Deep state
The "deep state", or "shadow government" refers not to the visible structures of the nation state, but to the publicly invisible structures which operate behind the scenes, usually (perhaps always) including the secret services charged with defending "national security". The term originated in Turkey (Turkish: derin devlet), as a response to a 1996 car crash which exposed the Susurluk scandal. The concept to which it refers is far older, but the deep state has always sought to obscure itself, and until recently, support from the commercially-controlled media has proved highly effective at doing so.
Recent Usage
The term "deep state" is the last few years has experienced something of a surge in popularity, particularly in the context of the US, possibly reflecting a deep disillusionment with the actual state of affairs in US. While metaphors such as "bad apples in government" of "deadlock in congress" are still used by the commercially-controlled media, more and more commentators are thinking beyond the left-right duality trap and noticing that more fundamental processes are at work.
There is the visible government situated around the Mall in Washington, and then there is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The former is traditional Washington partisan politics: the tip of the iceberg that a public watching C-SPAN sees daily and which is theoretically controllable via elections. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power.
Mike Lofgren[1]
In 2013 a New York Times Op-Ed piece described the deep state as "a hard-to-perceive level of government or super-control that exists regardless of elections and that may thwart popular movements or radical change. Some have said that Egypt is being manipulated by its deep state."[2]
Basic Components
Since most of the deep state is hidden, its exact composition is unclear. However, it may be more or less centered upon what Dwight Eisenhower referred to as the "Military-industrial-congressional complex". It is generally agreed to include:
- Senior or longstanding non-elected officials within government (e.g. top civil servants);
- The leadership of intelligence agencies;
- Individuals who control selected large commercial, military and/or criminal groups, including:
- The arms industry
- The energy sector
- The financial sector
- The terrorism industry
- Silicon Valley
- Individuals who broker agreements between other members of the deep state;
Supranational Nature
The name 'Deep state' suggests an immediate parallel with nation state, but no one to one correspondance can exist since deep states lack clear or formal definition. While the historial roots of groups are commonly within particular geographical, linguistic or ethnic boundaries, this is an unsatisfactory way to understand deep politics in the 21st century. These groups are becoming more intertwined, a process which extends their reach and places them ever further outside the regulatory capacity of national bodies. While corporations 'globalize' to become multi-national or intern-national, Peter Dale Scott refers in a recent essay to "A Supranational Deep State", emphasising that deep states are interoperating more closely than ever and that they effectively control national governments[3], a process which is facilitated by the wealth of new supranational treaties being brought in under the banner of free trade.
Peter Dale Scott describes one important turning point in this development, the partial success of investigations such as the House Select Committee on Assassinations, scrutinizing the CIA following the spate og high profile assassinations carried out by the cabal in the 1960s (e.g.JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X). Although partially captured, this committee was somewhat effective at introducing practices to limit the CIA's power to carry out black operations free of oversight. In response to this, the cabal offshored such operations to foreign intelligence agencies to escape oversight, most notably through the Safari Club:
The complex milieu of Khashoggi, the BCCI, and the Safari Club can be characterized as a supranational deep state, whose organic links to the CIA may have helped consolidate it. It is clear however that decisions taken at this level by the Safari Club and BCCI were in no way guided by the political determinations of those elected to power in Washington.
