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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Institute for Statecraft connected lawyer". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Netherlands/Air Force  + (Implicated in [[war crimes]] in [[Yugoslavia]] and [[Iraq]].)
  • Tom Lantos  + (Implicated in corruption by [[Sibel Edmonds]])
  • University College London  + (Importan deep state milieu. Many [[deep state operatives]] have attended or worked there, producing for example [[rigged science]].)
  • Rip Robertson  + (Important CIA Contract Officer involved with Bay of Pigs and Congolese Operation among many other exploits.)
  • Tsinghua University  + (Important Chinese University that took part in the [[2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise]])
  • Ankara University  + (Important Turkish university)
  • University of Warwick  + (Important UK university)
  • Newcastle University  + (Important UK university)
  • Bar-Ilan University  + (Important Uni in Israel, deep state connections)
  • Felix von Eckardt  + (Important aide to Chancellor [[Konrad Adenauer]])
  • Oil depletion allowance  + (Important background to understanding the animosity amongst Texas oil men against [[John F. Kennedy]].)
  • Bandung Conference  + (Important conference for the [[global south]]; participants soon became prime targets for US foreign policy)
  • Pizzagate  + (Important conspiracy in the [[US/2016 Presidential election]] campaign.)
  • Document:Why is it so difficult to address the Russia issue in Spain  + (Important document: Expand and solidify thImportant document: Expand and solidify the network of likeminded individuals...Messages should be tailored to the audiences...Those individuals already identified in key positions who have leverage over [conservative] audiences should be more involved with the Integrity Initiative....Gay and lesbian associations could be approached...A partnership for some activities with civil society actors concerned with this issue like [[Human Rights Watch]] or [[Amnesty International]][[Amnesty International]])
  • Victor Lasky  + (Important figure in the CIA's [[Operation Mockingbird]]. Lasky professed the greatest political "crime of the century" was not the [[Watergate scandal]], but the "theft" of the [[1960 Presidential election]].)
  • Caspian Sea  + (Important for its oil and gas resources and for being situated between US geopolitical opponents.)
  • Case Western Reserve University  + (Important research university with significant government ties)
  • Document:Importing Jihadi Terror to the UK – Cui Bono  + (Importing the [[White Helmets]] into the [[UK]] is obviously nuts if your purpose is to minimise jihadi activity in the UK)
  • Paul Hodgkins  + (Imprisoned for the [[2021 Washington D.C. Riots]].)
  • The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army  + (Improbable militia presumably a propaganda exercise to create support for war in the Western liberal opinion.)
  • Petrochemical industry  + (In [[2018]]In [[2018]], the global market value of [[petrochemicals]] was 539 billion U.S. dollars, and is forecast to increase to 651.1 billion U.S. dollars by [[2027]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Ohio Central College  + (In 1882, future president [[Warren G. Harding]] graduated from the college.)
  • Nation state  + (In 1919 sociologist Max Weber defined the In 1919 sociologist Max Weber defined the state as any "human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory". There are about 200 such groups in the world, which form an exclusive club that has portioned up (almost) the whole world up into particular jurisdictions.le world up into particular jurisdictions.)
  • Lauris Norstad  + (In 1945, drew up plans to launch a nuclear attack on the USSR. Made SACEUR for over 6 years in the 1950s.)
  • Lawrence Hafstad  + (In 1954, he outlined the principles for export of US nuclear technology. Attended the [[February 1957 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:CIA-MI6 Intel Ops and Sabotage  + (In 1957, joint plans by the CIA and MI6 to destabilize Syria by means of staged border incidents and special forces assassinations of key political figures were approved by UK PM Harold Macmillan and US President Eisenhower.)
  • Morgan Guaranty Trust  + (In 1959 [[J.P. Morgan]] merged with the [[Guaranty Trust Company]])
  • Document:Bilderberg  + (In 1966 a small Dutch liberal magazine pubIn 1966 a small Dutch liberal magazine published an article on how the writers of another magazine were arrested for writing about the [[Bilderberg meetings]]. The article contains a general description of the Dutch Bilderberg cluster, and mentions two participants not in any of the official meeting lists, [[Theodoor E. E. H. Mathon]] and [[J. J. Oyevaar]].[[J. J. Oyevaar]].)
  • Marc "Boy-boy" Wallenberg  + (In 1972 merged to [[Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken]])
  • Lillehammer assassination  + (In 1973 Mossad assassinated a Moroccan citizen in Lillehammer,Norway.)
  • Jean-Claude Gisling  + (In 1980 manager at the PR agency [[Publicitas]])
  • John Fieldhouse  + (In 1982, Fieldhouse was appointed Commander of the Task Force given responsibility for the mission to reconquer the Falkland Islands from [[Argentina]].)
  • Mehmet Eymür  + (In 1995-6 he led the Tcounter-terrorism department of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization)
  • Komatsu  + (In 1996 Komatsu developed a nano-thermite demolition patent that could "demolish a concrete structure at high efficiency, while preventing noise and flying chips".)
  • Ihor Mityukov  + (In 1999 he became the first Ukrainian to attend the [[Bilderberg]]. [[Morgan Stanley]] since 2008.)
  • Wilton Review  + (In 2002, it recommended the creation of an overarching public diplomacy strategy.)
  • Jeremy Varcoe  + (In 2004, Jeremy Varcoe was one of 50 former ambassadors who signed a letter to [[Tony Blair]] urging him to distance Britain from US policy in the [[Middle East]])
  • "National Counterterrorism Center"  + (In 2004, succeeded the "[[Terrorist Threat Integration Center]]" ...)
  • Mike DeWine  + (In 2006, Sibel Edmonds named Mike DeWine as one of her "[[Dirty Dozen]]")
  • Miami Herald  + (In 2010 [[Conchita Sarnoff]] for the ''Miami Herald'' broke the story of Epstein's activities. As of 2020 it continues to be energetic in exposing the [[Epstein Affair]], in contrast to the US establishment.)
  • Document:The Clown with the Russian Credit Card  + (In 2011, after four bankruptcies, [[Donald Trump]]'s claims of billions of $ were laughed out of a court. Russian money and Mobsters filled the gap.)
  • 2016 Saumur Daesh Cell  + (In 2016 gardeners in Saumur, France found In 2016 gardeners in Saumur, France found what appeared to be a Daesh cell, complete with recording equipment and props such as ISIS flags. Local police were told by the French Ministry of Defense that it was an exercise, although local police knew nothing of it. although local police knew nothing of it.)
  • US/Corruption  + (In 2017, a poll revealed that 3/4 of US citizens were afraid of "corrupt government officials". A 2014 Gallup poll revealed that 3/4 of US citizens perceived corruption in the US government as "widespread".)
  • Big chemical  + (In 2018, the sales of the top fifty companies amounted to US$951,000,000,000)
  • Charlie Falconer  + (In 2021 as Shadow Attorney General for England and Wales, described the [[Covid-19 pandemic]] as a "gift that keeps on giving")
  • Bundestag/Members who proposed mandatory Covid jab  + (In 2022, these members of the [[Bundestag]] voted to make [[Covid jabs]] mandatory in [[Germany]], to be enforced with punitive fines. The proposal failed.)
  • David S.  + (In August 2021, a British security guard at the [[UK]] embassy in [[Berlin]] was arrested by police on suspicious of spying for [[Russia]].)
  • Document:Syria:Whose sarin?  + (In August-September 2013, Barack Obama, DaIn August-September 2013, Barack Obama, David Cameron and François Hollande accused Syria of killing 1,400 opponents in the suburbs of Damascus. Announcing that a red line had been crossed, they threatened to launch a punitive military campaign against Syria. Shortly after, London withdrew, then Washington, and finally Paris.hdrew, then Washington, and finally Paris.)
  • Deep state/2017 Popularisation  + (In February 2017, the phrase "deep state" began to be widely used by the corporate media, albeit with only a rough approximation of its original meaning.)
  • Document:The Woman who nearly Stopped the War  + (In January 2003 [[Katharine Gun]], a translator at [[GCHQ]], learned something so outrageous that she sacrificed her career to tell the truth. [[Martin Bright]] on a brave deed that should not be forgotten.)
  • Julian Borger  + (In July 2015 Julian Borger was diplomatic editor for ''[[The Guardian]]'')
  • Document:The official death toll in Gaza is a lie. The casualty numbers are far, far higher  + (In July 2024, researchers to [[The Lancet]]In July 2024, researchers to [[The Lancet]] medical journal very conservatively estimated that the total number of [[Gaza]]ns who will die over the coming months – not just from bombs but as a result of the lack of medical care, insanitary conditions and famine – is 186,000, or 8 per cent of the population. 186,000, or 8 per cent of the population.)
  • Document:Raqqa: A City Laid Waste, The Law Laid Low  + (In June 2017, the [[US]]In June 2017, the [[US]]-led coalition - including [[France]] and the [[UK]] - launched a military operation to force the [[Islamic State]] armed group from [[Raqqa]]. But instead of only targeting [[IS]], we killed hundreds and injured thousands of civilians, while obliterating much of the city.ians, while obliterating much of the city.)
