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Document:I Stand in BlackburnI am going to need help – leafleting, canvassing, manning offices and the many myriad tasks of an election campaign. I am buoyed by the solid start we have in support across all communities in Blackburn. We are going to give Starmer a roasting, we are going to take on the zionist monopoly of power, and it is going to be great fun!
Document:Importing Jihadi Terror to the UK – Cui BonoImporting the White Helmets into the UK is obviously nuts if your purpose is to minimise jihadi activity in the UK
Document:Interfering with Laura KuenssbergIt's no coincidence that it is precisely the old and the poorly educated that are the targets of Dominic Cummings"Brexit election” strategy. If it comes off, Laura Kuenssberg and her fellow hacks will have proven that the power of the mainstream media is as yet unbroken.
Document:Internalised DangerAmerica urgently needs a radical dose of social and economic reform as championed by Bernie Sanders. It needs the Green New Deal, and the world needs a real commitment in Washington to environmentalism.
Document:It’s Not Socialism. It’s Another Mega Wealth Transfer.Amid the COVID-19 panic, it has hardly been noticed that Carphone Warehouse went bust, with 2,900 people losing their jobs. Its co-founder, David Ross, is of course the billionaire that Boris Johnson claimed paid for his luxury holiday to Mustique, whereas Ross claimed he only organised it.
Document:John Bolton on TrumpMr Bolton should have come forward during President Trump's impeachment proceedings rather than save his account for a $2 million book contract
Document:Jonathan Freedland rewrites history to hide an ugly truth about IsraelThe anti-Zionist Rudolf Vrba's story exposes the ideological foundations of Israel to be fully in sympathy with ugly European ethic nationalisms that culminated in Nazism. Vrba's story explains how Israel was always capable of, and is now committing, a genocide in Gaza.
Document:Julian Assange exposed the crimes of powerful actors, including IsraelJulian Assange has recently been honoured with the 2019 Award for Journalists, Whistleblowers & Defenders of the Right to Information and Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire has nominated him for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.
Document:Just like that: How the Tory magic trick was doneBoris Johnson will not be leading the people into any mythical promised land, rather they will be led like lemmings off the edge of a cliff. The population of the nation now have more austerity, economic inequality, privatising of the NHS and ever deteriorating public services to look forward to, led by a right wing, elitist, populist.
Document:Kenny MacAskill: Scotland, but not as I know itCraig Murray’s imprisonment is wrong and his prosecution undermines the liberties we claim to cherish. It’s Scotland but not as I know it or as it should be. As a former Justice Secretary, I find this shameful, and that it should happen under the watch of those who claim to cherish our Nations’ liberty is disgraceful.
Document:Krah, Europe and a German point of view
Document:Labour's next leader has already betrayed the leftThe next Leader of the Labour Party is already a prisoner to the "institutional antisemitism" narrative. That means their hands are chained not only to support for Israel, but to the reactionary politics in which Israel as a Jewish state makes sense – a worldview that embraces its style of ethnic, chauvinist, militaristic, segregationist politics.
Document:Lady Dorrian's LawThe ruinous determination of the Scottish Government and the Scottish judicial system to put someone, anyone connected to Alex Salmond in jail out of the First Minister’s demented paranoia and sheer malice has had many disastrous outcomes, for individuals, taxpayers and the country as a whole.
Document:Lawyers For Israel Oppose ConscienceConvictions based on “intent” to do something you have not actually done, are generally dubious. The Shenstone defendants have been told by Judge Chambers they will get prison sentences. Expect these to be vicious.
Document:Let’s Move On From Boris"Boris Johnson on the Dominic Cummings debacle: 'It is now time to move on… the country wants to move on.' If a politician tells you to 'move on' from a subject, it is a gigantic red flag that you should do precisely the opposite."
Document:Margaret Thatcher Ruined BritainMargaret Thatcher ruined Britain with her hard-right policies and the five Conservative prime ministers, since her party knifed her in the back the Tory way, have carelessly kicked over the remains. Each has been worse than the last in descending order – John Major, David Cameron, Theresa May, liar Boris Johnson and finally Liz Truss, a puppet with a wooden heart and personal photographer.
