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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Jan van Risseghem allegedly shot down Dag Hammarskjöld's aircraft". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Mary Lou McDonald  + (Irish Sinn Féin politician)
  • Dave Cullen  + (Irish Youtuber and political dissident.)
  • Gene M. Murtagh  + (Irish businessman, CEO of Kingspan Group PLC.)
  • Sinéad Burke  + (Irish disability activist. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021]])
  • Jim Sheridan  + (Irish film director)
  • Gemma O'Doherty  + (Irish journalist who has been called a conspiracy theorist by the Irish media)
  • Michael McDowell  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Michael Noonan  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Thomas Byrne  + (Irish minister of European affairs)
  • Dolores Cahill  + (Irish molecular biologist and immunologist who early and loudly protested against the official pandemic narrative. Predicts disaster from experimental gene therapies peddled as vaccines.)
  • Charlie McCreevy  + (Irish politician, attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]] as [[European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services]])
  • David Byrne  + (Irish politician. Attorney General of Ireland in the late 1990s)
  • Dominic McGlinchey  + (Irish republican paramilitary with the Irish National Liberation Army)
  • Bono  + (Irish singer "kissing the arses of the ricIrish singer "kissing the arses of the rich and powerful" and preaching on global inequality while avoiding taxes according to [[Irish]] scolar [[Harry Browne]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>;/sup>)
  • University of Limerick  + (Irish university)
  • Kennedy family  + (Irish-American family. The most powerful political family in the [[United States]].)
  • Gerard Ryle  + (Irish-Australian investigative reporter, especially on safe subjects such as tax evasion)
  • Al-Mahdi al-Harati  + (Irish-Libyan rebel commander who received money from the CIA to be their proxy fighter in Libya and Syria.)
  • "Islamophobia"  + (Irrational and exaggerated [[fear]] of the Muslim faith.)
  • Document:Novichok And Theresa May's "45 Minute Moment"  + (Is [[Britain]]Is [[Britain]] off to war (in [[Syria]]) to save the government from all sorts of disasters back at home? Challenging a [[Theresa May|Prime Minister]] in the midst of an international conflict is always difficult – just look at the vitriol thrown at [[Jeremy Corbyn]] for doing so yesterday – who was proved right in the face of the same accusations with [[Tony Blair]].ny Blair]].)
  • Document:Justice for Megrahi - is Aamer Anwar capable of getting it?  + (Is [[Justice for Megrahi]] achieved by blocking ''[[Twitter]]'' accounts? Is [[Aamer Anwar]] capable of getting [[Justice for Megrahi]]?)
  • Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology  + (Is considered one of Mexico's (neoliberal) [[think tank]]s and has the highest rank of admission to the Mexican Foreign Service)
  • Document:A Gareth Wiliams - Gudrun Loftus Axis?  + (Is there a connection between the death of Gareth Williams and the apparently accidental death of Oxford University academic Gudrun Loftus?)
  • Ansarallah  + (Islamist political and military organisation from Yemen.)
  • Niue  + (Island in the Pacific in free association with [[New Zealand]])
  • Malta  + (Island nation in the Mediterranean sea)
  • Mauritius  + (Island nation in the [[Indian Ocean]]. Now a [[tax haven]].)
  • Eire  + (Island off the coast of [[Great Britain]]. [[Ireland]] is a member of the [[EU]] but not [[NATO]].)
  • Iceland  + (Isolated island nation off the north west coast of [[Europe]]. Part of the [[Nordics]].)
  • Itamar Rabinovich  + (Israel Ambassador to the US back in the 1990s, attended the [[2012 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:Putin's triumph  + (Israel Shamir on the historical background to the politics of Vladimir Putin and the unfolding events in Ukraine and Crimea)
  • The Writings of Israel Shamir  + (Israel Shamir's personal web site. An archive of his writings.)
  • Document:The Brown Revolution in Ukraine  + (Israel Shamir's take on the February 2014 events in Western Ukraine with a pithy, numbered outline of this particular 'Regime-change' modus-operandi - one which is becoming wearily predictable and familiar to students of these things.)
  • European Leadership Network  + (Israel lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between [[European]] and [[Israeli]] leaders, and [[empower]] friends of [[Israel]] across [[Europe]].)
  • Document:More than 500 jihadists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre  + (Israel treats ISIS/Al-Qaeda fighters before returning them to fight in Syria)
  • 2018 missile attack on Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft  + (Israel trying to start WW3 by having Russian plane shot down in war ruse.)
  • Danny Danon  + (Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN since 2015)
  • Israel/Borders  + (Israel's borders are unusual in having changed several times in living memory. Israel currently borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, the Gaza Strip and Egypt on the southwest.)
  • Golan Heights  + (Israel's exploitation of wind energy in the occupied Golan Heights is legal under international law because it does not deplete the territory's natural capital. But oil drilling would violate that principle.)
  • Jewish Institute for National Security of America  + (Israeli "conservative" influence operation close to the [[military-industrial complex]], sending US police and military leaders to be trained in Israel.)
  • Document:Israel's omnicient ears  + (Israeli Signals Intelligence base at Urim in the Negev Desert)
  • Idan Ofer  + (Israeli WEF billionaire businessman)
  • Nahum Manbar  + (Israeli [[arms dealer]])
  • Benjamin Netanyahu  + (Israeli [[deep politician]] who has been [[Prime Minister of Israel]])
  • Yosef Kuperwasser  + (Israeli [[spook]])
  • Tanya Reinhart  + (Israeli academic and Anti-Zionist critic both of Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon and its occupation of the Palestinian territories after 1967. Lost her position at [[Tel Aviv University]] after bureaucratic harassment)
  • Operation Wooden Leg  + (Israeli air bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunisia in 1985.)
  • Yair Klein  + (Israeli arms dealer known for his activities in the 80s)
  • Dan Gertler  + (Israeli billionaire businessman in natural resources)
  • Lev Leviev  + (Israeli billionaire supporter of the Hasidic movement)
  • Dan Halpern  + (Israeli diplomat who passed confidential US documents to [[AIPAC]], to lobby for a trade agreement massively favorable to [[Israel]].)
  • Yossi Avni-Levy  + (Israeli diplomat.)
  • Teva  + (Israeli drug company)
  • Tom Segev  + (Israeli historian)
  • Élie Barnavi  + (Israeli historian who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:A Close Look at the Pro-Israeli Lobbies inside Britain  + (Israeli influence in the politics of the UK)
  • Rafi Eitan  + (Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside")
  • Ronen Bergman  + (Israeli journalist who published ''Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings'' - in reality a very flattering [[limited hangout]].)
  • Moshe Schnitzer  + (Israeli key player in the international diamond trade)
  • Rubin Academy of Music  + (Israeli music academy)
  • Ariel Levite  + (Israeli nuclear expert and war hawk who attended [[Bilderberg/2012]], where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.)
  • Ophir Pines-Paz  + (Israeli politician who in 2010 announced he was retiring from politics and leaving the Labor Party, which he said "had abandoned its values over the past 15 years".)
  • Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies  + (Israeli pro-military think tank, supporter of [[ISIS]].)
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir  + (Israeli settler, activist and politician)
  • Ehud Barak  + (Israeli spook who was [[Prime Minister of Israel]] from May 1999 to March 2001. Pal of [[Jeffrey Epstein]].)
  • NSO Group  + (Israeli technology firm focused on cyber intelligence.)
  • Miko Peled  + (Israeli-American peace activist and author. Proponent of Israeli-Palestine single-state.)
  • Natalie Portman  + (Israeli-born actress who was a research assistant for [[Alan Dershowitz]])
  • Arnon Milchan  + (Israeli/American billionaire spook businessman and film producer.)
  • Stanley Fischer  + (Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger)
  • European Medicines Agency  + (Issued guidance that [[chloroquine]] and [[hydroxychloroquine]] were only to be used in clinical trials or emergency use programs.)
