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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Strategically important due particularly to the Suez canal". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • Markus Wolf  + (Spook who ran foreign intelligence of the STASI for some 34 years)
  • Chaim Herzog  + (Spook who spoke on "State Support for International Terrorism" at the 1979 [[JCIT]], later [[President of Israel]] for a decade)
  • William Walker  + (Spook who worked with repressive Latin-American regimes. Also an actor in the [[Kosovo War]] in 1999.)
  • Paul Dietrich  + (Spook, Cercle visitor)
  • Dorothy Hunt  + (Spook, wife of Watergate/JFK assassination conspirator, [[E. Howard Hunt]]. Killed in a plane suspicious crash.)
  • Karen Kornbluh  + (Spook. [[BBG Governor]])
  • Zoë Baird  + (Spookily connected US lawyer)
  • Paula Dobriansky  + (Spookily connected US politician)
  • StopFake  + (Spooky "[[fact checking]]" website to counter "[[Russian Propaganda]]". Backed by an alliance of groups including the [[Integrity Initiative]]. Some staff crossover with the [[Institute for Statecraft]].)
  • Bruce Hoffman  + (Spooky "[[terror expert]]")
  • Peter Neumann  + (Spooky "[[terror expert]]", [[ACG YGL]]/2012)
  • Jack Teixeira  + (Spooky "[[whistleblower]]" from the Massachusetts National Guard [[intelligence]] wing who reportedly leaked documents online, aged 21.)
  • Robert Pickus  + (Spooky "peace activist" who proposed that in "the current political climate, war is essential for justice to prevail".)
  • Colloquium on Analysis and Estimates  + (Spooky 1979 Washington conference)
  • Colloquium on Counterintelligence  + (Spooky 1980 Washington conference)
  • Colloquium on Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s  + (Spooky 1987 conference)
  • Jacob Collins  + (Spooky American entrepreneur and real estate developer)
  • Christopher Alexander  + (Spooky American marketing and communications executive)
  • Uri Ra-Anan  + (Spooky American-Israeli expert in the politics of [[communist]] countries, and "[[terrorism]]".)
  • Thomas Brody  + (Spooky Assistant US Attorney General who defended [[NSA]] wiretapping without a warrant.)
  • Philip Ruddock  + (Spooky Australian Attorney General.)
  • Institute for Regional Security  + (Spooky Australian think-tank)
  • Dawood Azami  + (Spooky BBC journalist and editor. Selected as [[Young Global Leaders 2011|Young Global Leader]] by the [[World Economic Forum]].)
  • William F. Buckley  + (Spooky Bilderberg TV speaker, friend of [[Alistair Horne]])
  • Wolfgang Schürer  + (Spooky Bilderberg academic)
  • Robin Ibbs  + (Spooky Bilderberg banker. Private adviser to [[Margaret Thatcher]] on Efficiency and Effectiveness in Government)
  • Tom Donilon  + (Spooky Bilderberger. Has advised the presiSpooky Bilderberger. Has advised the presidential campaigns of [[Jimmy Carter]], [[Walter Mondale]], [[Joe Biden]], [[Michael Dukakis]], [[Bill Clinton]], [[Barack Obama]], and [[Hillary Clinton]], designing policy, managing conventions, preparing candidates for debates, and overseeing presidential transitions. His brothers are also deep state operatives.s brothers are also deep state operatives.)
  • Mark Field  + (Spooky British Conservative Party politician)
  • David Carter  + (Spooky British diplomat)
  • Thomas Drew  + (Spooky British diplomat; Counter-Terrorism and National Security)
  • Karim Khan  + (Spooky British lawyer who became Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in 2021.)
  • John Bassett  + (Spooky Canadian media mogul and "great friend" of the [[United States]] and [[Israel]], who attended two Bilderbergs in the early 1960s)
  • Álvaro Gomez-Hurtado  + (Spooky Colombian diplomat who attended [[Le Cercle]]. Assassinated in 1995)
  • Josef Korbel  + (Spooky Czechoslovak-US professor in internSpooky Czechoslovak-US professor in international politics. His daughter [[Madeleine Albright]] was [[US Secretary of State]] under [[US President|President]] [[Bill Clinton]], and he was the mentor of [[George W. Bush]]'s Secretary of State, [[Condoleezza Rice]].[[Condoleezza Rice]].)
  • Dan Rosenfield  + (Spooky Downing Street Chief of Staff under [[Boris Johnson]], with strong [[Israeli]] ties.)
  • Frans Timmermans  + (Spooky Dutch Bilderberger politician who wSpooky Dutch Bilderberger politician who was Foreign Minister during the shoot down of [[Malaysia Airlines Flight 17]], and played an important role in the following propaganda campaign. As EU Commissioner, responsible for introducing [[Agenda 2030]] directives designed to reduce both home ownership and the farming sector by demanding new very costly inputs. Also wants [[GMO]] crops.[[GMO]] crops.)
  • Samuel Rozemond  + (Spooky Dutch foreign policy expert who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]] and later worked for the [[Clingendael Institute]])
  • Paul Mason  + (Spooky English writer and broadcaster who,Spooky English writer and broadcaster who, with [[Carole Cadwalladr]], was "unmasked as lap dogs for the [[security state]].<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>;/sup>)
  • Eerik-Niiles Kross  + (Spooky Estonian politician)
  • Roger Seydoux de Clausonne  + (Spooky French diplomat who attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • Salome Zourabichvili  + (Spooky French diplomat who was parachuted in to become President of Georgia in 2018)
  • Bernard Asso  + (Spooky French lawyer)
  • Hannes Adomeit  + (Spooky German academic who headed up the [[German cluster of the Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Jan Techau  + (Spooky German academic. Co-author of the study ''Führungsmacht Deutschland'')
  • Geert-Hinrich Ahrens  + (Spooky German diplomat)
  • Wolfgang Ischinger  + (Spooky German diplomat. Chaired the Munich Security Conference)
  • Marion Dönhoff  + (Spooky German journalist)
  • Werner Marx  + (Spooky German politician, Le Cercle, [[Psychological warfare]] specialist, later leader of the parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee)
  • Alois Mertes  + (Spooky German who attended the Bilderberg and Le Cercle. Aide to [[German Foreign Minister]] [[Hans-Dietrich Genscher]])
  • Tzipi Livni  + (Spooky Israeli Foreign Minister)
  • Jonathan Adiri  + (Spooky Israeli [[digital healthcare]] businessman who previously worked in national security think tank)
  • Black Cube  + (Spooky Israeli business intelligence agency)
  • Shimon Peres  + (Spooky Israeli politician)
  • Vittorfranco Pisano  + (Spooky Italian "[[counter terrorist]]" academic member of the [[Integrity Initiative's Italian cluster]])
  • Piero Ostellino  + (Spooky Italian journalist who attended [[Bilderberg/1982]].)
  • Mitsuhiro Shimada  + (Spooky Japanese businessman. Officially, a [[suicide]].)
  • Marwan Khreesat  + (Spooky Jordanian bomb maker)
  • David Martin  + (Spooky MEP)
  • Ian Butterfield  + (Spooky MICC consultant, [[Le Cercle]])
  • Hans Otto Meyer  + (Spooky Norwegian businessman and ship owner whose house was found to have a secret Gladio arms cache in 1978.)
  • Per Egil Hegge  + (Spooky Norwegian journalist and editor)
  • Nils Udgaard  + (Spooky Norwegian politician)
  • Finn Lied  + (Spooky Norwegian politician. Zionist. Creator of oil company [[Statoil]]. Deep state operative.)
