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[[Brexit]] is scheduled for completion by March 2019.
'''2019''' saw the continued exposure of the [[UK Deep state]]'s [[Institute for Statecraft]] and [[Integrity Initiative]], as [['Anonymous']] published another tranche of documents published on 4 January.<ref>https://www.cyberguerrilla.org/blog/operation-integrity-initiative-british-informational-war-against-all-part-4/</ref>
The gravy trainwreck [[Brexit]] was scheduled for completion by March 2019.

Revision as of 13:21, 21 January 2019

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2019 saw the continued exposure of the UK Deep state's Institute for Statecraft and Integrity Initiative, as 'Anonymous' published another tranche of documents published on 4 January.[1]


Full article: Brexit

The gravy trainwreck Brexit was scheduled for completion by March 2019.


Related Quotation

2020“As the Establishment feels its grip slipping, as people wake up to the appalling economic exploitation by the few that underlies the very foundations of modern western society, expect the methods used by the security services to become even dirtier. You can bank on continued ramping up of Russophobia to supply “the enemy”. As both Scottish Independence and Jeremy Corbyn are viewed as real threats by the British Establishment, you can anticipate every possible kind of dirty trick in the next couple of years, with increasing frequency and audacity.”Craig MurrayDecember 2018



Afghanistan/2001 Invasion7 October 200130 August 2021The war in Afghanistan, instigated within a month of 9/11, supposedly in retaliation, with the claimed justification - for which no evidence has been presented - that the attacks were planned by Ossama bin Laden, and that he was based in Afghanistan.
Biden–Ukraine corruption scandal20102020Maybe this scandal would have swung the US/2020 Presidential election the other way if the media had reported on it?
Julian Assange/Imprisonment19 June 201224 June 2024Five years de jure in Belmarsh Prison (2019-2024)
"2014 Ukraine coup/Anti-Terrorist-Operation"15 April 201424 February 2022Olexander Turchynov, as acting President of Ukraine, announced the start of "anti-terrorist operation" against Donbas protestors in 2014.
RussiagateNovember 20162019
Donald Trump/Presidency20 January 201720 January 2021The Donald Trump administration
BrexitMarch 201731 January 2020The United Kingdom's departure from the European Union.
Reframing Russia1 June 201731 May 2020An IfS/II discussed project about "The RT Challenge" which was publicly launched in 2019, not under the II/IfS name.
Integrity Initiative/Leak5 November 201829 March 2019A series of 7 leaks, starting on 5 November 2018, of unknown origin and veracity. After some time, the II disputed the authenticity of some of the documents, but was not clear about which.
Crimson ContagionJanuary 2019August 2019An U.S. nationwide exercise in how to handle an influenza pandemic. Held January to August 2019
Hunter Biden/Laptop2019Hunter Biden left a Mac Book in a repair shop in Delaware and forgot about...
Green Industrial Revolution2019preventing climate change?
Integrity Initiative/Leak/44 January 20194 January 2019The fourth Integrity Initiative Leak, from early 2019.
A New Initiative for Poland: A Future Leader in Securing the Fourth Industrial Revolution16 January 201917 January 2019Conference in Poland in January 2019 planned by the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, sponsored by the Atlantic Council and Bank Polski.
Truth And Reconciliation Committee on the Assassinations Of The 1960s21 January 2019A call for a Truth And Reconciliation Committee
WEF/Annual Meeting/201922 January 201925 January 2019"The reality is that we are in a Cold War [against China] that threatens to turn into a hot one."
Integrity Initiative/Leak/524 January 201924 January 2019Released on the 24 January 2019, the fifth Integrity Initiative Leak.
Dark Side of the Kremlin25 January 201925 January 2019A leak of 175GB of Russian documents
Integrity Initiative/Leak/68 February 20198 February 2019The 6th Integrity Initiative Leak, posted on 8 February 2019.
A Spreading Plague14 February 201914 February 2019Tabletop simulation of a global biological warfare attack predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Included several senior pandemic planners. Held February 2019.
Munich Security Conference/201915 February 201917 February 2019The 55th Munich Security Conference, which included "A Spreading Plague" aimed at "identifying gaps and making recommendations to improve the global system for responding to deliberate, high consequence biological events."
Brussels Forum/2019March 2019March 2019Annual 3 day spooky get-together of transatlantic politicians, media and military and corporations, under the auspices of the CIA and German Marshall Fund. Discussed the "Fight for Economic Equality".
Christchurch mass shooting15 March 201915 March 2019A mass shooting at two New Zealand mosques. It was followed by a crackdown on freedom of speech.
Integrity Initiative/Leak/725 March 201925 March 2019The final tranche of Integrity Initiative documents, released in March 2020, which gave an impression of the scale of the multi-million pound operation
Strengthening Europe's 'soft' and 'hard' defence25 March 2019 13:00:0025 March 2019 17:00:00Chatham House rule meeting with organised by the Institute for Statecraft and the Clingendael Institute.
Bilderberg/201930 May 20192 June 2019The 67th Bilderberg Meeting
Le Cercle/2019 (Bahrain)26 June 201929 June 2019
PewDiePie ADL controversySeptember 2019September 2019The ADL's attempt to destroy the world's most recognised YouTuber. There are still a number of theories to what really happened behind the scenes.
Event 20118 October 201918 October 2019A Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security/World Economic Forum/Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored large scale simulation of a global coronavirus pandemic predicting an apocalyptic outcome. Held October 2019.
2019 Military World Games18 October 201927 October 2019Possibly used by the US as a venue to spread COVID-19 to China
StratCom DC 201923 October 201924 October 2019Spooky conference arranged by the powerful Atlantic Council to discuss how to expand censorship
Operation Blackout5 November 20195 November 2019Simulated sabotage of civilian infrastructure - preempting or preplanning? Held November 2019.
COVID-19/PandemicDecember 2019An outbreak of Covid-19, a mild respiratory disease, caused worldwide mass panic with almost totalitarian outcome.
Pacific Eclipse9 December 201910 December 2019December 2019 pandemic planning exercise. Using mathematical modelling to create scary-sounding predictions for a smallpox epidemic, the real purpose of the exercise was to indoctrinate the participants from 200 organizations in the necessity of coerced "interventions" to avoid a doomsday scenario. The indoctrination came to fruition during the fake official narrative during Covid.