  • Quango  + (It describes an ostensibly non-governmental organisation performing governmental functions,)
  • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 1  + (It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]] or [[Emma Arbuthnot|Arbuthnot]] if there is any genuine need for [[Julian Assange|Assange]] to be incarcerated in a bulletproof box, or whether it stops him from following proceedings in court. [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]'s intention is to humiliate [[Julian Assange|Assange]], and to instill in the rest of us horror at the vast crushing power of the state.r at the vast crushing power of the state.)
  • Document:Phone Wrecks: The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland  + (It has become a predictable and all-to-familiar feature of US sponsored regime-change operations that mysterious snipers turn out to kill both government forces and opposition protesters before disappearing.)
  • Document:A Moment in History  + (It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]]It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]] member reading this blog acts NOW to try to get rid of those dreadful [[Tony Blair|Blairite]] MPs. If you do not act, the historic moment will be missed and the chance to move [[England]] and [[Wales]] away from [[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.[[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.)
  • Document:Epstein's Death Must Be the Start, not the End, of the Investigation  + (It is a great shame that in the [[UK]], the [[Establishment]] has been able to characterise the falsifications of [[Carl Beech]] as discrediting the entire notion of historical [[Mind control/Child Abuse|child sexual abuse]].)
  • Document:Ed Miliband’s decision to oppose military action against Syria is an action of statesmanship of which Britons will be proud  + (It is all very well to rush to war in a surge of moral outrage, it is quite another to spell out clearly what are the war objectives and how exactly they are to be achieved.)
  • Document:The EHRC’s report into Labour antisemitism is the real ‘political interference’  + (It is instructive to compare the certaintyIt is instructive to compare the certainty with which the [[EHRC]] treats Councillor [[Pam Bromley]]’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of [[antisemitism]] in [[Labour Party|Labour]] with its complete disregard for unmistakably [[antisemitic]] comments from [[Boris Johnson]], the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the [[corporate media|establishment media]] and [[Jewish]] leadership organisations.Jewish]] leadership organisations.)
  • Document:Time to Start Paying Attention: The US Just Bombed Russians in Syria  + (It is not clear if [[Russia]]It is not clear if [[Russia]] has a retaliation of its own in mind, but we would do well to remember that when similar incidents took place last year, Russia indicated that they would begin targeting [[US]] jets if they had to. Almost immediately after this stark warning, [[Australia]] pulled its planes out of its air missions in [[Syria]].[[Syria]].)
  • Document:The Framing of al-Megrahi  + (It is not difficult to achieve a conviction of the innocent)
  • Document:The Price of Peace  + (It is not possible to understand the curreIt is not possible to understand the current state of play in [[Brexit]] negotiations, without understanding that those effectively driving the [[Conservative Party|Tory Party]] position do not view a hard border with [[Ireland]] as undesirable. They view it as a vital achievement ''en route'' to rolling back power sharing and all the affirmative measures which brought peace to [[Northern Ireland]], in an affirmation of the glory and power of [[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].[[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].)
  • Document:Northern Ireland Information Service - Misinformation  + (It is now well established (and has been aIt is now well established (and has been admitted by the government), that the task of the Information Policy branch of Army headquarters in the early to mid 1970s was disinformation. False stories were spread in order to discredit the [[IRA]] as well as other enemies of the [[MI5|Intelligence services]], such as Loyalist politicians and the Labour politicians and the Labour government.)
  • Document:Why is the CBC Lying About Venezuela  + (It is our responsibility as people living in the [[United States]] and [[Canada]] to elevate the voices of poor, working and oppressed people in [[Venezuela]] who support the revolutionary government of President [[Nicolás Maduro]].)
  • University of Economics Prague  + (It is the largest university in the field of economics, business and information technology in the Czech Republic,)
  • Document:Monbiot is not only a hypocrite, but a bully too  + (It is time for [[George Monbiot]]’s legion of supporters to call him out. Not only is he a hypocrite, but he is becoming an increasingly dangerous one!)
  • Document:We the People…  + (It is time for the dusty antique concept of 'WE THE PEOPLE' to be revived and given determined mass support)
  • Document:Brexit reveals Corbyn to be the true moderate  + (It is time to stop acting like zealots for [[neoliberalism]], squabbling over which brand of turbo-charged [[capitalism]] we prefer, and face up to our collective responsibility to change our and our children’s future.)
  • Document:What is Left for Palestine?  + (It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]]It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]] yesterday for the [[Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign]] demo, and it was great to be able to meet up again with so many magnificent and public-spirited people. It was an especially young crowd, which was excellent, and I was able to meet many [[Palestinians]] who drew comfort from the public support at a traumatic the public support at a traumatic time.)
  • Namebase  + (It was never going to win any prizes for presentation, but Namebase had a lot of information, especially about post-WWII US spooks. Its disappearance from the web by 2023 is an irreparable loss for the study of deep politics.)
  • Document:Losing the Plot: reflections on the Gaza debate debacle  + (It wasn’t the [[SNP|Nasty Nats]] that lost the plot. It was the [[Labour Party]], and [[Lindsay Hoyle|the Speaker]]. I trust they have now lost [[Scotland]].)
  • Document:Interfering with Laura Kuenssberg  + (It's no coincidence that it is precisely tIt's no coincidence that it is precisely the old and the poorly educated that are the targets of [[Dominic Cummings]]’ [[Brexit|"Brexit election”]] strategy. If it comes off, [[Laura Kuenssberg]] and her fellow hacks will have proven that the power of the [[corporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.rporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.)
  • Iraq Historic Allegations Team  + (It's stated purpose is to investigate allegations of abuse of Iraqi citizens by British Service personnel during the occupation.)
  • Marco Panara  + (Italian "[[center-left]]" business journalist, regular at [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Ivo Nutarelli  + (Italian Air Force pilot witnessing or participating in the events around the shoot down of flight [[Itavia Flight 870]] in 1980. Died in deadly acrobatic show accident in 1988.)
  • Corrado Passera  + (Italian Bilderberg banker)
  • Innocenzo Cipolletta  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman financier)
  • Paolo Fresco  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman. Ex [[Fiat]] Chairman)
  • Beppe Severgnini  + (Italian Bilderberg journalist who reported in April 2020 that "A whole generation is being wiped out.")
  • Carlo Rossella  + (Italian Bilderberger journalist)
  • Paolo Savona  + (Italian Bilderberger politician)
  • Eugenio Cefis  + (Italian Deep state deep state operative. Founder of [[P2]]. [[1965 Bilderberg]])
  • David Sassoli  + (Italian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.)
  • Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa  + (Italian Minister of Economy and Finances, Bilderberg steering committee)
  • Carlo Sartori  + (Italian TV manager at RAI and a prominent mass media analyst)
  • Pasquale Saraceno  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrat]] economist. Very unusual [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] member in that he only attended a single Bilderberg.)
  • Ciriaco De Mita  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy]] prime minister.)
  • Giuseppe Glisenti  + (Italian [[TLC]] member who went to the [[1971 Bilderberg]], involved in European integration)
  • Luigi Barzini  + (Italian [[anti-communist]] journalist and politician, Attended [[1980 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Roberto Burioni  + (Italian [[virologist]] and academic who was given prominence in Italy for his strong stance against the [[antivaccination]] movement. The loudest proponent of the [[lockdowns]] and other policies from the start of [[Covid]] in 2020.)
  • Gian Migone  + (Italian academic who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg]] aged 30. Son of the senior diplomat [[Bartolomeo Migone]]. Nominally on the left, he has significant ties to the [[transatlantic]] deep state.)
  • Cesare Merlini  + (Italian academic, [[Brookings Institute]])
  • Eugenio Henke  + (Italian admiral who held the positions of director of the [[Servizio Informazioni Difesa|Defense Information Service]] (SID), where he was involved in several dramatic incidents.)
