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(1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident)
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|image=first 3d film.jpg
|image=first 3d film.jpg
|image_caption=The world's first 3D film is shown, in USA.
|image_caption=The world's first 3D film is shown, in USA.
[[image:ivy-h-b.jpg|left|thumbnail|390px|The USA's Operation Ivy H-bomb test in 1952]]
[[image:ivy-h-b.jpg|left|thumbnail|390px|The USA's Operation Ivy H-bomb test in 1952]]
==Deep State==
==Deep State==
1952 saw the meeting called by [[Józef Retinger]] which would culminate in the [[1954 Bilderberg]], beginning a very important [[deep state milieu]].
1952 saw the meeting called by [[Józef Retinger]] which would culminate in the [[1954 Bilderberg]], beginning a very important [[deep state milieu]].
==Mind Control Research==
==Mind Control Research==
Mind Control Research continued in the USA in the somewhat frenzied atmosphere of the [[cold war]].  
Mind Control Research continued in the USA in the somewhat frenzied atmosphere of the [[cold war]].  
==1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident==
A series of UFO sightings occurred which are now known as the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident. On July 19 and 20 of 1952, radar scopes at both Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked numerous unidentified objects; they moved over the White House and the United States Capitol. The radar blips disappeared as mysteriously as they had appeared. The UFOs were witnessed by numerous people on the ground as well as in the air.<ref>https://www.latest-ufo-sightings.net/2010/09/famous-ufo-cases-1952-washington-dc-ufo.html</ref><ref>https://www.paranormal-encyclopedia.com/u/ufo/sightings/1952/washington.html</ref><ref>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1952_Washington,_D.C._UFO_incident</ref>

Revision as of 19:33, 28 March 2021

1942 < 1943 < 1944 < 1945 < 1946 < 1947 < 1948 <1949 < 1950 < 1951 < 1952 > 1953 > 1954 > 1955 > 1956 > 1957 > 1958 > 1959 > 1960 > 1961 > 1962

Decade.png 1950s: )    Year.png 1952 Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
First 3d film.jpg
The world's first 3D film is shown, in USA.
The USA's Operation Ivy H-bomb test in 1952

Deep State

1952 saw the meeting called by Józef Retinger which would culminate in the 1954 Bilderberg, beginning a very important deep state milieu.

Mind Control Research

Full article: MK-Ultra

Mind Control Research continued in the USA in the somewhat frenzied atmosphere of the cold war.

1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident


A series of UFO sightings occurred which are now known as the 1952 Washington D.C. UFO incident. On July 19 and 20 of 1952, radar scopes at both Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base tracked numerous unidentified objects; they moved over the White House and the United States Capitol. The radar blips disappeared as mysteriously as they had appeared. The UFOs were witnessed by numerous people on the ground as well as in the air.[1][2][3]


Related Quotation

Hunter S. Thompson“Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the military-industrial complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of U.S. economic policy. If the Rich get Richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to preindustrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.”Hunter S. Thompson



Operation Bootstrap19301970Between 1930 and 1970, around one third of all women in the US territory of Puerto Rico were sterilized
Tuskegee syphilis experiment19321972A murderous experiment which looked at the progression of syphilis. Subjects were told that they were being treated, while in fact treatment was denied them. Exposed after 40 years by a whistleblower who went to the press.
Morgenthau Plan16 September 19445 May 1955Proposal to destroy or remove Germany's industrial base.
Ratline19451960Channels where by prominent Nazis were spirited out of Europe to South America.
Operation Paperclip8 May 19451990A transfer of top German scientists to USA.
Turkish Straits crisis19461953
Guatemala syphilis experiment19461953A murderous experiment which infected healthy subjects with syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid and possibly other diseases.
Project CHATTER19471953CIA research focused on the identification and testing of drugs in interrogations and the recruitment of agents.
Cold War194726 September 1991The official narrative had 2 diametrically opposed systems locked in combat with one another since soon after WW2. Each of the "superpowers" and its team of allies needed to outdo each other by creating ever more and deadlier weapons, creating a kind of perpetual war for perpetual peace, with the warring parties engaging mainly in covert/proxy wars. Deep state interests blossomed in the climate of fear and paranoia.
Operation Demagnetize19481980"The institutional hardening of Gladio", an expansion of Gladio in the late 1940s, early 1950s.
Project AERODYNAMIC19491970Program to provide funding and equipment for anti-Soviet resistance groups in Ukraine
Lockheed/Bribery scandals19501976A series of bribes made by officials of the U.S. aerospace company Lockheed from the late 1950s to the 1970s in the process of negotiating the sale of aircraft.
Project Ulysses19501968Mossad covert operation to infiltrate and subvert the Palestinian political leadership
Korean War25 June 195027 July 1953The war on the Korean peninsular between the China/Soviet-backed forces of the North and the US-backed South between 1951-53
Korean War/Biological warfare19511952Alleged experimental usage of insect-born biological/bacteriological weapons during the Korean war
Project ARTICHOKE20 August 195113 April 1953An investigation into interrogation methods using drugs and other methods: "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self-preservation?"
Operation Cauldron19521952Offshore test of biological weapons.
Mau Mau Uprising19521960A Kenyan independence movement in the 1950s that faced brutal opposition by the UK.
Project MKDELTAOctober 19521953A CIA mind control research project
US/1952 Presidential Election4 November 19524 November 1952