New Groups

Transition Integrity ProjectGroup.pngA US deep state that has been gaming the US/2020 Presidential election
Trusted News InitiativeTrusted News Initiative (logo).jpegInternet censorship group that emerged just in time to carry out COVID-19 censorship
The Commons ProjectThe commons project.pngThe World Economic Forum's vaccine passport enabler, providentially created in 2019.
Covering Climate NowCCnow.pngOrganization providing "urgent climate stories" to a large number of corporate media,
Stanford/Internet ObservatoryGroup.pngCut-out for the Department of Homeland Security to censor online speech. Wound down (or activities shifted to other places) in 2024 after increasing exposure.
NHSXNHSX.jpgNHS user eXperience...
Business for Inclusive GrowthB4IG.pngA partnership between the OECD and major corporations from across the globe.
Quincy Institute For Responsible StatecraftQuincey institute.jpgPeace think tank with deep state funders


New Websites

TimcastWebsite.pnghttps://timcast.com/A podcast.
LocalsLocals.pnghttps://locals.com/Locals is an Alt Tech platform.
Jerm WarfareJerm-logo-round.pnghttps://jermwarfare.com/Long-format interviews on a number of subjects with a number of personalities, often dissidents in their field or independent analysts.
Anti-EmpireAnti-Empire logo.pnghttps://anti-empire.com/Site concentrating on independent geopolitical analysis. Covid-19 dissident.
The Kim Iversen ShowKim iversen.jpghttps://www.youtube.com/c/KimIversen/featuredIndependent analysis of today's politics. Foreign Policy, Pandemic, Elections and More.
AltCensoredAltcensored.pnghttps://altcensored.comA website archiving material censored by YouTube


Groups that were Wound Up

Paris Descartes UniversityParis Descartes University.pngPublic
Split from Sorbonne in 1970, merged to a new University of Paris
False Memory Syndrome FoundationGroup.pngFoundation that claimed that "false memories" of child abuse in many cases remembered in adulthood, are not connected to events that have actually ever happened.
Active Change FoundationGroup.pngSpooky charity that worked closely with the Institute for Statecraft on "de-radicalisation"
Visor ConsultantsGroup.png
UK/Council on Foreign RelationsGroup.pngA dormant limited company set up in 2010 by many of the same people who set up the Integrity Initiative.
The TerraMar ProjectThe TerraMar Project.png
Aktis StrategyAktis Strategy.pngNow defunct following allegations of "gross financial mismanagement"
DONi News AgencyDONi News.pngNews and MediaPress center of the Donbas region.
Astutus IntelligenceGroup.pngA UK limited company started in 2015 by two Institute for Statecraft directors and a third man. Dissolved in 2019.