  • The Prague Society  + (Spooky Prague-based NGO)
  • Peter van der Byl  + (Spooky Rhodesian politician)
  • Alexander Lebedev  + (Spooky Russian oligarch and media mogul)
  • Abdulaziz bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz  + (Spooky Saudi deputy minister and fourth son of [[Abdullah of Saudi Arabia|King Abdullah]] who attended [[Le Cercle]] in 2012, during [[Syria|the attempt at regime change in Syria]])
  • Edward Leigh  + (Spooky UK Lawyer politician)
  • Lorna Fitzsimons  + (Spooky UK MP)
  • John Browne  + (Spooky UK businessman, [[Morgan Stanley]], [[Le Cercle]], [[Chatham house]] ...)
  • Alexander Finnen  + (Spooky UK deep state operative, [[Chris Donnelly]]'s "right hand man")
  • John Killick  + (Spooky UK diplomat)
  • Michael Palliser  + (Spooky UK diplomat)
  • Peter Ricketts  + (Spooky UK diplomat)
  • David Manning  + (Spooky UK diplomat)
  • Serena Stone  + (Spooky UK diplomat in the [[FCO]] dealing in "counter-terrorism.")
  • Norman Reddaway  + (Spooky UK diplomat who ran the UK/FCO's [[Information Research Department]], [[The Britain-Russia Centre and the British East-West Centre/Director]])
  • Rachel Clarke  + (Spooky UK doctor who got cartoonist [[Bob Moran]] fired from the ''[[Daily Telegraph]]'' during the [[Covid]] event.)
  • Robert William Seton-Watson  + (Spooky UK historian trained by [[Milner Group]] member [[H. A. L. Fisher]], encouraged the breakup of the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]])
  • Adrian Fortescue  + (Spooky UK panelist at the 2002 Bilderberg. Son-in-law of [[Winston Churchill]]. Died in 2004)
  • David Howell  + (Spooky UK politician)
  • H. Montgomery Hyde  + (Spooky UK politician and lawyer who attended the first Bilderberg and one more.)
  • Aubrey Jones  + (Spooky UK politician who attended the [[1974 Bilderberg]])
  • Gregory Treverton  + (Spooky US "intelligence stalwart" interested in "[[terrorism]]")
  • Matthew Shearer  + (Spooky US Navy officer who moved to biosecurity. He was an integral part of developing and implementing the [[Clade X]] and [[Event 201]] pandemic exercises.)
  • David Abshire  + (Spooky US [[diplomat]] with connections to "[[Iran-Contra]]")
  • Robert Blum  + (Spooky US academic diplomat. OSS. Attended the [[1956 Bilderberg]]. Died suddenly aged 54.)
  • J. Michael Waller  + (Spooky US academic with experience in [[psychological operations]] and [[political warfare]], "in cooperation with elected and appointed policymakers.")
  • William Griffith  + (Spooky US academic. "A very dedicated [[anti-Communist]]" and "[[Zbig]]'s idea man." Helped introduce discussion on ''Domestic Developments In Eastern Europe:Policy Implications For The West'' for the [[1989 Bilderberg]])
  • Robert Kaplan  + (Spooky US author writing books on [[geopolitics]] based on his extensive traveling. Chief geopolitical analyst at [[Stratfor]] when he attended the [[2013 Bilderberg conference]].)
  • Crosby Kelly  + (Spooky US businessman known as a public relations pioneer. Attended [[Le Cercle]])
  • Stratfor  + (Spooky US company exposed by Wikileaks)
  • Arnold Kanter  + (Spooky US deep state functionary. Special Assistant to President [[George H. W. Bush]], part of [[Brent Scowcroft]]’s [[National Security Council]] staff.)
  • Daniel Fried  + (Spooky US diplomat)
  • Rose Gottemoeller  + (Spooky US diplomat)
  • Sally Shelton  + (Spooky US diplomat [[Atlantic Council]], [[USAID]], and [[NED]]. Married former CIA director [[William Colby]].)
  • William Tapley Bennett  + (Spooky US diplomat who worked mostly in Latin America.)
  • George Kent  + (Spooky US diplomat with ties to regime changes and the management of Ukraine.)
  • Michael Kozak  + (Spooky US diplomat working for regime changes. Top handler of the cocaine-smuggling [[Contras]].)
  • Philip Gordon  + (Spooky US diplomat, CFR, Bilderberg)
  • Nathaniel Davis  + (Spooky US diplomat. Death squads in Central America, coup in Chile)
  • John B. Dunlop  + (Spooky US expert on Soviet Union and Russia, focusing on ethnic nationalist separatism.)
  • Christopher Cavoli  + (Spooky US general and [[Supreme Allied Commander Europe]] since July 2022. His career shows an extensive specialization towards [[Russia]]. Attended [[2023 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Egil Krogh  + (Spooky US lawyer)
  • William Roth  + (Spooky US lawyer, Le Cercle)
  • Al Carone  + (Spooky US policeman who "truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery concealed behind an enigma.")
  • Kori Schake  + (Spooky US think-tanker)
  • Dan Kaszeta  + (Spooky US/UK propagandist with a focus on [[biological weapons]], uninvited from a [[UK MoD]] conference after his social media posts were deemed to be ill advised. Member of the [[Integrity Initiative]].)
  • Anthony Lake  + (Spooky WEF acadmic)
  • Steven Dedijer  + (Spooky Yugoslav pioneer of [[Business Intelligence]])
  • José Ramos-Horta  + (Spooky [[East Timorese]] politician)
  • Heather Conley  + (Spooky [[German Marshall Fund President]] 2022-)
  • Eka Tkeshelashvili  + (Spooky [[Munich Security Conference Young Leader]] with a heavy conference habit. Signed the ''[[Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19]]'' call for mass injection.)
  • Arnold Horelick  + (Spooky [[RAND]] analyst. In [[1986]] he wrote a paper ''Soviet Foreign Policy Under Gorbachev'', which was also a theme of the [[1986 Bilderberg meeting]] he attended.)
  • Wirt Dexter Walker II  + (Spooky [[US deep state]] DIA pilot)
  • Francis Maude  + (Spooky [[WEF GLT]] politician)
  • New Atlantic Initiative  + (Spooky [[transatlantic]] think tank)
  • Philip Mosely  + (Spooky academic)
  • Phillip Karber  + (Spooky academic)
  • Michael J. Green  + (Spooky academic)
  • Eliot Cohen  + (Spooky academic labelled "the most influential neocon in academe")
  • Joanna Szostek  + (Spooky academic member of the [[Integrity Initiative/Cluster/UK/Inner Core|Inner Core]] of the [[Integrity Initiative]]'s [[UK cluster]])
  • Marin Strmecki  + (Spooky academic of the [[Smith Richardson Foundation]]. An [[Afghanistan]] specialist, he attended [[Bilderberg 2004]], where that country was one of the topics.)
  • Bernard Lewis  + (Spooky academic who attended the [[1979 Bilderberg|1979]] and [[2002 Bilderberg]]s, as well as the [[Washington Conference on International Terrorism]].)
  • Ernst Kux  + (Spooky academic, "a leading Swiss Sovietologist")
  • Imran Ahmed  + (Spooky activist "Buffalo might never have happened if online hate had been tackled after [[Christchurch Mass Shooting|Christchurch]]")
  • David Hart  + (Spooky advisor to Thatcher. Father of an [[Institute for Statecraft director]] and possibly also another member of the group.)
  • Brussels Forum  + (Spooky annual get-together of US/European functionaries laid on by the [[German Marshall Fund]].)
