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|description=The Supranational Deep State, which came into existance in the last quarter of the 20th century, was almost completely unknown for some years, but is increasingly exposed. This article reviews how that happened and how the SDS has been seeking to prevent its exposure.
|description=The Supranational Deep State, which came into existance in the last quarter of the 20th century, was almost completely unknown for some years, but is increasingly exposed. This article reviews how that happened and how the SDS has been seeking to prevent its exposure.
'''[[The Supranational Deep State]]''' (SDS) is more exposed than ever, as of 2021. The primary means of its exposure has been the [[internet]]. Although only a few people could define the SDS or detail its evolution or operation, a rapidly increasing number are more or less aware of it.<ref>https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/newman-deep-state-cannot-stop-unprecedented-awakening</ref> The 21st century has seen a sharp rise in awareness of [[corruption]] at the highest levels of national governments<ref>PEW survey of the US publics fears in [[2017]]</ref>, and use of [[intelligence agencies]] regular use of [[false flag attacks]] and of deliberate lying by {{ccm}}. Although people tend to lack a vocabulary to express these ideas, they are increasingly aware of the clandestine coordination in the international [[deep political]] arena that underlies superficial [[casus belli]]s of "[[humanitarian intervention]]" or other such [[war propaganda]]. The SDS has tried a range of approaches to stem its exponentially increasing exposure, some of which have backfired, resulting in a [[Streisand effect]].
'''[[The Supranational Deep State]]''' (SDS) is more exposed than ever as of [[2023]]. The primary means of its exposure has been the [[internet]]. Although only a few people could define the SDS or detail its evolution or operation, a rapidly increasing number are more or less aware of it.<ref>https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/newman-deep-state-cannot-stop-unprecedented-awakening</ref> The 21st century has seen a sharp rise in awareness of [[corruption]] at the highest levels of national governments<ref>PEW survey of the US publics fears in [[2017]]</ref>, and use of [[intelligence agencies]] regular use of [[false flag attacks]] and of deliberate lying by {{ccm}}, in which trust has been consistently declining for years, despite extreme efforts to try to restore it.
Although people tend to lack a vocabulary to express these ideas, they are increasingly aware of the clandestine coordination in the international [[deep political]] arena that underlies superficial [[casus belli]]s of "[[humanitarian intervention]]" or other such [[war propaganda]]. The SDS has tried a range of approaches to stem its exponentially increasing exposure, some of which have backfired, resulting in a [[Streisand effect]].
The [[COVID-19]] event, launched in late 2019, was initially effective at [[mass formation]], effectively hypnotising a significant proportion, perhaps even the majority, of the world's population. However, even aggressive fearmongering and [[COVID-19/Censorship|unprecedented censorship]] were unable to  prevent the [[fear]] subsiding in early 2022 after it became clear that the variant called "omicron" presented minimal danger to the young and healthy.
== Naming The Unnamable ==
|text=Whatever is unnamed, whatever is misnamed, is something else, whatever is buried under an inadequate or lying language, this will become not merely unspoken but unspeakable.
|subjects=Orwellian language, censorship, third rail, mendacity, taboo
|authors=Adrienne Rich
|source_name=Secrets and Silence
One tactic used by deep politicians to hide their activities has been to create and use an ever changing array of organisations and [[front]] groups. This was very effective in the 20<sup>th</sup> century at hiding the bigger picture; researchers into the [[JFK assassination]], for example, argue to this day about the relative importance of the [[FBI]], [[CIA]], the [[Mossad]] etc, some oblivious of the possibility that a coordinated purpose may have manipulated employees within all of these agencies. Others, such as [[Thomas Merton]], saw through the fiction of fully autonomous entities at the time. Noting the refusal of {{ccm}} to seriously countenance any alternative to the [[Warren Commission]]'s verdict, he inferred the same group's control of the US media, and referred to the [[US Deep state]] simply as "the unspeakable".
