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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "The UK government's website that presents company information". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Munich Security Conference/2012  + (The 48th Munich Security Conference)
  • Munich Security Conference/2013  + (The 49<sup>th</sup> Munich Security Conference)
  • Bilderberg/2001  + (The 49th Bilderberg, in [[Sweden]]. Reported on the WWW.)
  • Bilderberg/1956  + (The 4th Bilderberg meeting, with 147 guests, in contrast to the generally smaller meetings of the 1950s. Has ''two'' Bilderberg meetings in the years before and after)
  • Cargill family  + (The 4th wealthiest family in the [[United States]])
  • Munich Security Conference/2014  + (The 50<sup>th</sup> Munich Security Conference)
  • Bilderberg/2002  + (The 50th Bilderberg, held at Chantilly, Virginia.)
  • Bilderberg/2003  + (The 51st Bilderberg, in Versailles, [[France]])
  • Munich Security Conference/2016  + (The 52<sup>nd</sup> Munich Security Conference)
  • Bilderberg/2004  + (The 52nd such meeting. 126 recorded guests)
  • Munich Security Conference/2017  + (The 53<sup>rd</sup> Munich Security Conference)
  • Bilderberg/2005  + (The 53rd Bilderberg, 132 guests)
  • Munich Security Conference/2018  + (The 54<sup>th</sup> Munich Security Conference)
  • Munich Security Conference/2019  + (The 55<sup>th</sup> Munich Security Conference, which included "[[A Spreading Plague]]" aimed at "identifying gaps and making recommendations to improve the global system for responding to deliberate, high consequence biological events.")
  • Bilderberg/2007  + (The 55th Bilderberg meeting, held in Turkey)
  • Munich Security Conference/2020  + (The 56<sup>th</sup> Munich Security Conference, in 2020, "welcomed an unprecedented number of high-ranking international decision-makers.")
  • Bilderberg/2008  + (The 56th Bilderberg, Chantilly, Virginia, 139 guests)
  • Bilderberg/2009  + (The 57th Bilderberg)
  • Bilderberg/2012  + (The 58th Bilderberg, in Chantilly, Virginia. Unusually just 4 years after an earlier [[Bilderberg/2008|Bilderberg meeting there]].)
  • Psi Upsilon  + (The 5th oldest US college society)
  • Bilderberg/2014  + (The 62nd Bilderberg, with 136 guests, held in Copenhagen)
  • Bilderberg/2015  + (The 63rd meeting, 128 Bilderbergers met in Austria)
  • Bilderberg/2017  + (The 65th Bilderberg Meeting)
  • Bilderberg/2018  + (The 66th Bilderberg Meeting, in Turin, Italy, known for months in advance after an unprecedented leak by the Serbian government.)
  • Bilderberg/2019  + (The 67th Bilderberg Meeting)
  • Bilderberg/2022  + (The 68th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Washington DC, after an unprecedented two year hiatus during which a lot of the Bilderberg regulars were busy managing [[COVID-19]])
  • Bilderberg/2023  + (The 69th Bilderberg Meeting, held in Lisbon, with 128 guests on the official list. The earliest in the year since 2009.)
  • Bilderberg/1957 October  + (The 6th Bilderberg meeting, the latest ever in the year and the first one in [[Italy]].)
  • Integrity Initiative/Leak/6  + (The 6th [[Integrity Initiative Leak]], posted on 8 February 2019.)
  • User:Robin  + (The 7/7 bombings are comparable to 9/11, but Wikispooks has only a single page on the topic. Although outdated and jumbled, it contains thought provoking information which should assist in understanding this deep event.)
  • Bilderberg/2024  + (The 70th Bilderberg Meeting)
  • Bilderberg/2025  + (The 71st Bilderberg Meeting)
  • Matthew Festing  + (The 79th Prince and Grand Master of the Order of Malta, and the only one to have stepped down.)
  • Gold  + (The 79th element. A very dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal which has been desired by many people in many cultures for its ornamental value and for trading.)
  • Bilderberg/1958  + (The 7th Bilderberg and the first one in the [[UK]]. 72 guests)
  • Bilderberg/1959  + (The 8th Bilderberg and the first in Turkey. 60 guests.)
  • Bilderberg/1960  + (The 9th such meeting and the first one in Switzerland. 61 participants + 4 "in attendance". The meeting report contains a press statement, 4 sentences long.)
  • Norman Lamont  + (The Al-Yamamah weapons deal was signed a few weeks after Lamont got this job.)
  • Algerian War  + (The Algerian War of Independence)
  • APA  + (The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States)
  • Ancient Rome/Deep state  + (The Ancient Roman Deep State.)
  • File:Un-escwa-israel-apartheid-report.pdf  + (The Apartheid nature of the Israeli State in its treatment of its non-jewish Palestinian population)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2015  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2015)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2016  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2016)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2017  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2017)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2018  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2018)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2019  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2019)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2020  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2020)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2021  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2021)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2022  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class of 2022)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2014  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship class, 2014)
  • Aspen Institute/New Voices Fellowship/2013  + (The Aspen Institute's New Voices Fellowship inaugural class, 2013)
  • William McKinley/Assassination  + (The Assassination of William McKinley, a [[coup d'etat]])
  • Australia/Deep state  + (The Australian deep state appears to be closely controlled from London/Washington. It has been using the country as a test-ground for emerging [[social control]] legislation.)
  • Australian Secret Intelligence Service  + (The Australian foreign intelligence agency, but has tentacles all over society, especially in the media.)
  • Australia/National COVID-19 Coordination Commission  + (The Australian government COVID-19 leadership, including [[Jane Halton]] from [[Event 201]] and [[Bilderberg/2021|Bilderberger]] [[Andrew Liveris]])
  • Children Overboard affair  + (The Australian government accused asylum seekers of throwing children into the ocean, which they knew was untrue.)
  • Austria/Deep state  + (The Austrian deep state)
  • Karoline Edtstadler  + (The Austrian minister who announced that it was illegal to live in Austria and not to be [[Covid jabbed]].)
  • Document:Why some people are spreading false rumours about the Texas gunman  + (The BBC factchecks the recent [[2023 Allen, Texas outlet mall shooting]] regarding the alleged Nazism of the Hispanic shooter)
  • BBC/Propaganda  + (The BBC has been a tool of the [[UK deep state]] since its foundation in 1922.)
  • BBC/Censorship  + (The BBC has been censored since its inception, although it purports not to be.)
  • Belgium/Deep state  + (The Belgian Deep state, most significantly exposed by the Dutroux Affair, appears to employ similar methods of control to other European [[deep state]]s, including bribes, sexual blackmail, intimidation and assassination.)
  • WEF/Board of Trustees  + (The Board of Trustees of the [[World Economic Forum]]. The list includes former board members.)
  • Document:Britain's noxious history of Imperial warfare  + (The British Empire is indefensible unless The British Empire is indefensible unless conquered peoples are somehow less worthy beings than the British. What British people would regard as crimes if done to them, were and are justified in the name of empire. The official narrative, still largely accepted in the West, is racist to its core and illustrates the hypocrisy of an Establishment that never tires of warning about the evils of racism at home whilst predicating its foreign policy on it.ilst predicating its foreign policy on it.)
  • Document:Greek Media and Information Literacy Week  + (The British covert propaganda outfit wantsThe British covert propaganda outfit wants..."to familiarize readers/media users with basic principles and concepts so that they can judge and control...the online and printed content they read, share or create, so as to be able to distinguish news from misinformation, biased content, or propaganda".formation, biased content, or propaganda".)
  • UK/Deep state  + (The British empire has long been influenced by various mostly unseen forces. These are being increasingly exposed in the 21st century. After WWI, the UK deep state increasingly came under the influence of the US deep state.)
  • Document:Manchester Alleged Suicide Bomber Linked to Libya Islamic Fighting Group  + (The British government is directly responsThe British government is directly responsible for the [[2017 Manchester bombing|Manchester Arena bombing]]. It had foreknowledge of [[LIFG]]’s existence and likely its activities within British territory and not only failed to act, but appears to have actively harboured this community of extremists for its own geopolitical and domestic agenda. its own geopolitical and domestic agenda.)
  • British Council  + (The British government's cultural propaganda body.)
  • Document:The postwar photographs that British authorities tried to keep hidden  + (The British military and security services are no strangers to torturing their prisoners when they judge it necessary.)
  • British Army Training Support Unit Belize  + (The British military presence in its former colony [[Belize]] in Central America.)