Document:Media Freedom? Show me the MSM Journalist Opposing the Torture of AssangeAt a time when the government is mooting designating Extinction Rebellion as Serious Organised Crime, right wing bequiffed muppet Keir Starmer was piously condemning the group, stating: “The free press is the cornerstone of democracy and we must do all we can to protect it.”
Document:Message for the Red Wall"This is my message for the Red Wall. If you reach a crossroads and your destination is to the left and by mistake you turn right, the further you travel along the wrong road the further you will move away from your destination. It is not easy to turn back, to change your mind. Sometimes, you have to in order to survive."
Document:Metropolitan Police on 'Chepiga' and 'Mishkin'I remain of the view that the best way forward would be for Putin to negotiate conditions under which Boshirov and Petrov might voluntarily come to the UK for trial
Document:Modern Monetary Theory: an explanationThe MMT approach to the command of resources is the polar opposite of that in neoliberalism. MMT seeks to do what is possible. Neoliberalism seeks to constrain what is possible.
Document:Mohammed Bin Salman: The Truth Behind The Reformist FacadeThen something remarkable happened which the world mainstream media has almost entirely ignored. Despite Saudi sponsored adverts all over US media portraying named senior Qataris as terrorist sponsors, and despite strong Israeli pro-Saudi lobbying, Donald Trump suddenly called Mohammed bin Salman to heel.
Document:Momento Mori – Unpopular Thoughts on Corona VirusConsider this: 100% of those who contract COVID-19 are going to die. 100% of those who do not contract COVID-19 are also going to die. The difference in average life expectancy between the two groups will prove to be only very marginal. That is because the large majority of those who die of COVID-19 will already be nearing the end of life or have other health problems.
Document:Muellergate and the Discreet Lies of the BourgeoisieThe capacity of the mainstream media repeatedly to promote the myth that Russia caused Clinton’s defeat, while never mentioning what the information was that had been so damaging to Hillary, should be alarming to anybody under the illusion that we have a working “free media”.
Document:Narrative Managers In Overdrive After Death Of White Helmets FounderThere is an immense narrative management campaign dedicated to controlling what people think about what’s happening in Syria. Whoever controls the narrative controls the world. Official Narrative control comes before any other priority the empire might have: before resources, before land, before even war itself. It’s up to us to see through their lies and bring an end to the lie factory.
Document:Nato Expansion and TurkeyThere is another, specifically Turkish interest in play here, which is very much a factor in Erdogan’s willingness to stand up to Biden over Swedish and Finnish NATO entry. This of course relates to the permanent tension between NATO members Turkey and Greece.
Document:Never AgainThe virus SARS-COV-2 has been used to create public panic and distrust in the world...The most important lesson we can all learn from this is to realise we have been had, and next time to say: “Never Again”.
Document:Nicola Sturgeon – Used and Discarded"Numerous sources have reported in the last few days that Police Scotland have now been given the go ahead by the Crown Office to pursue a criminal case over the £600,000 missing money. That seems the most likely explanation for the timing of Nicola Sturgeon's resignation today."
Document:No Ceasefire in the Propaganda WarSince October 8 over 200 Palestinian children have been taken prisoner, none of whom had anything to do with the October 7 attacks. That rather puts the possible release of 33 children and six women today into perspective. But it is not a perspective the BBC would ever give you.
Document:Novichok, Navalny, Nordstream, NonsenseThe US and Saudi Arabia have every reason to instigate a split between Germany and Russia at this time. Navalny is certainly a victim of international politics. That he is a victim of Putin I tend to doubt.
Document:On the Pavement with WikileaksPretty well all of the Western media is going to want to focus on these false anti-Assange narratives, and they will be determined to give as little attention as possible to the fact he is a publisher facing trial for publishing leaked state documents which revealed state wrongdoing. It is a classic and fundamental issue of freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Document:People Need to Reclaim the InternetThe development of social media gatekeeping of internet traffic is one of the key socio-political issues of our time. We need the original founders of the Internet to get together with figures like Richard Stallman and – vitally – Julian Assange – to find a way we break free from this.
Document:Pollokshields Shows How To Achieve IndependencePollokshields showed how the people of Scotland will eventually take their own Independence. The “illegal” way in British law. The Gandhi way. The Mandela way. The people’s way. You cannot impose UK law on the people of Scotland.