  • Document:Vladimir Putin’s pyramid of rule - Who really governs Russia  + (In Lithuania and in the West, Putin's systIn Lithuania and in the West, Putin's system of rule is still often described as a monolith pyramid. In the eyes of society, Putin manages to present himself as an irreplaceable leader-statesman (‘tsar’, according to the West), solely making key decisions. But such an understanding of ruling processes in Russia is one of the main mistakes which prevents from obtaining a deeper insight into the regime's origins and foundations.into the regime's origins and foundations.)
  • Jewish Daily Forward  + (In March 2002 the newspaper reported a story by [[Marc Perelman]] on the [[dancing Israelis]].)
  • Luis Garicano  + (In March 2020, proposed a 500 billion euro "[[COVID-19]] bazooka for jobs in Europe")
  • Peter Hayman  + (In New York.)
  • Nicholas Katzenbach  + (In November 1963 wrote a memo that the US public should be persuaded that "[[Oswald]] was the assassin" and that "he did not have confederates.")
  • 21st century  + (In October 2021, a cartoonist of over 20 years standing was sacked in [[Australia]] for creating the above cartoon and posting it to [[Instagram]], during the [[COVID universal vaccination]] project.)
  • Sudan/2021 coup d'état  + (In October 2021, the Sudanese Prime Minister was kidnapped and the government was dissolved in a military coup.)
  • Katharine Klačanský  + (In Prague, [[Czechia]])
  • Bernard Bajolet  + (In Sarajevo)
  • Jessica Uhl  + (In USA & Panama)
  • Margaret Newsham  + (In [[1988]], whistleblower Newsham exposed that the [[NSA]] conducted real-time phone intercepts of US politicians through the [[ECHELON]] system.)
  • Eduardo Valle  + (In [[1994]] he named the political and economic state of Mexico as "narco-democracy" and in 2003 he referred to it as "narco-state".)
  • Document:Gordon Corera travels to Stockholm to investigate the assassination of a prime minister  + (In [[BBC|BBC Radio 4]]In [[BBC|BBC Radio 4]]'s investigative history series - 'Document' - [[Gordon Corera]] investigates the assassination of the [[Swedish]] prime minister [[Olof Palme]] and explores what [[Britain]] knew, starting with boxes of documents including papers written by the late [[Stieg Larsson]] (deceased 9 November 2004)[[Stieg Larsson]] (deceased 9 November 2004))
  • Thoughtcrime  + (In [[George Orwell]]'s [[Nineteen Eighty-Four]], certain ideas are illegal. This idea seems to be manifesting in the 21st century.)
  • Jay Carney  + (In [[Miami]], [[Moscow]], [[Washington, D.C.]])
  • Matthijs Veenendaal  + (In [[Tallinn]], [[Estonia]])
  • User:Robin  + (In [[deep events]] ID seems to survive even when none of the perpetrators do. The page collects the suspicious evidence of what [[Russ Baker]] calls "Lost and Found ID" syndrome.)
  • P2p  + (In a '''p2p network''' every participant is simultaneously server and client)
  • Ida Auken  + (In a Marie Antoinette moment, she wrote for the [[World Economic Forum]]: "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better".)
  • 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine  + (In a new episode of [[Cold War 2.0]]In a new episode of [[Cold War 2.0]] [[Russia]] forcefully halted [[NATO]] expansion by invading [[Ukraine]], with financial support of [[China]]. Although the [[EU]] and [[US]] denounced the "[[war crimes]]" as multiple cities were bombed, several countries opted less severe sanctions to keep importing diamonds and luxury goods and gas (and their loaned money) from Russia, seemingly creating a new iron curtain in Eastern Europe.ting a new iron curtain in Eastern Europe.)
  • Francisco Caamaño  + (In a triumvirate)
  • Ford Foundation  + (In addition to its own billionaire agenda, also known to have been $$$ middleman for covert [[CIA]] funding.)
  • Authority  + (In addition to the standard meaning, "AuthIn addition to the standard meaning, "Authority" and "Authoritative" are sometimes used on Wikispooks not as an accolade, but to suggest distrust, reflecting the fact that 'the establishment' often seeks to bolster its power through specious claims of "authority".er through specious claims of "authority".)
  • Marc Turi  + (In an echo of the [[Arms for Libya]] case, Turi was charged in 2014 with illegally providing weapons for [[Libya]]. He too stated in his defense that although unregistered, the State Department and the CIA were aware of his [[arms deal]]ing.)
  • Occidental Observer  + (In an era of '''''identity politics''''' wIn an era of '''''identity politics''''' where every conceivable ethnic, religious and cultural identity is promoted by its members/adherents as a means of securing recognition for whatever their ''purpose ju-jour'', ''"White"'' identity is the only one where this is NOT allowed. It is a taboo subject and thus suitable for exploration on Wikispookshus suitable for exploration on Wikispooks)
  • Document:Jeremy Corbyn says “I Condemn Violence Against All Civilians, Why Can’t Keir Starmer?”  + (In an interview with [https://en.wikipediaIn an interview with [ LBC,] [[Keir Starmer]] was asked whether “cutting off power and water” to 2 million people, half of whom are children, was appropriate. He agreed that [[Israel]] “has that right”. Where is the empathy for [[Palestinians]] who have lost their loved ones, their homes and their futures? What happened to the universal application of [[international law]]?ational law]]?)
  • Document:The Strange Case of the Russian Spy Poisoning: Sergei Skripal  + (In any major criminal inquiry one of the bIn any major criminal inquiry one of the basic questions the investigation asks is: who had the means, the motive and the opportunity? Framed in that light, the [[Russia]]ns come a distant fourth behind the other prime suspects: the [[CIA|U.S.]] and [[MI5|U.K. intelligence agencies]] themselves, and those elements of the [[deep state]] opposed to [[Donald Trump]].[[Donald Trump]].)
  • E. G. Focke  + (In attendance at the first Bilderberg and two further Bilderbergs)
  • Salome Zourabichvili  + (In between jobs ruling [[Georgia]])
  • Rex Leeper  + (In charge of [[Political Warfare Executive]])
  • Charles James  + (In charge of the Antitrust Division)
  • Gordon Shanklin  + (In charge of the Dallas Field Division of the [[Federal Bureau of Investigation]] in [[1963]])
  • Guerin De Beaumont  + (In charge of the [[European Defence Community]]. Attended the [[Bilderberg/1954|1954 inaugural Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Document:Tackling Russia’s malign influence in Italy  + (In connection with the Italian cell's ('cluster's) report to London, the II wants their expertise to be used in the Black Sea region.)
  • Poverty  + (In cultures which celebrate wealth, especially [[money]], poverty is an [[enemy image]], associated with tropes of laziness and stupidity.)
  • File:Informed Choice.pdf  + (In depth report on the recruiting practices of the British army demonstrating that it is well-versed in the prectices of spin and glamourising propaganda in its recruitment pursuits.)
  • Document:Power and the Global Ruling Class  + (In depth structural survey global power, who exercises it and how it is organised)
  • Document:The Secret Society That Rules The World  + (In his 1999 campaign autobiography, President [[George W. Bush]] mentioned his membership in passing: "My senior year I joined [[Skull and Bones]], a secret society, so secret I can’t say anything more.")
  • JFK  + (In his brief presidency, Kennedy's independent attitude upset a lot of people in the establishment.)
  • "The Holocaust"  + (In its capitalized form "The Holocaust" reIn its capitalized form "The Holocaust" refers in the Western world to the treatment of the Jewish populations of Germany and German occupied territories during WW2 (1939-45). Its use in this format stems from about the mid-1960's (i.e. more than 20 years after the events it claims to define). It does not appear in histories or documents before that time.n histories or documents before that time.)
  • Document:The Great Game in Europe  + (In its eagerness to complete the encirclement of Russia by turning Ukraine into a forward country for positioning NATO bases, the U.S. is paving the way for fraternal genocide and ethnic cleansing.)
  • Autonomous University of Lisbon  + (In operation since 1985)
  • Corporation counsel  + (In some parts of the US the chief legal officer who handles civil claims against the city.)
  • User:Robin  + (In spite of his best efforts to cover up his spooky past, [[GHWB]]'s life long career as a spook is now confirmed by multiple documents. This article lays them out.)
  • Document:Government set to defy JCVI advice and vaccinate healthy children 'from next week'  + (In spite of the recommendations made by the [[Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation]], the British government is set to roll out [[COVID-19/Vaccine]]s for children aged 12 to 15.)
  • Nader Mousavizadeh  + (In the Financial Institutions M&A group, New York and then Europe)
  • Camille Gutt  + (In the London exile government)
  • Max Steenberghe  + (In the London exile government)
  • JFK/Assassination/Fake secret service agent pulled over  + (In the South of Dallas, three men are pullIn the South of Dallas, three men are pulled over, one identifies himself as a Secret Service agent and states, We are in a hurry to get to [[New Orleans]] to investigate part of the shooting. However, there is no record of Secret Service being dispatched to [[New Orleans]] on the day of the assassination.[[New Orleans]] on the day of the assassination.)