  • Institute for Strategic Dialogue  + (Spooky anti-democratic think-tank that is "uniquely able to turn research and analysis into evidence-based policy and action" by local authorities, central governments and multilateral institutions.)
  • Cyrus Hashemi  + (Spooky arms dealer, Iran-Contra/Premature death)
  • George Montgomery  + (Spooky assistant to Senator [[Howard Baker]] who went to [[Le Cercle]])
  • Brown Brothers Harriman  + (Spooky bank that helped [[Fritz Thyssen]] finance [[Adolf Hitler]])
  • Henry Morgan  + (Spooky banker)
  • Siegmund Warburg  + (Spooky banker who co-founded [[S. G. Warburg & Co.]], employed [[Anthony Griffin]].)
  • Strive Masiyiwa  + (Spooky billionaire who as [[African Union Special Envoy for Covid-19 response]] pushed [[COVID jabs]])
  • Dmitri Alperovitch  + (Spooky businessman)
  • Norman Augustine  + (Spooky businessman)
  • Nader Elhamessi  + (Spooky businessman who "randomly" sat next to [[Saleyha Ahsan]], co-founded [[World for Libya]])
  • Christopher Steele  + (Spooky businessman who cooked up the '[[dirty dossier]]' to try to smear [[Donald Trump]].)
  • Ezra Harel  + (Spooky businessman who founded [[ICTS International]].)
  • Bill Browder  + (Spooky businessman. At one point the largest foreign investor in [[Russia]], barred from entering Russia in 2005, he has actively worked for regime change since then.)
  • Giampiero Massolo  + (Spooky career diplomat. Coordinator of Italian intelligence services 2012-2016. Member of the [[Atlantic Council]], [[Trilateral Commission]] and on the Executive Committee of the [[Aspen Institute Italia]].)
  • Active Change Foundation  + (Spooky charity that worked closely with the [[Institute for Statecraft]] on "[[de-radicalisation]]")
  • StratCom DC 2019  + (Spooky conference arranged by the powerful [[Atlantic Council]] to discuss how to expand censorship)
  • Symposium on the Role of Special Operations in US Strategy for the 1980s  + (Spooky conference attended by the US [[MICC]])
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2013  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2015  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2016  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2017  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2018  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2019  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2021  + (Spooky conference in Canada)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2012  + (Spooky conference in Canada discussing the "New Normal" and Western nations' "special burden".)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2009  + (Spooky conference in Canada in November 2009)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2010  + (Spooky conference in Canada in November 2010)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2011  + (Spooky conference in Canada in November 2010)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2014  + (Spooky conference in Canada in November 2014)
  • Halifax International Security Forum/2023  + (Spooky conference in Canada in November 2023)
  • Advanced Research and Assessment Group  + (Spooky department of the [[Defence Academy of the United Kingdom]], run by [[Chris Donnelly]])
  • Mark Sedwill  + (Spooky diplomat)
  • Bernard Bajolet  + (Spooky diplomat)
  • Raymond Thurston  + (Spooky diplomat and former advisor to [[SACEUR]] [[Lauris Norstad]] who attended the [[1961 Bilderberg]].)
  • Jack Matlock  + (Spooky diplomat panelist on ''Developments in The Soviet Union: Political And Economic Impact On The Alliance'' at the [[1991 Bilderberg]].)
  • James Lilley  + (Spooky diplomat who oversaw 1989 [[Tiananmen Square]] regime change attempt as Ambassador to China)
  • Denis Greenhill  + (Spooky diplomat whose cable concerning the expulsion of the inhabitants of the Chagos Islands which was "condescending, misogynistic and racist, even by 1960s standards.")
  • Adolf W. Schmidt  + (Spooky diplomat, [[Le Cercle]], [[1965 Bilderberg]])
  • John Floyd Hull  + (Spooky drug trafficker charged by the [[Christic Institute]])
  • Norman Bailey  + (Spooky economist who taught "Economics for Foreign Policy Makers." Admitted on the record that the [[PROMIS]] database and search application has been given to the [[NSA]])
  • Borzou Daragahi  + (Spooky establishment journalist)
  • Alina Polyakova  + (Spooky establishment researcher)
  • Ronald Grierson  + (Spooky financier/businessman)
  • John Lenczowski  + (Spooky founder of the IWP)
  • Francis John Nugan  + (Spooky founder of the [[Nugan Hand Bank]])
  • John Frewen  + (Spooky general who directed the 2021-22 forced jab campaign in Australia.)
  • David Petraeus  + (Spooky general, DCIA, Multi-Bilderberg)
  • Philipp Jenninger  + (Spooky german politician)
  • Oxford Analytica  + (Spooky international analysis/consulting firm.)
  • Arnaud de Borchgrave  + (Spooky journalist)
  • Souad Mekhennet  + (Spooky journalist for the [[Washington Post]] and [[New York Times]])
  • Lindsay Moran  + (Spooky journalist promoting [[internet censorship]].)
  • Ali Aslan  + (Spooky journalist, Georgetown University, many [[deep state]] ties)
  • Euan Grant  + (Spooky journalist/propagandist who worked for the [[Integrity Initiative]] interested in [[financial fraud]]. "His main forte is thinking strategically and has experience working in many countries around the world.")
  • François Duchene  + (Spooky key adviser to Jean Monnet)
  • Jeffrey Smith  + (Spooky lawyer who played the role of [[CIA Director]] in [[Clade X]].)
  • Thomas Spencer  + (Spooky lawyer who was listed as a principal of [[Atlantic Cercle inc.]])
  • Joseph Felter  + (Spooky military-industrial complex officer and academic with interest in [[South-East Asia]] and militarized [[hacking]].)
  • Robert Schweitzer  + (Spooky officer who was part of [[Iran-Contra]] operation. Moved from public post after [[Dr. Strangelove]]-like predictions of imminent Soviet attack.)
  • Shirley Ann Jackson  + (Spooky physicist [[Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board]])
  • YouGov  + (Spooky polling company founded in 2000 by [[Stephan Shakespeare]] and UK [[Deep state operative]] [[Nadhim Zahawi]].)
  • Oliver McTernan  + (Spooky priest with a range of hats, including director of the [[Institute for Statecraft]] and "a large network of political/community contacts in Middle East and North Africa.")
  • Paul Massing  + (Spooky sociologist)
  • Frank Gardner  + (Spooky soldier turned “terror expert” who was BBC Security Correspondent.)
  • Ashraf Marwan  + (Spooky son-in-law of the late Egyptian president [[Gamal Abdel Nasser]]. Fell to his death from the balcony of his [[London]] home.)
  • Hans Josef Horchem  + (Spooky speaker at the [[JCIT]] who took early retirement to lead the [[Institut für Terrorismusforschung]])
  • Elizabeth Holmes  + (Spooky starter of [[Theranos]], a high tech health start up which defrauded investors.)
  • Entrapment  + (Spooky tactic.)
  • Moderna  + (Spooky tech company producing cure-all RNA vaccines)
  • Albert Einstein Institution  + (Spooky think tank specializing in the study of "nonviolence as a form of warfare." Has nothing to do with [[pacifism]]: "It is all about seizing political power or denying it to others".)
  • Muslim Contact Unit  + (Spooky unit of the UK Metropolitan Police interested in "[[radicalisation]]" of [[Muslim]]s.)
  • Einat Wilf  + (Spooky wife of [[Richard Gutjahr]] who ran for the presidency of the [[World Jewish Congress]].)
