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Page nameInterestsDescription
BonoIrish singer "kissing the arses of the rich and powerful" and preaching on global inequality while avoiding taxes according to [[Irish]] scolar [[Harry Browne]].<a href="#cite_note-1">[1]</a>
Brian Bostock
Robert Bowman9-11
Strategic Defense Initiative
Depleted uranium
US officer turned peace activist and 911 skeptic.
Chris BradburnSelf-proclaimed "Champion for Durham North"
Billy Bragg
Russell Brand
Ranjeet BrarActivist speaking against and writing about Zionism
Reiner Braun
Barrett BrownWikileaks
Military-industrial-congressional complex
Peter Thiel
Palantir Technologies
The Paypal Mafia
Ellen BrownBanking
Money reform
Derrick BrozeGM
Global control grid
Vladimir BukovskyHuman rights
Russian dissident who spoke at the 1979 JCIT.
Ronan BurtenshawEnough is Enough UK
Aaron Bushnell
Smedley ButlerWar profiteering
American fascism
A US general who exposed the coup that financiers had planned for USA.
Dolores CahillCOVID-19Irish molecular biologist and immunologist who early and loudly protested against the official pandemic narrative. Predicts disaster from experimental gene therapies peddled as vaccines.
William CamacaroVenezuela
Kim CampbellNeoconservatismformer Canadian prime minister
Silkie CarloFreedom of speech
Civil liberties
John CarmanSet up a website about his experience of corruption in the US/Customs and Border Protection
Stokely CarmichaelThe Black Panthers
Ilona Szabó de CarvalhoBrazilian activist showered with attention and funding from "global leaders".
Stefano Delle Chiaie
Giulietto Chiesa9-11
Cold War II
Italian journalist and dissident. Increasingly in the sights of the intelligence services because of his opposition to the New Cold War.
Ramsey ClarkUS Attorney General turned activist
George ClooneySudan
William Sloane CoffinPeace
Sue Coleman-HaseldineNuclear Weapon Ban Treaty
Progressive International
Sam CookeSinger and Civil Rights activist. He was good friends with boxer Muhammad Ali and activist Malcolm X. Shot dead in Los Angeles motel, possibly as part of COINTELPRO.
Newt CoppleFranklin child prostitution ring
Piers CorbynCOVID-19/Lockdown
The activist brother of UK politician Jeremy Corbyn.
Charles Courtney-Clarke
David Cromwell
Tim CroslandPlan B Earth
Rachel CrowdyEnglish nurse and social reformer, with some military connections.
Henri CurielInternational left wing activist with many enemies, gunned down.
Bronson CuttingBank
Fractional-reserve banking
A US senator whose efforts to reform the banking system appeared to be gaining traction in 1934. He died in a plane crash in 1935.
Ryan DawsonSDSAmerican historian and activist; founder of the Anti Neocon Report
Guy Debord
Marcus DeckerJust Stop Oil
Haringey Tree Protectors
Clarissa DelgadoTeacher
Social change
Selected an Obama Foundation Fellow in 2018 and a WEF Young Global Leader in 2022.
David Dellinger
Dan DicksDeep politics
Deep state
Dan Dicks is a regular watcher of Bilderberg.
Thomas DineFormer executive director of AIPAC and former president of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Document:Biology as Ideology Lecture
Daniel Domscheit-BergFormer spokesperson for WikiLeaks, who attended the 2011 WEF AGM
Darya DuginaRussian journalist and political activist who was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow on 20 August 2022
Deborah DupreGulf War syndrome
Pumza DyantyiSouth African health politician stated to have died from Covid-19 in December 2020.
Shirin Ebadi
Beverly EckertThe outspoken wife of a 9/11 victim who refused to accept the 9-11/Compensation fund and forcefully stating "My silence cannot be bought".
David Edwards
Jonathan Elinoff9-11
Pat Sullivan
Daniel EllsbergA feted whistleblower who exposed some details of how the US government was waging the Vietnam War. The fact that he was not persecuted has lead several commentators to suggest that he may not in fact have been all he appears to be. Specifically, the Pentagon Papers may have been a limited hangout.