Document:President Abbas’ Rebuke to Theresa May over PalestineThe ignored part of the Balfour Declaration to which Abbas referred is of course: “It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”
Document:Probable Western Responsibility for Skripal PoisoningThose of us who have been in the belly of the beast and have worked closely with the intelligence services, really do know what they and the British government are capable of. They are not “white knights”.
Document:Progress MP joins Unite's unwaged section for GenSec voteJoining Unite in order to participate in the General Secretary ballot is legitimate and some are known to have done so to support Len McCluskey. However, making a false declaration in order to do so ‘on the cheap’ is certainly not legitimate and such applications need to be rooted out and their votes invalidated.
Document:Rachel Reeves needs to develop some decent ideas very quicklyRachel Reeves is a person out of time, out of ideas, and right now with no answer to any question that might reasonably be asked of her. It's very depressing.
Document:Rebecca Long-Bailey Labour leadership campaign marks end of 'project Corbyn'Not only does Labour continue to be politically dominated by the Blairites, but should Long-Bailey succeed her mentor then she would do their bidding all down the line. Unity with the Blairite right was the leitmotif of Long-Bailey’s campaign rally.
Document:Remembrance Day and the truths that dare not speak their nameIf Remembrance Day imparts a message worthy of our collective intelligence it is that war should be made a crime, with those who instigate it punished as criminals. In the last analysis it does not determine who is right only who is left. We have met the enemy and he is us. End.
Document:Russia Claims US Deploys Warships For Imminent Attack On Syria, Trains Militants For False Flag AttackUnited States-led coalition to "retaliate" for another false flag chemical attack done by the White Helmets in Syria
Document:SITREP: A false flag attack on a USN ship nextThe Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which comprises the cruiser USS Normandy, six destroyers and carries 6,500 sailors, is heading for Syria. Russia’s hypersonic Kinzhal (‘Dagger’) missile system having made these vessels effectively obsolete, means that the ships and their crews are essentially being sailed into a bloody scrapyard.
Document:So Where is the Swedish Warrant?All those Blairite MPs who seek to dodge the glaring issue of freedom of the media to publish whistleblower material revealing government crimes, by hiding behind trumped-up sexual allegations, are left looking pretty stupid.
Document:Starmer’s Mortal Wound On The Soul Of The Labour PartyStarmer clearly believes he has now firmly established his own political identity and laid the foundations for the transformation of Labour’s electoral prospects – in the mould of Kinnock and Blair. It may be that he has simply destroyed his reputation for moral and intellectual integrity – and inflicted a mortal wound on the soul of his party.
Document:Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supportersBritain’s authoritarian new prime minister is expanding the scope of already draconian laws to redefine his critics as ‘supporters’ of terrorism. Starmer wants to be judge, jury and executioner. We must not let him get away with it.
Document:Striving to Make Sense of the Ukraine WarThese things can be true at the same time: a) The Russian invasion of Ukraine is illegal: Putin is a war criminal; b) The US led invasion of Iraq was illegal: Blair and Bush are war criminals.
Document:That Leaked Labour Party ReportThat Leaked Labour Party Report proves conclusively that Sam Matthews’ allegations of unwarranted interference from Corbyn’s office to block anti-semitism action are malicious lies.
Document:The "Pentagon Papers" leak was a CIA op
Document:The 7 years of lies about Assange won’t stop nowA brief resume of the lies and deceptions promoted by The Establishment about Julian Assange during his asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy.
Document:The Antisemitism Industry doesn’t speak for Jews. It speaks for Western elitesFilm-maker Jonathan Glazer’s crime at the Oscars was to threaten the establishment’s stranglehold on the West’s Official Narrative about Israel – and itself
Document:The Armoured Glass Box is an Instrument of TortureI think there is a corner of the mind of this daughter of dissidents from apartheid that rejects her own role in the torture of Julian Assange, and is continually urging “I had no choice, I had no agency”. Those who succumb to do evil must find what internal comfort they may.
Document:The Broader View Reveals the Ugliest of ProspectsI find it hard to believe that I live in times where Julian Assange suffers as he does for telling the truth, where a dedicated anti-racist like Jeremy Corbyn is subjected to daily false accusations of racism and to US and security service backed efforts to thwart his democratic prospects, where the most laughable false flag is paraded to move us towards war with Iran, and where there is no semblance of a genuinely independent media.