  • 2018 Riga Stratcom Dialogue  + (Spooky/MICC conference attended by [[Maria de Goeij]] whose trip report on it for the [[Integrity Initiative]] was leaked.)
  • 2014 Winter Olympics  + (Sports event in Russia.)
  • Mark Allen  + (Spy turned businessman and lecturer via the revolving door)
  • Angelo Codevilla  + (Staff in [[Senate Select Committee on Intelligence]], Professor of [[international relations]]. Proponent of the [[Strategic Defense Initiative]]. Defender of the Israeli spy [[Jonathan Pollard]].)
  • Alan MacLeod  + (Staff writer at [[Mintpress]], contributed to [[Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting]] and [[the Grayzone]])
  • Document:Guantanamo SOP Confirms Psychological Torture  + (Standard operating procedures for military personnel running the Guatanamo Bay military prison confirm that the rules governing the treatment of its inmates amounts to systematic torture)
  • West European Public Relations Group for Information on Behalf of Israel  + (Start date approximate)
  • Rudolph Rauch  + (Start date approximate. Attended the [[1995 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Richard McCormack  + (Start date conjecture but was US chairman as of Jan 2002. Took over from [[Ted Shackley]]<sup id="cite_ref-adst_1-0" class="reference"><a href="#cite_note-adst-1">[1]</a></sup>)
  • Michael Ancram  + (Start date is conjecture, but would be after October 13, 2008)
  • Jürgen Stark  + (Start date slightly uncertain)
  • Uri Ra-Anan  + (Start year uncertain)
  • Le Cercle/1990 (Oman)  + (Start/End dates uncertain)
  • John Kelly (Graphika)  + (Started [[Graphika]])
  • D. F. Malan  + (Started [[South Africa]]'s system of [[apartheid]])
  • Towson University  + (Started as a Teachers College.)
  • University of Huddersfield  + (Started as a polytechnic, "transformed" it into "a thriving university")
  • 'Destiny'  + (Started as video streamer, now is known for debating people.)
  • Jeremy Howard  + (Started business working for digitization Started business working for digitization of healthcare. Then at the very start of the [[COVID-event]] he organized worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks, making face-to-face health care very difficult. [[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2013|World Economic Forum Young Global Leader]].[[WEF/Young Global Leaders 2013|World Economic Forum Young Global Leader]].)
  • Ranko Vilović  + (Started diplomatic career at Croatian independence in 1990, later ambassador an UN representative.)
  • Microsoft  + (Started in 1975 with [[Paul Allen]]Started in 1975 with [[Paul Allen]], [[Bill Gates]] developed Microsoft from a [[operating system]] maker of [[computers]] into one of the most prolific companies of all time, valued over $1 trillion, 3rd most valuable in the world. MS has over a billion in fines from [[corruption]], mass surveillance violations & [[tax evasion]]. MS has market shares in dozens of markets, leading in the [[Platformization]]-epidemic of the 2010s started by [[big tech]]. It was the first partner in the NSA-[[PRISM]] program.[[PRISM]] program.)
  • Adam Thomson  + (Started in Spring 2014)
  • Jessica Uhl  + (Started in the finance and business development, supporting the renewables business)
  • Uffe Ellemann-Jensen  + (Started more offensive military/soft power posture as Danish Foreign Minister. 8 Bilderbergs, candidate for NATO General-Secretary.)
  • Eliza Manningham-Buller  + (Started the job sometime before Late July, 1997)
  • Paul Latinus  + (Started the spooky [[Operation Gladio]] associated group, the [[Westland New Post]]. "[[Suicide]]")
  • Hunter Treseder  + (Started working in D.C)
  • Jerry Sullivan  + (Started working in D.C from here)
  • Finn Lied  + (Started working there in 1946)
  • Richard Higbie  + (State Department whistleblower of investigations derailed by senior officials under [[Hillary Rodham Clinton]]. Had his emails hacked and deleted.)
  • Katrin Suder  + (State Secretary for the German Federal MinState Secretary for the German Federal Ministry of Defence under [[Ursula von der Leyen]]. Quit in 2018 after it was found out they heavily overspent on wasteful consultancy services from her former employer [[McKinsey & Company]], without any good defence outcomes.[[McKinsey & Company]], without any good defence outcomes.)
  • Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation  + (State TV and radio corporation dominating the national media landscape.)
  • Nation-building  + (State constructing.)
  • Francis Wilcox  + (State dept official on the Committee on the Present Danger, attended 2 early Bilderbergs)
  • Anders Tegnell  + (State epidemiologist of [[Sweden]] during [[COVID]].)
  • Quia Oportet  + (State secret Dutch company listed in [[Dutch Ministry of General Affairs]] as elongation of [[Operation Gladio]])
  • Dick Benschop  + (State secretary under [[Jozias van Aartsen]], Attended the [[2000 Bilderberg]], chair of the [[Tafelronde]].)
  • University of Akron  + (State university in Akron, Ohio)
  • University of Baltimore  + (State-owned university in Baltimore, Maryland)
  • Drąsius Kedys  + (Stated in 2010 that he would "fight to the end" to expose paedophile activity that had affected his daughter.)
  • Rex Tillerson  + (Stated in 2017 that military action against [[North Korea]] was “on the table” if the country continued to develop its [[nuclear weapons]])
  • Document:Richmond Park prospective candidate: I would vote against Article 50 in Parliament  + (Statement by [[Labour Party]] prospective parliamentary candidate [[Christian Wolmar]] who aims to win the [[2016 Richmond Park by-election]])
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics  + (Statistical bureau which apparently is incapable of calculating [[excess deaths]] after the [[Covid jabs]].)
  • Tim Keating  + (Stepped down shortly after revelations of NZ forces massacring Afghans.)
  • Matt Baggott  + (Stepped down sooner than announced)
  • Ruud Lubbers  + (Still got rejected by the US as head of NATO and [[Helmut Kohl]] to chair the [[European Commission]].)
  • File:02 08 07 ipcc stockwell.pdf  + (Stockwell two, the second report into the handling and dissemination of information by the [[Metropolitan Police Service]] to the Press, following the killing of [[Jean Charles de Menezes]].)
  • Frank B. Kelso II  + (Strategic Submarine Division, later United States Secretary of the Navy)
  • Call to Action: CSIS-LSHTM High-Level Panel on Vaccine Confidence and Misinformation  + (Strategic public-private master plan for medical censorship and vaccine persuasion.)
  • Turkish Straits  + (Strategic waterway)
 (Strategically important due particularly to the Suez canal)
  • Egypt  + (Strategically important due particularly to the Suez canal.)
  • Norway  + (Strategically located nation with money to spend on [[supranational deep state]] [[SDS/Policy|policies]].)
  • Neal Lawson  + (Strategist for [[Tony Blair]] during the 1997 election, since then lobbyist and writer)
  • Wes Streeting  + (Streeting is being formed as a "new [[Tony Blair]]")
  • Brandeis University  + (Strong liberal arts focus, closely connected to the Jewish community)
  • Everett Dirksen  + (Strong supporter of the war on Vietnam.)
  • Dresden University of Technology  + (Strong technical tradition)
  • Ernst Friedlaender  + (Strongly pro-EU German editor)
  • Richard Tomasetti  + (Structural engineer reportedly behind the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the WTC steel evidence after [[911]].)
  • Charles Thornton  + (Structural engineer who reportedly was behind the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the steel evidence after [[911]]. Also involved after the collapse of the Murrah Building after the [[Oklahoma City bombing]].)