  • Document:Don't stop Iran now, it's on a roll  + (In the Spring of 2014, geo-political events are aligning and shifting in Iran's favour. The US and Israel don't like it.)
  • Jennifer Stout  + (In the White House Office of Legislative Affairs.)
  • Document:Eye Witness to the Agony of Julian Assange  + (In the [[Assange]]In the [[Assange]] trial, the defendant was caged behind thick glass, and had to crawl on his knees to a slit in the glass, overseen by his guard, to make contact with his lawyers. His message, whispered barely audibly through face masks, was then passed by post-it the length of the court to where his barristers were arguing the case against his [[extradition]] to an American hellhole.[[extradition]] to an American hellhole.)
  • Document:We Are The Bad Guys  + (In the [[United Kingdom]]In the [[United Kingdom]] it falls to the [ Celtic nations] to try to break up the state which is a subordinate but important [[imperialist]] engine. The paths of [[resistance]] are various, depending where you are. But find one and take one. where you are. But find one and take one.)
  • Mishal Husain  + (In the build-up to the invasion of Iraq)
  • Jay Freres  + (In the counter terrorism department.)
  • Document:Why The Population Bomb Is a Rockefeller Baby  + (In the decades previous, birth control had been largely small potatoes. Once the Rockefellers joined the family, however, family planning became a very different kind of business.)
  • Canada/1963 regime change  + (In the early [[1960s]], the [[Canadian deep state]] and the United States government committed a regime change against Prime Minister [[John Diefenbaker]].)
  • User:Robin  + (In the late 1970s, the deep state shipped In the late 1970s, the deep state shipped the entire US stockpile of plastic explosive to Libya, and trained the Libyans how to use it to destroy jumbo jets. When this was exposed, the #3 person in the CIA perjured himself by denying any knowledge. When this deception was exposed, almost 20 years later, no legal action was taken against, no legal action was taken against him.)
  • Foster child drug trials  + (In the nightmarish, surreal world of pediaIn the nightmarish, surreal world of pediatric clinical trials, infants, toddlers, children and teenagers in [[New York]] and around the [[United States]] are forced to ingest dangerous, toxic pharmaceuticals, arranged by the [[National Institutes of Health]] and [[Big Pharma]].[[Big Pharma]].)
  • Neville Wran  + (In the pocket of crime boss [[Abe Saffron]])
  • Norman Allan  + (In the pocket of crime boss [[Abe Saffron]])
  • Population control  + (In the relevant publications of the [[Club of Rome]] '''population control''' is used as euphemism for [[population reduction]], [[eugenics]] and [[corporatism]])
  • Document:How British journalists are seduced by the Ministry of Defence and spooks  + (In the world of the [[spooks]]In the world of the [[spooks]], few in the media raised questions about the root causes of terror attacks in [[Britain]] even when [[Eliza Manningham-Buller]], then head of [[MI5]], warned that the [[2003 Iraq War|invasion of Iraq]] would increase the [[terrorist]] threat in [[Britain]].[[Britain]].)
  • Document:Corbyn fans should welcome this attempted coup, the Blairites are committing political suicide  + (In these uncertain days after the [[Brexit]]In these uncertain days after the [[Brexit]] vote, when the Labour party needed to rally UK progressives to prevent a right-wing Brexit from the [[European Union]] – a small number of Labour MPs have instead chosen to mount a coup against leader [[Jeremy Corbyn]]. But Corbyn supporters should be ecstatic, because this opportunistic and ignorant move is an act of political suicide for the [[Tony Blair|Blairites]].Tony Blair|Blairites]].)
  • Document:Lucky Escapees from Pan Am Flight 103  + (In this article, [[Christopher Nicholson|Judge Nicholson]]In this article, [[Christopher Nicholson|Judge Nicholson]] analyses in forensic detail conflicting claims that former foreign minister [[Pik Botha]] had been booked to travel on the doomed [[Pan Am Flight 103]] which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland, on 21 December 1988. The Judge's analysis concludes by asking whether [[UN Commissioner for Namibia]] [[Bernt Carlsson]] "was not the real target of those who put the bomb on [[Pan Am Flight 103/Cover-up|Pan Am 103]]."[[Pan Am Flight 103/Cover-up|Pan Am 103]].")
  • Kary Mullis question on AIDS  + (In this interview Kary Mullis explains why he lost his trust in the medical system.)
  • File:Of Money Part 2.pdf  + (In this second part of the essay, the case is made for a 'Perishable currency' regime as a means of dealing with the fundamental problems of our existing interest bearing perpetual money.)
  • File:Toxicity of Roundup and Roundup-tolerant GM maize.pdf  + (In this study researchers led by Gilles-ErIn this study researchers led by Gilles-Eric Seralini from CRIIGEN have found that rats fed on a diet containing NK603 Roundup tolerant GM maize or given water containing Roundup, at levels permitted in drinking water and GM crops in the US, developed cancers faster and died earlier than rats fed on a standard diet. They suffered breast cancer and severe liver and kidney damage.cancer and severe liver and kidney damage.)
  • Hannah Fry  + (Inadvertently exposed the the preplanning of [[Covid]] in BBC "documentary".)
  • Hannah Fry  + (Inadvertently exposed the the preplanning of [[Covid]].)
  • Joseph Johnson  + (Inaugural US secretary of the annual Bilderberg, [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] member.)
  • Frank Bsirske  + (Inaugural holder. Bilderberg)
  • July 2021 Gulf of Oman incident  + (Incident in July 2021)
  • University of Texas  + (Includes 13 higher educational institutions throughout the state of [[Texas]])
  • Duncan Lewis  + (Includes [[EU]] and [[NATO]])
  • Lille University of Science and Technology  + (Includes a number of specialized education and research units)
  • Sally Shelton  + (Includes accreditation to soon-to-be-invaded [[Grenada]].)
  • Le Cercle/1978 (Washington)  + (Includes the 12 December)
  • Ronald Campbell  + (Includes the [[1941 Yugoslav coup d'état]])
  • Matthew Gould  + (Including 5 months as acting ambassador)
  • Ben Nimmo  + (Including EU and NATO correspondent German Press Agency))
  • Adrian Wooldridge  + (Including as Bagehot, Schumpeter and Lexington columnist. Witnessed a dozen [[Bilderberg meetings]].)
  • Raymond Leddy  + (Including as Chief of [[Office of Policy Coordination]] operations for [[CIA/ Western Hemisphere Division|Western Hemisphere]])
  • Steve A. Linick  + (Including for the [[Broadcasting Board of Governors]] and [[Operation Inherent Resolve]] (war in Syria), both with large spooky aspects.)
  • Incompetence  + (Incompetence is often a limited hangout.)
  • Indefinite detention  + (Indefinite detention is the incarceration Indefinite detention is the incarceration by a national government or law enforcement agency without a trial. It is increasingly being used as a way of handling dissent, both of the incarcerated people but also (because of the chilling affect) on the wider population. chilling affect) on the wider population.)
  • Adnan Hussain  + (Independent MP)
  • Brandon Smith  + (Independent US conservative journalist and activist)
  • Mojeek  + (Independent alternative search engine)
  • The Kim Iversen Show  + (Independent analysis of today's politics. Foreign Policy, Pandemic, Elections and More.)
  • Headington School  + (Independent girls' school in Oxford)
  • Julius Holmes  + (Independent in 1956)
  • Unlimited Hangout  + (Independent investigative website created by [[Whitney Webb]])
  • Consortium News  + (Independent investigative website founded by legendary muckraker [[Robert Parry]].)
  • Stuart Littlewood  + (Independent journalist)
  • Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya  + (Independent journalist and author)
  • Black Agenda Report  + (Independent media outlet with a black American left-wing angle. Covers deep politics.)
  • Jeff B. Brown  + (Independent radio host broadcasting from China)
  • NewsBud  + (Independent research site founded by Sibel Edmonds, active 2016-2021. It was the continuation of Boiling Frogs Post.)
  • Mary Ferrell  + (Independent researcher who created a large database on the [[John F. Kennedy assassination]])
  • Edinburgh Academy  + (Independent school in [[Edinburgh]], [[Scotland]], opened in 1824.)
  • Ron Paul Institute  + (Independent thinking with a libertarian angle)
  • The Truthseeker  + (Independent website with an interest in [[False flag]] attacks)
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri  + (Indian Prime Minister possibly assassinated by the [[CIA]].)
  • Aloke Lohia  + (Indian WEF billionaire businessman who founded [[Indorama Ventures]])
  • GreatGameIndia  + (Indian [[website]] on international affairs, often writing on deep state topics.)
  • Aditya Mittal  + (Indian billionaire heir to steel empire. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2005|WEF Young Global Leader 2005]].)
  • Vikram Mehta  + (Indian business executive turned analyst.)