  • Bruno Branciforte  + (Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]]Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]] and first leader of the [[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].[[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].)
  • Vittorino Chiusano  + (Italian advisor to deep politician [[Giovanni Agnelli]]. Attended all the Bilderberg meetings from [[Bilderberg 1963|1963]] up to [[Bilderberg 1967|1967]].)
  • Rinaldo Petrignani  + (Italian ambassador to Washington, Deputy Secretary General of [[NATO]], then [[Italy–USA Foundation]] and board positions in armaments companies.)
  • Giulio Pastore  + (Italian anti-communist labor leader and [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrats]] politician who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s)
  • Carlo Ratti  + (Italian architect inventor who has focused on COVID-19)
  • Imbriani Longo  + (Italian banker)
  • Franco Bernabè  + (Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg)
  • Lorenzo Bini Smaghi  + (Italian banker who attended [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Alessandro Vanzetto  + (Italian business executive for [[FIAT]])
  • Antonio D'Amato  + (Italian business leader and president of [[Confindustria]] from 2000 to 2004.)
  • Umberto Agnelli  + (Italian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Il Sole 24 Ore  + (Italian business newspaper. Many staff with a Bilderberg habit.)
  • Roberto Olivetti  + (Italian businessman)
  • Mario Schimberni  + (Italian businessman)
  • Francesco Cingano  + (Italian businessman and financier)
  • Flavio Briatore  + (Italian businessman mentioned in Jeffrey Epstein's black book.)
  • Leopoldo Pirelli  + (Italian businessman who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the [[1960s]])
  • Aurelio Peccei  + (Italian businessman who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1960s, founder of the [[Club of Rome]])
  • Marco Tronchetti Provera  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[1993 Bilderberg|1993]] and [[2004 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Gabriele Galateri  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Alberto Pirelli  + (Italian businessman who attended the [[first Bilderberg]] and 7 others up to [[Bilderberg/1963|1963]].)
  • Roberto Poli  + (Italian businessman with ties to some of the most important families in Italy and their family companies.)
  • Antonio Zappulla  + (Italian businessman; [[Reuters/CEO]])
  • Alighiero De Micheli  + (Italian businessmen, [[President of Confindustria]] 1955-1961, where he aimed to get the industry owners to enter more actively in the life of the country, especially as regards political problems.)
  • Paolo Zannoni  + (Italian businessmen, banker, Bilderberg Steering committee, Goldman Russia)
  • Marcella Glisenti  + (Italian catholic intellectual and third world solidarity activist. Wife of one of the founders of [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|the deep state Christian Democrat party]]. Visitor to the [[1977 Bilderberg]])
  • Salvatore Rossi  + (Italian central banker who attended the 2018 Bilderberg.)
  • Ignazio Visco  + (Italian central banker, widely quoted on COVID-19 by [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]])
  • Paolo Vittorelli  + (Italian centre-left politician and [[TLC]] member who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1960s. Worked with the British during [[WW2]]. First president of the [[Institute for Research and Defense Information Studies]].)
  • Vicenza  + (Italian city with huge US military presence. HQ of [[European Gendarmerie Force]]/)
  • Raffaele Girotti  + (Italian company manager and politician who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • La Repubblica  + (Italian corporate newspaper)
  • Claudio Bisogniero  + (Italian diplomat)
  • Girolamo Messeri  + (Italian diplomat and politician. Wrote a treatise on Algeria. Attended the [[1960 Bilderberg]])
  • Alberico Casardi  + (Italian diplomat. Unlike many NATO Deputy Secretary Generals, he is not suspected to have been a Bilderberg member.)
  • Francesco Giavazzi  + (Italian double Bilderberg economist)
  • Vittorio Barattieri  + (Italian economist interested in [[privatization]])
  • Siro Lombardini  + (Italian economist who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Alberto Alesina  + (Italian economist who attended the [[2018 Bilderberg]] and "strongly agreed" with the Bilderbergers' [[COVID Lockdown]] policy.)
  • Gaetano Scardocchia  + (Italian editor of ''[[La Stampa]]'', one Bilderberg, died aged 56)
  • Gino Scarpa  + (Italian editor who attended the [[1956 Bilderberg]])
  • Ugo Stille  + (Italian editor who attended the [[1968 Bilderberg|1968]], [[1973 Bilderberg|1973]] and [[1988 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Maurizio Molinari  + (Italian editor. Staunch friend of [[Israel]] and [[transatlantic]] ties. In 2021 had the infamous "Hunt for the non-vaccinated" on his front page.)
  • Francesco Starace  + (Italian energy executive with heavy focus on phasing out coal plants, for [[Net Zero|Net Zero Carbon Cities]].)
  • Giampiero Cantoni  + (Italian entrepreneur and Senator for [[Silvio Berlusconi]]'s party. Exposed as confidential informant to the US embassy.)
  • Matteo Renzi  + (Italian ex-Prime Minister)
  • Gian Cittadini-Cesi  + (Italian fascist diplomat and a member of the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Domenico Siniscalco  + (Italian finance minister who jumped over to [[Morgan Stanley]], 5 Bilderbergs)
  • Alessandro Profumo  + (Italian financier)
  • Alberto Nagel  + (Italian financier)
  • Fulvio Conti  + (Italian financier. After attending the [[2012 Bilderberg]], elected as [[Confindustria/Vice president]])
  • Claudio Costamagna  + (Italian financier/businessman)
  • SISMI  + (Italian foreign intelligence agency)
  • Marco Alverà  + (Italian gas executive, turning into "hydrogen power")
  • Gianni Agnelli  + (Italian industrialist, 37 Bilderbergs)
  • Monica Maggioni  + (Italian influential journalist. Trilateral Commission)
  • Piero Ottone  + (Italian journalist)
  • Ferrucio de Bortoli  + (Italian journalist)
  • Giulietto Chiesa  + (Italian journalist and dissident. Increasingly in the sights of the intelligence services because of his opposition to the [[New Cold War]].)
  • Gianfranco Piazzési  + (Italian journalist and writer who attended [[Bilderberg/1971]])
  • Arrigo Levi  + (Italian journalist who attended 4 [[Bilderbergs]] in the early 1970s when working for ''[[La Stampa]]''.)
  • Adriana Cerretelli  + (Italian journalist who attended the [[1995 Bilderberg]])
  • Alvise Armellini  + (Italian journalist who joined the [[Integrity Initiative's Italian cluster]])
  • Emanuele Gazzo  + (Italian journalist who was involved involved the European Federalist movement. His national affiliation is written as "international" in the [[1971 Bilderberg]] report.)
  • Alberto Ronchey  + (Italian journalist, [[Moscow correspondent]] and and editor who attended the [[1968 Bilderberg|1968]] and [[1974 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Fulvio Grimaldi  + (Italian journalist, television host and blogger.)
  • Giovanni Pitruzzella  + (Italian judge with a passion for [[censorship]]. "It is not the job of a private entity to control information. This is historically the job of public powers.")
  • Fabio Luca Cavazza  + (Italian magazine editor who had close connections to the [[United States Information Service]] and similar. Played a large role in the [[cultural cold war]])
  • Piero Luigi Vigna  + (Italian magistrate who spoke at the [[1979]] [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]] on ''Italian Responses'' to "[[terrorism]]".)
  • Silvio Berlusconi  + (Italian media magnate, three time [[Prime Minister of Italy]], bunga bunga parties ...)
  • Renato Brunetta  + (Italian minister who let the digital lobby penetrate public administration)
  • Eni  + (Italian multinational [[oil and gas]] founded by [[Enrico Mattei]].)
  • Umberto Broccoli  + (Italian officer and spook who was involved in the establishment of [[Gladio]])
  • Giorgio Agamben  + (Italian philosopher who spoke out clearly criticism of the case for excessive [[social control]] at the start of [[COVID-19]])
  • Gilberto Bernardini  + (Italian physicist and academic. Director of [[CERN]] 1957-64.)