  • Stuart Henderson  + (Stuart Henderson was Senior Investigating Officer at the [[Pan Am Flight 103|Lockerbie Incident Control Centre]])
  • Jens Litten  + (Student leader who sided with the deep state and chose a career over radicalism. Possibly the second youngest Bilderberger ever.)
  • Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga  + (Studied psychology at [[McGill University]] at the same time as [[MK-ULTRA]] research happened there. Parachuted in to become President of Latvia)
  • Pasteur Institute  + (Studies biology, microorganisms, diseases and vaccines. This also includes [[biological warfare]].)
  • US/Senate/Special Committee on Aging  + (Studies issues related to older Americans, particularly [[Medicare (United States)|Medicare]] and [[Social Security (United States)|Social Security]])
  • File:THE PRICE OF OFFSHORE REVISITED.pdf  + (Study on the "offshore" private banking market.)
  • Chemical warfare  + (Subject to more restrictions than ordinary war, some of which have proved effective, some times.)
  • José Padilla  + (Subjected to [[Sensory deprivation]] for years before even being charged.)
  • John Philip Holland  + (Submarine pioneer)
  • Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group  + (Subunit of GCHQ that uses deception, dirty tricks, fake news to discredit people on the internet to "deny, disrupt, degrade and deceive".)
  • Dolf van den Brink  + (Succeeded a fellow Bilderberger)
  • Douglas Hurd  + (Succeeded by [[John Major]])
  • John H. Waller  + (Successfully covered up the [[Arms for Libya]] deal.)
  • Mark Ellison  + (Successfully led and secured the first convictions of any of Stephen Lawrence's murderers)
  • Document:Why the secret handshake between police and Freemasons should worry us  + (Successive [[Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis|Met Commissioner]]s have tried to end the [[Freemasonry|society]]’s influence. It is as clear as ever that membership of both bodies is incompatible with public service.)
  • Norman Kirk  + (Suddenly died in office, reportedly due to overwork.)
  • Norman Kirk  + (Suddenly died in office, reportedly due to overwork.)
  • Jes Staley  + (Suddenly quit as [[Barclays CEO]] after a probe relating to his ties with his friend [[Jeffrey Epstein]])
  • Francis Sanziri  + (Suffered a fatal [[heart attack]])
  • Maud Pember Reeves  + (Suffragist, socialist, feminist, writer anSuffragist, socialist, feminist, writer and member of the [[Fabian Society]], married to [[William Pember Reeves]] the Agent-General, representative of New Zealand government within the British Empire. She spent most of her life in [[New Zealand]] and [[United Kingdom|Britain]].[[United Kingdom|Britain]].)
  • Sugar  + (Sugar is rarely considered a drug, but it is classified here as such due to its addictive nature and negative impact on health.)
  • Louis Brooke  + (Suggest as director of the UK government propaganda network [[Zinc Network]])
  • Myron Cowen  + (Suggested a covert action to oust then Philippine president [[Elpidio Quirino]])
  • Tom Tugendhat  + (Suggested that [[COVID vaccination]] could be [[Vaccine/Mandation|mandated]] for UK workers)
  • 2021 Kabul Airport attacks  + (Suicide bombings in the middle of the [[Afghanistan/2021 withdraw]])
  • 1994 Buenos Aires bombing  + (Suicide van bomb attack on the [[Argentine Israelite Mutual Association]] building in [[Buenos Aires]], killing 85 people and injuring hundreds. For political reasons tried pinned on [[Hezbollah]])
  • Obituary  + (Summaries of people's lives after on their death are of obvious interest for [[deep political]] [[researchers]]. Like [[memoirs]], they have great potential for truth telling and/or dissembling.)
  • Document:These Clowns Are Dragging Us Into War  + (Summarises the outcome of the meeting in Minsk, Belorussia between Kiev Junta, DPR-LPR representatives on 31 August 2014. The prognosis remains depressingly pessimistic with the Westerm MSM consistently hawkish about "Confronting Russia")
  • File:London Conference on Libya 2011.pdf  + (Summary from the Chair of the London Conference on Libya)
  • File:What Happened to Flight 007 - The New American.pdf  + (Summary in 1988 from Robert W. Lee.)
  • File:KAL 007 Remembered The Questions Remain Unanswered.pdf  + (Summary in 1991 from Robert W. Lee.)
  • File:KAL Flight 007 Remembered.pdf  + (Summary in 2008 from Warren Mass.)
  • File:The Anniversary of KAL Flight 007 Prompts Another Look.pdf  + (Summary in 2014 from Warren Mass.)
  • Document:Backfire basics  + (Summary of Brian Martin's Backfire model)
  • Document:II Report Greek Diplomatic Expulsions  + (Summary of Greek comments after expulsion of Russian diplomats "with the constant advice of the American embassy".)
  • Felix Warburg  + (Super wealthy financier and [[deep politician]].)
  • Philipp Mißfelder  + (Super-[[transatlantic]] German politician, [[YGL/2014]], who died of a pulmonary embolism in 2015)
  • Wonder Woman  + (Superhero movie that came out the same year [[Hillary Clinton]] was supposed to become president and invade [[Syria]].)
  • Transhumanism  + (Superhuman concept with large billionaire following)
  • Christina Estrada  + (Supermodel who married and divorced a Saudi billionaire. She is mentioned in [[Jeffrey Epstein/Black book|Jeffrey Epstein's black book]] and in the [[Lolita Express/Passengers|Lolita Express log books]].)
  • Kai Hammerich  + (Supervisor of the [[1984 Bilderberg]])
  • Quanta Dialysis Technologies Ltd  + (Supplies dialysis machines to NHS for people on [[respirators]] and [[remdesivir]], which causes kidney failure.)
  • Wikidata  + (Support database for Wikipedia)
  • Gundolf Köhler  + (Supposed "lone nut" perpetrator of the 1980 [[Oktoberfest bombing]])
  • USS Cole attack  + (Supposed "terrorist attack", attributed to [[Al Qaeda]]. Possibly a [[false flag]].)
  • Anis Amri  + (Supposed perpetrator of the [[2016 Berlin attack]], termed "[[Not independently notable]]" by Wikipedia.)
  • SARS  + (Supposedly a corona virus that killed at least 774 people in 2003, and has allegedly broken out of laboratories 6 times.)
  • Christopher Landis  + (Supposedly killed himself two and a half months after assisting 9/11 researchers by sharing a set of photos with them.)
  • Document:Understanding the crisis in Ukraine  + (Suppressed facts about the linked neo-nazi and Jewish connections to the 2014 coup in Ukraine)
  • Document:Why Does the West Hate North Korea?  + (Suppressed information about North Korea and suggestions as to why it gets such a bad press in the West)
  • Document:Elie Wiesel - A Prominent False Witness  + (Suppressed information about the "Chief Witness to The Holocaust" together with home-truths and opinion for which its author was beaten close to death.)
  • Document:Chabad Lubavitch  + (Suppressed information about the Jewish [[Chabad Lubavitch]])
  • Document:The real legacy of Chernobyl  + (Suppressed information about the health risks of radiation 30 years after the [[Chernobyl disaster]])
  • Counterinsurgency  + (Suppression of uprisings.)
  • Peter Mandelson  + (Supranational deep state operative. Bilderberg, TLC, Ditchley etc.)
  • Philip Breedlove  + (Supreme Allied Commander Europe)
  • Joseph Ralston  + (Supreme Allied Commander Europe and [[Military-industrial complex]]. "An arms merchant in diplomat's clothing.")
  • George Joulwan  + (Supreme Allied Commander Europe and other significant commands, but CV lacking details of what he did.)