  • Madras Christian College  + (Indian college with many distinguished alumni)
  • T. S. Tirumurti  + (Indian diplomat)
  • Hardeep Singh Puri  + (Indian diplomat with a belief in Western good intentions)
  • Arvind Subramanian  + (Indian economist who became the second Indian to attend the [[Bilderberg/2023|Bilderberg]] in 2023.)
  • Cushrow Irani  + (Indian editor member of many [[Cold War]] press efforts.)
  • Mahatma Gandhi  + (Indian non-violent revolutionary sage)
  • Homi J. Bhabha  + (Indian nuclear physicist possibly killed by the CIA in air crash)
  • Danish Siddiqui  + (Indian photo-journalist killed the crossfire in Afghanistan in July 2021.)
  • Lavanya Rajamani  + (Indian professor and Rhodes Scholar)
  • Harshad mehta  + (Indian stockbroker, well known for his wealth and for having been charged with numerous financial crimes that took place in the Securities Scam of 1992.)
  • Shiva Ayyadurai  + (Indian-American biologist and dissident.)
  • Ajay Banga  + (Indian-US business with a lot of connections, especially to [[processed food]]. As [[Mastercard]] executive interested in a cashless society.)
  • Sunetra Gupta  + (Indian-born British infectious disease epidemiologist)
  • Dibyesh Anand  + (Indian/British academic on [[Tibet]] who writes for the ''[[Guardian]]''.)
  • Robert McKinney  + (Indiana Businessman who attended [[Le Cercle]] in 1983, 1984 and 1985)
  • Victors' history  + (Indicates the essentially biased nature of the dominant consensus histories of wars or defining social struggles.)
  • Chuck Colson  + (Indicted for conspiring to cover up the [[Watergate]] burglaries)
  • James Riady  + (Indonesian billionaire businessman with long-standing ties to the [[Clintons]].)
  • Indra Nooyi  + (Indra K. Nooyi. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo.)
  • Sonja Jost  + (Industrial engineer/chemist/businesswoman in the chemical-pharmaceutical sector)
  • Leeds  + (Industrial power house during the British Empire. Nowadays not so much.)
  • Document:Finding the money  + (Inegrity Initiative is convinced all opposition is Russian funded, and wants to prove it)
  • Inessa Sinchougova  + (Inessa S has worked as translator of Russian texts for years.)
  • Al Capone  + (Infamous [[crime boss]])
  • Christine Todd Whitman  + (Infamous for her claim after 9/11 that the air was safe to breathe. After over 1000 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries, she admitted in 2016 that her statement was incorrect, adding "I’m sorry".)
  • Tom Cotton  + (Infantry divisions, Platoon leader in the 101st in Iraq. Was noted "fanatic" to fight instead of joining the JAG Corps.)
  • Michael Callahan  + (Infectious diseases scientist. CEO and co-founder of the [[Zika Foundation]], "[[DARPA]]'s man in [[Wuhan]]". Co-authored papers about [[Zika]] with [[Robert Malone]] and [[Jill Glasspool-Malone]])
  • Moscow School for Political Studies  + (Influence/regime change organization in Russia sponsored by [[NATO]] governments. Declared undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2014.)
  • Bribery  + (Influencing people by illicit gifts, very commonly of [[money]].)
  • Bob Carr  + (Influential Australian Labor Party politician with a love for lucrative [[public–private partnership]]s. In 2021, wants to make the "unvaccinated" pay for their own medical expenses.)
  • Greg Sheridan  + (Influential Australian journalist & editor with the Rupert Murdoch-owned ''The Australian'', with possible ties to the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Ranald Macdonald  + (Influential Australian newspaper executive)
  • Canadian International Council  + (Influential Canadian think tank on foreign relations.)
  • Banque Worms  + (Influential French bank, especially at the beginning of the 20th century and during WW2. Major part of the deep state banking and industrial cartel the [[Synarchist movement]])
  • Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani  + (Influential Iranian politician, writer and one of the founding fathers of the Islamic Republic)
  • Giangiacomo Feltrinelli  + (Influential Italian publisher and businessman who died violently under mysterious circumstances in 1972.)
  • Barbara Marx Hubbard  + (Influential New Age author and speaker and supporter of population reduction)
  • Alexei Pushkov  + (Influential Russian politician)
  • Ali Sistani  + (Influential Shiite cleric)
  • Andreas Gerwig  + (Influential Swiss Social Democratic politician)
  • Willy Bretscher  + (Influential Swiss editor for many decades)
  • Cuban-American lobby  + (Influential [[foreign policy]] lobby. Based in [[Florida]].)
  • Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars  + (Influential and discreet Washington think tank)
  • Paul Johnson  + (Influential author in US and British right-wing politics)
  • Winfred Bischoff  + (Influential banker who drove Schroders’ growth, steered [[Citigroup]] through the financial crisis and chaired [[Lloyds Banking Group]].)
  • Paul Ehrlich  + (Influential biologist who wants to as "humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage" down to 1-2 billion.)
  • Nigel Farage  + (Influential campaigner for [[Brexit]] in Britain and the [[European Parliament]], elected an [[MP]] at his 8th attempt.)
  • Marvin Minsky  + (Influential cognitive and computer scientist. Pal of [[Jeffrey Epstein]].)
  • Kermit Gordon  + (Influential economic advisor during the [[John F. Kennedy]] and [[Lyndon Johnson]] administrations. Later President of [[Brookings Institution]].)
  • Wallenberg family  + (Influential family that controls a large chunk of the Swedish economy)
  • DELVE  + (Influential group that promoted wearing facemasks in the UK)
  • Joseph Alsop  + (Influential journalist very close to the CIA)
  • Ballard Partners  + (Influential lobbying firm)
  • Stefan Halper  + (Influential member of Le Cercle.)
  • Nina Rosenwald  + (Influential neoconservative and operator in many activities of the pro-Israel lobby in the US)
  • Zero Hedge  + (Influential website that doesn't shrink from perspectives [[CCM/C | censored]] by the [[commercially-controlled media]])
  • Eric Feigl-Ding  + (Influential zero-covid Twitter voice who "rose to e-prominence during the pandemic as an extreme fear monger")
  • Deep state milieu  + (Informal, clandestine to a greater or lessInformal, clandestine to a greater or lesser degree. Organisations and venues of the deep state, created and governed by [[deep politician]]s. Like criminal syndicates, some are ephemeral, some perennial. They have varying procedures and protocols, but are generally characterised by secrecy and frequented by agents of the [[deep state]].[[deep state]].)
  • Yerevan State University  + (Informally known as Armenia's "mother university")
  • Chris Quick  + (Information Operations & Public Affairs for the Trans Sahara Region.)
  • Document:Institute for Statecraft & Center for Naval Analyses Joint Workshop  + (Information Warfare Study Day hosted by British Navy. Candid opinions (with a NATO-flavor) on lots of military issues.)
  • Document:Maritime Battle Staff Information Warfare (IW) Study Day  + (Information Warfare Study Day hosted by British Navy)
  • Document:A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation  + (Information about an interview between SwiInformation about an interview between Swiss businessman Pascal Najadi and retired French security services officer Paul Barril, in which Barril claims that the murder of Alexander Litvinenko was commissioned by the US-UK intelligence nexus as part of "Operation Beluga" aimed at destabilising Russia and discrediting Vladimir Putining Russia and discrediting Vladimir Putin)
  • File:Jewish Terrorism under the British Mandate.pdf  + (Information about specifically Jewish acts of terrorism against British military, police and civilian personnel in the years between the end of World War II and the establishment of the state of Israel)
  • Document:Putin the Good Goy  + (Information and informed speculation about Vladimir Putin and his Jewish supporters during his rise to the Russian Presidency)
  • Jacqueline Foster  + (Information relating to Jacqueline Foster MEP)
  • Document:Will Geneva talks lead right back to Assad’s 2011 reforms?  + (Informed speculation that the Geneva conference on Syria will produce a result that could have been had 4 years earlier and before the loss of some 250,000 lives, countless refugees and massive infrastructure destruction.)
  • Teresa Heinz  + (Inherited $500 million fortune after husband died in aircraft accident, later married [[John Kerry]].)
  • Document:Assange Final Appeal Day 2 – Your Man in the Public Gallery  + (Initially [[US]]Initially [[US]] authorities were keen to downplay the possible sentence, but have radically changed tack and now emphasise 30 to 40 years as the norm, which is in effect a rest of life sentence. That shift, together with the refusal so far to rule out the [[death penalty]], gives a measure of the ruthlessness with which the [[CIA]] is pursuing the extradition of [[Julian Assange]].[[Julian Assange]].)
  • Document:A New Left Wing Party in the UK?  + (Initially any new party needs to be led byInitially any new party needs to be led by [[Jeremy Corbyn|Jeremy]] to establish itself. [[George Galloway|George]] should be Deputy Leader. Neither man would wish to serve for an extended period. I would like to see [[Andrew Feinstein]] eventually lead, not least because he most definitely would not want to do it.e most definitely would not want to do it.)