The failure to agree a common term has presented a serious obstacle to the exposure of the Supranational Deep State. In the 2010s, the phrase "[[deep state]]" became more popular{{cn}}, leading to an SDS decision in 2017 to try to combat this trend by using the term in multiple different ways. This did lead to some confusion at the time, but may have actually [[Deep state/2017 Popularisation|made the phrase more popular]], after usage stabilised. The [[COVID-19]] event brought home to a lot of formerly sceptical people just how highly organised international events actually are.
Many alternative phrases exist to describe the group described on this website as the Deep State, emphasising different aspects of the group. These include:
* "The global elite"<ref>https://www.globalresearch.ca/elite-coup-kill-enslave-us-why-cant-governments-legal-actions-protests-stop-them/5787699</ref>
* "The global crime cartel"<ref>https://www.madcowprod.com/2022/11/02/attention-fellow-travelers/</ref>
* "The octopus" - used by [[Danny Casolaro]] (and often since)
* "The swarm"<ref>https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivor-cummins/episodes/219-Dr--Shiva-Takes-no-Prisoners-A-Fascinating-Debate-on-Globalism-and-The-Swarm-e2i29ig</ref>
* "Mr. Global"<ref>https://home.solari.com/who-is-mr-global-with-dr-joseph-p-farrell/</ref>
==Early history==
==Early history==
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==20<sup>th</sup> Century==
==20<sup>th</sup> Century==
The 20<sup>th</sup> century saw the popularisation of "[[democracy]]", with alternative forms of [[government]] such as [[monarchy]], [[theocracy]] or [[dictatorship]] going into decline. This global embrace of "democratic" [[party politics]] often failed to change the conviction and desire of the local ruling classes that people needed -- often for their own good -- to be covertly influenced at the ballot box (for example, to prevent them choosing [[communism]]). As the star of party politics rose, with it came the shadow of [[deep politics]] and local [[deep states]]. Post WW2, [[deep politicians]] made deliberate efforts to globalise their powerbase by founding [[deep state milieux]] such as the [[Bilderberg]], which since 1954 has played a decisive role in pushing the agenda of a unified Europe. [[Peter Dale Scott]] noted that the [[Safari Club]] and [[Le Cercle]] were to other vital milieux in the unification process.
[[image:both_political_parties.jpg|300px|right|An image highlighting the fictional choice of "[[democracy]]" in the 2020s]]
The 20<sup>th</sup> century saw the popularisation of "[[democracy]]", with alternative forms of [[government]] such as [[monarchy]], [[theocracy]] or [[dictatorship]] going into decline. This global embrace of "democratic" [[party politics]] often failed to change the conviction and desire of the local ruling classes that people needed often for their own good to be covertly influenced at the ballot box (for example, to prevent them choosing [[communism]]). As the star of party politics rose, with it came the shadow of [[deep politics]] and local [[deep states]]. Post WW2, [[deep politicians]] made deliberate efforts to globalise their powerbase by founding [[deep state milieux]] such as the [[Bilderberg]], which since 1954 has played a decisive role in pushing the agenda of a unified Europe. [[Peter Dale Scott]] noted that the [[Safari Club]] and [[Le Cercle]] were to other vital milieux in the unification process.
===Control of Corporate Media===
===Control of Corporate Media===
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The attacks of [[September 11, 2001]] were a [[structural deep event]] organised by the [[US deep state]] and enacted with the help of a few other deep state groups such as the [[Saudi deep state]] and the [[Israeli deep state]]. The coverup, however, was a truly global collaboration; all deep state groups could readily understood that a public exposure of 9/11 as a false flag would be a highly uncertain event that could risk their own exposure. The global [[9-11/Cover-up|cover up operation]] can be said to have fused many loosely allied deep state groups into a single group, just as the cover up of the [[coup of '63]] quickened the cabal who carried it out into a single US Deep state.
The attacks of [[September 11, 2001]] were a [[structural deep event]] organised by the [[US deep state]] and enacted with the help of a few other deep state groups such as the [[Saudi deep state]] and the [[Israeli deep state]]. The coverup, however, was a truly global collaboration; all deep state groups could readily understood that a public exposure of 9/11 as a false flag would be a highly uncertain event that could risk their own exposure. The global [[9-11/Cover-up|cover up operation]] can be said to have fused many loosely allied deep state groups into a single group, just as the cover up of the [[coup of '63]] quickened the cabal who carried it out into a single US Deep state.