  • Peter Cory  + (Supreme Court of Canada judge. Conducted an inquiry into six particular deaths during "[[the Troubles]]" in Northern Ireland.)
  • Dési Bouterse  + (Surinamese military officer, politician, convicted murderer and drug trafficker. Leader of military junta 1980-87, President of Suriname 2010-2020)
  • Document:GEAB No 84 Crisis Alert for European governance  + (Surprisingly frank commentary and analysis from a mainstream think-tank about the global Anglo-US agenda with particular reference to unfolding events in Ukraine)
  • Community Intelligence  + (Surveillance program in Britain's Muslim communities for the collection of "information that may be unspecific and ambiguous about local individuals".)
  • Fidel Castro  + (Survived an estimated 600 assassination attempts to be the longest ever non-royal leader.)
  • Sedat Bucak  + (Survived the 1996 [[Susurluk car crash]].)
  • Multiplex  + (Suspect multinational construction company.)
  • Swaledale Mutton  + (Suspected British intelligence front, using numerous personas to troll [[Twitter]] (X) accounts of dissidents, to dilute and debase the discussion, and to drive them off the platform.)
  • Peter Munk  + (Suspected Canadian [[deep state operative]])
  • Laura Gayler  + (Suspected Clinton-connected operative arrested in Haiti attempting to take children out of the country. A string of legal issues. Her legal advisor was arrested by [[Interpol]] on suspicion of [[human trafficking]].)
  • Mark Leonard  + (Suspected UK [[DSO]] who founded the [[European Council on Foreign Relations]]. A regular the the [[Brussels Forum]], [[MSC]], [[WEF AGM]]. Authored ''[[Britain™: Renewing our Identity]]'')
  • William Stead  + (Suspected UK [[deep politician]] who died aboard the [[Titanic]])
  • Dominic Cummings  + (Suspected UK [[deep state operative]] who was a "[[special adviser]]" to [[UK PM]] [[Boris Johnson]].)
  • George Osborne  + (Suspected UK deep politician, heavy Bilderberg habit,)
  • Chris Patten  + (Suspected UK deep state operative)
  • Kirsty McNeill  + (Suspected UKDSO, trusted aide of of British PM Gordon Brown, Center for Countering Digital Hate, future Labour MP?)
  • Jack Caravelli  + (Suspected US Deep state operative, CIA, Georgetown, University)
  • George Kennan  + (Suspected US [[deep politician]], member of the [[Georgetown Set]])
  • John C. Whitehead  + (Suspected US deep state functionary who discussed "[[terrorism]]" at the [[1986 Bilderberg]]. Various USDS connections including the Bilderberg Steering Committee)
  • John Kelly  + (Suspected US deep state functionary, held various posts including [[White House Chief of Staff]], [[United States Secretary of Homeland Security]])
  • Nadia Schadlow  + (Suspected US deep state functionary. First Bilderberg in 2017)
  • Michael O'Hanlon  + (Suspected US deep state operative who co-authored ''Protecting the American Homeland - A Preliminary Analysis'' for [[Brookings]])
  • Halvard Lange  + (Suspected [[Norwegian deep state]] operative. [[Norwegian Foreign minister]] for nearly 20 years.)
  • Tom Tugendhat  + (Suspected [[UK deep state]] functionary, MP, [[Bilderberg 2019]], [[Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee]], floated ''de facto'' mandatory [[Covid-19 vaccination]] in November 2020.)
  • Walt Rostow  + (Suspected [[US deep state functionary]] member of [[The Georgetown Set]])
  • Robert Pitti-Ferrandi  + (Suspected [[deep state functionary]]. Attended 5 Bilderbergs from [[Bilderberg 1974|1974]] to [[Bilderberg 1980|1980]]. Representative of Baron [[Edmund de Rothschild]].)
  • Henry Jackson  + (Suspected [[deep state operative]] who attended 3 Bilderbergs in the 1960s and spoke at the [[1979]] [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]] on "Terrorism as a Weapon in International Politics".)
  • Oscar Hammerstein  + (Suspected by the [[Dutch]]Suspected by the [[Dutch]] court of [[money laundering]] by corrupt [[Fred Teeven]]. Personal lawyer of a new group formed out of old [[Inlichtingen en Operatiën]]/[[Klaas Bruinsma]] group who was also linked to a child sex ring. A personal friend of multiple accused [[paedophiles]].[paedophiles]].)
  • Robert Creamer  + (Suspected deep state functionary and husband of [[Jan Schakowsky]])
  • Phil Murphy  + (Suspected deep state functionary who "wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights" when he announced "[[COVID Lockdown]]" as [[Governor of New Jersey]].)
  • Howard Baker  + (Suspected deep state operative assisted for many years by [[Cercle]] attendee [[George Montgomery]])
  • John Lough  + (Suspected deep state operative, joined the Institute for Statecraft in 2008, director of the [[Future Of Russia Foundation]], Chatham House)
  • Novara Media  + (Suspected of being a [[deep state tool]])
  • Marjorie Thompson  + (Suspected of working with the CIA)
  • Evelyn Le Chêne  + (Suspected spymistress who infiltrated the [[Campaign Against Arms Trade]])
  • Robert Zoelly  + (Suspected to have been the Swiss director of the [[Le Cercle]].)
  • Lyndon Johnson  + (Suspected to have blackmailed his way into the vice presidency so he could become president when JFK was assassinated.)
  • Alexander Nix  + (Suspended after the Channel 4 expose)
  • Itavia Flight 870  + (Suspicious plane crash that was the subject of complex legal action.)
  • Deagel  + (Suspicious website with an interest in population reduction and control. It removed some of its own content following the Covid-19 pandemic.)
  • Sonny Bono  + (Suspiciously killed politician)
  • Document:Abolish Terrorist Agencies  + (Swanson characterises [[Annie Jacobsen]]Swanson characterises [[Annie Jacobsen]]'s ''Surprise Kill Vanish'' as an apology for [[intelligence agencies]]. He deconstructs their the [[official narrative]]s of defending "[[democracy]]", claiming that they have "decades of engaging in and provoking terrorism". Citing [[blowback]] from their operations as major factors in the growth of the [[MICC]] and its climate [[paranoia]] and [[permanent war]], he calls for an end to the [[intelligence agencies]].[[intelligence agencies]].)
  • Nick Bostrom  + (Sweden philosopher who first attended the Bilderberg in 2019.)
  • Hans Stråberg  + (Swedish Bilderberg businessman)
  • Björn Rosengren  + (Swedish Bilderberger)
  • Lars-Eric Petersson  + (Swedish Bilderberger businessman convicted of fraud, then released on appeal)
  • Lars Renström  + (Swedish Bilderberger who donated millions to the project to deliver [[COVID-19 jabs]].)
  • Pehr G. Gyllenhammar  + (Swedish CEO, [[European Round Table of Industrialists]], Banque Rothschild, with deep state ties)
  • Swedish Submarine Protection Commission  + (Swedish Commission controlled by the deep state, used for propaganda effort in [[The secret war against Sweden]] and against the Swedish government.)
  • Gunnar Sträng  + (Swedish Finance Minister. Attended the [[1973 Bilderberg]])
  • Ivar Rooth  + (Swedish Managing Director of the IMF)
  • Tage Erlander  + (Swedish PM for 25 years)
  • Sven Andersson  + (Swedish Social Democrat politician and deep state actor)
  • Pierre Schori  + (Swedish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs under [[Olof Palme]].)
  • Mona Sahlin  + (Swedish [[Swedish Social Democratic Party|Social Democrat]] politician. Her political career rebounded from a deep low after she participated in the 1996 Bilderberg conference, and she almost became Prime Minister.)