  • British royal family  + (The British royals have still indirect influence over the [[Commonwealth of Nations]])
  • Document:Protecting Libyan civilians? - Pap for the gullible  + (The CIA is behind the rebellion in Libya. The front of "humanitarian intervention" is sheer window dressing to try to excuse the Euro-American Attack on Libya.)
  • CIA/Arms trafficking  + (The CIA's efforts to obscure evidence of its arms deals can be grasped from looking at the [[Arms for Libya]] case.)
  • In-Q-Tel  + (The CIA's investment arm for cutting edge technology companies. It has provided seed capital for many big IT-companies.)
  • CIA/European Division/Athens Station  + (The CIA's station covering activities in [[Greece]])
  • German Marshall Fund/Young Strategists  + (The CIA/deep state [[German Marshall Fund]] cultivating a cadre of emerging foreign policy leaders, with focus on [[East Asia]])
  • Chase Brandon  + (The CIA’s first Entertainment Industry Liaison)
  • COVID-19/Dissident  + (The COVID [[deep event]] has distinguished itself with unprecedentedly sharp [[COVID-19/Censorship|censorship]] of dissent. Contracts, jobs and lives have been terminated in the effort to remove dissenting voices.)
  • Canada/Deep state  + (The Canadian Deep state in 2022 was shown to be in the grip of the [[Supranational Deep State]].)
  • Ditchley/Canada  + (The Canadian arm of [[Ditchley]])
  • Legionaries of Christ  + (The Catholic religious order ran a [[VIPaedophile]] sex ring (likely blackmail as well) in several Latin-American countries.)
  • George W. Bush/Torture Indictment  + (The Center for Constitutional Rights and the Canadian Centre for International Justice have been taking legal action against George W Bush for his role in authorizing and overseeing his administration's well-documented torture program.)
  • Central Bank of Honduras  + (The Central Bank of Honduras was established on 1 July 1950)
  • Centre for European Reform  + (The Centre for European Reform is a intelligence connected lobby group closely associated with the [[American Enterprise Institute]] and the deep state [[Atlantic Council]].)
  • Lyman Lemnitzer  + (The Chairman of the JCS who approved the now infamous [[Operation Northwoods]], later made NATO's [[Supreme Allied Commander Europe]]; was in favor of excessive use of the [[US/Nuclear weapons|nuclear arsenal]] to destroy the [[Soviet Union]].)
  • Chemical Weapons Convention  + (The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is an arms control treaty that outlaws the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons and their precursors.)
  • Sheryl Sandberg  + (The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of [[Facebook]])
  • House and Senate Taiwan Caucus  + (The China lobby)
  • Baidu  + (The Chinese #1 search engine)
  • Document:The Reasons for the Decline of MOD  + (The Civil and Military Services have seen The Civil and Military Services have seen their intellectual capacity dramatically reduced as they have reduced in numbers, and for the past decade have made virtually no contribution to the redesign of the Whitehall structures of power. This now needs to change.ctures of power. This now needs to change.)
  • Kurt Westergaard  + (The Danish cartoonist involved in the 2005 Muhammad depiction controversy.)
  • Denmark/Deep state  + (The Danish deep state, not yet well documented here.)
  • SDS/Policies  + (The Deep State's core policy objective is to maximise ''control''. This is aligned with the [[deep state/Policy|policies]] of separate [[deep state groups]], but on a larger, more comprehensive scale.)
  • Document:I get abuse and threats online - why can't it be stopped?  + (The Disinformation Specialist at the BBC gets criticism online for her "[[fact checking]]". [[Internet censorship]] is the answer.)
  • Arthur Wellesley  + (The Duke of Wellington)
  • Karst Roeland Tates  + (The Dutch Army refused to comment on him after acknowledging he was employed by them.)
  • Netherlands/Labour Party  + (The Dutch Labour Party.)
  • Dutch Ministry of General Affairs  + (The Dutch Ministry responsible for government policy, planning, information, and the Dutch royal house.)
  • Dutch prelim report issued  + (The Dutch Safety Board preliminary report into the MH17 disaster published. It rules out crew/passenger actions or technical failure as the cause but says nothing else of substance that was not already known.)
  • Netherlands Atlantic Association  + (The Dutch chapter of the Atlantic Treaty Association)
  • East StratCom Task Force  + (The EU's cold warriors 2.0)
  • Stasi  + (The East German intelligence agency)
  • The Establishment  + (The Establishment is used in a rather geneThe Establishment is used in a rather general way on Wikispooks to refer to the (often deliberately unclear) set of relationships, figures and organisations which make up the socio political status quo. The Establishment's official (for public consumption) opinion is, by definition, the "official narrative"s, by definition, the "official narrative")
  • RAND Europe  + (The European branch of the Rand Corporation)
  • File:Ireland child abuse.pdf  + (The Executive Summary of the report of the Commission of Inquiry into Child Abuse in Ireland. Set up in 2000, an interim 5 volume report was published in May 2009. All but one of its 5 volumes were made public.)
  • Federal Aviation Administration  + (The FAA regulates and oversees all aspects of American civil aviation.)
  • 9-11/George Washington Bridge plot  + (The FBI arrested at least one van of men (two or three) which was found to contain tons of [[explosive]]s. This was announced on the day, two conflicting reports, but later retracted. No alternative explanation is known to have been given.)
  • Rex Tomb  + (The FBI spokesman who clarified that the FBI had no hard evidence linking Ossama bin Laden to the [[9-11]] attacks.)
  • Finland/Deep state  + (The Finnish deep state is currently influenced by the [[WEF]])
  • Rita Sargsyan  + (The First Lady of [[Armenia]] reportedly died from [[COVID]] in November 2020.)
  • Yuk Young-soo  + (The First Lady of [[South Korea]], murdered in 1974 by a stray bullet shot at her husband [[Park Chung-hee]])
  • French Foreign Legion  + (The Foreign Legion is what France uses to project power overseas)
  • Forum on Information & Democracy  + (The Forum on Information & Democracy is an Orwellian named group to where the intention is exactly the opposite, massive censorship. Secret funders.)
  • La Francophonie  + (The French [[Commonwealth of Nations]])
  • France/Deep state  + (The French deep state, closely collaborating with [[Supranational Deep State]] policy since 2001.)
  • France/Biological weapons  + (The French government is still highly secretive about this research .)
  • France/Police  + (The French police)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2019  + (The French-American Foundations Young Leaders for 2019)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2020  + (The French-American Foundations Young Leaders for 2020)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2021  + (The French-American Foundations Young Leaders for 2021)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2022  + (The French-American Foundations Young Leaders for 2022)
  • Agence France-Presse  + (The French-News-Agency is the world's oldest news organisation.)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2011  + (The GMF’s flagship leadership development program - year 2011)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2012  + (The GMF’s flagship leadership development program - year 2012)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2013  + (The GMF’s flagship leadership development program - year 2013)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2022  + (The GMF’s flagship leadership development program - year 2022)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2023  + (The GMF’s flagship leadership development program - year 2023)
  • The Gateway Pundit  + (The Gateway Pundit is an online news publication consisting of news, commentary and analysis.)
  • German Federal Foreign Office  + (The German Foreign Ministry)
  • American Enterprise Institute  + (The Godfather of Washington neo-conservative lobby groups)
  • Paul Linebarger  + (The Godfather of modern CIA media operations)
  • Document:Greek Cluster Meeting  + (The Greek cell ('cluster') conspires against the elected Syriza government.)
  • Greece/Deep state  + (The Greek deep state)
  • Document:SITREP: A false flag attack on a USN ship next  + (The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which comprises the cruiser USS Normandy, six destroyers and carries 6,500 sailors, is heading for [[Syria]]. [[Russia]]’s hypersonic [[Kinzhal]] (‘[[Dagger]]’) missile system having made these vessels effectively obsolete, means that the ships and their crews are essentially being sailed into a bloody being sailed into a bloody scrapyard.)
  • Loretta Fuddy  + (The Hawaii official who released Obama's birth certificate. She reportedly died due to a cardiac arrhythmia after a plane crash in which no one else was seriously hurt.)
  • File:Henriques report 190116.pdf  + (The Henriques Report into police and CPS failures in the matter of alleged abuse of children in care, over an extended period by [[Greville Janner]])
  • Highlands Forum  + (The Highlands Forum brings together select people interactions between policy and technology. It has played an instrumental role in incubating the idea of [[mass surveillance]] as a mechanism to dominate information on a global scale.)
  • HSBC  + (The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, one of the world's biggest banks)
  • US/Congress  + (The House and Senate of the US located in Washington D.C make up US Congress. Congress in the US pass, discuss laws and have dozens of other tasks that often get mis(used) by special interest groups and their [[deep lobbying]].)