Document:The Crown came for Craig Murray“I go to jail with a clean conscience after a Kafkaesque trial. I believe this is actually the state’s long sought revenge for my whistleblowing on security service collusion with torture and my long term collaboration with Wikileaks and other whistleblowers."
Document:The Curious Case of the Freedom FlotillaCraig Murray: "I am therefore entirely perplexed that the organisers went with Guinea Bissau as the flag state rather than a state likely to stand up to Israel and the US. Of course it failed. Is the problem incompetence, or is it again security service influence?"
Document:The EHRC’s report into Labour antisemitism is the real ‘political interference’It is instructive to compare the certainty with which the EHRC treats Councillor Pam Bromley’s ambiguous remarks as irrefutable proof of antisemitism in Labour with its complete disregard for unmistakably antisemitic comments from Boris Johnson, the man actually running the country. That lack of concern is shared, of course, by the establishment media and Jewish leadership organisations.
Document:The Forde Report and the Labour RightAbout a third of the mass membership that Corbyn brought into the Labour Party has now left. Starmer, having lied his way through his leadership election, has now positioned the party very squarely back as Blairite and Tory Lite. There is therefore a very real argument that the Forde Report simply does not matter.
Document:The Four Horsemen Gallop ByThe notion that Britain will take part in military action against Syria with neither investigation of the evidence nor a parliamentary vote is worrying indeed. Without Security Council authorisation, any such action is illegal in any event.
Document:The Freedom of CourageWhen you see the right wing Establishment worldwide, plus the entire mainstream media, united against ordinary people as we see today in Catalonia, it's a no-brainer which side you should be on.
Document:The Gulf of CredibilityThat Iran would target a Japanese ship and a friendly Russian crewed ship is a ludicrous allegation
Document:The Happiest of DaysCraig Murray: "I should be plain I have always advised Julian and Stella to take a plea deal if offered and get out of jail. I have no doubt this was a life or death choice."
Document:The Incredible Disappearance of Shai MasotThe open attempt to stifle all criticism of Israel, and in effect to make adherence to zionism a pre-condition for membership of the Labour Party – or indeed acceptance in wider society – is a vicious form of authoritarianism that should have been repudiated robustly from day one.
Document:The Israeli Terrorist State

"For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now.

"And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it."

Document:The Magnitsky Myth ExplodedCraig Murray: I am offering a bottle of Lagavulin to anybody who can find me an honest and fair MSM report of this judgement reflecting that the whole story was built on lies.
Document:The Mind Numbing Hypocrisy of the Supreme CourtSo the Supreme Court has ruled that there must be a right to appeal against imprisonment, unless your name is Craig Murray, you are connected to Julian Assange or you are a "war on terror" whistleblower.
Document:The Presence of EvilNetanyahu’s slanderous attacks on the institutions of international law were applauded to the rafters by America’s political leaders. The whole world was watching, and took note. The Zionist project per se is evil. To steal another people’s land and subject them to long and progressive genocide is about as evil a deed as can be imagined.
Document:The Price of PeaceIt is not possible to understand the current state of play in Brexit negotiations, without understanding that those effectively driving the Tory Party position do not view a hard border with Ireland as undesirable. They view it as a vital achievement en route to rolling back power sharing and all the affirmative measures which brought peace to Northern Ireland, in an affirmation of the glory and power of unionism.
Document:The Rejection of Starmerism"I don’t think any Prime Minister has ever come to power with less popular enthusiasm than Keir Starmer."
Document:The Relative Value of Life and DeathIsrael has been bombarding Syria relentlessly from long before October 2023 and has continued unabated – and unreported by western media. Israel’s attacks on civilian areas of Damascus this last few weeks have been devastating. It is pretty obvious that any loose missile that dropped on Majdal Shams is likely to have come from Israel, which is slinging huge quantities of munitions into Syria and Lebanon with wild abandon.
Document:The Sad Death of James Le MesurierJames Le Mesurier’s usefulness to Western security services, Israel and their Gulf allies came to an end when the jihadist headchoppers to whom Le Mesurier had been providing logistic support and invaluable propaganda, lost their last secure footing in Syria.
