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1993 World Trade Center bombing.jpg

World Trade Center bombing

Full article: 1993 World Trade Center bombing

On February 26, a truck bomb at the World Trade Center killed 6 people, injured over 1000 and "created the necessary pretext for a massive engineering upgrade of the WTC complex. The purpose of the 1993 WTC bombing was not to bring down the WTC. A truck bomb could not bring down a structure as large as the WTC. The purpose of the 1993 WTC bombing was to create a rationale for a “security upgrade” of the WTC complex." The deeper purposes of that “security upgrade” (led by Brian Michael Jenkins for Kroll Inc.) were to emerge 8½ years later with the demolition of the three WTC towers on September 11, 2001.[1]



The Troubles19661998The sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland which flared into serious sustained violence through the summer of 1969
FBI/Activities 1971-200119712001FBI activities between the official end of COINTELPRO and 911
Project STARGATE19781995Project STARGATE aimed to gain domination over entire nations by making them cede their autonomy and privacy to the controlling person or group.
The secret war against Sweden27 October 19811994A large number of "Soviet" submarine intrusions in Swedish waters in the 1980s, in reality committed by NATO under false flag. The intrusions were about deception and PSYOPs, to change the mindset of the Swedes, to make them adapt to US interests.
Contaminated blood affair19832003For several years in the 1980s France knowingly exported tainted blood, killing thousands.
Al-Yamamah arms dealSeptember 1985August 2006A complex series of multi billion dollar arms for oil deals set up under the government of Margaret Thatcher, involving a bunch of deep state arms dealers, and her son - who earned £12 million. Fines levied have been in the hundreds of millions, while kickbacks amount to billions.
Savings and loan fraud19861995"The largest theft in the history of the world", carried out in broad daylight, with legislative assistance. So many US politicians were directly or indirectly involved, that it was never properly exposed and efforts are ongoing to try to hide the fact that it was no mere accident.
Operation Yellowbird19891997A UK/US operation to extract Chinese leadership of the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.
George H. W. Bush/Presidency20 January 198920 January 1993The George H. W. Bush administration
Operation MIAS19901993A CIA run "arms-reduction project which reportedly bough back Stinger missiles given to the Mujahideen to fight the USSR in Afghanistan
Operation Mass Appeal19902003An effort by MI6 to facilitate the UK's invasion of Iraq.
Plasma Economy199119953 million poor donors from rural china get asked to donate blood in very unsafe blood banks. 1,2 million get AIDS.
Operation Provide ComfortMarch 199131 December 1996The no-fly zone instituted would become one of the main factors allowing the development of the autonomous Kurdistan Region.
Foster child drug trials19922004In the nightmarish, surreal world of pediatric clinical trials, infants, toddlers, children and teenagers in New York and around the United States are forced to ingest dangerous, toxic pharmaceuticals, arranged by the National Institutes of Health and Big Pharma.
Mani pulite17 February 19922002
Bosnian War6 April 19924 December 1995Part of the Yugoslavian Wars, this one had it all as well, rape, NATO war crimes and hidden interests
Bill Clinton/Presidency20 January 199320 January 2001The Bill Clinton administration
1993 World Trade Center bombing26 February 199326 February 1993A bomb attack on the World Trade Center which several authors have suggested was not a surprise to the FBI. A confidential CIA internal survey reportedly concluded that it was "partly culpable".
Waco siege28 February 199319 April 1993A 51-day siege which "tired and frustrated" the FBI negotiators after which the FBI burned down the compound.
Stephen Lawrence/Murder22 April 199322 April 1993Home Secretary Theresa May branded the revelations about the Lawrence case, some 21 years after the murder, as "profoundly shocking and disturbing", adding that "policing stands damaged today". She said the full truth had yet to emerge.
Bilderberg/199322 April 199325 April 1993The 41st Bilderberg, held in Greece
Vince Foster/Premature death20 July 199320 July 1993A widely disputed death of a Clinton confidante, heavily censored online, including by Wikipedia.
1993 Russian constitutional crisis21 September 19934 October 1993