The [[9-11 Truth movement]] emerged as a spontaneous response to the deception of 9-11. Initially few in number, it received a boost around 2007 when videos of the spontaneous [[collapse of WTC7]] (and the BBC's [[9-11/WTC7/Collapse/Foreknowledge|premature announcement]] of this event) began to circulate widely on the WWW. Originally just ignored, it recent years it has been consistently derided by the {{ccm}} -- which may be correlated with the public's increasing skepticism of [[television]] and [[newspaper]] reporting. The cover up of 9-11 represents a major problem for The Deep State.
The [[9-11 Truth movement]] emerged as a spontaneous response to the deception of 9-11. Initially few in number, it received a boost around 2007 when videos of the spontaneous [[collapse of WTC7]] (and the BBC's [[9-11/WTC7/Collapse/Foreknowledge|premature announcement]] of this event) began to circulate widely on the WWW. Originally just ignored, it recent years it has been consistently derided by the {{ccm}} which may be correlated with the public's increasing skepticism of [[television]] and [[newspaper]] reporting. The cover up of 9-11 represents a major problem for The Deep State.
==="War on Terrorism"===
==="War on Terrorism"===
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===Peter Dale Scott===
===Peter Dale Scott===
{{FA|Peter Dale Scott}}
{{FA|Peter Dale Scott}}
The doyen of [[deep political]] research, [[Peter Dale Scott]], who coined the phrase "[[deep politics]]", also contributed the phrase ''supranational deep state''.{{when}} Much of his recent works examine deep politics by exploring the similarities between the [[JFK assassination]] and the [[9-11 event]], possibly the two most important [[structural deep events]] ever carried out. He has written several books on the US deep state, tracing its evolution throughout post WWI and its evolution into the SDS since the 1970s. Ignored by the corporate controlled media, his work is scholarly and increasingly popular since the rise of the internet as a communications medium.
The doyen of [[deep political]] research, [[Peter Dale Scott]], has played a leading role in scholarly analysis of the Deep State. In 2011 his ''What is the Deep State? The [[Doomsday Project]] and [[Deep Events]]: [[JFK]], [[Watergate]], [[Iran-Contra]], and [[9/11]]'' he wrote that {{SMWQ
|text=In recent years I have been talking about a dark force behind these events — a force which, for want of a better term, I have clumsily called a “deep state,” operating both within and outside the public state. Today for the first time I want to identify part of that dark force, a part which has operated for five decades or more at the edge of the public state.
|date=November 2011
|source_name=Asia Pacific Journal
|source_details= Vol 9, Issue 47, No 2
|authors=Peter Dale Scott
|subjects=deep events
In addition to coining the phrases "[[deep politics]]" and "[[deep state]]" he also contributed the phrase ''supranational deep state''.{{when}} Much of his later work examines deep politics by exploring the similarities between the [[JFK assassination]] and the [[9-11 event]], arguably the two most important [[structural deep events]] ever carried out until the [[COVID-19]] project. He has written several books on the US deep state, tracing its development post [[WWI]] and its global evolution into the SDS since the 1970s. [[Third rail]]ed by the [[corporate controlled media]], his scholarly work established the field as one worthy of serious study and became increasingly popular since the rise of the internet as a communications medium.
===''Family Of Secrets''===
===''Family Of Secrets''===
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===The "Fake News Website" campaign===
===The "Fake News Website" campaign===
{{FAs|Fake News|Fake News Website}}
{{FAs|Fake News|Fake News Website}}
The "[[fake news]]" furor appears to have been an unintended consequence of an ill-advised campaign to demonize "[[fake news ''websites'']]". With the US public increasingly mistrustful of {{ccm}} and turning instead to online sources, in 2016 the ''[[Washington Post]]'' based an article on [[Propornot]], an anonymously published website that named 200 "fake news websites" (including [[Wikispooks]]) that it said were -- knowingly or otherwise -- sources of Russian [[propaganda]]. As designed, the phrase associated "fake news" with ''[[websites]]'', a conjunction which if repeated often enough ''might'' have scared people back to old media. However, the simpler phrase "fake news" caught on -- neutralising the anti-website bias and moreover resulting in increased awareness that propaganda can be spread through any news channel. The net effect seems to have further decreased trust in corporate media.
