Brian Bostock

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Person.png Brian BostockRdf-entity.pngRdf-icon.png
(teacher, political activist)
Brian Bostock.jpg
Died7 June 2021 (Age 71)
Alma materLondon School of Economics and Political Science

Brian Bostock was a Labour Party activist and retired teacher of Maths and IT at Passmores School & Technology College in Harlow, Essex.[1] He was also an athletics coach.[2]

Covid vaccines

On 7 April 2021, Brian Bostock posted on Facebook:

AstraZeneca are selling their Covid vaccine at around cost price, £2.17 per jab in the UK, £1.56 in the EU and £2.90 in the USA. South Africa are paying rather more, at £3.84 per dose.
Now compare this to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccine jabs. The UK is paying around £15 per dose for the Pfizer one, and between £24 and £28 per dose for the Moderna one. Israel is paying at least £22 per Pfizer dose (possibly up to £34), EU £10.60 per dose and the US £14.27. The Moderna vaccine development was partly subsidised by the US Government, but nevertheless is costing £10.86 per dose there. The EU are paying £13.03 per Moderna dose and Israel around £18 per dose.
Sorry about all these figures, but if the AstraZeneca vaccine becomes the major vaccine around the world, it will eat drastically into the profits Pfizer and Moderna are hoping to make. It is therefore not surprising that right from the beginning, there have been 'doubts' generated about the efficacy and safety of the AstraZeneca vacine, even though later the 'doubts' have been found to be groundless. And it has been continuing throughout, even to this day. These drug companies have great sway over Governments and individual leaders and people of 'influence'.
None of the same scrutiny has been applied to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. But with Pfizer and Moderna charging roughly 5 times per dose compared to AstraZeneca something is not right here.[3]

Request for citation

Su Butcher responded on Facebook: Brian Bostock, thanks for this - can I share it? And where did you get your figures from?

Brian Bostock replied: Su, yes happy for you or anyone to share. The figures came from here. They may vary slightly depending on the source, but they are in the ball-park area of what I have quoted.[4]

Non–Disclosure Agreements

On 16 July 2019, Brian Bostock posted on Facebook:

It appears the Panorama programme doing a hatchet job on Jeremy Corbyn and Jennie Formby is unwinding even more.
The programme made a big thing of NDAs (Non–Disclosure Agreements) that the ex-Labour employees were supposedly ‘forced’ to sign before leaving. I must admit this seemed strange to me at the time the programme aired because NDAs are normally signed BEFORE employment starts (and would be a condition of employment when used) and there would be nothing to stop an employee refusing to sign just before leaving. So I wondered why they DID sign.
It now appears these ex-employees were paid hundreds of thousands to ‘sign’ these NDAs (not mentioned in the programme), and this was arranged by the previous General Secretary Iain McNicol who also appeared on the programme.
Yes, Jennie Formby was NOT involved in these NDAs and it appears they were a means of giving these anti-Corbyn employees (like McNicol himself) a ‘golden handshake’.[5]

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