  • Nathalie Tocci  + (Italian political scientist and international relations "expert")
  • Renato Altissimo  + (Italian politician)
  • Mario Ferrari Aggradi  + (Italian politician)
  • Antonio Maccanico  + (Italian politician)
  • Mario Pedini  + (Italian politician)
  • Ugo La Malfa  + (Italian politician)
  • Franco Reviglio  + (Italian politician)
  • Brando Benifei  + (Italian politician)
  • Francesco Forte  + (Italian politician academic)
  • Antonio Cariglia  + (Italian politician acquitted after a 12 years court case in relation to [[Mani pulite]].)
  • Paolo Gentiloni  + (Italian politician and EU Commissioner, [[Bilderberg 2023]].)
  • Antonio Tajani  + (Italian politician and European Commissioner who became Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2022)
  • Nino Andreatta  + (Italian politician and founder of think-tanks. Removed officials who appeared in the list seized from [[Licio Gelli]] and imposed the dissolution of the [[Banco Ambrosiano]].)
  • Sergio Flamigni  + (Italian politician and writerwho took part in the Italian Parliament's investigative commissions on the [[assassination of Aldo Moro]], the [[Propaganda Due]] revelations, and on the [[Italian Mafia]].)
  • Giovanni Scaglia  + (Italian politician for the [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democratic party]] who attended the [[1964 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Renato Ruggiero  + (Italian politician who discussed "[[terrorism]]" at the [[1986 Bilderberg]]. Heavy Bilderberg habit, [[WTO/Director-General]])
  • Federica Mogherini  + (Italian politician, WEF)
  • Aldo Moro  + (Italian politician, former PM, assassinated by [[Operation Gladio]])
  • Altiero Spinelli  + (Italian politician, referred to as one of the founding fathers of the European Union.)
  • Walter Veltroni  + (Italian politician. His candidacy in the 2008 general elections obtained 33.17% of the votes, but failed to take the government.)
  • Sandro Gozi  + (Italian politician/MEP. Attended the [[2017 Bilderberg]])
  • Lia Quartapelle  + (Italian politician; Friends of Europe 2018)
  • Mario Borghezio  + (Italian politician; interested in the [[Bilderberg]])
  • Federico Pignatelli  + (Italian prince mentioned in [[Jeffrey Epstein's black book]].)
  • Ettore Lolli  + (Italian single Bilderberger (1964) banker who "brought the [[the Rothschilds]] and [[the Rockefellers]] together in a joint venture".)
  • Federico Umberto D'Amato  + (Italian spook who claimed to have founded the [[Club de Berne]]. In 2020, indicated him as one of the 4 principal organizers or financiers of the [[1980 Bologna train station massacre]].)
  • Mario Ferraro  + (Italian spook who was assassinated in 1995)
  • Luigi Ramponi  + (Italian spook, [[Trilateral Commission]])
  • Giuliano da Empoli  + (Italian think-tanker showered with literary prizes for writing "[[Putin]] only understands the language of violence")
  • Giorgio Benvenuto  + (Italian trade unionist and politician, attended the [[1980 Bilderberg]] as [[Italian Socialist Party/General secretary]])
  • Ferdinando Imposimato  + (Italian who has spoken out about 9/11 and other deep politics subjects.)
  • Lorenzo Vallarino Gancia  + (Italian winemaker and businessman who went to the [[1969 Bilderberg]]. Friend of [[Giovanni Agnelli]])
  • Staffan de Mistura  + (Italian-Swedish diplomat)
  • John Elkann  + (Italian/US billionaire businessman with heavy Bilderberg habit. 21st Century Council, European Round Table of Industrialists)
  • Emma Marcegaglia  + (Itlian businessman, [[GLT 1997]])
  • University of Hawaii  + (Its East-West Center has long had close ties to the [[CIA]])
  • Swedish Military Interpreter School  + (Its alumni are deep state operatives placed around society)
  • University of Chicago Booth School of Business  + (Its alumni leads many big corporations)
  • Reading University  + (Its first Principal is the geographer [[Halford John Mackinder]])
  • Markle Foundation  + (Its focus is [[technology]], [[health care]], and [[national security]] make it a suspected CIA [[front organization]])
  • Australian Strategic Policy Institute  + (Its function is to give a serious academic appearance to dubious stories in the campaign against [[China]].)
  • Office of the Director of National Intelligence  + (Its goal is as "to effectively integrate foreign, military and domestic intelligence in defense of the homeland and of United States interests abroad.")
  • Hamed Bakayoko  + (Ivorian Prime Minister who died suddenly, some say of poisoning.)
  • Brown University  + (Ivy League, major deep state hub)
  • Hoover before Warren Commission  + (J. Edgar Hoover appears before the Warren Commission and commits at least three acts of [[perjury]].)
  • Chris Donnelly  + (J. Reid)
  • Mordechai Abir  + (JCIT)
  • Asher Ben-Natan  + (JCIT)
  • Vincent Salandria  + (JFK Assassination researcher)
  • Michael Collins Piper  + (JFK Assassination researcher who died at 54 of "natural causes".)
  • JFK arrives at Parkland Hospital  + (JFK arrives at Parkland Hospital. ref. Best Evidence, p 710)
  • JFK arrives Fort Worth  + (JFK arrives at the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth.)
  • David Ferrie  + (JFK figure who suddenly died within a few hours of his friend, [[Eladio del Valle]].)
  • JFK pronounced dead  + (JFK pronounced dead. ref. Best Evidence, p 710)
  • Jack Ruby/Diagnosed with cancer  + (Jack Ruby diagnosed with cancer.ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 330)
  • Jack Ruby/Death  + (Jack Ruby dies in prison. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 330)
  • Jack Ruby seen with Wanda Walker  + (Jack Ruby is seen sitting in an office at the Dallas Morning News by newspaper employee Wanda Walker. ref. Crossfire, p 327)
  • Jack Ruby/Wires money order  + (Jack Ruby wires money order at Western Union Office (some 350 feet from Dallas police department, Main St. ramp.) ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 328)
  • Alex Belfield  + (Jailed for five and a half years for his criticism of the [[BBC]])
  • Herman K. Beebe  + (Jailed in connection with the US savings and loan fraud.)
  • Clapper v. Amnesty International USA  + (James Clapper sought to dismiss Amnesty InJames Clapper sought to dismiss Amnesty International's challenge of the Fisa Amendments Act. They Supreme Court ruled that dragnet surveillance could not be challenged since the plaintiffs were unlikely to be targets of surveillance - something that was revealed a few months later by the Edward Snowden leaks to be untrue. The decision appear to be nevertheless unchallenged.on appear to be nevertheless unchallenged.)
  • James Corbett  + (James Corbett is a popular critic of the US establishment who has been active on the [[internet]] since 2007.)
  • James Mayer Rothschild  + (James Mayer Rothschild founded the French branch of the Rothschild family.)
  • Jan van Risseghem  + (Jan van Risseghem allegedly shot down Dag Hammarskjöld's aircraft)
  • Charlie Hebdo shooting  + (January prelude to the November 2015 [[mass murder in Paris]] when 139 were killed and 352 injured)
  • International Christian University  + (Japanese Bilingual university founded during the US occupation.)
  • Yuito Yamada  + (Japanese [[McKinsey]] executive working on [[decarbonization]] and [[net zero]].)
  • Yotaro Kobayashi  + (Japanese business executive and Chairman of the Asia-Pacific section of the [[Trilateral Commission]].)
  • Akihiko Tanaka  + (Japanese deep state actor, [[GLT 1995]], [[Trilateral Commission/Asia Pacific Chairman]])
  • Tomoyuki Yamashita  + (Japanese general of "[[Yamashita's Gold]]" fame.)