  • "Rebekah Roth"  + (Initially well received by the 9-11 Truth movement, 'Rebekah Roth' has become a focus of doubt, with many activists questioning both her motives and bona-fides.)
  • Supreme crime  + (Initiating a war of aggression supposedly has a special place in international law, but in practice, this doesn't seem to apply to "US"...)
  • Al-Sweady Inquiry  + (Inquiry that cleared the British Army of accusations of torture of prisoners of war in [[Iraq]]. Heavy [[UK/deep state|deep state]] presence.)
  • Document:The Kiss of Death  + (Insight into where privatisation of the USInsight into where privatisation of the US Nuclear weapons program and military/weapons/surveillance developments are leading the world. It also provides shocking information about the extent of the apparently quite deliberate and calculated radiation contamination resulting from ever-expanding use of depleted uranium munitions.panding use of depleted uranium munitions.)
  • Tim Shorrock  + (Insightful journalist on Korean matters; revealed that 70 percent of the U.S. intelligence budget is spent on private contracts)
  • Document:Vladimir Putin - The man  + (Insights into Vladimir Putin the man by an American citizen who has worked in Russia for over 30 years and met Putin as a young KGB officer in a bureaucratic capacity long before he became president.)
  • Document:A New Islamic cult  + (Insights into the Western (especially US-Israeli) agenda for Syria and the Middle East following the effective blocking of a Libya-style military intervention in Syria by Russia in the Summer of 2013.)
  • Document:It’s Identity, Stupid  + (Insights into the real, counter-intuitive Insights into the real, counter-intuitive purposes and functioning of intelligence and security services. As a consequence of their determination of developments in surveillance, computing and related esoteric military technologies, their role of service to democratically determined policy has morphed into hidden, unaccountable shapers and arbiters of all policy that matters.s and arbiters of all policy that matters.)
  • Steve A. Linick  + (Inspector General for fraud and abuse, seemingly without rocking the boat too much.)
  • Howard Krongard  + (Inspector General for the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors, accused of "repeatedly interfer[ing] with investigations into fraud and abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan. Brother of CIA spook.)
  • Carroll L. Hauver  + (Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency 1985-1988)
  • Glenn Fine  + (Inspector General of the Department of Defense 2016-2020)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald/Final conversation  + (Inspector Thomas J. Kelly Secret Service, has final conversation with Oswald. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 52)
  • Ilan Goldfajn  + (Installed as central bank governor by the [[Michel Temer]] government.)
  • Hans von Hofsten  + (Instigated the 1985 "Officers' Revolt" against Prime Minister [[Olof Palme]])
  • Jean-Marie Guéhenno  + (Institut des hautes études de défense nationale)
  • Keith Sargent  + (Institute For Statecraft)
  • Raheem Shapi  + (Institute for Statecraft IT guy)
  • Kevin Abraham  + (Institute for Statecraft businessman)
  • Philip Matthews  + (Institute for Statecraft director, trustee and senior associate fellow)
  • Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi  + (Institute for Statecraft director/trustee)
  • Anthony Fitzherbert  + (Institute for Statecraft member and former FAO Programme manager in Afghanistan who co-authored research on crop yields.)
  • Yusuf Desai  + (Institute for Statecraft program director Institute for Statecraft program director who researched "online radicalisation of Muslim youths globally in order to both counter and build resistance of young people through education platforms that help and teach how to discern untruth and analyse [[conspiracy theories]] from truth and reality."[[conspiracy theories]] from truth and reality.")
  • Chris Scheurweghs  + (Institute for Statecraft senior fellow, 31 years experience in [[NATO]].)
  • Mark Pyman  + (Institute for Statecraft specialist in "anti-corruption")
  • Document:Speaking notes for meetings in Israel  + (Institute for Statecraft wants to build a relationship with the Israeli government)
  • Constance Cunningham  + (Institute for Statecraft, Active Change Foundation)
  • Dan Ward  + (Institute for Statecraft, ex USAF)
  • Eduard Abrahamyan  + (Institute for Statecraft, whose PhD supervisor was also a Institute for Statecraft member.)
  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev  + (Institutes include the National Institute for Biotechnology, Nanoscale Science and Technology,Desert Research, Study of Israel and Zionism.)
  • Black budget  + (Institutional slush funds used to allow covert operations to be carried out without need to recourse to on-the-books sources of funding.)
  • Campbell Stuart  + (Instrumental in negotiations which saw a controlling interest in ''The Times'' moving from [[Alfred Harmsworth]] to [[John Jacob Astor]])
  • Ferdinand Eberstadt  + (Instrumental in the creation of the [[National Security Council]] and the [[Central Intelligence Agency]])
  • Document:Russia is a Bangladesh with missiles  + (Insulting comments by Madeleine Albright about [[Vladimir Putin]] and Russia, responded to in kind by Eduard Limonov)
  • Chris Hernon  + (Integrity Initiative)
  • Carl Miller  + (Integrity Initiative UK Cluster outer core member)
  • Dominic Kennedy  + (Integrity Initiative UK journalist who chose not to reply about the group)
  • Damian Collins  + (Integrity Initiative connected UK politician cum propagandist member of the [[Center for Countering Digital Hate]])
  • Ngaire Woods  + (Integrity Initiative connected single Bilderberger, regular WEFer, a lot of other deep state connections)
  • Document:Notes from David Leask meeting 27 March 2018  + (Integrity Initiative convinced Scottish 'fringe' nationalism is a Kremlin plot caused by RT and Sputnik; intends to influence to tie Scotland to [[NATO]], England wants to keep media and political dominance)
  • Lukas Andriukaitis  + (Integrity Initiative forensic researcher)
  • Maria de Goeij  + (Integrity Initiative/Institute for Statecraft polyglot)
  • Maximator-Alliance  + (Intelligence Alliance, similar to Five Eyes.)
  • AIVD  + (Intelligence agency of the [[Dutch Deep state]]. Recruits 15 year olds. Planted [[Stuxnet]]. World-champion wiretapping. Rejected evidence of Mabel van Oranje's criminal friends.)
  • Charles Viar  + (Intelligence related)
  • Joint Biosecurity Centre  + (Intelligence services take over infectious disease management)
  • Pretorian Guard  + (Intended as bodyguards for the emperor, aware of their power, they later decided to take it for themselves and rule by proxy.)
  • Polytechnic University of Milan  + (Intended to do all graduate courses in English, but stopped by courts.)
  • Myron Cowen  + (Intensely disliked Labor Prime Minister [[Ben Chifley]])
  • Robert Korol  + (Interested in [[9-11/WTC Controlled demolition]])
  • Michael Riconosciuto  + (Interesting character)
  • Hank Asher  + (Interesting character...)
  • Diocesan College  + (Interesting for [[Rhodes Scholarship]] / [[Milner group]] networks; embraced [[apartheid]] military role)
  • Shami Chakrabarti  + (Interestingly connected UK lawyer who was a long time director of Liberty, a UK civil liberties advocacy organisation.)
  • Gayle Greene  + (Interests in women’s health activism, expanded to an interest in [[cancer]] and [[environmental pollution]].)
  • Kiev says shot down  + (Interfax-Ukraine News Agency quotes Anton Gerashchenko, a Ukrainian interior ministry official, as saying: "Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 shot down over eastern Ukraine by militants")
  • Najib Mikati  + (Interim)
  • James L. Jones  + (Interim Chairman)
  • Brent Scowcroft  + (Interim chairman)
  • James Sherr  + (International Relations)
  • Aginter Press  + (International [[anti-communist]] mercenary and "[[terrorist]]" organization, subcontracting for intelligence services, disguised as a pseudo-[[press agency]].)
  • Pacific Community  + (International development organisation owned and governed by its 26 country and territory members in the [[Pacific Ocean]].)
  • International  + (International groups.)
  • Henri Curiel  + (International left wing activist with many enemies, gunned down.)
  • Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units  + (International organization that facilitates cooperation and intelligence sharing between national financial intelligence units)
  • Interpol  + (International police group. Several of the presidents of Interpol have been exposed as part of large corruption affairs, or engaged in torture.)
  • Lyceum of the Philippines University  + (International relations (diplomacy, international trade), business, communication and International Hospitality (hotel and restaurant management, tourism) are the university's flagship courses.)
  • Wikileaks  + (Internationally famous leaks site that has published millions of classified and other documents.)
  • Tupac Shakur  + (Internationally known rap musician. Assassinated)
  • Brandy Vaughan  + (Internationally reputed big pharma dissident who was found dead in December 2020)
  • Theunis Willem de Jongh  + (Internationally well connected South African banker in [[Apartheid]] era)
  • Ethan Zuckerman  + (Internet activist, [[GLT 2003]], [[YGL 2005]])
  • James Kimsey  + (Internet service provider AOL founder with deep military ties, Bilderberg)
  • Robert Emmett Johnson  + (Interpen assassin possibly involved in the [[assassination of Martin Luther King]])
  • Ronald Noble  + (Interpol Secretary General for 14 years)
  • John R. Simpson  + (Interpol director who set the agenda of fighting "international terrorism", against French opposition.)
