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Group.png France   Sourcewatch WikiquoteRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Eiffel tower police.jpg
France in the World (+Antarctica claims).svg
Flag of France.svg
Capital cityParis
LeaderPresident of France
TypeUnited Nations Members.svg nation state
Subgroups•  Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire
•  Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure
•  Direction du renseignement militaire
•  Direction de la Protection et de la Sécurité de la Défense
•  Unité de coordination de la lutte anti-terroriste
•  Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police
•  Tracfin
•  Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières
Interest ofRichard Christmann, Franco-British Colloque, French-American Foundation, Le Siècle
Member ofEuropean Defence Union, European Union, Eurozone, G-20, Global Counter Terrorism Forum, International Criminal Court, International Energy Agency, La Francophonie, Maximator-Alliance, NATO, OECD, Pacific Community, Safari Club, UN, UN/SC
France/Assassinations since 1945
France/Biological weapons
France/Deep state
France/Foreign policy
France/Government Spokesperson
France/Nuclear weapons
France/Permanent Representative to NATO
France/Permanent Representative to the UN
France/President of the Constitutional Council
France/President of the National Assembly
France/Presidential election
France/Prime Minister
France/Secretary of State for Industry and Commerce
France/Stay behind
A European nation, former colonial power, permanent seat on the UNSC

France is a large European country and former West European colonial power. It has had a fairly strong democratic tradition, but civil liberties, particularly freedom of speech have been rapidly reeled in, particularly since January 2015. In 2013, France was #6 in the world in terms of military expenditure.[1] In 2018-19 the Yellow vests movement carried out a sustain protest against the French government.

French deep state

Full article: French deep state
France Deep state.jpg

Le Cercle

Full article: Rated 5/5 Le Cercle
Konrad Adenauer meets with Antoine Pinay and Jean Violet at the earliest known meeting of Le Cercle, on 18th August 1958

Le Cercle is a major international deep state milieu. Starting around 1952, a secretive series of meetings began with French/German and a select few other West European officials and deep state operatives. The group continues to operated and may have played very important coordination role. This continues to later became less Eurocentric, with alternative meetings held in Washington DC.[2]

"War on Terror"

Full article: Rated 4/5 “War on Terror”

Fear and islamophobia are being ramped up in French society, as in the rest of Western Europe, under the influence of Operation Gladio/B style "war on terror" events. The country is rapidly becoming militarized, with thousands of soldiers stationed to "protect key sites – from synagogues to art galleries, nursery schools to mosques and Métro stations".[3] On 14 September 2010, the French government banned face-covering headgear, traditionally worn by Muslims.

2016 ISIS Cell In Saumur

Full article: Rated 3/5 2016 Saumur Daesh Cell
A screenshot of the 23 September 2017 report of the Daesh cell in Saumur

On the afternoon of Wednesday 21 September 2016, ISIS flags, audio and video equipment, Arabic newspapers and a generator were found in a cave outside the French town of Saumur. After 2 hours of consultation between the authorities a commander from the local Écoles Militaires de Saumur stated that the contents of the cave were part of an "exercise" which was being carried out without police knowledge. This was reported the next day in a story entitled "Les terroristes de Daesh étaient en fait des militaires" ("The Deash terrorists were in fact (government) soldiers").[4]

Freedom of Speech

Full article: Rated 4/5 Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech has been rapidly curtailed after the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attack, with many people being jailed under a November 2014 law which enables fast tracking of sentencing people for "defending terrorism." It seems so vaguely phrased that merely questioning the official narrative might be enough, even while drunk or speaking in jest, to have people found guilty.[5] In November 2016, a teenager was found guilty of breaking "anti-terror" laws after naming his wifi network "Daesh 21".[6]

Arms Production

France was the #4 nation worldwide as regards arms exports from 2012-2016.[7]


On 15 October 2020, the BBC reported that "French police have raided the homes of senior government and health officials as part of an investigation into their handling of the coronavirus pandemic."[8]