The "[[fake news]]" furor appears to have been an unintended consequence of an ill-advised campaign to demonize "[[fake news ''websites'']]". With the US public increasingly mistrustful of {{ccm}} and turning instead to online sources, in 2016 the ''[[Washington Post]]'' based an article on [[Propornot]], an anonymously published website that named 200 "fake news websites" (including [[Wikispooks]]) that it said were knowingly or otherwise sources of Russian [[propaganda]]. As designed, the phrase associated "fake news" with ''[[websites]]'', a conjunction which if repeated often enough ''might'' have scared people back to old media. However, the simpler phrase "fake news" caught on neutralising the anti-website bias and moreover resulting in increased awareness that propaganda can be spread through any news channel. The net effect seems to have further decreased trust in corporate media.
===The "Deep state" obfuscation campaign===
===The "Deep state" obfuscation campaign===
{{FA|Deep State/2017 popularisation}}
{{FA|Deep State/2017 popularisation}}
In Fabruary 2017, after previously avoiding the phrase, many US corporate media outlets suddenly started to refer to a "[[deep state]]" -- suggesting an organised campaign of some sort. Only rarely (if at all?) did they refer to [[Peter Dale Scott]], who coined the English phrase "[[deep politics]]", and never{{cn}} to the [[Susurluk incident]] which lead to the phrase "[[deep state]]". Their inconsistent usage of "[[deep state]]" and failure to clarify what they mean may have been an indication of genuine confusion, or may have been a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the term.
In Fabruary 2017, after previously avoiding the phrase, many US corporate media outlets suddenly started to refer to a "[[deep state]]" suggesting an organised campaign of some sort. Only rarely (if at all?) did they refer to [[Peter Dale Scott]], who coined the English phrase "[[deep politics]]", and never{{cn}} to the [[Susurluk incident]] which lead to the phrase "[[deep state]]". Their inconsistent usage of "[[deep state]]" and failure to clarify what they mean may have been an indication of genuine confusion, or may have been a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the term.
===Future developments===
===Future developments===
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One possible long term future is hinted at by the film ''[[The Matrix]]'', in which people lose touch with the real world, and allow themselves to believe in an alternative reality fabricated for them by the Deep State. [[Richard K. Moore]] used this parallel to describe his own awakening to the world of [[deep politics]] in his 2001 essay ''[[Escaping The Matrix]]''.
One possible long term future is hinted at by the film ''[[The Matrix]]'', in which people lose touch with the real world, and allow themselves to believe in an alternative reality fabricated for them by the Deep State. [[Richard K. Moore]] used this parallel to describe his own awakening to the world of [[deep politics]] in his 2001 essay ''[[Escaping The Matrix]]''.
It seems unlikely, given the decades of ever increasing awareness of The Deep State that technological means will suffice to stem the growing awareness of the phenomenon. If awareness of the reality of The Deep State becomes widespread, it seems likely that -- if the public is provided with any means to collectively express their will -- then so too will calls for (re-)installation of a ''real'' democracy. One possible alternative future is a collective global police state, in which all pretense at representative government is abolished, and people are aware that they are in a [[police state]].<ref>As of 2018, the US is arguably the closest [[nation state]] to this state of affairs in some aspects.</ref> Another would be the installation of a form of government which reflects the will of the people, for example by an internet mediated truth and reconciliation process, in which former [[deep politicians]] reveal their secrets in return for immunity from prosecution.
It seems unlikely, given the decades of ever increasing awareness of The Deep State that technological means will suffice to stem the growing awareness of the phenomenon. If awareness of the reality of The Deep State becomes widespread, it seems likely that if the public is provided with any means to collectively express their will then so too will calls for (re-)installation of a ''real'' democracy. One possible alternative future is a collective global police state, in which all pretense at representative government is abolished, and people are aware that they are in a [[police state]].<ref>As of 2018, the US is arguably the closest [[nation state]] to this state of affairs in some aspects.</ref> Another would be the installation of a form of government which reflects the will of the people, for example by an internet mediated truth and reconciliation process, in which former [[deep politicians]] reveal their secrets in return for immunity from prosecution.