  • Document:Jihadism and the Petroleum Industry  + (The ISIS/ISIL 'Jihadi invasion' of Iraq is nothing of the sort. It is a determined attempt by Usaia to Balkanise Iraq in furtherance of a carefully laid contingency plan to maintain control over the region.)
  • Document:Research Proposal November 2018 Edelman Intelligence  + (The Institute for Statecraft would like to explore further work with Edelman Intelligence to understand changing perceptions and identify solutions on the issue of false information and Russian malign influence.)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Greece  + (The Integrity Initiative had two Greek Clusters, according to a document from the [[first Integrity Initiative Leak]])
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK  + (The Integrity Initiative has various UK Clusters)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Canada  + (The Integrity Initiative's (planned) Cluster in Canada)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Australia  + (The Integrity Initiative's Australian Cluster. Members unknown)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Austria  + (The Integrity Initiative's Austrian Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Baltics  + (The Integrity Initiative's Baltics Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Belgium  + (The Integrity Initiative's Belgian Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Netherlands  + (The Integrity Initiative's Dutch Cluster, set up with help from the Dutch MOD)
  • Embassy Contacts for Integrity Initiative  + (The Integrity Initiative's Embassy and High Commission Contacts)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/France  + (The Integrity Initiative's French Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Germany  + (The Integrity Initiative's German Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Italy  + (The Integrity Initiative's Italian Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Jordan  + (The Integrity Initiative's Jordanian Cluster. Members unknown)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Lithuania  + (The Integrity Initiative's Lithuania Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Moldova  + (The Integrity Initiative's Moldova Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Nordic  + (The Integrity Initiative's Nordic Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Norway  + (The Integrity Initiative's Norwegian Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Serbia  + (The Integrity Initiative's Serbia Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Journalists  + (The Integrity Initiative's UK Cluster of Journalists)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core  + (The Integrity Initiative's UK Inner Core Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Outer Core  + (The Integrity Initiative's UK Outer Core Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/US  + (The Integrity Initiative's US Cluster)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Ukraine  + (The Integrity Initiative's Ukrainian Cluster. Members unknown)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Spain  + (The Integrity Initiative's first foreign cluster, set up in Spain in January 2017)
  • Integrity Initiative/Cluster/Other  + (The Integrity Initiative's possible other Clusters)
  • IAEA  + (The International Atomic Energy Agency)
  • YouTube  + (The Internet's most popular video sharing site; owned by Google. Aggressively removing information about [[Covid-19]] while promoting [[Covid vaccine]]s.)
  • Document:Ahmadinejad 2010 UN Speech  + (The Iranian President proposed to the UN tThe Iranian President proposed to the UN that they "set up an independent fact-finding group for the event of September 11th so that in the future, expressing views about it is not forbidden." Obama found the idea "offensive" and "inexcusable", and the US, EU, and Israeli representatives walked out en bloc.sraeli representatives walked out en bloc.)
  • Israel/Deep state  + (The Israeli Deep state is important and highly influential, but not well documented.)
  • Moshe Dayan  + (The Israeli Defence Minister who secured supplies of Apartheid's uranium)
  • Italy/Deep state  + (The Italian deep state, post-WW II, centered on the [[Operation Gladio]] network run through [[NATO]] and heavily influenced by the [[CIA]] and [[MI6]].)
  • Côte d'Ivoire  + (The Ivory Coast.)
  • Japan/Deep state  + (The Japanese deep state was rebooted by thThe Japanese deep state was rebooted by the US deep state after the Japanese defeat in [[WW2]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup> The Japanese government took a much more careful line than other countries as regards the COVID jabs.ds the COVID jabs.)
  • User:Robin  + (The Jerusalem Conference on International The Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism is little remarked upon, even in the independent media, but deserves much greater attention since it ties together [[George H. W. Bush]], [[Benjamin Netanyahu]] and [[Le Cercle]]. The article lacks details, but is a recommended starting point for anyone seeking to understand the "[[War on Terror]]".[[War on Terror]]".)
  • Presidency of Joe Biden  + (The Joe Biden administration)
  • Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre  + (The Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre reports to the head of MI5 although it is not formally part of the Security Service.)
  • JANCOM  + (The Justice for Asil Nadir Committee (JANCThe Justice for Asil Nadir Committee (JANCOM) is independant from and has no ties to [[Asil Nadir]] or the Nadir family and was set up in August 2012 by a group of retired professionals who do not believe that Asil Nadir received just and fair trials in either 1992-93 or 2011-12. fair trials in either 1992-93 or 2011-12.)
  • Document:Another Chemical Weapon False Flag on the Eve of Peace Talks in Brussels  + (The Khan Sheikoun gas attack in Idlib province, like that in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in 2013, can be a very useful means of propaganda)
  • Document:Jewish Money And The Labour Party  + (The Labour party is evidently dependent on the shekel pipeline. The numbers reveal why Labour has been hijacked by Jewish interests. Whether or not we like it, our leading opposition party is a hostage begging for the mercy of few wealthy Jews.)
  • David Greenhalgh  + (The Leader of Bolton Council who died suddenly after opposing a central government enforced lockdown in his town.)
  • Premiership of Liz Truss  + (The Liz Truss government)
  • Occupy London  + (The London encampments of the [[Occupy]] protest movement.)
  • Maccabi World Union  + (The Maccabiah World Union is an internatioThe Maccabiah World Union is an international Jewish sports organisation which organises the 4-yearly Maccabiah Games event and operates in the tradition and values of Maccabi which emphasizes the centrality of the State of Israel in the life of the Jewish peopleof Israel in the life of the Jewish people)
  • Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom  + (The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom wThe Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom was set up in September 2005 with a large donation from the "Margaret Thatcher Foundation" to the Heritage Foundation. It says it is "the only public policy center in the world dedicated to advancing the vision and ideals of Lady Thatcher".g the vision and ideals of Lady Thatcher".)
  • Bing  + (The Microsoft search engine)
  • Milner Group  + (The Milner Group was a key UK deep state group at the turn of the 20th century. It was exposed by [[Carroll Quigley]], who claims that although of great importance, it was particularly difficult to track due to its control of the UK historical record.)
  • Document:Monthly Accounts  + (The Monthly Accounts for the Integrity Initiative, somewhat in the startup phase)
  • National Transportation Safety Board  + (The NTSB is the US government investigative agency responsible for civil transportation accident investigation.)
  • Libertarian National Committee  + (The National Committee of the US [[Libertarian Party]])
  • NHS  + (The National Health service (NHS) is the public health system of the [[United Kingdom]].)
  • British Information Services  + (The New York based information department of the British Consulate in New York)
  • Non-Aligned Movement  + (The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a group of states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc.)
  • Norway/Deep state  + (The Norwegian Deep state used operation Gladio era cells in the 20th century, and contains members of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association.)
  • Document:Australia - The Forgotten Coup  + (The November 1975 dismissal of duly elected Australian Prime minister Gough Whitlam by Queen Elizabeth's governor general Sir John Kerr. And Australians STILL think they live in an independent democratic country)
  • Nuremberg Code  + (The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation set as a result of the subsequent Nuremberg trials at the end of WWII.)
  • Obama Foundation Fellows/2018  + (The Obama Foundation Fellows of 2018)
  • Obama Foundation Fellows/2019  + (The Obama Foundation Fellows of 2019)
  • Obama Foundation Fellows/2020  + (The Obama Foundation Fellows of 2020)
  • Obama Foundation Fellows/2021  + (The Obama Foundation Fellows of 2021)
  • Obama Foundation Fellows/2023  + (The Obama Foundation Fellows of [[2023]])
  • David Astor  + (The Observer Editor for over 25 years, attended 2 Bilderbergs in the 1950s)
  • Official opposition narrative  + (The Official ''Opposition'' Narrative is the ''alternative'' cover story of "the powers that be". Debate is generally encouraged between the two.)
  • OEEC  + (The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation)
  • Olivier Duhamel  + (The Paris Institute of Political Studies, a grande école)
  • 9-11/Pentagon  + (The Pentagon was attacked on September 11tThe Pentagon was attacked on September 11th, allegedly by American Airlines Flight 77 piloted by Hani Hanjour, though many have stated that this seems unlikely. A lot of CCTV footage of what happened has been confiscated by the US government and not released.ted by the US government and not released.)
  • Jonestown  + (The People's Temple cult, in Jonestown, lead by [[Jim Jones]]. In 1978 hundreds of members were poisoned by drinking a cyanide laced drink.)