  • Oswald shown photo of him with gun  + (Interrogation in Captain Fritz's Office, OInterrogation in Captain Fritz's Office, Oswald is shown the backyard photo of him with gun. That picture is not my mine. The picture has been made by superimposing my face. The other part of the picture is not me at all, I have never seen this picture before. I understand photography real well, and that in time, I will be able to show you that this is not my picture and that it was made by someone else.ture and that it was made by someone else.)
  • Interrogation  + (Interrogation in Captain Fritz's Office. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 51)
  • Lee Harvey Oswald/Interrogation  + (Interrogation of Oswald, Captain Fritz's office. ref. The Peoples Almanac, p 49)
  • File:Prof. Maria Rita Gismondo- The situation was never dramatic.pdf  + (Interview with Italian virologist Maria Rita Gismondo)
  • Document:What’s REALLY happening in Venezuela – from someone who knows  + (Interview with Michael Prysner about Venezuela in 2017)
  • Document:Interview with Osama bin Laden  + (Interview with Osama bin Laden by Pakistani newspaper soon after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Centre and Pentagon)
  • Document:The Terror Attacks in France. The Broader Geopolitical Implications  + (Interview with Umberto Pascali – For Voice of the People, TV Sonce, Skipje, Macedonia)
  • Document:Ambush of Russian Bomber Was Guided by US Reconnaissance  + (Interview with a Russian military expert and specialist in Russian Military Space Forces about the November 2015 shoot down of a Russian military jet by Turkish F16 fighter over Syria)
  • Document:Interview with Donetsk militia-man  + (Interview with a native Donetsk militia-man fighting against the Ukrainian army in Eastern Ukraine + video of captured Ukrainian soldier. More organ trafficking corroboration)
  • Document:Interview with Donbas militia-man Artem  + (Interview with a wounded and hospitalised Donbas militia-man conducted in August 2014)
  • Scott Morrison  + (Introduced "[[No Jab, No Pay]]" [[vaccine]] policy as Minister for Social services; part of US offensive against [[China]])
  • David Lange  + (Introduced New Zealand's nuclear-free policy)
  • Tom Frieden  + (Introduced dragnet "[[PCR method|HIV testing]]")
  • Stephen Conroy  + (Introduced internet censorship as Australian Minister of Communications. Later on the board of [[Australian Strategic Policy Institute]] and lobbyist for the gambling industry.)
  • William Reilly  + (Introduced the "Environmental Constraints" discussion at the [[1989 Bilderberg]] as [[EPA Administrator]], Co-Chaired the [[Deepwater Horizon commission]] with [[Bob Graham]])
  • File:What is ElsaGate.pdf  + (Introduction into Elsagate.)
  • Tim Berners-Lee  + (Invented the [[world wide web]].)
  • Kary Mullis  + (Inventor of the [[polymerase chain reaction]] (PCR) technique, which he said should ''not'' be used as a main diagnostic tool. Died in August 2019)
  • Arvid Gerhard Damm  + (Inventor who founded AB Cryptoteknik, which went on to become [[Crypto AG]] after his death)
  • Edward T. Haslam  + (Investigated Dr. [[Mary Sherman]]Investigated Dr. [[Mary Sherman]] and a "web of medical secret-keeping that began with the handling of evidence in the [[JFK assassination]] and continued apace, sweeping doctors into cover-ups of [[cancer]] outbreaks, contaminated [[polio vaccine]], the arrival of the [[AIDS]] virus, and [[biological weapon]] research using infected [[monkeys]]."[[monkeys]].")
  • Paul Stephenson  + (Investigated [[Hillsborough disaster]], then resigned over suspected of involvement in the [ News International phone hacking scandal.])
  • Deborah Hersman  + (Investigated [[June 2009 Washington Metro train collision|collision of two Washington Metro trains]] and over 25 major transportation incidents.)
  • File:Damage.pdf  + (Investigation into media treatment of the inquest into the killing of three IRA members in Gibraltar on 6 March 1988)
  • Leveson Inquiry  + (Investigation of phone hacking)
  • Duncan Campbell  + (Investigations)
  • Anya Parampil  + (Investigative journalist at The Grayzone.)
  • Billy Six  + (Investigative journalist from Germany.<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup><sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a></sup>)
  • Michael Harris  + (Investigative journalist who attended the 1996 Bilderberg conference. Cancelled from [[corporate media]] after criticizing [[Israel]].)
  • Whitney Webb  + (Investigative journalist who has published many aspects of [[The Deep State]])
  • Asa Winstanley  + (Investigative journalist who quit the UK [[Labour party]])
  • Gaeton Fonzi  + (Investigator for the [[Church Committee]] and the [[House Select Committee on Assassinations]].)
  • Thomas Gates  + (Investment Banker, [[US secretary of defense]] for slightly over 1 year, attended the [[1968 Bilderberg]])
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research  + (Invests in basic research efforts for the Air Force, in cooperation with private industry, academia, and other organizations.)
  • Answering Russia's Strategic Narratives  + (Invitation only one day event organised by The [[Hague Centre for Strategic Studies]], sponsored by [[The Institute for Statecraft]], about "[[Russian propaganda]]")
  • Document:Invoice for 2 articles by Dan Kaszeta  + (Invoice for 2 articles written by Dan Kaszeta for Integrity Initiative “Poison gas” and "Nerve agents and treatment”)
  • Document:Invoice Eduard Abrahamyan  + (Invoice from Eduard Abrahamyan for work performed)
  • Document:Invoice to MoD for Ukrainian Visit  + (Invoice from Institute of Statecraft to the Ministry of Defence for Ukrainian visit to London)
  • Document:Invoice Integrity Initiative Italy  + (Invoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty AInvoice from the Italian Atlantic Treaty Association for the inaugural event of the Italian cell ('cluster') of the UK deep state faction, the Integrity Initiative, plus for a report on Russian influence in Italian elections. The inaugural event presumably took place in London.ral event presumably took place in London.)
  • Nicholas Eberstadt  + (Involved in a lot of [[deep state]] think tanks and planning committees.)
  • Jonathan Gruber  + (Involved in crafting US public health policy.)
  • Richard Stone (politician)  + (Involved in the [[dirty wars]] in Central-America in the 1980s)
  • Evelyn Shuckburgh  + (Involved in the post-war reorganisation of [[Western Europe]])
  • Iran  + (Iran possesses the 4th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • Sharif University of Technology  + (Iran's leading institution for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra)
  • Daniel Graham  + (Iran-Contra connected CIA/DIA spook)
  • Hooshang Amirahmadi  + (Iranian American spook who attended Le Cercle.)
  • Hassan Firouzabadi  + (Iranian Armed Forces Chief of Staff (1989 to 2016), died of [[COVID-19]])
  • Pardis Sabeti  + (Iranian biologist, [[YGL 2012]], [[Rhodes Scholar 1997]], [[Global Commission for Post-Pandemic Policy]])
  • Tali Farhadian Weinstein  + (Iranian born attorney and academic with multiple [[deep state]] connections including [[Skull and bones]])
  • Qassem Soleimani  + (Iranian general killed in Iraq by the [[United States]] in an airstrike in January 2020.)
  • Mohammad Sarafraz  + (Iranian media executive who was sanctioned by the EU as part of the campaign against [[PressTV]]. He later came out against the [[Iranian deep state]].)
  • Nematollah Nassiri  + (Iranian spook who co-founded the [[Safari Club]]. Assassinated in 1979)
  • Siamak Namazi  + (Iranian-American academic convicted of espionage by Iran in 2016. [[National Endowment for Democracy]] Fellow in 2005. Selected a [[Young_Global_Leaders|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]] in [[2007]].)
  • Mazda Majidi  + (Iranian-American activist and writer)
  • Ladan Archin  + (Iranian-American protégé of [[Paul Wolfowitz]])
  • Hamid Biglari  + (Iranian-US finance executive who worked for [[Citigroup]].)
  • Anousheh Karvar  + (Iranian-born French labor union leader. Chair of [[Alliance 8.7]])
  • Iraq  + (Iraq possesses the 5th largest oil reserves of any nation state.)
  • Nouri al-Maliki  + (Iraqi Prime Minister during the US occupation. "'I have a name for you,' the CIA officer said. 'Maliki'".)
  • Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi  + (Iraqi defector purported to be the source of the lies about [[Saddam Hussein]]'s [[WMD]]s.)
  • Alia Muhammad Baker  + (Iraqi librarian who saved thousands of books during the war.)
  • University College Dublin  + (Ireland's largest university)
  • Patrick Collison  + (Irish "self-made billionaire" who attended the [[2017 Bilderberg]])
  • Séamus Woulfe  + (Irish Attorney General and Supreme Court Judge)
  • Paschal Donohoe  + (Irish Finance Minister)
  • Garret Fitzgerald  + (Irish Prime Minister, 5 Bilderbergs)
  • Mary Lou McDonald  + (Irish Sinn Féin politician)
  • Dave Cullen  + (Irish Youtuber and political dissident.)