Latest revision as of 15:10, 11 April 2024

"2010s" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Event.png SDS/Exposure(Exposure) Rdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
Starting to think.jpg
Date2010s - Present
DescriptionThe Supranational Deep State, which came into existance in the last quarter of the 20th century, was almost completely unknown for some years, but is increasingly exposed. This article reviews how that happened and how the SDS has been seeking to prevent its exposure.

The Supranational Deep State (SDS) is more exposed than ever as of 2023. The primary means of its exposure has been the internet. Although only a few people could define the SDS or detail its evolution or operation, a rapidly increasing number are more or less aware of it.[1] The 21st century has seen a sharp rise in awareness of corruption at the highest levels of national governments[2], and use of intelligence agencies regular use of false flag attacks and of deliberate lying by commercially-controlled media, in which trust has been consistently declining for years, despite extreme efforts to try to restore it.

Although people tend to lack a vocabulary to express these ideas, they are increasingly aware of the clandestine coordination in the international deep political arena that underlies superficial casus bellis of "humanitarian intervention" or other such war propaganda. The SDS has tried a range of approaches to stem its exponentially increasing exposure, some of which have backfired, resulting in a Streisand effect.

The COVID-19 event, launched in late 2019, was initially effective at mass formation, effectively hypnotising a significant proportion, perhaps even the majority, of the world's population. However, even aggressive fearmongering and unprecedented censorship were unable to prevent the fear subsiding in early 2022 after it became clear that the variant called "omicron" presented minimal danger to the young and healthy.

Naming The Unnamable

“Whatever is unnamed, whatever is misnamed, is something else, whatever is buried under an inadequate or lying language, this will become not merely unspoken but unspeakable.”
Adrienne Rich [3]

One tactic used by deep politicians to hide their activities has been to create and use an ever changing array of organisations and front groups. This was very effective in the 20th century at hiding the bigger picture; researchers into the JFK assassination, for example, argue to this day about the relative importance of the FBI, CIA, the Mossad etc, some oblivious of the possibility that a coordinated purpose may have manipulated employees within all of these agencies. Others, such as Thomas Merton, saw through the fiction of fully autonomous entities at the time. Noting the refusal of commercially-controlled media to seriously countenance any alternative to the Warren Commission's verdict, he inferred the same group's control of the US media, and referred to the US Deep state simply as "the unspeakable".

The failure to agree a common term has presented a serious obstacle to the exposure of the Supranational Deep State. In the 2010s, the phrase "deep state" became more popular[citation needed], leading to an SDS decision in 2017 to try to combat this trend by using the term in multiple different ways. This did lead to some confusion at the time, but may have actually made the phrase more popular, after usage stabilised. The COVID-19 event brought home to a lot of formerly sceptical people just how highly organised international events actually are.

Many alternative phrases exist to describe the group described on this website as the Deep State, emphasising different aspects of the group. These include:

  • "The global elite"[4]
  • "The global crime cartel"[5]
  • "The octopus" - used by Danny Casolaro (and often since)
  • "The swarm"[6]
  • "Mr. Global"[7]

Early history

Hidden agreements, personal relationships and small cabals have long been important in history. However, parochial loyalties and communication problems severely limited their international coordination. The first extensive pattern of deep political cooperation may have been the Rothschild Family's managing of wars for profit in medieval Europe. In spite of a lot of talk of global conspiracies such as freemasons, illuminati, jews, bankers etc. there is no evidence of single supranational deep state before the late 20th century. Sometimes deep states worked together to facilitate control of governments, but these were alliances between separate groups.

20th Century

An image highlighting the fictional choice of "democracy" in the 2020s

The 20th century saw the popularisation of "democracy", with alternative forms of government such as monarchy, theocracy or dictatorship going into decline. This global embrace of "democratic" party politics often failed to change the conviction and desire of the local ruling classes that people needed — often for their own good — to be covertly influenced at the ballot box (for example, to prevent them choosing communism). As the star of party politics rose, with it came the shadow of deep politics and local deep states. Post WW2, deep politicians made deliberate efforts to globalise their powerbase by founding deep state milieux such as the Bilderberg, which since 1954 has played a decisive role in pushing the agenda of a unified Europe. Peter Dale Scott noted that the Safari Club and Le Cercle were to other vital milieux in the unification process.