  • Józef Retinger  + (The Polish [[deep politician]] who set up the [[Bilderberg group]])
  • Poland/Deep state  + (The Polish deep state)
  • Portugal/Deep state  + (The Portuguese deep state is not yet well documented in Wikispooks, but seems to be a fairly typical European [[deep state]].)
  • Poynter Institute/List  + (The Poynter Institute list was a list of 515 websites that it termed "untrustworthy".)
  • Carlos Alvarado Quesada  + (The President of [[Costa Rica]] since [[2018]]; graduate of [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2019]])
  • PropOrNot/List  + (The PropOrNot list was a list of websites that it stated "Reliably Echo Russian Propaganda")
  • RAND  + (The RAND Corporation is an influential US The RAND Corporation is an influential US think-tank with extremely close links to the US military and the corporate sector. It emerged out of the alliance between big business and the state during the Second World War and played an important role in developing Cold War strategy. Today it conducts research into many areas of public policy but has a strong focus on security and international relations.s on security and international relations.)
  • The Register  + (The Register is a UK based website focusing on IT.)
  • Romania/Deep state  + (The Romanian deep state is not yet well documented here. [[Ion Iliescu]], the only known Romanian visitor to [[Le Cercle]], was [[President of Romania]] for over a decade.)
  • Russia/Deep state  + (The Russian Deep State, unlike the deep states of western "democracies" is occasionally reported on by the [[corporate media]]. It appears to be collaborating with the [[supranational deep state]].)
  • Sergei Skripal  + (The Russian double agent at the heart of the [[Skripal affair]]. Possibly being held at an unknown location by UK authorities)
  • Russian embassy attack  + (The Russian embassy in Kiev is subjected to sustained attack by protestors while the Ukrainian police look on)
  • Document:A new integration project for Eurasia  + (The Russian prime minister and prospective 3rd term president a makes the case for 'multi-polarity' as a superior form or world governance)
  • Wikipedia/Russian edition  + (The Russian-language version of Wikipedia - but not written by anyone in Russia!)
  • SS agent joking in The Cellar  + (The Secret Service men at “The Cellar” are joking about how several firemen are the only ones left guarding the President at the Hotel Texas, in Fort Worth.)
  • File:Security Services Act 1989.pdf  + (The Security Services Act 1989)
  • Serbia/Deep state  + (The Serbian deep state, not very well documented here, but exposed by the [[6th Integrity Initiative Leak]])
  • Vietnam  + (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the 15th most populous country. Known most famously for the [[Vietnam War]].)
  • 2022 Parliament of South Africa fire  + (The South African Parliament was destroyed by fire.)
  • South Africa/Deep state  + (The South African deep state was installed by the [[Milner Group]] and anwered to [[London]]. The group hosted many meetings of [[Le Cercle]] and is believed to have carried out assassinations for the [[Supranational Deep State]].)
  • National Intelligence Centre  + (The Spanish combined foreign and domestic intelligence agency.)
  • Spain/Deep state  + (The Spanish deep state)
  • Document:The Spartacus COVID-19 Letter  + (The Spartacus Letter - Rev. 2 (2021-09-28) Spartacus)
  • American Civil War  + (The Start of US World dominations, the Civil war saw capitalists fight capitalists in a war over [[tax]], [[slavery]] and the question how big and kind of an imperial force the US should become on the [[North American]] [[continent]].)
  • File:Who Killed Congressman Lawrence Patton McDonald The State Department Cover-Up Of KAL Flight 007.pdf  + (The State Department Cover-Up Of KAL Flight 007.)
  • Sibel Edmonds/State Secrets Privilege Gallery  + (The State Secrets Privilege Gallery was created by Sibel Edmonds as a way of fingering people she was prohibited from mentioning)
  • SDS/Exposure  + (The Supranational Deep State, which came iThe Supranational Deep State, which came into existance in the last quarter of the 20th century, was almost completely unknown for some years, but is increasingly exposed. This article reviews how that happened and how the SDS has been seeking to prevent its exposure. has been seeking to prevent its exposure.)
  • Sweden/Deep state  + (The Swedish deep state involves the [[Wallenberg family]] and [[Wallenberg sphere]].)
  • Tallinn Manual  + (The Tallinn Manual is a set of Cyber rules as well as a manual as to cybercrime.)
  • File:Timor-oil.pdf  + (The Timor Gap Treaty versus an East Timor Exclusive Economic Zone: Economic Independence for East Timor)
  • Townhouse Operation  + (The Townhouse Operation was a [[US deep state]] operation to gain leverage over US [[politicians]].)
  • Document:I Go to Stand My Trial  + (The Trial starts on Tuesday 7 November at The Trial starts on Tuesday 7 November at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, High Court Queen’s Bench Division, and lasts for two or three days. By the time I come back online the Tories will have appointed their next Disgraced Former Defence Secretary in Waiting.raced Former Defence Secretary in Waiting.)
  • 1971 Turkish coup  + (The Turkish military threatened to coup unless a new government was established)
  • File:GeorgeOrwellSpecialBranchFile.pdf  + (The UK Metropolitan Police Special Branch file on Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell))
  • Institute for Statecraft  + (The UK MoD/FCO funded group that ran the ironically named [[Integrity Initiative]], exposed in 2018 by [['Anonymous']] as an organ of the [[UK/Deep state]])
  • UK/Police/Corruption  + (The UK Police, as is common for establishmThe UK Police, as is common for establishment organs, certainly talks a good talk, and is no doubt full of people who join with the best of intentions. Some allow their loyalty to colleagues to overcome their loyalty to these ideals. And of course the deep state is ready to exploit such establishment organs to suit its own purposes.blishment organs to suit its own purposes.)
  • Ditchley/UK  + (The UK branch of the [[transatlantic]] deep state Ditchley Foundation)
  • UK/Home Office/Investigatory Powers Tribunal  + (The UK court in charge of complaints about the UK intelligence agencies.)
  • GCHQ  + (The UK equivalent of the NSA, which carries out mass surveillance on a lot of the world's internet traffic)
  • UK/FCO  + (The UK government department dealing with foreign policy.)
  • Document:Hostages to wealth and the growing resistance  + (The UK government has prostituted itself to the free markets and private interests, and, as with the banking crisis, it is we, the public who get shafted. The least we can do is oppose, resist and expose and be ready for whatever comes next.)
  • Surveillance and censorship program  + (The UK government's 'Surveillance and censThe UK government's 'Surveillance and censorship' (SAC) program is alleged by Kevin Galalae to be a part of the their CONTEST 'war on terror' strategy. He describes it as a project to 'brainwash the young and the impressionable to hold skewed and hypocritical views in line with the British Government’s foreign and domestic policy objectives'.s foreign and domestic policy objectives'.)
  • Companieshouse  + (The UK government's website that presents company information)
  • UK/Home Office  + (The UK governmental department that is responsible for policy issues surrounding immigration, passports, drugs, crime, the police and "counter-terrorism".)
  • UK/Nuclear weapons  + (The UK has nuclear weapons on submarines)
  • Document:Falklands and Chagos - A Tale of Two Islands  + (The UK official narrative of the FalklandsThe UK official narrative of the Falklands War is that its primary objective was to free a plucky island people from subjugation by Argentina. This article compares their treatment with that of a similar sized settled, British-protected population, on a similarly remote island archepelago, a decade earlier.mote island archepelago, a decade earlier.)
  • David Veness  + (The UK senior policeman/ "[[counter terrorist]]" who sat on the [[Mishcon Note]].)
  • Royal Navy  + (The UK's Navy)
  • Sunday Times  + (The UK's best selling Sunday newspaper, "a mouth-piece for [[MI5]] and the [[UK/MOD|MOD]] to run their rubbish through"...)
  • File:A.HRC.14.24.Add6.pdf  + (The UN Special Rapporteur reports on "targeted killings" by states.)
  • Capitol Police  + (The US Capitol police is tasked with proteThe US Capitol police is tasked with protecting the US Capitol, receiving a budget of $500 million. Full of racial [[discrimination]] according to former personnel since the [[2000s]]. Some dozen officers have been arrested in aiding the mob that attacked them in the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]].[[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]].)
  • Document:Speech by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on 20 August 2017 to the Syrian Diplomatic Corps  + (The US President is not the maker of policies, but the executor. Therefore, the “[[Deep State]]” in the [[United States]] does not govern in partnership with the President, but leaves him a small margin.)
  • US/Police state  + (The US already has the highest incarceration rate in the world, rampant police violence and a "Justice Department" which claims the right to kill anyone, anyone time, without filing charges or presenting evidence.)