Health workers were suspended for not taking the COVID vaccine.[9]


Events carried out

2011 Attacks on LibyaLibya"Perhaps one of the most egregious examples of US military aggression and lawlessness in recent memory", carried out under a pretext of "humanitarian intervention".
Anglo-French Agreement of 23 December 1917A 1917 Anglo-French conspiracy for a dismemberment of Russia after the October Revolution.
Evacuation from AfghanistanAfghanistanThe evacuation of foreigners from Afghanistan, one of the largest airlifts in history


Related Quotations

Algiers putsch of 1961“An insurrectionary power has established itself in Algeria by a military pronunciamento... This power has an appearance: a quartet of retired generals. It has a reality: a group of officers, partisan, ambitious and fanatical. This group and this quartet possess an expedient and limited knowledge of things. But they only see and understand the Nation and the world distorted by their delirium. Their enterprise leads directly towards a national disaster ... I forbid any Frenchman, and first of all any soldier, to execute a single one of their orders ... In the face of the misfortune which hangs over the country and the threat to the Republic, having taken advice from the Constitutional Council, the Prime Minister, the president of the Senate, the president of the National Assembly, I have decided to invoke article 16 of the Constitution [on the state of emergency and full special powers given to the head of state in case of a crisis]. Starting from this day, I will take, directly if the need arises, the measures which seem to me demanded by circumstances ... Frenchwomen, Frenchmen! Assist me!”Charles de Gaulle1961
The Auriol massacre“François Mitterrand said: These people are still very powerful. They will try to destabilize the regime. What happened to Salvador Allende can happen to me. I know it." He tells me, without details, that he received threats after May 10. One day, during a trip to the provinces, someone slips a message into his hand to prove that he can be assassinated, when the time comes, without difficulty.”Jacques Attali



1919 Paris Peace Conference
2015-11 Paris attacksA series of coordinated terrorist attacks in France. Suicide bomber remembered to bring his passport, which survived blast.
2016 Magnanville stabbingPresident Hollande called it “incontestably a terrorist act” and said France was facing a terror threat “of a very large scale”
2022 French presidential electionThe presidential election in France was a referendum on Macron.
2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Premature deathPremature deaths of mostly Russian businessman during and around when the Russian invasion commenced. There may be Ukrainian and others as well. As the list grows, it appears the men are being targeted in dozens of western countries as well.
Air France Flight 1611Air crash blamed on fire. The investigation covered up that it was hit by a military missile.
Air India Flight 101A plane crash in France in 1966 killing 117. Officially ruled an accident, but sabotage by the CIA to assassinate Homi J. Bhabha and delay the Indian nuclear programme was suspected.
Annecy shootingsA mysterious shooting which was generally avoided by the corporate media.
BBC coverage of the Calais JungleCoverage of the European migrant crisis from the BBC.
Ballets rosesFrench VIPaedophile event
Bilderberg/1955 MarchThe second Bilderberg meeting, held in France. Just 42 guests, fewer than any other.
Bilderberg/1963The 12th Bilderberg meeting and the second one in France.
Bilderberg/1974The 23rd Bilderberg, held in France
Bilderberg/1992The 40th Bilderberg. It had 121 participants.
Bilderberg/2003The 51st Bilderberg, in Versailles, France
Charlie Hebdo shootingJanuary prelude to the November 2015 mass murder in Paris when 139 were killed and 352 injured
Contaminated blood affairFor several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands.
Coral affairCase of sexual abuse of minors at a French children's home in 1982. The accusations involved several public figures including Culture Minister Jack Lang and Frédéric Mitterand, who were both cleared. The investigation was interfered with from high up.
Diana Spencer/Premature deathA highly suspicious event.
French RevolutionOften cited event in world history that has an even more brutal side to it than is usually discussed.
Irish of Vincennes
Le Cercle/1986 (Nice)
Le Cercle/2005 (Paris)Exposed 2 days later by the Saudi Embassy in London
Markovic affairWhen a sexual blackmailer was killed in 196, it soon turned out he had pictures of very prominent persons, including future President Georges Pompidou and his wife Claude.
May 68
Nice truck eventFrench vehicle-ramming attack in Nice on 14 July 2016. It was filmed by Richard Gutjahr, who 8 days later filmed the shooting in Munich.
Plan BlueAn 1947 anti-communist conspiracy aimed at seizing power in France
TWA Croatian Hijacking
The Coral affair
The Disappeared of the YonneOver three decades, some 30 young women went missing while in the care of the social services in the Yonne region of France.
Toulouse VIP sex ringFrench sado-masochistic VIPaedophile ring partly exposed in 1997
Toulouse chemical factory explosionOne of the most serious explosions involving ammonium nitrate
Walter Lippmann ColloquiumTwenty-six of the most prominent liberal thinkers attended this a 1938 conference. The aim was to construct a new liberalism as a rejection of collectivism, socialism and laissez-faire liberalism.
Yellow vests movementA series of mass demonstrations in France which expressed the dissatisfaction with the political process. Subject to increasingly violent repression.