  • Matsutarō Shōriki  + (Japanese media mogul and politician. InvesJapanese media mogul and politician. Investigated for [[war crimes]] and imprisoned in the same cell as [[yakuza]] boss [[Yoshio Kodama]], his friend [[Ryōichi Sasakawa]], a preeminent fascist political fixer, and [[Nobusuke Kishi]], the future key man of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shoriki was released without trial in 1947, and not long after began his covert career as an informant and propaganda agent for the [[CIA]].[CIA]].)
  • Green Cross (Japanese company)  + (Japanese pharma company founded by [[Unit 731]] war criminals. At the center of the Japanese part of the [[Contaminated blood affair|distribution of blood tainted with HIV]].)
  • Motoo Shiina  + (Japanese politician and businessman)
  • University of Tsukuba  + (Japanese public research university located in to the north of Tokyo.)
  • Manchukuo  + (Japanese puppet state 1933-1945. Place of major Japanese deep state activities, and the fortunes of many deep state actors.)
  • Gilad Atzmon  + (Jazz saxophonist, novelist, political activist and writer - mainly on the subjects of Israel and Judaic power)
  • TV reports shots heard from Knoll  + (Jean Hill in live television report states she heard shots from the Knoll. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 153)
  • Jeffrey Epstein/Associates List  + (Jeffrey Epstein's associates list was released in January 2024)
  • Boston College  + (Jesuit Catholic university.At the city, state and federal levels, BC graduates dominated [[Massachusetts]] politics for much of the 20th century.)
  • Canisius College  + (Jesuit college in Buffalo,New York State)
  • Xavier High School  + (Jesuit high school for boys in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.)
  • Pontifical Xavierian University  + (Jesuit university that has traditionally educated the Colombian elite.)
  • Jewish population by country  + (Jewish Population by Country (2013))
  • Document:Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood - But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same Thing  + (Jewish control of Hollywood, Censorship by Google and the taboo on mentioning it by Gentiles)
  • Paul Eisen  + (Jewish dissident, commentator and essayist)
  • Isadore Blumenfield  + (Jewish-American gangster boss)
  • Theodor Max van der Beugel  + (Jewish-Dutch banker "tightly woven into the cobweb of [[transatlantic]] financial structures". Father of [[Ernst van der Beugel]])
  • Arab Jews  + (Jews in the Arab World.)
  • Jim Hawes  + (Jim Hawes was a member of SEAL Team 2 (ClaJim Hawes was a member of SEAL Team 2 (Class 29) and a CIA Contractor who gained notoriety by starting the "Congolese Navy" (Force Navale Congolaise) in support of CIA backed "Mad Mike" Hoare's exploits to put down the Rebellion in the Congo. Jim also hunted for [[Che Guevara]] who was in that part of the world at the time stirring up his brand of [[communism]].[[communism]].)
  • Jo Cox  + (Jo Cox was a UK [[politician]]Jo Cox was a UK [[politician]] murdered in the run up to the [[2016 EU Referendum]]. Echoing the assassination of [[Sweden]]'s [[Anna Lindh]], the event appears not to have greatly influenced the outcome, and was officially carried out by a "[[lone nut]]".[[lone nut]]".)
  • David Boren  + (Jobs including [[Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board]])
  • John Rodney Francis Berry  + (John Berry was imprisoned for "terrorism" offences. His conviction relied on the evidence of discredited 'expert witness' [[Alan Feraday]]. It was quashed following lengthy legal proceedings and after Berry had already served 4 years in prison.)
  • 1907 Panic  + (John D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan conspired to remove opposition to control of the [[US]] money system by [[the money trust]].)
  • John Gross  + (John Gross was the lead author of the flawed [[NIST]] report on why the [[World Trade Center]] buildings collapsed on [[9-11]]. Dr Gross denies existence of molten steel at the [[9-11/WTC Controlled demolition|WTC]].)
  • File:John Lennon at 80-One Man Against The Deep State Monster-John W. Whitehead.pdf  + (John Lennon, born 80 years ago on October John Lennon, born 80 years ago on October 9, 1940, was a musical genius and pop cultural icon. He was also a vocal peace protester and anti-war activist, and a high-profile example of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to persecute those who dare to challenge its authority.those who dare to challenge its authority.)
  • User:Robin  + (John McMurtry explains the context for the 9-11 event, and why such events are business as usual for life blind corporate capitalism.)
  • John McMurtry  + (John McMurtry is a professor of philosophy at Guelph university and a Fellow of the Canadian Royal Society)
  • Document:The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie  + (John Pilger's take of the agreement announced on 12 July 2015 between the EU/ECB and the Syriza government about Greece's debts)
  • John Pilger  + (John Pilger, an Australian crusading journalist, has achieved fame in spite of a refusal to kowtow to the establishment by avoiding controversial issues.)
  • John Profumo  + (John Profumo was a Conservative politician best known for being forced to resign as Minister for War as a result of a 1963 scandal involving a prostitute.)
  • Document:John Searle Statecraft invoice 29 May 18  + (John Searle invoice to Institute of Statecraft for "Research activities")
  • User:Robin  + (John Taylor Gatto, a highly decorated US teacher, did more than anyone else in US to unmask the fraud of compulsory [[schooling]].)
  • Thomas Mahnken  + (Johns Hopkins SAIS professor and also [[Integrity Initiative]]'s [[US cluster]])
  • John Sawers  + (Joined "some new labour friends")
  • Jonathan Evans  + (Joined after HSBC had been fined by US authorities nearly $2 billion (£1.3 billion) "for acting as a conduit for Mexican [[money laundering|drug money]] and sanctions busting".)
  • Jonathan Evans  + (Joined in Autumn 1998)
  • Irene Martínez Fernández  + (Joined the Institute for Statecraft as an associate researcher in July 2019)
  • Document:Progress MP joins Unite's unwaged section for GenSec vote  + (Joining [[Unite]]Joining [[Unite]] in order to participate in the General Secretary ballot is legitimate and some are known to have done so to support [[Len McCluskey]]. However, making a false declaration in order to do so ‘on the cheap’ is certainly not legitimate and such applications need to be rooted out and their votes rooted out and their votes invalidated.)
  • File:JAR 16-20296.pdf  + (Joint analysis report on alleged efforts by the Russian state to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election by means of computer hacking.)
  • André Spoor  + (Joint editorship with [[Jérôme Heldring]] and [[Henk Hofland]] 1970-72)
  • Oliver Poole  + (Jointly with [[Iain Macleod]])
  • Iain Macleod  + (Jointly with [[Oliver Poole]])
  • Jon Ashworth  + (Jonathan Ashworth confided in a [[Tory]] friend that Labour wasn't going to win the [[UK/2019 General Election]]. [[Keir Starmer]] kept him in his position.)
  • Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein  + (Jordanian diplomat)
  • Marwan Muasher  + (Jordanian diplomat who attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Mark Curtis  + (Journalist)
  • Rania Khalek  + (Journalist)
  • Dick Marty  + (Journalist)
  • Celia Farber  + (Journalist and author who exposed the false "HIV leading to AIDS" connection, and how [[iatrogenic]] treatment with the highly toxic drug [[AZT]] caused mass death.)
  • Niels Haagerup  + (Journalist and close collaborator of [[Erik Seidenfaden]]Journalist and close collaborator of [[Erik Seidenfaden]], NATO press secretary, Daily leader of the [[Danish Foreign Policy Institute]]. Strong champion of "the need to limit national sovereignty in favor of supranational schemes that can ensure international freedom and stability".sure international freedom and stability".)
  • Hugh Cudlipp  + (Journalist and newspaper editor noted for his work on the Daily Mirror in the 1950s and 1960s.)
  • Brendan O'Neill  + (Journalist and political commentator)
  • Paddy Hannam  + (Journalist and political commentator)
  • Crispin Aubrey  + (Journalist defendant in the 1978 [[ABC Trial]])
  • Peter Lavelle  + (Journalist for RT.)