Control of Corporate Media

Full article: Rated 4/5 Corporate media/Deep state control

Post-WW2, the US Corporate Media quickly developed the story of the Cold War. The US Deep state, operating through the CIA used its Operation Mockingbird media "assets" to promote communism as an enemy image to use as a polarising perspective. In a manipulated climate of fear and paranoia now referred to simply as "McCarthyism", the CIA was effective at installing a permanent war mentality as a prerequisite for increasing spending on armaments and control technology. When US President John F. Kennedy resisted their control and make serious overtures to the Soviet Union to try to bring an end to the cold war, they assassinated him. US Deep state Their firm control over the US corporate media which it used to keep the US public ignorant misinformed about the JFK assassination and the subsequent activities of the US deep state.[8]


Full article: “Terrorism”

At a 1979 conference in Jerusalem, the supranational deep state launched the amorphous enemy image of "international terrorism" and - in keeping with the Cold War ideology of the time - claimed that the USSR was behind it. In fact, the US Deep state was at the time selling millions of dollars of weapons and tonnes of plastic explosive to Libya's Muammar Gaddaffi. When the ATF got wind of this deal, the CIA simply disavowed all knowledge of Deep State agent Edwin Wilson's deals, and a compliant US corporate media promoted the official narrative that Wilson had "gone rogue" and was operating without official approval.

Operation Gladio

Full article: Rated 5/5 Operation Gladio

In Italy, hundreds of people were killed[citation needed] during the Years of Lead by a series of bombings. Blamed at the time on communists, these were later proven to have been carried out by fascists as part of what became known as Operation Gladio, a Europe-wide project run out of NATO's HQ in Brussels. Nevertheless, although Alan Francovich made a highly creditable expose of this which was, remarkably, broadcast on the BBC, the story was very scantily reported by corporate media and a potential crisis was averted. Corporate media censorship was only part of the difficulty; the concept of NATO blowing up Italian civilians was hard for people to deal with. In Western European countries outside of Italy, many people's reaction might have been that "it couldn't happen here". The "deep state" was very little understood, and while they were fluent in the Cold War us v. them mythology, people lacked the vocabulary to talk clearly about what was going on.

Susurluk incident

Full article: Susurluk incident

The Susurluk incident was a 1996 [[car crash in Turkey that tied top government leaders to criminal underworld figures. This dramatic exposure of the Turkish deep state was widely reported in the media there, resulting in nationwide protests. It also lead to the phrase "derin devlet", which became the English "deep state".

Structural Deep Events

Structural Deep Events in the internet age are global. They always expose the hand of The Deep State to a certain extent. The events of September 11, 2001 were immediately detected as a false flag by some commentators to kick off the "War on Terrorism" and in Muslim nations. The COVID-19 event, launched in 2020, awoke many people to the extent of a hidden hand to direct government policies worldwide. Prominent COVID-19 dissident, Robert Malone, was deplatformed by Twitter on 31 December 2021 only to have a 3 hour video with Joe Rogan viewed by tens of millions of viewers.[9]

September 11, 2001

Full article: Rated 4/5 9-11
Its war.jpg

The attacks of September 11, 2001 were a structural deep event organised by the US deep state and enacted with the help of a few other deep state groups such as the Saudi deep state and the Israeli deep state. The coverup, however, was a truly global collaboration; all deep state groups could readily understood that a public exposure of 9/11 as a false flag would be a highly uncertain event that could risk their own exposure. The global cover up operation can be said to have fused many loosely allied deep state groups into a single group, just as the cover up of the coup of '63 quickened the cabal who carried it out into a single US Deep state.

The 9-11 Truth movement emerged as a spontaneous response to the deception of 9-11. Initially few in number, it received a boost around 2007 when videos of the spontaneous collapse of WTC7 (and the BBC's premature announcement of this event) began to circulate widely on the WWW. Originally just ignored, it recent years it has been consistently derided by the commercially-controlled media — which may be correlated with the public's increasing skepticism of television and newspaper reporting. The cover up of 9-11 represents a major problem for The Deep State.

"War on Terrorism"

Full article: War on Terrorism

In the wake of the 9/11 event, the Supranational Deep State aggressively promoted the concept of a global "War on Terrorism". This amounted to a worldwide strategy of tension, a militarisation of society which saw a large increase in spending on the MICC. Laws were changed to first legalise and then mandate universal surveillance, while government secrecy was increased worldwide. The enemy image of the fanatical "Muslim terrorist" was used to introduce legislation to scale back civil liberties. The term "terrorist" and its more modern replacement "extremist" were so loosely defined that they could be applied to almost anyone whose ideas the SDS chose to term seditious. A mass round up of dissidents may be being planned, but the existence of these laws is more probably intended to intimidate people into silence.

