan CaucusGroup.pngThe China lobby
National Intelligence CentreCNIescudoespaña2.pngThe Spanish combined foreign and domestic intelligence agency.
International Criminal CourtInternational Criminal Court logo.svgInternational
An international tribunal to prosecute individuals for war crimes. Neither "international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal."
African UnionAU.pngInternational
Defence Strategy & Solutions LLPGroup.pngMilitary
Threat Response InternationalGroup.png
Office of Special PlansGroup.png
Future Of Russia FoundationGroup.pngLargely UK company with a remarkable assortment of directors
Aegis Defence ServicesGroup.pngMilitary
Military ranks
PMC founded in 2002 by Cercle attendee Tim Spicer
Public Diplomacy Strategy BoardGroup.pngThe predecessor of the UK propagandist Public Diplomacy Board.
US/Department/Homeland SecurityUS Department of Homeland Security Seal.svgPlanned by the same group who planned the 9/11 attacks, and carried out in their wake, the DoHS is a large department which replaced the existing domestic security, disaster planning and management functions of the US government.
9-11/Commission911 commission seal.svgCover-upSet up over a year after the event, refused access to the president's daily briefings, not testified to under oath by Bush or Cheney, the 9/11 Commission was termed a "cover-up" by former member Max Cleland, who resigned. His replacement declared that 9/11 was "a 30 year conspiracy". Their first report did not mention WTC7.


New Websites

GawkerGawker.pnghttp://gawker.comA formerly highly popular website which helped expose The Deep State. In 2014 it published 3 important exposes by Mark Gorton. In 2015 it published parts of Epstein's black book. Closed in 2016 by harassment lawsuits.
GigablastRedrocket.jpghttps://gigablast.comAn open source search engine written in over 500,00o lines of C/C++. In 2019, Martin Wells warned against using the code.
Daily KosDaily Kos new logo.pnghttp://www.dailykos.comClose to the Democratic Party power structure. Founded in 2002 by former CIA operative Markos Moulitsas
If Americans KnewIAK-logo.pnghttp://www.ifamericansknew.org/Tour-de-force website of US journalist Alison Weir. It focuses on the historical and ongoing injustices perpetrated by the state of Israel against the non-Jewish people of Palestine.
The TruthseekerThe Truthseeker logo.jpghttp://www.thetruthseeker.co.ukIndependent website with an interest in False flag attacks


Groups that were Wound Up

University of North LondonLogoOrg125.jpgLondon university merged in 2002 into the London Metropolitan University.
European Coal and Steel CommunityGroup.pngA step towards European Union
RPRGroup.pngFrench conservative political party presenting itself as the heir of Gaullist politics.
CesidEscudocesid-1.gifSpanish intelligence agency closely tied to the PSOE government of Felipe González.
US/Space ForceUnited States Space Command emblem.gif
London Guildhall UniversityLondon Guildhall University.pngUniversity in the United Kingdom from 1992, when the City of London Polytechnic was awarded university status, until 2002
9-11/Joint Congressional Inquiry9-11 Joint Congressional Inquiry.jpgCover-upThe first inquiry into 9/11, by its own admission "not in the blame game". It produced an 800 page report of which 28 pages were censored, and released in redacted form in July 2016.