Peter Dale Scott, 2014 (Emphasis added)[3]
Deep Politics
- Full article: Deep Politics
- Full article: Deep Politics
"Deep Politics" is a term used to describe the topics and processes of importance to the agents of the deep state. These might or might not be recognisable as connected to the concerns called "politics", which are often a veneer designed to obscure the real deep political considerations. In contrast to multiple levels of superficial political considerations, deep political motives are sometimes much simpler; Charlotte Denett, for example, suggests that the deep politics of WW1 and WW2 was actually centered on control of the Middle East's oil and gas supplies.[4]
Page name | Description |
Ancient Rome/Deep state | The Ancient Roman Deep State. |
Australia/Deep state | The Australian deep state appears to be closely controlled from London/Washington. It has been using the country as a test-ground for emerging social control legislation. |
Austria/Deep state | The Austrian deep state |
Belgium/Deep state | The Belgian Deep state, most significantly exposed by the Dutroux Affair, appears to employ similar methods of control to other European deep states, including bribes, sexual blackmail, intimidation and assassination. |
Canada/Deep state | The Canadian Deep state in 2022 was shown to be in the grip of the Supranational Deep State. |
China/Deep state | Xi vs Shanghai or more complex? |
Denmark/Deep state | The Danish deep state, not yet well documented here. |
Europe/Deep state | As a highly secretive, long established deep state milieu, Le Cercle, has been active Europe wide in political subversion. |
Finland/Deep state | The Finnish deep state is currently influenced by the WEF |
France/Deep state | The French deep state, closely collaborating with Supranational Deep State policy since 2001. |
Germany/Deep state | Taken over by the US/UK deep state after the German defeat in WW2. A high profile public "denazification" was used to hide the high degree of deep state continuity. |
Greece/Deep state | The Greek deep state |
Israel/Deep state | The Israeli Deep state is important and highly influential, but not well documented. |
Italy/Deep state | The Italian deep state, post-WW II, centered on the Operation Gladio network run through NATO and heavily influenced by the CIA and MI6. |
Japan/Deep state | The Japanese deep state was rebooted by Allen Dulles as a client state of the US deep state after the Japanese defeat in WW2.<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a><a href="#cite_note-2">[2]</a> The Japanese government took a much more careful line than other countries as regards the COVID jabs. |
Netherlands/Deep state | Closely allied with the US Deep state. Leader and strange enabler (after banning it after World War II) of the EU-illegal drug trade, run from Amsterdam. Known for Bernhard von Biesterfeld and his involvement in developing Bilderberg and the 1001 club, and a possible sex cult and crime syndicate surrounding the royal family. Since the 2010s led by deep politicians and their consultants in NATO and EU institutes. |
Norway/Deep state | The Norwegian Deep state used operation Gladio era cells in the 20th century, and contains members of the Norwegian Shipowners' Association. |
Pakistan/Deep state | The military plays an very notable role in Pakistani politics. |
Poland/Deep state | The Polish deep state |
Portugal/Deep state | The Portuguese deep state is not yet well documented in Wikispooks, but seems to be a fairly typical European deep state. |
Romania/Deep state | The Romanian deep state is not yet well documented here. Ion Iliescu, the only known Romanian visitor to Le Cercle, was President of Romania for over a decade. |
Russia/Deep state | The Russian Deep State, unlike the deep states of western "democracies" is occasionally reported on by the corporate media. It appears to be collaborating with the supranational deep state. |
SDS | Since the 1970s, formerly separate deep states have integrated and now routinely conspire to subvert governments and international organisations. The collective effort to cover-up 9/11 saw this emerging supergroup fuse into a single Supranational Deep State, one with direct control over governments, central banks and global trafficking of drugs, weapons, people etc. Its reliance on deception, however, continues to make its long term prospects far from certain. |
Saudi Arabia/Deep state | Not well documented here |
Serbia/Deep state | The Serbian deep state, not very well documented here, but exposed by the 6th Integrity Initiative Leak |
South Africa/Deep state | The South African deep state was installed by the Milner Group and anwered to London. The group hosted many meetings of Le Cercle and is believed to have carried out assassinations for the Supranational Deep State. |
South Korea/Deep state | A deep state created and strongly dominated by the US. |
Spain/Deep state | The Spanish deep state |
Sweden/Deep state | The Swedish deep state involves the Wallenberg family and Wallenberg sphere. |
Switzerland/Deep state | Switzerland is the place for significant deep state activities. Houses the BIS. |
Turkey/Deep state | 'Derin devlet' is a deep state network based in Turkey. Repeated indiscretions resulted in its partial exposure, leading to the English phrase 'deep state' to refer to the phenomenon of a 'state-within-a-state or 'shadow government'. |