Document:The Stomach-Churning Victim Blaming by “Labour Friends of Israel”Craig Murray: "I do not know what institutional ties the “Labour Friends of Israel” has to the Labour Party, but whatever they are they should be cut off immediately."
Document:The Strange Case of the Russian Spy Poisoning: Sergei SkripalIn any major criminal inquiry one of the basic questions the investigation asks is: who had the means, the motive and the opportunity? Framed in that light, the Russians come a distant fourth behind the other prime suspects: the U.S. and U.K. intelligence agencies themselves, and those elements of the deep state opposed to Donald Trump.
Document:The UK's Macabre Final ElectionThis election is sordid, tawdry, corrupt and uninspiring; a fitting end for the UK and its long history of callous exploitation.
Document:The Unprincipled – and Potentially Racist – Lib DemsIf LibDem candidate Clareine Enderby is indeed replaced by Luciana Berger she will be a victim of racism, as the sole grounds on which Ms Berger is being touted as preferable for the 20% Jewish Finchley and Golders Green constituency is her ethnicity.
Document:The Unrelenting StateJulian Assange: That the most lucid man I know is now not capable of having a rational conversation is extremely alarming.
Document:The World: What is Really HappeningAlleged nerve gas attack in Syria - Amanda Martin tweets to George Monbiot: "Don't you smell a set up here though? Craig Murray doesn't think Assad did it."
Document:The beginning of the end"I don't think there's any chance Humza Yousaf has won the SNP leadership election legitimately. But this morning I'm deeply worried that those still controlling the party have absolutely nothing left to lose by fixing it in his favour."
Document:The corporate media’s world of illusionsOnce one is prepared to step through the door, to discard the old Great Western Narrative script, the new narrative takes its hold because it is so helpful. It actually explains the world, and human behaviour, as it is experienced everywhere.
Document:The official death toll in Gaza is a lie. The casualty numbers are far, far higherIn July 2024, researchers to The Lancet medical journal very conservatively estimated that the total number of Gazans who will die over the coming months – not just from bombs but as a result of the lack of medical care, insanitary conditions and famine – is 186,000, or 8 per cent of the population.
Document:The plot to keep Corbyn out of powerThe weaponisation of anti-semitism against Corbyn has become so normal that, even while I was writing this post, a new nadir was reached. Jeremy Hunt, the foreign secretary who hopes to defeat Boris Johnson in the upcoming Tory leadership race, as good as accused Corbyn of being a new Hitler, a man who as prime minister might allow Jews to be exterminated, just as occurred in the Nazi death camps.
Document:The sharks circling around Corbyn scent bloodThe sharks circling around Jeremy Corbyn will not ignore the scent of his bloodied wounds; rather, it will send them into a feeding frenzy. As hard as it is to do when the elites so clearly want him destroyed, Corbyn must find his backbone and start to stand his ground.
Document:The witchfinders are now ready to burn CorbynJeremy Corbyn’s allies are being picked off one by one, from grassroots activists like Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth to higher-placed supporters like Chris Williamson and Seumas Milne. Soon Corbyn will stand alone, exposed before the inquisition that has been prepared for him.
Document:Tracker was added to Palestine Action co-founder's phone“A tracker was found in a phone returned to us after myself and Richard Barnard were arrested for being co-founders of Palestine Action, a direct action network against Israeli weapons factories. Never use technology the police have touched. Thankfully we never did.”
Document:Truth and UkraineCommentator: "Russia didn't fail to take Kiev in March. It withdrew from Kiev because Zelensky agreed to peace talks. The US, UK and EU opposed the peace talks and Zelensky withdrew from the talks."
Document:Vegas Oddsmaker Says -The Fix Was In-Trump Was Robbed-This Election Was StolenThis presidential election is rancid. It feels as fixed as that Giants-Eagles NFL football game. Let me give you the details of this election- from a gambler’s perspective.
Document:Vomiting PerfidyThis is an ode to America and its UK poodle which will prove outrageous to US and UK patriots, posted in response to what the US described as "The end of US combat operations in Iraq".