New Groups

PowderJectGroup.pngBritish manufacturer of dodgy vaccines who got contracts through Labour Party donations
Open Society FoundationsOpen society foundations new.pngA NGO operating in more countries than McDonald's. It has the tendency to support politicians (at times through astroturfing) and activists that get branded as "extreme left" as its founder is billionaire and bane of the pound George Soros. This polarizing perspective causes the abnormal influence of the OSF to go somewhat unanswered.
DemosDemos think tank logo.jpgThink tank
Think tank that introduced Thatcherism into the Labour party, with the resulting formation of New Labour.
Cochrane CollaborationCochrane logo stacked.pngA medical group formerly dedicated to countering Big Pharma corruption of evidence, but now receives $$$ from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
CEU San Pablo UniversityLogo-Universidad CEU San Pablo.jpgPrivate Catholic university
Quia OportetHofstadgr QO.jpgMilitary
State secret Dutch company listed in Dutch Ministry of General Affairs as elongation of Operation Gladio
Bosnia and HerzegovinaFlag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svgNation statesmall nation in the Balkans.
Koç UniversityGroup.png
Immigration and Naturalization ServiceGroup.png
RosneftGroup.pngRussian integrated oil and gas company. One of the few multinationals in the world not owned by the Western interlocking directorate of capital.
Transparency InternationalTransparency International Logo.pngInternational non-governmental organization
University of Applied Sciences of AmsterdamHogeschool van amsterdam logo.pngSecond largest University of Amsterdam. Publicly funded.
UN WatchUN Watch.jpgLobbyAn IGO tasked with monitoring the work of the UN. "Everybody's watching anybody watching nobody".
Alliance 90/The GreensBündnis 90 - Die Grünen Logo (transparent).pngThe green party of Germany. Originally anti-war, it is now the foremost war party in Europe. Also proponent of Covid-19 agenda. Now being positioned to government by the deep state.
International Criminal Tribunal for the former YugoslaviaICTY logo.pngNATO dominated court established to justify own actions and keep control over Western Balkans region.
European Research GroupGroup.pngFocus is the single issue of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union.


New Website

WiredWired logo.png


Groups that were Wound Up

Trevi GroupGroup.pngTREVI was initially intended to coordinate effective counterterrorism responses among European governments, but it slowly extended its remit to many other issues in crossborder policing between the members of the European Community
Revolutionary Anti-Racist ActionGroup.png
Institut für TerrorismusforschungGroup.pngGerman research institute. Its work consists mostly of reinforcing the official narrative around "terrorism".
House October Surprise Task ForceGroup.pngCover-upA group tasked with creating an official narrative to explain away evidence of the October Surprise conspiracy.