  • Lou Wiznitzer  + (Journalist for the ''[[Christan Science Monitor]]'' in the [[1970s]] and [[1980s]].)
  • Rick Noack  + (Journalist for the Washington Post and other [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]. Took a master's degree in [[Terrorism]], Security and Society from the very spooky [[King's College London]] in 2017)
  • Julia Hartley-Brewer  + (Journalist in the UK [[corporate media]] sector)
  • Huib Modderkolk  + (Journalist that has done multiple probes into Dutch intelligence services.)
  • Christopher Sign  + (Journalist who broke story of Bill Clinton meeting Loretta Lynch in June 2016; died in June 2021. Declared suicide.)
  • Natalia Antelava  + (Journalist who declined [[Marianna Spring]]'s job application after spotting a lie on her CV.)
  • Louise Sherwood  + (Journalist who has written about Tunisia and Latin America. Institute for Statecraft senior fellow)
  • Robert Eringer  + (Journalist who helped [[expose the Bilderberg]] group in the early [[1980s]].)
  • Jim Miklaszewski  + (Journalist who in June 2001 attended [[Operation Dark Winter]]. The first to report the Pentagon had been attacked on [[9-11]].)
  • Damien McElroy  + (Journalist who spoke at an [[Integrity Initiative]] conference on "[[Russian Propaganda]]".)
  • Carole Cadwalladr  + (Journalist who took part in an [[IfS]] presentation about "[[Russian Propaganda]]". Rose to international prominence in 2018 when she exposed the Facebook-[[Cambridge Analytica]] data scandal.)
  • Heidi Blake  + (Journalist who took part in the II linked ''[[Tackling Tools of Malign Influence]]'' conference)
  • Stefania Maurizi  + (Journalist who worked on the [[WikiLeaks]] releases of secret documents)
  • Yasha Levine  + (Journalist with suspicions about [[Tor]])
  • Nick Davies  + (Journalist working for [[the Guardian]])
  • Dahlia Lithwick  + (Journalist writing about U.S. legal and [[Supreme Court of the United States|Supreme Court]] issues for corporate media)
  • Christopher Monckton  + (Journalist, Conservative political advisor, UKIP political candidate)
  • Udo van Kampen  + (Journalist, [[Atlantik-Brücke]] member, visited the [[Brussels Forum]] 2007-2009)
  • Presstitute  + (Journalists who give biased and predetermined views in favour of the government and corporations.)
  • William M. Hoeveler  + (Judge in [[Manuel Noriega]] trial)
  • Maurice Gibson  + (Judge killed by the [[IRA]].)
  • Charles Byron Renfrew  + (Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California 1971-1980.)
  • Rosemary Collyer  + (Judge of the [[United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Cour]] and the [[Alien Terrorist Removal Court]]. She also presided over the case of the [[Dallas Occupy]] plot and in 2015 supported the FBI's secretive stance)
  • Richard P. Matsch  + (Judge who presided over the trial of [[Oklahoma City bombing]] defendants [[Timothy McVeigh]] and [[Terry Nichols]]. Army counterintelligence 1953-55.)
  • Robert Morgenthau  + (Judge who worked on various cases of relevance to the [[US deep state]])
  • Judith Kaye  + (Judge with close ties to [[Sullivan & Cromwell]])
  • Pan Am Flight 103/The Trial  + (Judges at the [[Lockerbie Trial]], sitting without a jury, convicted [[Abdelbaset al-Megrahi]] and sentenced him to life imprisonment)
  • Man with rifle spotted on Elm St.  + (Julia Ann Mercer observes man with rifle)
  • Gerald Ford  + (Junior member of [[The Cabal]] installed as vice president after the removal of [[Spiro Agnew]] so that he could exercise cabal control of the presidency after the [[Watergate Coup]].)
  • Kiev suspends crash-site truce  + (Junta president Pyotr Poroshenko announces unilateral suspension of the truce with the DPR militia in the region of the crash site)
  • Eugene Fidell  + (Jurist critic of the Bush Presidency's policy on captives taken in the [["war on terror"]]. Lawyer of [[Bowe Bergdahl]].)
  • Vaccine/Court  + (Jurlyless courts exclusively for [[legal action]] about [[vaccines]].)
  • File:The Price of Offshore.pdf  + (Just 0.001% of the world’s population — that’s one one-thousandth of one percent — or about 92,000 people have $10 trillion in assets stashed in tax havens.)
  • Document:General Hamid Gul - Interview  + (Just 15 days after the 9-11, an exclusive Just 15 days after the 9-11, an exclusive interview with former Pakistani Gen. Hamid Gul. in which he opines that Mossad, not al-Qaeda were the perpetrators of the attacks, and suggests that it USA has any evidence against Al Qaeda, it should present it to an international court.ould present it to an international court.)
  • Pan Am Flight 103/Cover-up  + (Just a few weeks after the December 1988 newspaper reports, Bernt Carlsson's name was more or less erased from the corporate media reporting of the Lockerbie event.)
  • John F. Tefft  + (Just before [[Maidan]] color revolution)
  • User:Jun  + (Just like [[Stephan Paddock]]Just like [[Stephan Paddock]], this terror attack was broadcasted live on TV, so when the "terrorist” died live on the screen, not many people question what happened before the attack. Even the official report mentioned people almost seeming to help the victimizer and going off protocol, similar to [[9-11]] or [[7-7]]. With the Wikileaks data leaks mentioning [[deep lobbying]] for a US-minded Dutch PM, the botched investigation raised the question, was this a false flag?aised the question, was this a false flag?)
  • Document:Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep  + (Just listen to the President of the [[World Economic Forum]]Just listen to the President of the [[World Economic Forum]], [[Klaus Schwab]], himself say the following: “I have to say when I mention names like [[Angela Merkel|Mrs Merkel]], [[Vladimir Putin]] and so on they have all been [[Young Global Leaders]] of the [[World Economic Forum]], but what we’re really proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister [[Justin Trudeau|Trudeau]], the [[President of Argentina]] and so on.esident of Argentina]] and so on.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/First altitude change  + (Just prior to entering Ukrainian airspace, the flight climbed to FL330 (33,000 ft))
  • Document:The Assange Case Invalidates US Criticisms Of Russia: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix  + (Just the fact that the [[US]]Just the fact that the [[US]] and [[UK]] are imprisoning a [[Julian Assange|journalist]] for exposing the [[war crimes]] of a [[war criminal]] [[George W. Bush|president]] — just that one fact by itself — completely invalidates all criticisms of [[2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine|Russia]] from [[Washington]] and its allies.shington]] and its allies.)
  • Samuel Alito  + (Justice of the [[Supreme Court of the United States]] who is also member of the deep state [[Knights of Malta]] and [[Opus Dei]].)
  • Yuri Bezmenov  + (KGB defector)
  • Vasili Mitrokhin  + (KGB defector forming basis of possible British intelligence disinformation operation the [[Mitrokhin archive]].)
  • Peter Deriabin  + (KGB officer who defected to the [[United States]] in [[1954]].)
  • Oleg Gordievsky  + (KGB resident-designate (rezident) and bureau chief in [[London]], and was a double agent, providing information to the British [[MI6]] from [[1974]] to [[1985]].)
  • Indian Springs State Bank  + (Kansas bank which went bankrupt after being looted by CIA-connected airline owner [[Farhad Azima]])
  • Israel Katz  + (Katz opposes the [[two-state solution]] and the creation of a [[Palestinian state]] in any form, regarding it as unacceptable considering "our rights to this land".)
  • Stephen Conroy  + (Keen proponent of [[internet censorship]])
  • "No comment"  + (Keeping quiet about malfeasance is so important that a Gladio operative termed it "[[the golden rule]]")
  • Alienation  + (Keeping the populace alienated is a goal of the [[Deep State]].)
