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A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "An early and prominent critic of the [[CIA]]". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • David Shayler  + (An [[MI5]] agent turned '[[whistleblower]]' who didn't reveal very much but has since associated himself with some of the most dubious end of those questioning the [[official narrative]]. Some believe he is still working for [[MI5]].)
  • Dangerous Speech Project  + (An [[Open Society]] funded organisation.)
  • Eladio del Valle  + (An [[Operation 40]] member involved in the JFK assassination.)
  • Jeffrey Epstein/Affair  + (An [[SDS]]-backed billionaire [[financial fraud]]ster and sexual blackmailer reportedly suicided in 2019.)
  • Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons  + (An [[UN]]-affiliated [[IGO]] aiming to eliminate [[chemical weapons]]. Often targeted by secret services. Noted to "often alter facts in armed conflicts for unknown reasons without legal obligation" in intern documents.)
  • "Islamic terrorist"  + (An [[enemy image]] called to mind by legislators as they write laws to clamp down on [[civil liberties]] and step up [[mass surveillance]].)
  • "Narco-state"  + (An [[enemy image]] comparable with "failed state", but particularly suggestive of [[drug trafficking]].)
  • "Hate speech"  + (An [[enemy image]] mobilised to facilitate legal restriction of [[free speech]].)
  • "Conspiracy theorist"  + (An [[enemy image]] used for ''[[ad hominem]]'' attacks on people as a way of misdirecting attention away from their arguments)
  • Witch  + (An [[enemy image]] used in the Middle Ages that was acted as a cover for expropriation of property, a forerunner of the modern day "terrorist")
  • "Conspiracy theory"  + (An [[enemy image]]An [[enemy image]] used to equate scepticism of government with craziness. It was developed by the [[CIA]] to try to contain doubt about the FBI's "Oswald did it, case closed" approach to the [[JFK assassination]]. It is now being associated with dangerous and violent insanity, in an effort to promote [[internet censorship]] of [[free speech]].[[free speech]].)
  • Climate change/Dissident  + (An [[enemy image]] used to marginalize and increasingly punish various skeptics of human-caused climate change.)
  • "Non-violent extremism"  + (An [[enemy image]] used to try to justify violent repression of those who advocate non-violent change.)
  • "Hate group"  + (An [[enemy image]] which appears to be part of the effort to support the ongoing project to criminalize [[free speech]].)
  • "Social Justice Warrior"  + (An [[enemy image]] which appears to be part of the effort to support the ongoing project to criminalize [[free speech]].)
  • 9-11/Commission/Report  + (An [[official narrative]] crafted to deceive the ignorant, which highlights the roles of [[Al Qaeda]] and the [[19 hijackers]].)
  • F-Droid  + (An [[open source]] alternative to [[Google]]'s Playstore)
  • University of Leiden  + (An [[university]] with an unusual amount of [[deep state operatives]] among its alumni and other [[deep state]] connections.)
  • Paul-Willem Segers  + (An [[éminence grise]] in Belgian politics who attended [[Bilderberg/1959]].)
  • Document:Revenge Is Mine Saith Washington  + (An abridged article about the persecution of Julian Assange. It illustrates the depths to which elementary notions of justice have sunk in the West - and especially in the UK and USA - where perceived threats to Deep State interests are involved.)
  • Document:Robert Faurisson - True Hero  + (An abridged version of an obituary to the An abridged version of an obituary to the late [[Robert Faurisson]] by a Catholic Bishop who has suffered expulsion from his religious order (The [[SSPX]]) and ostracism by his church authorities for raising similar questions to those raised by Dr Faurisson questions to those raised by Dr Faurisson)
  • Aleksandra Cichocka  + (An academic)
  • Kevin Barrett  + (An academic and [[9-11/Dissident]].)
  • Madhav Das Nalapat  + (An academic and columnist from India)
  • University  + (An academic institution to continue where [[school]] left off)
  • Karen Douglas  + (An academic interested in why people believe in "[[conspiracy theories]]")
  • Remi Brulin  + (An academic who rejects the word "terrorism" as a tool of propaganda)
  • J. D. Tippit/Murder  + (An accessory murder to the [[JFK assassination]])
  • Murder in Samarkand  + (An account of Murray's experiences as ambassador and his persecution by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office for his persistence in raising issues of the gross abuse of human rights in Uzbekistan.)
  • TRANCE formation of America  + (An account of a victim and survivor of the CIA's [[MK-Ultra]] [[Project Monarch]] mind control operation)
  • Barry Seal  + (An ace pilot and drug smuggler for the US deep state who knew too much.)