Previously exceptional, the number of so-called "terrorist attacks" (especially bombings) increased sharply after the launch of the "War on Terror", and has been increasing in Europe in the 2010s, leading to an increased awareness of false flag terrorism in 2013.


Full article: COVID-19

Alert commentators such as Kees van der Pijl and Alan Watt immediately denounced COVID-19 as a Deep State plot, although they were in the minority. As first hand evidence emerged in spite of the unprecedented COVID censorship, a large number of people became alert to what was going on, aided by slips of those involved such as Bill Gates, who stated on 24 March 2020 that "Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person... there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”".[10] Resistance to the COVID agenda may have exceeded the expectations of The Deep State, as several aspects of the operation[Such as?] suggest it was rushed.[citation needed]

Several aspects of COVID, and subsequent COVID panic, have revealed a degree of international organisation, not least the internationally coordinated COVID-19 lockdowns, in contravention of the standard WHO policy on pandemics. Other suspicious aspects were the sudden deaths of prominent dissidents such as John Magufuli and his friend Pierre Nkurunziza, and the censorship of effective COVID drugs such as ivermectin, fluvoxamine and hydroxychloroquine.

Important exposes

In recent years, many independent researchers into high level criminality have published about the supranational deep state. Many have begun from different starting points, but gradually found their way to a similar group, which has received many different names.

Peter Dale Scott

Full article: Peter Dale Scott

The doyen of deep political research, Peter Dale Scott, has played a leading role in scholarly analysis of the Deep State. In 2011 his What is the Deep State? The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11 he wrote that In recent years I have been talking about a dark force behind these events — a force which, for want of a better term, I have clumsily called a “deep state,” operating both within and outside the public state. Today for the first time I want to identify part of that dark force, a part which has operated for five decades or more at the edge of the public state. [11].

In addition to coining the phrases "deep politics" and "deep state" he also contributed the phrase supranational deep state.[When?] Much of his later work examines deep politics by exploring the similarities between the JFK assassination and the 9-11 event, arguably the two most important structural deep events ever carried out until the COVID-19 project. He has written several books on the US deep state, tracing its development post WWI and its global evolution into the SDS since the 1970s. Third railed by the corporate controlled media, his scholarly work established the field as one worthy of serious study and became increasingly popular since the rise of the internet as a communications medium.

Family Of Secrets

Full article: Family Of Secrets

Russ Baker's Family Of Secrets is a masterful expose of the Bush family and of George H. W. Bush in particular. His initial inspiration was to try to understand how George W. Bush could have become US president. The book focuses on the Bush family's role in global deep politics since 1963, in particular on Poppy Bush's double life as a deep CIA insider. Baker combnines a lot of original research with reworking of events misrepresented by the US corporate media. He exposes the JFK assassination as a coup d'etat by the US deep state, and the "Watergate Scandal" as another clandestine coup by the same group, concerned that Nixon was becoming dangerously independent. Baker's book is arguably the preeminent expose of the origins of the supranational deep state.

“The story of Harken fits in perfectly with our eveolving exploration of the Bush family's role in a globally reaching, fundamentally amoral, financial intelligence resource apparatus that has never before been properly documented.”
Russ Baker [12]

Fifty Years Of The Deep State

Full article: Fifty Years Of The Deep State

In 2014, an unfinished essay by Mark Gorton, Fifty Years Of The Deep State, was published on the Gawker website. In it Gorton names Russ Baker, Gary Webb among the three authors who most clearly exposed the workings of The Deep State to him. The essay begins by looking at the JFK assassination and then traces the evolution of the conspirators into a group that he calls "The Cabal". Two other documents by Mark Gorton were published simultaneously, including one on the dominance of The Cabal over US politics.