New Groups

EdelmanEdelman PR firm logo.pngPR company
European Documentation and Information CentreGroup.pngTransnational network between European conservative politicians. Used by Francoist Spain to end its international isolation.
American Council on GermanyAmerican Council on Germany logo.png
Atlantik-BrückeAtlantik-Brücke logo.pngThink tank
Influence network
A long established and relatively public organ of the US to control German politics.
International Commission of JuristsInternational Commission of Jurists.jpgExposed by CIA whistleblower Philip Agee as "set up and controlled by the CIA for propaganda operations". Sa
The Red HandMain Rouge.jpgHit squadFrench intelligence service controlled organization to carry out false flag attacks and carry out assassinations for them.
Lyceum of the Philippines UniversitySeal of Lyceum of the Philippines University.pngMilitary ranks
Granted Autonomous Status
International relations (diplomacy, international trade), business, communication and International Hospitality (hotel and restaurant management, tourism) are the university's flagship courses.
Netherlands Atlantic AssociationAtlantische Commissie.jpgThe Dutch chapter of the Atlantic Treaty Association
Le CercleDecember 2016 meeting of Le Cercle Washington 3.jpgThink tank
Secret society
A deep state milieu set up around the same time as the Bilderberg, but smaller & far more secretive, attended especially by spooks, deep politicians and editors. Members promote their hawkish agenda by otherwise subverting the democratic process, apparently brokering weapons deals and possibly setting up false flag attacks. Their war making is also ideological - distributing propaganda to stoke fear of communism, promoting the "war on terror" etc.
European Court of JusticeEuropean Court of Justice.pngThe supreme court of the European Union in matters of EU law.
Population CouncilPopulation Council Logo.pngFounded by world's richest family to reduce population
Reece CommitteeReece Committee.jpg
ScientologyChurch of Scientology building in Los Angeles, Fountain Avenue.jpgReligion/Sect known for its hardball tactics against critics.
Australian Secret Intelligence ServiceLogo Australian Secret Intelligence Service.pngThe Australian foreign intelligence agency, but has tentacles all over society, especially in the media.
European UnionFlag of Europe.svgInternationalAn international superstructure that has evolved since WW2.
CIA/Directorate of PlansGroup.pngIntelligence agencyA branch of the CIA for just over 20 years.
EUCOMOfficial EUCOM Seal.pngMilitaryThe United States European Command.
National Security AgencyNSA logo.svg"No Such Agency". Spook agency working closely with Silicon Valley


A Group that was Wound Up

Strategic Services UnitGroup.png




TitleBornDiedPlace of deathSummaryDescription
Cudbert Thornhill4 October 18831952Spook
William Green3 March 18731952Union organizer
DeWitt Clinton Poole18851952Spook
Victor Hope24 September 18875 January 1952Scotland
South Queensferry
British nobilityViceroy of India
George Saxe-Coburg-Gotha14 December 18956 February 1952Norfolk
Sandringham House
Eva Perón7 May 191926 July 1952Argentina
Buenos Aires
Hated intensely by the establishment, died of cancer age 33
Waldorf Astor19 May 187930 September 1952Politician
Deep politician
Multi-millionaire UK deep politician, Chair of Chatham House ...
Keith Murdoch12 August 18854 October 1952Journalist
Chaim Weizmann27 November 18749 November 1952Israel
Vittorio Orlando19 May 18601 December 1952Italy
PoliticianPrime Minister of Italy 1917-1919