  • Anglo-US-NATO  + (An acronym that encapsulates the politico/An acronym that encapsulates the politico/cultural/ethnic make up of the elites behind the drive to a uni-polar, globalised world politics under the hegemonic control of these elites. Its anodyne, 'for public consumption' analogues are: 'International Community' and 'Community of Democracies' Community' and 'Community of Democracies')
  • Piazza Fontana bombing  + (An act of terrorism carried out by NATO backed groups to try prevent the electoral success of the Italian communist party.)
  • Mark Gorton  + (An active researcher into the US shadow government)
  • Ralph Schoenman  + (An activist alert to the reality of deep politics and the Machiavellian nature of many who engage in it.)
  • Noor Bin Laden  + (An activist.)
  • Victim blaming  + (An activity carried out to salve the consciences of the victimisers.)
  • Isaac Kappy  + (An actor who died aged 42 after accusing former Hollywood friends of paedophilia.)
  • Ad hominem  + (An ad hominem attack is an (counter) argument that attacks a person directly, without addressing the point that was made initially.)
  • Document:Affidavit of William Casey  + (An admission by William Casey, DCI, that hAn admission by William Casey, DCI, that he approved smuggling of [[cocaine]] into USA, having chosen [[Mena]], Arkansas as a shipment point, with the support of [[Bill Clinton]] and [[Bill Weld]]. Casey names a range of names, including [[John Poindexter]], [[Robert McFarlane]], [[Oliver North]] and [[William Colby]], the [[CIA]], [[NSA]] and [[ASA]].[[ASA]].)
  • Document:The Threat of War and the Russian Response  + (An adviser to the Russian President analyses the current systemic global crisis and the way forward for Russia and the world)
  • William Schneider  + (An advocate use of the first-strike use of nuclear weapons. Attendee of [[Le Cercle]])
  • Eurojust  + (An agency of the EU set up to tackle [[terrorism]], [[drug trafficking]], [[human trafficking]], [[cybercrime]], [[fraud]], [[corruption]] and [[money laundering]].)
  • Brian Nelson  + (An agent of the British Army's [[Force Research Unit]] and senior intelligence officer in the loyalist paramilitary [[Ulster Defence Association]].)
  • Haavara Agreement  + (An agreement between [[NSDAP]] [[Germany]] and the [[Jewish Agency]] to facilitate the transfer of German [[Jews]] to [[Palestine]]. It ran from August 1933 to 1939 and some 60,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine under its provisions)
  • Alois Mertes  + (An aide to [[German Foreign Minister]] [[Hans-Dietrich Genscher]]. Mertes died in office.)
  • Western Global Airlines  + (An airline which owned a plane that landed in Zimbabwe with a body and 67 tons of cash on board, was held for a few days and later released without charge or proper explanation.)
  • El Al  + (An airliner flying from Central Israel, with several prolific incidents and covert operations ordered by the [[Deep State|Deep State]].)
  • ICTS International  + (An airport security company, founded by [[Shin Bet]] operatives, which occurs in multiple acts of "[[terrorism]]")
  • Katherine Smith  + (An alert Tennessee DMV employee who sold IDs to 5 foreigners of middle Eastern appearance.)
  • "Far right"  + (An all-encompassing [[CCM]] [[buzzword]].)
  • Yamashita's gold  + (An alleged cache of war loot reportedly captured by the Japanese in Asia in WW2, possibly repossessed by the CIA and used to fund the development of the [[US Deep state]].)
  • 'Kong Tsung-gan'  + (An alleged prominent [[Hong Kong]] pundit and organizer of anti-China activities, who Western corporate media used as a go-to source for quotes. Later revealed as Brian Patrick Kern, a US citizen,)
  • Desmond Morton  + (An almost unknown and yet crucial British spymaster in the first half of the 20<sup>th</sup> century.)
  • Document:The MI6 Bombings in Saudi Arabia  + (An alternative account of the 2000/1 bombiAn alternative account of the 2000/1 bombings in Saudi Arabia for which the Saudis convicted a group of UK ex-patriots, sentenced them to death and later granted amnesty and returned them to the UK. This IS indeed a murky business and, whilst this account may seem far-fetched, it is probably closer to the truth than the official versionser to the truth than the official version)
  • The Opperman Report  + (An alternative media outlet that releases weekly audio interviews.)
  • Document:The forbidden truth is an insurrection in Britain  + (An alternative perspective on the UK London Riots from an author unafraid to make the obvious connection between the England riots and the rampant culture of corruption and greed in the UK Establishment.)
  • LineageOS  + (An alternative to [[Android]], as of 2019 supporting 185 models of [[cellphone]].)
  • Lyndon Johnson  + (An ambitious psychopath who is generally aAn ambitious psychopath who is generally agreed to have played a significant or possibly leading role in organising the assassination of JFK. He established the Warren Commission to cover up the JFK assassination. He reversed JFK's decision to reduce troop numbers in Vietnam and instead escalated the war. in Vietnam and instead escalated the war.)