Groups Headquartered Here

Agence France-PresseThe French-News-Agency is the world's oldest news organisation.
Airbus18 December 1970Produces 50% of all jet aircraft in the world. Largest airliner manufacturer during the 2020s. Accused of bribery of multiple countries. Received a ban from a group of dozens of banks for "involvement in nuclear weapons production".
Atlantic Institute1 January 19611988Transatlantic think tank with similar goals to the Trilateral Commission, operational 1961-1988.
Avisa Partners2010French-based international private intelligence company described in the Integrity Initiative Leaks
Axa1816French multinational insurance firm with Bilderberg contacts
BNP Paribas1848World's 8th largest bank by total assets, paid the US Justice Department $8.97 billion after accusations of money laundering
Balenciaga1919Fashion company which hit the headlines in November 2022 for hidden references to child abuse in its ads.
Bank of France18 January 1800French central bank
Banque Worms19282004Influential French bank, especially at the beginning of the 20th century and during WW2. Major part of the deep state banking and industrial cartel the Synarchist movement
Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety1946French government agency responsible for investigating aviation accidents and incidents. A few skeletons in the closet.
CEPII1978French economic think tank with lots of Bilderbergers.
Council of Europe5 May 1949IGO. Cannot make laws, but makes treaties. Accused of institutional (revolving door) corruption. Appears to bribe European & transcontinental countries.
DGSEFrench foreign intelligence agency
Dassault Group1929French weapons and media corporation
ESSEC Business School1907French prestigious business school
Elf Aquitaine19662000Elf was a centerpiece of French neocolonial practices in Africa: influence peddling, corruption, violence, political manipulation, etc.
European Commission of Human Rights19541998
Forbidden Stories2017An "independent" NGO and media outlet financed by the usual cluster of deep state connected foundations.
France/Deep stateThe French deep state, closely collaborating with Supranational Deep State policy since 2001.
France/PoliceThe French police
French Institute of International Relations1979A "national think tank" founded by Thierry de Montbrial.
French-American Foundation1976A long established and relatively public organ of the US to control French politics.
General Directorate for Internal Security
High Council on Public Health (France)9 August 2004Responsible for providing decision support to the Minister of Health. Its extraordinary recommendations have played a big role in the implementation of the Covid-19 deep event in France.
Institut Aspen France1983corporate-dominated transatlantic influence network
Institut Montaigne2000French deep state 'think tank' filled with multiple bilderbergers.
Interpol1923International police group. Several of the presidents of Interpol have been exposed as part of large corruption affairs, or engaged in torture.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Institute20032017Neoconservative French think tank
L'Oréal30 July 1909
La Francophonie20 March 1970The French Commonwealth of Nations
Le Figaro1826French newspaper owned by the armaments manufacturer Dassault Group since 2004.
Le Monde
Le Siècle1944A long established "bipartisan" network in the French establishment.
Lille University of Science and Technology1854Includes a number of specialized education and research units
Lycée Henri-IV1796Considered one of the most demanding and prestigious secondary schools in France.
Lycée Louis-le-Grand
Mines ParisTech1783
Montpellier 2 University1970
National Rally1972A French political party
OECD1961Dedicate itself to help "democracy" and a "good world economy". Originally started to fund Western Europe in the cold war.
OEEC19481961The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
Pantheon-Assas University1971University which is considered the top law school in France.
Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Paris Diderot University
Paris-Saclay University2020Paris university with high research activity. Before 2020 known as University of Paris-Sud
Pasteur Institute1887Studies biology, microorganisms, diseases and vaccines. This also includes biological warfare.
Publicis GroupeFrench multinational advertising and public relations company
Resistance International19831988A spooky anti-communist anti-communist organisation that existed between 1983 and 1988
Saint-Cyr1 May 1802The French Army's officer training establishment
Sanofi1973French Big Pharma company
... further results