TitleBornPlace of birthDiedSummaryDescription
Michael Scheuer1952New York
United States
Stephen I. Robertson1952Businessperson
Pierre-Henri Bunel1952Author
Willem Matser1952Spook
News blackout
Deep state functionary
Third rail topic
Willem Matser was a NATO official close to Lord Robertson, NATO’s 10th Secretary General. He was charged with various offences in connection with a $200m drug related money laundering operation between Colombia and Romania.
Duncan Campbell1952Scotland
Celebrated investigative journalist.
Lee Rosenthal1952United States
JudgeTexas judge ruling that the DEA was not liable for damages they had incurred to other people's property during a drug sting.
James W. Cicconi1952Lawyer
Deep state operative
George H. W. Bush connected insider.
Christopher R. Hill1952Diplomat
Mohamed Chande Othman1 January 1952Tanganyika TerritoryJudgeFormer Chief Justice of Tanzania,
Bob Lambert1952Spook
Police officer
Undercover policeman turned academic
J. Martin Taylor1952Banker
UK Millionaire banker and businessman. Former Bilderberg steering committee
Muhtar Kent1952New York
BusinesspersonDeep state connected Coca-Cola CEO/Chair
Mark Hosenball1952Evicted from Britain in 1978 as 'threat to British national security'. Since then he has worked as corporate journalist.
Robert Lambert1952Spook
Police officer
"Terror expert"
Undercover policeman turned "terror expert"
Charles Viar1952US
St. Louis
US spook and author
Daniel Fried1952Diplomat
Deep state operative
Spooky US diplomat
Daniel Forestier1952March 2019SpookA DGSE agent who was assassinated in 2019
Gerhard Roiss1952BusinesspersonAustrian businessman
Ulysses Kyriacopoulos1952New York
BusinesspersonGreek double Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission
Jerry Lanier1952DiplomatUS diplomat with military/intelligence roles in Africa
Mother Agnes1952Activist
Michael Lynk1952
Linda Thomas-Greenfield1952United States
Patrick Salmon1952HistorianChief historian at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Alia Muhammad Baker1952Iraq13 August 2021LibrarianIraqi librarian who saved thousands of books during the war.
Jack Caravelli195231 October 2019SpookSuspected US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University
June Raine1952UKRegulator
Chief Executive of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency who changed its purpose "from watchdog, to enabler."
Albert Calland1952Spook
US Naval Special Warfare officer who was Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency 2005-2006.
Mohammed Loulichki1952Morocco
DiplomatMoroccan diplomat who as Vice-Chair of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee met with Tony Blair to hear about "countering violent extremism through education"
Kurt Nimmo1952Michigan
Haim Geron1952Israel14 September 2021Civil servantWitness in the Benjamin Netanyahu corruption trial who died in explosive plane crash.
Michael S. Swetnam19522020Lobbyist
"Terror expert"
"Terror expert" who founded the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in 1994, sat on the board of several armaments companies, and was "passionate about national security".
James Cunningham1952United States
DiplomatUS diplomat, United States Ambassador to the United Nations in 2001
Esperanza Aguirre3 January 1952Spain
PoliticianPresident of Madrid who resigned after her right hand man was imprisoned
Denis Ranque7 January 1952France
BusinesspersonAttended the 2003 Bilderberg as Thales CEO.
Øystein Olsen8 January 1952EconomistNorwegian central banker
Hugh Bayley9 January 1952United Kingdom
PoliticianUK politician
Dominic Lieven19 January 1952Colony of Singapore
Silme Domingo25 January 1952United States
1 June 1981Union organizerAssassinated labor activist, probably killed on orders of Ferdinand Marcos
He Liu25 January 1952China
Harvard-educated economic liberal Chinese Vice Premier and confidant of President Xi Jinping. Attended the 2014 Bilderberg and gave a "special address" at the 2023 WEF AGM
James K. Galbraith29 January 1952Economist
Siegmar Mosdorf29 January 1952Erfurt
East Germany
PoliticianGerman politician from the Social Democrats close to German industry. Attended Bilderberg/2001. Later PR consultant
Samir Shah29 January 1952EditorBritish television and radio executive.
Tom LloydFebruary 1952Police officerSenior UK policeman, Head of Security for the Institute of Statecraft and director of their drug policy reform group.
Park Geun-hye2 February 1952South Korea
Puppet leader
Deep state functionary
Korean President who became spectacularly unpopular after been exposed as a deep state operative
Anton Lubowski3 February 1952Namibia
12 September 1989Activist
Namibian anti-apartheid activist assassinated by South Africa's Civil Cooperation Bureau
Fred Hochberg3 February 1952New York
United States
Mount Vernon
BusinesspersonChairman and President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States 2009-2017.
John O'Neill6 February 1952United States
New Jersey
Atlantic City
11 September 2001Police officer
9-11/Premature death
A respected and sincere opponent of "terrorism" who faced opposition in trying to investigate the U.S.S. Cole attack and who was the FBI's leading expert on Al Qaeda. Later made Head of Security for the World Trade Center, where he was killed on his first day at work, September 11th, 2001.
John Hickenlooper7 February 1952United States
US politician and businessman
Frank Bsirske10 February 1952Germany
Leader of the Labour PartyGerman Single Bilderberg Labour leader. Pushed to make Covid jabs mandatory, to be enforced with punitive fines.
... further results
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