  • Demoralisation  + (Keeping the populace demoralised is a goal of the [[Deep State]].)
  • Document:Who pulls Boko Haram’s strings?  + (Keith Harmon-Snow interviewed by Voice of Russia about Boko Haram and the beneficiaries of their activities)
  • National Security Action Memorandum 263  + (Kennedy signs National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) #263, signalling his intention to withdraw troops from Vietnam)
  • Kennedy body arrives at airport  + (Kennedy's body arrives at Lovefield Airport.)
  • Kennedy body leaves hospital  + (Kennedy's body leaves Parkland Hospital.)
  • Kennedy body returns to White House  + (Kennedy's body returns to the White House. ref. Treachery in Dallas, p 5)
  • Tonbridge School  + (Kent boarding school for the British ruling class)
  • Victor Ashe  + (Kentucky fellow [[Bonesman]], roommate and cheerleader with [[George W. Bush]], who was appointed [[US/Ambassador/Poland|Ambassador Poland]] from [[2004]] until [[2009]]. [[Bohemian Grove]])
  • Barry Bingham  + (Kentucky media owner who collaborated with [[British Security Coordination]]. Attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s. Ran the [[Marshall Plan]] in [[France]] in 1949.)
  • Stephen Karanja  + (Kenyan doctor who loudly said Covid-19 experimental vaccines "should not be given". Reportedly died a month later from "COVID complications".)
  • Kerry-anne Mendoza  + (Kerry-anne Mendoza is a writer, blogger and activist. She is the author of the Scriptonite Daily blog.)
  • WW1/Key Players  + (Key architects and arbiters of British policy and events during the 25 or so years leading up to the outbreak of World War I.)
  • Atlantic Council  + (Key part of the modern [[military-industrial congressional complex]].)
  • Cofer Black  + (Khartoum, Sudan)
  • University of Sussex  + (Kicked out professor after linking to Wikispooks)
  • Gul Rahman  + (Kidnapped and tortured to death by the CIA.)
  • Khalid El-Masri  + (Kidnapped for months by the CIA after a case of mistaken identity. His lawsuit was dismissed on grounds of "[[national security]]")
  • "Extraordinary rendition"  + (Kidnapping and forced transfer of individuals by intelligence agencies from one legal jurisdiction to another without recourse to legal proceedings.)
  • Kiev to resume truce if asked  + (Kiev government ready to extend the ceasefire near the crash site upon receiving a request from a multinational commission investigating the disaster.)
  • Leon Czolgosz  + (Killed for the [[assassination of William McKinley]])
  • Christophe de Margerie  + (Killed in a plane crash. Succeeded by another Bilderberger.)
  • Uğur Mumcu  + (Killed in car bomb explosion)
  • Mpho Moerane  + (Killed in car crash)
  • Jackie Walorski  + (Killed in freak car crash)
  • John Tower  + (Killed in office in a suspicious plane crash one day after his friend, [[John Heinz III]] suffered a similar fate.)
  • John Deverell  + (Killed in the 1994 [[Mull of Kintyre Chinook crash]].)
  • Frederik Henriksen  + (King of Denmark. [[WEF/YGL]].)
  • Carl Hubertus  + (King of Sweden)
  • Malaysia  + (Kingdom in [[Southeast Asia]]. Known for air disasters.)
  • Fredrick Smith  + (Knights of Malta, CFR ...)
  • Gülten Kazgan  + (Known as the "Doyen of Economics" in Turkey)
  • William Scott-Gall  + (Known contact with the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • University of Waterloo  + (Known for having more companies formed by its faculty, students, and alumni than any other Canadian university.)
  • Henry Grunwald  + (Known for his [[Watergate]] editorials)
  • 'The War Nerd'  + (Known for his outré and dark sense of humour, he discusses current wars and other [[military conflicts]] from the perspective of a "war fan".)
  • University of Kiel  + (Known for its close connections to [[intelligence agencies]])
  • Park Geun-hye  + (Korean President who became spectacularly unpopular after been exposed as a deep state operative)
  • Ahmad Bishara  + (Kuwait academic and activist who advocated liberal political reforms in the autocratic emirate. Attended the [[2003 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Kuwait  + (Kuwait has the 6th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • Robert La Follette  + (La Follette stated that his chief goal was to break the "combined power of the private monopoly system over the political and economic life of the American people")
  • George Carlin  + (Labeled an "unproductive airman", received a general discharge on July 29, 1957.)
  • Document:Spiteful misogynistic bullying of Diane Abbott and left-wing staff laid out in internal party report  + (Labour General Secretary [[Iain McNicol]]Labour General Secretary [[Iain McNicol]], Executive Director for Elections [ Patrick Heneghan,] and [[Iain McNicol|Mr McNicol]]’s office manager [ Tracey Allen] mocked [[Diane Abbott]] and insinuated that she had faked illness towards the end of the [[UK/2017 General Election|2017 General Election]] campaign.UK/2017 General Election|2017 General Election]] campaign.)
  • Ferdinand Grapperhaus  + (Labour Law)
  • Tam Dalyell  + (Labour MP who posed the "West Lothian Question")
  • Christopher Leslie  + (Labour MP who quit and joined [[Change UK]] in protest at the leadership of [[Jeremy Corbyn]])
  • Ruth Kelly  + (Labour MP worked for [[Tony Blair]] and [[Gordon Brown]], then over to [[HSBC]].)
  • Bob Ainsworth  + (Labour MP, [[Secretary of State for Defence]] under [[Gordon Brown]])
  • Lucy Powell  + (Labour MP, frontbencher under [[Jeremy Corbyn]] and [[Keir Starmer]]. "Social media anti-vax misinformation is a matter of life or death")
  • Jo Stevens  + (Labour MP, frontbencher under [[Jeremy Corbyn]] and [[Keir Starmer]].)
  • Emma Whysall  + (Labour Party candidate)
  • Håkon Haugli  + (Labour Party politician who then worked for business association. CEO of [[Innovation Norway]]. [[Trilateral Commission]].)
  • Kevan Jones  + (Labour defence politician with safe establishment views)
  • Shrewsbury 24  + (Labour is threatening to oppose Tory government plans to extend spying powers unless it releases papers about the "politically motivated show trial" of the Shrewsbury 24 in the 1970s.)
  • Lynn Williams  + (Labour leader, Bilderberg Steering committee, 9 Bilderbergs)
  • Andrew Adonis  + (Labour party politician and Bilderberger. Vice Chairman of the European Movement (UK))
  • Odd Højdahl  + (Labour union bureucrat and politician)
  • Document:Austerity has brought anguish and hardship – that is why I am fighting Richmond Park for Labour  + (Labour's [[Christian Wolmar]] aims to replace Tory [[Zac Goldsmith]] as MP for [[2016 Richmond Park by-election|Richmond Park]])
  • Document:Labour’s witch-hunt against Ken Livingstone  + (Labour's kangaroo court trying to justify suspending [[Ken Livingstone]] for stating the fact that [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]] supported [[Zionism]])
  • Document:Bristol West CLP condemns suspension of Corbyn  + (Labour’s hierarchy has banned [[CLP]]s Labour’s hierarchy has banned [[CLP]]s from debating or voting on [[Corbyn]]’s suspension or the [ EHRC report] and some Regional Directors have blocked attempts to do so. It seems Bristol West members hold their democracy and their [[Jeremy Corbyn|former party leader]] in too high a regard to toe the line.remy Corbyn|former party leader]] in too high a regard to toe the line.)
  • Constantin Menges  + (Laid the foundations for the Reagan doctrine of support to insurgent groups to destabilize communist governments.)
  • Norman Lamont  + (Lamont was involved in Black Wednesday, which transferred billions of pounds from UK taxpayers to financial traders (most notably [[George Soros]]).)
  • Tony Robinson  + (Lancashire Police Special branch 1965-1981. He was responsible for vetting workers at the Ford Halewood plant. He has spoken to TV about interference in Police business by MI5.)