  • US/Ambassador/Gabon and São Tomé and Príncipe  + (The US ambassador to the African countries of [[Gabon]] and [[São Tomé and Príncipe]].)
  • US/Deep state  + (The US deep state goes back centuries, butThe US deep state goes back centuries, but its modern configuration is fairly easily traced back to the 1963 coup which fused an alliance into a single coherent [[The Cabal|Cabal]]. Under the leadership of [[George H. W. Bush]] after the [[Watergate coup]], the group became centered on the [[Bush family]]. It has been aggressively waging a "[[War On Terror]]" since [[9-11]] quickened the [[supranational deep state]]. In recent years it has lacked clear leadership and suffered [[leak]]s, infighting, short-termism & confusion about handling its increasingly public profile.bout handling its increasingly public profile.)
  • The Money Trust  + (The US deep state of the late 19th and early 20th century. After taking control of the [[US dollar]] through the [[Federal Reserve Act]], they proceeded on an aggressive project of self-enrichment, leading ultimately to [[World War II]].)
  • 1960s/Assassinations  + (The US deep state widely used assassination against its opponents, which lead to the CIA being put under increased scrutiny in the [[1970s]].)
  • Álvaro Uribe  + (The US deep state's preferred 'go-to' man for Colombia and Latin-America.)
  • Internal Revenue Service  + (The US government agency responsible for collecting taxes and the administration of the Internal Revenue Code.)
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission  + (The US government's agency to regulate the financial sector, generally thought to be completely captured by the larger financial interests.)
  • US/Nuclear weapons  + (The US had (has?) far more nuclear weapons than any other nation state and made clear a while back, that it is very willing to use them.)
  • United States Intelligence Community/Privatisation  + (The US has outsourced much of it's intelligence capacity to private companies.)
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement  + (The US immigration service. Tasked with finding illegals, some reports have hinted it to be a front for [[sex trafficking]].)
  • Susan Graber  + (The US judge who commented on [[Saleh v. Bush]])
  • John Koeltl  + (The US judge who dismissed the [[DNC]] civil suit against [[Julian Assange]] “with prejudice”. In retirement he has attempted to defend the rights of those imprisoned in [[Guantanamo Bay]].)
  • Alexander Acosta  + (The US lawyer whose approval of a plea deal with [[Jeffrey Epstein]] avoided a public trial after being told that “Epstein was above his pay grade.”)
  • John Yoo  + (The US lawyer whose name is now synonymous with the infamous "torture memo" which opened the door to legalising torture and lead to his conviction as a [[war criminal]].)
  • L. Douglas Heck  + (The US' first Coordinator for Counterterrorism)
  • Document:Syria Peace Conference: Obama’s Orwellian Subterfuge  + (The US/Western Orwellian inversion of morality and meaning in the relentless pursuit of Middle-Eastern policy objectives)
  • Russia/Propaganda  + (The USSR was active rather than subtle about propaganda.)
  • Document:Emperor Obama's Old-New clothes and the US energy war  + (The Ukraine imbroglio is a 100% US engineered event aimed at isolating Europe from Russia and developing US business interests in alternative energy supplies for both Ukraine and Europe)
  • Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab  + (The Underwear bomber)
  • United Arab Emirates  + (The United Arab Emirates has the 7th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • EUCOM  + (The United States European Command.)
  • US  + (The United States is the single biggest military spender in the world, with a higher 2020 expenditure than the next ten countries combined. Its infrastructure has been described to be in disrepair since the late 1980s.)
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill  + (The University has conducted decades of research into gain-of-function of viruses at its BSL-3 biowarfare lab.)
  • University of Chester  + (The University has worked with the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • University of Maryland  + (The University s proximity to Washington DC has resulted in many partnerships with the federal government)
  • University of Guelph  + (The Veterinary medicine program at the University of Guelph was ranked 4th in the world in 2015.)
  • Johnson & Johnson  + (The Vice President, [[Adrian Thomas]] was a "player" in [[Event 201]]. In March 2020 Johnson & Johnson entered into a $456 million partnership with the US government for a [[COVID-19 vaccine]].)
  • Vietnam War  + (The Vietnam War was a proxy war lead by USThe Vietnam War was a proxy war lead by US that occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from December 1956 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Millions of people were killed, mostly Vietnamese. [[JFK]] was [[John F. Kennedy/Assassination|assassinated]] soon after declaring his intent to withdraw US troops. The war helped the [[CIA]] to refine its methods of [[illegal drug trafficking]], [[CIA/Torture|torture]] and the like.[[CIA/Torture|torture]] and the like.)
  • "Pandemic"  + (The WHO relaxed standards to a point where neither the number of cases nor the danger of a disease informs about the actual health risk formerly associated with the term.)
  • The Warren Commission  + (The Warren Commission, officially referred to as "The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy" was established by President Lyndon B. Johnson.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2014  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2014.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2013  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2013.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2016  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2016.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2009  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2009 includes several spooks.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2020  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2020.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2021  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2021.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2012  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2012.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2010  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2010.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2023  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2023.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2008  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2008.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2019  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2019.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2017  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2017.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2022  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2022.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2011  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2011.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2015  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2015.)
  • Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Leadership Programme/2018  + (The Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholarships and Leadership Programme cadre for 2018.)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1989  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 1)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1998  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 10)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1999  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 11)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2000  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 12)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2001  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 13)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2002  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 14)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2003  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 15)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2004  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 16)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2005  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 17)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2006  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 18)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2007  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 19)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1990  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 2)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2008  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 20)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2009  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 21)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2010  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 22)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2011  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 23)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2012  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 24)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2013  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 25)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2014  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 26)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2015  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 27)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2016  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 28)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2017  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 29)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1991  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 3)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2018  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 30)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2019  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 31)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2020  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 32)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/2021  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 33)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1992  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 4)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1993  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 5)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1994  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 6)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1995  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 7)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1996  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 8)
  • Wexner Israel Fellowship/1997  + (The Wexner Israel Fellowship Class 9)
  • World Socialist Web Site  + (The World Socialist Web Site is published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, the leadership of the world socialist movement, the Fourth International founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938.)
  • World Fellows Program/2009  + (The Yale World Fellows Program is partner with the [[CIA]]-close [[German Marshall Fund]] and the [[Open Society Foundations]].)
  • Munich Security Conference/Young Leaders  + (The Young Leaders cadre selected by the [[Munich Security Conference]])
  • Document:Gaza massacre should be a turning point for British Jews  + (The [[2018 Gaza Massacre]]The [[2018 Gaza Massacre]] represents a turning point which eliminates any existing moral ambiguity around [[Israel]]’s treatment of the [[Palestinians]]. The sheer scale of the bloodshed makes the [[cognitive dissonance]] required for any decent individual to absolve Israel of culpability too difficult to sustain.l of culpability too difficult to sustain.)
  • 9-11/Official narrative  + (The [[9-11]]The [[9-11]] plot, a [[false flag attack]] staged by the [[US/Deep state]] in concert with other [[deep states]], was blamed on "[[19 hijackers]]" who were members of [[Al Qaeda]]. The [[official opposition narrative]] states that small scale corruption within the US government prevented the successful apprehension of the gang of 19, and also lead to some relatively minor inaccuracies and inconsistencies between the different official narratives.between the different official narratives.)
  • PewDiePie ADL controversy  + (The [[ADL]]'s attempt to destroy the world's most recognised [[YouTuber]]. There are still a number of theories to what really happened behind the scenes.)
  • AIJAC/Rambam Programs  + (The [[Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council]]The [[Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council]] (AIJAC) arranges a large number of junkets "fact-finding trips" to [[Israel]] for selected journalists, politicians, political advisers, government officials, trade union officials, student leaders, and academics. Includes similar programs.ers, and academics. Includes similar programs.)
  • Royal Military College Duntroon  + (The [[Australian Army]]'s officer training establishment)
  • Document:The BBC’s vaccine cheerleader Jeremy Vine gets his comeuppance  + (The [[BBC]] and their [[COVID-19/Vaccine]] [[propaganda]] is getting pushback.)
  • James Landale  + (The [[BBC]]'s diplomatic correspondent)
  • Barack Obama/Presidency  + (The [[Barack Obama]] administration)
  • University of Ingolstadt  + (The [[Bavarian Illuminati]] was founded in 1776 by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt at the University of Ingolstadt.)