  • Captagon  + (An amphetamine widely used by soldiers especially in the [[middle east]].)
  • Document:A Death Sentence for Greece  + (An analysis and deconstruction of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Greek government and its creditors which secured Greek parliamentary approval amid scenes of unprecedented protests by the Greek population on 11 February 2012.)
  • Document:Towards the End of US Propaganda  + (An analysis of Anglo-US propaganda techniques from their post-WWI origins to the absurdities of their explanations about the 2014 Ukraine coup and it aftermath. It's author opines that its days are numbered)
  • Wikipedia/Problems  + (An analysis of Wikipedia's problems, which suggests that its failure to challenge the establishment is rooted in its subservience to organised money-power and is the fatal flaw from which a host of other symptoms arise.)
  • Document:Charlie Hebdo déjà vú  + (An analysis of the Charlie Hebdo event of January 2015. It connects many dots linking it to a litany of similar outrages and exposing the essentially [[False flag]] nature of all of them.)
  • Document:Europe in free fall  + (An analysis of the European geo-political predicament illuminated by its burgeoning refugee crisis)
  • File:Strictly Orthodox rising.pdf  + (An analysis of the UK Jewish population demography.)
  • File:The Overwhelming Implausibility of Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers.pdf  + (An analysis of the implausibility of the argument that "directed energy weapons" caused the destruction of buildings on [[9-11]], which is argued by [[Judy Wood]].)
  • Document:The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime  + (An analysis of the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and his family in July 1918.)
  • File:Attack when the world is not watching.pdf  + (An analysis of the timing of Israeli military attacks on Gaza relative to important breaking news in the US and Europe)
  • Compartmentalisation  + (An ancient technique of dividing information up between people to prevent the 'bigger picture' from being available to any of them.)
  • Georgetown Leadership Seminar  + (An annual gathering of hand-picked rising leaders from around the world, who are then "exposed to the Washington foreign policy-making process through direct contact with top level policy makers and experts.")
  • File:September 11 Commission Report.pdf  + (An anonymously authored ebook purporting to explain the motivation, genesis and execution of the 9/11 attacks.)
  • Milagro de Mier  + (An anti-GMO activist who reportedly drowned in 2018.)
  • Ida Eklund-Lindwall  + (An anti-[[Russian|Russian]], ex-[[Amnesty International|Amnesty International]] member of the Dutch cluster of the [[II|II]], promoted as an expert on "disinformation".)
  • Haim Bresheeth  + (An anti-[[Zionist]] [[Jew]]: [[Professor Haim Bresheeth]])
  • Ruth First  + (An anti-apartheid activist, investigative journalist, and scholar. She wrote in her autobiography that her life was dedicated "to the liberation of Africa for I count myself an African, and there is no cause I hold dearer.")
  • Ciprofloxacin  + (An anti-biotic which is highly effective against inhalational [[anthrax]]. Given to White House staff on the advice of [[Jerome Hauer]] ''before'' the [[2001 Anthrax attacks]].)
  • Munich Security Conference/2010  + (An anti-war demonstration outside describeAn anti-war demonstration outside described it as "Nothing more than a media-effectively staged war [[propaganda event]], which this year had the purpose of justifying the NATO troop increase in [[Afghanistan]] and glorifying the continuation of the war as a contribution to peace and stability."as a contribution to peace and stability.")
  • Thomas Merton  + (An anti-war monk who referred to the [[US Deep state]] as "the unspeakable".)
  • Fluvoxamine  + (An antidepressant of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class. It may be of use in treating [[long Covid]].)
  • One Reconnaissance Regiment  + (An apartheid-era army unit. Predominantly black soldiers with white senior officers and with a strength of approximately 1000, for cross-border raids.)
  • 32 Battalion  + (An apartheid-era unit of the South African Army)
  • Document:Ukrainian soldiers' organs traded  + (An apparent hoax about hacked correspondence between Donbass Battalion commander, Yulia Tymoshenko's lawyer and a German medical practitioner evidencing a burgeoning trade in the organs of Ukrainian soldiers)
  • Document:An appeal to the mothers of Ukraine  + (An appeal by women of the Russian diaspora to the mothers of Ukrainian solders)
  • Document:Request for help from a Ukraine citizen  + (An appeal to the citizens of Germany for tAn appeal to the citizens of Germany for their help and understanding from a resident of the Eastern Ukraine city of Lugansk. It is representative of the position of the majority of the population in Eastern and Southern Ukraine and which is rigorously suppressed in the western mediarigorously suppressed in the western media)
  • Richard Gage  + (An architect and 9-11 dissident who set up [[Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth]] to spread awareness that the [[9-11 official narrative]] is a fraud.)