  • Gunnar Lange  + (Swedish [[Swedish Social Democratic Party|Social Democrat]] politician and Minister of Trade 1955-1970. He attended the [[Bilderberg/1962|1962 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Erik Leijonhufvud  + (Swedish [[Wallenberg sphere]] banker who attended the [[1962 Bilderberg]])
  • Tom Johnstone  + (Swedish [[Wallenberg sphere]] business manager and [[Bilderberger]].)
  • Carl Bildt  + (Swedish [[deep politician]], serial Bilderberger and visitor to the [[MSC]]. Sitting on an impressive number of deep state related commissions.)
  • Björn Stigson  + (Swedish academic interested in [[sustainability]])
  • Jan Guillou  + (Swedish author and journalist.)
  • Bo Ramfors  + (Swedish banker and part of the [[Wallenberg Sphere]].)
  • Marcus Laurentius Wallenberg  + (Swedish banker who consolidated the [[Wallenberg family]] business empire after the fortuitous death of rival tycoon [[Ivar Kreuger]].)
  • Daniel Ek  + (Swedish billionaire, founded [[Spotify]] and [[Neko Health]], went to his first Bilderberg in 2024.)
  • Carola Lemne  + (Swedish business executive in private health care. Board member of the [[Wallenberg sphere]] [[Investor AB]].)
  • Hans Werthén  + (Swedish business executive who attended [[Bilderberg/1983]] and [[Bilderberg/1984]] as Chairman of [[Electrolux]] and [[Ericsson]]. [[Wallenberg sphere]].)
  • Martin Waldenström  + (Swedish business leader. [[Bilderberg/1954|Bilderberg 1954]] and [[Bilderberg/1956|1956]].)
  • Claes Dahlbäck  + (Swedish business manager in the [[Wallenberg Sphere]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/2003]] as Chairman of [[Investor AB]]. [[Tylösand Summit]].)
  • Stockholm School of Economics  + (Swedish business school mostly funded by the [[Wallenberg Sphere|Wallenebergs]])
  • Björn Svedberg  + (Swedish businessman and part of the [[Wallenberg Sphere]])
  • Leif Johansson  + (Swedish businessman and son of Bilderberger. Attended 2 successive [[Bilderberg]]s. [[AstraZeneca]] Chairman.)
  • Gunnar Brock  + (Swedish businessman in the [[Wallenberg Sphere]] who attended the [[2004 Bilderberg]])
  • Johannes Schildt  + (Swedish businessman in the medicine technology sector)
  • Carl-Henric Svanberg  + (Swedish businessman with [[deep state]] connections)
  • Curt Nicolin  + (Swedish businessman. A part of the [[Wallenberg Sphere]], he was chairman of [[ASEA]] and the [[Swedish Employers Association]], and attended the [[1984 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Lars Heikensten  + (Swedish central banker and Nobel Foundation)
  • Krister Wickman  + (Swedish central banker and deep state functionary)
  • Stig Larsson  + (Swedish civil engineer and business leader. He worked for [[Ericsson AB|Ericsson]], before he became CEO of the national train company [[Statens Järnvägar]].)
  • Dagens Nyheter  + (Swedish corporate newspaper. Heavy Bilderberg habit.)
  • Svenska Dagbladet  + (Swedish corporate newspaper. Heavy Bilderberg habit.)
  • Wallenberg Sphere  + (Swedish deep state faction centered on the Wallenberg family)
  • Jacob Nordangård  + (Swedish deep state researcher.)
  • Peter Hultqvist  + (Swedish defence minister; aligning closely with [[NATO]] short of actual membership.)
  • Jan Eliasson  + (Swedish diplomat)
  • Karin Olofsdotter  + (Swedish diplomat and Swedish Ambassador to the United States)
  • Erik Belfrage  + (Swedish diplomat and banker. Wallenberg associate. Attended the [[2005 Bilderberg]])
  • Klas Böök  + (Swedish diplomat and economist who was Governor of the Swedish National Bank from 1948 to 1951)
  • Sven Dahlman  + (Swedish diplomat and journalist)
  • Michael Sahlin  + (Swedish diplomat on the [[Swedish Submarine Protection Commission]])
  • Erik Boheman  + (Swedish diplomat, 4 Bilderbergs from 1958 to 1962. Some [[Wallenberg Sphere]] connections.)
  • Herman Kling  + (Swedish diplomat. Attended [[Bilderberg 1963]] as Minster of Justice.)
  • Bertil Ohlin  + (Swedish economist and politician who attended 3 Bilderbergs up to the [[1962 Bilderberg]])
  • Assar Lindbeck  + (Swedish economist who attended the [[1984 Bilderberg]])
  • Lars Jonung  + (Swedish economist who attended the [[1991 Bilderberg]])
  • Mats Johansson  + (Swedish editor mentioned as a person of interest by the [[Integrity Initiative]], but died in 2017)
  • The Baseball League  + (Swedish extreme right wing milieu in the [[Sweden/Police|Stockholm police]]. Involved in the assassination of Prime Minister [[Olof Palme]].)
  • Anna-Greta Leijon  + (Swedish former politician)
  • Lars Ramqvist  + (Swedish industrial manager who attended the [[2001 Bilderberg meeting]] as [[Ericsson/Chairman|Chairman of Ericsson]], a multinational telecommunications company in the [[Wallenberg sphere]].)
  • Pehr G. V. Gyllenhammar  + (Swedish insurance company executive)
  • Cats Falck  + (Swedish journalist found dead after investigation arms trade. Lacklustre police investigation of death.)
  • Sofie Löwenmark  + (Swedish journalist specializing in warning against [[Islamic extremism]], where her writings are supected to be coordinated with the [[Säpo|Security Service]].)
  • Bertil Torekull  + (Swedish journalist who attended the [[1990 Bilderberg]])
  • Åbo Akademi University  + (Swedish language university in [[Finland]].)
  • Ivar Kreuger  + (Swedish match tycoon who was shot dead in a Paris hotel in 1932)
  • Bonnier Group  + (Swedish media group)
  • Hans von Hofsten  + (Swedish naval officer who instigated the 1985 "Officers' Revolt" against Prime Minister [[Olof Palme]])
  • Carl-Fredrik Algernon  + (Swedish officer investigating weapons smuggling and corruption. Fell in front of a train.)
  • Adolf Lundin  + (Swedish oil and mining entrepreneur, and ardent [[anti-communist]]. Brother of powerful spook leader [[Bertil Lundin]].)
  • Carl Johan Åberg  + (Swedish one time Bilderberger)
  • Fredrik Reinfeldt  + (Swedish politician)
  • Annie Lööf  + (Swedish politician who attended the [[2017 Bilderberg meeting]] and was a member of the [[Trilateral Commission]]. From a minor party, but asked to form a government in 2018, which did not succeed.)
  • Oscar Stenström  + (Swedish politician who went to her first [[Bilderberg in 2023]])
  • Ingemund Bengtsson  + (Swedish politician. Attended the [[1971 Bilderberg conference]]. Responsible for the [[United Nations Conference on the Human Environment|UN Environment Conference]] in Stockholm in [[1972]].)
  • Herbert Tingsten  + (Swedish publisher who attended 3 of the first 4 Bilderbergs)
  • Gustaf Adolf  + (Swedish royal who probably could have played an important role in post war Europe had he not died in 1947 air crash.)
  • Mikael Damberg  + (Swedish single Bilderberg politician)
  • Bertil Wedin  + (Swedish spook named as a suspect in the [[Olof Palme assassination]])
  • Sveriges Television  + (Swedish state broadcaster.)