  • King Baudouin Foundation  + (The [[Belgian royal family]]The [[Belgian royal family]], which made its fortune from hand-chopping in [[the Congo]] and created the first stooge [[NGO]] the [[International African Association]], feels the urge finance new ventures. Coordinates with of a number of similar foundations owned by billionaires or NATO countries , financing select projects.ATO countries , financing select projects.)
  • Bill Clinton/Presidency  + (The [[Bill Clinton]] administration)
  • Kim Janey  + (The [[Boston]] [[mayor]] who opposes [[vaccine passports]].)
  • 2022–2023 Brazilian election protests  + (The [[Brazil]] version of the [[January 6 2021 riots at the US Capitol]]?)
  • Document:Brexit is the villain in accidental death of the economy  + (The [[Brexit]]The [[Brexit]] miscreants who conned the nation just carry on shamelessly, while their replacements, [[Rishi Sunak]] and co, take up the banner and [[Keir Starmer]], once a noble remainer, offends his natural followers by ruling out rejoining the [[EU]] or even the [[single market]].[[single market]].)
  • Document:What is the Plan - the Plan is to have no Plan  + (The [[Brexit]]The [[Brexit]] political mess we are now in, and the deep divisions and rancour that have been created were foreseeable and inevitable: it is a complete, shambolic mess. And be in no doubt: a [ 2nd Scottish Referendum] will now require only 50% + 1 vote. Nothing else is sustainable now.+ 1 vote. Nothing else is sustainable now.)
  • Alex Gorsky  + (The [[CEO]] of [[Johnson & Johnson]] ([[2012]] to [[2021]]))
  • Document:A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South Sudan  + (The [[CIA]]The [[CIA]] are now almost completely out of the picture in [[South Sudan]] though one should never underestimate the [[CIA|Agency]]’s capacity for evil. It's in the [[US]] national interest to deny [[China]] access to [[Africa]]n [[oil]] so it will always continue to be [[US]] vs [[China]] in [[South Sudan]], as part of [[Pax Americana]]’s designs for [[Africa]] as a whole.rica]] as a whole.)
  • Brian Sicknick  + (The [[Capitol Police]] Officer who died after the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]]. His official cause of death is still unclear.)
  • CoronaVac  + (The [[Chinese]] [[COVID-19 vaccine]], the only big vaccine using traditional vaccine technology with an [[inactivated virus]], but that still doesn't mean there isn't anything more to it.)
  • Document:JVL statement on Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis  + (The [[Conservative Party|Conservatives]]The [[Conservative Party|Conservatives]] have given us [[austerity]] as an organising principle of government and as a result we have proliferating food banks, people sleeping and dying on our streets, our social care system on its knees, and local council budgets and services decimated. So, [[Rabbi Mirvis]], which party is threatening the soul of the nation?rty is threatening the soul of the nation?)
  • Document:American Pie: The Real Story Behind ‘The NHS Crisis’  + (The [[Conservative Party|Tory]]The [[Conservative Party|Tory]] Government and [[NHS England]] continue their drive to complete the major steps of converting our tax-based model to a [[US]]-modelled public/private enterprise as speedily as possible, with [[Brexit]] providing a blanket diversion from what they are doing.lanket diversion from what they are doing.)
  • Document:Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels  + (The [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]]The [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] won’t inform the public when a [[Hillary Clinton|US Secretary of State]], and her boss the [[Barack Obama|US President]], are the persons actually behind a sarin gas attack they’re blaming on [[Bashar al-Assad|a foreign leader]] the US aristocrats and their allied foreign aristocrats are determined to topple and replace. Is this really a democracy?e and replace. Is this really a democracy?)
  • Document:Free Julian Assange, Mr. President  + (The [[Donald Trump]] I know is a generous, compassionate, humane and, above all, fair man. As his steadfast, loyal, decades-long supporter, with all I have I implore him: Mr. President, FREE [[Julian Assange|JULIAN ASSANGE]]!)
  • Donald Trump/Presidency  + (The [[Donald Trump]] administration)
  • De Nederlandsche Bank  + (The [[Dutch]] [[central bank]].)
  • Document:Was EU Tax Evasion Regulation The Reason For The Brexit Referendum  + (The [[EU]]'s new [[Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive|anti-abuse measures coming into force in 2019]] would tighten up restrictions on UK-based intermediaries that take part in off-shoring and tax avoidance, of which Britain is a global leader)
  • Euromyth  + (The [[European Union]] is surely powerless and omnibenevolent. The original "[[misinformation]]"?)
  • Document:Julian Assange Tortured with Psychotropic Drug  + (The [[FBI]]The [[FBI]], [[Pentagon]], and [[CIA]] are “interviewing” [[Julian Assange]] in [[Belmarsh Prison]]. The [[CIA Director]] [[Gina Haspel]] (aka ''[[Chemical Gina]]'') has her hands in this one, and we are being told that [[Julian Assange|Assange]] is being “treated” with [[BZ]] (a powerful drug that produces hallucinations).werful drug that produces hallucinations).)
  • Daniel Tarullo  + (The [[Federal Reserve]]'s "regulatory point man". Resigned unexpectedly in 2017)
  • Saint-Cyr  + (The [[French Army]]'s officer training establishment)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1999  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1981  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1981)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1982  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1982)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1983  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1983)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1984  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1984)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1989  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1989)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1994  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1994)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1995  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1995)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1996  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1996)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1997  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1997)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/1998  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 1998)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2000  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2000)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2001  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2001)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2002  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2002)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2003  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2003)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2004  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2004)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2005  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2005)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2006  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2006)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2007  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2007)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2008  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2008)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2009  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2009)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2010  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2010)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2011  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2011)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2012  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2012)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2013  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2013)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2015  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2015)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2016  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2016)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2017  + (The [[French-American Foundation]] selected Young Leaders for 2017)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2018  + (The [[French-American Foundation]]'s Young Leaders for 2018)
  • French-American Foundation/Young Leaders/2014  + (The [[French-American Foundation]]'s selected Young Leaders for 2014)
  • Marshall Memorial Fellowship/2014  + (The [[GMF]]’s flagship leadership development program - year 2014)
  • George H. W. Bush/Presidency  + (The [[George H. W. Bush]] administration)
  • Project Ireland 2040  + (The [[Great Replacement]] in [[Ireland]]?)
  • Document:Who should hold the next prime minister to account? Our best hope lies with the Green party  + (The [[Green Party of England and Wales|Green party]]The [[Green Party of England and Wales|Green party]] has a chance of winning six seats in this election – [[Siân Berry|Brighton Pavilion]], where former party leader [[Caroline Lucas]] is standing down, [[Jo Bird|Birkenhead]], [[Carla Denyer|Bristol Central]], [[Natasha Osben|Clacton]], [[Ellie Chowns|North Herefordshire]], and [[Adrian Ramsay|Waveney Valley]]. If you live in one of these constituencies and wish to evict the [[Tories]], this is the most effective way to use your vote.s the most effective way to use your vote.)
  • The Future of Hong Kong  + (The [[Henry Jackson Society]] society strategizing on how to support their preferred people in [[Hong Kong]])
  • Sven Andersson  + (The [[IB-affair]] was exposed)
  • Document:British extremists are importing tactics from the US hard right. Their target? Family drag shows  + (The [[Institute for Strategic Dialogue]] has identified a new terror threat in this article published by [[Tim Squirrell]], its head of communications, in ''[[the Guardian]]''.)
  • Institute for Statecraft/Purposes  + (The [[Integrity Initiative]]The [[Integrity Initiative]] has multiple clandestine purposes beyond its public mission of countering disinformation. It appears to be motivated by [[Russophobia]], and seeks to increasing governments to increase military expenditure and promote [[Cold War II]].[[Cold War II]].)
  • Institute for Statecraft/Secrecy  + (The [[Integrity Initiative]] is marked by an intense [[secrecy]] and suspicion)
  • Document:Existence vs Expansion  + (The [[International Court of Justice]]The [[International Court of Justice]] Advisory Opinion is extremely lucid and decisive. The ball is now back in the court of the [[UN General Assembly]], which requested the Opinion. [[UNGA|The General Assembly]] now should move to suspend [[Israel]]’s membership of the [[United Nations]]. That is the next project on which I shall be working. next project on which I shall be working.)
  • Document:UK Labour Party is right to drop racist IHRA guidelines of anti-Semitism  + (The [[International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance]]The [[International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance]] (IHRA) [[Anti-Semitism]] definition guidelines the [[Labour Party]] are correctly omitting, are designed by [[Israeli]] propagandists to aid their many mass lobby attempts to stop international solidarity with the [[Palestinians]] and to deny Palestinians the right to express the nature of [[Israel]]’s 70 years of violence and racism towards them.years of violence and racism towards them.)