  • Gene M. Murtagh  + (Irish businessman, CEO of Kingspan Group PLC.)
  • Sinéad Burke  + (Irish disability activist. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2021]])
  • Jim Sheridan  + (Irish film director)
  • Gemma O'Doherty  + (Irish journalist who has been called a conspiracy theorist by the Irish media)
  • Michael McDowell  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Michael Noonan  + (Irish lawyer)
  • Thomas Byrne  + (Irish minister of European affairs)
  • Dolores Cahill  + (Irish molecular biologist and immunologist who early and loudly protested against the official pandemic narrative. Predicts disaster from experimental gene therapies peddled as vaccines.)
  • Charlie McCreevy  + (Irish politician, attended the [[2008 Bilderberg]] as [[European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services]])
  • David Byrne  + (Irish politician. Attorney General of Ireland in the late 1990s)
  • Dominic McGlinchey  + (Irish republican paramilitary with the Irish National Liberation Army)
  • Bono  + (Irish singer "kissing the arses of the ricIrish singer "kissing the arses of the rich and powerful" and preaching on global inequality while avoiding taxes according to [[Irish]] scolar [[Harry Browne]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>;/sup>)
  • University of Limerick  + (Irish university)
  • Kennedy family  + (Irish-American family. The most powerful political family in the [[United States]].)
  • Gerard Ryle  + (Irish-Australian investigative reporter, especially on safe subjects such as tax evasion)
  • Al-Mahdi al-Harati  + (Irish-Libyan rebel commander who received money from the CIA to be their proxy fighter in Libya and Syria.)
  • "Islamophobia"  + (Irrational and exaggerated [[fear]] of the Muslim faith.)
  • Document:Novichok And Theresa May's "45 Minute Moment"  + (Is [[Britain]]Is [[Britain]] off to war (in [[Syria]]) to save the government from all sorts of disasters back at home? Challenging a [[Theresa May|Prime Minister]] in the midst of an international conflict is always difficult – just look at the vitriol thrown at [[Jeremy Corbyn]] for doing so yesterday – who was proved right in the face of the same accusations with [[Tony Blair]].ny Blair]].)
  • Document:Justice for Megrahi - is Aamer Anwar capable of getting it?  + (Is [[Justice for Megrahi]] achieved by blocking ''[[Twitter]]'' accounts? Is [[Aamer Anwar]] capable of getting [[Justice for Megrahi]]?)
  • Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology  + (Is considered one of Mexico's (neoliberal) [[think tank]]s and has the highest rank of admission to the Mexican Foreign Service)
  • Document:A Gareth Wiliams - Gudrun Loftus Axis?  + (Is there a connection between the death of Gareth Williams and the apparently accidental death of Oxford University academic Gudrun Loftus?)
  • Ansarallah  + (Islamist political and military organisation from Yemen.)
  • Niue  + (Island in the Pacific in free association with [[New Zealand]])
  • Malta  + (Island nation in the Mediterranean sea)
  • Mauritius  + (Island nation in the [[Indian Ocean]]. Now a [[tax haven]].)
  • Eire  + (Island off the coast of [[Great Britain]]. [[Ireland]] is a member of the [[EU]] but not [[NATO]].)
  • Iceland  + (Isolated island nation off the north west coast of [[Europe]]. Part of the [[Nordics]].)
  • Itamar Rabinovich  + (Israel Ambassador to the US back in the 1990s, attended the [[2012 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:Putin's triumph  + (Israel Shamir on the historical background to the politics of Vladimir Putin and the unfolding events in Ukraine and Crimea)
  • The Writings of Israel Shamir  + (Israel Shamir's personal web site. An archive of his writings.)
  • Document:The Brown Revolution in Ukraine  + (Israel Shamir's take on the February 2014 events in Western Ukraine with a pithy, numbered outline of this particular 'Regime-change' modus-operandi - one which is becoming wearily predictable and familiar to students of these things.)
  • European Leadership Network  + (Israel lobby group of nearly 300 past, present and future European leaders. Works to foster key ties between [[European]] and [[Israeli]] leaders, and [[empower]] friends of [[Israel]] across [[Europe]].)
  • Document:More than 500 jihadists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre  + (Israel treats ISIS/Al-Qaeda fighters before returning them to fight in Syria)
  • 2018 missile attack on Russian IL-20 reconnaissance aircraft  + (Israel trying to start WW3 by having Russian plane shot down in war ruse.)
  • Danny Danon  + (Israel's Permanent Representative to the UN since 2015)
  • Israel/Borders  + (Israel's borders are unusual in having changed several times in living memory. Israel currently borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, the Gaza Strip and Egypt on the southwest.)
  • Golan Heights  + (Israel's exploitation of wind energy in the occupied Golan Heights is legal under international law because it does not deplete the territory's natural capital. But oil drilling would violate that principle.)
  • Jewish Institute for National Security of America  + (Israeli "conservative" influence operation close to the [[military-industrial complex]], sending US police and military leaders to be trained in Israel.)
  • Document:Israel's omnicient ears  + (Israeli Signals Intelligence base at Urim in the Negev Desert)
  • Idan Ofer  + (Israeli WEF billionaire businessman)
  • Nahum Manbar  + (Israeli [[arms dealer]])
  • Benjamin Netanyahu  + (Israeli [[deep politician]] who has been [[Prime Minister of Israel]])
  • Yosef Kuperwasser  + (Israeli [[spook]])
  • Tanya Reinhart  + (Israeli academic and Anti-Zionist critic both of Israel's invasion and occupation of Lebanon and its occupation of the Palestinian territories after 1967. Lost her position at [[Tel Aviv University]] after bureaucratic harassment)
  • Operation Wooden Leg  + (Israeli air bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunisia in 1985.)
  • Yair Klein  + (Israeli arms dealer known for his activities in the 80s)
  • Dan Gertler  + (Israeli billionaire businessman in natural resources)
  • Lev Leviev  + (Israeli billionaire supporter of the Hasidic movement)
  • Dan Halpern  + (Israeli diplomat who passed confidential US documents to [[AIPAC]], to lobby for a trade agreement massively favorable to [[Israel]].)
  • Yossi Avni-Levy  + (Israeli diplomat.)
  • Teva  + (Israeli drug company)
  • Tom Segev  + (Israeli historian)
  • Élie Barnavi  + (Israeli historian who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Document:A Close Look at the Pro-Israeli Lobbies inside Britain  + (Israeli influence in the politics of the UK)
  • Rafi Eitan  + (Israeli intelligence agent, who led a large number of assassinations and other deep events. "All intelligence work is a partnership with crime. Morals are put aside")
  • Ronen Bergman  + (Israeli journalist who published ''Rise and Kill First: The secret history of Israel’s targeted killings'' - in reality a very flattering [[limited hangout]].)
  • Moshe Schnitzer  + (Israeli key player in the international diamond trade)
  • Rubin Academy of Music  + (Israeli music academy)
  • Ariel Levite  + (Israeli nuclear expert and war hawk who attended [[Bilderberg/2012]], where one of the subjects was "What Can the West Do about Iran?". Works for Carnegie Endowment.)
  • Ophir Pines-Paz  + (Israeli politician who in 2010 announced he was retiring from politics and leaving the Labor Party, which he said "had abandoned its values over the past 15 years".)
  • Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies  + (Israeli pro-military think tank, supporter of [[ISIS]].)
  • Itamar Ben-Gvir  + (Israeli settler, activist and politician)
  • Ehud Barak  + (Israeli spook who was [[Prime Minister of Israel]] from May 1999 to March 2001. Pal of [[Jeffrey Epstein]].)
  • NSO Group  + (Israeli technology firm focused on cyber intelligence.)
  • Miko Peled  + (Israeli-American peace activist and author. Proponent of Israeli-Palestine single-state.)
  • Natalie Portman  + (Israeli-born actress who was a research assistant for [[Alan Dershowitz]])
  • Arnon Milchan  + (Israeli/American billionaire spook businessman and film producer.)
  • Stanley Fischer  + (Israeli/US central banker and quad Bilderberger)
  • European Medicines Agency  + (Issued guidance that [[chloroquine]] and [[hydroxychloroquine]] were only to be used in clinical trials or emergency use programs.)
  • Quango  + (It describes an ostensibly non-governmental organisation performing governmental functions,)
  • Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 1  + (It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]It does not matter to [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]] or [[Emma Arbuthnot|Arbuthnot]] if there is any genuine need for [[Julian Assange|Assange]] to be incarcerated in a bulletproof box, or whether it stops him from following proceedings in court. [[Vanessa Baraitser|Baraitser]]'s intention is to humiliate [[Julian Assange|Assange]], and to instill in the rest of us horror at the vast crushing power of the state.r at the vast crushing power of the state.)
  • Document:Phone Wrecks: The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland  + (It has become a predictable and all-to-familiar feature of US sponsored regime-change operations that mysterious snipers turn out to kill both government forces and opposition protesters before disappearing.)