  • Synthetic biology  + (An area of research that claims to be ableAn area of research that claims to be able to create new biological parts, devices, and systems, or to redesign systems that are already found in nature. This contrasts with "traditional" [[genetically modified organism]]s created by transferring existing genes from one cell type to another.sting genes from one cell type to another.)
  • "Slippery slope"  + (An argument.)
  • Kosovo War  + (An armed conflict in [[Kosovo]])
  • Costa Rica  + (An armyless country between [[Nicaragua]] and [[Panama]])
  • Document:Myths about Contemporary Russia  + (An article that comprehensively refutes the major western demonising myths about Russia)
  • Document:War Crimes  + (An article that was written on the occurrence of the disposal of civilians posted in video by Maksim Zhorin.)
  • Robert Shetterly  + (An artist who has drawn attention to to whistleblowers after [[9/11]].)
  • Tony Sforza  + (An assassin accused of involvement in the JFK assassination)
  • Pim Fortuyn  + (An assassinated Dutch politician)
  • Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan  + (An assassinated Iranian [[nuclear weapons]] specialist)
  • Kim Ku  + (An assassinated Korean politician -possibly by the [[Counterintelligence Corps]] or their stooge [[Syngman Rhee]].)
  • Jacob de Haan  + (An assassinated [[Dutch]] Zionist.)
  • Donald Trump/Assassination attempt in Pennsylvania  + (An assassination attempt on Donald Trump in [[2024]], missing his skull by a few inches.)
  • Ronald Reagan/Assassination attempt  + (An assassination attempt was made against Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981.)
  • Baghdad University  + (An assassination campaign tried to eliminate its top academics)
  • Document:An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018  + (An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018)
  • Bing Liu  + (An assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his home in an apparent murder-suicide)
  • David Mantik  + (An assistant professor of physics and researcher into the JFK assassination)
  • Richard W. Roberts  + (An associate of Rudy Giuliani who has handled some sensitive cases for the cabal.)
  • Denial-of-service attack  + (An attack that makes a large number of (bogus) requests on a server, intended to exceed its capacity so as to deny valid requests from other users.)
  • "Jubilee Plot"  + (An attempt by Irish nationalist patsies to assassinate Queen Victoria and her Cabinate during her Golden Jubilee thanks giving service at Westminster abbey on 20 June 1887)
  • Gunpowder Plot  + (An attempt to blow up the UK parliament — possibly a false flag.)
  • Peru/Truth and Reconciliation Commission  + (An attempt to restore a functioning and non-criminal government to Peru. Reported that 69,280 people were killed between 1980 and 2000.)
  • Warrant canary  + (An attempt to skirt the ban on revealing secret government search orders.)
  • 1991 Moscow Coup attempt  + (An attempted [[coup]])
  • 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine/Wagner coup attempt  + (An attempted [[coup]], by some seen as false flag by Putin to lure out generals and double agents within the Russian State, by others as the sign the Russian state will collapse in the [[2020s]].)
  • Adam LeBor  + (An author with an interest in history and the [[BIS]])
  • Document:Genesis of the Morgenthau Plan  + (An authoritative account of the genesis of the World War II document that became known as "The Morgenthau Plan")
  • Document:The Taking Of America, 1-2-3  + (An authoritative description of the JFK assassination and succeeding crimes from the photographic expert advisor to Jim Garrison.)
  • Document:BBC Bombast  + (An authoritative run-down on BBC News as a model propaganda mouthpiece for the dominant establishment narrative of UK foreign policy initiatives and involvements abroad. The article provides startling chapter and verse on a number of recent examples)
  • Thanks For The Memories  + (An autobiographical account of a female subject of the CIA MKULTRA program)
  • Catalonia  + (An autonomous community of [[Spain]] with a large independence movement.)
  • 2011 Alexandria bombing  + (An deadly attack on a church in [[Egypt]] to stoke tensions during the 2011 regime change.)
  • Authors' Declaration of September 1914  + (An declaration in support of [[World War 1]] by 53 leading British authors. One of the earliest efforts of the nascent [[War Propaganda Bureau]] to craft a coherent intellectual message in support of the war effort.)
  • Unite the Right rally  + (An deep event in 2017)
  • Authenticity of Field Manual 30-31b  + (An document that describes top secret [[counterinsurgency tactics]], but the U.S government has termed a [[Soviet forgery]].)
  • Arthur Maundy Gregory  + (An early 20<sup>th</sup> century sexual blackmailer who had so much dirt on key establishment figures that his MI5 file remains censored, 65+ years after his death.)
  • Secret Elite  + (An early 20th century [[UK deep state]]An early 20th century [[UK deep state]]. The pseudonym was coined by [[Jim Macgregor]] and [[Gerry Docherty]] for their 2013 book ''[[Hidden History]]'' to describe the people who effectively controlled [[UK foreign policy]] from about 1890 into the decade following [[World War I]][[World War I]])
  • John Stockwell  + (An early and prominent critic of the [[CIA]] with a fairly high ranking position.)