  • Mark Regev  + (The [[Israeli Prime Minister's Official Spokesman]] 2007-2015, later [[Israel's Ambassador to the United Kingdom]])
  • Lee Harvey Oswald/Assassination  + (The [[JFK assassination]] plan was that Oswald, the "[[lone nut]]" [[patsy]], would be shot, but he was captured alive. This presented a problem, so [[Jack Ruby]] was tasked with eliminating him.)
  • JFK/Presidency  + (The [[JFK]] administration)
  • Document:The Dog That Didn't Bark  + (The [[Jared Kushner]]The [[Jared Kushner]]-[[Mohammed bin Salman]] peace plan for [[Palestine]] is likely to misfire, as have all [[MBS]] plans, from pressuring [[Qatar]] to vanquishing [[Yemen]]. A lot of blood and a lot of money will flow, adding to miseries in the [[Middle East]] and elsewhere. The only satisfaction is that now you know who owns the dog that did not bark.u know who owns the dog that did not bark.)
  • Yuri Modin  + (The [[KGB]] controller for the "[[Cambridge Five]]" spy ring from 1948 to 1951.)
  • Document:Letter to Sir Keir from a newly resigned member of the Labour Party  + (The [[Labour Party]] is now dead, it has ceased to be, it is bereft of life. You [[Keir Starmer|Sir Keir]] and your fellow travellers disgust me and it is time you [ PASOKed] right off!.)
  • Document:Labour Party exclusions: we need justice for the many not just for the few  + (The [[Labour Party]]The [[Labour Party]]'s departing General Secretary [[Iain McNicol]] has done everything possible to delay or prevent the implementation of the [[Shami Chakrabarti#Chakrabarti report|Chakrabarti Inquiry Report]] which needs to be the central focus of our campaigning right now, if we are going to win justice for the many suspended and excluded by Labour, not just for the few. excluded by Labour, not just for the few.)
  • Document:Modern Monetary Theory: an explanation  + (The [[MMT]] approach to the command of resources is the polar opposite of that in [[neoliberalism]]. [[MMT]] seeks to do what is possible. [[Neoliberalism]] seeks to constrain what is possible.)
  • Daphne Caruana Galizia  + (The [[Maltese]] journalist and blogger who exposed the [[Panama Papers]]. Assassinated in 2017 by a [[car bomb]])
  • Mpho Moerane  + (The [[Mayor]] of [[Johannesburg]] died in a freak car crash in May 2022.)
  • Geoff Makhubo  + (The [[Mayor]] of [[Johannesburg]] died suddenly of [[COVID]] in July 2021.)
  • Document:On Naval Blockades and A Hard Days War  + (The [[NATO]] leadership are in love with war. They enjoy frightening people. They enjoy the killing. It gives them a thrill talking about it when they sit down in their comfortable chairs and have their cocktails after a hard days war.)
  • Loran Schmit  + (The [[Nebraska]] Senator who appointed [[Gary Caradori]] to investigate the case of the [[Franklin child prostitution ring]].)
  • Lockerbie Bombing/Official Narrative  + (The [[Official Narrative]] about the Lockerbie bombing was presented by former Lord Advocate [[Colin Boyd]] on 28 August 2001.)
  • United States Institute of Peace  + (The [[Orwellian]] named Institute of Peace has ''close'' ties to the [[MICC]])
  • Document:Lockerbie Lies  + (The [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie bombing]]The [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie bombing]] remains a text book case of a terrible tragedy causing considerable pain and suffering to relatives whose search for answers and clarification about why and how their loved ones died have taken second place to geo-political manoeuvres, deliberate meddling in legal processes, and the murky world of secret service wheeling and dealing on behalf of governments with no respect for human decency.rnments with no respect for human decency.)
  • Ronald Reagan/Presidency  + (The [[Ronald Reagan]] administration 1981-1989)
  • Sputnik V  + (The [[Russian]] [[COVID-19/Vaccine]]. Just as sinister as the Western ones.)
  • Gideon Falter  + (The [[Simon Wiesenthal Center]] has hailed him as a “Jewish hero who proves that there are still powerful ways to leverage democratic rules to serve justice and protect Jewish community”.)
  • NDAA 2013  + (The [[Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012]] passed as part of this NDAA.)
  • Tansu Çiller  + (The [[Susurluk car crash]] in 1996 revealed the relations between deep state organizations and Çiller's government.)
  • Document:Journey To Aleppo Part I: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda  + (The [[Syria]]The [[Syria]]n people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the [[US]], [[NATO]] member states and their allies in the Gulf states and [[Israel]]. Yet their suffering is largely ignored in the [[mainstream media]] unless it furthers the agenda dictated by the [[US State Department]].te Department]].)
  • University of Minnesota  + (The [[Technical Leadership Institute]] at the University of Minnesota was a US partner of the [[Integrity Initiative]])
  • 2021 Hartlepool by-election  + (The [[Tories]] win a seat in the post-industrial working class heartland. [[Labour]] had held this seat since [[1959]].)
  • Document:Britain’s delusions that it could take on the Taliban alone are ludicrous - what are our empire-nostalgic MPs smoking?  + (The [[UK Parliament]]The [[UK Parliament]] was recalled for an emergency debate over the [[Afghanistan/2021 withdraw]]. While the [[BBC]] focused on the divide between the sides of the house with their [[face mask]] wearing, Parliament was united against the withdrawal of [[NATO]] troops from [[Afghanistan]]. Most [[MP]]s are urging [[Boris Johnson]] to go back to [[Afghanistan]], and take on the [[Taliban]], alone if necessary.[[Taliban]], alone if necessary.)
  • COVID-19/Lockdown/UK  + (The [[UK police]], afforded extensive new powers by the 329 page "Coronavirus bill" faced wide-ranging criticism in April 2020 for overstepping them. The first prosecution under the legislation they attempted was ruled unlawful.)
  • UK/Ambassador/Norway  + (The [[UK]] Ambassador to [[Norway]])
  • Document:Legal Challenge To Brexit  + (The [[UK]] can stop the [[Brexit]] process unilaterally, without the consent of the other 27 [[EU]] Member States)
  • Document:'Poor Canada': Will Meng Wanzhou extradition hearing threaten national interest  + (The [[UK]]'s [[Nick Vamos]] said he has discussed the [[Meng Wanzhou]] case with [[Canadian]] counterparts and has been following it with interest: "If nothing else, it's keeping the world of extradition experts entertained.")
  • Document:Gaza - is annexation Israel's 'permanent solution'  + (The [[UN Security Council]]The [[UN Security Council]] stands supine, knowing that the [[US]] will veto any attempt to hold [[Israel]] and its military accountable. We are not in the "realm of accountability", but precisely where we have always been as far as Israel's crimes are concerned - in the realm of impunity. are concerned - in the realm of impunity.)
  • Document:Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, Nonsense  + (The [[US]]The [[US]] and [[Saudi Arabia]] have every reason to instigate a split between [[Germany]] and [[Russia]] at this time. [[Alexei Navalny|Navalny]] is certainly a victim of international politics. That he is a victim of [[Vladimir Putin|Putin]] I tend to doubt.[[Vladimir Putin|Putin]] I tend to doubt.)
  • Document:US bombs Syria and ridiculously claims self defence  + (The [[US]]The [[US]] can bomb who it likes, whenever it likes, and when it does it is only ever doing so in self-defence, because the entire planet is the property of [[Washington DC]]. It can seize control of entire clusters of nations, and if any of those nations resist in any way, they are invading [[US/Exceptionalism|America’s sovereignty]].[[US/Exceptionalism|America’s sovereignty]].)
  • Document:Off the Leash: How the UK is developing the technology to build armed autonomous drones  + (The [[United Kingdom]]The [[United Kingdom]] should make an unequivocal statement that it is unacceptable for machines to control, determine, or decide upon the application of force in armed conflict and give a binding political commitment that the [[UK]] would never use [[Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems|fully autonomous weapon systems]][[Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems|fully autonomous weapon systems]])
  • Brexit  + (The [[United Kingdom]]'s departure from the [[European Union]].)
  • UN/DOF  + (The [[United Nations Disengagement Observer Force]]The [[United Nations Disengagement Observer Force]] was established by [[UN Security Council]] Resolution 350 (1974) to monitor the ceasefire between [[Israel]] and [[Syria]] in the Israeli-occupied [[Golan Heights]] following the 1973 [[Yom Kippur War]]. [[UNDOF]] is still there four decades later.[[UNDOF]] is still there four decades later.)