Jobs here

Pedro BañosEU/Army/Head of Counterintelligence and SecurityFor 3 years
Thomas BuberlAxa/CEO2 August 2016
Monique Garnier-LançonAdjointe au maire19771989Security advisor? Deputy Mayor?


Citizens of France on Wikispooks

Salah Abdeslam15 September 1989
Stéphane Abrial7 September 1954French military leader with lots of US ties, MSC.
Alexandre Adler23 September 1950French academic
Jacques Aigrain15 August 1954French Bilderberg banker/businessman, JPMorgan, then Swiss Re.
Michel Albert25 February 193019 March 2015French economist, 1969 Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission Member
Georges Albertini13 May 191130 March 1983French deep state operative. Man-behind-the-scenes for many politicians.
Michel Alliot20 July 19248 February 2014French Professor of Law who formulated higher education reforms after the large student protests of May 68. Single Bilderberger in 1970, where one of the subjects was the "Future Function of the University In Our Society".
Herve Alphand31 May 190713 January 1994Bilderberger French diplomat
Robert André1964Attended the first Bilderberg and 2 more, president of the "Syndicat de Petrole"
Magdeleine Anglade5 July 192125 March 1998French member of Le Cercle who took over the role of Monique Garnier-Lançon
Bernard Arnault5 March 1949French billionaire businessman, the richest person in the world as of August 2021. Attended the 1992 Bilderberg
Raymond Aron14 March 190517 October 1983French sociologist who attended 3 Bilderbergs from 1957 to 1966
François Asselineau14 September 1957French politician campaigning on that France should leave the euro, the European Union, and NATO.
Bernard Asso14 May 1946Spooky French lawyer
Gabriel Attal16 March 1989A "rising star" of French politics who attended the 2023 Bilderberg meeting, before being put in charge of the French education system.
Jacques Attali1 November 1943French deep politician and academic. "The real bourgeoisie running the world is about 1,000 people. They are running capitalism." Attended the 1975 Bilderberg, Le siecle
Roger Auboin15 May 189116 October 1974Managing director of the Bank for International Settlements between 1938 and 1958.
Martine Aubry8 August 1945French politician, WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 1993
Andre Aumonier25 February 19164 October 2004Christian business leader, Bilderberg 1971
Audrey Azoulay4 August 1972French deep state functionary and UNESCO Director-General
Robert Badinter30 March 19289 February 2024French judge and politician who gave the legal fig leaf for the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. Did favors for the Rothschild family. Husband of Elisabeth Badinter
Élisabeth Badinter5 March 1944The largest shareholder of Publicis Groupe
Bertrand BadréFrench banker with SDS connections
Bernard Bajolet21 May 1949Spooky diplomat
Édouard Balladur2 May 1929A panelist of the session on The Public Sector And Economic Growth at the 1987 Bilderberg as French Minister of Finance
Stéphane Bancel20 July 1972French CEO of Moderna who struck it rich with its first product allowed on the market, a COVID-19 vaccine
Patricia Barbizet17 April 1955Prominent figure in the French business world
Michel Barnier9 January 1951Deep state connected politician who attended the 2006 and 2007 Bilderbergs.
François Baroin21 June 1965French politician who attended the 2014 Bilderberg
Raymond Barre12 April 192425 August 2007French PM, single Bilderberger
Paul Barril13 April 1946French spook
Nicolas BarréManaging Editor, Les Echos
Louis Barthou25 August 18629 October 1934
Frédéric Bastiat29 June 180124 December 1850French economist "When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."
Dominique Baudis14 April 194710 April 2014French official. "A former call girl, "Patricia", told magistrates that she had been "offered" to Mr Baudis by Alègre at a Toulouse flat where she underwent three hours of torture that left scars."
Valérie BaudsonFrench banker
Jacques Baumel6 March 191817 February 2006French Gaullist politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs from 1963 to 1967
Wilfrid Baumgartner21 May 19021 June 1978Governor of the Bank of France, Bilderberg Steering Committee
Nicolas Baverez8 May 1961Bilderberg Steering committee. French proponent of transatlantic neoliberal globalization. Believes that for the masses, "time freed up by shorter working hours means conjugal violence - and alcoholism on top of that."
Olivier de BavinchoveSingle Bilderberger French military
Nicolas Bazire13 July 1957Nicolas Sarkozy's best man
Guerin De Beaumont29 August 189613 October 1955Attended the first Bilderberg as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in charge of the European Defence Community. Made French Minister of Justice soon after. Died in 1955.
Clément Beaune14 August 1981Emmanuel Macron's "Monsieur Europe"
Hilaire Belloc16 July 1953
Jean de Belot15 December 1958French editor of Le Figaro who attended 2005 Bilderberg. Later turned communications guru.
Jacques Benveniste12 March 19353 October 2004
Georges Berthoin17 May 1925European coal and steel commission. Triple Bilderberg
Yves Bertrand25 January 19443 June 2013Chief of French police intelligence from 1992 to 2004. Said too much to media. Died of "cause unknown" in 2013.
Éric Besson2 April 1958
Liliane Bettencourt21 October 192221 September 2017One of the principal shareholders of L'Oréal. At the time of her death the richest woman in the world.
... further results