  • 1948 Hague Congress  + (Landmark conference which had a profound influence on the shape of the [[European Movement]]. Many of the groups organizing the conference received covert funding from the [[CIA]].)
  • Orwellian language  + (Language chosen to hide rather than expose the truth.)
  • Queensland  + (Large Australian northern state)
  • Western Australia  + (Large Australian state isolated from the others by deserts)
  • Bank of Montreal  + (Large Canadian bank. Several executives have attended Bilderberg meetings.)
  • Sétif and Guelma massacre  + (Large French colonial massacre in 1945.)
  • Thales Group  + (Large French weapons manufacturer)
  • Sinaloa cartel  + (Large Mexican drug cartel, possibly working with the agreement of [[US deep state]])
  • Temple University  + (Large Philadelphia university)
  • Baker Donelson  + (Large [[United States|U.S.]] [[law firm]] and [[lobbying]] group)
  • University of Wrocław  + (Large break from German to Polish in 1945)
  • ClimateWorks  + (Large funder of projects intended to steerLarge funder of projects intended to steer public opinion and take control over all government policy under the pretext of fighting [[climate change]]. Part of "a blob" of similar very wealthy interconnected foundations with opaque structures. Backers include [[Bill Gates]] and [[Michael Bloomberg]].[[Michael Bloomberg]].)
  • Mining industry  + (Large global industry; specifying in extraction of natural resources)
  • University of Central Florida  + (Large hub for space- and military-industrial research)
  • Continent  + (Large landmasses)
  • Dwayne Andreas  + (Large political donor to both major US parties.)
  • Antwerp  + (Large port and oil refinery city, world center for the [[diamond]] trade.)
  • Reed Elsevier  + (Large publisher with a [[7-7]] connection)
  • Oregon State University  + (Large research activity)
  • Brad Connett  + (Large vaccine pharma company executive, [[Event 201]] participant)
  • Sterilization campaign  + (Large-scale and well organized sterilization efforts for population control and reduction.)
  • Future Of Russia Foundation  + (Largely UK company with a remarkable assortment of directors)
  • Loyalist Volunteer Force  + (Largely inactive Ulster loyalist paramilitary group)
  • Bechtel  + (Largest construction and civil engineering company in the [[US]] and the 9th-largest privately owned American company in 2016)
  • Roche  + (Largest pharmaceutical company in the world)
  • File:The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine.pdf  + (Larry Sanger explains why he thinks it might be a bad idea to vaccinate billions of people with an experimental substance of which the long term side effects are unknown (initially published at
  • Melanie Andress-Tobiasson  + (Las Vegas judge who is said to have committed suicide amidst an ethics probe after she started investigating underage prostitution ring)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev  + (Last President of the Soviet Union.)
  • Aid convoy moves out  + (Last Trucks From Aid Convoy to Ukraine Return to Russia)
  • Rodric Braithwaite  + (Last UK Ambassador to USSR, first to post-soviet Russia. Chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee 1992-3. [[1993 Bilderberg]], became [[The Britain-Russia Centre and the British East-West Centre/Director]] in 1994)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Last ADS-B contact  + (Last contact by the ADS-B (Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast) of flight tracking web sites.)
  • Ray Whitney  + (Last holder of this post)
  • Giovanni Allavena  + (Last holder of this post. Resignation that was in fact removal. Connected "to some the darkest events that took place in Italy after the war".)
  • Gerry Warner  + (Late 1980's)
  • 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Incorporation of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhia into Russia  + (Late September 2022, Russia held 4 referendums annexing some regions from Ukraine.)
  • Richard Grove  + (Late for a meeting, Richard Grove was not in the World Trade Center when it was attacked.)
  • Henry Hogger  + (Later Institute for Statecraft)
  • Henry Hogger  + (Later Institute for Statecraft)
  • Lucy C. Smith  + (Later Rector of the [[University of Oslo]])
  • Walter Berchtold  + (Later [[Bilderberg/1969]] and [[Bilderberg/1970]])
  • Curt Gasteyger  + (Later [[Bilderberg/1975]] and [[Bilderberg/1978]])
  • Curt Gasteyger  + (Later [[Bilderberg/1975]] and [[Bilderberg/1978]])
  • Curt Gasteyger  + (Later [[Bilderberg/1975]] and [[Bilderberg/1978]])
  • Graeme Maxton  + (Later [[Club of Rome]] Secretary General)
  • Chris Elias  + (Later [[Event 201]], [[Gates Foundation]])
  • Ralph Assheton  + (Later attended 2 Bilderbergs)
  • Denis Greenhill  + (Later attended 3 Bilderbergs)
  • Frits Bolkestein  + (Later attended 4 Bilderbergs)
  • Cecil Parkinson  + (Later attended the [[1989 Bilderberg conference]])
  • Quintin Hogg  + (Later attended the [[Bilderberg]])
  • Pierre-Henri Teitgen  + (Later attended the [[first Bilderberg]])
  • Anthony Beevor  + (Later became historian making the [[Official Narrative]])
  • Thomas J. Pickard  + (Later complained that [[New York Mayor]] [[Rudy Giuliani]] denied the [[FBI]] access to ground zero.)
  • Jörg Kukies  + (Later guiding hand for German Chancellor [[Olaf Scholz]]. [[2022 Bilderberg Conference]].)
  • John Frewen  + (Later led the National COVID Vaccine Taskforce)
  • James Ball  + (Later member of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • Mats Johansson  + (Later mentioned as a person of interest for the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Borzou Daragahi  + (Later of interest by the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • John Barnett  + (Later safety whistleblower. Found dead from "suicide".)
  • Larry Gostin  + (Later went on to design tyrannical "public health" laws)
  • Shahd Abusalama  + (Latest target of the [[CAA]] and the [[Israel lobby]]<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Jānis Sārts  + (Latvian propagandist with some deep state connections.)
  • International Center for Missing and Exploited Children  + (Launched by [[Hillary Clinton]] and [[Cherie Blair]]...)
  • Elizabeth Cousens  + (Launched the "first-of-its-kind [[COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund]]")
  • Document:Al Quds Day letter to Tony Blair  + (Lauren Booth writes a scathing open letter to her brother-in-law, Tony Blair...)
  • Lauren Southern  + (Lauren Southern is a Canadian activist. Probably the most famous personality in the [[Culture war]] of the late [[2010s]].)
  • Laurence de Mello  + (Laurence de Mello is a British deep politics researcher based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.)
  • W. Ralph Basham  + (Law enforcement official in [[U.S. Customs and Border Protection]], [[United States Secret Service]] and [[Transportation Security Administration]].)
  • Dickstein Shapiro  + (Law firm identified as implicated in corruption by [[Sibel Edmonds]].)
  • Corona Investigative Committee  + (Lawyer committee investigating the "Corona pandemic".)
  • Stephen Preston  + (Lawyer for the Navy, [[Central Intelligence Agency]] and [[Department of Defense]])
  • Richard Olney  + (Lawyer for the business affairs of [[Boston]]'s elite families. United States Attorney General who used troops against strikers. Enforcer of the [[Monroe doctrine]].)
  • Renate Holzeisen  + (Lawyer in South Tyrol fighting Corona legislation.)
  • Greta Van Susteren  + (Lawyer who had rocket media career after - according to "D.C. Madam" [[Henry Vinson]] - mismanaging his trial on behalf of [[deep state]])
  • Safura Abdool Karim  + (Lawyer who has researched [[COVID-19 lockdowns]] and argued about [[mandatory COVID vaccination]])
  • Michael Sussmann  + (Lawyer who represented the [[Democratic National Committee]] and retained [[CrowdStrike]] to examine its servers)
  • Robert Shapiro  + (Lawyer who successfully defended [[O. J. Simpson]] in 1995.)