Steve Kangas, spook turned internet activist

The Supranational Deep State appears to have attempted various countermeasures to try to slow its increasing exposure. In former years, these include assassination of journalists and film makers who were active in exposing it (for example, Danny Casolaro, Steve Kangas and Alan Francovich). In recent years actual assassinations have slowed, possibly due to a better understanding of the Streisand effect. The doctrine of "National Security" is a common fallback whenever legal proceedings threaten to expose deep state operatives.

Snowden affair

Full article: Snowden affair

In 2013, Edward Snowden very publicly announced that almost everyone on the internet is the subject of mass surveillance. In contrast to earlier whistleblowers such as Russell Tice, big media amplified rather than sidelined his revelations. One interpretation of Snowden affair is that Snowden's leaks were intended as a response to deep political researchers' success in using the internet to expose the SDS; the Deep State may have hoped to incite people to self-censor and so to stifle dissenting voices. Another possibility is that the announcement was an effort to encourage people with nefarious intent to flag that fact by using (possibly flawed or backdoored) encryption.[13]

Internet censorship

Full article: Rated 4/5 Internet/Censorship

Censorship of the internet is not as simple as censorship of old media, primarily because the technologies are new and constantly evolving. Moreover, digital publishing is so cheap and can reach such a huge audience that the financial barrier to publishing no longer exists. Since people cannot be stopped from publishing, The Deep State is attempting to control what is published by criminalising some ideas. Phrases such as "hate speech", "anti-semitism", "radicalising" or "extremist" material have been increasingly used since about 2014 to gradually ramp up internet censorship, with large corporate sites (including the internet archive) quick to remove material which the SDS has deemed unwanted.

The "Fake News Website" campaign

Full articles: Fake News, Fake News Website

The "fake news" furor appears to have been an unintended consequence of an ill-advised campaign to demonize "fake news ''websites''". With the US public increasingly mistrustful of commercially-controlled media and turning instead to online sources, in 2016 the Washington Post based an article on Propornot, an anonymously published website that named 200 "fake news websites" (including Wikispooks) that it said were — knowingly or otherwise — sources of Russian propaganda. As designed, the phrase associated "fake news" with websites, a conjunction which if repeated often enough might have scared people back to old media. However, the simpler phrase "fake news" caught on — neutralising the anti-website bias and moreover resulting in increased awareness that propaganda can be spread through any news channel. The net effect seems to have further decreased trust in corporate media.

The "Deep state" obfuscation campaign

Full article: Deep State/2017 popularisation

In Fabruary 2017, after previously avoiding the phrase, many US corporate media outlets suddenly started to refer to a "deep state" — suggesting an organised campaign of some sort. Only rarely (if at all?) did they refer to Peter Dale Scott, who coined the English phrase "deep politics", and never[citation needed] to the Susurluk incident which lead to the phrase "deep state". Their inconsistent usage of "deep state" and failure to clarify what they mean may have been an indication of genuine confusion, or may have been a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the term.

Future developments

Artificial intelligence continues to rapidly advance in its ability to parse natural language. Increasing efforts are being made to develop technologies that can block certain opinions from being expressed online, not by simply flagging up or blocking a predefined set of keywords, but by understanding the text as a human does. Currently, corporate website employ a large number of humans to block content which breaches their guidelines - in the future, they would like to have software to do the same job, or perhaps to not only censor but actually rewrite content.

As an intermediate step, websites are starting to offer automatic "fact checking"[citation needed] - which flags up suspect text and refers the reader to "reliable" information (possibly allowing them to choose between an official narrative or an official opposition narrative).

Future prognosis

One possible long term future is hinted at by the film The Matrix, in which people lose touch with the real world, and allow themselves to believe in an alternative reality fabricated for them by the Deep State. Richard K. Moore used this parallel to describe his own awakening to the world of deep politics in his 2001 essay Escaping The Matrix.

It seems unlikely, given the decades of ever increasing awareness of The Deep State that technological means will suffice to stem the growing awareness of the phenomenon. If awareness of the reality of The Deep State becomes widespread, it seems likely that — if the public is provided with any means to collectively express their will — then so too will calls for (re-)installation of a real democracy. One possible alternative future is a collective global police state, in which all pretense at representative government is abolished, and people are aware that they are in a police state.[14] Another would be the installation of a form of government which reflects the will of the people, for example by an internet mediated truth and reconciliation process, in which former deep politicians reveal their secrets in return for immunity from prosecution.

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