UK/Deep state | The British empire has long been influenced by various mostly unseen forces. These are being increasingly exposed in the 21st century. After WWI, the UK deep state increasingly came under the influence of the US deep state. |
US/Deep state | The US deep state goes back centuries, but its modern configuration is fairly easily traced back to the 1963 coup which fused an alliance into a single coherent Cabal. Under the leadership of George H. W. Bush after the Watergate coup, the group became centered on the Bush family. It has been aggressively waging a "War On Terror" since 9-11 quickened the supranational deep state. In recent years it has lacked clear leadership and suffered leaks, infighting, short-termism & confusion about handling its increasingly public profile. |
Related Quotations
Page | Quote | Author | Date |
"Conspiracy theorist" | “Here's the thing. There's about 150 people that run the world. Anybody who wants to go into politics, they're all fucking puppets, okay? There are 150 and they're all men that run the world - period, full stop. They control most of the important assets, they control the money flows. And these are not the tech entrepreneurs. Now they are going to get rolled over the next five to ten years by the people that are really underneath pulling the strings. And when you get behind the curtain and see how that world works, what you realize is, it is unfairly set up for them and their progeny. Now, I'm not going to say that that's something that we can rip apart. But first order of business is, I want to break through and be at that table. That's the first order of business.” | Chamath Palihapitiya | 2017 |
Salvador Allende | “We are faced with forces that operate in the shadows, without a flag, with powerful weapons, positioned in the most varied places of influence....The aggression of the large capitalist companies aims to prevent the emancipation of the people. It represents a direct attack against the economic interests of the workers....We are facing a true frontal conflict between large corporations and states. Their fundamental decisions - political, economic and military - seem to be interfered with by global organizations that do not depend on any state and that, in the sum of their activities, do not respond to or are supervised by any Parliament, by any institution representing the collective interest. In a word, it is the entire political structure of the world that is being undermined.” | Salvador Allende | December 1972 |
Edward Bernays | “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons... who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” | Edward Bernays | 1928 |
Bureaucracy | “Having worked briefly in the Canadian bureaucracy, I have observed that bureaucratic debate where power is involved tends to favor paranoid or worst-case analyses, especially those that justify budget and bureaucratic growth. Today's bureaucratic paranoia has indeed been institutionalized by what has been popularized as Vice President Cheney's 1% doctrine:- Even if there is just a 1% of the unimaginable coming due, act as if it is a certainty. It's not about our analysis, as Cheney said, it's about our response. Justified or not, fact based or not, our response is what matters. As to evidence, the bar was set so low that the word itself almost didn't apply. If there was even a 1% chance of terrorists getting a weapon of mass destruction, the United States must act now as if it were a certainty. This doctrine is a license for untrammeled expansion of the secret deep state.” | Peter Dale Scott | |
Conspiracy/Public attitudes | “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” | Woodrow Wilson | 1913 |
Deep state/2017 Popularisation | “Though the deep state is sometimes discussed as a shadowy conspiracy, it helps to think of it instead as a political conflict between a nation’s leader and its governing institutions.” | 16 February 2017 | |
Euan Grant | “I have the responsibility for increasing awareness of Russian, Russian speaking and Russian proxies organised crime links ith [sic.] these countries [sic.] “Deep States” nexus of political, senior bureaucracy, military and military industrial complex, big business and, of course, security and intelligence services. We prefer the term “ strategic organised crime” and believe it is not capable of being adequately deterred by conventional criminal justice procedures.” | Euan Grant | June 2018 |
Andrew Marr | “A final lesson is that Westminster and the state are two very different things. The state includes the NHS, national science labs, networks of experts […] I now feel we should spend less time on the distracting national puppet show and more time thinking about what I might delicately call the deeper sources of authority.” | Andrew Marr | 14 August 2021 |
Malcolm Muggeridge | “In the eyes of posterity it will inevitably seem that, in safeguarding our freedom, we destroyed it. The vast clandestine apparatus we built up to prove our enemies' resources and intentions only served in the end to confuse our own purposes; that practice of deceiving others for the good of the state led infallibly to our deceiving ourselves; and that vast army of clandestine personnel built up to execute these purposes were soon caught up in the web of their own sick fantasies, with disastrous consequences for them and us.” | Malcolm Muggeridge | May 1966 |
