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     Page name     TypeDateAuthor(s)Subject(s)Description
Aleister Crowley and Adolf Hitler - The Ideology of EvilArticle21 December 2010William RamseyAdolf Hitler
Aleister Crowley
Dietrich Eckhart
Thule Society
Document:Bigger than 911article23 October 2010Craig MurrayHMS Astute groundingSome light relief at the expense of the MOD and its Trident nuclear missile carrying submarine fleet.
CIA Media Operations in Chile, Jamaica, and NicaraguaArticle16 March 1982Fred LandisOperation Mockingbird
South America
How the CIA takes over the major newspaper in a country targeted for regime change, and uses it as an instrument of destabilization. The method is still very much used in 2021.
Document:"Security Arc" forms amidst Mideast terrorarticle21 December 2013Sharmine Narwani2011 Syrian InsurgencyDeeply perceptive analysis of the developing situation in Syria and the wider Middle East from Sharmine Narwani
Document:'Poor Canada': Will Meng Wanzhou extradition hearing threaten national interestArticle3 May 2019Jason ProctorChrystia Freeland
Meng Wanzhou
Nick Vamos
The UK's Nick Vamos said he has discussed the Meng Wanzhou case with Canadian counterparts and has been following it with interest: "If nothing else, it's keeping the world of extradition experts entertained."
Document:15 times when Jeremy Corbyn was on the right side of historyArticle29 July 2015Paul SimpsonTony Benn
Nelson Mandela
Stop the War Coalition
Jeremy Corbyn
Sinn Féin
Trident nuclear programme
"The important thing is how we bring about peace, not posturing. You do not bring about peace in any part of the world without talking to people you don't agree with." (#SundayPolitics, 19 July 2015)
Document:1980 Massacre in Bolognaarticle6 July 2005Thierry MeyssanStrategy of tension
2004 Madrid train bombings
Bologna bombing
Document:5G Trade Wars: the US Empire Strikes BackArticle16 May 2019George KerevanHuawei
US-China trade war
The global 5G marketplace in the control of private monopoly capitalism will result in something akin to Orwell’s 1984 nightmare. That will turn every man, woman and child on the planet into a consumer automaton monitored continuously by big business.
Document:9/11 - Who Really Benefittedarticle24 July 2011'Captain America'9-11
Document:9/11 Insider Tradingarticle18 November 2010Kevin Ryan9-11/Insider TradingEvidence for Informed Trading based on foreknowledge of the 9-11 attacks
Document:911 Truth and the MSMarticle15 February 2010Elizabeth WoodworthCorporate media
9-11/Truth movement
A description of the changing response of the corporate media to the events of 9/11 over the 8 years since the event.
Document:911 and the Orwellian Redefinition of Conspiracy Theoryarticle20 June 2011Paul Craig Roberts"Conspiracy theory"
9-11/Media response
"While we were not watching, conspiracy theory has undergone Orwellian redefinition..." A "conspiracy theory" now refers to any ideas or facts that are out of step with the official narrative as put forward by government and the commercially controlled media.
Document:A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of AuschwitzarticleMarch 2001Germar Rudolf"The Holocaust"
A review of the the series of forensic examinations of the Auschwitz concentration camp alleged gas chambers that began with The Leuchter report and ended with the imprisonment in Germany of this author for authoring a similar though more rigorous report that was published without his authority
Document:A Brief History of the CIA’s Dirty War in South SudanArticle31 July 2019Ryan DawsonCIA
South Sudan
Sudan People's Liberation Movement
John Garang
Omar al-Bashir
The CIA are now almost completely out of the picture in South Sudan though one should never underestimate the Agency’s capacity for evil. It's in the US national interest to deny China access to African oil so it will always continue to be US vs China in South Sudan, as part of Pax Americana’s designs for Africa as a whole.
Document:A Cautionary Talearticle3 February 2011William BlumNATO
Document:A Close Look at the Pro-Israeli Lobbies inside Britainarticle4 October 2010Ershad AbubackerIsrael/LobbyIsraeli influence in the politics of the UK
Document:A Conundrum for Corbynarticle12 July 2016Conrad Sumer"Weapon of mass destruction"
Jeremy Corbyn
Trident nuclear programme
Catherine West
Trident could be Corbyn's much more collegiate equivalent of Blair’s “Clause 4” moment, instead of facing off and bullying his party, he could bring them all together under the banner of nuclear reduction - and if he gets it right, he will almost certainly be the next Prime Minister.