Related Documents

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Document:Avisa Partners Presentationcompany presentationJune 2016Avisa PartnersThis is very revealing but more official presentation of the company's influence work. Compare with the dirty tricks in Document:Combatting Russian Disinformation
Document:Chris Donnelly Paris Brussels May 2016 v2report13 December 2018Chris DonnellyChris Donnelly talks to his French II connections. "They think our main target needs to be the parts of the political class and the security structures 'where the rot is'"... "As an independent NGO we can do things they can’t do and national governments can’t do"
Document:Combatting Russian DisinformationreportJune 2016Avisa PartnersA truly astonishing II document, with a lot of dirty methods. It is written by an established covert French propaganda network, spreading more than a 1000 stories a month, offering to work for II. "our ability to publish articles across hundreds of credible media outlets means that any campaign we undertake will have far more sway than the content published only on state-sponsored outlets RT and Sputnik, and their local few allies."
Document:Integrity Francereport25 June 2018Integrity Initiativea partial list of II-France members. For complete list, see Integrity Initiative/Cluster/France
Document:Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, The Law Laid LowArticle2 November 2018Christopher BlackIn June 2017, the US-led coalition - including France and the UK - launched a military operation to force the Islamic State armed group from Raqqa. But instead of only targeting IS, we killed hundreds and injured thousands of civilians, while obliterating much of the city.
Document:The Russian Party in FrancereportJune 2016Françoise ThomEveryone in France not following the strict pro-American NATO-line is a "linchpin of the Russian networks" because "we are dealing with a strategy of pre-conquest."
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