Peggy Noonan | “I have come to wonder if we don’t have what amounts to a deep state within the outer state in the U.S. — a deep state consisting of our intelligence and security agencies, which are so vast and far-flung in their efforts that they themselves don’t fully know who’s in charge and what everyone else is doing.” | Peggy Noonan | 28 October 2013 |
Michael Parenti | “When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed.” | Michael Parenti | |
Vivek Ramaswamy | “I have a dream that the people we elect to run the government will be the ones who actually run the government.” | Vivek Ramaswamy | |
Theodore Roosevelt | “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” | Theodore Roosevelt | |
Leo Tolstoy | “When he entered, Prince Andrew, his eyes drooping contemptuously (with that peculiar expression of polite weariness which plainly says, "If it were not my duty I would not talk to you for a moment"), was listening to an old Russian general with decorations, who stood very erect, almost on tiptoe, with a soldier's obsequious expression on his purple face, reporting something. "Very well, then, be so good as to wait," said Prince Andrew to the general, in Russian, speaking with the French intonation he affected when he wished to speak contemptuously, and noticing Boris, Prince Andrew, paying no more heed to the general who ran after him imploring him to hear something more, nodded and turned to him with a cheerful smile. | Leo Tolstoy | 1869 |
US/Deep state | “I join with those who assess the decay of the so-called Pax Americana into ever widening arms build-ups and military violence, in the light of the very similar decay a century ago of the so-called Pax Brittanica. We need to rescind policies that are as visibly detrimental to America and the world today as they were to Britain then. The problem is that Amnerican institutions are again in the grip of collective mania, as they were in the Palmer raids of 1919 and the McCarthy persecutions of the early 1950s. People outside government must work for a redirection of the U.S. government away from mania and illegality, like the awakening that ends the McCarthy era. But to regain control of politics, Americans must learn to understand and cope with the dark forces of the deep state. America, I try to suggest at the end [of The American Deep State] has like Britain far more to contribute to the world than violent power.” | Peter Dale Scott | 2015 |
Party Member
Politician | Born | Description |
Walter Veltroni | 3 July 1955 | Italian politician. His candidacy in the 2008 general elections obtained 33.17% of the votes, but failed to take the government. |
Related Documents
Title | Type | Publication date | Author(s) | Description |
Document:5 July Seminar; Potential guest list for discussion | spooky seminar invitation list | 26 February 2016 | Integrity Initiative | Seminar with a mix of media, academics and lots of spooks |
Document:American War Machine | book introduction | 1 November 2010 | Peter Dale Scott | A precis of the entire book, an analysis of the hidden mechanisms behind the exercise of real power in the Western World. The book is a culmination and synthesis of all of the author's earlier work on 'Deep Events' and the 'Deep State. Together with the work of Ola Tunander on the same subjects, it is a highly recommended for anyone seeking more than superficial understanding of the predicament of 21st Century humanity. |
Document:Anatomy of the Deep State | essay | 21 February 2014 | Mike Lofgren | An up to date analysis of the deep state in the US from a former insider who does not oppose the official narrative of 9-11. |
Document:Bloggers Under Siege - Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court | blog post | 27 April 2020 | Ludwig De Braeckeleer | From Lockerbie to the Russia Hoax, Craig Murray has of course upset people in high-places, including some who work for Intelligence Agencies. |
Document:Counter-Intelligence: Spying Deters Democracy | interview | 7 July 2014 | Scott Noble Kim Petersen | |
Document:Democratic State v Deep State | essay | 1 January 2008 | Ola Tunander | An excellent introduction to deep politics. By clarifying the real role of the Secret Intelligence Services and the policy agenda they under firm control in most Western 'Democracies' (especially the UKUSA nations), it demonstrates the irrelevance of the party-political masquerade. |
Document:Fifty Years of the Deep State | book | 22 November 2013 | Mark Gorton | A detailed overview of the modern US deep state which names names, the most prominent of which, George H. W. Bush, is exposed as the kingpin of the US Deep state and probable a key mover behind the 9/11 plot. |
Document:Obama’s Humanitarianism as Window-Dressing for the US “Deep State” Agenda - The Case of Syria | article | 18 June 2013 | Elizabeth Woodworth | |
Document:The Deep State and 9/11 | article | 11 June 2008 | Peter Dale Scott | |
Document:The Spectacle of The False Flag | book | 1 March 2015 | Eric Wilson | |
Document:The Terror Attacks in France. The Broader Geopolitical Implications | interview | 10 January 2015 | Umberto Pascali | Interview with Umberto Pascali – For Voice of the People, TV Sonce, Skipje, Macedonia |
Document:Transnationalised Repression Parafascism and the US | article | September 1986 | Peter Dale Scott |
- ↑ "A Shadow Government Controls America", Reader Supported News, February 22, 2014. Mike Lofgren
- ↑ "A Wordnado of Words in 2013", New York Times, December 21, 2013. Grant Barrett
- ↑ a b Document:The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld
- ↑ The Supranational Deep State, 2 hour radio show