Document:A Day in the Life of a Banned Canadianarticle17 February 2012'Sarah J Miller'Kevin AnnettA sympathetic (and anonymous) interview with Kevin Annett.
Document:A Death Sentence for Greecearticle13 February 2012Mike WhitneyGreece
An analysis and deconstruction of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Greek government and its creditors which secured Greek parliamentary approval amid scenes of unprecedented protests by the Greek population on 11 February 2012.
Document:A Devastating Indictment of Israel’s War on GazaArticle11 January 2024Mike Small
Roshdi Sarraj
Israeli–Palestinian conflict
South Africa
International Court of Justice
Occupied Palestinian Territory
2023-2024 Israel-Hamas War
Document:A Gareth Wiliams - Gudrun Loftus Axis?article8 November 2010Trowbridge FordGareth Williams
Gudrun Loftus
Is there a connection between the death of Gareth Williams and the apparently accidental death of Oxford University academic Gudrun Loftus?
Document:A Long History of America's Dark Sidearticle7 October 2010Peter Dale Scott
Robert Parry
US/Foreign policy
Americans are encouraged to unquestioningly view their country and its soldiers as the "good guys" spreading “democracy” and “liberty” around the world. When the US inflicts death and destruction, it’s viewed as a mistake or an aberration. This article reviews the long history of these acts of brutality, a record that suggests they are neither a “mistake” nor an “aberration” but a conscious counterinsurgency doctrine on the "dark side".
Document:A Mafia Don with a Pompadourarticle20 March 2016William EngdahlDonald Trump
There are two possible conclusions to draw about the billionaire Mafia Don: either Donald Trump didn't know - or else he was fully aware - that his business associates were involved with the US Mafia. Either way, Trump is not fit to occupy "the most powerful office on Earth."
Document:A Perfect Conspiracyarticle22 July 2005Trowbridge FordTerrorism Industry
Document:A Plague for the Proletariatarticle15 June 2014Tobias LangdonLabour PartyScathingly accurate insights into what the UK Labour Party has become
Document:A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federationarticle27 March 2016William DunkerleyAlexander LitvinenkoInformation about an interview between Swiss businessman Pascal Najadi and retired French security services officer Paul Barril, in which Barril claims that the murder of Alexander Litvinenko was commissioned by the US-UK intelligence nexus as part of "Operation Beluga" aimed at destabilising Russia and discrediting Vladimir Putin
Document:A bitter Middle East crisis at the heart of the Conservative PartyArticle6 August 2021Peter OborneBoris Johnson
Ben Elliot
Mohamed Amersi
Conservative Friends of the Middle East and North Africa
Conservative Middle East Council
Pandora Papers
This crisis will not - thank goodness - claim lives as the Iraq War did. But it will damage Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has already found himself involved in a series of sleaze investigations, of which this is the most personally dangerous for him.
Document:A dissenting opinion on Nelson Mandelaarticle6 December 2013Jonathan CookNelson Mandela
Document:A lesson from Brussels we refuse to learnarticle24 March 2016Jonathan Cook"Terrorism"
"War on Terror"
Simon Jenkins
2016 Brussels Bombing
Commentary on the shortcomings of a Simon Jenkins article on the Mass murder in Brussels
Document:A new Cold War has begunarticle2 April 2014'The Saker'2014 Ukraine coup
Cold War II
A new cold war will follow the 2013-14 events in Ukraine and the secession of Crimea to Russia - This article argues that, from a Russian perspective and although not sought, this may prove positive for Russia's future.
Document:A new Sykes-Picot Agreementarticle2 April 2011Madhav Das Nalapat2011 Attacks on Libya
Document:A new integration project for Eurasiaarticle4 October 2011Vladimir PutinCommon Economic Space
Eurasian Economic Community
The Russian prime minister and prospective 3rd term president a makes the case for 'multi-polarity' as a superior form or world governance
Document:A new turf war with Strasbourg pushes Warsaw further down the road towards Polexit from the EUArticle4 August 2021Paul NuttallPoland
European Union
European Court of Human Rights
Will the schism between Poland and the European Union over legal differences eventually lead to "Polexit"?