 (An early and prominent critic of the [[CIA]])
  • Linda Thompson  + (An early compiler of the [[Clinton body count]] who herself died suddenly, reportedly of a [[drug overdose]])
  • The Mafia CIA and George Bush  + (An early expose (1992) of George H. W. Bush)
  • Deepwater Horizon  + (An ecologically disastrous oil spill)
  • Public-Private Partnership  + (An economic concept invented to loot public assets.)
  • Neoliberalism  + (An economic doctrine of "ensur[ing] that the fruits of growth [go] to the few not to the many.")
  • Capitalism  + (An economical system started before the industrial revolution in the [[1700s]].)
  • Document:Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech  + (An edited transcript of Prof. Martins address to the 14th Conference of the Institute for Historical Review in Irvine, California about the tactics of organised Jewry in suppressing information they deem harmful to them)
  • Document:Murder And Mayhem In The Middle East  + (An effective resumé of the modus-operandi of Anglo-US-NATO in its drive towards de-facto global dominance using the 2011 Libyan and subsequent Syrian interventions as telling examples.)
  • Operation Mass Appeal  + (An effort by MI6 to facilitate the UK's invasion of Iraq.)
  • Russia/Encirclement  + (An effort driven by the [[United States]] to place military capability in countries neighboring Russia.)
  • Cicada 3301  + (An elaborate series of puzzles that was published on the internet between 2012-2014)
  • US/2000 Presidential Election  + (An election where [[George W. Bush]] was helped into office by widespread voting fraud.)
  • Philips  + (An electric company which was a major funder of [[Le Cercle]].)
  • East China Normal University  + (An elite research-intensive university)
  • Patrick Pelloux  + (An emergency responder who notified François Hollande about the Charlie Hebdo event, and notified the world that a "multi-site attack exercise" had been planned for the day od the [[November 2015 Paris attacks]].)
  • Saving Syria's Children  + (An emotive episode of Panorama that may have been used to try to increase public support for a program of bombing [[Syria]].)
  • Bradley Ayers  + (An employee of the JMWAVE CIA station who has named senior colleagues as implicated in the [[JFK assassination]] and testified about CIA drug dealing.)
  • Gaza  + (An enclave of [[Palestine]] in the south west corner of [[Israel]])
  • Suicide bomber  + (An enemy image associated with "[[Islamic terrorism]]")
  • "Domestic extremism"  + (An enemy image used to try to justify repression of alternative ideas)
  • David Ray Griffin  + (An energetic [[9-11 dissident]] who wrote several books on the [[September 11 attacks]].)
  • Paul Mlakar  + (An engineer who has signed off on a number of "investigations" for the [[US deep state]].)
  • File:Labour internal antisemitism report.pdf  + (An enormous (851 pages) report of an internal UK [[Labour Party]] investigation into alleged [[antisemitism]] in the Party between 2014 and 2019.)
  • Document:Tron (1982) – The Ultimate Predictive PROGRAMming  + (An esoteric analysis of the 1982 Sci-Fi film "Tron")
  • Document:WikiLeaks – Whose Agenda?  + (An essay on how the release (and probable witholding) of Wikileaks leaks is being timed and manipulated to serve the global Zionist agenda.)
  • "Antisemitism"  + (An etymological misnomer with no clear meaAn etymological misnomer with no clear meaning. In current widespread use to demonise people deemed to be threatening to cherished Judaic official narratives and to close down rational debate. Nowadays it is often used against people who defenders of [[Israel]] don't like.[[Israel]] don't like.)
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution  + (An euphemism to describe the ongoing automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology, leading to a self-predicted [[20/80 society]])
  • Book review  + (An evaluation of a book, in which it is analyzed based on content, style, and merit.)
  • Church of the United Brethren in Christ  + (An evangelical Christian denomination)
  • Attempted Coup of the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire  + (An event in June 2021.)
  • Deep event  + (An event which has major influence on the An event which has major influence on the politics of a country or group of countries by virtue of its psychological impact on populations, principally through corporate media construction and reporting of what becomes its "official narrative". Such events predominantly involve controversial domestic politics, especially in the field of so-called "national security", foreign affairs and geo-politics.curity", foreign affairs and geo-politics.)
  • Internet culture  + (An ever-increasingly important topic; the [[culture]] of the [[internet]] and [[technology]].)
  • Stephan Adolphus Kock  + (An ex-pat Czechoslovak businessman and arch-spook)
  • File:The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites.pdf  + (An examination of NIST's connections to the nano-thermite.)