Document:Was EU Tax Evasion Regulation The Reason For The Brexit ReferendumThe EU's new anti-abuse measures coming into force in 2019 would tighten up restrictions on UK-based intermediaries that take part in off-shoring and tax avoidance, of which Britain is a global leader
Document:Was the MST-13 timer fragment planted in the wreckage of Pan Am 103You can set the MST-13 timer for any time you like from 1 minute to 999 hours before the bomb explodes. So you set it to go off only an hour after Pan Am Flight 103's scheduled take-off from Heathrow on an 8-hour flight. Really?
Document:Was there a Wuhan lab leak?No meaningful lessons will be learnt about what really happened in Wuhan. Maintaining the illusion of truth will continue to take precedence over uncovering the truth. And for that reason we are doomed to keep making the same screw-ups. As the next pandemic will doubtless attest.
Document:Watch the West continue to make a mockery of international lawThe World Court concludes that the Palestinians are owed massive reparations. At a bare minimum, western governments must recognise the state of Palestine and impose sanctions on Israel until it withdraws from the occupied territories.
Document:We Are The Bad GuysIn the United Kingdom it falls to the Celtic nations to try to break up the state which is a subordinate but important imperialist engine. The paths of resistance are various, depending where you are. But find one and take one.
Document:What Might A Ukraine Peace Agreement Look Like?Currently nobody in power wants peace. It is often impossible to resolve a geographic conflict without some element that can be portrayed as endorsement of ethnic cleansing. These are the problems of peace.
Document:What Really Happens in Blackburn"When my candidacy for Blackburn was announced in March, Jack Straw issued an attack on me on 3 April 2024, stating that I had 'no cause' to stand in Blackburn. Then lo and behold, two months later after the election was called Jack Straw’s old fixer turns up with an 'Independent Candidate' to split the pro-Palestine vote."
Document:What is Left for Palestine?It was a beautiful day in Glasgow yesterday for the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign demo, and it was great to be able to meet up again with so many magnificent and public-spirited people. It was an especially young crowd, which was excellent, and I was able to meet many Palestinians who drew comfort from the public support at a traumatic time.
Document:Where They Tell You Not to LookCraig Murray's rule number one of real investigative journalism: 1. Look Where They Tell You Not to Look
Document:Why Barnard CastleOn 12 April 2020 Dominic Cummings was seen in Castle Barnard during lockdown. Two days later, GSK of Barnard Castle signed an agreement to develop and manufacture a vaccine with Sanofi of France.
Document:Why I am Convinced that Anna Ardin is a LiarTo those useful idiots who claim that the way to test these matters is in court, I would say of course, you are right, we should trust the state always, fit-ups never happen, and we should absolutely condemn the disgraceful behaviour of those who campaigned for the Birmingham Six
Document:Wikipedia & the Spooks – The RemakeIn a video interview with George Galloway, journalist Neil Clark explains that "SlimVirgin" is back and teaming up with "Philip Cross". That is subtle or what?
Document:Worse Than You Can ImagineThe political class, across the Western world and the Arab world, is utterly divorced from its people over Gaza. We are seeing worldwide repression, as peaceful conferences are stormed by police in Germany, students are beaten by police on American campuses, and in the UK old white people like me suffer the kind of continual harassment long suffered by young Muslim men.
Document:Your Man in the Hague (In a Good Way) Part 1The fact of genocide is incontrovertible and had been plainly set out. But several of the Judges are desperate to find a way to please the USA and Israel and avoid countering the current Zionist narrative, the adoption of which is necessary to keep your feet comfortably under the table of the elite.
Document:Your Man in the Hague (In a Good Way) Part 2"These two days in the Hague were absolutely crucial for deciding if there is any meaning left in notions of international law and human rights. I still believe action by the Court could cause the US and UK to back off and provide some measure of relief. For now, let us all pray or wish, each in our way, for the children of Gaza."