Dave EmoryFascism
Red House meeting
Underground Third Reich
Radio host whose broadcasts focus on the U.S. military and intelligence community’s historical involvement with international fascism.
Willem EngelCOVID-19Dutch "Covid denier" who was arrested when he became too much of a headache.
Noura Erakat
Peter EyreActivist and blogger. The blog seems to be inactive since 2011.
Gideon Falter"Antisemitism"The Simon Wiesenthal Center has hailed him as a “Jewish hero who proves that there are still powerful ways to leverage democratic rules to serve justice and protect Jewish community”.
Jerry Falwell
Walter E. Fauntroy
Tom FeeleyPeace
War crime
Founder of Information Clearing House
Andrew FeinsteinPalestine
African National Congress
Arms trade
Former South African politician who authored Shadowworld, an expose of the global arms trade.
File:Jeff Schmidt - Disciplined Minds A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-battering System That Shapes Their Lives.pdf
Ruth FirstAn anti-apartheid activist, investigative journalist, and scholar. She wrote in her autobiography that her life was dedicated "to the liberation of Africa for I count myself an African, and there is no cause I hold dearer."
Viviane FischerCOVID-19
Robert Koch Institute
Christian Drosten
Dissident lawyer who works with the Corona Investigative Committee
Pamela FitzpatrickPeace and Justice Project
Collective Party
Tod Fletcher9-11
Crispin FlintoffLabour Grassroots
Polona FlorijančičJulian AssangeFounding member of "Lawyers for Assange".
Paul FootColin Wallace
1994 London Israeli Embassy attack
Lockerbie bombing
Peter FordMiddle East
Reiner FuellmichCOVID-19
Robert Koch Institute
Christian Drosten
Dissident lawyer who was involved with the Corona Investigative Committee, now accused of theft.
Nick FuentesCensorship
Cancel culture
"White genocide"
American conservative activist, his supporters are known as Groypers
Brigitte Gabriel
Eva Gabrielsson
Mark Gaffney9-11
Will GalisonSunny SheuFriend of murdered whistleblower, Sunny Sheu
Johan GaltungPeaceNorwegian peace researcher and activist
Mahatma GandhiIndian non-violent revolutionary sage
Zen GardnerWriter for the Activist Post and the blog I'm Just Wondering.
Alicia GarzaProfessional activist and one of the founders of Black Lives Matter.
David GeeCampaigner on the ethics of military recruitment. Co-founder of ForcesWatch.
Henry George
Lindsey GermanStop the War Coalition
Jakes GerwelA South African academic who brokered the deal for two Lockerbie bombing suspects to be extradited from Libya to stand trial in Holland
Athan GibbsElection/Fraud
Voting machines
US businessman who designed a a voting machine where the voter has an opportunity to verify that their vote has been received, recorded and counted. Died in suspicious car crash.
Hannah GilesJames O'Keefe
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
John GilmoreOne of the founders of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Stan GoffAmerican anti-war activist, writer, and blogger. Prior to his activism Goff had a long career in the U.S. armed forces.
Emma GoldmanAnarchist revolutionary deported from the US during the Palmer Raids
Brooke GoldsteinLawfareFounder and Executive Director of the Lawfare Project.
Victor Gollancz
Gregg GonsalvesAIDS
Promoted "social distancing". during the COVID-19 panic
Charmian GoochCorruption
Tax haven
Co-founder of the George Soros-funded NGO Global Witness
Rebecca GordonCIA
Author of Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States
David GraeberBureaucracy
Anarchist anthropologist who played a leading role in the Occupy movement. Died suddenly in 2020.
Tony Greenstein
Sue GreyCannabis
"Anti vax" lawyer from New Zealand
Ben GriffinSAS turned whistleblower and ant-war activist, subject to legal gags, who gives an unflattering inside perspective of the SAS culture.