  • File:The Dow Jones Industrial Average - a fata morgana.pdf  + (An examination of the mathematics of the DAn examination of the mathematics of the Dow Jones. Does it say anything of value about the state of the economy or society? The author concludes that looking at the number of people in society that use food stamps would be a better measure, one that is not wide open to manipulation by the 1%.s not wide open to manipulation by the 1%.)
  • Document:Evolution of the 9/11 Controversy From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracy Photographs  + (An examination of the photos of the World Trade Center, how clearly they contradict the claims of "collapse", and how the US government has played fast and loose with its changing [[9-11/Official narrative]] and with the law to try to hide this fact.)
  • Document:Ampiric Myopia  + (An examination of unfolding events in Ukraine and the role of the media, informed by the philosophical approach of Linguistic determinism)
  • Document:Framing Russian meddling in the Catalan question  + (An example of [[Projection by the Integrity Initiative]]. The Moncloa operation shows that the group itself has been involved in subverting the Spanish political process. This document accuses Russia of involvment in the Catalonia independence question.)
  • Document:Ed Wilson's Revenge  + (An example of how plausible deniability woAn example of how plausible deniability worked for the CIA - their 3rd most senior CIA official produces an affidavit that they had had no dealings with Edwin Wilson since 1971. Although legions of insiders knew this was a lie, the court accepted it. Finally exposed as a lie almost 20 years later, all those who lied in court are given immunity.hose who lied in court are given immunity.)
  • Document:Democratic State v Deep State  + (An excellent introduction to deep politicsAn excellent introduction to deep politics. By clarifying the real role of the Secret Intelligence Services and the policy agenda they under firm control in most Western 'Democracies' (especially the UKUSA nations), it demonstrates the irrelevance of the party-political masquerade.levance of the party-political masquerade.)
  • Operation Dark Winter  + (An exercise where senior former officials would respond to a bioterrorist induced national security crisis. Uncannily predicted the [[2001 anthrax attacks]] and other narratives. Held June 2001.)
  • Alexander Litvinenko  + (An exiled Russian spook turned whistleblower who died of [[polonium]] poisoning in London.)
  • Official Secrets Act 1989  + (An expansion of the [[Official Secrets Act 1911]].)
  • Helen Chu  + (An expert in infectious diseases whom the CDC told to stop her tests for COVID-19 in January 2020.)
  • Bruce Schneier  + (An expert on cryptography, who has written over a dozen books on the subject.)
  • Document:Countering Criticism of the Warren Report  + (An explanation of how the CIA added pejoraAn explanation of how the CIA added pejorative connotations to the phrase "[[conspiracy theory]]". The document instructs spooks in the use of "propaganda assets" in the [[Corporate media|commercially-controlled media]] to undercut any criticism of the [[JFK assassination official narrative]], especially suggestions that Oswald may not have been the "[[lone nut]]" as the [[Warren Commission]] claimed.[[Warren Commission]] claimed.)
  • File:Splitting Stocks Caused Stock Market Crash 1929.pdf  + (An explanation of how the introduction of An explanation of how the introduction of stock splitting on December 31st, 1927 eventually caused the crash of 1929. The frequent splitting of shares into very large proportions gave a massive boost to the stock market boom, making the stock market crash of 1929 equally violent.tock market crash of 1929 equally violent.)
  • Mass formation  + (An explanation promoted in 2021 of public reactions to the [[COVID-19/Response]])
  • File:Hand in Glove.pdf  + (An exploration of the murky truth about "Hand in Hand for Syria", first brought to prominence by the murky "Dr Rola" TV report which appeared designed to stoke support for a 'humanitarian' bombing of Syria.)
  • Nano-thermite  + (An explosive which was found in the dust of the World Trade Center after September 11th, 2001.)
  • The Mena Connection  + (An expose of Mena and Iran-Contra)
  • Other Losses  + (An expose of allied war crimes as regards treatment of prisoners.)
  • Document:The Astonishingly Crap Science of 'Counter-Extremism'  + (An expose of the crass lack of any valid scientific basis of government strategies to fight radicalisation. Nafeez Ahmed agrues that the "most academically accurate concept to capture this absurd level of crappiness is ‘bullshit’".)
  • Neo-feudalism  + (An expression of the continuinty of ''de facto'' social oppression which survived the transition from [[feudalism]] to capitalism, and which is currently experienced by an ever growing [[global precariat]].)
  • Document:“Global Society Destruction” and The Ukraine Crisis: Decoding its Deep Structural Meaning  + (An extended analysis and decoding of the deep structural meaning underlying US-lead Anglo-US-NATO interference in the unfolding Ukrainian tragedy)
  • File:Stalin's willing executioners.pdf  + (An extended review of ''The Jewish Century'', a 2004 book by Jewish academic Yuri Slezkine which deals in some depth with the issue of Jewish involvement in the Bolshevik revolution)
  • Office for Special Acquisition  + (An extra-constitutional secret intelligence organization within the Swedish Armed Forces.)