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Roy Hargraves2002Soldier
Member of the Interpen, involved in training members of the anti-Castro groups funded by the Central Intelligence Agency. Maybe involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Joseph Weinberg19172002Spook
Joseph Slater19222002Economist
Deep state actor
"Extremely well connected" US economist and deep state actor. Having important positions in post-war Germany and the Ford Foundation, he later attended the 1971 Bilderberg conference and became involved in the Club of Rome's no-growth globalist program.
Hans Otto Meyer19252002Spook
Shipping magnate
Deep state operative
Spooky Norwegian businessman and ship owner whose house was found to have a secret Gladio arms cache in 1978.
William Diebold19182002Spook
CFR economist
David Barran23 May 19122002BusinesspersonOne of the UK's "most articulate spokesmen for free enterprise"
Marcello Guidi2 January 19282002Diplomat
Freddy Heineken4 November 19233 January 2002Netherlands
Dutch businessman for Heineken International. Jeffrey Epstein/Black book
Cyrus Vance27 March 191712 January 2002New York
United States
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Deep state operative
Bilderberg 1970, CFR, TLC, various political postings...
Henry Reuss22 February 191212 January 2002California
San Rafael
PoliticianWisconsin/Representative for 28 years
Albert Ritchie20 December 191624 January 2002Ottawa
DiplomatCanadian diplomat and former Canadian Ambassador to the United States who attended the 1973 Bilderberg
J. Clifford Baxter27 September 195825 January 2002Gunshot woundBusinesspersonEnron Corporation executive who resigned in May 2001 before allegedly "committing suicide" the following year. Prior to his death he had agreed to testify before Congress in the Enron scandal.
Katherine SmithFebruary 2002Fire9-11/Premature deathAn alert Tennessee DMV employee who sold IDs to 5 foreigners of middle Eastern appearance.
Eldon Rudd15 July 19208 February 2002Arizona
Vernon A. Walters3 January 191710 February 2002West Palm Beach
Deep politician
Coupmaster, George H. W. Bush's #2 man in the CIA.
Harold Weisberg8 April 191321 February 2002Author
Georges Vedel5 July 191021 February 2002France
French public law professor known for his support for European federalism. Attended the 1970 Bilderberg meeting.
Jonas Savimbi3 August 193422 February 2002Lucusse
Moxico Province
Robert Strausz-Hupé25 March 190324 February 2002Pennsylvania
Newtown Square
Deep state functionary
Marion Dönhoff2 December 190911 March 2002Journalist
Deep state operative
Spooky German journalist
Ibn al-Khattab14 April 196920 March 2002ChechnyaPoison
Nerve agent
Russian apartment bombings/Premature deathPoisoned and named by the FSB as the organiser of the 1999 Russian apartment bombings.
Luis María Otero Monsegur9 February 191426 April 2002Argentina
Buenos Aires
Argentinian banker who attended the 1970 Cercle meeting in Washington DC
Alexander Lebed20 April 195028 April 2002Air disasterSoldier
A military man who ran for Russian President in 1996. Died in 2002 in a helicopter crash.
Barbara Castle6 October 19103 May 2002Buckinghamshire
One of the most significant Labour Party politicians of the 20th century
Hugo Banzer10 May 19265 May 2002Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz de la Sierra
Two time President of Bolivia
Antoine Riboud25 December 19185 May 2002ParisBusinesspersonFounder of Danone. Like his son Franck, Antoine Riboud was a single Bilderberg
Pim Fortuyn19 February 19486 May 2002Netherlands
PoliticianAn assassinated Dutch politician
Bernard Burrows3 July 19107 May 2002Diplomat
Deep state actor
A pillar of the British diplomatic establishment
Gordon MacDonald30 July 192914 May 2002ScientistUS scientist with deep state connections and interest in Weather modification who attended the 1971 Bilderberg
John Gorton9 September 191119 May 2002Australia
Prime Minister of Australia 1968-1971
Chandra Levy14 April 197722 May 2002InternMurdered Washington intern. Congressman Gary Condit was prime suspect, but case pinned on a Salvadorean immigrant who had the case dropped in a retrial. The case is still officially unsolved.
John Wodehouse12 May 192426 May 2002UK Peer who attended at least 3 meetings of Le Cercle
Michael Alexander19 June 19361 June 2002London
United Kingdom
Flora Lewis25 July 19222 June 2002ParisJournalistUS journalist. Trilateral Commission. Tri-Bilderberg
Lew Wasserman22 March 19133 June 2002United States
Beverly Hills
Deep state operative
Hollywood studio head
Hollywood studio head mobster who "basically owned [Ronald] Reagan" according to Whitney Webb
Umberto Ortolani31 May 191317 June 2002Italy
Antony Sutton14 February 192517 June 2002USAuthor
A scholarly professor at the Hoover Institution who became controversial when he tried to reach the public with his research. His work has become increasingly influential as the Internet Age has gathered momentum after his death at the age of 77 in 2002.
Madeleine Brown5 July 192522 June 2002Dallas
Herbert Grünewald12 September 192114 July 2002Chemist
Attended the 1980 Bilderberg as Chairman of the Board of German pharma company Bayer, expanded heavily to North America.
Joseph Luns28 August 191117 July 2002Belgium
PoliticianEx Secretary General of NATO, Regular Bilderberger
Metin Toker192418 July 2002Turkey
Turkish journalist and writer, and son in law of President İsmet İnönü. Attended the 1982 Bilderberg meeting.
Olof Lagercrantz10 March 191123 July 2002Author
John Collard1 January 191323 July 2002Sussex
Gerhard Wessel24 December 191328 July 2002Spook
Former BND chief
Abu NidalMay 1937August 2002Iraq
Terrorist known for his attacks creating spectacularly a bad image for the Palestinian cause. Was probably recruited by the Mossad, and for decades used to commit assassinations and bombings under false flag.
Pieter Kuin7 April 190814 August 2002Netherlands
EconomistUnilever multinational corporation executive who spoke on "European co-operation for the development of Southern Italy" with Paul Rykens at the 1968 Bilderberg
Halil Tunç1 March 192819 August 2002Politician
Union organizer
Attended Bilderberg/1975 as leader of the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions.
Francis Brooks Richards18 July 191813 September 2002Spook
Frederic Bennett2 December 191814 September 2002Journalist
Deep state functionary
Parliamentary Private Secretary to Reginald Maudling, Privy Counsellor, Bilderberg Steering committee
Hartland de M. Molson29 May 190728 September 2002Canada
PoliticianCanadian politician
... further results


A Birth

Jack Teixeira2002SpookSpooky "whistleblower" from the Massachusetts National Guard intelligence wing who reportedly leaked documents online, aged 21.
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