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathCause of deathSummaryDescription
Raymond Rocca1993SpookCIA counterintelligence officer and specialist on the Soviet Union
Samuel Finer22 September 19151993Academic
"Terror expert"
UK academic who joined the Council of the Institute for the Study of Conflict in 1970
Gaetano Scardocchia19371993New York
Heart attackEditorItalian editor of La Stampa, one Bilderberg, died aged 56
Axel IverothAugust 19141993BusinesspersonHeaded the Swedish Industrial Association for 20 years
Harold Cleveland19161993Banker
Citibank vice president, double Bilderberger
Benjamin Read19251993Spook
German Marshall Fund, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Edward Littlejohn19171993BusinesspersonLittle known advertising executive and US organiser of the second and fourth Bilderberg meetings
H. Page Smith17 February 19044 January 1993United States
Virginia Beach
MarinerUS admiral who attended the 1964 Bilderberg as Commander in Chief of the United States Atlantic Fleet.
Yuri Bezmenov19395 January 1993Heart attack?Spook
KGB defector
L. Douglas Heck14 December 191813 January 1993India
The US' first Coordinator for Counterterrorism
René Pleven15 April 190113 January 1993ParisPoliticianFrench PM from the early 1950s. Attended the 1963 Bilderberg
Fred Black191322 January 1993US
Thurgood Marshall2 July 190824 January 1993United States
Uğur Mumcu22 August 194224 January 1993Turkey
Car bombJournalistTurkish journalist who "messed with the beehives" and was assassinated by (not mutually exclusive) the CIA, the [Turkey/Deep state
Jeanne Sauvé26 April 192226 January 1993Canada
Canadian politician who visited the Bilderberg, as did her husband, Maurice Sauvé
Oliver Poole11 August 191128 January 1993London
British Conservative Party politician, soldier and businessman. Chief executive of S. Pearson & Sons Ltd and Chairman of Lazard.
William Ludwig Ullmann14 August 19083 February 1993New Jersey
Beach Haven
Jens Peter Jensen25 February 19224 February 1993Denmark
Hans Jonas10 May 19035 February 1993New York
United States
New Rochelle
PhilosopherGerman-born American Jewish philosopher
Eşref Bitlis193317 February 1993Turkey
Air disasterSoldierTurkish general who was assassinated by deep state as part of the Turkey/1993 Planned Military Coup
Marshall Carter16 September 190918 February 1993Colorado Springs
Director of the National Security Agency from 1965 to 1969.
Dick White20 December 190621 February 1993SussexSpook
Jean Lecanuet4 March 192022 February 1993France
PoliticianFrench Minister of Justice. 1965 and 1966 Bilderberg
Raymond Pennock16 June 192023 February 1993BusinesspersonUK businessman CBI President 1980-82
Fletcher Knebel1 October 191126 February 1993Author
Author of Seven Days in May (1962), about an attempted military coup in the United States.
Carlos Marcello6 February 19102 March 1993US
Jefferson Parish
Crime bossNew Orleans mafia boss with JFK assassination connections.
George Keegan Jr3 March 1993Bethesda Naval Hospital
Alexander Menne20 June 19043 March 1993Kronberg im TaunusPoliticianGerman politician (FDP) who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1950s
Nicholas Ridley17 February 19294 March 1993Carlisle
PoliticianAlways regarded by Margaret Thatcher as "one of us". As minister helped make the preparations to break the UK miners' strike (1984–85)
Andrew Gilchrist19 April 19106 March 1993Diplomat
British Ambassador to Indonesia who helped arrange a military coup which organized death squads killing more than 500,000 people.
Alberto Nogueira17 September 191814 March 1993Diplomat
Portuguese diplomat during the Estado Novo, in favor of keeping the colonies in Africa, who attended several Bilderberg meetings.
Sylvain Floirat28 September 189914 March 1993Businessperson
Gerhard Mertins30 December 191919 March 1993US
Arms Dealer
A Nazi who fought for Germany in WW2. After being spotted by US intelligence as a neo-nazi, his business empire flourished as he went into arms dealing with the support of the Western intelligence agencies.
Anatoli Yatskov31 May 191326 March 1993Russia
Helmut Hascheck3 October 193031 March 1993Austria
Austrian banker who wrote a working paper on Policy Toward Trade And Protectionism for the 1987 Bilderberg. Also attended the 1988 Bilderberg.
Chris Hani28 June 194210 April 1993Dawn Park
Fierce opponent of the South African apartheid government, assassinated on 10 April 1993.
Turgut Özal13 October 192717 April 1993Poisoning
Politician1990s Turkish president covertly assassinated by deep state forces
Stephen Lawrence13 September 197422 April 1993
Guido Carli28 March 191423 April 1993Italy
Central banker
Deep state operative
Pentabilderberger, Governor of the Bank of Italy for 15 years
Johan Nykopp27 May 190628 April 1993HelsinkiDiplomat10 times Bilderberger
Pierre Bérégovoy23 December 19251 May 1993NeversPoliticianA former French Prime Minister who supposedly committed suicide.
Kathy Ferguson10 May 1993GunshotClinton body countCo-defendant in the Paula Jones law suit against Bill Clinton. Died violently.
Joe Gormley5 July 191727 May 1993Union organizerUK trade union leader who reportedly was a Special branch informant
Roger W. Jones3 February 190828 May 1993Connecticut
BureaucracyGovernment official that served seven United States Presidents in various capacities.
John Connally27 February 191715 June 1993United States
PoliticianCorrupt Texas politician who was close to Lyndon B. Johnson. Seriously wounded while riding in John F. Kennedy's car at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. Later United States Secretary of the Treasury under Nixon.
Norman Darbyshire1 October 192417 June 1993SpookBritish spy who worked for the SOE and the MI6. He played a key role in the 1953 coup d'état that overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh, the prime minister of Iran.
Francis Lacoste27 November 190528 June 1993FranceDiplomat
French diplomat and visitor to Le Cercle
Harrison Salisbury14 November 19085 July 1993JournalistUS journalist
Vince Foster15 January 194520 July 1993Virginia
Fairfax County
Clinton body count
A deputy White House Counsel and Clinton confidante who died unexpectedly.
Raul Gardini7 June 193323 July 1993MilanBusinesspersonERTI scandal ridden Italian businessman who "died by a dubious suicide"
... further results



TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Sigi Thordarson1993
Ismail Abedi1993
Alexander Tatarnikov (DiezelSun)1993
Eunice Dwumfour1993Newark
New Jersey
1 February 2023Researcher
Council-women in New Jersey shot brutally shot dead for unclear motive.
Anthony Karam1993AustraliaPublic enemy number 1 in Sydney
Nikolai Mushegian28 March 199328 October 2022Hacker
Epstein Affair/Premature death
Cryptocurrency developer found dead after tweeting "CIA and Mossad and pedo elite are running some kind of sex trafficking entrapment blackmail ring out of Puerto Rico and caribbean islands. They are going to frame me with a laptop planted by my ex gf who was a spy. They will torture me to death."
Charlotte Owen10 May 1993
Ariana Grande26 June 1993US
Boca Raton
SingerAmerican popular singer willing to make jab propaganda
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev22 July 1993Kyrgyzstan
Yeonmi Park4 October 1993North Korea
Ryanggang Province
Zarah Sultana31 October 1993Politician
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