  • Gaby van den Berg  + (An extremely experienced and well-connected behavioural and communication scientist "very interested" in the [[IfS]].)
  • Illegal drug trade  + (An extremely profitable business, which isAn extremely profitable business, which is also extremely low risk when undertaken on a large enough scale, with protection from the various law enforcement agencies. A natural for deep state groups, which can be safely assumed to control the overwhelming majority of global drug trafficking.lming majority of global drug trafficking.)
  • TWA Flight 800  + (An extremely suspicious air crash, which occurred simultaneously with a live fire exercise being carried out by the US Navy.)
  • Jewish Defence League  + (An extremist right wing Jewish organisation that advocates the use of violence in pursuit of its aims "where necessary")
  • Document:Russian Influence in Greece (Final)  + (An file on Ivan Savvidis, a Greek multi-millionaire with ties to Russia)
  • Deep state faction  + (An group of deep state operatives)
  • Anti-imperialism  + (An ideology that opposes [[Imperialism]])
  • Populism  + (An ideology that opposes [[The Establishment]].)
  • Authoritarianism  + (An ideology that opposes [[authoritarianism]].)
  • Libertarianism  + (An ideology that opposes [[authoritarianism]].)
  • Kovalev commission  + (An ill-fated commission to investigate the [[1999 Russian Apartment bombings]]. Various members of it were assassinated or died after suspicious accidents.)
  • Project MKUltra  + (An illegal mind control research programmeAn illegal mind control research programme, where psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, in addition to other forms of torture were used to gain control of individuals. were used to gain control of individuals.)
  • Project MKCHICKWIT  + (An illegal mind control research programme.)
  • Document:Pushing Ukraine to the Brink  + (An illuminating introduction to extent thaAn illuminating introduction to extent that control of both gas and oil pipelines defines Usaian global policy and actions - especially in the Middle East, Central Asia and Ukraine. It is essentially anti-Russian and aimed at maintaining Ango-US dominance over the EU and Europeg Ango-US dominance over the EU and Europe)
  • Document:The World War on Democracy  + (An illustration of the true nature of 'Globalisation' by recounting the story of the Chagos Islanders and their Machiavellian abuse at the hands of the UK government.)
  • 1981 Libyan hit squad scare  + (An imaginary "hit squad of terrorists" sent to Washington by Libyan leader [[Muammar Gaddafi]] to assassinate [[President Reagan]])
  • Dennis Stevenson  + (An important 'fixer' behind the scenes in the interface between business, politics and the Arts.)
  • "Anti-vaxxer"  + (An important [[enemy image]] during [[COVID]] to demonize resistance to [[COVID-19 injections]].)
  • University of Kent  + (An important centre for [[research into "conspiracy theories"]])
  • Heroin  + (An important component of the [[illegal drug trade]]. A highly addictive pain killing drug which which is widely used recreationally.)
  • Hanns Seidel Foundation  + (An important group in international parapolitical manipulation, active in Latin America, Fiji and other places.)
  • Gary Schmitt  + (An important neo-conservative intelligence theorist)
  • User:Robin  + (An important piece of the puzzle that fits together with other reports of CIA planes involving large shipments of money and drugs. Wikipedia doesn't even give this event its own page.)
  • Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs  + (An important step in the [[globalisation]] of the [[illegal drug trade]].)
  • File:Glyphosate - Pathway to Modern Diseases.Pdf  + (An in depth technical appraisal of the severe adverse effects on human health of the burgeoning use of Monsanto's Roundup, implicating it as a major factor in most of the so-called 'Western diet diseases'.)
  • Document:Rothschild TNK-BP Intriguers Drafted The Trump-Russia Report  + (An in-depth analysis of a 35 page UK-sourced intelligence document purporting to discredit Donald Trump and prove Russian involvement in the so-called 'hacking' of the 2016 presidential election.)
  • Coup d'etat in slow motion  + (An in-depth analysis of the events and politics surrounding the assassination of Sweden's Prime Minister Olof Palme.)
  • Document:The Sordid Origin of Hate-Speech Laws  + (An in-depth analysis of the origins of modern western so-called 'Hate-speech' laws in the early post-[[WWII]] Soviet Union.)
  • Document:Wikileaks and the Mighty Wurlitzer  + (An in-depth discussion of how dissident organisations are co-opted and or otherwise used, abused, controlled or discredited and destroyed by the secret information services.)
  • 2008 Mumbai attacks  + (An incident of "terrorism" used to introduce the Indian [[National Investigation Agency]]. The perpetrators may have connections to the CIA and deep state.)