  • Document:A Moment in History  + (It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]]It is ESSENTIAL that every [[Labour Party]] member reading this blog acts NOW to try to get rid of those dreadful [[Tony Blair|Blairite]] MPs. If you do not act, the historic moment will be missed and the chance to move [[England]] and [[Wales]] away from [[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.[[neoliberalism]] may be permanently surrendered.)
  • Document:Epstein's Death Must Be the Start, not the End, of the Investigation  + (It is a great shame that in the [[UK]], the [[Establishment]] has been able to characterise the falsifications of [[Carl Beech]] as discrediting the entire notion of historical [[Mind control/Child Abuse|child sexual abuse]].)
  • Document:Ed Miliband’s decision to oppose military action against Syria is an action of statesmanship of which Britons will be proud  + (It is all very well to rush to war in a surge of moral outrage, it is quite another to spell out clearly what are the war objectives and how exactly they are to be achieved.)
  • Document:The EHRC’s report into Labour antisemitism is the real ‘political interference’  + (It is instructive to compare the certaintyIt is instructive to compare the certainty with which the [[EHRC]] treats Councillor [[Pam Bromley]]’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of [[antisemitism]] in [[Labour Party|Labour]] with its complete disregard for unmistakably [[antisemitic]] comments from [[Boris Johnson]], the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the [[corporate media|establishment media]] and [[Jewish]] leadership organisations.Jewish]] leadership organisations.)
  • Document:Time to Start Paying Attention: The US Just Bombed Russians in Syria  + (It is not clear if [[Russia]]It is not clear if [[Russia]] has a retaliation of its own in mind, but we would do well to remember that when similar incidents took place last year, Russia indicated that they would begin targeting [[US]] jets if they had to. Almost immediately after this stark warning, [[Australia]] pulled its planes out of its air missions in [[Syria]].[[Syria]].)
  • Document:The Framing of al-Megrahi  + (It is not difficult to achieve a conviction of the innocent)
  • Document:The Price of Peace  + (It is not possible to understand the curreIt is not possible to understand the current state of play in [[Brexit]] negotiations, without understanding that those effectively driving the [[Conservative Party|Tory Party]] position do not view a hard border with [[Ireland]] as undesirable. They view it as a vital achievement ''en route'' to rolling back power sharing and all the affirmative measures which brought peace to [[Northern Ireland]], in an affirmation of the glory and power of [[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].[[Unionism in Ireland|unionism]].)
  • Document:Northern Ireland Information Service - Misinformation  + (It is now well established (and has been aIt is now well established (and has been admitted by the government), that the task of the Information Policy branch of Army headquarters in the early to mid 1970s was disinformation. False stories were spread in order to discredit the [[IRA]] as well as other enemies of the [[MI5|Intelligence services]], such as Loyalist politicians and the Labour politicians and the Labour government.)
  • Document:Why is the CBC Lying About Venezuela  + (It is our responsibility as people living in the [[United States]] and [[Canada]] to elevate the voices of poor, working and oppressed people in [[Venezuela]] who support the revolutionary government of President [[Nicolás Maduro]].)
  • University of Economics Prague  + (It is the largest university in the field of economics, business and information technology in the Czech Republic,)
  • Document:Monbiot is not only a hypocrite, but a bully too  + (It is time for [[George Monbiot]]’s legion of supporters to call him out. Not only is he a hypocrite, but he is becoming an increasingly dangerous one!)
  • Document:We the People…  + (It is time for the dusty antique concept of 'WE THE PEOPLE' to be revived and given determined mass support)
  • Document:Brexit reveals Corbyn to be the true moderate  + (It is time to stop acting like zealots for [[neoliberalism]], squabbling over which brand of turbo-charged [[capitalism]] we prefer, and face up to our collective responsibility to change our and our children’s future.)
  • Document:What is Left for Palestine?  + (It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]]It was a beautiful day in [[Glasgow]] yesterday for the [[Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign]] demo, and it was great to be able to meet up again with so many magnificent and public-spirited people. It was an especially young crowd, which was excellent, and I was able to meet many [[Palestinians]] who drew comfort from the public support at a traumatic the public support at a traumatic time.)
  • Namebase  + (It was never going to win any prizes for presentation, but Namebase had a lot of information, especially about post-WWII US spooks. Its disappearance from the web by 2023 is an irreparable loss for the study of deep politics.)
  • Document:Losing the Plot: reflections on the Gaza debate debacle  + (It wasn’t the [[SNP|Nasty Nats]] that lost the plot. It was the [[Labour Party]], and [[Lindsay Hoyle|the Speaker]]. I trust they have now lost [[Scotland]].)
  • Document:Interfering with Laura Kuenssberg  + (It's no coincidence that it is precisely tIt's no coincidence that it is precisely the old and the poorly educated that are the targets of [[Dominic Cummings]]’ [[Brexit|"Brexit election”]] strategy. If it comes off, [[Laura Kuenssberg]] and her fellow hacks will have proven that the power of the [[corporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.rporate media|mainstream media]] is as yet unbroken.)
  • Iraq Historic Allegations Team  + (It's stated purpose is to investigate allegations of abuse of Iraqi citizens by British Service personnel during the occupation.)
  • Marco Panara  + (Italian "[[center-left]]" business journalist, regular at [[WEF AGM]]s)
  • Ivo Nutarelli  + (Italian Air Force pilot witnessing or participating in the events around the shoot down of flight [[Itavia Flight 870]] in 1980. Died in deadly acrobatic show accident in 1988.)
  • Corrado Passera  + (Italian Bilderberg banker)
  • Innocenzo Cipolletta  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman financier)
  • Paolo Fresco  + (Italian Bilderberg businessman. Ex [[Fiat]] Chairman)
  • Beppe Severgnini  + (Italian Bilderberg journalist who reported in April 2020 that "A whole generation is being wiped out.")
  • Carlo Rossella  + (Italian Bilderberger journalist)
  • Paolo Savona  + (Italian Bilderberger politician)
  • Eugenio Cefis  + (Italian Deep state deep state operative. Founder of [[P2]]. [[1965 Bilderberg]])
  • David Sassoli  + (Italian MEP; European Parliament President, presumed dead from the "vaccines" he himself promoted.)
  • Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa  + (Italian Minister of Economy and Finances, Bilderberg steering committee)
  • Carlo Sartori  + (Italian TV manager at RAI and a prominent mass media analyst)
  • Pasquale Saraceno  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrat]] economist. Very unusual [[Bilderberg Steering committee]] member in that he only attended a single Bilderberg.)
  • Ciriaco De Mita  + (Italian [[Christian Democracy]] prime minister.)
  • Giuseppe Glisenti  + (Italian [[TLC]] member who went to the [[1971 Bilderberg]], involved in European integration)
  • Luigi Barzini  + (Italian [[anti-communist]] journalist and politician, Attended [[1980 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Roberto Burioni  + (Italian [[virologist]] and academic who was given prominence in Italy for his strong stance against the [[antivaccination]] movement. The loudest proponent of the [[lockdowns]] and other policies from the start of [[Covid]] in 2020.)
  • Gian Migone  + (Italian academic who attended the [[1971 Bilderberg]] aged 30. Son of the senior diplomat [[Bartolomeo Migone]]. Nominally on the left, he has significant ties to the [[transatlantic]] deep state.)
  • Cesare Merlini  + (Italian academic, [[Brookings Institute]])
  • Eugenio Henke  + (Italian admiral who held the positions of director of the [[Servizio Informazioni Difesa|Defense Information Service]] (SID), where he was involved in several dramatic incidents.)
  • Bruno Branciforte  + (Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]]Italian admiral. The last head of the [[Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare|Italian Military Intelligence and Security Service]] and first leader of the [[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].[[Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna|Italian External Intelligence and Security Agency]].)
  • Vittorino Chiusano  + (Italian advisor to deep politician [[Giovanni Agnelli]]. Attended all the Bilderberg meetings from [[Bilderberg 1963|1963]] up to [[Bilderberg 1967|1967]].)
  • Rinaldo Petrignani  + (Italian ambassador to Washington, Deputy Secretary General of [[NATO]], then [[Italy–USA Foundation]] and board positions in armaments companies.)
  • Giulio Pastore  + (Italian anti-communist labor leader and [[Christian Democracy (Italy)|Christian Democrats]] politician who attended two Bilderbergs in the 1950s)
  • Carlo Ratti  + (Italian architect inventor who has focused on COVID-19)
  • Imbriani Longo  + (Italian banker)
  • Franco Bernabè  + (Italian banker and manager, Steering Committee of the Bilderberg)
  • Lorenzo Bini Smaghi  + (Italian banker who attended [[Bilderberg/2024]])
  • Alessandro Vanzetto  + (Italian business executive for [[FIAT]])
  • Antonio D'Amato  + (Italian business leader and president of [[Confindustria]] from 2000 to 2004.)
  • Umberto Agnelli  + (Italian business magnate with multiple deep state connections including the [[Bilderberg Steering committee]].)
  • Il Sole 24 Ore  + (Italian business newspaper. Many staff with a Bilderberg habit.)
  • Roberto Olivetti  + (Italian businessman)