  • CIA/Office of Inspector General  + (The [[United States President's Commission on CIA Activities within the United States|Rockefeller Commission]], [[Church Committee]], and [[Pike Committee]] all recommended strengthening the office. Their criticisms were ignored.)
  • Document:What’s Not Being Said About the Venezuela Oil War  + (The [[Venezuela]] Oil War Is Really About Huge Oil Reserves in the District of [[Guayana Esequiba]])
  • Margaret Chan  + (The [[WHO Director General]] who announced the fake "[[2009 swine flu pandemic]]", a failed predecessor of the [[Covid-19]] global "health" agenda.)
  • Mark Zaid  + (The [[Washington DC]] attorney who successfully sued [[Libya]] for US$2.7 billion)
  • Document:Watch the West continue to make a mockery of international law  + (The [[World Court]]The [[World Court]] concludes that the [[Palestinians]] are owed massive reparations. At a bare minimum, [[western]] governments must recognise the [[state of Palestine]] and impose [[sanctions]] on [[Israel]] until it withdraws from the [[OPT|occupied territories]].[[OPT|occupied territories]].)
  • WEF/Global Shapers  + (The [[World Economic Forum]] grooming a cadre of Young Leaders)
  • The Commons Project  + (The [[World Economic Forum]]'s vaccine passport enabler, providentially created in 2019.)
  • Sloan School of Management  + (The [[business school]] of the [[Massachusetts Institute of Technology]])
  • Document:PayPal Partnering With Anti-Defamation League to Share Info With Law Enforcement, Determine Who Can Use Their Services  + (The [[censorship]] industry colludes with [[law enforcement]] and financial services in order to [[censor]] more.)
  • BIS  + (The [[central bankers]]' [[central bank]] - nothing to see here.)
  • Giuseppe Volpi  + (The [[deep politician]] behind [[Mussolini]])
  • Autistic genocide clock  + (The [[genocide]] of people with [[autism]]. A part of [[eugenics]].)
  • University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas  + (The [[law school]] of the [[Sorbonne University]])
  • Document:Backing the Wrong Horseman  + (The [[neo-con]]The [[neo-con]] drive to dominate the [[Middle East]], in alliance with [[Saudi Arabia]] and [[Israel]], has caused an apocalyptic level of death and destruction, which I put (an extremely conservative figure) at 5 million dead. Now compare that to the worldwide death toll from [[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 220,000. Let me say that again. Western aggressive wars to [[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 5,000,000 versus 220,000.[[COVID-19|coronavirus]]: 5,000,000 versus 220,000.)
  • "Free market"  + (The [[neocon]] economic system.)
  • Operation Provide Comfort  + (The [[no-fly zone]] instituted would become one of the main factors allowing the development of the autonomous [[Kurdistan Region]].)
  • IOS  + (The [[operating system]] used by [[Apple]])
  • 'Martin Ingram'  + (The [[pseudonym]]The [[pseudonym]] of ex-[[British Army]] soldier/spook who has made a number of allegations about the conduct of the [[British Army]] in its operations in [[Northern Ireland]]. May well be an agent provocateur engaged in [[black propaganda]] aimed at damaging [[Sinn Féin]] and the wider republican movement.[[Sinn Féin]] and the wider republican movement.)
  • "White Supremacy"  + (The [[racist]] belief that [[white people]] are superior to people of other races and therefore should be dominant over them.)
  • François de Grossouvre  + (The [[spook]] in charge of [[Operation Gladio]] in France.)
  • Critical thinking  + (The ability to question and reason, rather than simply accept information one is provided.)
  • Jewish Theological Seminary of America  + (The academic and spiritual center of [[Conservative Judaism]] in the [[United States]])
  • Terror management theory  + (The academic study of the fear of death.)
  • Doxxing  + (The act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual or organization, usually through the [[Internet]].)
  • US/Department/Defense  + (The action arm of the Military-industrial-congressional complex, whose functionaries are rewarded in rough proportion to their ability to stifle dissent and channel funds to arms manufacturers.)
  • Piers Corbyn  + (The activist brother of UK politician [[Jeremy Corbyn]].)
  • SDS/Activities  + (The activities of The Supranational Deep State)
  • Abdelbaset al-Megrahi/Compassionate release  + (The actual grounds for Megrahi's release may in fact be as "compassionate" as claimed; this may have been a convenient way to short cirtcuit increasing realisation that he had been falsely convicted.)
  • Poisoning  + (The administration of a [[poison]], whether intentionally or accidentally.)
  • Lyndon Johnson/Presidency  + (The administration of president [[Lyndon B. Johnson]])
  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency  + (The agency that cares so much about security, it's in the name twice.)
  • Richard Lambert  + (The agent in charge of the FBI's Amerithrax investigation, who in 2015 publicly claimed that they had no feasible case against [[Bruce Ivins]] and that evidence exonerating him had been deliberately concealed.)
  • Document:So what actually happened in the Strait of Hormuz on 10th July?  + (The aggressive posturing of [[US]]The aggressive posturing of [[US]] and [[UK]] and the moves to militarise the [[Strait of Hormuz]], taken together with [[US]] calls for regime change and other threats to the sovereignty of [[Iran]], constitute a breach of [[UNCLOS]] Articles 19 and 39 and are thus unlawful. Articles 19 and 39 and are thus unlawful.)
  • Document:The Big Picture, Easter 2020  + (The aim of the [[COVID-19/Lockdown|lockdown]] seems to be threefold: to destroy the economy, distract attention from the introduction of [[5G]] and to terrorise the populace into accepting voluntary [[Vaccine|vaccination]], which would be its death knell.)
  • Malaysia Airlines Flight 17/Takeoff  + (The aircraft became airborne from Schipol runway 36C)
  • Kaspersky  + (The alleged - by the US and UK - offensive cybersecurity firm for [[Russia]].)
  • "Kosovo student poisoning"  + (The alleged poisoning of thousands of Kosovan young people by toxic gases or substances in 1990. It came in the run-up to the [[Kosovo War]] and gained lots of coverage in the international press.)
  • Ambassador/Chile  + (The ambassadors to the South American republic of [[Chile]].)
  • Ambassador/Democratic Republic of Congo  + (The ambassadors to the [[Democratic Republic of Congo]].)
  • 2021 Swedish government crisis  + (The anti [[lockdown]] government in [[Sweden]] almost fell, but managed to regain confidence from [[MPs]].)
  • Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about Israel  + (The anti-[[Zionist]]The anti-[[Zionist]] [[Rudolf Vrba]]'s story exposes the ideological foundations of [[Israel]] to be fully in sympathy with ugly [[European]] ethic nationalisms that culminated in [[Nazism]]. [[Vrba]]'s story explains how [[Israel]] was always capable of, and is now committing, a [[genocide]] in [[Gaza]].[[Gaza]].)
  • Technology  + (The application of [[science]] for practical purposes, usually in [[industry]].)
  • Franz Ferdinand  + (The archduke whose assassination is widely cited as the proximate cause of [[World War I]].)
  • Document:I am convinced! Hammarskjöld did not die in an air accident  + (The archibishop of Uppsala opines that Dag Hammarskjöld's death was no accident.)
  • Bermuda Triangle  + (The area where planes and ships go missing)
  • Document:Beyond Conspiracy Theory  + (The article posits a new framework for the analysis of Deep political events and Conspiracy Theories. The term SCAD (State crime against democracy) is explained and developed as a way of connecting the dots across multiple suspect events.)
  • Karen Silkwood  + (The assassinated US nuclear whistleblower whose case was taken up by the [[Christic Institute]].)
  • Jovenel Moïse/Assassination  + (The assassination of Haitian President [[Jovenel Moïse]].)
  • RFK/Assassination  + (The assassination of Robert Kennedy, who had resolved to bring to track down and prosecute the killers of him brother, JFK, once he had himself become president.)
  • JFK/Assassination  + (The assassination of US President John F. The assassination of US President John F. Kennedy was the seminal deep political event of modern times, perhaps even more than 9-11. Both were done by the [[The Cabal|same group]]. Subsequently the group assassinated [[RFK/Assassination|RFK]], [[MLK/Assassination|MLK]] and [[JFK/Assassination/Premature death|''many'' others]] to try to contain the truth.[[JFK/Assassination/Premature death|''many'' others]] to try to contain the truth.)
  • 1990s/Assassinations  + (The assassinations of the 1930s)
  • 1930s/Assassinations  + (The assassinations of the 1930s)