  • File:Anonymous-open-letter-to-us-citizens.pdf  + (An incitement to revolution)
  • Brussels Forum/Guests/List  + (An incomplete list of 3152 visitors to the 16 [[Brussels Forum/Meeting]]s detailed on this site)
  • Munich Security Conference/Guests/List  + (An incomplete list of 3933 visitors to the 15 [[Munich Security Conference/Meeting]]s detailed on this site)
  • Fracking  + (An increasingly desperate method to prolong the age of fossil fuels, one that threatens to cause long term harm to the biosphere, not only in the longer term by fueling climate change, but in the much nearer term by polluting drinking water.)
  • European Journalism Centre  + (An independent and non-profit institute sponsored by several influential government-backed [[NGOs]]. One of EJC's goals is to "retrain [[journalists]]", a similar geopolitical stance and aim of [[Stopfake]].)
  • Guerrilla News Network  + (An independent media organisation)
  • UK Column  + (An independent media source based in UK.)
  • Maverick  + (An independent minded person.)
  • Sandra Barr  + (An independent researcher into psyops and hoaxes. Examines the numerology and why certain dates are used for such events. Exposes establishment corruption.)
  • Chris Busby  + (An independent scientist whose work demonsAn independent scientist whose work demonstrates that inadequate risk models are used by the establishment in its estimation of the health impact of low dose exposure to radiation. A concerted campaign has tried to undermine his credibility because his message challenges the status quo.use his message challenges the status quo.)
  • MintPress News  + (An independent website.)
  • "Fact checker"  + (An individual or group trusted to investigate the truth of news. In practice, professional fact checkers test whether news conforms to their employers' opinions.)
  • Diligence  + (An industrial espionage network fronted by former members of the establishment.)
  • Aerospace manufacturer  + (An industry regarded as vitally strategic for great powers)
  • Hill & Knowlton Strategies  + (An infamous PR company, called "an unelected shadow government")
  • Lincoln Savings  + (An infamous part of the multi-billion dollar [[Savings and loan fraud]].)
  • Keith B. Alexander  + (An infamously mendacious tenure)
  • Harold Wallace Rosenthal  + (An influential jew who died reportedly from a "terrorist" attack 30 days after an interview about The Deep State)
  • Operations Coordinating Board  + (An informal and secretive committee of the US [[National Security Council]] in the 1950s.)
  • Document:How Reddit Was Destroyed  + (An informative summary of changes made to how [[Reddit]] works to facilitate its use as a means of disseminating propaganda and frustrate its use as a forum for uncensored self-expression.)
  • "Non-crime hate incident"  + (An infringement on freedom of speech.)
  • James Comey  + (An insider who decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton)
  • Esmé Howard  + (An integral member of the small group of men who made and implemented British foreign policy (the [[Milner group]]?))
  • University of Athens  + (An integral part of the modern Greek academic and intellectual tradition)
  • File:Analysis of CIA Research Paper SW91-100076X.pdf  + (An intelligence analysis and authentication of the un-redacted portions of CIA Research Paper SW91-100076X - Project Babylon: The Iraq supergun (1991))
  • Document:Top 3 deliverables/achievements of phase 1  + (An interesting document describing US parts of the network; NATO General Secretary [[Stoltenberg]] and other high level contacts;silencing pro-kremlin voices on Serbian TV; Spanish operation to fire [[Pedro Baños]])
  • Lori Klausutis  + (An intern for [[Joe Scarborough]] who in July 2001 was found dead at her desk aged 28, reportedly due to undiagnosed heart problems.)
  • File:Leaked-UN-Plan-for-Post-Gadhafi-Libya.pdf  + (An internal UN memo on the plan for UN involvement in 'post-conflict' Libya. It was obtained and first published by on 29 August 2011. Its authenticity is not verified but its contents indicate that it probably is a genuine UN document.)
  • Financial Stability Board  + (An international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the [[global financial system]].)
  • Christopher Black  + (An international criminal and human rights lawyer with advocate experience at both the [[ICIY]] and the [[ICTR]])
  • International Center for the Study of Terrorism  + (An international group affiliated with a number of research universities in Britain and the United States.)
  • European Union  + (An international superstructure that has evolved since WW2.)
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child  + (An international treaty to afford legal rights to children, effective in almost all nations of the world except the USA.)
  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women  + (An international treaty to remove discrimination against women, effective in almost all nations of the world except the USA.)
  • International Criminal Court  + (An international tribunal to prosecute individuals for war crimes. Neither "international nor a legitimate court, but is most certainly criminal.")
  • SEIU  + (An international union of almost 2 million members.)
  • Diplomatic immunity  + (An internationally agreed arrangement to confers special legal privileges on diplomats.)
  • Truthstream Media  + (An internet based, independent media outlet.)