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 1It does not matter to Baraitser or Arbuthnot if there is any genuine need for Assange to be incarcerated in a bulletproof box, or whether it stops him from following proceedings in court. Baraitser's intention is to humiliate Assange, and to instill in the rest of us horror at the vast crushing power of the state.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 2Then, to wrap up proceedings, Baraitser dropped a massive bombshell. She stated that although Article 4.1 of the US/UK Extradition Treaty forbade political extraditions, this was only in the Treaty. That exemption does not appear in the UK Extradition Act.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 10Q. Counsel for the US Government James Lewis QC asks defence witness: you suggest that the First Amendment precludes this prosecution. A. Eric Lewis Yes, There has never been a prosecution of a publisher under the Espionage Act of 1917 for publication of classified information.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 11Dan Ellsberg, doyen of whistleblowers, had at first been inclined to believe the US Government on Iraqi WMD, just as he had first been inclined to believe the government on deaths caused by Wikileaks releases. In both cases it had proved they were making it up.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 12Finally US Government lawyer Clair Dobbin unveiled her key point: Surely all these contentious points were therefore matters to be decided in the US courts after extradition? No, replied defence witness Carey Shenkman. Political offences were a bar to extradition from the UK under UK law, and his evidence went to show that the decision to prosecute Assange under the Espionage Act of 1917 was entirely political.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 13“Strictly protect” is nothing to do with security classification, which is what protects national security information. As Nicky Hager said, its normal use is to prevent political embarrassment. As in Australasia, it is a term largely used to protect their secret political assets.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 14Following defence witness Professor Grothoff, the only further evidence heard was the reading by Edward Fitzgerald QC of the gist of a statement from Cassandra Fairbanks. I did not hear most of this because, having adjourned to 4.30pm, the court re-adjourned earlier than advertised, while Julian’s dad John Shipton, the musician M.I.A. and I were away having a coffee.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 15The only possible conclusion from yesterday’s testimony is that the performance of the representative of the United States Government (James Lewis QC) was, in and of itself, full and sufficient evidence that there is no possibility that Julian Assange will receive fair consideration and treatment of his mental health issues within the United States system. The US Government has just demonstrated that to us, in open court, to perfection.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 16"As James Lewis QC and Edward Fitzgerald QC exchange pleasantries, as the friendly clerks try to make the IT systems work, and my mind swims in horrified disbelief. They are discussing a fate for Julian Assange, my friend, as horrible as that of the thousands who over 500 years were dragged from this very spot and strung up outside. They are all chatting and working away as though we were a normal part of civilised society."
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 17I am going to write to Judge Baraitser applying for a copy of the transcript of Lewis cross-examining Professor Kopelman on the razor blade, with a view to reporting James Lewis QC to the Bar Council. I do wonder whether the General Medical Council might not have reason to consider the practice of Dr Rachel Daly in this case.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 7Today we had two expert witnesses, who had both submitted lengthy written testimony relating to one indictment, which was now being examined in relation to a new superseding indictment, exchanged at the last minute, and which neither of them had ever seen. I am obliged to say that I simply cannot believe the blatant abuse of process that is unfolding before my eyes in this courtroom.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 8As Trevor Timm testified today, senior prosecutors in the US Justice Department had opposed this prosecution as unconstitutional and refused to be involved. President Trump was left with this discredited right wing sleazeball, Gordon Kromberg. Now here we are at the Old Bailey, with a floundering James Lewis clutching at this oaf Kromberg for intellectual support.
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 9Craig Murray: "It has taken me literally all night to write this up – it is now 8.54am – and I have to finish off and get back into court. The six of us allowed in the public gallery, incidentally, have to climb 132 steps to get there, several times a day. As you know, I have a very dodgy ticker; I am with Julian’s dad John Shipton who is 78; and another of us has a pacemaker."
Document:Your Man in the Public Gallery: the Assange Hearing Day 6If you asked me to sum up today in a word, that word would undoubtedly be “railroaded”. it was all about pushing through the hearing as quickly as possible and with as little public exposure as possible to what is happening. Access denied, adjournment denied, exposition of defence evidence denied, removal of superseding indictment charges denied.
Document:“Former Russian Spy Sergei Skripal May Have Been Poisoned by BZ Nerve Agent”Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov: “Former Russian Spy Sergei Skripal May Have Been Poisoned by BZ Nerve Agent
File:Tapatalk - UndergroundSerbianCafe - Good selection of Far West Gulf articles - 1.pdfBlog posts about Far West LTD
Golem XIV - ThoughtsPrivate single man blog commenting on UK and world politics with emphasis on finance.
MENA Uncensored
Suppressed News
TheSwissBox Conversation
War Is A Crime
Zero HedgeInfluential website that doesn't shrink from perspectives censored by the commercially-controlled media