  • Sven Aspling  + (Swedish stay-behind organizer and last person to call Olof Palme)
  • Mats Wilander  + (Swedish top tennis player who had made a reservation but missed flight [[Pan Am Flight 103]].)
  • Chalmers University of Technology  + (Swedish university located in [[Gothenburg]] that focuses on research and education in [[technology]], [[natural science]]s, [[architecture]], [[mathematics]], [[Sea|maritime]] and other [[management]] areas.)
  • Anders Björgerd  + (Swedish utilities exec)
  • Hans Bergström  + (Swedish-American journalist and editor)
  • Johan Eliasch  + (Swedish-British businessman with a [[heavy WEF/Annual Meeting habit]]. Named in [[Epstein's Black book]].)
  • Marcello Ferrada de Noli  + (Swedish/Chilean doctor noted for his public defense of [[Julian Assange]], exposing the [[false flag]] [[Khan Shaykhun|gas attacks]] in Syria and the [[Skripal case]].)
  • Raymond Probst  + (Swiss Ambassador to Washington. Attended 1983 Bilderberg as one of the top civil servants in the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs.)
  • Felicien Morel  + (Swiss Bilderberg politician)
  • Felix Gutzwiller  + (Swiss Bilderberger [[public health]] leader. In March 2020 was on TV answering public questions about [[COVID-19]])
  • Olivier Long  + (Swiss Director-General of the [[General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade]], an organization for opening up protected national markets.)
  • Claude Monnier  + (Swiss French-speaking journalist and editor. Attended [[Bilderberg 1974]].)
  • Pascal Couchepin  + (Swiss President, 4 Bilderbergs)
  • Thomas Fleiner  + (Swiss Professor of Law "contributing to countless Swiss laws". Attended the [[1972 Bilderberg]])
  • Swiss Policy Research  + (Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR) is an independent non-profit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media. SPR is run anonymously by independent academics. High quality articles are available in up to 14 languages.)
  • Nestlé  + (Swiss [[Big Food]] multinational)
  • Giovanni Mahler  + (Swiss [[luxury goods]] entrepreneur and banker listed in [[Jeffrey Epstein's black book]].)
  • Arnaud Dotézac  + (Swiss academic who attended counterjihad conferences)
  • Curt Gasteyger  + (Swiss academic who attended the [[1975 Bilderberg|1975]] and [[1978 Bilderberg]]s)
  • Henri Hartung  + (Swiss academic who gave a presentation on ''The Internationalization of Business: The Social Aspect'' to the [[1968 Bilderberg]].)
  • UBS  + (Swiss bank many employees of which reportedly suffered a [[Banker/Premature deaths|premature death]].)
  • Walter Frehner  + (Swiss banker)
  • Eberhard Reinhardt  + (Swiss banker lawyer who attended the [[1970 Bilderberg]])
  • Rainer Gut  + (Swiss banker regarded as heading a generation of managers who controlled the levers of Swiss economic power for 30 years at the end of the 20th century.)
  • Marcel Ospel  + (Swiss banker who attended the [[2001 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Bernard Mach  + (Swiss biochemist and genetic researcher who attended [[Bilderberg 1970]])
  • Paul H. Müller  + (Swiss business executive who attended the [[1981 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Fritz Halm  + (Swiss business leader, President of the Central Association of Swiss Employer Organizations.)
  • Daniel Borel  + (Swiss businessman)
  • Walter Berchtold  + (Swiss businessman and double Bilderberger)
  • Arthur Furer  + (Swiss composer of modern classical music who attended the 1981 Bilderberg conference.)
  • Madeleine von Holzen  + (Swiss corporate editor who went to her first [[Bilderberg in 2023]])
  • Peter Forstmoser  + (Swiss corporate lawyer, academic, money man. [[IISS]]. [[Club of Rome]].)
  • Erich Mettler  + (Swiss correspondent and [[NZZ]] foreign editor who attended [[1973 Bilderberg]].)
  • Franz Blankart  + (Swiss diplomat who attended the [[Bilderberg/1988|1988 Bilderberg meeting]] as head of the Federal Office for Foreign Trade.)
  • Klaus Jacobi  + (Swiss diplomat with longstanding ties to the United States)
  • Jakob Kellenberger  + (Swiss diplomat, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, [[Bilderberg 1993]])
  • Thomas Jordan  + (Swiss economist and central banker)
  • Peter Koenig  + (Swiss economist and geopolitical analyst. He writes regularly for [[Global Research]] and other internet sites.)
  • Willy Linder  + (Swiss economist journalist and champion of [[neoliberalism]]. Attended [[Bilderberg/1977]] where one of the subjects was ''North American and Western European attitudes towards the future of the mixed economies in the Western democracies''.)
  • Arthur Wilhelm  + (Swiss economist who attended the [[1960 Bilderberg]] and [[1961 Bilderberg]]s. Died suddenly in February 1962.)
  • Georges Streichenberg  + (Swiss financier)
  • Robert Jeker  + (Swiss financier who attended several Bilderberg meetings as CEO of [[Credit Suisse]].)
  • ACE International  + (Swiss firm specialized in Trustees and Corporate Engineering, servicing an international client base of rich people, assisting them in enhancing their assets and protecting family wealth.)
  • Daniele Ganser  + (Swiss historian who has focused on [[Operation Gladio]])
  • Basel  + (Swiss home to the [[BIS]])
  • Sergio Ermotti  + (Swiss investment banker who attended the [[2022 Bilderberg]] and [[WEF/Annual Meeting/2013]])
  • Daniel Cornu  + (Swiss journalist and academic. Editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Tribune de Genève 1982-92.)
  • Jean-François Verdonnet  + (Swiss journalist and editor. Attended the [[1981 Bilderberg meeting]].)
  • Andreas Z'Graggen  + (Swiss journalist, editor and author)
  • Jean Pierre Cot  + (Swiss law professor & politician. Attended the [[1977 Bilderberg]] aged 39, possibly connected to "attitudes towards the Third World's demands for restructuring the world order")
  • Gerardo Broggini  + (Swiss law professor and one of the pioneers of European legal integration. Attended [[Bilderberg/1965]])
  • Jean Bourgknecht  + (Swiss lawyer and politician)
  • Carla del Ponte  + (Swiss lawyer and prosecutor in a number of international tribunals)
  • Rolf Schweiger  + (Swiss lawyer, politician and Bilderberger businessman with [[deep state]] connections.)
  • Peter Voser  + (Swiss manager)
  • Heinrich Oswald  + (Swiss manager and officer who attended [[Bilderberg/1981]] as Chairman the [[Ringier media group]])
  • David de Pury  + (Swiss neo-liberal economist and diplomat negotiator, Bilderberg Steering committee)
  • Max Petitpierre  + (Swiss politician)
  • Martin Schmid  + (Swiss politician)
  • Olivier Reverdin  + (Swiss politician and academic. He attended the 1969 and 1972 Bilderberg meetings. He was a member of the Swiss stay-behind network [[P26]]. A founding member of the [[Club of Rome]] and the Swiss [[WWF]].)
  • Hans Schaffner  + (Swiss politician and member of the Swiss Federal Council (1961–1970).)
  • Flavio Cotti  + (Swiss politician who attended 4 Bilderbergs in the 1990s, when he led attempts to further Switzerland's political integration into the [[European Union]].)
  • Christine Beerli  + (Swiss politician who attended her first Bilderberg in 2018 as Vice President of the [[Red Cross]])