Document:A warning from Canadaarticle24 April 2015Dawn StefanowiczTransgenderControversial politically incorrect opinion on the LGTB Rights movement and the effects on the adopted children of homosexual-couple parents
Document:Absolute folly for Britain to get involved in SyriaArticle1 March 2018Leo McKinstryNATO
Bashar al Assad
Boris Johnson
Andrew Bonar Law
Johnny Mercer
Tory MP Johnny Mercer, a former soldier, has demanded: “Britain must come to Syria’s aid” and condemned those who oppose “military intervention”.
Document:Activism on trial: The Elbit Eight and Palestine solidarityArticle16 November 2023Fatimah Yasmin AhmedDrone
Palestine Action
Huda Ammori
Richard Barnard
Elbit Systems
Eight activists are on trial this week at London’s Snaresbrook Crown Court for disrupting a lethal link in Israel’s military supply chain within the UK. Over the next six weeks, the Elbit Eight will fight in court to prove that Elbit Systems is guilty, and they are not.
Document:Aerial combatarticle18 November 1994David MillerLondon Radio Service
Document:Afghanistan is not about youArticle19 August 2021Ella WhelanTobias Ellwood
Tom Tugendhat
Johnny Mercer
Identity politics
Afghanistan/2021 withdrawal
Neocon MPs are concerned about the Afghanistan/2021 withdraw. The only problem is that they only care about themselves, and thereby show us the narcissism of Western intervention.
Document:After Mossad Targeted Soleimani, Trump Pulled the TriggerArticle3 January 2020Jefferson MorleyMossad
Benjamin Netanyahu
Donald Trump
Ruhollah Khomeini
Qassem Soleimani
Donald Trump has now fulfilled the wishes of Mossad. After proclaiming his intention to end America’s “stupid endless wars,” the president has effectively declared war on the largest country in the region in solidarity with Israel, the most unpopular country in the Middle East.
Document:After Yugoslavia, Ukraine?article14 February 2014Thierry MeyssanUkraine
Ukraine Riots 2013-14
Telling parallels and juxtapositions between the 2013-14 rioting in Ukraine and the dissolution of Yugoslavia
Document:Al Qaeda - the Databasearticle20 September 2005Pierre-Henri BunelAl-Qaeda
Document:Alice in Wonderlandarticle1 November 2003Tim BaberThe Pedophocracy
Mind control
A slightly off-beat and idiosyncratic but gentle introduction to a subject which - for most people, most of the time - is safely relegated to the realm of fictional horror, ridiculous 'conspiracy theory' or similar mental pigeon-hole, so that life can proceed 'as normal'.
Document:Ambush of Russian Bomber Was Guided by US Reconnaissancearticle26 November 2015Alexei LeonkovaIsrael
2011 Syrian Insurgency
Islamic State
2015 Russian Sukhoi Su-24 shootdown
Interview with a Russian military expert and specialist in Russian Military Space Forces about the November 2015 shoot down of a Russian military jet by Turkish F16 fighter over Syria
Document:America's non-compliancearticle29 April 2010Gareth Peirce"War on Terror"
Document:American Pie: The Real Story Behind ‘The NHS Crisis’Article2018John FurseNHS
Simon Stevens
NHS England
UK/2012 Health and Social Care Act
Virgin Care
The Tory Government and NHS England continue their drive to complete the major steps of converting our tax-based model to a US-modelled public/private enterprise as speedily as possible, with Brexit providing a blanket diversion from what they are doing.
Document:Amnesty International: Imperialist ToolArticle23 October 2012Francis BoyleAmnesty International
Amnesty International USA
Peter Benenson
Effectively, Amnesty International and AIUSA function as tools for the imperialist, colonial and genocidal policies of the United States, Britain, and Israel.
Document:Ampiric Myopiaarticle28 April 2014Edmund DalpePropaganda
2014 Ukraine coup
An examination of unfolding events in Ukraine and the role of the media, informed by the philosophical approach of Linguistic determinism
Document:An Inconvenient Patriotarticle15 August 2005David RoseSibel Edmonds
Dennis Hastert
American-Turkish Council
Assembly of Turkish American Associations
Document:An indy Russian ‘Alpha R’ film wonders if Biden would push the red buttonarticle8 November 2020'Rhys James'
Document:Anatomy of War Crimes Trialsarticle19 October 2014Christopher BlackRwandan Genocide
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
UN Tribunals
International justice
Transcription of a presentation made to the "World Public Forum" - a project of the Rhodes Forum - on the utter criminality of the UN International Tribunals system with particular reference to the author's personal experience of both the ICTY and the ICTR