A Website that Closed

Narco NewsNarco News.pnghttp://www.narconews.com




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Herbert Meyer19462019Spook
Cold War hardliner, Le Cercle visitor who mused on assassinating Putin
Minos ZombanakisJuly 19262019BankerGreek banker who developed tools to internationalize financial markets from the 1960s.
Harold Brown19 September 19274 January 2019PhysicistUnited States Secretary of Defense.
Moshe Arens27 December 19257 January 2019Israel
Deep state operative
suspected deep state operative
Nathan Glazer25 February 192319 January 2019Neoconservative
US sociologist
Alvin Snyder28 January 2019Propagandist
Stuart Henderson194031 January 2019Police officerStuart Henderson was Senior Investigating Officer at the Lockerbie Incident Control Centre
Bernard Lietaer7 February 19424 February 2019Author
Money reformer
proponent of local or complementary currency, which circulate parallel with national currencies.
John Otho Marsh7 August 19264 February 2019United States
Seweryn Bialer3 November 19268 February 2019New YorkAcademic
Polish defector to the US working the anti-communist circuit. Single Bilderberger academic.
Walter Jones10 February 194310 February 2019United States
North Carolina
Motor neurone diseasePolitician
Michael Wilson4 November 193710 February 2019Diplomat
Canadian Bilderberger politician and later Ambassador to the United States
Lyndon LaRouche8 September 192212 February 2019Activist
Charles Farr15 July 195915 February 2019CancerSpookSpooky UK civil servant, Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee until his 2019 death
John Stalker17 April 193915 February 2019Police officerBritish police officer who was Deputy Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police
Paul Flynn9 February 193517 February 2019Politician
Natacha Jaitt13 August 197723 February 2019Buenos Aires
Drug overdoseWhistleblower
Television presenter
VIPaedophile/Premature death
Assassinated model who became a whistleblower for child sex abuse by Argentina's elite class
Paul Allaire21 July 193824 February 2019BusinesspersonBilderberg Steering Committee member and board of the Council on Foreign Relations who headed Rank Xerox
Albert René16 November 193527 February 2019PoliticianPresident of Seychelles from 1977 to 2004 from the country's sole legal political party. Survived a 1981 Seychelles coup attempt organised by the South African Institute for Maritime Research
Daniel Forestier1952March 2019France
GunshotSpookA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Imane Fadil1 January 19851 March 2019ItalyPoisoningWitness
VIPaedophile/Premature death
Photo model who revealed Silvio Berlusconi's bunga bunga sex parties. Also stated they were part of a sect that invokes the devil. Died of poisoning.
Klaus Kinkel17 December 19364 March 2019Spook
German politician, spook, diplomat, lawyer
Bengt Gustafsson2 December 193315 March 2019Spook
Bilderberg Steering Committee, Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces
Alan Krueger17 September 196016 March 2019Academic
Alan Krueger reportedly killed himself in March 2019, in spite of having a new book due out in June.
Frans Andriessen2 April 192922 March 2019EU commissioner
Rafi Eitan23 November 192623 March 2019Spook
Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside"
Andrew W. Marshall13 September 192126 March 2019VirginiaDeep state actorVery influential deep state actor. Pentagon Director of Net Assessment from 1973 until 2015.
Ian McDonald29 March 193628 March 2019Civil servantIan McDonald famously told the Scott Inquiry: “Truth is a very difficult concept”
Barbara Marx Hubbard22 December 192910 April 2019Author
Influential New Age author and speaker and supporter of population reduction
Clive Rose15 September 192117 April 2019Diplomat
Deep state actor
British diplomat and right wing networker with an interest in countering "civil emergencies"
Francis Sanziri195719 April 2019SoldierHead of UNDOF who suddenly died
Hörður Sigurgestsson2 June 193822 April 2019BusinesspersonFor many years one of the most influential individuals in Icelandic business.
Johan Witteveen12 June 192123 April 2019Central bankerManaging Director of the IMF from '73-78
David McNee23 March 192526 April 2019Police officer
Peter CazaletFebruary 1929May 2019Businessperson
Kjell Grandhagen7 October 19543 May 2019Multiple myelomaSpook
Norwegian military officer and Leader of the Norwegian Intelligence Service 2009-2015
Brian Walden8 July 19329 May 2019Saint Peter Port
Gianni De Michelis26 September 194011 May 2019PoliticianAttended the 1991 Bilderberg as Italy's Minister of Foreign Affairs
Isaac Kappy17 February 197713 May 2019US
Car crash
VIPaedophile/Premature death
Hollywood/Premature death
An actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.
Bob Hawke9 December 192916 May 2019Politician
Union organizer
Deep state operative
Australian Prime Minister and informant to US services.
Vincent Cannistraro21 May 2019Spook
Bertrand Collomb14 August 194224 May 2019BusinesspersonConnected French businessman. 13 Bilderbergs.
Richard P. Matsch8 June 193026 May 2019JudgeJudge who presided over the trial of Oklahoma City bombing defendants Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Army counterintelligence 1953-55.
Donald Fraser20 February 19242 June 2019PoliticianSingle Bilderberg liberal Congressman, later Mayor of Minneapolis. Trilateral Commission.
John Gunther Dean24 February 19266 June 2019Diplomat
Tony Rodham8 August 19547 June 2019Brother of Hillary Rodham Clinton
David Goldberg8 June 2019
Herbert Batliner26 December 19288 June 2019VaduzBanker
Art collector
"one of Liechtenstein's most extraordinary figures, whose clients have included alleged insider dealers, the son of an African dictator and the pardoned fugitive US financier Marc Rich."
Martin Feldstein25 November 193911 June 2019EconomistUS economist, Trilateral Commission, heavy Bilderberg habit towards the end of his life.
Armand de Decker8 October 194812 June 2019Politician
Belgian lawyer politician who attended Le Cercle
... further results


Related Document

TitleTypePublication dateAuthor(s)Description
Document:My 2019Review21 December 2019Roger ScrutonA review of the author's year. Notable for his retrospective on the scurrilous misrepresentations of his views on immigration, Islam, China and other contentious topics, by The New Statesman which cost him his unpaid government advisory job before it was exposed as a thoroughly dishonest hit piece and an apology issued.
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